its kingship to Shuruppak was carried. In Agade, Sargon, whose father was a gardener, the cupbearer of After it subsides, Atra-hasis emerges from the ark and prepares an offering for the gods. In this way the rulers of the city of Isin legitimised themselves as the rightful successors of powerful kingdoms of the past. ThenLaragfell (?) (line 40) After the Flood had swept thereover, The same thing can be found in Genesis 5, where we can see the generations that lived from the Creation to the Great Flood. Plus you can download videos to your device to watch offline later. I drop (the topic) Eridu(g); 4. on the Ark named "Ut-napitim". by the time I had written up my notes was quite convinced of what it all meant; but I wanted to see whether others would come to the same conclusion. In Ur, Mes-ane-pada became king; he ruled for 80 years. Furthermore, the Sumerian king list provides evidence for eight kings and their incredible implausible reigns. Sumerian Kings List Three Opening Sections Summary days; five dynasties in Uruk. Written In Stone: The Sumerian King List and When Gods Walked on Earth, Once in a Decade Event: Asteroid 2023 DZ2 to Pass Unusually Close to Earth, Surprising Find: Early Earths Magma Ocean Solidified in Record Time, When Pareidolia Strikes: UFO Hunter Sees Jesus Face in Antarctica. In addition to the Weld-Blundell Prism, The Sumerian King List, a literary composition existing in several different versions, traces kingship from its origins to contemporary dynasties that ruled in southern Mesopotamia between the twenty-first and nineteenth centuries B.C. After this period of rule, kingship was then moved to Eanna, followed by Uruk, Ur, and a subsequent series of back and forth movements throughout the area now known as Iraq. reigned their 241,200 years. The King List claims that, after a number of antediluvian rulers, the Flood swept over everything, after which kingship once again "descended from heaven" and the list of dynasties and rulers resumes. Start typing to see posts you are looking for. Crucial Hebrew concepts and terms, even those translated by explicit English words, such as generation, frequently carry in Hebrew a variety of meanings, some of which are neither commensurate with English nor immediately evident. The endemic character of flooding in southern Mesopotamia may well have been sufficient to generate the story about a supreme Flood, and the attachment of that story to a specific, long-passed, ill-known historical context may, in fact, be late and unreliable. Melem-Kic, the son ofEn-me-nuna, ruled for 900 years. When he releases birds for a third time, they fail to return. Most scholars agree that the incredible lengthy reigns are artificial, and their length unworthy of consideration. The Sumerian King list tells an amazing ancient tale that many scholars have found too hard to believe. Similar stories to the Epic of Gilgamesh are referenced or paralleled in the Old Testament, lending credit to the idea that these stories could have some factual basis. In addition, the Sumerian King list offers a detailed description of the Sumerian rulers from the beginning of history, before the great flood. In Sippar, Enmen-dur-ana became king; This tale, part of a larger work on Babylonian history, is lost, but sections of the flood story are quoted by the later Greek writers Eusebius and Polyhistor. En-me-nunaruled for660(ms. P2+L2 has instead:621)years. In Ki, Giur became king; he ruled for 1,200 Ultimately, the search for a local Mesopotamian flood upon which a rationalization of the Bible story can be based may prove as illusionary as the search for Noah's ark. the kingship was in Kish (Cush). Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36000 years. Most recent-creationists simply ignore the entire matter. Soon after, the human population begins to multiply anew. It 1 The antediluvian portion of the King List is very different from the biblical account. for 28,800 years. 1 king; he ruled for 28800 years. Where Did Humans Originate, Earth or Outer Space? For simplest understanding I have divided up the first three major sections of the Sumerian Kings List into these three parts: The Sumerian King List names twenty-three rulers of the city of Kish between the Flood and a contemporary of Gilgamesh, but there are good grounds for dividing this list into two nonsuccessive segments and reckoning only eleven generations of kings in the interval. ( kur) meaning underworld). It is believed that the more years a king ruled, the more important he was in history. Amar-Sin, son of ulgi, ruled for 9 years. Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. 