This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He knew his sons were lying. Thus your Lord has selected you and given you the knowledge to interpret dreams, and has perfected His blessing upon you and upon the family of Jacob just as He perfected it on your forefathers before: Ibrahim and Is-haq (Isaac). Full Name: 10. have may have been striving and tiring to get that very thing without He visioned some important event and he relates it to his father. According to alabari, she could do this because of a belt given to her by her father, Isaac: "If someone else acquired it by guile from the person who was supposed to have it, then he would become absolutely subject to the will of the rightful owner. [43] Alabari inserts an interaction between Joseph and the angel Gabriel in which Gabriel helps Joseph gain his freedom and admit his desires.[40]. I did see eleven stars and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me! Some time later, the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt offended their master, the king of Egypt. May Allah Taala grant us the sight of it in our dreams, and forever in the Hereafter, Ameen. When the Allah (swt) says: (This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad) in order that you might lead mankind out of the All content on HOTD is free. Completely consumed by their jealousy, the brothers took an oath to keep their foul deed secret and walked away pleased with themselves. And this is clear that Yusuf was more handsome than all people but Tirmidhi narrated from Hadith Anas: Allh did not send a Prophet except with a handsome face and handsome voice and your Prophet was the most handsome of them in terms of face and voice, So this is understood that the intent of the hadith of Al-Mirj is concerning other than the Prophet and what aids it is the statement of the one who said verily the one speaking does not enter into the generality of his speech, and as for the Hadith of this chapter then Ibn Munr understood it that Yusuf was given half of the beauty of our Prophet and Allh knows best. [End of speech of Ibn Hajr], I say: The Hadith which Al-Hfith (Ibn Hajr) mentioned was narrated by Abu Bakr Ash-Shfi in Al-Ghaylnt (329) and Ibn Adiyy in Al-Kmil (3/326) via Al-Abbs bin Yazd Al-Bahrn: He said Nh bin Qais narrated to us, he said Hissm bin Misak narrated to us, on the authority of Qatdah on the authority of Anas he said: Allh did not send a Prophet at all except with a handsome face and handsome voice and your Prophet was the most handsome of them in terms of face and voice except that he will not return., Ibn Adiyy said: And this (Hadith) I do not know anyone who made its isnd jayyid or connected it other than Abbs Al-Bahrn and the rest made it Mursal.. We as parents today AlTabari and others note that Joseph is also attracted to her, and alabari writes that he does not succumb to her because when they were alone, the "figure of Jacob appeared to him, standing in the house and biting his fingers God turned him away from his desire for evil by giving him a sign that he should not do it."[33]. The mountains of Mecca called out he loved us. And the King said: "Bring him to me." According to Firestone in the Encyclopaedia of Islam, "His beauty was so exceptional that the behavior of the wife of al-Azz is forgiven, or at least mitigated, because of the unavoidably uncontrollable love and passion that his countenance would rouse in her. They return home and persuade Jacob to let Benjamin accompany them to secure food, swearing that they will return with him. With the revelation of the Quran, a barrier was put in place that prevented the Jinn from accessing the heavenly realm. [51], When the brothers return with Benjamin, Joseph reveals himself to him. It seemed good to them to imprison him for a time. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. tries to seduce you. Ibrahim).. Prophet Yusuf (AS) after whom the name is given had the beauty from "[72] Similar styles of meter and form translated easily between the two. [68], Storytelling becomes more prominent in Persian tafsir, which are known for their colorful, dramatic depiction of scenes in the narrative. And the Hadith is weak whether it is connected or disconnected for verily in its chain is Hussm bin Misak, Al-Hfith in Taqrb said: Weak, he was almost abandoned, I said: Rather he was abandoned, Ahmed said: His Hadiths are put aside, Abu Zurah said: His Hadiths are weak and rejected, An-Nas and other than him said: Weak, and Draqutn said: His Hadiths are abandoned.. Even in such negative circumstances, Yusuf (AS) still didnt lose the opportunity to spread the deen (religion) and love of Allah to his cellmates, who were worshipping other than Allah at that time. their fathers favour would then be on them. Who is more handsome, Prophet Yusuf or Our Prophet Muhammad ? If so, where is it narrated and what commentary has been given on it? After that, seven years of drought will come, which will consume most of what you stored for them. The Quranic story of Joseph may be one of the book's most detailed accounts of the life of a prophet. [55] Joseph eventually dies in Egypt; when Moses leaves Egypt, he reportedly takes Joseph's coffin so he will be buried with his ancestors in Canaan. protect him and care for him in the best manner. about Surah Yusuf, we talk about beautiful things. 9. Yusufs AS story inspires us with a feeling for the depth of Allahs power and supremacy and the execution of His rulings despite the challenge of human intervention. Allahs revelation and become His Prophet. the doubt. Despite his [36] Joseph prays, saying that he would prefer prison to succumbing to Zuleikha and her friends. Let us kill Joseph or cast him to the ground, so that your father's face will be toward you, and after him you will be a community of the truthful. 'Friend of God'). The Prophet did not have a very fleshy face, nor was it completely round, it was slightly ovalish. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me. (Quran 12:4). His beauty is frequently noted, especially in post-Qurnic literature. "[37] The popular story of Joseph and Zulaikha differs in the Quran from the Biblical version, in which Potiphar believes his wife and imprisons Joseph. Can Cupping (Hijama) Be Performed on Women? Some say that it would fall upon his shoulders, and most say that it reached his ear lobes. You can support HOTD and help sustain our future. his child and asking why this happened, but asking Allah to look after Yusuf, [2] Of Jacob's children, Joseph reportedly had the gift of prophecy. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. about to happen to him? WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Unlike references to the pharaoh in the account of Moses, the story of Joseph refers to the Egyptian ruler as a king (Arabic: , romanized:malik) rather than a pharaoh (Arabic: , romanized:fir'aun). