The addition of a supplement to this tradition is a sign of the incredibility of Ibn Ruzbehan. Hadith sahih al bukhari Saheeh al-Bukhari is a collection of Hadees by Muhammad ibn Isma'el al-Bukhari. How can Sunni scholars believe that such traditions are true about the Holy Prophet (S) whereas they do their best to acquit Abu Bakr of drinking before drinking was forbidden and reject traditions related to his drinking saying: Allah prevents the truthful ones from doing evil deeds even before evil deeds are forbidden! So the people kept on thinking the whole night as to who would be given the Q5) The Shia state that the mother of Imam Mahdi (as) was a bondwoman. 2. but after her death, `Ali noticed a change in the people's attitude towards him. Abu Bakr Bin Abi Shaiba and Ibn Numair and Zuhair Bin Harb from Ibn Ayyina from Zuhair, from Zuhri from Hassan and Abdullah children of Muhammad Bin Ali from their father who quotes 'Ali (Allah be pleased with him) as saying, "The Holy Prophet (S) on the Day of Khaibar forbade forever the contracting of temporary marriage and the eating of the flesh of domestic asses". We accuse not the Holy Prophet (S) but reporters (who report false traditions). (44.16) And that was what happened on the day of the battle of Badr.". But a harsh treatment, shell be met. It thus causes people to lose their faith in the entire traditions reported by Bukhari.90. 57. Wildcards e.g. the period between the Prophets death and Fatimahs death). Some of them were those with whom the Prophet was at war and used to fight against, and they used to fight him; the others were those with whom the Prophet made a treaty, and neither did the Prophet fight them, nor did they fight him. This is because the tradition that has appeared in section on slaughtered, and also the tradition that is reported by Jurjani and Ismaeili with which we will deal later, contain the verb invited and thus it is Zaid who refrains from eating not the Holy Prophet (S). This is because the correctness of these traditions implies that the argument present by Imam Ali (a.s) is not sound. Subscribe to our e-newsletter today and receive latest news and updates about our products. - Salamah Ibn Salem Ibn Waqash Here, the word pledge will have higher weight than hijrah. Author Hazrat Muhammad bin smile bhikhari (RH.) Muhammad Bin Abdullah Bin Numair narrated from his father, from Ubaidullah from Ibn Shahab from Hassan and Abdullah children of Muhammad Bin Ali from their father who said, "Ali (Allah be pleased with him) heard that Ibn Abbas gave some relaxation in connection with the contracting of temporary marriage, whereupon he said: Don't be hasty (in your religious verdict), Ibn 'Abbas, for Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) on the Day of Khaibar prohibited forever the doing of it and eating of the flesh of domestic asses". entered upon them, and then `Ali uttered Tashah-hud and said (to Abu Bakr), "We know well your It has only forbidden the meat of corpse. This tradition which is utterly baseless is as below: Abd Al-Aziz Bin Abdullah narrates from Sulayman from Sharik Bin Abdullah who quotes Anas Bin Malik as saying: The night Allah's Apostle was taken for a journey from the sacred mosque (of Mecca) Al-Ka'ba: Three persons came to him (in a dreamy while he was sleeping in the Sacred Mosque before the Divine Inspiration was revealed to Him. In his book, Dehlwi addresses the objections raised against Umar Bin Khattab. He said: Yes. In addition, commenting on the wives of the Holy Prophet (S), Ibn Qayyim says that anyone who is a little bit aware of the history (of Islam) does not dear reject all historians just because of a single tradition. Otherwise, the election would be coercion. One can answer this question from two perspectives: This tradition does not say that when the Holy Prophet (S) met Zaid at Baldakh and when he was invited to the table he attended it. Now that we learnt that great Sunni scholars questioned many of the traditions reported by Bukhari and Muslim, how can we accept Fakhr Razi's argument that Ghadir tradition is false when he says to prove his point of view that Bukhari and Muslim have not mentioned it? While both Sulaymaan and David were prophets and very wealthy. It is a sign of Gods grace that Zarkashi rejects Suhailis claim saying that Ibrahims religion did not permit eating the meat of animals killed not for Allah. Similarly, Um Al-Hakam, the daughter of Abi Sufyan was the wife of 'Iyad Bin Ghanm Al-Fihri. Muslim)?" Boosts words with higher relevance. The Messenger of Allah (S) had frequently said: "Fatimah is a part of me. This itself is a clear indication of her infallibility. Quoting Ibn Abbas Qatiba says: Qariba, the daughter of Abi Umaiyya, was the wife of 'Umar Bin Al-Khattab. In