19:14. On the other side of this illustration is man. It just keeps gnawing, you are guilty, you are guilty, you are guilty, until it seems unbearable, but there is no let up, no way out, and the worst thing about it is realizing that you could have done differently, but now there is no way to change it. Lazarus was comforted in Abrahams bosom, while the rich mans conscience gnawed at him, just like a worm gnawing. And it can cripple your hearers spiritually. By this very scripture, we establish the setting on earth just prior to the millennial reign of Christ, on earth. in the words of Scripture, and He died with one of them on His lips. That is what the rich man was experiencing in the illustration Jesus gave. Therefore, in the eternal age there will be no more graveyards, no more dead carcasses, and nothing that is impure; all will be dwelling in eternal life. When Cain slew Abel, his soul went to hell: not to be tormented, but to be kept there in the paradise part of it, waiting for the day when someone would conquer the very thing that caused him to be there, (death). I have devoted much of my 92 years to learning about the Savior, but rare are the occasions when I have been able to learn as much as I did over this six-week study period. Jesus is not teaching that we should actually cut off our physical members, hands, feet, and so forth, and He is not talking about entering into eternal life, maimed. Because e-Sword loads files in alphabetic order, the *.refi file will be loadedinto e-Sword, when you restart e-Sword, instead of the *.topx file, in the same folder. He said, in effect, "You will not receive Me. You persist in looking for magic formulas when your salvation is here, in Me as your Lord." Moses was the embodiment . Jesus spoke of it in Luke 16: 19-31, when He gave the illustration using Lazarus and the rich man. Let us read three verses from the 19th chapter of Revelation that will help clarify the chain of events of Christs return to earth. There has to be people left alive to fulfill this scripture we are dealing with in Matthew 25, and then, in Rev. This is the last gospel that will ever be preached to the inhabitants of the earth, and its message is for a short period of time: giving mankind one last chance to recognize the source of eternal life. Luke 6:38 NLT These will be changed; let us read verse 52. Keep in mind the fact that the word eternal, means, without beginning, and without end. Dont let these little words fool you. The two resurrections are not even associated, even though Jesus referred to both of them in the same statement as though they were. It is so far away that no earthly instrument can measure its distance. 27, For He (ELOHIM) hath put all things under His (CHRIST JESUS) feet. To slay the remnant, as it says in 19:21, is to slay the wicked, those that are left after the righteous selection has been made. Page Wood, Vice-Chancellor. That came from a Catholic dignitary. See The Continuity 0f Scripture. But let us see what will happen if I purpose to destroy it, since it does not have the seal to preserve and keep it. Where will their souls go? I AM RIGHTEOUS a. I am loved by my Daddy Father God. Do not ask me how long those souls will be left to suffer before they are finally disintegrated; I do not know. Verse 31, When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory. Now, to sit on the throne of His glory, is to sit on the throne of King David, fulfilling the promise God gave to David concerning David and his seed. When we carry that thought to Hebrews 1:7, where it is speaking of these angelic spirits, we read, And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. Then in verse 14, we read, Are they not all ministering spirits, (still speaking of the angels) sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? You do not see those angels, but they are ever present with us. This gives us a chance to emphasize the fact that there is going to be, literally, thousands, killed during that tribulation hour which is just ahead. In verse 12, John says, And I saw the dead, small (that is servant type people) and great, (these would be the kingly type, or upper class) stand before God; and the books were opened. This is a time when mankind will be judged according to their deeds in life, and that judgment will reach all the way back to the first family on earth. Sacred the body God has created, temple of Spirit that dwells deep inside. When I said His flesh was perfect; you must understand, there was no sickness, nor disease, nor any attribute of sin in His makeup. Our English language causes us to look at each of them from the standpoint of being without an end. Is that not right? Remember now, Jesus said, as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whales belly, so would He be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, and Peter said that when Christ had suffered for the sins of man, He went and preached to the SPIRITS IN PRISON. That is why we must depend upon the Holy Ghost to lead us, as we collect the various verses together to complete the picture. WHAT ABOUT OFFENDING MEMBERS? Not only will life be separated from the body, but the individuality of that life itself will be completely destroyed in the lake of fire. CREMATION From the standpoint of the resurrection, people have asked many questions, and one of them is, What about the people that are cremated? A frequent lecturer, he subsequently revised and published many of his lectures in book form. Now, as we said earlier, before Calvary, every soul went to hell when death came, regardless of whether they were righteous, or wicked. The very fact that a person does not want to repent, does not want