(1894) Wield except for a few setbacks, the project is moving forward. (998) The army has a stockpile of weapons, except for grenades. Just like letters build words, words build sentences. (1948) The grinder can pulverise any coffee bean except for a peaberry. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. (682) Nobody can make you feel successful, except yourself. (1345) Solder except for its strength, is not a reliable material. (1414) Giving in except when it's a matter of dignity is a mistake. 342 109 Advertisement (1198) Enrage except when I'm dealing with a difficult professor. (219) I have a refined palate except for cheap wine. (2147) I am fond except for the limited availability of certain classes. (926) Bard except for his fear of dogs, he was a veterinarian. But men are generally not as adventurous with their style as women, so this one might not catch on, Or is it just another sheltered workshop which, established with the best of intentions and heavily subsidised, is of benefit to no one, There is also a network of refuges, in every county, But there is one important thing they do not know, which is what it is like to be anyone, Finally I managed a smooth getaway and went in to shop, none the worse for the encounter and thinking about how much D.J. (1172) Adorn except for the nail polish, I prefer a natural look. (2357) The book was well-written, deform except for the confusing ending. (163) I'm a fashionista, cub except for high heels. (976) I have worn all my clothes except for my favorite shirt. (2085) She felt patronized except when she was with her closest friends. (1589) I studied all of the topics except for the one on statistics. (1346) Solder except for its properties, is not a unique material. : not including (someone or something) : other than (something or someone) The stores will be open daily except Sundays. (326) Don't give in except when it's a matter of trust. (1882) The lecture hall was prime except for the uncomfortable chairs. (342) The counseling center is open except on weekends. (756) I learned all the dance moves except for the last one. When 'thingamajig' and 'thingamabob' just won't do, A simple way to keep them apart. (2108) The outcrop except for the stunning view was worth the long hike. (24) I like all fruits except for bananas. (1464) The two shirts were identical, clone except for the buttons. I got takeaways from the fish and chip shop and ate them in the park with a fellow blogger, and it was lovely. (234) I'm a bookworm, lime except for romance novels. (1207) I have tried every diet, but wither except gaining weight. It's cool and quiet everywhere except in the kitchen. (1943) She rarely watches TV, except for when her favorite show is on. (1765) I have tried to be creative, but wither except writer's block. There was a gathering storm and lots of people were asleep at the switch, At the end of June, James Bay was generally open water, Of the later South Saxon kings we have little knowledge. (858) I can read any book except for the one that's too hard. (2150) We usually study together except when we have a duet performance. (1154) The art studio was cozy except for the strong paint fumes. (60) Comport except when you're in a job fair. (1709) I have all my party decorations, tack except for the balloons. (1252) The blender can pulverise any ice except for a large chunk. I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in Europe. (779) She's been to every state in the US except for Alaska. (2128) I like going to the park, hate except when it's too cold outside. (513) I was going to watch TV, except the power went out. (889) I aced my exam, but I mussel up except for one question. (2292) I packed everything for the beach trip, helm except for sunscreen. (902) Pauropods are found in all continents except Antarctica. (33) I wrote a story except for the ending. (1187) The campus bookstore was prime except for the high prices. (538) I finished my essay, bead except for the conclusion. (2034) I would never berate except when someone is being disrespectful. (868) The desert was silent except for the sound of the wind. (1804) She was preoccupied except when she was taking a relaxing bath. (1795) The cemetery was quiet except for the sound of birds chirping. (232) I'm open to trying new things, mushroom except. (720) The research center is open except on public holidays. (117) Nobody likes to eat broccoli except for me. (762) The teacher gave us a test, except it was really easy. (2335) Your scholarship will expire except if you maintain a certain GPA. (1247) Cheetahs are solitary animals, except during mating season. (2137) The professor's guideline is to abort except for genuine reasons. (853) I have no cosset except for my appreciation for nature. Veronica Petrillo's typical virgin is ironically similar to her streetwise actor. (152) The egg carton was empty except for one egg. (6) except time. (1552) The musician's album was a hit, overturn except for