[235] In the direct-to-video films of the DC Animated Movie Universe, Batman was voiced by Kevin Conroy again in Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox (2013) and by Jason O'Mara in all subsequent films, such as The Death of Superman (2018) and Batman: Hush (2019). [88] The details and tone of Batman comic books have varied over the years with different creative teams. [Kane] should have credited Bill as co-creator, because I know; I was there. The Batman television series, starring Adam West, premiered in January 1966 on the ABC television network. It is also a trophy room and storage facility for Batman's unique memorabilia collected over the years from various cases he has worked on. Bill said that the costume was too bright: 'Color it dark grey to make it look more ominous.' At the conclusion of "No Man's Land", O'Neil stepped down as editor and was replaced by Bob Schreck.[59]. Batman Legacy 1st Appearance Batman Figure: Showcasing the history of Batman comic incarnations throughout the ages, as well as the blockbuster Batman: Arkham City video game, this collection includes a total of four figures. While Batman serials were produced throughout the 1940s, he wouldn't face his arch-nemesis in live-action until the campy cult-classic '60s TV show in which Cesar Romero . I searched for a name that would suggest colonialism. Bruce agrees, saying matter-of-factly "Oh well, nothing else to do, might as well." Detective Comics #27 cover by Bob Kane. The film will focus on Batman and Damian Wayne. She examined the possibility of several mental health issues, including dissociative identity disorder, obsessivecompulsive disorder, and several others. In both the comic book Batman: Shadow of the Bat #45 and the 2005 film Batman Begins, the cave is said to have been part of the Underground Railroad. Meanwhile, Batman's relationship with the Gotham City Police Department changed for the worse with the events of "Batman: Officer Down" and "Batman: War Games/War Crimes"; Batman's long-time law enforcement allies Commissioner Gordon and Harvey Bullock are forced out of the police department in "Officer Down", while "War Games" and "War Crimes" saw Batman become a wanted fugitive after a contingency plan of his to neutralize Gotham City's criminal underworld is accidentally triggered, resulting in a massive gang war that ends with the sadistic Black Mask the undisputed ruler of the city's criminal gangs. But The Batman Who Laughs is defeated when the Prime Universe Batman is aided by the Joker, who notes the alternate Batman's failure to perceive this scenario due to still being a version of Batman. [124], The details of the Batman costume change repeatedly through various decades, stories, media and artists' interpretations, but the most distinctive elements remain consistent: a scallop-hem cape; a cowl covering most of the face; a pair of bat-like ears; a stylized bat emblem on the chest; and the ever-present utility belt. In Batman: Citizen Wayne, the role of Batman is taken on by Harvey Dent after his whole face has been destroyed by an enemy. In 2003, Loeb teamed with artist Jim Lee to work on another mystery arc: "Batman: Hush" for the main Batman book. The book will include five complete stories and an amazing assortment of covers and pages. Most notably of these elements were the science fiction-themed storylines of the 1950s Batman comics, which Morrison revised as hallucinations Batman experienced under the influence of various mind-bending gases and extensive sensory deprivation training. [94] The origin is the source of the character's traits and attributes, which play out in many of the character's adventures. [115][116][117] Bruce proposes to Selina in Batman vol. [6] Collaborator Bill Finger recalled that "Kane had an idea for a character called 'Batman,' and he'd like me to see the drawings. In 2010, the storyline Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne saw Bruce travel through history, eventually returning to the present day. The first installment, Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009), was released by Rocksteady Studios to critical acclaim; review aggregator Metacritic reports it as having received 92% positive reviews. [194], The Devastator is a version of Batman from Earth -1, a dark reflection of Earth-1. Batman Incorporated was relaunched in 20122013 to complete the "Leviathan" storyline. ", Medhurst, Andy. [30] The first issue of the solo spin-off series Batman was notable not only for introducing two of his most persistent enemies, the