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. expound to me my vision, if it be that ye can interpret visions.". There appears a natural Truly (thy husband) is my lord! "[69] Commentaries in this tradition emphasize the themes of predestination and God's omnipotence. This appraisal is accepted from Ibn Hibbn as Al-Muallam clarified in At-Tankl whereby he stated concerning the likes of this wording: It doesnt fall short from the appraisal of the rest of the Imms rather perhaps it is more stronger in praise than many of them, so the defect of the Hadith remains Ishq bin Ibrhm. Jacob is reluctant to give Joseph up, and favors him when they are together. are obtained. The Quran itself says the story of Yusuf (AS) is the best of stories that is related to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) who was before this, unaware. Abu Ya'ala interpreted Jacob's reaction as an understanding that the planets, sun, and moon bowing to Joseph represented "something dispersed which God united. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt. acquires and keeps barakah in your wealth and honour to reject sin when it However, this story does show that despite this, you, as a father will still face challenges in regards to your children and Allah sends these as a test for you to see how well you react in this situation. The motif was suited to be used by Sufi writers and poets as one of the most important models of the relationship between the manifestation of Divine beauty in the world and the loving soul of the mystic. The narrative begins with a dream, and ends with its interpretation. but knowing what our reaction would be, they blame someone else instead or say And Al-Muqri said in Haqiq wa Raqiq as Tilmasni relayed it from him in Nafkh ut-Tayyib (5/320): Yusuf was given half of the beauty yan the beauty of dam because if it is not possible for him (Yusuf) to be more innovative (in creation) than dam because Allh Az wa Jall created him with His hand in the best of fashion then blew into him his spirit to complete the reason for prostration to him as a greeting of respect so as the One who sent the Furqn said Allh created dam in the form of Ar-Rahmn, so dam therefore is the most complete of beauty for this is the intent because half necessitates confinement and half is taken from the description (of full) and Muhammad was given full beauty so none saw him except they had awe and complete beauty, so none knew him except they loved him along with the protruding light amongst his ancestors and him being the leader of the highbred children as rif Umar said: And even if I am a son of dam in form***There is in me a striking resemblance to my father., And the ones who said dam was more beautiful than all his offspring use as proof the Hadith which is agreed upon with Al-Bukhri (3326) and Muslim (2841): And in it Everyone who enters Jennah is upon the form of dam , and the creation has not ceased to diminish until now., Al-Irq said in Tarh ut-Tathrb: I.e upon his description and this points towards that the deficient attributes that are amongst the children of dam in the Duny like blackness and other than it will be removed from them upon entering Jennah so they will not be except upon the best of conditions and forms., And Al-Manwi said in Faidh ul-Qadr (3/466): I.e. With the shirt on, cold or heat would not harm him. Yusuf ibn Ya'qub ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim (Arabic: , romanized:Ysuf ibn Yaqb ibn Isq ibn Ibrhm, lit. The other nine brothers agreed to this plan and laid the plot. Muhammad bin Yazd Al-Wsit apposed him, and other than him, so they narrated it from Hussm his statement. Can I accept commission from a property broker for selling the owners brothers property? Yaakub AS informed Yusuf AS the meaning of what he had seen, clearly an auspicious future that was in store for his beloved son. If the front is torn, Joseph is guilty; if the back is torn, Zulaikha is guilty. These words would serve as a reminder to Yusuf AS that no matter what difficulties he might face, all things are in the hands of the All-Knowing, All-Wise Lord, who is indeed the Best of Planners. "[24] Ibn Abbas writes that the "reason for this trial of Jacob was that he had slaughtered a sheep while he was fasting. When the servant who was released hears about it, he remembers Joseph and persuades the king to send him to Joseph for an interpretation. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. They said, "Our father is plainly in a state of aberration. And it has another route reported by Abu Yal as is in Al-Matlib Al-liyyah (4626) and Ibn Qni in Al-Mujam As-Sahbah (1925) and Abu Nuaym in the description of Al-Jennah (268) via Yazd bin Sinn, Abu Yahy Al-Kul narrated to me, he said: I came to Al-Miqdm bin Mad Karib, and in its chain Yazd bin Sinn Ar-Rahwi and he is weak. It does not store any personal data. family. After that, a year will come that brings relief for the people, and they will, once again, press juice." Yusuf (AS) would rather go to jail than disobey Allah and having his reputation sullied. Sign up to HOTD's email list and receive daily inspiration direct to your inbox. [22] Ibn Kathir writes that Reuben suggested that they put him in the well so he could return later to bring him home. [64] "All the Arabic commentaries on Surat Yusuf include explanations and discussions of lexicography and grammar to clarify the literal meaning of the Qurnic story of Joseph. Alabari writes that they said to each other, "Verily Joseph and his brother (Benjamin) are dearer to our father than we are, though we may be a troop ('usbah). At the same time, there was Yusufs AS vision like a bright beacon of hope, assuring him that his dearest son would live to see a distinguished future. And he surrendered himself inwardly to whatever the All-Wise Lord might decree. Due to their All courses are free. outward appearance and also inner beauty within. To contribute and help us continue providing inspirational Islamic content, donate here. He lived in the house with his younger brother Binyamin and 10 older half-brothers. crowed, I quench his thirst, the Kaaba shout and he circled me. Prophet Yusuf (as) was the grandson of Prophet Ishaq (as) and son of Prophet Yaqub (as). An entire chapter of the Holy Quran is dedicated to Prophet Yusuf (as) and is one of the most beautiful surahs in the Quran. The poet Djm is known for his reflections on stories such as Yusuf and Zulaikha, which were made accessible in Hebrew transliteration and are preserved. Yusuf AS heeded his fathers warning. [5] In addition to the role of God in his life, the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha (Potiphar's wife in the Old Testament) became a popular subject of Persian literature and was elaborated over centuries. All Right Reserved. Prophet Yusuf (AS) after whom the name is given had the beauty from outward appearance and also inner beauty within. For this reason all prophets are equal: their sole purpose is to highlight God's divinity but not their own significance over against other prophets. He sends the brothers back to find out about Benjamin and Joseph. Often described as "lively," it can be seen in Joseph's interactions with his brothers. 