Por lo tanto, se puede sealar, adems, que la responsabilidad social pretende contribuir a la construccin de bienestar colectivo, lo que caracteriza a las personas en comunidad, conduciendo hacia la generacin de valoraciones positivas en virtud de la relacin de los seres humanos con su entorno natural, entendido ste de la manera ms ampliamente posible. To this end, an intervention study was designed adopting a mixed-methods approach to determine if adding a global citizenship education component to a life skills general education course would develop undergraduate students social responsibility competence. Ministry of Community Development (2020). (2020). Brazilian Geographical Journal: Geosciences and Humanities Research Medium, 5(2), 398-414. Social Responsibility Journal available volumes and issues. Performance Improvement Quarterly, 22(2), 79-96. https://doi.org/10.1002/piq.20055, Mora, M. J., y Martnez, F. R. (2018). The long-standing vision of universities as the "alma mater" of students and graduates is a demonstration of its role as sustaining the person, the expert/professional, and the citizen. A self-administration questionnaire was administered to a non-probabilistic sample. It's fine for all people. Desde sta perspectiva la relacin de la universidad con el territorio, considera la disposicin de diversos actores que son los gestores de las diferentes relaciones con la sociedad, las cuales buscan el progreso y desarrollo de la comunidad (Medina, et al., 2017). [I also] liked the way our teacher make discussion and liked how the discussion let us think in all possible ways. In this study, the value of partial eta square was 0.07, which means that only 7% of the intervention and control group differences can be considered an effect of the intervention. Economy. Race was a hard concept for students to understand. Pedagogy, 8(2), 255281. The intervention group developed these significant subscales more than the control group. Students learned about social issues and civic engagement through global citizenship lessons and follow-up reflective writing activities. Con lo anterior, se pretende despertar consciencia hacia el empoderamiento de las prcticas individuales y comportamiento socialmente responsable de los estudiantes universitarios. Salamon, L. & Sokolowski, W. (2001). In 2017, the Ministry of Community Development created various initiatives such as the National Volunteering Strategy 2021 for the Year of Giving to organize and license teams and individuals for volunteer work (Ministry of Community Development, Alhashmi, Bakali, and Baroud, 2020). Confiabilidad y coeficiente Alpha de Cronbach. Para la aplicacin del instrumento, se solicit colaboracin a profesores de diversas ctedras, quienes poseen conocimiento terico y prctico para la adecuada diligencia del mismo. PDF (207 KB) Downloads. (2017). La primera parte, levanta informacin socio-demogrfica; mientras tanto, la segunda seccin, considera un cuestionario de 20 enunciados de opcin mltiple, clasificados en cuatro dimensiones y, una pregunta final que no se aglutina en ninguna dimensin. The best way to address systematic bias is to use random sampling techniques; however, the present research study used intact groups. Students liked thinking about their own identity as it taught them how important it is. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacin Superior, 6, Revista Actualidades Investigativas en Educacin, 19, El gora USB. La generacin de proyectos estudiantiles desde el aula con la orientacin y mediacin docente a travs de trabajos colaborativos, vinculando alumnos de diversos claustros de la misma institucin y otras universidades aledaas, permite tener un mayor alcance e impacto social de los proyectos. Supporting Students' Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Academic Well-Being and Success: Strategies for Student and Teacher Support Teams Page 2. positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) teams, student intervention teams, and child study teams. Diagnsticos, indicadores e igualdad de gnero en la Universidad Autnoma de Aguascalientes. Student 3 admitted: [I] liked [that] many girls had different and opposed opinions about each topic. Finalmente, en cuanto al factor socio-econmico, 53,33% expres pertenecer a un nivel medio, de acuerdo con MacDonald y Headlam (2008). The UAEs Ministry of Community Development has continuously reinforced community service and engaged citizenry by launching multiple volunteer programs. Responsabilidad Social Universitaria (RSU): Principios para una universidad sostenible, cooperativa y democrtica desde el diagnstico participativo de su alumnado. La responsabilidad social universitaria en la actual sociedad del conocimiento. (2019). Revista Rumbos TS. 1. La formacin en razonamiento moral y pensamiento crtico en la Educacin Superior. A la vez, es transcendental la bsqueda de soluciones a las necesidades sociales presentes, que se vincule con los ODS para no perder el propsito y sentido humano de los pilares en los cuales la responsabilidad social se sustenta. Can intergroup dialogue combined with SLCE answer today's call to action? 2021 CR Report. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, 18(1), 1933. Tolerance in UAE Islamic education textbooks. La responsabilidad social es un modelo, estrategia y filosofa de vida, que tiene su asidero en las prcticas ticas personales, las que condicionan el comportamiento colectivo de las organizaciones. Ahora bien, para la medicin de los resultados fue necesario crear y unificar los rangos ms prximos de la escala tipo Likert utilizada, los cuales siguen el principio de confiabilidad y validez expresado por Quero (2010), los que fueron agrupados y nominados de la siguiente manera, como se muestra en la Tabla 2. Advancing and assessing civic learning: New results from the diversity learning environments survey. Consistent with previous literature (Stokamer & Clayton, 2016; Richard et al., 2016; Garvin et al., 2019), the current study revealed a strong association between curricular approaches and social responsibility development. (2014). Es posible identificar un alto grado de asociacin directa entre las dimensiones, en donde la mayor asociacin es presentada por la dimensin cuatro y tres. (2016), los mayores valores se concentran en las mismas asociaciones de dimensiones y, en relacin a los menores valores difieren considerablemente. Student 14 revealed in her reflection, "I gained not only patience but passion in doing volunteer work in an aspect that the UAE community may offer. Furthermore, while the present study collected data over five weeks, future studies might explore a longer timeframe for a more in-depth exploration. Revista Educacin Superior y Sociedad (ESS), 26(26), 175-199. A mixed-methods triangulation design provided corroboration between quantitative and qualitative data to cross-validate multiple data sources to evaluate the extent to which the evidence converged. The subscale on political awareness was replaced with a new adapted subscale on civic awareness (knowledge of current and local events and community issues). Los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) declarados por Naciones Unidas (Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas [ONU], 2015), colocan la educacin en una posicin relevante debido a su contribucin a los dems ODS, los que buscan la transformacin de la sociedad; como, romper el crculo de la pobreza, erradicar las desigualdades, inequidades y mitigar la precariedad. Service-learning essentials: Questions, answers, and lessons learned, Jossey Bass. Social responsibility is a model, strategy and philosophy of life, which is based on personal ethical practices, which condition the collective behavior of organizations. El contexto actual, motiva al desarrollo de investigaciones que fomenten el despertar de los jvenes estudiantes. La responsabilidad social universitaria: Emprendimiento sostenible como impacto de intervencin en comunidades vulnerables. Lo antes indicado, no deja de lado a las instituciones de educacin superior, lo que se evidencia en las investigaciones desarrolladas en contextos universitarios (Duque y Cervantes-Cervantes, 2019). Ahora bien, al contrastar estos resultados con Severino-Gonzlez, et al. (2017). This theme captured participants' willingness to work with diverse people and show tolerance, mutual understanding, and acceptance. Revista Espacios, 38(52), 20-33. Particularmente, ste trabajo busca contribuir a la exploracin del comportamiento social, el que presenta avances investigativos desde el punto de vista de la percepcin -por ejemplo- de los profesores, comunidad y estudiantes, los cuales son grupos de inters que integran las comunidades educativas (Moore, 2009;Gaete, 2016; Alvarado, Morales y Ortiz, 2016; Navarro, et al., 2017; Kim, Lee y Han, 2018). Identify ethical issues that you might face in business, such as insider trading, conflicts of interest, and bribery, and explain rationalizations for unethical behavior. It is concluded that it is relevant to promote related studies on social responsibility as a commitment of Salvadoran universities by virtue of sustainable development objectives, which allow the definition of strategies that respond to local needs that are specific to the characteristics of the territory. En ese sentido, las perspectivas antes indicadas deben permitir la propuesta de desafos que contribuyan a la transformacin y desarrollo sostenible de los territorios a travs de sus actores (Preciado y Chacn, 2016;Del Pozo y Astorga, 2018;Schreiber-Barsch y Mauch, 2019;Svensson y Loat, 2019;Kyle, 2020), contribuyendo al progreso y bienestar de la sociedad como un todo. 17 No. Educacin de calidad o calidad de la educacin? Esto indica que un porcentaje mayormente significativo tiende a practicar la responsabilidad social en el diario vivir con su entorno. We should help them and not put them under the pressure. Garvin, L., Bricker, P., Commins, M., Jovanovich, S., Misiak, K., Perry, L., Clayton, P. H. (2019). The qualitative data analysis was conducted in two different ways: deductive and inductive. The intervention group used statements in their reflections that showed more moral values and compassion. Student 9 stated in the interview: We choose this topic [domestic workers] so we can know how the domestic workers feel because there are some of them in our house and there are some people who didn't respect them. Anlisis bibliomtrico sobre responsabilidad social universitaria. Service-learning explicitly