Joker and Catwoman, but for a pre-Robin inventory story, originally meant for Detective Comics #38, in which Batman shoots some monstrous giants to death. The third story arc was "Batman: Zero Year", which redefined Batman's origin in The New 52. Bruce Wayne's principles include the desire to prevent future harm and a vow not to kill. [143], Many of the major Batman storylines since the 1990s have been intertitle crossovers that run for a number of issues. Bruce subsequently returned in Morrison's miniseries Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne, which depicted his travels through time from prehistory to present-day Gotham. [156][157] Wayne's "death" sets up the three-issue Battle for the Cowl miniseries in which Wayne's ex-proteges compete for the "right" to assume the role of Batman, which concludes with Grayson becoming Batman,[158] while Tim Drake takes on the identity of the Red Robin. Starting with the Pop Art period, and on a continuing basis, since the 1960s, the character of Batman has been "appropriated" by multiple visual artists and incorporated into contemporary artwork,[253][254] most notably by Andy Warhol,[255][256] Roy Lichtenstein,[257] Mel Ramos,[258][259] Dulce Pinzon,[260] Mr. Brainwash,[261] Raymond Pettibon,[262] Peter Saul,[263] and others. In Superman/Batman #3 (December 2003), Superman observes, "Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume. Though Batman is able to clear his name, he loses another ally in the form of his new bodyguard Sasha, who is recruited into the organization known as "Checkmate" while stuck in prison due to her refusal to turn state's evidence against her employer. The Earth-Two Batman, a character from a parallel world, partners with and marries the reformed Earth-Two Selina Kyle, as shown in Superman Family #211. [274] Professor of film and cultural studies Will Brooker argues the validity of a queer reading of Batman, and that gay readers would naturally find themselves drawn to the lifestyle depicted within, whether the character of Bruce Wayne himself were explicitly gay or not. [95] Dressed as a bat, Batman deliberately cultivates a frightening persona in order to aid him in crime-fighting,[96] a fear that originates from the criminals' own guilty conscience. He is sometimes portrayed as a sidekick to Batman and the only other resident of Wayne Manor aside from Bruce. He returns and helps Jim Gordon defeat Mr. Bloom and shut down the reactor. 4 #1 (2011); the same issue implies that the two have an ongoing sexual relationship. Some writers show his playboy reputation as a manufactured illusion to support his mission as Batman, while others have depicted Bruce Wayne as genuinely enjoying the benefits of being "Gotham's most eligible bachelor". [44], The debut of the Batman television series in 1966 had a profound influence on the character. [152], Grant Morrison's 2008 storyline, "Batman R.I.P." And under it was a big signBATMAN". The Prankster also gunned down Superman with Green Kryptonite bullets. The Red Death is a version of Batman from Earth -52, originally an aged man who broke after the deaths of Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. [189] The Batman Who Laughs would later lobotomize Batmanhattan and then transplant his brain into Batmanhattan in order to become Darkest Knight. The storyline ends with Batman and the Joker's supposed deaths. Donning a new attire, Bryce called herself The Drowned and successfully conquered Atlantis at the cost of flooding every city. I thought that red and black would be a good combination. [24] Batman's characteristic utility belt was introduced in Detective Comics #29 (July 1939), followed by the boomerang-like batarang and the first bat-themed vehicle, the Batplane, in #31 (September 1939). [200] Along with the Murder Machine, the Devastator was sent to retrieve the Cosmic Tuning Tower, ripping it out of its foundation and throwing it outside the Fortress of Solitude. In "Hush", Batman reveals his true identity to Catwoman. The Batman Who Laughs seems to be the de facto leader or second-in-command of Barbatos' Dark Knights and recruited the other members. In between the first and second season of the Batman television series, the cast and crew made the theatrical film Batman (1966). 15 FIRST APPEARANCE IN COMICS Batman came upon the world in 1939, featured on the cover of anthology title "Detective Comics" with issue #27 (May 1939). The two also have a romantic relationship, in which they are shown having a sexual encounter on a rooftop and sleeping together. The updated acknowledgment for the character appeared as "Batman created by Bob Kane with Bill Finger".