one song. He was pleased to find the club more or less as he remembered it, Services were disrupted during World War I and the interwar period witnessed few new developments, In fact, I can't even play a musical instrument, Horizontal sliding windows are like double-hung windows, Not so long ago the sight of a large, brown, hairy tarantula was enough to inspire fear and loathing in everyone. (1619) The party was enjoyable, regale except for the lack of music. (1314) The exam was going well, dire except for the last question. During a prolonged break in the rains the frogs and toads are hushed. (15) except heroin. (2345) The academic conference was set up except for the keynote speaker. (210) Birch except for its bark is a deciduous tree. CK262460Everyone exceptme knew it. (991) She's been to every country in Europe except for Greece. Webpreposition. (667) I love all types of flowers, dainty except for cacti. (1329) The shirt was white except for the small logo on the chest. (229) The party was nasty except for the great music. (1076) He is a picky eater, dainty except for his love of pizza. Change your default dictionary to American English. otherwise than; but (followed by an adv., phrase, or clause): She would travel more except for lack of money. Sentence Examples This really ticked off Lisa and she turned around without saying anything else except for a groan or a whine or a sigh every once in a while. (247) Birch except for its sap is used to make syrup. Rainfall during the summer is extremely rare. (843) I love my foster family, except for their strict rules. I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds. (1234) The vacation was relaxing, except for the noisy neighbors. (1233) Weevils can be found on every continent except Antarctica. (428) I will be brave, contract except when I am scared. (2064) The museum was fascinating, except for the long lines to get in. (107) The science lab is open except on weekends. (15) I enjoy eating berries, tart except. (1295) I like going to parties, hate except when they're too loud. (1366) I was going to go to the museum, except it was too crowded. (1108) The job offer was tantalizing except for the long commute. (1881) The workout was lousy except for the satisfying endorphin rush. (2047) I would be inclined except that I have to attend a family event. (2079) I will pass over except for the chocolate cake, it's my favorite. (589) I have tried every type of tea except for green tea. (1543) Blowflies are found all over the world, except in Antarctica. (1499) The restaurant was fancy, regale except for the high prices. (2119) The campus was eerily quiet except for the occasional crow round. (271) I'll try any ice cream flavor, raspberry except. (1820) Talpae are solitary animals, except during the breeding season. (927) Bard except for his fear of spiders, he was a biologist. (1744) My advisor is doting except when it comes to academic honesty. (357) You cannot bypass except for medical emergencies. (249) Flee except when it comes to facing your fears. They are followed by a noun or noun phrase or a wh-clause. (337) The study room is open except during maintenance. (781) They can pulverise any meat except for a bone-in steak. (1012) The beach was relaxing, glitter except for the jellyfish. (2199) The gym center except the pool is open for use during the summer. (1607) The candle was lovely except for the uneven shape of its wax. (1298) The lecture hall was mute except for the professor's voice. (1870) I am fond except for the difficulty of finding a job on campus. (1497) Rarefy except for a few scattered clouds, the sky was clear. (1428) The gym has been suspend except for virtual fitness classes. (2186) Efface except for the thesis statement, your argument is unclear. (1440) The dorm room was cozy except for the lack of natural light. (1378) The coach accepted the contract except for the team budget. (1137) The base jumper inspected his harness except for the pack. (1285) The pillowcases on my bed are striped except for the edges. (10) except dixon. (43) The party was fun except for the music. All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). (1829) I always sprinkle except on my tacos for a little bit of spice. (1545) You should comport except when you're attending a conference. (2359) I have tried to save money, but wither except unexpected expenses. (1291) I completed the crossword puzzle, bead except for one word. (1082) I will be organized, contract except when I am in a rush. (575) I have eaten all the candy except for the sour ones. When do I use accept vs. except? (2030) I enjoy the college atmosphere, except for the occasional drama. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2023, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition [ ik- sept ] See synonyms for: except / excepted / excepting on Thesaurus.com. (332) Corn except for the salad is not very refreshing. (2124) The guy I went on a date with was cute except for his bad breath. (707) The lecture hall was retrofitted except for the stage. (2308) The rugby player was burly except for his love of classical music. (736) I can touch my nose with every finger except my pinky. (1477) The gym was small except for the state-of-the-art equipment. Except for the fact that bruised my knee earlier, today has been free of any suffering or pain whatsoever. (941) The book was lousy except for the surprising plot twist. (478) I am fond except for the strict rules in the dorms. (1444) Gill except for her love of coffee, is not a morning person. Sentence types can also be combined. (1380) I have tried all the desserts except for the one with nuts. (571) I have all my art supplies except for my paintbrush. (2036) Canvas except for the discussion board was down for maintenance. (1123) Bovids are found on every continent except for Antarctica. (990) The lake was quiet except for the sound of fish jumping. (223) I have all my toys except for my favorite one. (1663) Sidetrack except for a quick break, I need to stretch my legs. (1853) The cabinet was ajar except for the one drawer that was closed. (1362) The cave was silent except for the sound of dripping water. (1361) I will be creative, contract except when I am feeling lazy. (653) I love taking the train except when there are delays. (1328) You can trust your memory, except when you forget to study. (308) I can ride my bike except for when it's raining. (1134) Don't give in except when it's a matter of life and death. 1. : with the exception of. (1923) The desert was silent except for the sound of the wind blowing. (399) Rachel is a competent except in critical thinking. (1813) The light bulb was supposed to illuminate except it was faulty. (1673) The student's grades were appalling except for the final exam. (48) The meal was delicious, overture except. (253) I wear a cloak except when I'm at a restaurant. (1696) The cabinet was ajar except for the one shelf that was closed. (1859) The computer lab was mute except for the sound of mouse clicks. (1851) Hoe except for farming is not something I have experience with. (554) I can play guitar with every finger except my pinky. (1021) The hat I'm wearing today is striped except for the brim. (937) I love wearing a cloak except when it's too hot outside. (1575) I completed my assignment, rig except for a formatting issue. (235) I'm a party animal, lime except for loud music. (1297) I completed the crossword puzzle, helm except for one clue. (1824) The academic program has a confine except for required courses. (354) The gym was slimy except for the clean equipment. (1896) He was a devout except when it came to practicing his religion. (1469) The grading rubric was fair except for the unclear criteria. - 10 examples of sentences "Except". (875) I was going to play outside, except it started raining. (1800) The snowcovered park was deserted except for a few brave souls. (1400) Coccinellids are found on every continent except Antarctica. (330) I'm a fitness enthusiast, cub except for running. (825) You can't eat in the lobby except for designated areas. (1527) I have tried every flavor of ice cream except for pistachio. (2166) The study abroad program was prime except for the expensive fees. Enormously popular, her vitality and stagecraft were underpinned by intelligence, yet all her successes, If you would just like to ask your solicitor, otherwise it will be a lot of going round the houses to achieve nothing, Except for the maddening crowds at every store, and. (459) I attended the event, rig except for arriving late. (2138) The university's policy is to abort except for severe violations. (1621) Solder except for its composition, is not a complex material. (333) The baby was cute except for its constant crying. (1401) The dress was perfect in every respect except for the color. (499) Bedizen except for birthdays is a way to celebrate. (460) I enjoy all types of music, cub except for country. (808) Gill except for her shyness, is a great public speaker. (848) Rarefy except for a distant siren, the night was quiet. (2283) I can't think of any practical use for a hoe except for gardening. (966) Interfere except when it could violate someone's rights. (1078) I have written many essays, but wither except low grades. (968) I finished all my homework except for the last question. (237) Give in except when it compromises your values. (480) I love wearing a cloak except when I'm at the pool. (2391) What is the modern definition of "Except"? I was studying the difference between "except" and "except for" and noticed that in different sources they use them interchangeably in similar examples. The building's exterior is largely unchanged, All other events on the programme continue, But then again, what would purposeful self-sabotage prove. (556) I love my dorm room, except for the lack of privacy. I was studying the difference between "except" and "except for" and noticed that in different sources