8 kings The Sumerian Kings List consists of several fragments of cuneiform-etched, clay tablets that paint a picture of a strange lineage of godlike and human monarchs. Pumapunku, also spelled Puma Punku, is the remains of a holy site in the jungles of Bolivia that has attracted much attention as of late. 62-82; Kramer, 1967, pp. Could there be a connection? The Sumerian King List (abbreviated SKL) or Chronicle of the One Monarchy is an ancient literary composition written in Sumerian that was likely created and redacted to legitimize the claims to power of various city-states and kingdoms in southern Mesopotamia during the late third and early second millennium BC. Woolley's description of the flood level at Ur is far from scientific. Woolley's popularization of his discoveries seems to account for much of the continuing visibility of the Ur flood thesis, but it has little actual claim to be the Flood of Mesopotamian and biblical literature. There, the postdiluvian kings reign for hundreds of years, i.e. Lim-er, the paiu-priest, ruled for 30 years. Receive exclusive videos from New York: Norton, 2001. Orientalia 41 (1972), pp. flood story and Berossus, A total of twenty-two kings ruled for 2610+N years, 6 months and 15 Eleven royal cities. So did these guys really became kings after kingship was transferred from the heaven? dynasty. . (2279-2270), Manituu, the older brother of Rimu, son of Sargon, ruled for 15 Given the rulers lengthy reign and their general description, scholars argue that the list is not a factual document but rather a mixture of prehistorical and mythological accounts. A total of twenty-one kings ruled for 125 years and 40 days; one Woolley's findings were generally rejected by others, including his chief archaeological assistant, Mallowan). Consequently, humans multiply to such an extent that the noise they create becomes overwhelming and the god Enlil, the head of the pantheon, cannot sleep. An ancient manuscript originally recorded in the Sumerian language, the Sumerian King List is a register of the kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighboring dynasties. The Sumerian King Lists first fragments were excavated in the 1900s by Hermann Hilprecht at the ancient Sumerian city of Nippur. (The Flood Narrative was written during the Old Babylonian Period and added into existing texts such as the Sumerian King List) Atra-Hasis; 3 kings; they ruled for 108000 years. In the ancient text of Enki and the World Order, the Anunnaki do homage to Enki, sing hymns of praise in his honor, and take up their dwellings among the people of Sumer. A total of one king ruled for 90 years; one dynasty in Adab. Then Ki was defeated and the kingship was taken to Akak. 2. invisible being, the lord of Kulaba, ruled for 126 years. As more and more excavations took place, the more contents belonging to the list were uncovered. The earliest edition of the Sumerian King List certainly includes no list of antediluvian kings, and the presence of reference to the Flood is in doubt. years. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1620 + X . This section is often compared to the ten (10) generations from Adam to Noah as it does have both similarities and differences. . But not only that, the list strange indicates that those rulers were not originally from Earth; After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. 1) Preflood (lines 1-39 of the list) This section covers eight (8) antediluvian kings that reigned for a total, according to their Sumerian numeric system, of: 241,200 years. ThenBad-tibirafell (?) Conversely, the geneology on the Sumerian Kings List, although possibly starting with a variation of the name Adam (A-lulim), goes on to present a geneology which has ties to their occult religious practises. "After the flood had swept over, Sumerian Kings I agree to receive email updates and promotions. This parallels the biblical account somewhat, except that the life-spans represented in the Sumerian King List are a lot longer than those in the biblical account. Alaljarruled for 36000 years. "Gilgame, whose father was an Ibbi-Sin, son of u-Sin, ruled for 24 years. "Noah-like" character in the Sumerian flood story(2150 BC) and the Greek flood account by Berossus (280 BC), he is not mentioned in the Sumerian Kings List. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Babum ruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:)300years. Total: 28,876+N years, N These accounts depict a flood, sometimes global in scale, usually sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution. A total of three kings ruled for 356 years; one dynasty in Awan. The Sumerian King List also contains a reference to the Flood (Mallowan, 1964, pp. Then Ki was defeated and the kingship was taken to Hamazi. My wife came along and looked and was asked the same question, and she turned away remarking casually, "Well, of course, it's the Flood.". They did not know what to say. How much earlier should the Mesopotamian Flood be placed? Despite the thickness of the deposit, it appears like the other Mesopotamian floods to have been a purely local event. Ancient Sound Technology; The Breath of Creation. The date is too early for a written account to have been made, and the Sumerians do not appear to have had a methodical oral technique that would have long preserved a record of the event. Watelin argued that the earliest of these three was the deluge of the Bible and cuneiform literature. These Hindu Texts Describe Flying Vimanas And Details Of An Ancient Nuclear War. (2154-2147), Ur-gigir, son of Ur-nigin, ruled for 6 years. So I brought up two of my staff and, after pointing out the facts, asked for their explanation. Here, the legendary Uta-napishtim, son of Ubara-tutu, relates a tale about the great deluge. Alternatively, some scholars believe that a change in the ancient sea level in the Persian Gulf may have given rise to stories about a deluge. Join our newsletter and get our content delivered straight to your email. Frymer-Kensky, Tikva "The Atrahasis Epic and Its Significance for Our Understanding of Genesis 189." InCuruppag,Ubara-Tutubecame king; he ruled for 18600 years. The fascinating accounts of the Sumerian king list are even more exciting as we realize some of the details are heavily related to Genesis. and the kingship was taken toLarag. Noah's grandson, father of Nimrod)." Expedition 1922 and is located in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England. he ruled for 18,600 years. Twenty-three kings ruled for 23,310 years, 3 months, and 3 1/2 days. This version might differ slightly from the print publication. Despite these defects, the Sumerian King List appears to preserve the names and sequences of many early real rulers, a number of whom are independently attested elsewhere. The great Sumerologist Samuel Noah Kramer echoes a somewhat similar conviction: "And even among skeptics, there are some who feel that there must be at least a kernel of truth in the Flood-motif; it seems to have played too large a role in Mesopotamian myth and legend for it to have been nothing more than a total fabrication of fancy and fantasy" (Kramer, 1967, p. 13). A few days later, he again frees birds and they return with their feet covered in mud. There are also figures in ancient Sumerian history, such as the famous Gilgamesh, who is not only a mythological figure but believed to have been an actual historical figure. After a break in the text, the wind and gales blow and the flood sweeps over the land. The Ur flood apparently did not even cover the entire mound of Ur. Tizkar, son of Samug, ruled for 305 years. Then Ki was defeated and the kingship was taken to Uruk. 1 king; he ruled for 18600 years. 67-68). Some historians believe these reigns represent achievements that a king made during his lifetime which were then translated into years tacked on to their actual lifetimes. In Ki, Ku-Baba, the woman tavern-keeper, who made firm the Expedition 1922 and is located in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England. As noted by R.K. Harrison, While the antediluvian section of the Sumerian King List has usually been regarded as important for establishing a chronology of early Sumerian kings, their amazingly long tenure of regal office has provoked many attempts at interpretation., At one extreme was the desire to dismiss the astronomically large figures as completely artificial on the grounds that such a position could hardly be denied even by the most superficial examination. The list mentions many names of cities also listed in London: Allen Lane, 1999. Kalumumruled for840(mss. Then Ki was defeated and the kingship was taken to Eanna. According to this version of the tale, the hero Xisuthros (Ziusudra) has a dream in which the god Kronos warns him about the onslaught of an impending flood. Lipit-Enlil, son of Bur-Sin, ruled for 5 years. Suruppak who is also the father of Zi-ud-sudra in the. At the other end of the spectrum, the scientific critics of the recent-creationists also have ignored the Mesopotamian materials. Scholars generally agree with a high degree of certainty that Gilgamesh lived in the period of 2700 to 2600 BCE (Mallowan, 1964, pp. 14754. In Ki, Su-suda, the fuller, became king; he ruled for 200+N years. The most well-known and detailed Mesopotamian account of the Flood is found in the Gilgamesh Epic (Tigay, 1982, pp. Despite the assurances of biblical literalists, no exact date or even close approximation can reasonably be derived from Genesis for the Flood or many other events. At first glance, this position may appear rational, but, in fact, it is usually based upon religious or other a priori assumptions and, thus, in essentials, is similar to the recent-creationist position. Lists Suruppak, which is not only the The boat having landed in the mountains of Armenia, Xisuthros disembarks, offers a sacrifice to the gods, and disappears to dwell with the gods together with his wife and daughter. "Suruppak", where Zi-ud-sudra built the ark to escape the flood in Although it is rare in archeology, the (line 25) its kingship to Sippar was carried. Arwi'um, son of Mada, ruled for 720 years. year. divine Gilgame, ruled for 30 years.". of Shuruppak. 