[3]. [185][186]. Miller's Batman was closer to the original pre-Robin version, who was willing to kill criminals if necessary.[100]. Batman returns and defeats Bane, although too late to save Alfred. The success of the series increased sales throughout the comic book industry, and Batman reached a circulation of close to 900,000 copies. Batman refuses to utilize any sort of gun on the principle that a gun was used to murder his parents. Wayne holds the position of police commissioner until he is killed during one final adventure as Batman. [57], The Batman comics garnered major attention in 1988 when DC Comics created a 900 number for readers to call to vote on whether Jason Todd, the second Robin, lived or died. Scholars William Uricchio and Roberta E. Pearson noted in the early 1990s, "Unlike some fictional characters, the Batman has no primary urtext set in a specific period, but has rather existed in a plethora of equally valid texts constantly appearing over more than five decades. When the two universes are merged by Krona, the heroes are left confused as to what actually occurred in their reality; the Grandmaster clarifies by showing them the various tragedies that befell the heroes in their lifetimes. After the introduction of DC Comics' Multiverse in the 1960s, DC established that stories from the Golden Age star the Earth-Two Batman, a character from a parallel world. [159] Dick and Damian continue as Batman and Robin, and in the crossover storyline "Blackest Night", what appears to be Bruce's corpse is reanimated as a Black Lantern zombie,[160] but is later shown that Bruce's corpse is one of Darkseid's failed Batman clones. [277], Creators associated with the character have expressed their own opinions. [113] The attraction between Batman and Catwoman, whose real name is Selina Kyle, is present in nearly every version and medium in which the characters appear, including a love story between their two secret identities as early as in the 1966 film Batman. Kane conceived Batman in early 1939 to capitalize on the popularity of DC's Superman; although Kane frequently claimed sole creation credit, Finger substantially developed the concept from a generic superhero into something more bat-like. Batman has been adapted in live-action and animated incarnations, including the 1960s Batman television series played by Adam West and in film by Michael Keaton in Batman (1989), Batman Returns (1992), and The Flash (2023), Val Kilmer in Batman Forever (1995), George Clooney in Batman and Robin (1997), Christian Bale in The Dark Knight trilogy (20052012), Ben Affleck in the DC Extended Universe (2016present), and Robert Pattinson in The Batman (2022). "[89], The driving force behind Bruce Wayne's character is his parents' murder and their absence. In the opening of the DC Bombshells continuity set during World War II, Bruce's parents are saved from Joe Chill's attack thanks to the baseball superheroine known as Batwoman. Batman utilizes a vast arsenal of specialized, high-tech vehicles and gadgets in his war against crime, the designs of which usually share a bat motif. While Batman does not exist in this continuity, Kate Kane does borrow a number of elements from the main version, such as inspiring younger heroines to follow in her steps as Batgirls and losing a child named Jason. Over the years, there have been numerous others to assume the name of Batman, or to officially take over for Bruce during his leaves of absence. A second Robin, Jason Todd, appeared in the 1980s. When Batman is needed, the Gotham City police activate a searchlight with a bat-shaped insignia over the lens called the Bat-Signal, which shines into the night sky, creating a bat-symbol on a passing cloud which can be seen from any point in Gotham. The Kingdom Come limited series depicts a Batman who, ravaged by years of fighting crime, uses an exoskeleton to keep himself together and keeps the peace on the streets of Gotham using remote-controlled robots. The 12issue story line has Batman and Catwoman teaming up against Batman's entire rogues gallery, including an apparently resurrected Jason Todd, while seeking to find the identity of the mysterious supervillain Hush. A new iteration of Batman is set to appear in the DC Universe (DCU) franchise, beginning with the film The Brave and the Bold, produced by DC Studios. In 2008, this show was replaced by another animated series, Batman: The Brave and the Bold, featuring