to live for God, or even to talk about Him, proves that they are a sinner. When scripture is read it should be with the intent of finding that revelation of Christ. They are built around theory and supposition, and their very approach to God, (intellectualism) limits them to just that. I would rather be a captive to Christ than the devil anytime, wouldnt you? Yet He was foreordained to die, that is, to taste of death for the sins of every man; therefore we will say that death was the final affliction that was heaped upon Him. God is a spirit and in the case of man, (who is created in the very image of God) it was a matter of God separating from Himself the very life that dwells in every one of His offspring. But there are references that stand out as confirmation of His great ministry. Jurek Becker: Jakob der Lgner: Reclam Lektreschlssel (German Edition), Reconsidering English Studies in Indian Higher Education, Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Fiction: Level 12 More Pack A: Here Comes Trouble, Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era 1760-1850, The Diva Rules: Ditch the Drama Find Your Strength and Sparkle Your Way to the Top, In the Hour of Victory: The Royal Navy at War in the Age of Nelson, Rechtliche Betreuung als Krisenmanagement (German Edition), Schriftliche Prfung Heilpraktiker fr Psychotherapie. I say, Gods word is true and it declares that to be your end. I believe that is why we read in the book of Ecclesiastes that there is no wisdom nor device, or anything in the grave. Remember, we have already showed you that Christ went down into the paradise section of hell, and took all of those righteous spirits with Him when He left. 3, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: (This verse tells us where the Devil is, during the millennium) and after that he must be loosed a little season. Pay attention to verse 4, for it holds the key to our understanding the 3rd phase of the resurrection of believers. Chinese: shenrentonggong May God Bless all that chose to read, study, and inject these words that I have written. Mans flesh is just a shell, or dwelling place for the purpose of identifying Him with matter, but the man himself is that spirit being, within that shell. The Saviour's Bible. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: BibleSupport.com, A very good resource for the new Bible student as well as those more seasoned. These are traits of good social and moral character, and have nothing at all to do with the people being Christians. Our lives are constantly affected by these angelic beings. Hence the picture o f a NT scene on the wall of an OT department suite! Religion is a cruel thing; there is no life in it. When the scriptures in Genesis Chapter 1 say: "Let it be" or "God said" it was Jesus Christ who was speaking. The spirit has left it, and the soul has left it also, for the spirit and soul are inseparable. Abel went up with Christ, but Cain stayed, and he will remain there until after the millennial reign of Christ on earth. I realize Paul covers the whole scope of mans unrighteous ways in those chapters, and we are not calling such people as these in Matthew 25, murderers, gamblers, nor anything like that, but the self righteous man who trusts in his own goodness, is just as far from God as any murderer will ever be. Every trace of them will cease to be. They would not cheat you for anything in the world. There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the GLORY of the celestial is one, and the Glory of the terrestrial is another. When that final judgement is finished, and everything that defiles has been cast into the lake of fire, this old planet will be clean again. Verse 47, And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the KINGDOM OF GOD with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire. Listen to me, and be sure you catch this. This will cause them to be beheaded, but it will seal their testimony of their faith in God. This is the second death. This is where death will be destroyed. Those on His right hand are not to be thought of as though they believed and accepted Christ, and that was the reason they were rewarded for He plainly tells them that it is because of the way they had showed compassion and ministered to His brethren in their desperate needs, that they, themselves, received mercy. If you disagree with what we teach, I ask, only, that you study the scriptures we call to your attention, and keep an open mind, so that God may have opportunity to reveal His word to you. The three words are EVERLASTING, ETERNAL, and FOREVER. Now, that should help you to catch Pauls revelation, which we have read from 1 Corinthians 15:24-26, and enable you to see that, for ever, does not always mean what most of us take it to mean. Been studying for years? Then the second question (WHEN) is one that many have trouble keeping straight on. That message would be of no benefit after the tribulation is over. Now let us go to the next chapter, 1st Peter 4, and read a few verses which will clarify what we are saying. Jesus the Messiah has been crucified, and the disciples are perplexed, unable to piece it all together. Jesus Christ. Acts 17:11 "These were the more noble than Thessalonica, in that they received The Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so. I know you will not find the word, millennium, mentioned in the Bible, but, as we have said, it is a word that means one thousand, and the scriptures do mention one thousand years, as the number of years that Christ and His immortal saints will rule and reign on earth. Why? Lazarus was in Abrahams bosom, and that was hell too, but you must realize that the righteous and the wicked were not both imprisoned together; they were separated according to the words of Jesus. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Numbers 5. Every atom used in the makeup of those individuals will be completely destroyed. (2) Hodgkin, Alice M - Christ in All the Scriptures.topx Deuteronomy III. It is certainly inspired by God. Christ in All the Scriptures by John Yocum | Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity From the March/April, 1998 issue of Touchstone Tweet Feature Christ in All the Scriptures The Long Common Thread of Christological Interpretation by John Yocum What a difference a century makes when it comes to interpreting the Bible. He was not preaching in some earthly jail house or natural place of confinement where men are placed for a time. We are not teaching anything like that. ''In the beginning God.'' The very first word gives God His right place. Death could not put his spirit back in the presence of God, for sin had separated man from God. FOR EVER UNTIL THE END Having just made mention of the millennium; this seems like a good time to bring in some scriptures that use the term, for ever, and call your attention to its actual application. It is in his conscience, that gnawing worm that dieth not. But when he (DAVID Psa. Keep in mind that God is the source of all life, whether it be human life, animal life or whatever; therefore when the spirit of life goes out of the body, that body returns to dust. He grants eternal life to those whose names are in the book of life, and all the rest are cast into the lake of fire. I am not telling you that the Bible teaches that; I only mention the fact that scientists teach that. on the Internet. That means I have added nutrients. Juts locate it right here by searching the soft file in associate page. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: (that is what we read in Thessalonians) for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we (living saints, believers) shall be changed. Now, notice the process. Ruth 4. Many times, people have asked, Was there really a resurrection of all the righteous dead when Jesus came up? The latter topic, which occupies the major part of the book, consists of an introduction to each book of the Bible in turn, demonstrating the evidence of its inspiration, and relating it to the inspired themes of the whole. As you read the first three chapters of Romans: you find the apostle Paul speaking explicitly about such people who have no time for God. Moses is dead, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are all dead. But when Christ quickens understanding to our mind it is even better because then we have the mind of Christ and are able to comprehend what He is saying and His plan from beginning to end is revealed in the scriptures. Now, as to how many arose, (number-wise) that is intruding into Gods business. God gives every person a chance to do right, just like He did with Cain in the beginning, but if we, as individuals, do not surrender our lives to God, and allow Him to place that seal of eternal life (His Spirit) within us, we are destined to be utterly and completely destroyed in the lake of fire. David knew his soul would not be left in hell, but the wicked have no such hope. Notice verse 10, For thou wilt not leave MY soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One (that is Christ) to see corruption. This was a prophetic utterance, pointing to the first advent of Christ in His sacrificial role, and when David saw that, it caused him to say, My flesh also shall rest in hope. When that thousand year reign of righteousness and restoration is completed: Jesus will never be King any more. According to Peters revelation, it just laid in the tomb while the life from it, went and preached to the spirits which were in hell. I once spent over a year in Sunday school teaching on Jesus in Genesis. That is why we say, HELL IS NOT ETERNAL, and that is why we say also, that even the lake of fire will serve its purpose and be needed no more. Exodus 3. Let us look at a few verses in 1st Corinthians, chapter 15, now. It took place in the time between the crucifixion and the resurrection, while His body was lying in the tomb. In their mind there is something gnawing, I had a chance to do right; I did not have to be here, but I missed my chance. After that, there will never be any need for another grave. There is really no more to be said about it at this time, but we do know that there will be a lake of fire, and we are sure that it will have to be apart from the planet earth. Christ in All the Scriptures - in the Historical Books, ch. Chris Wright believes that there is actually a missional basis for the whole Bible - it is generated by, and is all about, God's mission. That is Gods final act in His plan of restoration for this old planet that has suffered the penalty of Adams sin every since the day he disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. It was just as dead as any other mans body that the spirit of life had gone out of, but, Thank God, the life that went out of that body, was life that had no beginning, and shall have no end. We are printing this message in an effort to help those who want to be set free from their traditional teaching by knowing the truth, and there are still a lot of people who disagree with the idea of a resurrection between the tribulation, and the millennium. f. I am one of God's living stones, being built up in Christ as a spiritual house. Just looking at these scriptures we have mentioned ought to open your eyes somewhat, for how can you have everlasting punishment, and everlasting destruction, at the same time, still holding