For this, teachers should firstly have flexible methods of teaching. Sometimes it labels information with anxiety or stress, sometimes sadness, and at other times, it is boredom or repulsion. In short, it increases cognitive flexibility. Justifications For The Use of E-learning in Teaching. Flexible Lesson Plans. It takes time, and one needs to have patience and allow both teachers and students to adapt. We remember it better because a)stronger neural connections are formed & b)information from multiple senses is bound together. One of the most far-reaching aspects of e-learning is that it speaks to each students needs and capabilities. Feedback is powerful when learners reflect on questions such as What strategies did I try? An enhanced mood increases cognitive flexibility, makes learning pleasurable by default and improves your attention in ways you want it to. If the evidence is not there, it often can help push a student to learn more about the topic so that they can back up their ideas. However, besides this, it can also work towards developing teachers and making them feel a bigger fulfilment of their work while seeing students be more engaged in the classroom. If you think about a topic that youve wanted to learn about, you likely didnt create a game to learn about that topic you were actively engaged from the start simply due to curiosity or a sense of wonder. People usually associate education with a school building, daunting timetables, and the never-ending school week. Academics March 30, 2022 Flexibility in Online Learning: What It Means for Students Flexibility allows students to get to know themselves better and schedule their learning schedule accordingly. The Anterior Insula (the seat of the salience network) also enables the switching between 2 other important brain networks that have unique functions. 53-56. These strategies need to be taught purposefully, directly, and frequently for students to experience the benefits of studying smarter and appreciate the value of focusing not only on the content of what they are learning but also on how they are learning. As an English Literature and Linguistics graduate and a current MA student, Aida is interested in researching and doing lots of writing. This is especially facilitated because most e-learning systems are cloud-based. Any lesser and the body goes into a passive lethargic mode. Incite excitement. Adopting flexible learning comes with its challenges. 6. The thrill and Once I startedresearching options to shift the classroom environment, I was careful not to attempt a Pinterest perfect classroom and instead maintained focus on the purpose of flexible seating: allowing students a voice and a choice within their classroom. One of its functions is to increase alertness, concentration, and overall energy. 5. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Teach about the brain and mistakes. When we use just one sense, the other senses are sending in noise. Virtual synchronous courses mean some synchronous elements when students virtually attend the classroom simultaneously on the same day each week. It forms a 2-way channel between the frontal lobe (executive functions like decision making, risk, attention) and the sensory neurons below the spinal cord. Stress and anxiety compromise the capacity to learn by redirecting resources for survival or body-maintenance. It also adds emotional significance to specific contexts. Another part of this efficiency is a well-networked branching-out of neurons that form a beautiful lattice of connections which serve a dedicated purpose and is flexible enough to help out other brain functions. However, when students have some freedom of choice, even for homework, they can take more responsibility for their learning and actually enjoy the process. OLu Blended Learning offers students who require varying degrees of accommodations full control over the amount of flexibility they need woven into their schedules while still taking part in in-person classes. Now, let us get into the why. Remote Learning, School Administration, School Management, School Management Software, School Management System, Skolera LMS, Teaching Strategies You might think that the words flexibility and education can never occur in the same sentence. Implementing a School Management Software for the school has numerous advantages. We define flexible mindset feedback as responses that aresolution-oriented, empathetic, and targeted at specific strategies. They can use their imagination for the classes, making each class personalised according to the students that sit at them. (Oblinger, 2006, p. 1.2). Flexible education takes care of this issue by allowing students to accelerate or decelerate their courses according to their capacity. Active learning is generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process. Accessibility offers students the possibility to go back and review the course any time they need, to have unlimited access to resources that allow you to improve and fill in the gaps. Metacognition:At the core of all deeper learning is our awareness of and ability to reflect upon our own thinking and learning, or metacognition. He is expected to do the work of science and create work in literature. Students are unpredictable, and the course path may not be exactly as planned. This represents the general arousal and excitation of the brain. The classroom environment should mirror what students will encounter in their future careers, and collaboration, problem solving, and meaning making are at the forefront of most job descriptions. Providing opportunities for students to discuss a topic and even debate one another is a great way to increase active learning in your classroom. How we did it. We try to make you understand its meaning and how it can help you. As summer ends and I think about the furniture I have in my classroom and the new items I acquired through various local grant opportunities, Im planning multiple placement options for each piece. Being excited while learning is a good thing. But why does this happen? (2011). In particular, flexible learning provides learners with choices about where, when, and how learning occurs". Like subtitles and voice; they mean the same, support each other, and have a common language denominator. The human sensory system has evolved to mix and work with multiple senses at the same time., Tags advantages of e-learning asynchronous education distance education e-learning education systems online education school management system self-learning, Lets imagine this scenario: its the new year, and you decide to change some aspects . The concept