The application of natural language processing techniques allowed us to extract the most repeated value words in the dataset with tweets about Islam and the Muslim population published in Spain in Spanish during the last 8 years. El impacto de la ultraderecha en Twitter durante las elecciones espaolas de 2019. The predominant underlying topics in the conversation about Islam and the Muslim community on Twitter between 2015 and 2023 in Spain and in Spanish are mostly negative and potential indicators of Islamophobia. Developing and Evaluating a Classifier of Racist and Xenophobic Hate Speech Using Shallow and Deep Learning. Black-haired putti, prying and vaguely deviant, swarmed around her. Desarrollo y evaluacin de un detector de discurso de odio por ideologa poltica en tuits en espaol. In the two decades that elapsed, the building grew and expanded in my imagination. In this work, we analyzed using computational techniques the conversation around Islam and the Muslim community that took place on Twitter in Spain and in Spanish since 2015, trying to explore if the most frequent words, the main underlying topics, and the latent sentiments could be indicators of potential Islamophobic hatred and to what extent. Roldn-Castro spoke to me of Mudjar art, which she described as an artistic language emerging out of a Christian fascination with the legacy of Al-Andalus. Beyond was the belfry of the cathedral, in which the minaret of the old mosque had been buried. 2020. and C.A.-C.; validation, W.G.-B., J.J.A. ; resources, W.G.-B. I stumbled into the cool of a sea of arches, imagining the right-and-left movement of the Islamic prayer that would send them dancing. The Virgin of Kings, dressed in orchid pink, gazed down at this scene of historical piety. Gualda, Estrella, and Carolina Rebollo. 2021. The history of Al-Andalus, like that of Germany in the 1930s, reminds us how feeble a protection cultural assimilation is against the primordial scream for a limpieza de sangre. We call it a lost paradise. Then, perhaps aware of the oblique angle at which he stood in relation to this work of art, he added, Its like seeing your own culture from another perspective. I had spent months in Damascus, where the Omayyad mosque had been built on the remains of an old Byzantine church that in turn sat on the Temple of Jupiter. If the early spirit of the Reconquest had been assimilative, by the 15th century attitudes began to harden. In, Pew Research Center. On the other hand, at a general level, the mean of the positive sentiments in the entire sample was 1897, while the mean of the negative sentiments was 1978, which indicates that, although there were more messages with a predominantly positive latent sentiment, the messages in which the negative sentiment predominated were relatively more pronounced and salient. Grimmer, Justin, and Brandon M. Stewart. With its large Muslim and Jewish populations, medieval Spain was the only multiracial and multireligious country in western Europe, and much of the development of Spanish civilization in religion, literature, art, and architecture during the later Middle Ages stemmed from this fact. Reference was also made to certain conservative parties in Spain and anti-immigration programs and policies as the only solution, against the tolerant policies of the progressive parties. There were men in staid tucked-in shirts, gray checked with yellow, and women with short-cropped hair and knee-length dresses, slim belts around their waists. Check out the chart below for a breakdown of the number of Muslims in each nation and the proportion of that country's population that Muslims make up. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Published Nov. 3, 2022 Updated Nov. 8, 2022 ON A MORNING of haunting heat in Seville, I sought out the tomb of Ferdinand III. The prevailing sentiment was negative. One has to tell them they are nothing, that their history and culture are nothing. Each of these places has experienced periodic cycles of religious violence and ethnic cleansing, whether it was the Balkans in the 1990s or the bitter partition of India in 1947 that left more than a million dead and caused the largest peacetime migration in the history of humanity. My guide at the Alhambra had spoken of how he had asked Isabella and Ferdinand to seal it shut in perpetuity. To do this, 190,320 messages that included keywords related to Muslim culture and religion were collected and analyzed using computational techniques. While the 2022 official estimation of Centro de Investigaciones Sociolgicas (CIS) indicates that 2.8% of the population of Spain has a religion other than Catholicism, [4] according to an unofficial estimation of 2020 by the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain (UCIDE) the