my point of view it is wrong to make use of Taghlib here without relying on Allah's Book and His Prophet's tradition. Terms and Conditions Here, the word pledge will have higher weight than hijrah. consult us in this matter, and therefore caused us to feel sorry." As he says this phrase for the third time, he takes Azers hand (to go ) but Azer looks at him angrily. Create complex phrase and word queries by using Boolean logic. - History of Tabari (Arabic), v1, p1822 Enter the OTP you received in your Email Inbox. possessing red camels. Here is the text of this tradition from Bukharis chapter on prophetic commentary. ", - Sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, v5, Traditions #61 and #111, - Sahih Muslim, section of virtues of Fatimah, v4, pp 1904-5. - Abdurrahman Ibn Ouf I thus reject the words of those who narrate traditions from the Holy Prophet (S) that are contrary to the Holy Quran. "74 It is very strange that Ibn Hajar tries to answer Ibn Battal saying: Ibn Battal does not accept that the revelation of this verse is related Abdullah Bin Ubai and his companions. Taftazani further points out that Bukhari's narrating of this tradition does not solve the problems (of being unknown and Mutaqati'a) this traditions is faced with.77. This is because it proves the following points: 1. Fuzzy Search e.g. 4. It is considered as the most authentic Islamic book after the Holy Quran. Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in English and Arabic Qur'an . (8) Part only (8) Publisher shoba nashro isha'at . In addition, Allah has made a decisive decision to punish the pagans. The Prophet () said, "Proceed to them steadily till you approach near Please enter the correct OTP! In response it has to be said that Bukhari and other advocates of the authenticity of this tradition are weaker in understanding than ants. Albeit Ibn Hajar frequently assists Bukhari and defends his positions, here he confesses that Bukhari is faced with a problem that is not easy to solve. You only follow a conjecture and you only tell lies. How can one thus attribute such things to the Holy Prophet (S)?! A tradition declares that when Azer died Ibrahim (a.s) no longer asked forgiveness for him. to cure him. Given all these, what is the use of Suhailis words? Abu Tahir and Harmala Bin Yahya narrated from Wahab from Yunus from Ibn Shahab from Hassan and Abdullah children of Muhammad Bin Ali from their father from an a person who heard Ali (S) addressing Ibn Abbas say, "The Messenger of Allah (S) forbade contracting temporary marriage with women and flesh of domestic assess on the day of Khaibar."112. Shall I fight them (i.e. In his Sahih (book on expedition), Bukhari narrates from Yahya Bin Qaz'a from Malik Bin Ismael from Ibn Shahb from Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Ali and his brother Abdullah from their father who quotes Ali Bin Abi Talib as saying, "The Holy Prophet (S) prohibited temporary marriage and the flesh of domestic asses in the battle of Khaibar".110, The same tradition has also appeared in chapter 'slaughtered animals' in his Sahih. This tradition implies that he prohibited it soon after the battle of Khaibar was over. sahih al bukhari 99 Chapters, 7563 Ahadith 1 the book of revelation If the Holy Prophet begins to oppose the Holy Quran and attribute lies to Allah, Allah shall instantly put an end to his life, cutting off his jugular vein. Thus it is possible for the opinion of Ibn Battal to be correct, though we do not know for sure how he has made such a conclusion. On that all the Muslims became happy Abu Muhammad Sayyidan Bin Mudarib Bahli narrated from Abu Ma'ashar Yusuf Bin Yazid Barra from Abu Malik Ubaidullah Bin Akhnas from Ibn Abu Malika from Ibn Abbas who said: Some of the companions of the Prophet passed by some people staying at a place where there was water, and one of those people had been stung by a scorpion. (the Muslim) victory." I went out wearing it, but seeing the signs of anger on his face, I tore it and distributed it among my wives. This claim is however wrong, fabricated by Sunni scholars in order to defend their predecessors and their superstitious beliefs. This is because it shows that the motif behind Ibrahims action is affection and tender-heartedness. Thus Ibn Hajar's opinion that Ibn Qayyim is opposed to other scholars who reject this tradition is wrong. But as for the trouble which arose between me and you about his property, I will do my best to spend it according to what is good, and will not leave any rule or regulation which I saw Allahs Apostle following, in disposing of it, but I will follow.On that Ali said to Abu Bakr, "I promise to give you the oath of allegiance in this after noon.". Bukhari says the following verse was revealed in this