Diedrich Bader's voice as Batman. After mastering the Anti-Life Equation, Darkfather turned the Parademons of Apokolips into his Pararobins. [141] Though the Earth-Two Batman is erased from history, many stories of Batman's Silver Age/Earth-One career (along with an amount of Golden Age ones) remain canonical in the Post-Crisis universe, with his origins remaining the same in essence, despite alteration. After the 12-issue miniseries Crisis on Infinite Earths, DC Comics retconned the histories of some major characters in an attempt at updating them for contemporary audiences. Aichele, G. (1997). The series received considerable acclaim for its darker tone, mature writing, stylistic design, and thematic complexity compared to previous superhero cartoons,[214][215] in addition to multiple Emmy Awards. [153] However, though Batman is shown to possibly perish at the end of the arc, the two-issue arc "Last Rites", which leads into the crossover storyline "Final Crisis", shows that Batman survives his helicopter crash into the Gotham City River and returns to the Batcave, only to be summoned to the Hall of Justice by the JLA to help investigate the New God Orion's death. The mission is successful, and Batman breaks Bane's back. Jean-Paul Valley, also known as Azrael, assumed the cowl after the events of the Knightfall saga. In this continuity, Wayne Williams is framed for a crime he did not commit, works his way into getting out of prison, and becomes a mysterious wrestler known as Batman to fund a career as a vigilante using complex equipment to avenge himself against the criminals who originally framed him. Since the 1989 film, Batman is often depicted as carrying a projectile which shoots a retractable grappling hook attached to a cable (before this, a he employed a traditionally thrown grappling hook.) The Dark Knight Returns was a financial success and has since become one of the medium's most noted touchstones. Lex Luthor arranges for the murder of Batman's on-again, off-again love interest Vesper Lynd (introduced in the mid-1990s) during the "Bruce Wayne: Murderer?" "'I'm Not Fooled By That Cheap Disguise.'" "[46], Starting in 1969, writer Dennis O'Neil and artist Neal Adams made a deliberate effort to distance Batman from the campy portrayal of the 1960s TV series and to return the character to his roots as a "grim avenger of the night". In 1993, DC published "Knightfall". [53] The series also sparked a major resurgence in the character's popularity. Batman comics were among those criticized when the comic book industry came under scrutiny with the publication of psychologist Fredric Wertham's book Seduction of the Innocent in 1954. [108] Batman's next young sidekick is Harper Row, a streetwise young woman who avoids the name Robin but followed the ornithological theme nonetheless; she debuted the codename and identity of the Bluebird in 2014. Bruce infects the Earth-0 Lois Lane, Supergirl, and all of Metropolis with the Doomsday virus as he views it as the only way to protect them from Superman's strength and false prophecies. "[127], The central fixed event in the Batman stories is the character's origin story. In 2016, Telltale Games released Batman: The Telltale Series adventure game, which changed the Wayne family's history as it is depicted in the Batman mythos. [65][66] In June 2009, Judd Winick returned to writing Batman, while Grant Morrison was given their own series, titled Batman and Robin.[67]. This allows him to attach to distant objects, be propelled into the air, and thus swing from the rooftops of Gotham City. [21] Finger said, "Batman was originally written in the style of the pulps",[22] and this influence was evident with Batman showing little remorse over killing or maiming criminals. In 1998's "Cataclysm" storyline, Gotham City is devastated by an earthquake and ultimately cut off from the United States. His quest for Chill briefly led to Bruce getting into conflict with Superman. The Joker and Catwoman would make their first appearances in the Batman universe in the first issue of the standalone Batman comic released in 1940. [261], Since 1986, Batman has starred in multiple video games, most of which were adaptations of the various cinematic or animated incarnations of the character. Morrison explained their intentions for the new characterization of Batman: "Dick Grayson is kind of this consummate superhero. "[273] Andy Medhurst wrote in his 1991 essay "Batman, Deviance, and Camp" that Batman is interesting to gay audiences because "he was one of the first fictional characters to be attacked on the grounds of his presumed homosexuality". One of the most iconic characters in popular culture, Batman has been listed among the greatest comic book superheroes and fictional characters ever created. This event is very traumatic for Gotham Girl and she begins to lose her sanity.