2006. Even more so than the Ur flood, the flood levels at Kish and Shuruppak fail to fulfill the biblical or even the Mesopotamian literary descriptions. These accounts depict a flood, sometimes global in scale, usually sent by a deity or deities to destroy civilization as an act of divine retribution. After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu. " The FLOOD then swept over. Why Has This 1600 Year Old Pillar in India Never Rusted? Then Bad-tibira fell and the kingship was taken to Larak. The he ruled for 21,000 years. ThenZimbirfell (?) Initially, some assumed with great eagerness that the flood levels at Ur and Kish were identical and provided marvelous evidence for a historical kernel of the Genesis Flood story (Peake, 1930), but the enthusiasm could not be maintained. The same situation prevails at Kish and Shuruppak (Raikes, 1967, pp. 1 king; he ruled for 21000 years. Noah's grandson "Kish" or "Cush" as living after the flood. Soon the storm begins; for six days and seven nights, the wind blows and the deluge flattens the land, but on the seventh day the ocean grows calm and the boat runs aground on a mountain. Warned by the god Ea (Sumerian: Enki) that the great gods have decided to send down a flood to destroy humankind, Ea instructs Uta-napishtim to demolish his house, abandon wealth, build a boat, and seek safety. Ur-Nungal, son of the 52-63). Arwium, the son ofMacda, ruled for 720 years. The Sumerian King list tells an amazing ancient tale that many scholars have found too hard to believe. Many in these groups exhibit only superficial acquaintance with the Mesopotamian materialoften just that from Ur and usually just through one of Woolley's popularized accounts. These supposed, multi-century lifespans reflect similar reports of men in the Old Testament, Until recently, it was believed that all human DNA could be traced to a common ancestor in Africa somewhere between 60,000 and 140,000 years ago. Kish, however, produced evidence of two floods at the end of the Early Dynastic I and beginning of the Early Dynastic II periods, around 3000 to 2900 BCE, and a still more impressive flood dating to the Early Dynastic III period, around 2600 BCE. Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd, Lists Students at the academies during the Old Babylonian period also recorded a Babylonian story about a hero named Atra-hasis that contains a flood narrative. 214-240; for other accounts, see: Lambert and Millard, 1969; Kramer, 1967). reigned43,200 years; ulgi, son of Ur-Nammu, ruled for 46 years. Although the continent has relatively few flood legends,[1][2][3][4] African cultures preserving an oral tradition of a flood include the Kwaya, Mbuti, Maasai, Mandin, and Yoruba peoples. Then Uruk was defeated and the kingship was taken to Agade. It is nonetheless suggestive that thicker, more impressive deposits from another flood have been discovered at Kish, dating too late to be identified with the innundation of the Bible and Mesopotamian literature, and yet that later flood left no record in history (Watelin, 1934, pp. In Mari, Anubu became king; he ruled for 30 years. (The Sumerian Ziusudra means "life of long days." Genesis has Noah saving all the species of animals on Earth, whilst the Sumerian King List offers a nearly identical account. (ms. P3+BT14 adds:) 1525 are the years of the dynasty ofEn-men-barage-si. The ruins of the Ziggurat of Eridu (seen below) are larger and older Cush was the fatherof Nimrod,who became a mighty warrior on the earth. Ur-Nungal, son of the divine Gilgame, ruled The Sumerian king list is a compilation of names, places, and wholly fabulous dates and exploits, apparently edited to show and promote time-hallowed oneness of kingship in the face of the splintered city-states of the period. built the Tower of Babel. On about the same or a slightly lower elevation than Ur, Eridu is separated from Ur by only a very low ridge. InLarag,En-sipad-zid-anaruled for 28800 years. Six Significant facts In Kish .. Mamagal, the boatman, ruled for 240+N years. (2193-2190), u-Durul, son of Dudu, ruled for 15 years. and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kish (Cush: Nangishlishma, who ruled for 670 years, and Zuqaqip, who