includes academic and civic pedagogy that combines academic knowledge, practical hands-on experience and civic engagement to corroborate the real world learning occurring in the community (Jay, 2008). Social responsibility is a component of economic and social sustainability that influences the quality of life of communities. For most students, it was their first time learning about social identity. Student 8 asserted, we should help them and not put them under the pressure. (2016). El propsito de esta investigacin es examinar el grado de responsabilidad social del estudiante universitario a travs de un enfoque de gnero y territorio en El Salvador. For most students this was the first time to discuss social identity. Metodologa de la Investigacin. (2015). One student's statement substantiates this theme comprehensively. (2019), se puede afirmar que ambos hallazgos indican que las mujeres universitarias reconocen poseer mayores responsabilidades sociales. Los casos de URSULA y AUSJAL. Journal of Service Learning in Higher Education, 8, 4667. De igual manera, la correlacin de Spearman entre responsabilidad social y gnero es muy dbil (0,05), y con territorio es negativa y muy dbil (-0,04). Profesorado. Student 8 admitted, I think community is a big deal to to have a better future is by building the community. For future studies, researchers are encouraged to expand the current study's five-week timeframe by exploring the implications of a global citizenship education curriculum over a full term or even a whole academic year. While volunteering may have a high social value in Western countries such as the United States and Canada, its social value differs in other countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Responsabilidad social, estudiantes y gnero. In L. Jewette, F. Calderon-Berumen, M. Espinosa-Dulanto, (Eds. Tres estudios de caso de El Salvador. Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research, 2, 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-019-0018-5, Landman, C. (2018). (Coord.) In the 20172018 academic year, a Moral Education curriculum comprising lessons on character and morality, individual and community, civic studies, and cultural studies commenced across public and private schools in Grades 112 (Pring, 2019). An effective partnership can lead to decreased student Year of giving. social responsibilities, and make efforts to educate them on this responsibility. Overall, students liked reflecting on their life and community. En la Tabla 5, se puede observar por un lado, que la mayor concentracin de personas que declaran no ser socialmente responsable y que cumplen la condicin de mujer se encuentran en la dimensin: Compromiso con los dems y el entorno (6,11%), en cambio el mismo grupo que cumple la condicin de mujer, pero ahora que declara ser socialmente responsable se encuentra en la dimensin: Descubrimiento personal de los valores (51,52%). 3. Hurtado, Ruiz, and Whang (2012) found that students became more confident with their skills in becoming effective citizens in a diverse society through dialogue between students from different backgrounds and beliefs. Un espacio crtico para la Reflexin en Ciencias Sociales, Voces y Silencios (Revista Latinoamericana de Educacin), 5, Archivos Analticos de Polticas Educativas, 24, RIES. De igual manera, para el anlisis se utiliz el software libre PSPP, para el desarrollo descriptivo y aplicacin de test estadsticos respectivos, considerando cada una de las dimensiones y, la caracterstica sociodemogrfica ligada con el gnero y territorio. Revista de Currculum y Formacin de Profesorado, 15(2), 93-107. For the inductive analysis, the transcribed interviews were analyzed to find patterns that emerged from the data. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 19(2), 583-595. https://doi.org/10.21500/16578031.3756, Garca, J. M., De La Calle, C., Valbuena, M. C., y De Dios, T. (2016). So given that the coefficient of determination r2= 0.518 is obtained. It is concluded that it is relevant to promote related studies on social responsibility as a commitment of Salvadoran universities by virtue of sustainable development objectives, which allow the definition of strategies that respond to local needs that are specific to the characteristics of the territory. Revista de Currculum y Formacin del Profesorado, 24(1), 284-303. https://doi.org/10.30827/profesorado.v24i1.8148. Lo que se encuentra condicionado por la calidad humana de quienes la componen; conduciendo a procesos rehumanizadores gracias a la alteridad y otredad (Caas-Fernndez, 2010; Riego, 2017). student commitment to social responsibility in order to propose a conceptual model that systematizes the underlying patterns in these manifestations and an instrument that makes it measurable. Beltrn-Llavador, igo-Bajo y Mata-Segreda, 2014; Martnez-Usarralde, Gil-Salom y Macas-Mendoza, 2019. The six interwoven elements of the Civic Learning Spiral, i.e. Diversity attitudes was also one of the focal gains for students in the intervention group. Based on the analysis of the qualitative data, there was an increase in all subscales of social responsibility in the intervention group compared to the control group. Guided vs open-ended journals: A comparison of two reflective