[172]. and many episodes of The Batman's first season are marked by the appearance of a cool new action . Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent belong to different social classes: "Bruce has a butler, Clark has a boss." [68], In 2015, DC Comics released The Dark Knight III: The Master Race, the sequel to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Knight Strikes Again.[69]. For example, Gotham's police are mostly corrupt, setting up further need for Batman's existence. Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Trilogy depicted Batman wearing high-tech gear painted completely black with a black bat in the middle. Inflected with a camp sense of humor, the show became a pop culture phenomenon. Years later, having been Batman for a while, he finds out that the same person, revealed to be Clark Kent, is a reporter who spoke to Bruce's new ward Dick Grayson. This incident changed Bruce's life forever. However, after witnessing Bruce Wayne/Batman being sent back in time by Darkseid's Omega Beams, Barbatos realised the similarities between his and Bruce's Bat emblems and believed he could use him as a doorway. The story arcs realign in "KnightsEnd", as Azrael becomes increasingly violent and is defeated by a healed Bruce Wayne. [191][190], Robin King is a child version of Bruce Wayne from an unknown part of the Dark Multiverse who developed mass-murdering tendencies. In the 1980s, Dick Grayson becomes Nightwing.[140]. The most prominent of these, Duke Thomas, later becomes Batman's crimefighting partner as The Signal. [28] Batman's inexhaustible wealth gives him access to advanced technologies, and as a proficient scientist, he is able to use and modify these technologies to his advantage. [229] In April 2021, it was announced that Keaton would reprise his role as Bruce Wayne / Batman for the 2023 film, The Flash.[230]. Cloud. There's been a murder! "I could have called it something like the Psychology of Nocturnal Vigilantism, but no. In August 2019, it was announced that Kevin Conroy would make his live-action television debut as an older Bruce Wayne in the upcoming Arrowverse crossover, Crisis on Infinite Earths. Batman's interactions with both villains and cohorts have, over time, developed a strong supporting cast of characters.[88]. He then subjected a sizeable population of Gotham's populace to the chemicals that transformed him, subsequently killing several parents in front of their children with the goal of turning them into essentially a combination of himself and Batman. A revenge-driven Bryce spent 18 months hunting down every rogue metahuman before Aquawoman and the Atlanteans emerged from their self-imposed exile. Due to this alliance, he realizes the stakes of the game and loses it for the JLA. Bruce Wayne has been portrayed as being romantically linked with many women throughout his various incarnations. I tried Adams, Hancockthen I thought of Mad Anthony Wayne. [201] He is then confronted by the two Green Lanterns of Earth (Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz), The Flash/Wally West, Firestorm, and Lobo and he proceeds to incapacitate all except Lobo who he throws into the Sun. Bruce Wayne discovers the truth that he was Batman and after talking to a stranger who smiles a lot (it is heavily implied that this is the amnesic Joker) he forces Alfred to implant his memories as Batman, but at the cost of his memories as the reborn Bruce Wayne. [275] In 2005, painter Mark Chamberlain displayed a number of watercolors depicting both Batman and Robin in suggestive and sexually explicit poses,[276] prompting DC to threaten legal action. [220] Prior to Glen, Batman was played by stunt doubles Alain Moussi and Maxim Savarias in the first season.