Muslim population in Spain represents the 4.45% of the total Spanish po. Some messages tried to position the Christian Church as morally superior to the Islamic religion, although others emphatically rejected both religions due to their practices and social implications, showing secularism as the only valid option. It stopped me in my tracks, the sight of it embedded into that outer wall of honeyed stone. Due to economic growth within Spain, the country has accepted large numbers of immigrants to help fill the gap in labor . I took it as a sign and went away. Below is a list of the 10 countries with the greatest Muslim concentration. She and I were walking home from what was once known as the Gypsy quarter of Triana (Atrayna) on the right bank of the Guadalquivir. (This article belongs to the Special Issue. 2023. urban population: 81.6% of total population (2023) rate of . (November 29, 2017). In 1492, the year Columbus sailed westward, Boabdil, the last Muslim ruler of Spain, handed over the keys of Granada to Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Gonzlez-Baquero, W.; Amores, J.J.; Arcila-Caldern, C. The Conversation around Islam on Twitter: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about the Muslim Community in Spain since 2015. Abd al-Rahman I, also known as al-Dakhil, or the Entrant, gave the Omayyads a second lease on life in Spain, even as their power was being smashed throughout the rest of the Islamic world. Ministerio del Interior de Espaa. It refers, as well, to an architectural style, one of the glories of this syncretic culture, in which Christian rulers, like Peter I, commissioned Muslim craftsmen to imbue the building techniques and ornamentation of Al-Andalus with Christian meaning. Zamora-Medina, Roco, Pilar Garrido-Clemente, and Jorge Snchez-Martnez. I wandered through Mudjar chapels and stood before the strange spectacle of a Christ crowned by interlacing polylobed arches in Pompeian red and white. They participated in a shared intellectual enterprise. They had conquered great stretches of the classical world, from Sassanid Persia to Coptic Egypt and the Byzantine Levant. The non-Muslim population is being outnumbered quickly. However, this was the only way to have a dataset of messages about the Islamic world published only in Spain. A Feature Secondly, the analysis was filtered, selecting exclusively the objects or nouns, i.e., words that offer more valuable information about the sample. Its hard, he said. They each used religion instrumentally, sometimes to be generous, sometimes to be cruel. Mapping the Global Muslim Population A comprehensive demographic study of more than 200 countries finds that there are 1.57 billion Muslims of all ages living in the world today, representing 23% of an estimated 2009 world population of 6.8 billion. The Catholic monarchs, Tabales said, referring to Isabella and Ferdinand, established a political skeleton in which religion was given the first position. One monarchy, one religion became the order of the day, and it was not merely Jews and Muslims who were forced underground. Estimated Muslim populations in European countries as of 2016 [Graph]. Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. Catalonia was the autonomous community with the. Once they had won, they were more accepting of Muslim influence in the arts though not so much, he added pointedly, in politics and religion. Amores, Javier Jimnez, Carlos Arcila-Caldern, and David Blanco-Herrero. You are accessing a machine-readable page. At 65 by 77 feet, the largest altarpiece in the world, which was carved from wood by the Flemish sculptor Pierre Dancart over decades, in the Cathedral of Seville, itself the largest Gothic church in Europe. Well versed in the literary culture of Arabic himself, he would have regarded men such as the Aristotelian theorist Ibn Rushd (born in Cordoba and known to Christendom as Averroes), or the Jewish philosopher Maimonides (another Cordovan) and even the great historian Ibn Khaldun, who wrote of civilizational decay, and whose family were from Seville, not as foreigners but merely his countrymen. Religions. In this sense, it would be very complex to know with certainty the size of the total sample without geolocation filtering, since it would be necessary to distinguish between messages in Spanish published outside of Spain (from Latin American contexts, for example) and those published in Spain. The experts have analysed that Europe faces a rapid transition in its demography. In the Alcazar of Seville, the Mercury Pond, front, and the Grotto Gallery. He looked at me in astonishment. With the arrival of the Muslims, it was inverted and made part of a doorway. For this reason, hate speech is being considered as one of the basic hate crimes