of gamification is not necessarily new. Humans use a rich network of brain regions for language. Abstract The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the landscape of higher education. Lets look at some ways that we as teachers can help our students become actively engaged learners. The main characteristic that flexible learning has is the balance this balance between school and life is vital, and it is what todays society needs. Using more senses and social interactions while learning creates a deeper encoding of information which is represented by stronger neural connections, larger networks of neurons, more components to a memory (thoughts, contexts, senses), and anchor points which help in grounding that information in what people call knowledge.. Build trusting relationships. As the name indicates, flexible education is all about convenience and effectiveness. Sooner or later, academic institutions and especially schools will fully acknowledge the necessity of adopting the flexible philosophy of learning into the educational system. Once experienced, as a teacher, you will inspire students. Children as young as 4 can begin to explore the brain and how we learn. It needs to be accessible whenever possible and no matter where you are. Human memory has 3 important layers when it comes to learning from other people. It also creates hotspots in the brain which link to memory and emotions which are particularly ready for change that means more neural plasticity to learn new information. Flexible Learning Spaces How can learning spaces bring students and faculty together, ensuring that the environment promotes, rather than constrains, learning? In short, active learning requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing. Standard desks situated in rows do not foster open communication and collaboration. Flexible learning is the type of learning that allows students to study while also focusing on extracurricular activities, their passions, the family and being there for the family. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. At Spark, we give our teachers and students the freedom of choice. However, most believe that questions, engagement, and curiosities are a part of the learning process and can have better results than any planned lesson. One benefit is that the hassle of administrative tasks gets done by the system itself. It also helps them go in the flow state popularly known as the zone., An improved mood-state creates a new emotion-based component for an experience. Why does having fun, enjoyment, engagement, curiosity, and liveliness improve the learning experience? The subject and the discussion is still at the teachers choice. E-Learning: Justifications and Obstacles. Flexible learning According to Shurville et al. Flexible learning comes with many benefits but also many challenges. This means that the time their focus is high and their capability of retaining information is significant is when they will start their learning. Such a demand on the teacher requires sophisticated usage of technology in a combination of personalized, blended and online learning. (. The truth is that the more flexible a learning environment is, the higher the engagement rate of the students. A quick google search did not give satisfying answers, reading dozens of papers gave some insight but no direct answer. The flexible learning environment helps both students and families have a less stressful life as it grants them the opportunity to continue their passions and follow their dreams. Do you show these? They are not obliged to stick to the curriculum. However, not every planned class goes accordingly. Sometimes this activity connects one activity to the next one, and sometimes it emphasises something you need to strengthen, while sometimes, it just means a relaxing time to focus on the next class. 2) The central executive network mobilizes attention and memory to focus on information. Flexible grouping can support accelerated learning and address foundational skill needs. But she wanted to explain the deeper causes and mechanisms to her students, so she asked me a question not many think about Fun is good; we all know that; it creates better learning outcomes. The key elements of flexible learning are pace, such as accelerated learning, part-time learning, or credit for prior learning; place, which may include classroom, home, and mobile learning as well as work-based and experiential learning; and mode, which refers to a delivery method (Gordon, Citation 2014).One form of flexible learning is distance learning, which provides . 1. 2 On the other hand, if youve ever had to memorize words or concepts that you did not find interesting, you likely had to create a game to help you remember, something like flashcards where you quiz yourself or a friend and make a small competition out of it. 505 likes, 11 comments - Toppling Goliath Brewing Co. (@topplingbrews) on Instagram: "Hey you college students, it's never too soon to start thinking about your career Whe . This means. Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. Metacognitive insights and executive function strategies are the perfect partners to propel your students beyond growth mindsets. It also reflects on the choice of courses students take. While many students are keen to get back to the classroom, others enjoy the flexibility that online learning provides - and academic institutions will have to support a mix of requirements in . In essence, giving your brain more sensory food, and then giving it a touch of language-based descriptions improves memory. Today, a flexible learning environment is what we all need to stay connected to education. makes the neural circuitry efficient and reliablethat means, better learning, memory, and remembering. Getting in a similarly good mood can also help you to remember more information associated with that mood. Flexible grouping supports students with disabilities the 1 in 5. In that manner, students and teachers alike benefit from online education as it not only eases the workload on teachers; but also broadens students knowledge even beyond the classroom. Active learning teaching strategies like this work in almost any classroom, so get creative! What does flexible learning mean? 10.3991/ijet.v6i3.1610. For example, handshakes in formal meetings are appropriate but kissing a business prospect isnt. and to changes in circumstances that may require adaptations to the timetable or delivery format to accommodate student availability, for instance, blended learning. (Promoting equality of opportunity through flexible learning, University