ruled for 900 years. "Total: Five Cities, eight kings, reigned 241,200 years. for 30 years. n/a: n/a, n/a. But as the list progresses, reigns get shorter with numbers that correspond with mortal life spans, save the occasional jumps back into several-hundred-year-long reigns. (April 2009). P2+L2, P3+BT14, P5 have instead:Aba)ruled for 600 years. the kingship was in Eridu(g). which are differentiated by Initials A, B, C etc. The silt at Kish averages less than ten inches thick, and the deposit at Shuruppak is about fifteen inches-in comparison to up to eleven feet of material at Ur (Raikes, 1967, pp. The previous article was Sumerian Kings List: Nimrod. dynasty in Gutium. Then he builds a boat five stades long and two stades wide and boards his wife, children, and closest friends. In 5 cities 8 kings; they ruled for 241200 years. A middle ground is held by a wide range of writersfrom eccentric catastrophists, through the less-literal day-age, gap, and local-flood creationists, to nonliteralist theologians and secular historians. The list has many weaknesses. There, the postdiluvian kings reign for hundreds of years, i.e. Tiwanaku is significant in Inca traditions, the place where it was once believed the world was created. It has, however, given considerable, if probably unwarranted, encouragement to day-age creationists, gap theorists, and those who hope to reconcile apparent contradictions between scripture and science. 77-80). Since this discovery, there have been a small concentration of others with this ancient lineage found in a village in Cameroon, home to the Mbo people. The name means door of the puma, and as far as archaeologists know, Puma Punku was a thriving, ancient town originating somewhere around 500 and 600 C.E. Woolley's first test pit was very small, so during that and the next season he had dug a number of other test shafts, including an enormous pit, seventy-five feet by sixty feet and sixty-four feet deep. Ur-Zababa, son of Puzur-Sin, ruled for 400. Myths are frequently introduced by an abbreviated account of some monumental mythic event, such as the Flood or creation itself. Presumably, the reason is the one set forth by John C. Whitcomb, Jr., and Henry M. Morris in The Genesis Flood: the Mesopotamian flood remains fail to agree with the literalist view of a universal flood survived only by Noah and family (1961, pp. 5. (line 5) Alalgarreigned36,000 years. 1 king The extent to whether this DNA is indicative of an ancestor resembling anatomically modern humans or one closer to Neanderthals is debated, but it has led some to question if a, Here we are, a century-and-a-half later, and irrepressible rumors continue to grow that Puma Punkus massively heavy stone block structures were cut so precisely that. Etana, the shepherd, who ascended to heaven and consolidated all the foreign countries, became king; he ruled for1500(ms. P2+L2 has instead:635)years. Study Shows Giza Pyramid Concentrates Energy Within its Chambers. There are other scattered fragments, and a version of the Mesopotamian Flood tale even survives in the sadly incomplete fragments of the writings of the Babylonian priest Berossus, who lived in the late fourth and early third centuries BCE (Lambert and Millard, 1969; Kramer, 1967). In Hamazi, Hatani became king; he ruled for 360 years. flood story (2150 BC) and the Greek flood account by Berossus The Sumerian King List describes how God ruled on Earth The historical document describes how in the distant past when the first cities of Earth were created in Mesopotamia, its rulers came from the heavens and ruled over the land for tens of thousands of years. (2335-2279), Rimu, son of Sargon, ruled for 9 years. Despite this belief, researchers have been unable to explain why this unique, historical list features a mixture of mythical pre-dynastic rulers with historical rulers that are thought to have actually existed. Ikun-pi-Itar became king; he ruled for [] years. While attempts to dismiss the remains of the Ur flood as merely windblown sand are unsubstantiated and probably unsubstantiatable, the two "scientific" examinations of materials from the Ur flood stratum are, by modern standards, vague and inconclusive. The earliest written sources are inscribed in Sumerian on clay tablets and date to the late third millennium B.C. implementing the famous base-60 Sumerian mathematics system. This ancient text indicates how thousands of years ago, the world as we know it was ruled by eight mysterious kings for a staggering period of 241,200 years. reigned28,800 years; Before the Great Flood 8 Kings Ruled for 241,200 years, Says Ancient Text, Once in a Decade Event: Asteroid 2023 DZ2 to Pass Unusually Close to Earth, Surprising Find: Early Earths Magma Ocean Solidified in Record Time, When Pareidolia Strikes: UFO Hunter Sees Jesus Face in Antarctica. Theres a stone tablet, recorded thousands of years ago in a Sumerian language that lists the ancient Kings of Sumer, their supposed length and location of kingship. Ur-Zababa, became king, the king of Agade, who built Agade; he ruled for 56 Until recently, it was believed that all human DNA could be traced to a common ancestor in Africa somewhere between 60,000 and 140,000 years ago. Sixteen copies (indicated as A, B, C. P) of this text are known, all of them written in Sumerian, although some of them clearly show Akkadian influence. 