regard. Another scholar says that the tradition mentioned above is in contradiction with the Allahs words. Hadiths 2009 to 2014. Some prominent memorizers and Imams such as Ibn Shahab, Thabit Banani and Qutada have mentioned this tradition whereas they have not made any mention of Sharik's words. Her tormentors, she may not forgive. The details of this fabricated story are a under: Abu Al-Yaman has narrated from Shuaib, from Zuhri, from Ali Bin Hussain from Miswar Bin Makhrama who said: 'Ali demanded the hand of the daughter of Abu Jahl. `Umar should come, `Umar said (to Abu Bakr), "No, by Allah, you shall not enter upon them alone " The third tradition found in prophetic commentaries is as below: Ibrahim Bin Musa narrates from Hisham from Ibn Jarih from 'Ata who quotes Ibn Abbas as saying, All the idols which were worshipped by the people of Noah were worshipped by the Arabs later on. Enter valid first name and last name with at least one space. No believer can stand against offering prayer so insistently saying: By Allah I do not offer any prayer other than compulsory prayer. Thus it is their desire and tendencies (not divine fate) that shape their actions. This book is authored by Ibn Qaraqul Ibrahim Bin Yusuf who died in 569 AH. He honored religious people and loved the poor. He taught, issued religious decrees and debated (with others on religious issues). Even Umar confessed to the fact that the election of Abu Bakr was without consultation of Muslims. So Talha and Zubair and some of the immigrants were also in the house. When she died, her husband `Ali, buried her at night without informing Abu Bakr and he said the funeral prayer by himself. And the most excellent one among them in the world is Fatimah. At the door he met Fatimah who said to him: "Do you intend to burn the door of my house?Umar said: "Yes, because this act will strengthen the faith brought to us by your father. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project, The Long-Term Custom Of The Prophet After The Revelation Of The Purification Verse, Those Who Protested Based On The Purification Verse To Prove The Virtues Of The Holy Family, Explanation Sahih Al-Bukhari On Verse 66:5, The Best Wife Of The Prophet Vs. "(Quran 34:47). Commenting on this tradition in his Al-Tanqih, he says: By then we came to know that the verse (if two believing groups) had been revealed. According to Ibn Hajar, man is prone to error, implying that Bukhari has erred in recording such weak traditions in his book. Commenting on this tradition, Ibn Abd Al-Barr says: The tradition reported by Masruq is mursal (its chain is broken) and thus he might hear it from 'Aisha.100 After relating this tradition, Mazi quotes Khatib as saying: This is a strange tradition reported by Abu Wael Masruq. This is because Um Ruman died during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (S).108. It contains some If you see "blocked" under "Location," tap, Give current location access on your browser, You will see a message that says "This will reset your As usual, he repeats this false tradition in many places in his Sahih. Thereupon he narrates the following poems about Imam Ali (a.s) 54: ---- , ---- , ---- , ---- , ---- , ---- , ---- . Ibn Abbas (ra) Who Are Ahlul-Bayt? Sahih Bukhari is now accessible to all. Azer holds fast to somewhere in between Ibrahims shoulders but it is now that he is changed into a hyena. In his Al-Jam'a bayn Al-Sahihayn, Hamidi regards this tradition as incorrect, adding that only some copies of Bukhari's copies contain it. Gabriel cut open (the part of his body) between his throat and the middle of his chest (heart) and took all the material out of his chest and abdomen and then washed it with Zam-Zam water with his own hands till he cleansed the inside of his body, and then a gold tray containing a gold bowl full of belief and wisdom was brought and then Gabriel stuffed his chest and throat blood vessels with it and then closed it (the chest). Thus the said story does not imply that beasts are under obligation. Bukhari says: Ismael narrates from Malik, from Abu Zinad, from Aaraj, from Abu Huraira who quotes the Holy Prophet as saying: Once the prophet was resting under the shade of a tree when all of a sudden an ant stung him. Knowing this, how can one consider the misery of his father as his own misery? So one of the Prophet's companions went to him and recited Surat-Al-Fatiha for a sheep as his fees. swore~ If a male slave or a female slave emigrated from such pagans as had made a treaty with the Muslims, they would not be returned, but their prices would be paid (to the pagans).91. him by this name and no name was dearer to `Ali than this." Dirar then stood up and left.55. It is because of this that believers cannot accept such