writing models for undergraduate service-learning experiences. The one-way MANCOVA is used for testing significant differences between two or more groups on two or more dependent variables that share conceptual overlap while controlling for covariates. Resumen: I like the to learn and sharing with a group. (2019), as como Fonseca, et al. These actions can contribute to the development of the territory and, therefore, to the welfare of society. Findings from this study should be considered in light of several limitations. The questionnaires were completed on paper and they were later de-identified by a research assistant to ensure students' anonymity from the instructor. Students in both the control and intervention groups were asked to complete a reflection at the end of the course. La mencionada sensibilizacin de los problemas sociales, conduce al desarrollo de actitudes que caracterizan el compromiso de las personas, consigo mismos o con la sociedad, lo que ha sido sujeto de estudio desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes, por ejemplo: Mart, Mart-Vilar y Almerich (2014),Gaete (2016), Ibarra-Morales y Gutirrez (2018), quienes exploran las actitudes y valores que caracterizan a los estudiantes universitarios, el cual vara en relacin al contexto en donde se desenvuelven; identificando en ocasiones que, determinados grupos reconocen poseer mayores responsabilidades sociales frente a otros de similares caractersticas (Severino-Gonzlez, et al., 2019). Student 21 also stated in their reflection, [I learned that] volunteer work actually proves that I'm a part of this community and that I owe this community something, and I have to do something for it. Social responsibility and global citizenship education have broadly been based on Western paradigms. (2021), "Improving Emirati students social responsibility competence through global citizenship education", Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives, Vol. In the present study, this framework was used as an underpinning for a global citizenship curriculum in an undergraduate program in the UAE to ensure that the existing Life Skills course would use collaborative inquiry with collective action in the community service project. Additionally, the concept of respecting others opinions and not being biased emerged in the data. La equidad de gnero como parte de la responsabilidad social en el mercado laboral de la industria turstica del Ecuador. La Tabla 3, muestra la actitud de los estudiantes respecto a su responsabilidad social de manera global, se describe segn el porcentaje vlido que un 7,09% no son responsables socialmente. Asia Pacific Education Review, 20(4), 573593. In addition, reflection has been associated with students experiencing greater civic knowledge and social responsibility (Billig, 2017). Ruiz-Corbella, M., y Bautista-Cerro, M. J. This study fills the gap in knowledge by lending evidence of the role of global citizenship education in undergraduate university programs in the Gulf. ), Critical intersections in contemporary curriculum and pedagogy (pp. Not only the people around you but also you as well. It is used to study curricular and cocurricular impact on fostering social responsibility in higher education (Musil, 2009). The intervention was delivered over five weekly sessions. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business model in which for-profit companies seek ways to create social and environmental benefits while pursuing organizational goals, like revenue growth and maximizing shareholder value. The total sample size was 50 students: 25 participants in the intervention group and 25 participants in the control group. Palabras clave: Responsabilidad social, estudiante universitario, gnero, territorio, objetivos de desarrollo sostenible. Responsabilidad social del estudiante universitario en El Salvador. Perfiles Educativos, 33(SPE), 211-225. Retrieved from https://u.ae/en/about-the-uae/economy, UNESCO (2017). Keywords: Covid-19, social behavior, social responsibility, student, higher education.. Resumen: La crisis de salud producto de Covid-19 ha llevado a la reexin sobre diversos aspectos de la vida humana desde la perspectiva An adapted version of the Civic Attitudes and Skills Questionnaire (CASQ) was used in this study to assess students social responsibility competency. Hacia la validacin del constructo "Responsabilidad Social del Estudiante Universitario" (RSEU). So that made me think in a different way and consider stuff I didn't think I would be considering. Profesorado. Participants. Designating classroom content to community problems in service-learning programs gives students a connection with social contexts and real-world community issues (National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement, 2012). Programs missing one or more of the dimensions may result in insubstantial learning outcomes (Stokamer & Clayton, 2016). Religions, 11(8), 377389. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacin Superior, V(14), 3-18. https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2014.14.128. The results revealed a slight association of social responsibility practices in relation to gender and a negative relation when considering the territory. Students were exposed to five sessions of social responsibility curriculum over five weeks. Indacochea-Gonzlez, V. R., lvarez-Vsquez, C. A., Piguave-Reyes, J. M., Caarte-Chele, M. A., Pincay-Pin, V. E., y Pinargote-Chancay, R. D. R. (2018). Caleidoscopio - Revista Semestral de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, (Esp), 179-202. https://doi.org/10.33064/0crscsh126, Madolell, R., Gallardo M. A., y Alemany, I. Polticas de igualdad de gnero en la educacin superior chilena. Finalmente, este artculo es una investigacin situada que examina la responsabilidad social de los estudiantes universitarios bajo el enfoque de gnero y territorio, la cual pretende generar aportes significativos para el desarrollo de polticas pblicas y directrices estratgicas, que pueden ser implementadas por las casas de estudios superiores de El Salvador. For the deductive analysis, students responses pertaining to each subscale on the CASQ were analyzed to categorize students development for each social responsibility competency subscale (Civic Action, Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving Skills, Leadership Skills, Civic Awareness, Social Justice Attitudes and Diversity Attitudes). GECONTEC: Revista Internacional de Gestin del Conocimiento y la Tecnologa, 7(1), 104-115. This study is descriptive in nature. (2016) la responsabilidad social se vincula directamente con los derechos humanos, puesto que posee conexiones con la equidad y, esta a su vez, con la calidad de vida de las personas, lo que da paso a las responsabilidades cvicas. 80-94. https://doi.org/10.1108/LTHE-09-2020-0046, Published in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives. Students self-reflection data (Table 4) and interview data (Table 5) were analyzed and comparisons were made between the intervention and control groups. A., y Bermdez, E. (2019). No obstante, para trascender en la consecucin ms factual de una propuesta, las Instituciones de Educacin Superior deben incluir una asignatura formativa en responsabilidad social, la cual sea de curso obligatorio dentro de los proyectos formativos. Revista Latinoamericana de Educacin Inclusiva, 13(1), 21-36. https://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-73782019000100021, Navarro, G., Rubio, V., Lavado, S., Minnicelli, A., y Acua, J. Furthermore, academic activities consist of dialogue and reflection of societal issues. General education course instructors can use this information to help incorporate a global citizenship education curriculum and better adapt their classroom setting to facilitate social development and positive engagement in community service projects. Acceso de las mujeres a los cargos directivos: Universidades con techo de cristal. A. Hatcher, R. G. Bringle, & T. W. Hahn, (Eds. Una genealoga de la educacin en El Salvador. Moely, B., Mercer, S. C. F., Illustre, V., Miron, D. & Macfarland, M. (2002). & Sullivan, W. M. (2009). El presente estudio es una investigacin de carcter exploratorio y cuantitativo (Hernndez, Fernndez y Baptista, 2014), adems es transeccional y no experimental (Canales, 2006). Therefore, people must be the starting point, as they participate in solving the problems of society. La responsabilidad social universitaria como desafo para la gestin estratgica de la Educacin Superior: el caso de Espaa. Ahora bien, en relacin a la opcin de respuesta, es una escala de frecuencia que su clasificacin fue utilizada a travs de una escala tipo Likert de 1 a 6 puntos, en donde: 1 es el valor mnimo de acuerdo y, el 6 es el valor mximo de acuerdo. The purpose of this study is twofold: to determine if implementing a global citizenship education curriculum can aid the development of Emirati students social responsibility competence and to experiment with different instructional strategies that aim to yield improvement in the social responsibility of students. Lastly, students in both the control and intervention groups were invited to participate in a 1530-min on-campus interview individually or with a classmate. This role has persisted in the face of rising global challenges such as the emergence of new learning spaces, the growing diversity of publics, the call for productivity and performativity, and the hope for . What have you learned through the curriculum that you found most useful? I also learned that when you do small act of kindness, it makes the people around you feel happy. Revista Escuela de Administracin de Negocios, (81), 91-110. https://doi.org/10.21158/01208160.n81.2016.1560. El instrumento se aplic durante el segundo semestre de 2019, en las propias aulas de clases. Fedupel. The data were collected from student reflections, field notes, questionnaires and interviews. The reflection data from the exit slips revealed that the instructional strategies that influenced students learning the most were their interactions with peers. The discussions in the intervention group appeared to raise students awareness and allowed them to value other students' opinions. Student 5 wrote: I actually learned to not to think about a person because of its race or because of its first language in a bad way, because of other people in the same race. Gaete, R. (2015). students meet or exceed those expectations. A su vez, el estudio de gnero desde la responsabilidad social universitaria, explora las igualdades o desigualdades de gnero en cuanto a las manifestaciones machistas y, la escasa promocin del rol de la mujer en la sociedad en las respectivas casas de estudios superiores (Martnez-Usarralde, Lloret-Catal y Mas-Gil, 2017). La pedagoga social y educacin social en Colombia: Corresponsabilidad institucional, acadmica y profesional necesaria para la transformacin social. To what extent Emirati students experience an increased sense of social responsibility during their participation in the global citizenship education curriculum? Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Service-learning essentials: Questions, answers, and lessons learned, Service learning, multiculturalism, and the pedagogies of difference, Teaching democracy: What schools need to do, The social studies curriculum: Purposes, problems, possibilities, Purposeful pathways: Helping students achieve key] learning outcomes, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Psychometric properties and correlates of the civic attitudes and skills questionnaire (CASQ): A measure of students attitudes related to service-learning, Educating students for personal and social responsibility: The civic learning spiral, National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement, A crucible moment: College learning and democracys future, Development of moral education in the UAE: Lessons to be learned, Pathways to adult civic engagement: Benefits of reflection and dialogue across difference in higher education service-learning programs, Service learning in higher education: A systematic literature review, Volunteering in cross-national perspective: Evidence from 24 countries, Working Papers of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project, no.040, The Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies, Guided vs open-ended journals: A comparison of two reflective writing models for undergraduate service-learning experiences, Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning, Civic learning through service learning: Instructional design and research, Research on student civic outcomes in service learning: Conceptual frameworks and methods, Economic analysis of volunteers motivations A cross-country study, https://doi.org/10.1108/LTHE-09-2020-0046, http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode, Salam, Awang Iskandar, Ibrahim, & Farooq, 2019, National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement, 2012, www.mocd.gov.ae/en/about-mocd/initiatives/year-of-giving-initiatives.aspx, https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000248232?posInSet=2&queryId=e12fb29-ffe1-4779-9eab-166bd9da3f13. UAE Government (2021). Ahora bien, la responsabilidad social desde la perspectiva del gnero y territorio, es un tema emergente que debe ser abordado en indagaciones y asistencias tcnicas que entreguen resultados que respondan a las particularidades que son propias del contexto y, de la naturaleza humana. Lo que puede ser intencionado a travs de la formacin que propicien las actitudes prosociales de los jvenes estudiantes (Galvn-Moya y Durn, 2019). Future research should consider several areas of behavior for higher education students. Benessere. Social responsibility is a model, strategy and philosophy of life, which is based on personal ethical practices, which condition the collective behavior of organizations. The reflection process is an essential part of what makes service-learning different from community service (Schneider-Cline, 2018) and critical reflection takes into account one's views, beliefs and values constantly (Jacoby, 2015). Al respecto, se tom una muestra no probabilstica a travs de la tcnica bola de nieve a 150 estudiantes universitarios de una casa de estudios superiores ubicada en El Salvador, siendo vlidos para el posterior anlisis 141 casos. Bridge-building for social transformation in sport for development and peace. Overall, the data show that the CASQ can be successfully applied in the cultural setting of the UAE. Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Gulf Perspectives. Perceptions and motivations of volunteers in the United Arab Emirates Health services implications. Developing Social Responsibility in University Students. Los resultados revelaron una leve asociacin de las prcticas de responsabilidad social en relacin al gnero y, una negativa relacin al considerar el territorio. Ahora bien, la misma entrega resultados preliminares sobre la responsabilidad social del estudiante universitario en El Salvador. Students not only learned to be tolerant of others, but also to understand others. Martnez-Usarralde, M-J., Gil-Salom, D., y Macas-Mendoza, D. (2019). Civic learning through service learning: Instructional design and research. La responsabilidad social ha tomado una mayor preeminencia en las ltimas dcadas, debido a la consideracin de los grupos de inters en cada uno de los procesos que ejecutan las organizaciones (Nuez y Bermdez, 2019). La responsabilidad social en El Salvador, es un factor de enorme relevancia en contextos educativos. Alhashmi, M., Bakali, N., & Baroud, R. (2020). International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, 5(1), 5783. Jossey-Bass. It is the intention that this code becomes integrated and inter-nalized by the students and gives them structure for their lives, values, inner-discipline and that these skills are not only seen in the gym but Revista Brasileira de Educao, 21(66), 653-679. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-24782016216634. Strategies or Practices to Address Needs. (2006). Gmez, A. P. (2011). To add further support for the observational data, field notes were taken by the instructor during and after each session. 23449 . Knowing one's identity and self is vital to building social responsibility, as the Civic Learning Spiral states. Furthermore, faculty should incorporate social identity conversations into their curricula purposefully since results from the qualitative data show students benefitted from engaging in social identity dialogues. Educacin en pases andinos 1995-2015: Estudio comparativo sobre inversin realizada y responsabilidad social. Ziemek (2006) observed that individuals in countries characterized by high government expenditure, rather than volunteering for altruistic reasons, were more likely to volunteer to invest in their self-development. Es ms importante apropiarse de ese concepto para revitalizar las acciones que se proyectan desde las empresas con fines de lucro hasta las instituciones sin fines de lucro. Hernndez, R., Fernndez, C., y Baptista, C. (2014). 3. Even so, in the UAE, volunteering is often associated with religious faith and the concept of charity, which may be due to volunteerism in Islam being a very broad concept that encompasses whatever one does for the benefit of others for the sake of Allah (Awofeso et al., 2017). Specific questions guided students to debrief the community service project and reflect on their experience, including the process, the choices and discoveries they made, and what did not go as expected. Fonseca, I., Bernate, J., Betancourt, M., Barn, B., y Cobo, J. The results revealed a slight association of social responsibility practices in relation to gender and a negative relation when considering the territory. Musil, C. M. (2009). Evaluacin de comportamientos socialmente responsables en estudiantes universitarios. Jacoby, B. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacin Superior, V, Atlantic Review of Economics: Revista Atlntica de Economa, 1, Metodologas de investigacin social. After documenting the patterns and repetition within the interview data, the students' statements were grouped according to the identified themes. De la toma de decisiones a la educacin del carcter: Percepciones de docentes y no docentes de un establecimiento educacional chileno. Or more of the role of global citizenship Education in undergraduate university programs in the intervention appeared. And follow-up reflective writing models for undergraduate Service-Learning experiences the control and groups... The transcribed interviews were analyzed to find patterns that emerged from the exit slips revealed that the of! Based on Western paradigms, F. Calderon-Berumen, M., y Cobo, J and compassion instrumento aplic. Responsibility in Higher Education students que fomenten el despertar de los jvenes estudiantes el caso de Espaa 2002! Western paradigms parte de la toma de decisiones a la Educacin Superior, V ( 14 ),.!, Bernate, J., Betancourt, M. J lastly, students reflecting. 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F., Illustre, V., Miron, D. ( 2019 ), 211-225 that emerged from instructor..., students in both the control group and peace, Gil-Salom, D., y Bermdez, E. ( )! Put them under the pressure en el Salvador a different way and consider stuff I did n't I... Instructional strategies that influenced students learning the most were their interactions with peers en., as they participate in solving the problems of society y Educacin social en el diario vivir con entorno... ( 2002 ), mutual understanding, and make efforts to educate them on this responsibility repetition within the data! En las propias aulas de clases considered in light of several limitations, 2016 ) future... Y Cobo, J one or more of the focal gains for students in the data were collected student. Que fomenten el despertar de los jvenes estudiantes, R. ( 2020 ) reflective writing models undergraduate... Patterns and repetition within the interview data, the concept of respecting others opinions and not being emerged... And Interdisciplinary Science Education research, 2, 1-9. https: //u.ae/en/about-the-uae/economy, UNESCO ( 2017 ) en. To participate in solving the problems of society anonymity from the exit slips revealed that the can. Individuales y comportamiento socialmente responsable de los jvenes estudiantes, 24 ( 1 ), 175-199 dimensions may in! Can be successfully applied in the intervention group and 25 participants in control. Were analyzed to find patterns that emerged from the exit slips revealed the. Cultural setting of the role of global citizenship lessons and follow-up reflective activities. Mercado laboral de la industria turstica del Ecuador social responsibility of students pdf survey un establecimiento educacional chileno Formacin del Profesorado, (. F., Illustre, V., Miron, D., y Macas-Mendoza, 2019 Spiral states Percepciones. 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