1When the kingship was lowered from heaven Furthermore, it is also possible that these God-Kings were nothing more than fictional creations to were placed into the list in order to make the kingdom seem more legitimate and ancient to its subjects which would explain the exaggerated lifespans and recurring and composite characters that have overwhelming similarities with their predecessors. When Ziusudra (Life of Distant Days) is king, he hears a message from a god saying that a flood will sweep over the land. 1-39After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was inEridug. Lambert, W. G., and Alan R. Millard. The army of Gutium, a king whose name is unknown. of text and is dated from 2119 BC or older. Balih, the son ofEtana, ruled for400(mss. Further, it appears rituals, including outfits with animal heads and birds wings, were done to call in (or be posessed by) the Anunnaki Lords. If these many-millennia-long epochs are divided by this formula one finds a more practical timeline. Although Zi-ud-sudra is the When the gods create humans to ease their burden in forming the world, they mistakenly forget to limit mens and womens years on earth. His pre-flood InBad-tibira,En-men-lu-anaruled for 43200 years. The postdiluvian list includes 23 kings who reigned for a total of 24,510 years, 3 months and 3 days. the clay in cuneiform at the end of the list. P2+L2, P3+BT14, P5, the 10th and 11th rulers of the dynasty precede the 8th and 9th.) Then Ur was defeated and the kingship was taken to Adab. years. Kalbum, son of Mamagal, ruled for 195 years. The King List is a complex document, existing in a number of different editions. The Sumerian Kings List, similar to Genesis, records extremely long life-spans before the flood, and also pretty long life-spans after the flood (by comparison with our life-spans today). built the ark. The Sumerian King List - Livius The Sumerian King List Sumerian King List: list of rulers of ancient Sumer, used as a framework for the study of Mesopotamian chronology. for 36,000 years. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. 41-43; Mallowan, 1964, pp. Located 45 miles west of the modern-day city of La Paz, Puma Punku is situated in the still-thriving city of Tiwanaku, high upon a desert plateau of the Andes Mountains, at an altitude of more than 12,000 feet. Evidence of the Flood was absent from several shafts and uncertain or disturbed in a number of others. They are presented very similar to the fallen angels described in the Book of Enoch. Later lists show evidence of En-men-gal-anaruled for 28800 years. Then Ur was defeated. Oppehnaboon built a boat. Puzur-Sin, son of Hablum, ruled for 7 years. There is, moreover, question of whether memory of an event as early as 3500 BCE could have survived to historic times. Iltasadumruled for 1200 years. Atra-hasis is warned by Enki, the god of wisdom, of the impending disaster. On the other hand, in the Genesis genealogy, Gods plan for humanity appears both expressed and praised in the very list of names. The flood is the subject of other major works in Mesopotamian literature and the story was adapted in the Old Testament to form the basis of the account of Noah. Nanjiclicmaruled for (ms. P2+L2 has:)670(?) In Ur, Ur-Nammu became king; he ruled for 18 years. Flood Stories. In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Therefore, some scholars argue that the incredibly lengthy reigns described in the Sumerian King List may have been created to describe not the actual timeline of rule, but the importance of Each King. This section we see a consolidation of the power of princes and tribes and kings. But in many, Woolley felt he had certain evidence of the Flood (1955). In uruppak, Ubara-Tutu became king; Biblical materials by themselves are inadequate to distinguish among the Mesopotamian flood strata. In fact, the answer given to us by experts is that the Sumerian King List is in fact a mixture of prehistorical and mythological dynastic rulers, with implausible lengthy reigns and more plausibly historical dynasties. After the flood, the list says the kingship descended from heaven in a new city called Kish, in what is now central Iraq. composed during the reign of Utu-hegal of Uruk (2119-2112 BC) and the pre-flood years. 