traditions. For example test* would result in test, tester, testers, etc. It is based on this objection, that Ibn Hajar Asqalani has criticized Ibn Battal who is of the view that the Holy Prophet (S) did not eat the meat of the animal sacrificed for idols, stressing that no version of this tradition contains such a thing. Do The Shiite Muslims Say That The Revelation Came To Muhammad By Mistake, And That It Was Intended For Ali? According to me the desire to defend Bukhari has caused Ibn Hajar to accuse on the basis of Sunni traditions Imam Ali (a.s), the gate of knowledge of committing error and suffering from ignorance. Here Bukhari narrates a tradition from Salma Bin Akwa'a and Sabra Bin Ma'abad Juhani from Abu Huraira. That is the reason why Bukhari has included this tradition in the book of slaughtered in chapter the animals that are slaughtered on the stones surrounding Kaab. I also mentioned the authentic and frequent tradition of Ghadir Khum where the Prophet declared the leadership of Imam Ali (as) officially. Based on this justification, the verse (when it was clear to him that he was Allah's enemy, he declared himself clear of him) must be taken to be related to the Day of Judgment. All of its narrations are authentic. Ibn Ruzbehan has added a supplement to this forged tradition, which is nothing but mere accusations and lies about Allama Hilli. 1. Some Sunni scholars have justified the meaning of the tradition in question. According to some reports, Harun told to Imam Musa al-Kadhim (the 7th Imam of the Ahlul-Bayt): "Let us know the location of the land of Fadak so that I could return it to you.The Imam (as) replied: "I would accept it only in its entirety.Harun said: "Specify its boundaries then.. They do not solve the problem the tradition of Bukhari is faced with. Select this option if don't want any sites to see your location. Open System Preferences and then Security & Privacy Some scholars have mentioned: Ibrahim (a.s) was not sure that Azer died as a disbeliever, for it was quite possible for Azer to have embraced the faith of Ibrahim without letting him know about it. Finds terms that are similar in spelling. Zaid Bin Amr, rejecting the Holy Prophets invitation, said: I do not eat the meat of animal slaughtered for an idol. Shams Al-Din Muhammd Bin Muhammad Musili (d. 774 AH) presented it in the form poems. No one filled in the vacuum that was created after his death. al- Bukhari in his Sahih attests to this fact that Imam Ali (as) complied with the will of Lady Fatimah (sa). According to the first point, prophecy and faith do not allow you to ask forgiveness for pagans whereas according to the second point it is not lawful to ask forgiveness for pagans. My dear brother, we can not close our eyes to the undeniable facts documented even by the Sunni scholars, and yet claim to have Ijmaa. 'Aisha further said, "And Abu Bakr too?" see their baba, who, with a heavy heart, Other believers are thus by no means allowed to ask forgiveness for pagans. Matches any set of one or more characters. above all is the most afflicted one. Thus they both avoided eating the meal. and what will happen to her children? Ummul Mu'minin, Umm Salama (ra) 3. Al-Muwatta, Sahih Muslim and other famous sources have recorded this tradition, using various chains of transmitters. Here, the word pledge will have higher weight than hijrah. "No, describe him," insisted Muawiyah. Commenting on this tradition he says: The phrase 'in the battle of Khaibar' shows that both of them (temporary marriage and eating the flesh of domestic asses) were prohibited [in the same year]. Imam al-Hasan Ibn 'Ali (as) 2. No believer must do such a thing, not to speak of Imam Ali (a.s) who was utterly following the Holy Prophets commands and was the worshiper. As soon as Ibrahim sees his metamorphosed face, he declares himself to be clear of him. She remained alive for six months after the death of the Prophet. ", "My sadness," began Dirar, "is like the sadness of a woman who cannot control her tears or allay her grief after her child, while in her lap, has just been slaughtered." Do you want to pray on his corpse while Allah has forbidden you from doing it? (See sahih al-Bukhari, Arabic-English, v8, Tradition #817). Read and learn authentic Ahadith texts collected and compiled by various Imams and scholars - Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Tirmidhi, Al-Muwatta, Qudsi, An-Nawawi, and Sunan of Abu Dawood. The Prophet () sent `Ali to Khalid to bring the Khumus (of the booty) and I hated `Ali, and `Ali had Son says: Do you obey me today? Ibn Hazm has rejected this tradition as a fabricated one. This is because in his book Ibn Qayyim first treats the opinions of those who reject the said tradition. Each night she worries about her woes. If you continue using our website, then you have agreed to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. ! (Please see the appendix for the whole tradition.). Can one thus believe that he quarreled with the Holy Prophet (a.s) over offering night prayer? He mistakenly thought that the punishment of a disbeliever (like Azer) will bring him the worst of meanness and disgrace. 