of Birmingham inclusive learning environment profile,, The truth is that the more flexible a learning environment is, the higher the engagement rate of the students. the adaption of flexible learning together with their coping mechanisms. Tapping into curiosity and relatable experiences engage 3 brain networks which, by default, process information at multiple levels. At its core, learning is not an exercise in passive absorption students need to develop meaningful connections with the material if they are to remember it. For example, emphatic gestures and stressing on words promote remembering those words (congruence between gestures and words). A flexible learning environment for teachers also comes with ease of mind for their classes and encourages them to give their best. Why is adaptability important for teachers? A flexible curriculum is open, versatile and responsive to an evolving student population, and to changes in circumstances that may require adaptations to the timetable or delivery format to accommodate student availability, for instance, blended learning. (Promoting equality of opportunity through flexible learning, University of Birmingham inclusive learning environment profile, ). It is important to stay relaxed and excited but not too relaxed or too anxious. Any activity to ward off bored is beneficial because boredom is an unnatural state for the brain (the brain has evolved to be hungry and engaged, boredom is like starving it), and it is analogous to pain. Flexible learning also means flexible students. But this kind of flexibility does not end there. I admired the way my students took an active role in their educational journey when provided with a choice as small as where they preferred to complete an assignment. online course at a southeastern university. Join 7,000 subscribers. This system is also designed to provide students with unlimited access to the materials, training, and support needed for an overall successful learning experience. Virtual, hybrid courses allow students to choose between attending virtually or in-person in a dynamic connected classroom with a school member at a specific date and time. More anchors also embed the information in the brain with more stability. This translates into stronger neural connections with many components memory, past experiences, new experiences, knowledge gaps, emotions, etc. Trust follows with the intentional use of language that tells students we are authentic, receptive, solution oriented, reliable, and committed to their needs. Mindsets are more than a poster on the wall. Its one of the reasons why MOOCs are popular. It means the teacher is prepared with all the materials, has the information to share with students and can set a timeframe for the course. Repetition, using more senses, giving a context, adding personal meaning, relating information to other ideas, etc. Read this great article about educational technologies. When students have a chance to physically interact with the material, theyre going to make lasting connections with it and remember those experiences for much longer than they would otherwise. meet the needs of different types of students; enable part-time study that could be attractive to various students and families; allow students to combine work, study, family and passions; help students to develop skills and attribute to adapt to change successfully. Distance education is a type of learning system in which students do not physically attend school within the designated school hours. Learning is in continuous development and growth, and making sure we make the most out of our learning classes is essential. When one network is on, the other one is off. However, go into any upper-level college classroom, and you are not likely to see those students playing fun games. The student is free to choose his/her courses and determine the pace they want for learning. However, the, The flexible learning environment helps both students and families have a less stressful life as it grants them the opportunity to continue their passions and follow their dreams. In that case, teachers can integrate videos, presentations, and educational activities into their curriculum to encourage student engagement. There is also worry about the unnaturalness and consequences of online learning, which is the contradiction on how natural teaching and . Instead of rejecting information as useless or irrelevant, positive emotions set the stage to accept that information and see how it makes sense to us. 4 ways to engage students in active learning. That means, the neurons for an old memory interact and link to a new set of neurons in unique ways. There are many ways to address these questionsin the end, a classroom environment is all about the needs of the students within the room. A flexible education is an education that: Makes the most of the use of technology to provide remote or online study; Offers the chance of work-based learning and employer engagement; It gives the student the possibility of part-time education; Has both the accelerated or decelerated programmes for students to choose from; Can adapt to distance, blended learning, online learning or hybrid learning. Such a demand on the teacher requires sophisticated usage of technology in a combination of personalized, blended and online learning. (Personalized learning). Such context-dependent elements are best understood in an embodied fashion where the thought, words, and movement are all working together to convey meaning. Having these elements makes remembering easier because the experience has more anchors in the brain. The teachers adaptability to another learning type, the eagerness to put an extra effort to understand students perspectives, and the ability to teach the course on the go adapting to students needs make the difference. Both distance education and e-learning have objectives that are essentially the same. One benefit of flexible seating that I didnt anticipate was that when I incorporated station work and students moved to new seats to work with a new group, they seemed more open to collaborating with an assortment of peers in a variety of locations than had been the case with traditional seating. When excited by sensory information, the RAS brings attention to novel, stimulating, and unique changes in the environment. Then, these parts connect with the speech centers to create a layer of language on top of it which describes the sensory information. Students are offered flexible learning time in various schools, shortened studying time, and added a new activity. Executive function strategies:In our model, executive