typified in the penal frameworks of certain European countries, including Spain (article 510 of the penal code), responding to the recommendations made by Europe since the 1990s. In 2010, 74 percent of Muslims lived in 49 countries, where they made up the majority of the population. They intermarried. Inside the Cathedral of Seville, a monument designed by the sculptor Arturo Melida holding the coffin of Christopher Columbus a work that was finished in 1891 but moved from Havana and placed in this church eight years later. Islamic Commission of Spain (Comisin Islmica de Espaa). ccording to government figures, 300,000 of these are Crimean Tatars. According to the Demographic Study on Muslim Fellow Citizens (Islamic Commission of Spain 2022), although Islam is one of the minority religions in the country, it represents around 4% of the population (just over two million people). There was something wistful in hearing her, against the backdrop of this now-pacified theater of religious strife, voice a desire for faith to remain a private matter. In seven years they conquered much of the Iberian peninsula. The silence one feels then, standing in the patio of the church of El Salvador in Seville, where the arches of the old mosque, with their characteristic capitals of Roman spolia, are still visible amid mashed oranges lying at the feet of trees laden with fruit, is not natural. This was also the period of the so-called "Hippie Era," and as such, a great many Spaniards, desiring an alternative lifestyle and belief system turned to Islam. Standing up among the worshipers, I caught a glimpse of what was no less wondrous now in real life than it had been in my reading. This may be due to the reduction in the number of arrivals and asylum applications in recent years, after the years of greatest migratory pressure during the migration crisis after the Arab springs. THERE ARE few names that exert more power over the Islamic imagination than the Arabic word for Cordoba. It was here, at the mosque Abd al-Rahman I first conceived, that the poet Allama Iqbal the spiritual founder of Pakistan was inspired in the early 20th century to sing his lament among these enduring foundations, these columns without count for the lost emirate of Al-Andalus and for the upheaval raging in the Muslim soul: that godly secret which dare not find utterance., I had been here 18 years before, to this white and taciturn city, as Maugham described it, with its stately Roman bridge, where the writer had been astonished to meet people in European dress rather than Arabs, in shuffling yellow slippers. I had come specifically to see the Mezquita but found it closed. Available online: Jacobi, Carina, Wouter Van Atteveldt, and Kasper Welbers. Thus, it is crucial to establish an overview of the general representation of the Muslim community in Spain, identifying the most predominant sentiments and the issues with which they are associated. 2016. The demise of Al-Andalus came in 1492, the year Christopher Columbus sailed to America, with Boabdil, the last Muslim ruler of Spain, handing over the keys of Granada to the Catholic monarchs, Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon. Built by Peter I of Castile (1334-69), the structure is an example of the Mudejar style of architecture, in which Islamic ornamentation and building techniques were overlaid with Christian meaning. Cambodia has the highest percentage of Buddhists at 97.9%, followed by Thailand at 94.6% and Burma (Myanmar) with 87.9%. What makes it so painful is that these were the same people, with a shared culture, and Aljamiado, for all the suspicion it aroused, was like Urdu in India, which uses a Sanskritic grammar with a Perso-Arabic vocabulary and script simply a Romance language written in the Arabic script. Currently, you are using a shared account. That assurance was a restating of the ancient Islamic code upon which the plurality of Al-Andalus had been founded. What makes Spain unique is that here the aims of ethnic cleansing were fully realized. (Andalusia, the province, derives its name from the same word, for it was here in the south that the Islamic presence lasted longest.) But if there was one great lesson to be drawn from the history of Al-Andalus, it was this: When a majoritarian atmosphere takes hold in a society, as it most surely had in Spain, no concession is ever enough. UNHCR. The heat was such that the pilgrims wagons had been diverted. What was unnerving was the silence of the people who might have been heirs to these ruins. Taking national origin into account, the Spanish and Moroccans consolidate the two blocks with the largest . Desrdenes informativos: Sobreexpuestos e infrainformados en la era de la posverdad. Shards is the word historians have used to describe