63 It is not understandable why Ibn Hajar defends Bukhari whereas he knows here Bukhari is not right. In order to attain his goal and put to question the authenticity of the traditions of Sihah Sitta, he has narrated a part of the afore-mentioned tradition and avoided to mention its supplement which is as under: After hearing the words of Zaid Bin Amr Bin Nufail, the Holy Prophet (S) said: We too do not eat the meat of an animal sacrificed by pagans or slaughtered without the name of Allah being mentioned. Um Ruman said, "The Prophet then went out saying nothing. calling `Ali bad names near the pulpit." We will now mention Ibn Taymiyyas words concerning the falsity of fatalism. In Sahih Bukhari (chapter on marriage), Shihab Al-Din Qastalani reports this tradition as under: Malik Bin Ismael narrates from Ibn Ainiyya who heard Zuhri say: Hassan Bin Muhammad Bin Ali and his brother Abdullah quoting their father informed me that Ali (a.s) addressing Ibn Abbas said: Prophet prohibited temporary marriage and eating the . Fuzzy Search e.g. Kermani says: If It is said that the story of Abu Sufayn asking for rain happened in Mecca we must say in response that the story of Abu Sufayan asking for rain happened in Mecca but the part added by Asbat is related to what happened in Medina.75. One may say that affection and tenderheartedness make it permissible for one to ask forgiveness but it has to be mentioned that such reasoning sounds like a joke, having nothing to do with reality. We believe in all these traditions and testify that all of them are correct. Some have even said that according to this tradition the Holy Prophet (S) married Um Habiba after the conquest of Mecca whereas others are of the view that since historians did not mention it, the claim made by those unaware of history is not acceptable109. Can any hadith truly be called sahih anymore? takes away her coffin during the night. It is because of this that Allah reproaches them saying: Say: have you any knowledge with you so you should bring it forth to us? He was not afraid and thus he did not leave his worship until he completed it. That is why some of them claim that ascension happened twice; once before revelation was sent down as suggested by Sharik's tradition and once after revelation was sent down as suggested by other traditions. ", Sunni Reference: History of Tabari, English version, v9, pp 186-187. Yet, in spite of his closeness to us, we would not speak (freely) with him, because of the dignity and honor that he exuded if he smiled, he revealed the likes of straight and regular pearls (i.e. It is unfortunate that those who claimed to be his sicere companions inflicted such horrible pains to his family while a week had not been passed since the death of the Prophet (S). you have seen me doing now. She replies, "yes." The Muslims then became friendly with `Ali as he returned Lady Fatimah (sa) protests against Abu Bakrs Actions, A Short History of Fadak after the Martyrdom of Fatimah (sa), To Make Angry The Progeny Of The Holy Prophet, What The Prophet Said About Those Who Fight, Hate, Or Abuse His Ahlul-Bayt, Muawiyah Instituting The Curse Of Imam Ali (as), More Sunni References On The Mischief Of Muawiyah, Muawiyah And The Origin Of The Word "Al-Jamaah", Development of History and Hadith Collections, Death of Khadija and of Abu Talib (10th Year Of Revelation), Surah 58 - The Pleading One (Mujadilah) - Verse 22, Surah 4 - Women (Surah Al Nisa)- Verses 139 And 144, Surah 3 - The Family Of Imran (Surah Ale Imran) - Verse 28, Surah 9 - Repentance - Verses 23 And 80 (Surah Baarat), Abu Talibs (May Allah Bless His Soul) Last Breath, Subject: The Personality Of Uthman (Part 1: Was There No Better Man? Ibn Masruq says: One day I went to Ibn Masud who said, "When Quraish delayed in embracing Islam, the Prophet I invoked Allah to curse them, so they were afflicted with a (famine) year because of which many of them died and they ate the carcasses and Abu Sufyan came to the Prophet and said, 'O Muhammad! He appeals to such an invalid argument out of necessity with the aim to silencing others. Allah's Messenger () asked, "Where is `Ali?" Abul Fath Abd al-Rahman al-Khazini, (b). who will be given victory (by Allah) and who loves Allah and His Apostle and is loved by Allah and This is because an ant, addressing, its companions said: One of the ants said: O you ants, get into your