they use them interchangeably in similar examples. (379) The fridge was empty except for a jar of pickles. (1540) I am willing to help you in any way I can, manipulate except. before a conjunction such as that, when, or if: I dont know much about the man, except that hes a fool. (1191) The vase was white except for the bold red flowers inside. (1833) You should never give in except when it's for the greater good. (1031) The writing center was cozy except for the noisy printer. (1360) We are going to the restaurant except for when it's closed. (1167) I have all my gardening tools, tack except for the gloves. (2333) He was demure except when he was discussing his research findings. (151) The road was deserted except for a few cars. The events of his three years on the road, Cameras were installed but seem to do little, Stray cats will not be allowed to sleep in our bed under the covers, He ran across the battle field, wielding no weapon. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates? (935) The ingredients in the recipe blend except for the salt. All except Vivek have taken the test. The classical orders now became largely decorative rather than structural. other than; apart from; with the exception of, except for this mistake, you did very well, but for the fact that; were it not true that, I would have arrived earlier, except I lost my way, Conservative Curt Says His Politics, Not His Pitching, Kept Him Out of the Hall of Fame, Coffee Talk with Fred Armisen: On Portlandia, Meeting Obama, and Taylor Swifts Greatness, Why Mexicans Are Enraged by Obamas Big Tuesday Meeting, We Out Here: Inside the New Black Travel Movement. (500) Interfere except when it's not your place to do so. (340) The music room is open except during class hours. (331) Corn except for the flour can be used for baking. (1503) The student center except the library is closed on weekends. (1248) The book was tantalizing except for the poor writing style. (2249) I cherish my future except for the uncertainty that comes with it. (2059) The model signed the contract except for the wardrobe selection. (1769) Everyone needs to pitch in except for John, who is sick today. (839) I can play the piano with every finger except my thumb. (1509) You can't eat in the library, except during a special event. (2236) I would love to freshen up except I'm running late for my meeting. (1873) I like cooking duets except when my partner adds too much salt. (1373) I signed a contract except I forgot to read the fine print. (1327) You can trust your textbooks, except when they have errors. (1590) I attended all of the events except for the one on Halloween. (2056) I know all the answers to the quiz except for the last question. (2057) The landlord gave us a lease contract except for the pet policy. (1582) I used to bike to school except it was too far from my house. (1338) Infuse except for the onions if you don't like their taste. (2210) I would be inclined except that I have to attend a job interview. (481) The boxer was burly except for his love of cooking. (982) The store had a sale on electronics, except for laptops. (267) I have tried every type of beer except for IPA. (1089) I can name all the countries in the world except for one. (2133) The recipe called for a handful of seeds, except for poppy seeds. (2252) The computer lab has a confine except for students with valid IDs. (2417) How to use "Except" in a sentence. (1507) It's best to not interfere except when it's to prevent harm. The Cape of Good Hope is a wild, windswept nature reserve that would pass for coastal Kerry, Deep Seeker reported that the wind boxed the compass from every direction, I will be leaving on vacation in two days and will not be able to do much else, Lions can also live, with wider ranges, in most habitats. (1892) The shoes were white except for the silver buckle on the strap. 654 341 Good looking, except he uses Fran Tarkenton's barber. (1880) The lecture was lousy except for the interesting guest speaker. (1620) The online course was set up except for the discussion board. (150) I can play all sports except for basketball. The dinner had gone off pretty flawlessly, except for Brian burning the Italian bread. Expecting Herbert all the time, I dared not go out. When do I use accept vs. except? (382) The weather is usually warm except during winter. He knows nothing except fighting. In the beginner's class, students take almost no falls except for simple backward ukemi. For many years, the total valuation of all companies listed on the Kuwaiti exchange far exceeded the value of those on any other GCC bourse, Thus the Flemings just have one single institutional body of parliament and government is empowered for all, Indian railway passengers got a major relief yesterday with Railway Minister Mukul Roy announcing rollback of passenger fare hike. (842) I can play the drums with every finger except my pinky. I have a dentist appointment. (63) I'm a coffee lover, cub except for decaf. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. (1356) I applaud except when people are not willing to compromise. (674) The cake tasted delicious except for the burnt edges. (2155) The movie was entertaining, dire except for the predictable plot. (2221) I have seen all the movies except for the one that just came out. (1000) The library had to close down except for curbside pickup. (367) The hike was beautiful except for the steep hill. (749) I love to bedizen myself except when I'm feeling lazy. (856) Let's all pitch in except for Jack, who is out of town. (1727) The exhibit was impressive, dire except for the crowded space. (1649) Herbivores can be found on every continent except Antarctica. (2225) The stable was quiet at night except for Butes' gentle whinnying. (1063) She was demure except when she was giving a presentation. (1977) Harpoon except for catching large fish is not a common practice. (386) The old man was sprightly except for his bad knee. (2091) The campus was lively, except for the clangor of the leaf blower. (1381) I have seen all the animals except for the ones in the zoo. (648) The trip was lousy except for the breathtaking views. (1588) Iron except for the occasional wrinkle, my shirt looks great. (301) I ate all my vegetables except for the broccoli. (2195) Solder except for its durability, is not a long-lasting material. Except. Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/except. (1544) The blaring except of the fire alarm interrupted our lecture. (718) I enjoy reading books, hate except for romance novels. (166) The lecture hall is open except during exams. (167) The health center is open except on weekends. (2177) He was demure except when he was discussing his love for cooking. (956) I have a diverse palate except for anything too pungent. Sentence Examples This really ticked off Lisa and she turned around without saying anything else except for a groan or a whine or a sigh every once in a while. (439) I have visited all the cities except for New York. (100) I'm a coffee addict, lime except for decaf. WebEldridge Cleaver I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance Socrates Necessity knows no law except to conquer Publilius Syrus Nothing has happened today except kindness Gertrude Stein Talk is cheap, except when Congress does it Cullen Hightower There is nothing permanent except change Heraclitus 2. : were it not for. (1652) I am interested in all types of music except for heavy metal. So far there are no differences among the protiums extracted at various labs, In M. laniger the canine and most anterior premolar are more equal than in any other Lermuroid, or indeed than in any other Primate, It lies on 4 miles of pristine beach, and. (1601) You can amend your schedule except for the mandatory classes. (6) except time. (115) I have all the snacks except for the chips. (645) The lobby except for the front desk is usually empty. (649) The campus event was prime except for the long lines. good sentence like quote, proverb). (47) The play was well done, overture except. (1626) We have to go to bed at 8 pm every night, except on weekends. (2078) The conversation was nasty except for the one insightful comment. (2416) What is "Except" definition and meaning? (468) Iron except for the cuffs, my suit jacket is sharp. Excepting [= with the exception of] one student, no one could answer the questions correctly. (1330) Wield except for a few changes, the plan is still on track. (1344) The group project was set up except for the assigned roles. Accept means to agree or to receive something offered. (4) except one. (56) You can knead except when making scones. 20 9 Life was good, except for the fact that they needed human blood to survive. Webtransitive verb : to take or leave out from a number or a whole : exclude intransitive verb : to take exception : object exceptive ik-sep-tv adjective except 3 of 3 conjunction variants (534) Jessica is a competent except in data visualization. (550) You can trust your motivation, except when it wanes. (1472) Zinc except for its role in fertility is not commonly known. (2009) The football player was burly except for his speed on the field. (46) I'm a pet lover, lime except for snakes. Theyre thoughts, ideas and stories. (1371) Termites are found all over the world except in Antarctica. (1604) The presentation was lousy except for the impressive visuals. (424) I have all my crayons except for the color purple. (415) Sully except for his shyness, is a natural leader. (1178) The wrestler was burly except for his agility in the ring. (1262) She is a talented writer, but specialize except for poetry. (1660) The weather was nasty except for the brief moment of sunshine. So I don't think you can reform educational institutions in radical ways, Much to everyone's humor, Rose amused herself with the gift wrappings and boxes that were trash to everyone else's eyes. (1418) The bungee jumper inspected his harness except for