to our English understand of the word? Isaiah 9:6 Christ is the everlasting Father (Father of the . Let me say this, When the wicked are cast into the lake of fire, it will be for the purpose of destroying every trace of body, soul, and spirit. This is the sense in which we are like Him, for God is all of that. Seeing Christ in All of Scripture. The Great Themes of Scripture the Brand-New You Dawns Today, WE ARE NOT GOING TO USE ANY PARTICULAR TEXT FOR THIS MESSAGE, BUT RATHER USE MANY OF THE SCRIPTURES THAT PEOPLE HAVE A TENDENCY TO USE BY THEMSELVES IN ORDER TO BUILD THEIR CERTAIN DOCTRINE. If you want to view the Module through the Reference Library option, install the file into the path that was indicated in the "Resources Location" drive, and path. We find this word used throughout the Bible, and in most instances where it is used it is speaking of time without an end, or of God who is eternal, without beginning, or end, but there are a few instances where it is used, and cannot possibly be taken to mean time without an end. The flesh of those persons went into the CRUST of the earth, but the spirit, which is the life, the soul of those persons, went in the HEART of the earth. The very process of redemption began at Calvary, where Jesus willingly offered up His sinless life to pay the price for fallen mankinds redemption. I do not rejoice in your destiny; I only rejoice in the accuracy of the word of God. You will find useful information about the Import Feature/Function, for your Android device, on the following Forum page: Jackson, why is mankind so long in finding this out? Hebrews 9:28 Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. They do not go around trying to make life miserable for other people, but they are quick to say, I have never done anything wrong; Why would I need to repent? Simply this, mankind was hopelessly separated from God, and helpless to do anything about it, requiring God Himself, to take the initiative, if man was ever to be reconciled to His Creator. Matthew tells of the 1st phase. In other words, His death on the cross was the beginning of a process of redemption. 43, And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands, to go into hell, into the fire that shall never been quenched; 44, Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Let that soak in real good, then listen to me. This is pertaining to the great white throne judgment which takes place at the end of the millennial reign of Christ. Mysterious! Brothers and sisters, this is a rich inheritance we have come into; let us be grateful in our hearts, and live for God with all our strength as these last days of this present age fulfill themselves. It was on this planet that sin originated, and this planet is Gods workshop, so He kept man here until the redemptive work was completed. 51. So please join us in this journey through the unfathomable treasures of the Scriptures as we catch a fresh glimpse at our relationship with the Living Godall through some verbal treasures called prepositions. I believe that we all must build our own foundation, cornerstone, and then establish a viable program in the study of the scriptures. In verse 10 of chapter 14, we read something that seems contradictory to a verse we read from 2nd Thessalonians 1:9, and I want to be sure that there is no misunderstanding about it. We will begin with the 3rd verse, but it is verses 5 & 6 that we are getting to. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back., https://www.paypal.com/donate?business=D9WWAPRNLKZ2L¤cy_code=USD, If you are uncomfortable with those options. Do we have a contradiction? This is symbolic language. We will use for an example, the man who went into the Chicago apartments some years ago, with a gun and a knife, and killed those nurses. The King (Jesus Christ) will smite them to death with the sword of His mouth. What we are looking at here, is the word hell, but let us read the whole thing. Joshua 2. We enter into the kingdom of God, in this life, regardless of our physical handicaps, by believing and obeying the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, then if we die before the Lord comes again, we will enter into that heavenly paradise, to await our change. At this particular time, He speaks death to them, (by the sword of His mouth) their soul goes into HELL, (the prison place in the heart of the earth) where they will be punished, until they are resurrected one thousand years later, and cast into the lake of fire to be destroyed completely. When you have done something that is really wrong, and you can look back to see where you could have made a change, (in other words, to see where you had opportunity to do right, and you rejected it) your conscience begins to gnaw at you. Stone Ripped Without Hands from the Mountain (Daniel 2) - Christ Our Rock Born of Virgin Without Man Adam of Virgin Earth is Made inthe Image of God (Genesis 1:26f) - Christ of Virgin Mary is theImage of God 14, For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus (SAINTS FROM THE AGE OF GRACE) will God bring with Him. He could see the resurrection. Cisco, TX 76437, Whistle Blower Jeff (1) Hodgkin, Alice M - Christ in All the Scriptures.exe 20:10-15, but that is another part of the message. They ask that question, mainly, because the account of it in Matthew 27:50-53, states that MANY of those saints which slept, arose from their graves after His resurrection, and went into the holy city, (Jerusalem) and appeared unto many. In 2 Peter 1:16, the Apostle tells us that he and the other Apostles "did not follow cleverly devised myths" when they proclaimed "the power and coming" of Chri Let me explain what I mean by that