houses, lest Sulayman and his hosts crush you while they do not know.28. The Prophet () went to him and found that his (i.e. this (i.e. upon you, but you did not consult us in the question of the rule and we thought that we have got a I have divorced you for the third time, so that you cannot return to me. He says: According to those who appeal to fate to justify their mistakes, the prophets must keep silent in the face of disbelievers not responding them. Side Comments: Responses To Sunni Brothers, The Enemies of Islam as Depicted in Nahjul Balagha, The Opinion of the Prophet About Who Hurts Fatimah. I do not eat of the meat of the animal sacrificed for idols. As the commentary goes on Abu Mas'ud from Damascus writes: This and previous tradition is narrated by Ibn Jarih from 'Ata Khurasani from Ibn Abbas in his commentary. This kind of approach shows their ignorance and stupidity.121. Masruq used to report it from Um Masruq in a mursal form saying: 'Um Masruq was asked'. The people did so, but the idols were not worshipped till those people (who initiated them) had died and the origin of the idols had become obscure, whereupon people began worshipping them.93. Our souls are in the hands of Allah and if He wants us to get up He will make us get up." It was because of this tradition that 'Akrama was sharply criticized. Bukhari has also mentioned this tradition in his Kitab e Manaqib, but not mentioning again the supplement mentioned by Ibn Ruzbehan. I eat only the meat of those animals that are slaughtered with the name of Allah. This is so bad, especially if it is the Holy Prophet (S) who asks you to offer prayer. Some others have however said that Ibrahim (a.s) will get disappointed from Azer and will declare himself to be clear of him on the Day of Judgment when Azer gets metamorphosed. Keeping this in mind, how one can say that this verse was revealed about Abdullah Bin Ubai and his companions. But look! This is because the literal meaning of this tradition is in compliance with his procedural rules.98. Fatima the daughter of the Prophet () sent someone to Abu Bakr (when he was a caliph), asking for her In his Al-Mustasfa, Ghazali says: It is highly probable that this tradition is not an authentic tradition. No doubt, this tradition is wrong. - Khalid Ibn Walid Then, invite them to Islam, and inform them what is enjoined upon As for the idol Wadd, it was worshipped by the tribe of Kalb at Daumat-Al-Jandal; Suwa' was the idol of (the tribe of) Murad and then by Ban, Ghutaif at Al-Jurf near Saba; Yauq was the idol of Hamdan, and Nasr was the idol of Himyr, the branch of Dhi-Al-Kala. Narrated Hisham's father: . Just as we can compare those who deny fate to those who worship fire, we can compare those who appeal to fate to those who associate other deities with Allah and oppose the prophets saying: Those who are polytheists will say: If Allah had pleased we would not have associated (aught with Him) nor our falterers, nor would we have forbidden (to ourselves) anything.61, It is worth mentioning that there emerged a group of fatalists in early Islam, though no popular Islamic sect advocated such a belief.62. Wildcards e.g. His eyes were asleep but his heart was not and so is the case with the prophets: their eyes sleep while their hearts do not sleep. I am however of the view that the tradition narrated by Ismaeli is in harmony with the tradition narrated by Jurjani. They demand for their rights and punish him for what he has done. , "O world, O world, are you offering yourself to me? Ibn Hajar further says: This answer is not convincing for I believe that it is not possible to give it a definite answer. So the Prophet recited the Holy verses of Surat-Ad-Dukhan: , 'Then watch you for the day that the sky will Bring forth a kind of smoke plainly visible.73, When the famine was taken off, the people renegade once again as nonbelievers. Suhaili has made a claim that the religion of Prophet Ibrahim (a.s) does not forbid the meat of the animals killed not for Allah. `Ali) Abu Turab." So Ali sought reconciliation with Abu Bakr and gave him an oath of allegiance. Umar cried out: "By God, either you come out to render the oath of allegiance, or I will set the house on came out with his sword drawn. One of the earliest collections of Ahadith text based on the subjects of Islamic Law, compiled by Imam Malik Ibn Anas. Some Sunni scholars have accepted that this tradition contains reproach. Ibn Hajar Asqalani says: The term ansab the plural form of nusub meaning idol, is used to refer to stones around Kaaba. In accordance with another tradition, he says: All these books maintained that compared to the intellect of the Holy Prophet (S) the intellect Allah has given to all human beings from the beginning to the end of creation is nothing but like a sand compared to all other sands combined together.37. 