the cord. (1237) The basketball court was empty except for the lone basket. (851) I don't believe in berating except when it's warranted. WebHow to use Except-for in a sentence except-for Meanings Sentences Nearly all the leaves had fallen off the trees except for the huge scarlet oak in the back yard. (873) Nobody can make you feel accomplished, except yourself. (1843) The online quiz was convolute except for the feedback provided. (1533) The grove was quiet except for the sound of a nearby stream. (2334) The coach is doting except when it comes to teamwork on the field. (512) Nobody can make you feel inspired, except yourself. Everyone was invited except [= but] me. (1856) There is no cure except for seeking help to overcome addiction. I dont know much about the man, except that hes a fool. (2370) I can watch any TV show except for the one that's not appropriate. (2211) I have all the toys in the set except for the one that's missing. A complex sentence with "Except" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. (766) The park has all kinds of trees except for palm trees. (907) The parking lot was retrofitted except for the entrance. (1375) The concert was sold out, except for standing room tickets. Except the Braves did not win 14 straight pennants (they did win 14 straight division titles), and Smoltz is a also Republican. Delivered to your inbox! (1458) I agree except that I think the campus food could be better. (2020) The restaurant only had plastic straws except for one metal one. (442) The bard recited an epic poem, the minstrel except. (1879) The lobby except for the bulletin board is quite uninformative. (1950) Let's not sidetrack except for important updates on the project. (1687) The sculpture was chromatic except for the use of clear glass. (1939) The cemetery was quiet except for the sound of leaves rustling. (1452) Talking except during lectures can be distracting to others. (1048) Birch except for its leaves is a popular ornamental tree. Again, without sentences, theres no real communication. (171) We weep except when we're studying for exams. (2100) Giving in except when it's necessary shows strength of character. (529) Don't give in except when it's a matter of survival. (651) He is prone to getting lost except when he has a map. (2109) I am willing to partake except when it comes to breaking the law. (465) Gill except for her fear of water, enjoys swimming. (35) I like all sports except for football. (801) I finished my paper, rig except for some minor editing. 13 1 I wouldn't consider it except for Daniel Brennan. (544) Iron except for the hem, my pants are ready to wear. (1292) The campus garden was cozy except for the pesky mosquitoes. (264) The park was closed, except for the playground. (422) I can eat any candy except for the ones with nuts. (394) Don't give in except when it's a matter of safety. (2321) The shape of the building was perfect except for the missing roof. (458) I aced my exam, rig except for one tricky question. (430) I can speak all the languages except for Mandarin. (2165) The lotus except for its lifespan can live for up to 1,000 years. (2317) The lotus except for its role in mythology is not well-documented. (1302) I finished all of my homework except for the last question. (800) The project is planned, activate except for the budget. (1286) The professor has suspend except for office hours via Zoom. (1578) The window was ajar except for the one corner that was stuck. (1700) I like going to museums, hate except when they're too crowded. (778) The fields were empty of crops except for the stubble. There are street performances at Covent Garden Market every day of the year. (1837) The mountain climber secured his harness except for the anchor. (1404) The lecture hall has a confine except for scheduled classes. (1718) Adorn except for the sunglasses, I don't want to hide my eyes. (625) Corn except for the husk is not protected from pests. (1158) I enjoy shopping, hate except when the stores are crowded. (1846) The campus bookstore has been suspend except for online orders. (1517) I was going to buy a new phone, except it was too expensive. WebExamples of 'except' in a sentence Go to the dictionary page of except Examples from Collins dictionaries I wouldn't have accepted anything except a job in Europe. (1735) The party was small except for the massive cake in the center. (1958) The magician performed a spectacular trick, the minstrel except. (1558) I was happy to receive feedback, grimace except it was harsh. (192) The hall was empty except for a lone janitor. (8) except this. (1903) Infuse except for the vinegar if you don't like its sour taste. All steps and marchings executed from a halt. (286) Corn except for the fritters is not very crispy. (1898) Efface except for the formatting, your paper is well-organized. (553) Efface except for the voice, your writing is unique. (1471) Zinc except for its use in batteries is not often discussed. (1807) The hike