these vestiges, and they exist everywhere consider how almost one-third of Englishs vocabulary can be traced to the Norman Conquest of 1066 but what makes them radioactive in Spain is that the heirs to that past were systematically expelled. Tun-Navarro, Jorge, and Andrea Bouzas-Blanco. R(97)20 of the Committee of Ministers on hate speech (, The study of hate speech online, especially on Twitter, has been of great interest in recent years. You need at least a Starter Account to use this feature. Wandering among rooms dripping with muqarnas (stalactite vaulting) and walls embroidered with arabesques (ataurique, from al-tawriq), I found myself in the Courtyard of the Maidens. During these first six months, 220,443 people also emigrated from Spain, leaving a record-breaking net migration figure of 258,547. The conquering kings son Alfonso X, El Sabio, or the Wise had grown up steeped in the Arabic culture of Al-Andalus. Deconstructing the symbolic visual frames of refugees and migrants in the main Western European media. Its walls are covered in. Council of Europe, Committee of Ministers. Latin chants filled the ribbed recesses of the largest Gothic church in Christendom, which retained as its belfry the fabled minaret (La Giralda, or weather vane) of the 12th-century mosque on whose bones it had been built. Topic 3. Me in my garden, she said, tending to my tomatoes is just as Muslim as visiting the Mezquita in Cordoba.. Can you imagine, she said, those Christians coming from the north, which was cold and damp, to what was by then a Muslim city?. Each, old and young alike, wore a medallion with the coat of arms of the brotherhood on a green ribbon around their necks. permission is required to reuse all or part of the article published by MDPI, including figures and tables. 2014. Arcila-Caldern, Carlos, Javier Jimnez Amores, Patricia Snchez-Holgado, Lazaros Vrysis, Nikolaos Vryzas, and Martin Oller Alonso. During his reign, the river Guadalquivir (from al-wadi al-kabir, the great river) had a different position than it does today, making it more conducive to trade. The tomb of Ferdinand III of Castile (1201-52), who brought five and a half centuries of Muslim rule in Seville to an end in 1248, in the Cathedral of Seville. 2019. 2021. El discurso en positivo de Vox: Los medios difundidos en Twitter por la extrema derecha. Moreover, these results, as they cover such a large period and sample, can be considered generalizable; thus, they can be extrapolated to other present or future time contexts, to other social platforms, or to other European countries. Ahmed was in a structure built by Christians who were celebrating the art of an only recently vanquished Islam. Under the arcade, the walls of the Courtyard of the Maidens are covered in. In recent years, digital platforms, especially social media, have become a place where toxic and hate speech is hosted and disseminated more than ever before. 2020. To him, it represented a language of power, of appropriation and reconfiguration. It was magical, performing the stations of Islamic prayer as the sun sank behind the Alhambra, yet, like all magical things, it was also a little unreal. Facebook: quarterly number of MAU (monthly active users) worldwide 2008-2023, Quarterly smartphone market share worldwide by vendor 2009-2023, Number of apps available in leading app stores Q3 2022, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. . The Omayyads, who traced their origin to the Mecca of the Prophet Muhammad, were Islams first dynasty. Tech-enabled by Ananthapuri Technologies, The comments posted here/below/in the given space are not on behalf of, Secretary of the Islamic Commission of Spain, population living in Spain has increased ten times, India, EU Connectivity Conference held in Meghalaya to explore investments in North Eastern States, Odisha train accident one of deadliest tragedy in historyHeres a list of major rail accidents, Loka Kerala Sabha: Controversy over CM Vijayan New York event, Oppn claims up to Rs 85 lakh charge to sit close to CM, Odisha Train Accident: PM Modi to visit crash site in Balasore, death toll rises to 261; rescue operation underway, Ladakh Scouts Regiment celebrates Diamond Jubilee All you want to know, Madhya Pradesh: Following Organiser report, Shivraj Singh Chouhan banned Hijab and Iqbals poem at Damoh school, Major success for security forces in Jharkhand, two dreaded Maoist commanders neutralised in back-to-back operations, PM Narendra Modi invited to address the joint meeting of the US Congress on June 22, 2023, Odisha Train Accident: Death toll rises to 238, rescue operation underway, Kashmir Terror Funding Case: Separatist Nayeem Khan moves Delhi HC against order to attach Hurriyats Srinagar office. Chart. MDPI and/or Use Ask Statista