'Al-Miswar further said: I heard the Prophet talking and he mentioned a son-in-law of his belonging to the tribe of Bani 'Abd-Shams. This is while some scholars relying on the tradition reported from Ali Bin Abi Talib (a.s) in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim have thought that temporary marriage was prohibited in the battle of Khaibar114. Saeed Bin Zaid said: Zaid passed by the Holy Prophet (S) and Zaid Bin Haritha who were eating of the table spread there. Such a theory seems to be correct, because previous religions had permitted their followers to eat the meat of sacrificed animals including sheep, camel etc. The Holy Prophet (S) said: You are my brother in religion and thus it is permissible for me to marry Aisha.1. Term Boosting e.g. Did Muhammad Receive Revelation by Mistake?! In my point of view the solution proposed above is very weak and poor. According to this tradition, Prophet (S) permitted temporary marriage in the battle of Awtas for three days but after the expiration of these three days he prohibited it forever. It suffices him as a privilege that Allah has praised him in different verses of the Holy Qur'an, which is recited by all Muslims till the Day of Judgment. In short, historians are unanimous that Um Ruman died at the time of the Holy Prophet (S) and thus Masruq did not see him. There is no contradiction between accepting the principle of fate and rejecting arguments on its bases. I suppose Ibn Hajar criticizes Khatib and his followers for endorsing Waqidi's opinion that Um Ruman died during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet (S) with the aim to defend the tradition reported by Bukhari in his book. So she became angry with Abu Bakr and kept away from him, and did not talk to him till she died. How is it possible that Allah makes a concession during the first ascension but ignores it in the second ascension? Based on the quotations we will make later, Ahmad Bin Hanbal and other Sunni Imams were of the view that the Holy Prophet (S) ate the meat of the animal sacrificed for idols. Term Boosting e.g. But, my brother, how can Sunni scholars make Ijmaa on something that the Prophet and some of his companions opposed it? Books on Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammad(s), Ahlul Bayt. Sahih Muslim Book 031, Number 5916: The fact that 'Ata Bin Abu Rabbah did not narrate commentary traditions does not imply that he has not mentioned it elsewhere in other chapter or in his dialogues with others. As she spends the time crying, What we want to demonstrate here is that memorizers and jurists did not take the traditions reported by Bukhari and Muslim for granted. He said, "O Buraida! When she died, her husband Ali, buried her at night without informing Abu Bakr and he said the funeral prayer by himself. For the same reason, she willed that those who have hurt her should not participate in her funeral rites and that she be buried at night. By doing so, he attained lofty stages whereas others could not reach them. But his words fell on deaf ears. It is very surprising that Bukhari has related this additional part which contradicts with the tradition of authentic reporters. In his Sahih, the most authentic tradition collection among Sunnis, Bukhari narrates via various channels the following: But man is more quarrelsome than anything.59 & 60. Ibn Hajar Asqalani quotes Dawoodi as saying: Before his prophetic mission, the Holy Prophet (S) did not do the services done by the pagans, though he did not know anything about the rules concerning the sacrifices the pagans were making. This is because historians are unanimous that Um Habiba was the wife of Ubaidullah Bin Jahsh and she bore a child from him. It also became clear that Sunni scholars attempt to conceal the defects and flaws of their traditions by distorting them whenever they find themselves caught in a difficult situation. I did not find any tradition that gives such a meaning. As a result, the verse mentioned above will be in a clear and inevitable contradiction with Ibrahim's asking forgiveness for Azer. When . On that, Abu Bakr said, "Allahs Apostle said, "Our property is not inherited. In a chapter on the tradition of Zaid Bin Amr Bin Nufail he says: Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr narrates from Salim Bin Abdullah Bin Umar who said: Before receiving revelation, the Holy Prophet (S) met Zaid Bin Amr Bin Nufail somewhere at Baldakh. He ruled justly, and knowledge gushed forth from him, as did wisdom. 