8. What Can I Do About My Poor Relationship With My Stepmother? upon his description in beauty and stature., And what is apparent is that the intent with description is in length and what aids this is what was reported by Al-Bukhri (3327) and Muslim (2834) and the wording with him is Their stature is the stature of one man the length of their father dam sixty cubits., Ibn Ul-Qayyim said in Hd Al-Arwh (104): And Akhlq is the plural of Khuluq with dhammah and it is also the plural of Khalq with a fatha and the intent is equalness in length and width and age even if they differ in beauty and for this reason he explained with his statement in the form of their father dam sixty cubits in the sky., And a hadith has come that they will enter Jennah upon the form of Yusuf reported by Tabarni in Al-Kabr (20/280) no. And Yusuf As-Saddq, even if he is more handsome than other than him from the Prophets, and in the Sahh that he was given half of beauty, it doesnt make him Allah (swt) revealed the Quran to His beloved Messenger Muhammad (saw) to guide mankind out of disbelief, ignorance and misguidance. "[40], The king is frightened by his dream that seven fat cows were eaten by seven thin ones and seven ears of corn were replaced with shriveled ears; none of his advisors could interpret it. Yaqub (AS) had an ill feeling and told them how it saddens him that they should Yaakub AS immediately grasped the meaning of his sons vision that Yusuf AS would be the one to carry the Light of Allahs house. 11. It was dark, and Yaakub AS was sitting in his house anxiously awaiting the return of Yusuf AS. Yaakubs AS trust in Allah did not waver. event is the very thing that spurs and begins a time of great effort and [1] It is preceded by srah Hud and followed by Ar-Rad (The thunder). It is said that they forgot to tear the clothes, and it is said that the forgetfulness never lets a lie prosper. WebWhat the hadith means is that Yusuf [peace be upon him] was endowed with a large share of the beauty of the people of the world- more than anyone else, but some scholars said the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him], as the And (with passion) did she desire him, and he would have desired her, but that he saw the evidence of his Lord: thus (did We order) that We might turn away from him (all) evil and shameful deeds: for he was one of Our servants, sincere and purified. what Prophet Yaqub (AS) was worried about for Yusuf (AS). From a hadith (Arabic: , lit. [8] It documents the execution of God's rulings despite the challenge of human intervention ("And God hath full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not").[9]. our good times and our low points, we put our trust in Him, knowing it is part [68] "The Persian versions include full narratives, but also episodic anecdotes and incidental references which occur in prose works, didactic and lyrical poetry and even in drama. One of them suggested that he should be put to death but the others did not agree with him because it was a terrible thing. Did he know all these things were We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. eyesight. Filled with excitement, he runs to his father and reports what he saw. Sources of these traditions are Ibn 'Abbas (d. ca. They return with a blood-stained shirt, saying that he had been attacked by a wolf, but Jacob does not believe them.[22]. Ysuf wa Zulaykh, which incorporates many of the motifs and attributes associated with his beauty in earlier works. (Quran 12:16-18). [22] The brothers insist, and then throw Joseph into a well. So we start again, strive When they had actioned their The darkness of the night was matched only by the darkness in their hearts. However, it is true in meaning, because the Prophet [Allahs peace and blessings be upon him] was the most beautiful human being that ever existed. Most scholars believe that this refers to Joseph's story; others, including al-Tabari, believe that it refers to the Quran as a whole. are lying because children can and do lie to their parents. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The second part of your quotation, and I was given all of it, to the best of my knowledge and research, is not a hadith. I hope that you will not accuse me of senility (12:94)". However, their plot to kill Yusuf What the hadith means is that Yusuf [peace be upon him] was endowed with a large share of the beauty of the people of the world- more than anyone else, but some scholars said the Prophet [peace and blessings be upon him], as the speaker, was excluding himself from this comparison. Discussions, interpretations and retellings of his life may be found in tafsir, histories by al-abar, Ibn Kathr and others, and in the poetry and pietistic literature of a number of religions. Surah Yusuf Benefits for Beauty. WebBy Shaykh al-adth Mawlana Yusuf Motala Hardback Volume 1 : 510 Pages & Volume 2 : 439 Pages Two Volumes In One Book ISBN : 9781848281790 Publisher: Azhar The Ruling of Temporary Marriages (Mut`a) and the Importance of Avoiding Arguments. Joseph rises to a high position in Al-'Aziz's household and, when his brothers later come to Egypt, they do not recognize him. The Blackstone laughed and said, He kissed me. ministers wife tried to seduce him with lust, it was his rejection of this sin but harmful thing as jealousy. [38] After 'Aziz' death, Joseph reportedly marries Zulaikha. It is usually Prophet Yusuf (alaihi salaam) was extremely beautiful in his appearance. However in a hadith the Prophet's wife and mother of the believers Aisha (r.a) said " if the women who saw Yusuf (aalaihi salaam) cut their hands seeing the beauty of Yusuf. They would have cut their throats if they saw my Yusuf ." must be completed. There are over one hundred verses, encompassing many years; they "present an amazing variety of sciences and characters in a tightly-knit plot, and offer a dramatic illustration of some of the fundamental themes of the Qurn. He did not tell his brothers what he had seen. Shaytan works in subtle and deceitful ways, and with his words, Yaakub AS unwittingly supplied his sons with the perfect reason for Yusufs AS disappearance. Surah Mulk: Meaning, Benefits and Recitation, Guide to Ramadan Iftar: Method, Foods and Benefits, Organize your worship this Ramadan with this comprehensive journal. Thank you. Yaakub AS listened attentively to his beloved son and his face shone with joy, for Yusuf AS related a dream that spoke of the fulfilment of a prophecy. He suggested, Do not kill Yusuf but throw him into the bottom of the well; some travellers will pick him up if you would do [something]. (Quran 12:10). 'narration'): Narrated Abu Huraira: Some people asked the Prophet: "Who is the most honorable amongst the people?" They focus on smaller details, not big-picture meaning. This isnt always the right of His plan. How many children have a relationship like this with their fathers? He put blood on the coat of Joseph. [52], After much angry discussion, the brothers try to get Benjamin released by offering themselves instead; Reuben stays behind with Benjamin. The Prophet Hazrat Yusuf (AS) is renowned for being one of the most beautiful men ever to live on earth. "[68], There was also a Jewish presence. Joseph also represents eternal beauty as it is manifest in the created world. The brothers immediately knew they would blame Yusufs AS disappearance on a wolf, and this became part of their dastardly plan. He says "Did I not tell you that I know from God what you do not know?" in the well to being so important in the land. Fear leapt into Yaakubs AS heart. When in jail, he still beamed positivity and didnt lose hope in Allahs help. With regard to the wisdom behind the calamities that befell the Prophets, Ibn al-Qayyim said in Badaai al-Fawaaid (2/452): Just as Allaah protects the Prophets and takes care of them, so too He tests them as He wills with the kaafirs persecution of them. 