function (EF) is a set of interrelated processes such as planning, working memory, self-monitoring, and thinking flexibly. A little physical movement and sensory stimulation can excite the nervous system just enough to optimize its resources. Information from all our senses comes together whether or not it is relevant at that moment. Educators can be equipped with the science of learning: how stress can hijack the prefrontal cortex and what happens in the brain when we make mistakes. E-Learning: Justifications and Obstacles. Ive answered questions on everything from student feedback, funding, parental concerns, and planning for substitutes to basic logistics and materials. Again, pun not intended. Implementing an e-learning system within the school will boost the schools productivity through the time management of managerial and logistical tasks. This is why reading subtitles and listening to the audio on Netflix is easier than just audio. That is why we can think about what we have learned in the past and re-interpret it in new words. iJET. The results are in and we know a few things. The process uses a flexible learning 'matching' tool to articulate the understandings and preferences of students and academics of the Built Environment to bridge the gap between student . This is all in contrast to traditional lecturing, where students are free to check out at any point and are rarely required to participate. One of its most essential features is that the system supports. A popular Chinese proverb says Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself. Teachers can develop student independence and research skills through e-learning systems. Not only is this an active learning process, but its also a great way to clear up misconceptions and bring them to the forefront. 2. Last year I used student feedback surveys in each marking period to determine home base seats for my studentswhere they sit each day for attendance and initial instruction. It does this via electrical activity signaling a neutral network of related ideas (neurons) making people more creative and develop a richer context in learning. Congruence is a built-in abstract system that facilitates memory and learning. As the NEA article notes, Students know how they learn best. Middle school students offer a unique challenge since they are in the midst of adolescence, which brings with it a great deal of change for them. Although I started last school year with no traditional desks in my classroom, I did have traditional options available, such as standard tables with ergonomic plastic chairs. in which lessons do not require real-time interaction, but instead allows for a more flexible learning experience in which students set their own schedule. Unlike physical classrooms that take place in specified time slots, virtual classrooms allow students to take their classes whenever they can. Deakin University, Australia (2009). E-learning systems are usually optimized with a parent dashboard that would enable parents to track their childrens progress, as well as be updated on new changes in the school. Novel and engaging activities can direct the reticular activating system to avail more resources for processing information. When we utilize more than one sense, we are giving additional meaning to that experience. There are numerous characteristics of e-learning that make it both appealing and distinguished in the world of education. Flexible teaching does not mean there is no strategy attached to it. There are many times when writing topics are . We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. An increase in this affective filter prevents information from reaching the frontal cortex because brain resources are redirected toward a fight, flight, or freeze response. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. These are stored in the brain with a higher priority and more flexibility. For teachers, e-learning as a system is perfectly valuable for a number of reasons. We can begin by examining our own cultural attitudes, values, fears, and beliefs about children; how these affect our actions; and how our previous life experiences can influence current behaviors. Consultado el 08 de Mayo del 2013., Khoury, Ansar & Nasir Eddeen, Lubna & Saadah, Doaa & Harfoushi, Osama. Positive emotions broaden our attentions capacity and help us draw more mental resources, increase access to memory networks, semantic relationships, and motivate flexible as well as efficient thinking. Photo credit: Pixabay. Teach about the brain and mistakes. We need EF processes to understand what we need to do, figure out how to get there, and make it happen. The time has come to start applying different educational techniques in schools to embrace young learners immense potential for knowledge. For school managers and heads of departments, transitioning to an e-learning system might seem like an overwhelming idea at first. Online education is essentially internet-based; which means that the search engine is the teacher and the students best-friend. It also makes us more inclusive toward information and more accepting of it. Its about utilizing student voice, creating buy-in, heightening collaborative learning, and prioritizing students needs concerning the environment in which they learn. Together, this theory is called the broaden and build theory and has amassed a large amount of experimental evidence. So how does a good mood influence learning? Most . This is where OLu's delivery of flexibility in education truly shines. Because every piece of information is on the internet, students can take advantage of that to learn extracurricular information. By Brooke Markle August 20, 2018 Courtesy of Brooke Markle The author's classroom, ready to go for the new year. 4. Richer sensory and language layers make richer memories which last longer and are easier to remember. By providing ample hands-on opportunities, teachers can more effectively engage students in active learning. With flexible e-learning, the case is entirely different because each student is assessed according to their cognitive capacity. As far as flexible learning is concerned, it offers students the ability to have bigger freedom, express their ideas, and choose their educational path and learning pace. When I decided to remove the student desks from my grade 7 English classroom for the last school year, I was motivated to do so after observing the way my students learned and analyzing how I could best support them in that learning. Supporting their development through new teaching methods allows them to put their mark on the course and choose what resonates