'Aisha) has got temperature with rigors." This is because Allah's Book has priority over a single individual's report, for the former is not doubtful in terms of its text and chain of transmission. Even the fatalists themselves agree that it is wrong for a person who has committed oppression or violated someones rights to appeal to fatalism. Qutada as quoted by Ibn Jarir and Ibn Abu Hatam, says: As Azer was dying, Ibrahim (a.s) learnt that it was no longer possible for him to repent. Thus to ask forgiveness for them is not only useless but also results in the decline of the position of a prophet. My refutation of their words is not tantamount to the refutation of the words of the Holy Prophet (S). These are some of the privileges that are bestowed on him. Hisham said that it was very boring to follow such a pattern and thus abandoned doing this. He was a practicing Muslim. Perhaps it is because of this that some Sunni scholars have altered the words of this tradition, putting in place of Ibrahim the phrase a man. "I will not," said Muawiyah. From Qais bin Ubad: `Ali bin Abi Talib said, "I shall be the first man to kneel down before (Allah), the Beneficent to receive His judgment on the day of Resurrection (in my favor)." . Tabari has narrated an authentic tradition from Habib Bin Abu Thabit, from Saaeed Bin Jabir, from Ibn Abass, which confirms this view. When there is an encroachment on another persons life, property or family and the one oppressed demands for justice, no wise person accepts appealing to fate (from the party that has committed the wrong). The narrator then mentioned about the pagans involved with the Muslims in a treaty, the same as occurs in Mujahid's tradition. The Sunni scholars, Ahmad Ibn Abdul Aziz al-Jawhari in his book Saqifah, Abu Waleed Muhibbuddin Muhammad al-Shahnah al-Hanafi in his book Rawdhat al-Manadhir Fi Akhbaar al-Awayil wal-Aawaakhir, Ibn Abil Hadid in his book Sharh al-Nahj, and others have reported the events to the same effect. Ibn Jarih did not attend 'Ata's commentary class. He wrote his book in a way Qazi Ayaz wrote his Mashariq Al-Anwar. If it were revealed earlier then the objection would be answered.70. This is because as we will explain temporary marriage was prohibited at night as they were starting their journey. Please enter the correct OTP! And the weak person never lost hope of his justness. Here is the whole tradition which was referred above: Fatimah the daughter of the Prophet sent someone to Abu Bakr (when he was a caliph), asking for her inheritance of what Allahs Apostle had left of the property bestowed on him by Allah from the Fai (i.e. He taught at Salahiyya School, spending also part of his time to working, issuing religious decrees and compiling books. It is rather Ibn Ruzbehan who has lied by adding a supplement to it. Term Boosting e.g. What kind of election was that?! In his Sahih, Bukhari quotes Hisham Bin Ammar from Sadaqa Bin Khalid from Abd Al- Rahman Bin Yazid Bin Jabir from Atiyya Bin Qais Kilabi from Abd Al-Rahman Bin Ghanam Ash'ari from Abu Amir or Abu Malik Ash'ari, from the Holy Prophet (S) who says: . ("pledge allegiance" OR "shelter) AND prayer Matches any set of one or more characters. If someone says that the Holy Prophet deserves such a merit more than anyone else, it must be said in response that this tradition does not say that the Holy Prophet (S) did not eat anything. This story is absolutely false and cannot be thus accepted as the cause of the revelation of the verse mentioned above. , Chapter: The merits of 'Ali bin Abi Talib , , , " ", . . .. Not to speak of believers, no man of understanding can approve of such a big lie. It was extended from Afghanistan and central Asia to the North Africa. This tradition that has appeared in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim with various chains explicitly mentions that temporary marriage was forbidden in the battle of Khaibar. Fornication and stoning are used here because the story in question contains elements that are similar to them. following the Prophet () , When it was the eve of the day in the morning of which Allah helped (the There are several traditions narrated by Shias as well as Sunnis that reject this lie. Hence there is nothing left for the sensible people but to accept the fact that she was unjustly treated, and that she was easy to be branded as a liar by Umar who was willing to let her burn unless the remaining people in her house come out to vote for Abu Bakr. Can she marry him? [We cannot due to lack of space, deal with them here]. Even Talha and al-Zubair were loyal to Imam Ali at the beginning and joint the others in the house of Fatimah (sa). No body replaced him after his death No one among his contemporaries could reach him in the science of tradition. Doing this Muslims Say that this verse was revealed about Abdullah Bin Ubai and his companions opposed it Hazrat... 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