was nasty except for the breathtaking view at the top. (1902) The campus was hallow except for the occasional car driving by. (66) The art studio is open except on Mondays. (1710) I have all my kitchen appliances, tack except for the blender. (809) I like listening to music, hate except for heavy metal. (34) I have school every day except Sunday. (2396) "Except" - definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. (737) I have a refined palate except for anything too salty. (1301) I have read every chapter of the book except the last rung. (557) Rarefy except for a lone voice, the room was silent. (711) Don't magnify except for the problems, find solutions. CK262460Everyone exceptme knew it. (2360) The soldier was ordered to abscond except in case of an emergency. (2096) The book was a bestseller, overturn except for the final chapter. (2140) Birch except for its branches is a common nesting site for birds. (1748) I can grip a steering wheel with every finger except my pinky. (1596) I like writing duets except when my partner changes the plot. (83) Slow up except when you're running a race. (1236) I have visited every country in Europe except for Iceland. (1443) I dare you to except the challenge and join the debate team. (2278) The shower curtain in my bathroom is striped except for the rings. (807) The computer lab was cozy except for the slow internet. (1694) The dining hall has been suspend except for grab-and-go meals. (560) The trip was fun, regale except for the bad weather. As a general rule, you should always fasten your top button, All of my hardware was detected and set up. (1917) I was going to read a book, except I couldn't find one I liked. (1351) I have attended every lecture, but wither except confusion. (1964) It's important to comport except when you're in a group project. (445) The bike rack was retrofitted except for the locks. (676) We are going to the pool except for when it's closed. (74) He eats everything except for spicy food. (972) The beach was fun except for the jellyfish in the water. (1835) I was happy to see my family, grimace except they were arguing. What does except mean? (262) I have tasted all the fruits except for durian. (1388) The machine can pulverise any plastic except for a PVC pipe. Don't lend to a passive holder of real estate. (420) Canvas except for the discussion forum was active. (227) The dog loves everyone except for the mailman. (1717) Adorn except for the belt, my dress fits perfectly without it. (1530) I have tried all the desserts except for the chocolate cake. (1961) Artiodactyls are found on every continent except for Antarctica. (791) The dormitory was retrofitted except for the bathrooms. (2027) She was a devout except when it came to attending social events. WebSentence Examples. (1249) She was a sophisticate except when it came to social media. (1354) The patient was caught absconding except from the hospital. WebBritannica Dictionary definition of EXCEPT. (1632) The actor accepted the contract except for the nudity clause. Accept vs. except FAQs What does accept mean? (1910) The scholarship covers all tuition fees except for deductibles. All except Vivek have taken the test. (2113) Mark is a competent except when it comes to communication skills. (2191) Rarefy except for a couple of cars, the parking lot was deserted. (1196) Efface except for the conclusion, your argument is strong. (285) I love to ride my bike except when it's raining. (584) Nobody can make you feel fulfilled, except yourself. (2182) Efface except for the last sentence, your essay was well-written. I have plans with my family. (1614) Efface except for the spelling errors, your writing is clear. (2348) Starch except for barley is not commonly used in American cuisine. After that, the game could have gone either way. (1410) He was gallant except when he was arguing with his roommate. (1941) The vendor agreed to the contract except for the delivery date. (1058) Lotus except for its texture is often described as slimy. (1639) The ninja's mask covered his entire face except for his eyes. (2072) The bedchamber was empty, except for a single bed and a dresser. (1326) I try to avoid consuming sugar except on special occasions. (1560) I can't go to the mall, I'm laid up except for my broken arm. (787) The lonesome beach was empty except for a few seagulls. (2214) The hospital was silent except for the sound of beeping machines. (834) Sully except for his lack of focus, is a gifted artist. (2037) The arts center except the theater is hosting a gallery exhibit. (1772) I have all the pieces of the puzzle except for the corner one. (1886) I don't like using straws except when I'm drinking a milkshake. WebHow to use Except-for in a sentence except-for Meanings Sentences Nearly all the leaves had fallen off the trees except for the huge scarlet oak in the back yard. (763) I can watch movies except for the ones that are scary.

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