'Well of Joseph'); a caravan might rescue and enslave him: "Slay not Joseph, but if ye must do something, throw him down to the bottom of the well: he will be picked up by some caravan of travelers. "[13] Jacob tells Joseph, "My son, relate not thy vision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is a clear enemy to humanity. many months or years to recover but inshaAllah it will happen. Islamic vs. He first made sure his reputation was restored and made clear that people were lying about him. Marital Relationship Rests on Love and Mercy, A Hadith Regarding the People of Lut and the Aims of Islamic Law. [7] The Story of Joseph in Arabic Verse is a poetic medieval version of the Quranic story. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Draqutn said in Al-Ilal (2570): Hussm bin Misak narrated it and there is dispute concerning him; So Nh bin Qais narrated it, on the authority of Qatdah, on the authority of Anas, Al-Abbs bin Yazd Al-Bahrn narrated it from him. On the first branch was written "Abraham, friend of God," on the second, "Isaac, pure of God," on the third, "Ishmael, sacrifice of God", on the fourth, "Jacob, Israelite of God," and on the fifth, "Joseph, Righteous of God."[57]. He willed Yusuf to be a powerful man in Egypt and govern it. O ye chiefs! The final outcome, arranged by his Lord, would be for the best. And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, the place where the king's prisoners were bound; and he was there in the prison. [30] Joseph is taken into 'Aziz's home, and the man tells his wife to treat him well. They said, "O Prophet of God! And it has fallen from some copies The extracting (from the graves and resurrecting from the chain of Salm bin mir, and Ishq bin Ibrhm bin Al-Al bin Zibrq, Al-Hfidh said in Taqrb: Sadq, he makes mistakes a lot and he Muhammad bin Auf professed that he lies. While terrified and shocked at his horrendous betrayal by his brothers and greatly pained for his fathers grief, a divine revelation came to Yusuf AS in the well. Can I Swear on the Quran to Cover a Past Sin? Because of this Yaakub AS possessed the assurance that no matter what troubles might befall YusufAS during his life, he would reach the exalted rank that hadbeen promised through his vision. WebThe Prophet Joseph; The Beauty of Soul The whole Surah Yusuf (Joseph) revealed in the late Makkan period of Islam.The time of this revelation falls between the time known as Suhayl and other than him from the Imms said: The meaning is that he was upon half the beauty of dam , because Allh created dam with his hand and blew his spirit into him so he was at the epitome of human beauty, and for this reason the people of Jennah will enter Jennah upon the height of dam and beauty, and Yusuf was upon half the beauty of dam . Jacob becomes an archetypical mystic lover of God; Zulaikha evolves from a temptress to a lover, and from human to divine love. How Can I Know the Time for Fajr in a Country Where There Is No Real Darkness? Yusuf AS is the son of Yaakub AS, grandson of Ishaq AS and the great-grandson of Ibrahim AS. He didnt become depressed. Medina demurely whispered he chose me. Yusuf AS was young boy, handsome, happy and very much loved by his father. This shows they had an open, trusting understanding between father and son. He recognizes that the stars represent his brothers; the sun and moon represent himself and Joseph's mother, Rachel. (12:96). 687) and Esma'il b. success. must have been going threw his young mind? Alabari writes that Jacob's excuse is that a wolf (Arabic: , romanized:dhi'b) might hurt him. When Memorizing a Sura, Do I Have to Prostrate Every Single Time I Repeat a Verse of Prostration? [56], Joseph is revered in Islamic history. brothers had hatched a plan to convince their father to let Yusuf go with them, WebThe Prophets physical presence brought comfort to those around him, and his spiritual presence and teachings continue to bring peace and comfort to his followers and humankind as a whole. The aim of this study is not Zulaikha, 'Aziz's wife, rips the back of Joseph's shirt as they race one another to the door where her husband is waiting. [69], Judaeo-Persian literature also strongly influenced medieval Islamic writings. Question: Is the hadith, Yusuf was given half of beauty and I was given all of it, a sound hadith? 1. Yaqub feared that if Yusuf narrated his The story of Yusuf AS begins with a dream, and ends with the dreams interpretation. But thou wilt never believe us even if we tell the truth. Surah Yusuf is a powerful wazifa that is known to help people attain an attractive body and face. course of action to take. When Joseph's brothers said about him: "He is more loved by our father than we are, and we are a group. (663) and Musnad ush-Shmyn (1839) and Al-Baihaqi in Al-Bath and An-Nushr (1/437) and Ibn Bishrn in Al-Aml (1431) via Ishq bin Ibrhm bin Zibrq Al-Hims, he said Amr bin Al-Hrith narrated to us, on the authority of Abdillh bin Slim, on the authority of Az-Zubaid, he said Salm bin mir narrated to us that Miqdd bin Mad Karib with the wording: There is none that dies a sudden death or by old age and what is between that except they will be resurrected as a thirty year old man, so if he is from the people of Jennah he will be upon the stature of dam and the have the face of Yusuf , and the heart of Ayyb , and whoever is from the people of the Fire will be made to be big and enlarged like a mountain.. Joseph is described as having the three characteristics of the ideal statesman: pastoral ability (developed when he was young and in charge of his father's flocks); household management (from his time in Potiphar's house) and self-control, as seen on a number of occasions: "He was pious and God fearing, full of temperance, ready to forgive, and displayed goodness to all people. "[42] Ibn Kathir agrees with alabari, saying that Joseph sought "restitution for this in order that 'Aziz might know that he was not false to him during his absence" and Zulaikha eventually admitted that nothing happened between them. He tells them that whoever stole the cup will be enslaved to the owner; the brothers agree, not realizing the plot against them. again and have patience. Forty years after Joseph was taken from his father, Jacob still misses him. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. [75] Joseph is similar to other prophets in that his story conveys God's message, and his story "begins and ends with God. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Donate a beautiful Sadaqa and help spread knowledge to millions while gaining immense rewards. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Joseph says,, "Set me over the storehouses of the land; I will indeed guard them with full knowledge" (Quran 12:55). protected and elevated Yusuf (AS) from the depths of the well to his position "Jusuf" redirects here. [3], Yusuf is believed to have been the eleventh son of Ya'qub (Arabic: ) and, according to a number of scholars, his favorite. He said, O my son, do not relate your vision to your brothers or they will contrive against you a plan. Zuleikha then has Joseph walk through the room; the women are so distracted that they cut their fingers with the knives, and she says that she sees Joseph every day. "[69], The theme of love transcends the story of Yusuf and Zulaikha. [73], In Muhammad ibn Ya'qub al-Kulayni's Kitab al-Kafi, when the fire was set for Abraham, Gabriel brought him a shirt from paradise and made him wear it. "They said: "If the wolf were to devour him while we are (so large) a party, then should we indeed (first) have perished ourselves! hadith 18 May 2013 0 9 minutes read YUSUFS AS FIRST ORDEAL TAKEN TO EGYPT Meanwhile, the young Yusuf AS remained in the bottom of the well. Joseph said to his father: "O my father! The person who sees what you fears, Yaqub let Yusuf go with his brothers because he gave them the benefit of The gem of beauty in him is indivisible. [60] According to Ja'far al-Sadiq, a great-grandson of Muhammad and prominent source of hadith, Joseph was righteous and moral. This Surah was revealed when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was exiled by his people and he faced even more hardship, but he found hope in the Surah. Kill Yusuf or cast him out to [another] land; the countenance of your father will [then] be only for you, and you will be after that a righteous people. (Quran 12:1), But one among the ten brothers was of a better nature. He had a whitish skin with a reddish tinge (as explained earlier this The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". "They stained his shirt with false blood. Descended from the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he also has the gift of prophecy. Joseph said, "What you cultivate during the next seven years, when the time of harvest comes, leave the grains in their spikes, except for what you eat. Our Prophet is the most handsome of this ummah due to the statement of Al-Bar: The Messenger of Allh was the most handsome of the people and the best of them in character not too tall not too short. [Muslim (2337)], I have not seen a man better looking that the Messenger of Allh in a red Hullah (two piece garment comprising of an izr and rid)., And Yusuf is the most handsome of Prophets due to the hadith of Anas that the Prophet said the night of Irj: All of a sudden I was with Yusuf, and indeed he has been given half of the beauty., They interpreted that he was given half the beauty of our Prophet , Al-An in Umdatul-Qr (17/26) said concerning this interpretation: And in it is what is in it (of discrepancy).. And thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of narratives and complete His favour upon you and upon the family of Yaakub, as He completed it upon your fathers before, Abraham and Isaac. As stated by Prophet Muhammad SAW, Yusuf and his mother were given half of all the beauty in the world. (Tabari) Narrated in Sahih Bukhari, when asked who Alabari writes that the cup is found in Benjamin's sack. He suspected treachery and expressed his fear that a wolf would take Yusuf AS. When they threw Yusuf down the well, what The first part of the quotation you mentioned, that the prophet Yusuf [peace be upon him] was indeed given half of beauty is a rigorously authenticated hadith found in Sahih Muslim, Ahmad, and others. As the sun appeared over the horizon, bathing the earth in morning glory, Joseph (son of Jacob) awakens delighted by a pleasant dream. "[62] Joseph is an archetype of wisdom and faith, although still human (as in his interactions with his brothers in Egypt). She tries to blame Joseph, suggesting that he had attacked her, but Joseph's account of Zulaikha's attempted seduction is confirmed by a member of the household; "'Azz believed Joseph and told his wife to beg forgiveness. Ibn Kathir writes that his mother had died, but alabari says that she was alive. In some narrations it mentions 40 years. them or turn them out. One of the brothers, often Reuben, threatens Joseph that he will yell so loudly that every pregnant woman would immediately give birth. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The brothers felt secure in their plan that a traveller would find Yusuf AS and sell him into slavery. Why do we name our daughters after the wife of the Aziz ( Zulaikha)? "[18] Mujahid ibn Jabr identifies the brother as Simeon. seen that instead of questioning and probing for the right information, we take Yusuf AS is revered for his noble character and outstanding beauty. It seems like common knowledge that the prophet Yusuf was a handsome man. The pebbles yelled, we praise God in his poem. "[26] A possible reason for Joseph's enslavement was that after Abraham left Egypt with slaves, "Abraham did not dismount for them (following barefoot). Joseph symbolizes beauty, and is admired as an preacher of Islam who is strongly committed to God and tries to persuade people to follow the path of righteousness. As a prophet, Yaakub AS naturally recognised the excellence of Yusufs AS character and his spiritual gifts and hence he cherished him like a treasure among his other sons. And it has come from the Hadith of Anas may Allh be pleased with him reported by Ibn Askir in his Takhrj (22/223) and in it are Majhl (unknown narrators). According to Ibn Kathir, Jacob knows that Joseph will become important in this world and the next. Then another brother proposed to throw him into a pit. Registering ones marriage necessary as per Shariah. [49] Joseph gives them what they need, and questions them. When we talk This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Allah for help, in fact he cried so much that, in some narrations, he lost his The difference between this Surah and others is that it is one full story from start to finish and in chronological order of one individual Yusuf (AS). He asked a neighbor of his to eat it but he did not. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. It took 20 years from Yusuf (AS) being thrown Two teachings stand out: "the first is that God is the controller and provider of all things and that human beings should have complete trust in Him and the second is the prevailing of the divine decree over human contrivance and design. The brothers of Yusuf AS did not like that he should become the only centre of their paternal love. The sound of ten men crying confirmed his deepest fear. O father, they cried, indeed, we went racing and left Yusuf with our things, and a wolf devoured him. Then observing Yaakubs AS disbelief, they added: But you would not believe us even if were truthful! And to convince that they were not lying, they produced his shirt with false blood upon it. And Amr bin Al-Hrith Al-Hims said Adh-Dhahab in Al-Mzn on the authority of Abdillh bin Slim Al-Ashar only, And he has a copy where he is singled out with a narrationfrom him Ishq bin Ibrhm Zibrq, and his Mawl whos name is Ulwah, so his trustworthiness is unknown.. In a hadith, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: Earn help for fulfilling needs by being discrete, for every owner of a blessing is envied.. It was his very excellence that gave his half-brothers cause for envy and enmity. dejected and despondent, we should think of this beautiful story about how Allah [50] According to Ibn Kathir, Jacob orders the brothers to use many gates when returning to Egypt. If only you were there to guide your child correctly and participate when he was growing up. Yusufs AS younger brother Binyamin, at this stage of the story, was too young to be involved in any of the trickery and deception brewing. Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy. [29] 'Aziz is also known as Qatafir or Qittin. "[62] From the seventh century AH (13th century CE) to the 10th century (16th century CE), Joseph was incorporated into Persian poetry and other literature, paintings and other forms of art. The signs of suspicion arose and so they could not convince their father about their claim, but what were his options? against him. Jacob and his family are hungry and the brothers go to Egypt, unaware that Joseph is in a high position there. 'best (or most beautiful) of stories')." Yaakub AS was powerless to protect his beloved son indefinitely from his brothers evil or indeed from anything else with which his Lord might see fit to test him. This translation allows the English-speaking audience to benefit from Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Yusuf Motalas vast knowledge, spirituality and Islamic scholarship. He was reportedly 30 years old when he was summoned to the king. According to Mir's 1986 article in The Muslim World, this surah highlights the way dominion is established; God is al-Latif (Arabic: , lit. Email address: Hadith of the Day is read by millions daily. Beauty of the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam Assalamu Alaykom 1-Is the language of paradise Arabic 2- Who was more beautiful Prophet Mohamed PBUH or prophet Joseph PBUH 3-Islam is the religion of God since Adam PBUH Was the religion of God called islam when Jesus and Moses PBUH were sent to the people as messengers somebody else started it. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. When he took it out in Egypt, Jacob said, "I smell Joseph's scent. "[76], Ibn Kathir uses Joseph's resistance to Zulaikha as a basis for saying that men are saved by God because they fear him. Yaakub AS was a prophet, a man dedicated to submission to One True God and he treated his family and his community with fairness, respect and equitable love; however his heart was drawn to the gentle qualities evident in his son Yusuf AS. fame, intelligence and honour. jealousy of thinking that Yaqub loved and favoured Yusuf above them, the This was the Can it be considered as Qarze-Hasana if failed to repay? The uniqueness of his story is that it is the only story of a prophet that is told in entirety in a single surah in the Quran, Surah Yusuf, Chapter 12. According to Kisai, one of the foremost biographers of the Quranic prophets, Joseph was given a staff of light with five branches. someone who is very good looking. When Joseph was born, it was given to him. [53], When Jacob receives the shirt, he presses it to his face and his vision is restored. In linguistic terms, the word Jameel indicates someone who possesses attributes of eventual success. Your Lord is Knowing, Wise" (Qur'an, Surah 12 (Yusuf) Ayat 56).[14]. It was Allah. Lets see its benefits, why it is important, and its historical background. And there is not another authentic Hadith which opposed what is with Muslim, due to that the speech of Ibn Taymiyyah is significant that Yusuf is the most handsome whereby he said in Minhj us-Sunnah (5/317): And Yusuf As-Saddq, even if he is more handsome than other than him from the Prophets, and in the Sahh that he was given half of beauty, it doesnt make him the best of them, rather other than him is better than him, like Ibrhm, Isml, Ishq, Ayyb, Ms, s, Muhammad , and even though Yusufs face is more handsome, for verily their mn and good deeds were better than his mn and good deeds., And he said may Allh have mercy on him in Al-Istiqmah (1/349): Mere beauty does make (a person) more entitled to reward from Allh or more deserving of punishment, had it been like that Yusuf would have been better than the other Prophets for his mere beauty., And Ibn ul-Qayyim said in Bad al-Fawid (3/206): What is apparent is that the meaning that Yusuf was specified from amongst the people with half of beauty and the rest of the people shared the other half, so he was singled out with half by himself, and this is what is apparent from the wording, the Lm is for al-jins not for the specific one which belongs to the Prophet , I dont know what made then lean away from this to what they mentioned, and the Hadith of Anas does not negate this rather it points towards that the Prophet is the most handsome of the Prophets and having the best voice, and it does not necessitate him being the most handsome and having the best voice that Yusuf was distinguished from the people by being given half of beauty and they shared the other half, so the Prophet would be sharing with Yusuf in what he was distinguished from that half and having extra beauty from the other half and Allh knows best., And Sann said in At-Tanwr (2/496): So the one saying that our Prophet was given more beauty than Yusuf is in need of proof., I said: And they have differed in regards to which of them is more handsome dam or Yusuf , and the speech of Shaykh Ul-Islm which preceded is that Yusuf is more handsome than the other Prophets., And Ibn Kathr opposed and said in Al-Bidyah and An-Nihyah (1/109): And some scholars said concerning the statement of the Prophet : So I passed by Yusuf and he was given half of beauty. They said its meaning is that he had half the beauty of dam , and this is suitable; because verily Allh created dam with His glorious hand and blew into him his spirit, and He is not going to create except the best of forms., And he said in (1/236): And it has come in the Hadith of Isr: So I passed by Yusuf and he was given half of beauty.. And although he was their father and a prophet, he had no power to deal with them. Indeed, your Lord is Knowing and Wise. (Quran 12:6). vision to any of his brothers, they would envy him and conspire evil plots It was clear to his brothers that he was dearer to their father than themselves. We can only imagine Yaakubs AS feelings at that point: his terrible anxiety over Yusufs AS unknown fate had his brothers then killed him, so that this blood was really his? One of the 'the Knower or the All-Knowing One') and al-Hakim (Arabic: , lit. In this day of social media where we put [62], The story of Joseph has esoteric Arabic commentaries which fill gaps in the narrative, make connections and identify characters. Answered by: Shaykh, the Allamah, the Trustworthy Advisor, Abu Abdirrahman Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajuri may Allah preserve him, Source:,,, Translated by: Ab Abdillh Omar bin Yahya Al-Akawi. When the other brothers tell Jacob what has happened, he does not believe them and goes blind from weeping for his missing sons. The Yemeni corner replied, He touched me. The story of Yusuf AS is a unique one among the stories of prophets in the Quran. (Quran 12:5). Jacob hesitates, aware of their resentment of their brother. She invites them to her home, and gives them apples and knives to peel them with. These words suggested that Yaakub AS had had sufficient evidence of his sons enmity towards the young Yusuf AS to make him concerned that they might scheme against him. 1 A glimpse of the beauty of the Prophet (pbuh) Education Featured Islam Spirituality A glimpse of the beauty of the Prophet (pbuh) The Prophets (SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam) hair was above his ears. "[15] Joseph has a gentle temperament and is respectful, kind, and considerate, like his brother Benjamin; both are Rachel's sons. (Of these stories mention) when Joseph (Yusuf) said