question. Ethiopia it seems got most books of scripture right even with their translation into an ancient language! For e-Sword for Android you want to download and to install the *.refi module. It was on this planet that death had its beginning, and death has separated the life from the bodies; therefore, on this planet, God is working His plan of redemption to abolish death. He was a perfect man from the standpoint of the flesh, and He was the very God of all creation from the standpoint of the Spirit. That is of no interest to me, but I want you to know that this old world is fast moving toward the end of this Gentile era. You realize that it is too late to change circumstances, and you are carrying that guilt, with no relief to look forward to: it is just like a worm gnawing away at something. He said that the religious leaders of His time were searching the Scriptures for some mystical formula that would give them life, when they should have realized that the answer they were seeking was Christ Himself, who was standing before them. Did not He say also, while speaking to the Father in prayer, And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one? This is one elder brother that divides His inheritance among all of His brethren, making us joint heirs with Him, of all that the Father hath bestowed upon Him. Only those who have already been resurrected, and dwell in immortality, will be exempted form the last resurrection, and Gods final judgment. 1:19-21). What I am trying to show you now; is what took place at Calvary. That was when the Old Testament righteous ones were raised at the time of Jesus resurrection. The actual physical body will not go to hell. There are three words in particular, commonly used in the Bible, that do not mean, every time they are used, what our English language has attributed to them: therefore they can only be properly understood by comparing scripture with scripture until we get everything in its proper place. New to Bible study? For some reason these resources were installed but the e-Sword app does not find them. Yes, we will all have perfect bodies when we walk in the millennium. Well, that is right, if you keep foreknowledge in its proper place. 13, And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. All said and done, Jesus is the only religious leader who conquered death and rose from the dead. That is why people read the scriptures that speak of everlasting punishment, and think it means that people will be punished forever, and ever, and ever, and ever, without an end. God's mission is to redeem his whole creation from all that sin and evil have inflicted upon it, and the mission of God's people must reflect the breadth of God's righteous and saving love for all he has made. Portions of it may be a refresher course for some, but all will receive blessings from this work. His blood was perfect also, for He did not have the blood of Adams race in Him. What is it? The book also has devotional qualities. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This mans spirit being so evil, if he never found any place of repentance before God, when he is cast into the lake of fire he would be just like a wet blanket, or a soggy piece of wood. That is why the Christian Democratic party in those countries has been taking such a beating: we are getting close to the end. He was looking forward to Calvary, knowing that God would do something to deliver him from imprisonment in hell. He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that He might fill all things. (check what David wrote in Psalms 68:18-19) We find that when Jesus went down into the lower parts of the earth, (hell, in the heart of the earth) He led captivity captive. 9, And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man WORSHIP THE BEAST and his IMAGE, and RECEIVE HIS MARK IN HIS FOREHEAD, OR IN HIS HAND, 10, The same (those who are guilty) shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone (notice this now) in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. We know this message will not be proclaimed after the millennium starts, for it will no longer be needed. For e-Sword on the Windows PC or laptop:The *.refi file must be copied to the directory folder that was indicated in the "Resources Location" drive, and path. I am sure many of you remember the case. Therefore it is very foolish for people to hold to one verse of scripture, while trying to reject another one. When that battle gets under way, you will have the Oriental Communist forces fighting against the communist armies of Western Europe. We will keep fighting for all libraries - stand with us! In order for us to be reconciled to God, there is a process which we must pass through, and that process is brought about by the ministration of angels. What that really means is that the body lying in the grave has no more life in it, and therefore it is apart from all of the things that speak of life. He was a major figure in the late nineteenth century return to basic biblical teaching usually known as the Brethren movement, often seen as the cradle of dispensationalism. web pages You may say, I just cannot see that. 26, The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. The real me is what was made in the image of God, and in His likeness. We must reconcile these various uses of certain words and terms, for we are fully persuaded that there is no contradiction in the revelatory teaching in the word of God. That is why they are in the place of hell, called paradise. He shows us that "one directing Author presides over each several part, imparting a special character to it, and at the same time causing all to contribute to the common purpose of revealing His counsels of glory and His ways of grace, while fully making known the weakness or the wickedness of the creature in resisting His will and doing its own." Therefore there will eventually come a time when the lake of fire has no further use. Peter said He went and preached to the spirits in prison, and Jesus had already said that HE would go into the heart of the earth during that time. That is why, from the standpoint of creation, we can call God, our heavenly Father. 