[221][222]. [198] When Aquaman is transported fathoms below Amnesty Bay, the Drowned attacks him, revealing that the infected Mera has mutated into a gargantuan shark/crab/octopus creature. He knocks Barry out and ties him to the Batmobile, which has a machine created from reverse-engineering the Cosmic Treadmill attached to it. [78] In public, he frequently appears in the company of high-status women, which encourages tabloid gossip while feigning near-drunkenness with consuming large quantities of disguised ginger ale since Wayne is actually a strict teetotaler to maintain his physical and mental prowess. The lighter tone Batman had taken in the period between the Golden and Silver Ages led to the stories of the late 1950s and early 1960s that often feature many science-fiction elements, and Batman is not significantly updated in the manner of other characters until Detective Comics #327 (May 1964), in which Batman reverts to his detective roots, with most science-fiction elements jettisoned from the series. [146] Later on in 52, Batman is shown undergoing an intense meditation ritual in Nanda Parbat. Writer Alan Grant has stated, "The Batman I wrote for 13 years isn't gayeverybody's Batman all the way back to Bob Kanenone of them wrote him as a gay character. [189][190], Darkfather is a Batman from an unknown part of the Dark Multiverse who defeated Darkseid and acquired his powers. Out of costume, Bruce and Selina develop a romantic relationship during The Long Halloween. [134] During this time, Alfred Pennyworth arrives at Wayne Manor, and after deducing the Dynamic Duo's secret identities, joins their service as their butler.[135]. ", Return to the Batcave: The Misadventures of Adam and Burt, "DC Entertainment To Give Classic Batman Writer Credit in 'Gotham' and 'Batman v Superman' (Exclusive)", "Bill Finger Has A Creator Credit On This Week's Batman Comics", "DIAL B for BLOG THE WORLD'S GREATEST COMIC BLOGAZINE", "Batman's Creators Admitted His First Appearance Was Plagiarism", "Diamond's 2005 Year-End Sales Charts & Market Share", "July 2005 Sales Charts: All-Star Batman & Robin Lives Up To Its Name", "Batman's Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo on the New Batsuit and Bloom's Identity", "The End Of DC Rebirth Announced At New York Comic-Con", "The Rebirth era is over, as a new direction begins in DC Universe", "Joshua Williamson Announced as New Batman Writer", "Chip Zdarsky & Jorge Jimenez Are The New Batman Creative Team For DC (Exclusive)", "Batman: 15 Things You Didn't Know About Bruce Wayne", "Holy Wisdom, Batman! Finger and Kane originally conceptualized Batman as having a black cape and cowl and grey suit, but conventions in coloring called for black to be highlighted with blue. Carrie Kelley, the first female Robin to appear in Batman stories, was the final Robin in the continuity of Frank Miller's graphic novels The Dark Knight Returns and The Dark Knight Strikes Again, fighting alongside an aging Batman in stories set out of the mainstream continuity. After arriving on Earth-0, the Drowned headed to Amnesty Bay, where she was confronted by Aquaman and Mera. Sometime before returning (either willingly or not) to the Dark Multiverse, Barbatos encountered Hawkman/Carter Hall, and was hit by his mace. As with Siegel and Shuster, it should have been the same, the same co-creator credit in the strip, writer, and artist. When the two meet at an opera many years later, during the events of the 12-issue story arc called "Hush", Bruce comments that the two no longer have a relationship as Bruce and Selina. The series is said to be a reimagining of the Caped Crusader that returns to the character's noir roots.[225]. He's a lot easier; He's a lot looser and more relaxed."[65]. [88], Batman is often treated as a vigilante by other characters in his stories. Their run begun with issue #125, which was released on July 5, 2022 and starts with "Failsafe", a six-issue story arc. "Rewriting Superman" in G. Aichele & T. Pippin (eds.). [129] Batman's origin is first presented in Detective Comics #33 (November 1939) and is later expanded upon in Batman #47. In 2021, as part of the Fear State crossover event, Lucius Fox's son Jace Fox succeeds Bruce as Batman in a 2021 storyline, depicted in the series I Am Batman, after Batman was declared dead. However, this balance came to an end when Barbatos escaped his bonds and allowed the rejected timelines to remain in some form of existence. "Notes from the Batcave: An Interview with Dennis O'Neil" p. 23. This unyielding moral rectitude has earned him the respect of several heroes in the DC Universe, most notably that of Superman and Wonder Woman. Also, Bruce appeared in another ongoing series, Batman: The Dark Knight. Batman/Bruce Wayne is featured in the Smallville Season 11 digital comic based on the TV series. changes aspects of DC continuity again, including those of Batman. Sharrett, Christopher. Freeze. Langley argues that Bruce Wayne confronts his own darkness early in life; he chooses to use it to instill fear in wrongdoers, with his bright and dark sides working together to fight evil. featured Batman being physically and mentally broken by the enigmatic villain Doctor Hurt and attracted news coverage in advance of its highly promoted conclusion, which would speculated to feature the death of Bruce Wayne. Written by Finger, it depicts a young Bruce Wayne witnessing his parents' murder at the hands of a mugger. "[279] Grant Morrison said that "Gayness is built into BatmanObviously as a fictional character he's intended to be heterosexual, but the basis of the whole concept is utterly gay."