with them and their classroom, which means a lot. The Heart vs. At Spark School, we believe creating your learning journey is a great opportunity and helps students become fit for future. Edutopia and Lucas Education Research are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Love sci-fi, horror media; Love rock, metal, synthwave, and pop music; cant whistle; can play the guitar. Instead of calling each parent to inform them of a parent-teacher conference, the administrator can simply post an announcement on the system. For teachers, this is really all about being creative. Since I wrote about changing my room a year ago, educators from across the country have reached out with questions regarding how to manage flexible seating in a middle school classroom. This helps students buy into the effort required to learn and apply new strategies. In effect, oxytocin halts housekeeping activities and lets the brain rewire itself; which you now know, is fundamental to learning. Flexible mindsets go beyond growth mindsets by leveraging both the self-awareness and strategies needed to actualize a growth mindset. Motivate your students with storytelling. Once the layers are made, each layer can again influence the other layers. Some argue that this flexibility may not allow students to learn all about the subjects. It also aimed to know how online and modular affected the criminology students on their finances, psychological and academic performance. Now, when learning online, students do have the convenience of studying at their own pace, but chances are the lesson plan might still be conventional. This hub sends all sensory information (except smell, which comes from the nose) to emotion centers, language centers, and the frontal cortex. Teachers can develop student independence and research skills through e-learning systems. The educational process is hardly ever described as flexible due to the huge amount of time and effort needed for its fulfillment. Engaging the whole body in an interactive way promotes the creation of mental models and embodied representations. In essence, a positive mood enhances your attention wherever you are giving it. Give feedback based on strategy use. Flexible learning has a direct impact on: Flexibility in learning does not mean whatever. It also opens the floor for students to question each other respectfully. Flexible seating is about more than simply having a variety of different, fun seats in the classroom. Each student becomes a scientist. This will facilitate and develop the self-learning skills that students so hugely need. Because of the attachment, it reinforces the memory and makes it easier to remember. Every student has a set of interests. As in any complex system, the relationships are dynamic and integrative. The Impact of E-learning On Students However, where there is a will, there is a way.. In essence, an improved mood increases the intrinsic reward felt by people while doing an activity. Making sure the education system is ready to embrace the needs of todays young people is the key to a successful education. We'll help you with any burning questions you have, Learn from real teachers and administrators using Classcraft. What's So Special About E-learning? Regarding employment status, 16 students were fulltime students, 38 students had part-time jobs, and 48 students had fulltime jobs. To learn more about Skoleras software, click here, Read: How to Pick the Wrong School Management System. How many attempts did I make? On the contrary, students will feel more engaged and interested in the topic if their opinions are heard. More than ever, adaptability is essential for teachers as it makes them feel a part of the changing world, and it helps them grow and learn new things along with the growth and development of technology. Two, why engaging our senses is better for learning. Having fun while learning avails unique cognitive resources, associates reward and pleasure with information, strengthens and broadens memory networks, and toggles abstract thinking and focused attention. Flagler County School District, a 1:1 iPad and MacBook district in Florida, features collaborative learning spaces in each of our nine schools. More details about the numerous features of e-learning systems are specified below. Online education has paved the way for students to probe the digital world web more confidently. How does flexible learning affect students? If a child cant learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn. Estrada Ignacio. Being a teacher has never been easy, and only those that feel the call can make teaching possible. Flexible online classes are an excellent opportunity for active students that want to follow their passions while also keeping up with their education. A stressed-out brain & body keeps our nervous system activated for a fight, flight, or freeze response. As academic institutions across the world continue to deal with the global health crisis, there is a need to examine different instructional approaches including online, hybrid, and blended learning methods. Having home base seats helped with the distractions and confusion that come with transitions between classes. Using only one unified and comprehensive platform, schools can command basically every aspect of the school from employee records to school finances and much more. Education needs to keep up with what todays society needs. And young people are an essential part of todays society. No spam. All of these seem very attractive, but they also mean that students also have a bigger responsibility for their future. Virtual courses 100% are when school fits into a students schedule. In other words, the content that is delivered to students is stored for the entire academic school year and is regularly updated by teachers. Aida Elbanna is a Content Writer in the digital marketing team of Skolera. For instance, a high school student can choose to take his biology course in one year instead of two leaving more time for other courses. Fun and leisure elements (like movies) in a learning session reduce the intensity of this affective filter and students are more likely to take in new information and learn better, especially language skills. This efficiency increases through a process called myelination deposits of fat on a neuron. But you can also find online games for virtually any subject to keep your students engaged. Having fun & interactive learning sessions does improve learning on the whole and engender a positive attitude toward learning. Students can choose to take their classes in their preferred timings; hereby giving some of them the freedom to work on the side. Flexible education breaks the time barrier between students and the road to knowledge. To do this, you must think a bit like your students and consider what its like to be in their shoes, sitting in class after class from morning to late afternoon. 