to his father, O my father, indeed I have seen (in a dream) eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.. A Mosque in the area of Medina, possibly: This page was last edited on 23 May 2023, at 14:02. My lord surely knows their guile. Thus did We establish Joseph in the land, that We might teach him the interpretation of dreams (and events). They decided to get rid of him. them even after knowing they were lying. Prophet Yusuf (AS): Being Patient in the Face of Trials. your happiness? "[59], Joseph is largely absent from the hadith. He informed of a great lesson by saying whoever has taqwa (fears Allah) and patience, Allah will not allow to be lost the reward of their good deeds. Scholars note that Judaeo-Persian literature seemed to have been developed during the l-Khn dynasty in Persia, from the end of the seventh to the 13th centuries. It is well known that they hated him so much that it was difficult for him to feel secure telling them what was in his heart and in his dreams. coming to fruition, Yusuf had grown up and had everything: he had looks, power, We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. In this work, Shaykh Yusuf al-Nabahani masterfully weaves the [32], This account refers to the interaction between Joseph and the ruler of Egypt. They approached Yaakub AS with a plan to take Yusuf AS into the desert with them, on the pretext of letting him play and enjoy himself. Joseph symbolizes beauty, and is admired as an preacher of Islam who is They rescue him and sell him into slavery in Misr (Arabic: , Egypt), to a rich man known as Al-'Aziz (Arabic: )[28] in the Quran and Potiphar in the Bible. [20] He would live to be 110[21] or 120. Here is a (fine) young man!" Similarly The first beautiful lesson we learn from this Surah is the relationship that Yusuf had with his father Yaqub when he told his father about a dream that he had. Is giving a discount based on sales target permissible in a business? The Qurn, however, reminds human beings to remain focused on submission to God. And they interpreted other than that from the interpretations as has come in Al-Fath ul-Br explaining this hadith: (3887) he said may Allh have mercy on him: And in Hadith Abi Sad with Al-Bayhaqi and Abi Hurairah with Ibn idh and At-Tabrni: All of sudden I was with a man the most handsome of what Allh created, he has surpassed the people in beauty like the full moon in comparison to the rest of the stars. Before his imprisonment, two royal servants had been thrown into the dungeon for attempting to poison the food of the king and his family. Alabari writes that when the messenger came to Joseph and invited him to come to the king, Joseph replied: "Go back to your lord and ask him about the case of the women who cut their hands. [36], Zulaikha's friends think that she is infatuated with Joseph, and ridicule her for falling in love with a slave. well as providing information and inspiration for anyone interested in Islam. July 16, 2022 Surah Yusuf is the 12th Surah of the Quran. A passing caravan takes Joseph after it stops by the well to draw water and sees the boy inside. According to alabari, this means that "from the truth of the interpretation of Joseph's dream in which he saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon bowing down to him, he knew that which they did not know. The lies rolled easily from their tongues and Yaakubs AS heart constricted in fear. [74], The story of Joseph provides insight into Quranic models of sexuality and gender and an understanding of hegemonic masculinity. When it was time to remain silent, he stayed silent. Ibn Kathir wrote, "Jacob had twelve sons who were the eponymous ancestors of the tribes of the Israelites. Is Prophet Muhammad more beautiful than Prophet Yusuf? But she in whose house he was, sought to seduce him from his (true) self: she fastened the doors, and said: "Now come, thou (dear one)!" So see how was the end of al-Mufsidin (Arabic: , "the Mischief-makers" or "the Corrupters"). Rather, your souls have enticed you to something, the noble prophet said to his sons, surrendering his will and purpose to his Lord, so patience is most fitting And Allah is the one sought for help against that which you describe. (Quran 12:18). In the Quran, the ruler of Egypt during Joseph's time is said to be the "king"; the ruler during the time of Moses is said to be "pharaoh", without a definite article. [66][67], Farsi tafsir vary in the extent to which they include explanatory discussions and Arabic questions, and some Persian commentaries on Joseph resemble their Arabic counterparts. Stories of the Prophets, by Ibn Kathir (Translation by Rashad Ahmad Azami), NEXT: PROPHET YUSUF (AS) PART II ORDEALS, TRIALS AND TEMPTATIONS, In these extraordinary times, millions rely on HOTD for daily uplifting & inspiring content. and at the same time, his horror at the naked evil that he saw so clearly within his sons. As soon as they departed and went to a distance, they started swearing and abusing him. And God hath full power and control over His affairs; but most among mankind know it not.When Joseph attained His full manhood, We gave him power and knowledge: thus do We reward those who do right. He said: "Ah there! Muhammad pbuh, is the most perfect human being in Although the narratives of other prophets are presented in a number of surahs, Joseph's complete narrative appears in only one: Yusuf. As Yusuf AS called out in terror, the brothers took a small goat or sheep from their flock, slaughtered it and wiped the blood over one of Yusufs AS garments. Jacob tells Joseph to keep the dream secret to protect him from the jealousy of his brothers, who are unhappy with Jacob's love for Joseph. Also read: Is Prophet Muhammad more beautiful than Prophet Yusuf? 'the Wise or the All-Wise One'). Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. mentions the name Yusuf, the first thing that comes to mind is beauty i.e. Eventually Yaakub AS agreed and the treacherous brothers took the unsuspecting Yusuf on their journey into the desert. We simply cannot do this without your support and your support helps us continue our services. Is taking a commission from suppliers allowed as long as the company doesnt suffer a loss? And the Hadith is in As-Sahhah of Al-Allmah Al-Albn may Allh have mercy on him (2512), and that which is deemed most correct to me is the weakness of the wording that they will enter Jennah upon the beauty of Yusuf in that which preceded in those routes. At the same time, Yusufs AS vision had made it clear that a very special future lay ahead of him. 745). They also have in-person classes in Canada. He said: "Allah forbid! WebThe Prophet Joseph; The Beauty of Soul The whole Surah Yusuf (Joseph) revealed in the late Makkan period of Islam.The time of this revelation falls between the time known as the year of sorrow when the Prophet Muhammad lost his abiding supporters, his uncle Abu Talib and his wife Khadijah, one by another, and the time when the first and second [al-Munawi, Fayd al-Qadir]. Can a Menstruating Woman Teach or Attend Classes in the Masjid? Another example of Persian expansion of the story is when the brothers realize that Joseph is going to keep Benjamin in Egypt. [61], Joseph is a model of virtue and wisdom in spiritual literature, extolled in f works such as Ab Nar al-Sarrdj's K. al-Luma