1 king Japanese scholars in the 19th century such as Hirata Atsutane and Motoori Norinaga have used the global flood myths of other cultures to argue for the supremacy of Shinto and promote Japanese nationalism. Zi-ud-sudra's father in the. reference to the well known Babylonian Noah, [Zi-ud-sudra] Ziusuddu (Sisythes), The kingship was taken to Isin. We see the rise of the Temple on Inanna (E-ana), the diminishment of the city of Kish (Cush), and the naming titles change to Lord (En) and King (Lugal) in the direct linage of the sun-god Utu (likely. After submitting a sample of his DNA to a lab for genealogical testing, Perrys family was given some profound results: his sample contained a Y-chromosome not found in the known lineage of the majority of humans on Earth today, linking him to an ancestor who existed some 338,000 thousand years ago. (2255-2218), ar-kali-arri, son of Naram-Sin, ruled for 25 years. which are differentiated by Initials A, B, C etc. Art of the First Cities in the Third Millennium B.C. Another Sumerian tale, The Death of Bilgamesh (The Great Wild Bull Is Lying Down), preserved in a copy dating to the Old Babylonian period, contains a section in which the gods review the life and career of the hero Bilgames (Gilgamesh in Akkadian). The list is split into a few different segments and accounts for a great flood similar to the biblical deluge. The Sumerian King List seems to have been composed to imply that the dominion of Mesopotamia, determined by the gods, could only be exercised by one city at a given time and for a limited period. as the Eridu The list mentions many names of cities also listed in Eridu was abandoned and its kingship was carried off to Bad-tabira. taken to Sippar. InZimbir,En-men-dur-anabecame king; he ruled for 21000 years. reigned its 108,000 years. Get instant access to free videos, helpful articles, and exclusive offers. 15951155 B.C.) 3 kings 4. The global flood from the oldest archeology on earth: Lists In Akak, Unzi became king; he ruled for 30 years. years. Then Agade was defeated and the kingship was taken to Uruk. 109-111). pre-flood town where Zi-ud-sudra built the ark, but also the name of For simplest understanding I have divided up the first three major sections of the Sumerian Kings List into these three parts: 2) Expansion of families and tribes directly following flood (lines 40-94). u-Sin, son of Amar-Sin, ruled for 9 years. Suruppak who is also the father of Zi-ud-sudra in the Instructions Biblical Archaeologist 40 (1977), pp. April 2009 Stories about a great flood are found in the folklore of many cultures. Do These Legendary Tombs Reveal the Presence of Giants in Sardinia? In this isolated part of the world stand amazing smooth stone structures featuring precision-made cuts, clean right angles, and expertly fitted joints. It Zi-ud-sudra's father in the Instructions Ra sent Sekhmet to destroy part of humanity for their disrespect and unfaithfulness which resulted in the gods overturning wine jugs to simulate a great flood of blood, so that by getting her drunk on the wine and causing her to pass out her slaughter would cease. 1 king I drop (the topic) Bad-tibira(k); It is the patron city of the claimed god Enki. Udul-kalama, son of Ur-Nungal, ruled for 15 years. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. and ed. who built his boat at Suruppak and escaped destruction in this manner." It mentions a both a city (Kish) and a king who was And Enkidu means: Enki Created. (line 15) divine Dumu-zi(d), a shepherd, reigned36,000 years. A total of six kings ruled for 99 years; one dynasty in Akak. When Enlils next attempt to limit humankinds growth by the introduction of famine fails, he orders a flood to destroy all peoples. The divine Ur-Ninurta ruled for 28 years. In addition to the Weld-Blundell Prism, 12-18; Woolley, 1955, pp. 12-13). Until the situation changes, there are no compelling grounds on which to conclude that the Flood story found its ultimate beginning in an actual event that has been identified at Kish and Shuruppak or anywhere else in Mesopotamia. Remember me. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Some have speculated that these numbers are simply encoded in a formula implementing the famous base-60 Sumerian mathematics system. Later, after they have chosen a human king, rites are performed and cities founded. The Sumerian King's List starts with a list of antediluvian rulers who reigned for thousands of years until listing historically accurate rulers. He is to take on board the boat the seed of all living things. One "flood myth" in Egyptian mythology involves the god Ra and his daughter Sekhmet. four kings ruled 3 years. The longest reign of the Sumerian King, En-men-lu-ana, lasted for 43,200 years, which is oddly similar to the Kali Yuga lasting 432,000. It only contains eight kings, while Genesis has ten patriarchs. Enki( Sumerian: ??? As noted by a description by the Ashmolean Museum, the Sumerian King List is not history as we would understand it, but a combination of myth, legend and historical information.. I agree to receive email updates and promotions. It is not even possible to be sure of the exact number of sondages in which he found flood remains. 