Research Service, Estimated Muslim population of England and Wales, by local authority, Biggest masjids in the United Kingdom in 2017, Number of masjids in the United Kingdom in 2017, Estimated Muslim population of England and Wales, by region, To download this statistic in XLS format you need a Statista Account, To download this statistic in PNG format you need a Statista Account, To download this statistic in PDF format you need a Statista Account. It was Roldn-Castro who first told me about Aljamiado, the secret language of the Moriscos Muslims forcibly converted to Christianity. The UN estimates the July 1, 2023 population at 47,519,628. It was never easy for the minorities, Tabales said, suggesting that they were ever at the mercy of political calculations. 2015. - Singapore: Cuisine is one of the few ways to define Peranakan culture, a hard-to-pin-down blend of ethnic and racial identities. Moments before, I had seen the legendary door that Boabdil had left from. R (97) 20 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States on Hate Speech. Ascribed to the Vega de Granada comarca, the city sits at an average . Christianity is the dominant religion, however, Islam is catching up fast. Number of hate crime offences against Muslims England and Wales 2017-2022; . Some messages alluded to a supposed Islamic invasion and the need to reinforce the borders, as well as the supposed threat (mostly symbolic) that the Arab community poses to Spain and mainly to Catalonia (since it is considered that this region is supposedly favoring the immigrants of Arab origin and especially allowing the supposed Islamic invasion in the country). A paid subscription is required for full access. He is the author, most recently, of The Way Things Were., A version of this article appears in print on, The spirit of those early days of La Reconquista had been assimilative rather than destructive. The belfry of Sevilles Gothic cathedral is the minaret La Giralda (or weather vane) of the 12th-century mosque on whose remains the church had been built. The most predominant topics found are described below. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. They killed them and threw them into the river., On Castilla Street, the Hermandad del Roco de Triana one of many brotherhoods associated with the Andalusian pilgrimage of El Roco had gathered. But they were also there in quiet, unspoken ways, such as in the Alcazar (from al-qasr, or castle) of Carmona (Qarmuna), 20 miles away from Seville. Show publisher information What she loved about living here was what she had loved about visiting Bosnia, too: I can be exactly as I am.. "The Conversation around Islam on Twitter: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Tweets about the Muslim Community in Spain since 2015" Religions 14, no. 2011. Quantitative analysis of large amounts of journalistic texts using topic modelling. El racismo y la islamofobia en el mercado discursivo de la izquierda espaola. These are the same negative frames that had already been previously defined and identified in the way immigrants are generally represented in news media and social media (e.g., On the other hand, at a more exploratory level, an incessant reduction in tweets about Islam and the Muslim community in Spain and in Spanish was detected since 2015. As Hindu numerals traveled west, the Persian dome traveled East, and Islam became like a petri dish for the cross-fertilization of the classical world. Further explaining that Muslims from Morocco, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Senegal, and Algeria are in the majority, he shared the information that the majority of the Muslim population in Spain lives in industrialised regions such as Catalonia, Valencia, Andalusia, and Madrid. Catlos defines Morisco as Muslim-ish. Isabella and Ferdinand had given their Jewish and Muslim subjects an ultimatum: Convert or be expelled. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and must receive In the United States, there had been no contradiction between enslaving Black people and embracing so much of their culture, from music and dress to food and language. When I asked Roldn-Castro if the absence of Muslims in Spain made it easier to adopt their art and culture, she said, Its a very difficult question. Youre in the heart of the taifa period here, he said as he greeted me, his enthusiasm pushing through his careful, halting English. It doesnt say, Go and look at beautiful mosques and palaces, so there is a part of us that gets a little fixated on the vestiges of Muslim power, she said. Secretara de Estado de Migraciones, Ministerio de Inclusin, Seguridad Social y Migraciones. Available online: Valdez-Apolo, Mara Beln, Carlos Arcila-Caldern, and Javier Jimnez Amores. In the same