6. Being a flexible teacher means having the capacity to respond to your students needs, abilities and interests. Norepinephrine allows us to highlight priority information and discard useless/low-priority information from our awareness. Everyone speaks of neurons but glial cells are the other brain cells that do all the dirty work. This feedback was really helpful, especially with multiple classes using the room every day. A neurochemical and a hormone called Norepinephrine (noradrenaline) is released as a response to stress or excitation. Both distance education and e-learning have objectives that are essentially the same. This improves the memory for what youve already experienced and the new information you are relating it to. Games can be simple or complex. Another way that the system helps make life easier for teachers is that it can enhance the teaching quality and accordingly; student performance. This question seems simple, but its a bit complex. Aligning activities with your own self-concept is rewarding and fulfilling, and most importantly, self-sustaining. Flexible education is a great asset for schools, a convenient platform for teachers, and an efficient system for students. Positive emotions put us on a positive growth trajectory and help us build skills as well as psychological, biological, and social resources. This is why flexibility in learning is essential. Whenever 2 congruent things are paired, they become easier to digest and learn, resulting in a richer memory. A good mood improves the value of perceived rewards like the gratification of new knowledge, accomplishment, etc. Flexible Learning as New Learning Design in Classroom Process to Promote Quality Education. Research shows that having fun while learning avails unique cognitive resources, associates reward and pleasure with information, strengthen and broaden memory networks, and toggle between 2 basic neural modes - one for diffused mind-wandering and the other for focused attention. Many math teachers create games for addition or subtraction using simple playing cards. One, why mood affects learning. But you may have struggled with how to convince your students that they are smart while encouraging them to persist in the face of setbacks. While it is a desirable educational goal, a flexible learning environment should be carefully considered and implemented. While this definition could include traditional activities such as homework, in practice, active . It labels information with emotions and tells the rest of the brain what emotion needs to be associated with that information. Plasticity depends on the nature of learning, a richer experience creates a richer network. Give them credit for the knowledge they bring to the classroom, and make them partners in the creation of a positive instructional climate.. I also asked whether they wanted any traditional desksthe answer was noand if they had opinions about the placement of furniture. I incorporated various types of seating at different levels throughout the room, and students were able to find workspaces where comfort met capability. iJET. What are the advantages of flexible learning? Khoury, Ansar & Nasir Eddeen, Lubna & Saadah, Doaa & Harfoushi, Osama. Another related reason for flexibility is that there is lesser interference from a pre-occupied emotionally burdened mind which reallocates resources in unexpected ways. Provide direct instruction in learning strategies. For example, if youre teaching about the Civil War, consider making your history class come to life with a simulation complete with battles, trade, generals, and soldiers that accompanies traditional learning methods like reading and note-taking. Transitions are important, keeping a single emotion on for too long wont help much, Develop a persona to play with student and teacher expectations & a unique style to build familiarity. In classrooms that are still offering in-person learning, flexible seating may be limited. This component attaches itself to various aspects of learning thinking, memory, judgments, etc. We mentioned that active learning isnt just about games, but that doesnt mean that games dont have any place in the classroom quite the opposite! Why Is Flexible Education Smarter than Traditional Education? Any more and our body goes into pooling in all its resources to cope with stress and block out all neutral and unrelated information. Active Learning. Teaching aids and Instructional materials: tools for teachers and students. Providing a flexible education does not mean a lack of interest or lower interest. Before I moved the desks out of my classroom, I had typically arranged them in partners or small groups to try to facilitate conversation, but traditional desks in groups didnt foster the personalized, collaborative learning environment my students craved. Disclaimer: Links to some products earn us a commission, Home Neurobiology & Neuroscience Why Fun, Curiosity & Engagement Improves Learning: Mood, Senses, Neurons, Arousal, Cognition. This new way of learning can help reach students who might not ordinarily have an interest in school. Unsubscribe any time. Flexible learning doesnt necessarily have to be online or hybrid learning. It can be a combination of both or one of them. In traditional education, many students find that the courses they enroll in can be rather slow-paced for them. We cant simply tell our students to get grit.. While this is a difficult task to accomplish, the answer to success is to be effective. learning process. 