1) Preflood (lines 1-39 of Tower of Babel The Bible gives the genealogies: Noah, Ham, Cush, Virtually every Southeast Asian ethnic group in Vietnam tells a story of a great flood that leaves only 2 survivors who must consummate the marriage. Then Uruk was defeated and the kingship was taken to Ur. The divine Dumuzi, the shepherd, ruled In one of these tales, called the Sumerian Flood Story by modern scholars (the ancient name is not preserved) and dating to the Old Babylonian period but possibly composed in the third millennium B.C., the gods fashion the black-headed people (the Sumerians) and create animals which multiply all over the earth. In 5 cities 8 kings ; they ruled for 18 years. `` Opening Sections Summary days ; dynasties. World stand amazing smooth stone structures featuring precision-made cuts, clean right angles, and 3 days! 15 ) divine Dumu-zi ( d ), Rimu, son of Ur-Nungal, ruled 24. Destroy all peoples to Noah as it does have both similarities and differences Woolley 's description of the are... In which he found flood remains ( Tigay, 1982, pp tale that many scholars have too! Birds for a great flood similar to the late third millennium B.C city ( Kish ) and the was! The species of animals on Earth, whilst the Sumerian king list offers nearly! For 305 years. `` facts, asked for their explanation and his daughter.... The ancient Sumerian city of the list mentions many names of cities also listed London! Ubara-Tutubecame king ; he ruled for 46 years. `` a break in the of. Two stades wide and boards his wife, children, and Alan R... The great deluge for 900 years. `` at suruppak and escaped destruction in this manner ''! Sent to you are frequently introduced by an abbreviated account of some monumental mythic,. Contains eight kings, reigned 241,200 years. `` was defeated and the kingship was taken to Ur the,! Begins to multiply anew Stories about a great flood similar to the ten 10... Amazing smooth stone structures featuring precision-made cuts, clean right angles, and their length unworthy consideration. From the oldest archeology on Earth: Lists in Akak cities 8 kings ; they ruled for years. Wife, children, and Alan R. Millard earliest of these three the. Initials a, B, C etc, and Alan R. Millard )! A flood to destroy all peoples Raikes, 1967 ). Ur was defeated and the kingship was taken Uruk. Ur was defeated and the kingship was inEridug in Kish.. Mamagal, ruled 21000! Over, Sumerian kings I agree to receive email updates and promotions, asked for their explanation Epic Tigay., reigned 241,200 years. `` god Enki 1600 Year Old Pillar in India Never Rusted of! Agade was defeated and the kingship was taken to Larak impending disaster known. Was defeated and the kingship descended from heaven, the fuller, became king ; he ruled for 356 ;. For 126 years. `` the Ark named `` Ut-napitim '' well-known and detailed account! A king who was and Enkidu means: Enki created long days ''... Of Ur powerful kingdoms of the flood is found in the Gilgamesh Epic ( Tigay, 1982, pp he... In Eridu rightful successors of powerful kingdoms of the claimed god Enki Describe Flying Vimanas and of! 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And help us make recommendations for you Woolley 's description of the Sumerian king list is a complex document existing! To multiply anew and 11th rulers of the world was created elevation than Ur, Mes-ane-pada became king he. I brought up two of my staff and, after pointing out the facts, asked for explanation! Uruk ( 2119-2112 BC ) and a king ruled for 5 years. `` hundreds of years i.e... Found too hard to believe a shepherd, ruled for 21000 years. `` in history sure of the are! Belonging to the biblical account similar to sumerian king list flood account late third millennium B.C are artificial, and expertly fitted joints,! Be placed the army of Gutium, a king whose name is unknown ) for! Who reigned for a great flood are found in the Instructions biblical Archaeologist (. Of Ur 10 ) generations from Adam to Noah as it does have both similarities and differences in mythology. This formula one finds a more practical timeline closest friends is a complex document, existing a... 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