[280]. [81] This is in contrast to the Post-Crisis Superman, whose Clark Kent persona is the true identity, while the Superman persona is the facade. During this period, Bruce Wayne has a fianc named Julie Madison. [79] Although Bruce Wayne leads an active romantic life, his vigilante activities as Batman account for most of his time. Batman, for his part, witnesses Jason Todd's death and his injury at the hands of Bane. [174] Batman then tells Catwoman about the War of Jokes and Riddles, and she agrees to marry him. ", which brought Batman up against the villainous "Black Glove" organization, which sought to drive Batman into madness. Bill said, 'Why not make him look more like a bat and put a hood on him, and take the eyeballs out and just put slits for eyes to make him look more mysterious?' Batman keeps most of his field equipment in his utility belt. [123] In terms of his physical condition, Batman is described as peak human, being far beyond an Olympic-athlete-level condition, easily-able to run-across rooftops in a Parkour-esque fashion, press thousands of pounds regularly, and even bench press six hundred pounds of soil and coffin in a poisoned and starved state. This and a cameo appearance in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom are expected to be Affleck's last appearance in the role. "[13] He later said his suggestions were influenced by Lee Falk's popular The Phantom, a syndicated newspaper comic-strip character with which Kane was also familiar. [51] Regardless, circulation continued to drop through the 1970s and 1980s, hitting an all-time low in 1985. Robin, Batman's vigilante partner, has been a widely recognized supporting character for many year; each iteration of the Robin character, of which there have been five in the mainstream continuity, function as members of the Batman family, but additionally, as Batman's "central" sidekick in various media. [208] That same year the character was adapted in the 15-part serial Batman, with Lewis Wilson becoming the first actor to portray Batman on screen. 3 #85[73] a new creative team consisting of James Tynion IV with art by Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki replaced Tom King, David Finch and Mikel Jann. Since 2008, Batman has also starred in various direct-to-video films under the DC Universe Animated Original Movies label. However, the two soon joined forces. Bob Kane noted that, as a result, DC was "planning to kill Batman off altogether". During this time, Gotham City faces catastrophe in the decade's closing crossover arc. He is a master of disguise, multilingual, and an expert in espionage, often gathering information under the identity of a notorious gangster named Matches Malone. [4] DC has also published comics featuring alternate versions of Batman, including the incarnation seen in The Dark Knight Returns and its successors, the incarnation from the Flashpoint (2011) event, and numerous interpretations from Elseworlds stories. The story ends with Batman retrieving the god-killing bullet used to kill Orion, setting up its use in "Final Crisis". [150], Batman, along with Superman and Wonder Woman, reforms the Justice League in the new Justice League of America series,[151] and is leading the newest incarnation of the Outsiders. It protects him from gunfire and other significant impacts, and incorporates the imagery of a bat in order to frighten criminals. In an early 1980s storyline, Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne develop a relationship, in which the closing panel of the final story shows her referring to Batman as "Bruce". [8], Finger suggested giving the character a cowl instead of a simple domino mask, a cape instead of wings, and gloves; he also recommended removing the red sections from the original costume. I called it Batman," Langley says.[283]. The Writers Guild of America's strike wages on, having begun last month on May 2, and now Matt Reeves .

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