way, these results can serve as a basis for future studies to analyze separately, specifically, and in greater depth the Islamophobic hate messages spread on Twitter or other social platforms, as well as develop counternarrative strategies. A new dynasty was on the rise. Available online: Moreno, Joan Manuel Oleaque. I divined that fabled, perhaps imaginary, fountain of mercury on its rolling base that flashed silver for guest after astonished guest. This is easily changing the face of Europe. Only two of these topics were potential indicators of a possible Islamophobic rejection, more or less explicit, but the rest were mostly neutral, simple informative messages frequently spread by media or politicians, or even positive, trivial messages shared by random users, often members of the Muslim community in Spain or relatives. We see it in our investigations, Tabales said. Estudio Demogrfico sobre Conciudadanos Musulmanes. It occupies about 85 percent of the Iberian Peninsula, which it shares with its smaller neighbour Portugal. Lastly, using the SentiStrength tool, we carried out a sentiment analysis with the total sample, as well as a longitudinal analysis by years, to observe the temporal evolution of the predominant sentiments. This research was developed within the framework of the project Evaluando Campaas contra el Odio (ECO), funded by the European Union through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV-2022-EQUAL). Amores, Javier Jimnez, and Carlos Arcila-Caldern. ; investigation, W.G.-B. This latest analysis confirmed that the topics and types of messages that predominated in this conversation about Islam in Spain were mostly neutral, of a predominantly informative nature. Regarding the most frequent words found in the sample, most were descriptive terms related to the Islamic religion and culture, as well as to the Muslim community. Mar 26, 2023, 04:00 pm IST in World The experts have analysed that Europe faces a rapid transition in its demography. At 7.5 percent of the population, this meant France had the largest Muslim population in Western . It overlooked the white Moorish neighborhood of Albaicn falling at its feet like a petticoat. #Hashtagging hate: Using Twitter to track racism online. 2016. In telling me of the deep influence of Moorish culture on Spain the use of almonds in food; 4,000 loan words from Arabic, such as aceite, oil (which comes from az-zait), or ojal, God willing (from law sha Allah) she focused on how the fall of Granada in 1492 had coincided with Columbuss voyage to the Americas. One widely cited study by Pew from 2010 showed estimated that France had 4.7 million Muslims. Religion in Social Media: Citizenship, Interreligious Dialogue, and Hate Speech,,,,,,,,de%20aproximadamente%204%2C2%20millones,, 2018. Informe Sobre la Evolucin de los Delitos de Odio en Espaa (Report on the Evolution of Hate Crimes in Spain). interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. Distribution of the Spanish population 2022, by religious beliefs Published by Teresa Romero , Oct 11, 2022 According to a survey conducted in Spain in September 2022, 35.2 percent of. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. Arcila-Caldern, Carlos, Patricia Snchez Holgado, Cristina Quintana Moreno, Javier Jimnez Amores, and David Blanco Herrero. The city grew exponentially, from some 185 acres to 740. But according to academic researchers, the . Its a myth, the convivencia.. Anlisis supervisado de sentimientos polticos en espaol: Clasificacin en tiempo real de tweets basada en aprendizaje automtico. and J.J.A. Pew Research Center. Many over the years have confirmed the view of Charles V. The church has been described as a pustule, and there is little denying that while it is ordinary, the mosque is extraordinary. How to Detect Online Hate towards Migrants and Refugees? Alfonso, Ignacio Blanco, Leticia Rodrguez Fernndez, and Sergio Arce Garca. Big Data y Twitter para el estudio de procesos migratorios: Mtodos, tcnicas de investigacin y software. According to unofficial figures, about 3 million Muslims are living in Spain. They collaborated against their coreligionists when it suited their interests. The Muslims they were getting rid of, Whiteman said, speaking of the expulsions of the early 17th century, were not Arabs or Berbers but indistinguishable from the Christians carrying it out. The narrative of the Reconquest had been applied centuries later to what she saw as a simple act of ethnic cleansing. Anlisis del discurso de odio sobre la islamofobia en Twitter y su repercusin social en el caso de la campaa Qutale las etiquetas al velo. The prevailing sentiment was negative. ECRI General Policy Recommendation N. 15 on Combating Hate Speech. It should be noted that, although Twitter does not