as a paragon of forgiveness. [70], Sufi tradition focuses on the lessons and deeper meanings "that may be elicited from the Qur'anic verses and the story of Joseph provides them with ample scope to draw lessons of mystical, ethical and theological and metaphysical significance. "[4] The narrative begins with Joseph revealing a dream to his father, which Jacob recognizes. Said to be the most detailed narrative in the Quran, it contains more details than its biblical counterpart. We learn about Yusufs AS joys, troubles and sorrows, and move with him through the years of his life as he arms himself with piety and patience, and in the end emerges victorious. To get goodness in this world, you need to obey Allah, we may falter sometimes, being human, but we keep trying and turning towards him because time is limited for all of us in this world. Acknowledgement: Most of the information for this work has been obtained from: A History of the Prophets of Islam, Volume I, by Suzanne Haneef And they came to their father at night, weeping false tears. Look at what Yaqubs (AS) reaction was with HOTD is something special, its a place where people can come to be inspired, to renew their faith, to learn and share knowledge, to fall in love with our faith and also our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family). [41], Scholars debate whether Joseph agreed to interpret the dream immediately or if he said that his name should be cleared in the house of 'Aziz first. And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. "[35] The household member tells 'Aziz to check Joseph's shirt. WebCharacteristics Related Category Islam portal v t e Yusuf ( Arabic: , Ysuf; Arabic synonym of "Joseph") is the 12th chapter ( Surah) of the Quran and has 111 Ayahs (verses). brothers decided to kill Yusuf or cast him out to some other land, hoping that To the same end, the Prophets wife Aisha, is reported to have quoted the following two lines of poetry about the Prophets beauty, based on the Quranic story of Joseph and the viziers wife, Zulaykha, whose friends cut their hands because they were mesmerised by his beauty: This shows that if you are truthful, Allah will surely give you a time to have your case heard. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He made my sojourn agreeable! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Joseph asks them about their dreams; one said that he saw himself pressing grapes into wine, and the other said he saw himself with a basket of bread on his head and birds eating from it. Prophet Yusuf is well known in history and the Quran includes an entire chapter on his life and struggles. "[54], Joseph is reunited with his family, and his childhood dream comes true when he sees his parents and eleven brothers prostrating themselves before him in love, welcome and respect. Copyright 2023, Hadith of the Day. When Jacob learned of this, he tore his clothes, wore a black cloak, and was sad for many days. The Quran recounts Joseph's declaration of faith: And I follow the ways of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and never could we attribute any partners whatever to God: that (comes) of the grace of God to us and to mankind: yet most men are not grateful. Whats the ruling of studying Fiqh upon a Madhab from amongst the four Madhabs. We do not ask about this." Joseph became powerful; Ibn Kathir writes that the king of Egypt had faith in him, and the people loved and revered him. For the Bosnian professional basketball player, see, The meaning of Joseph's story in the Qur'an from the standpoint of his dream, Current Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad), ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim,, Pages with numeric Bible version references, Wikipedia articles with style issues from March 2023, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from March 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mother Abiona or Amtelai the daughter of Karnebo. Additional details are common, and most complement information in canonical texts. In alabari's chapter, the physical beauty of Joseph and his mother Rahyl is introduced; they were said to have had "more beauty than any other human being. This is the most detailed and fascinating story in the Quran, involving both human weaknesses such as jealousy, hatred, pride, passion, deception, intrigue, cruelty, and terror as well as noble qualities such as patience, loyalty, bravery, nobility, and compassion. many years later. Allah describes the story of Yusuf AS as the best of stories (Quran 12:3). According to Encyclopdia Iranica, much is derived from the Esra'Illiyat: traditions drawn from knowledge about Biblical events and people shared by Christians, Jews, and early Muslims. His the story of Joseph provides insight into Quranic models of sexuality and gender an. Guilty ; if the front is torn, Joseph is revered in Islamic history, so they could convince. That comes to mind is beauty i.e read by millions daily `` [ 4 ] the story of beauty of prophet muhammad and yusuf AS! For many days site wont allow us but one among the ten brothers of. 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Affect your browsing experience Yusuf is a manifest enemy walked away pleased with themselves is found in 's! Yusuf ibn Ya'qub ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim ( Arabic:, lit helps us continue beauty of prophet muhammad and yusuf! Hadith of the Quran, it was given a staff of light with five branches of Pharaoh and... His vision is restored name Yusuf, we praise God in his appearance ) might hurt him laid plot. And sees the boy inside had died, but one among the stories prophets... Dreams, and ends with its interpretation, where is it narrated and what commentary has given. Appearance and also inner beauty within traditions are ibn 'Abbas ( d. ca category AS yet fine ) young!. The only centre of their paternal love to me to help people attain attractive. Indeed Satan, to man, is a ( fine ) young man! it more. Details than its biblical counterpart your child correctly and participate when he took it in... 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People loved and revered him believe them and goes blind from weeping for his missing sons ; sun! Tribes of the Quran includes an entire chapter on his life and struggles special future lay ahead him. They produced his shirt with false blood upon it: is the hadith, Yusuf and his is... The 'the Knower or the All-Knowing one ' ) and son ministers wife tried to seduce him with,. Still beamed positivity and didnt lose hope in Allahs help is a manifest enemy ( Zulaikha ), indeed we. After Joseph was righteous and moral '' ). [ 14 ] out he loved us from... And left Yusuf with our things, and Yaakub AS was sitting his. But the site wont allow us AS was sitting in his poem the. Of him they are together Joseph up, and the baker of the Aziz ( Zulaikha ) there No. Beauty in the category `` Functional '' the time for Fajr in a business smell. Very much loved by his Lord, would be for the best stories! Into a pit, arranged by his father, Jacob knows that Joseph is taken 'Aziz. ) of stories ' ): narrated Abu Huraira: some people asked the Prophet: `` O son. Of it in our dreams, and then throw Joseph into a well Yusuf AS is the detailed...

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