3. Aida Elbanna This article will help students, teachers, school heads, and parents understand how flexible education is reshaping the entire learning experience for the purpose of maximizing students pursuit of knowledge. This paves the way for us to normalize mistakes, teach students the value of not knowing, and model how to grapple with material to make it their own. I run Cognition Today to paint a holistic picture of psychology. Relatability increases motivation, motivation increases thinking (metacognition) and thinking makes learning easier. Hey! These nuances are built on experiences and emotional significance because emotions put things in motion (behavior). Skolera helps schools implement distance learning through its software that provides virtual, all inclusive classrooms. Flexible learning. A stress-free and safe but exciting environment reduces the impact of the amygdala which would otherwise prevent the information from reaching higher brain-regions for detailed processing. Instill drive. Similarly, students who have dropped out due to enormous school load can return to school by setting more relaxed and extended periods of learning under a dynamic e-learning system. Engaging Students in the Learning Process TABLE I. People learn best by doing. for flexible learning, "with a growing emphasis on managing the learning process rather than being the primary provider of learning material." g Institutions must build flexible systems that provide students with choices in their learning, as well as maintaining the frameworks that ensure a quality learning experience (Ryan & Tilbury, 2013). Flexible learning is education with no such concepts as time, place or pace. One of the hubs between our senses and the more advanced parts of the brain is the reticular activating system (RAS) located just above the spinal cord. Flexibility is vital in teaching as it offers the chance for teachers to adapt to the changing environment, to the growing needs of students and the new technology. Consequently, students might find themselves lost and frustrated when the class moves on to another topic before finalising the previous one and knowing their weak points. 1) The default mode network active during daydreaming, mind-wandering, sitting idly, thinking about personal events. There is a sweet spot where our nervous system is aroused just enough to absorb maximum information. How Flexible Education Can Transform Education As We Know It, on How Flexible Education Can Transform Education As We Know It, Recently, flexible education and e-learning have been used interchangeably in conversations regarding. These layers are connected with our attention so we can pay attention and focus on any of those components. Games increase intrinsic motivation and help students develop a positive mindset for what theyre learning. For example, platforms such as Classcraft let you create entire worlds where students are learning content by completing quests, fighting bosses, and earning rewards for their avatars. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 10.3991/ijet.v6i3.1610. However, keep in mind that theres no need to compromise traditional learning methods for engagement you can easily have both. The PFC is one of the most advanced regions of the brain which takes care of attention, memory, comprehension, decision, humor, planning, etc. Long-term memory is built upon sensory information and descriptions using language. Comments Off on How Flexible Education Can Transform Education As We Know It Behavior Goals for Students (Dealing with the Challenges), The Remarkable Story Behind the Social Learning Theory. What is and isnt active learning? A negative mood does the opposite. Fortunately, the ISTE Standards for Students provides a framework that can help districts communicate their vision of a student-centered classroom to teachers and students. 10 Mar 2023 How to Motivate Students: 12 Classroom Tips & Examples 18 Apr 2022 by Tiffany Sauber Millacci, Ph.D. Scientifically reviewed by Hugo Alberts, PhD., Psychologist Learning is a lifelong endeavor, and in order to instill and sustain a lifelong love of learning, motivation is a must. Having fun, having social interactions, and sensory engagement while learning promotes plasticity (neural changes) and activates various brain regions to encode an experience with a high amount of detail. Consultado el 08 de Mayo del 2013. It should be accessible to anyone, following any school and any grade. While mastering this needs experience, each teacher has been through the beginners levels and then the master one. Why Fun, Curiosity & Engagement Improves Learning: Mood, Senses, Neurons, Arousal, Cognition, Enhancing our mood makes information pleasurable and the brain flexible, Engaging our senses improves the learning experience and learning quality, The Brain has ready resources for optimizing learning based on mood, relevance, emotions, & context, Disclaimer: Links to some products earn us a commission, Having fun & interactive learning sessions. Games increase intrinsic motivation and help students develop a positive mindset for what . (2011). Humans have always been good at adapting. Flexible grouping will be a key classroom practice when you return to in-person learning. That is why creating a chance to explore ones curiosity can improve learning with a side effect of feeling good about it the brain is readily willing to do that. Memory recall is stronger when curiosity leads to surprising answers. . Im an applied psychologist from Bangalore, India. In 2018, was ranked among the top 20 best LMS software worldwide in terms of user experience. Our senses dont function independently. Flexibility allows teachers to work in an environment where they can collaborate with their peers more; they can have a closer relationship with students and understand their needs. This fat allows electrical signals to jump faster along its length (the axon). A questionnaire was developed to obtain the . Students enjoy the benefit of taking a class at seven in the morning or even at midnight. A flexible learning environment allows students to have a personalised learning path. By providing a variety of topics that students are free to choose from, you ensure that students are learning about the core topic but examining it from an angle that actually interests them. Research also shows that a relaxed mood makes the brain more strategic in using its resources for processing information and paying attention. Active learning is not simply a physical interaction with the content but rather a deeply engaged mental interaction with it. We mentioned that active learning isn't just about games, but that doesn't mean that games don't have any place in the classroom quite the opposite! We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Teachers are often too busy to correct a test for 30+ students in one week. Ive been amazed at the discussions that occurred among my students and the ease with which they shared writing samples and ideas about literary questions with an array of peers. For example, a parent with three students enrolled in the school will be able to smoothly access each of his/her childs file with a click of a button. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.. The phenomenon is called cross-modal congruence. Besides offering them the possibility of choosing their courses, it also implies that the school adapts the use of resources such as staff, space, and time to best support personalization.. 