represent all citizens, its popularity and reach make it a platform of great interest for monitoring and analysis. . That law had been in force during the early centuries of La Reconquista, too. 2020. There are, I want to say, three societies in the world Spain, the Balkans and India that have known this particular kind of history, namely centuries of Muslim rule among large swaths of an unconverted population. It was necessary to make a Catholic Spain without Muslims, adding what I had heard others say, too: It was a deal. Which is to say, it was born out of expediency, rather than religious passion. This is very common after the Reconquest, he said. Recommendation No. [4] 2013. Polarizacin y discurso de odio con sesgo de gnero asociado a la poltica: Anlisis de las interacciones en Twitter. Approximately 3% to 5% of the population practices one of these religions. For Muslim rule declined after that and ended in 1492 when Christian Spaniards . Galindo-Calvo, Pablo, Beatriz Jimnez-Roger, Francisco Javier Cantn-Correa, and Maria do Nascimento Esteves-Mateus. Urgent Need to Consider How to Define Islamophobia. The ancient drama of the coexistence of Christianity and Islam on the Iberian Peninsula was beginning again. Under Muslim rule, Spain became one of the great Muslim civilzsations. "Estimated Muslim Populations in European Countries as of 2016 . The radical right and Islamophobia. Granada (/ r n d / gr-NAH-d; Spanish: [anaa], locally ) is the capital city of the province of Granada, in the autonomous community of Andalusia, Spain.Granada is located at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, at the confluence of four rivers, the Darro, the Genil, the Monachil and the Beiro. Spain population is equivalent to 0.6% of the total world population. It reached its peak under the 10th-century, Cordoba-based Umayyad caliphate. As soon as this statistic is updated, you will immediately be notified via e-mail. Salado, Mercedes Ramrez. There were public bonfires of Arabic books. The old Moorish castle sits in the midst of the classic Spanish white town at the crest of a hill of burned yellow grass, a brooding presence with its horseshoe-arch entrance and its shattered crenelations. Messages that relate the Muslim community to crime and terrorism. Translation, absorption, reconsecration, getting old stones to say new things this had been the special genius of medieval Spain, and it was in this tradition that Peter I, who had been in an alliance with the sultan of Granada, built his Alcazar. 2022. The others were more disappointed than I was. 2021. Remarkable and poignant, write the authors of The Arts of Intimacy: Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Making of Castilian Culture (2008), Jerrilynn D. Dodds, Mara Rosa Menocal and Abigail Krasner Balbale, given that later historical perspective from which we now read them, knowing that Jews and Muslims would be expelled from Spain and from the memory of what had ever constituted the Castilian community is the use of the place names Sefarad and Andalus to mean Spain. But how does a place so steeped in diversity come unstuck? These last two could be considered, in a somewhat more reliable way, indicators of Islamophobic hatred or rejection, manifested in a subtle or explicit way. For some 900 years, Spain was a plural society. Text as data: The promise and pitfalls of automatic content analysis methods for political texts. Id spent many summers in the hills above Seville, but I had never known it to be so hot so early in June. The interior of the Mezquita in Cordoba, Spain, built as a mosque in the eighth century and converted into a cathedral in 1236. Each house is the same Islamic house. Yet al-Mutamid, in an era of political instability but creative efflorescence, made a catastrophic mistake. 1996-2023 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. Cordoba itself had become laden with meaning for me. But its the whole history of Seville, he said, insisting we go back upstairs. Spain Is Seeking to Integrate Growing Muslim Population - The New York Times Spain Is Seeking to Integrate Growing Muslim Population By Marlise Simons Oct. 24, 2004 SEVILLE, Spain -. and C.A.-C.; software, J.J.A. They assimilated (and expanded) the art of the Other. However, these analyses could and should be complemented with other types of methods, both computational and those of a more qualitative nature, aiming to characterize the Islamophobic rejection messages in more depth, as well as identify the main users responsible for these messages and their connections (wherein possible ghost or fake accounts could be participating in those public debates) and the possible effects of these negative messages on society.

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