1. and supports their social-emotional needs. Being able to schedule school efficiently while also focusing on your well-being shouldnt be a one-time thing. also increases your students' engagement. All of that information combines and then we perceive it. Flexible learning is a state of being in which learning and teaching is increasingly freed from the limitations of the time, place and pace of study. When students connect learning to their personal lives and non-classroom activities, it becomes a part of their self-concept. This means having such a high level of intuition on the students needs that your abilities to read into their moods will make flexible teaching easy. Implementing E-learning For School Development. Terms and conditions. Engaging them deliberately is a good idea as it reinforces learning by absorbing dense but related information simultaneously. Because no student is like the other, it is difficult to ensure all students retention and comprehension in a physical classroom. Introduction E-learning provides flexible learning opportunities to students in terms of time, place and pace of learning. Academics March 9, 2022 A Guide to Flexible Learning: Strategies, Tools and More Learning is in continuous development and growth, and making sure we make the most out of our learning classes is essential. 2023 SPARK ONLINE SCHOOL S.R.L All Rights Reserved. Flexible Classrooms Reflections on Shifting to a Flexible Classroom A middle school teacher shares the benefits of giving students voice and choice in their learning environment. Please share this article if you found this explanation satisfying. She is passionate about helping people understand complex subjects through coherently written articles like tackling everything about educational technology. Ground our learning in metacognition. It is the type of class that help learners get the most of it. Without tapping into it, there may be a compromise in the quality of learning. Joan, D. R. (2013). But why does it create better outcomes? Congruence also amplifies and enriches your experience of food (via senses) and written information (via fonts). These e-learning advantages definitely serve the growing demand for distance education in general. More than the flexibility of the physical space where children can choose between online and physical learning environments, flexible learning also makes time flexible. They listen to the students needs and respond to them. He selects a problem, often with the teacher's help, and goes about the business of critical investigation. But with the proliferation of technology in the classroom, teachers have new options for engaging learners. A middle school teacher sharesthe benefits ofgiving students voice and choice in their learning environment. Inducing arousal promotes memory formation, motivates, and improves concentration. The Mind (scientific explanation) - A false dichotomy by the mind. A possible explanation is that congruence reduces the demand on neural resources because congruent things support each other and have a common denominator. Each student has different learning abilities, requirements, and interests; thus, responding to various needs as a teacher and transforming a fixed approach to teaching into a flexible one makes the difference. When you ask students are to collaborate, you encourage them to provide evidence to support their ideas and learning. What is so special about fun and liveliness at the deepest psychological/biological level that helps us learn better? Teachers have the ability to alternate their teaching techniques and modes of presentation to allow for a more interactive educational experience. Even something as simple as passing around a physical model or arranging a lab in a science class is going to be more engaging than simply having students read about an idea or listen to a lecture. Instructors help to create this climate by everything that they do, from the way they respond to student questions to the arrangement of the classroom chairs. For my students, traditional seating hindered their ability to use the classroom in the ways they needed to accomplish the learning goals I set for them as modern learners. But you will still see a classroom that is full of active learners. A successful e-learning system should consist of several e-learning components to serve the systems primary users teachers, students, and school heads. The system has been collectively designed by experts in the field of education and software management to ensure maximized user satisfaction. The brain has an affective filter called the Amygdala. Let your creativity guide you. 1. The Importance of Flexibility in Education. Try new ideas, lessons, and approaches to teaching be flexible in your planning and be intentional about incorporating active learning into your daily teaching. 32: 45: 23: Flexible learning overall involves less work and time commitment for me than a regular class (face-to-face lectures and tutorials) 4: 24: 72 is quite helpful for school heads and administrators who are prepared to implement a School Management System into their institution. Usually, teachers shuffle between various tasks preparing for lessons, conducting these lessons, staying for duty time, creating tests, etc. Students at any age enjoy freedom and autonomy in where they sit. Flexible learning has never been more relevant in Physical Education (PE) than during the CoVid-19 pandemic as universities continuously provide opportunities to improve students' physical . School managers and heads of departments will be spared the hassle of follow-ups with the students parents. Students enjoy the luxury of choosing the timing of their lessons, whether they want to continue education at school or at home, and in what style they want their education to be like. Inspire. By allowing them to explore those interests freely, we give students opportunities to actively engage in learning about the topic. And the teacher cannot control the inquisitiveness young people have nowadays nor their perception on the subject. Under an e-learning system, tests are created and corrected automatically and on a day-to-day basis; thus, it grants students the opportunity to be regularly informed of test feedback. Your experience of food ( via fonts ) education with no such concepts as time, and students the of., Aida is interested in researching and doing lots of writing enough to optimize resources. Comes with ease of mind for their classes and encourages them to give their best their imagination for classes. 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