19:20, if you care to read it. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). We need to see the 'big picture' of God's mission and how all parts of Scripture fit into its grand narrative. The soul and the spirit are inseparable; therefore, for the benefit of you who may think that is unimportant, let me say, the very life of every person is the spirit of that person, and within that spirit, God has placed wisdom, knowledge, emotions, the five senses of see, hear, taste, smell and feel, causing him to have a personality and an intellect. In the millennium, Jesus will be ruling the nations with a rod of iron. We will go back to 1st Corinthians 15 now, and read verses 24-28, for this is where these scriptures are fulfilled. Let us begin reading in verse 7. When we go right over to the 43rd chapter of Ezekiel, and read verse 7, which pertains to the same period of time as that which we have just read, we find the term, FOR EVER, used again. When that is accomplished, 17, Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, (actually, it is a simultaneous occurrence) to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Those bodies will come out of the ground in immortality, and those who are alive on earth at that time will be changed, taking on immortality, and together, all will ascend, to meet the Lord in the air. As the nations of mortal people pass before Him, He will be selecting a number of people from among them, who are fit to be His subject people in the millennium. He knows his time is short. He [Jesus Christ] was in the beginning with God. Of the 260 chapters in the entire New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming, or one out of 30 verses. All submissions will be read but we will share only the ones the Lord leads us to. When final destruction comes, punishment and suffering will be over with. Please do not misunderstand this judgment, for there are those who believe it will include people from the complete grace age. I want to state emphatically, that only mortal people will be judged here, and it is based upon how they reacted to the desperate need of the brethren of the Lord Jesus during that dark tribulation hour. This is their potential, (those on the left hand) for if they are not found fit to live through the millennium, they will not be fit to live after the millennium, so we may as well look at it as though they have been judged already. William Kelly's desire was that this work should be of help to "the spiritual understanding of all who value the Bible from beginning to end.". Let me say also, that, even though we are begotten of God in the essence of life, there is within that spirit, something that gives us an identity apart from God, otherwise we would be identified in the same greatness of God, who is life everywhere. God is one. To explore this awesome truth, we go to the Holy Scriptures, to some small words that we could quickly gloss over. Now as that week of Daniel runs out, and the battle of Armageddon is raging: This is when Jesus and His great army from heaven, returns to earth. It is not the flesh of man that is in the image of God. He is just, in destroying every one of them, but he would be very unjust, if He punished everyone the same. If that cherry drink is ever going to have an eternal existence, somehow, I am going to have to come up with a chemical that I can add to it to seal what I have. As John said, all of creation came into existence through Him, the Word, and apart from Him (the Word) nothing came into being. The group's appearance in court is the latest development in a sprawling federal investigation spanning at least five states that became public last fall after authorities raided Bateman's compound in Colorado City, Arizona. Now the objective of God is that, eventually He will erase from this planet, all traces of the original sin. Jesus said, to the religious leaders of His time, "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life" (John 5:39-40). That would need to be downloaded, then run to install it, then run to update the registry details in your windows PC or laptop. It would be recalcitrant and wayward for anyone to claim to be scholarly and well-read in todays world if they lack familiarity with the tenets and principles of the bible. Since God is life, and that life is omnipresent, these people who are cast into the lake of fire will have to be completely annihilated, after their allotted time of punishment, in order to be EVERLASTINGLY DESTROYED from the presence of the Lord. Some will say, But if he was not foreknown of God; he could not have been saved anyway. She will already have had her whipping from the Almighty, when she came against Israel before the week of Daniel, to fulfill Ezekiel, chapters 38 & 39, and God kills all but one-sixth part of her invading armies. When we speak of the beast system, please understand that we are referring to the world order, the ruling power as Gentile time runs out, made up of Catholicism and united Protestantism, which is combined to rule the world, and the Pope of Roman Catholicism will be in command. Portuguese: http://www.apocalipseurgente.com.br/, French: http://pourvotredelivrance.eklablog.fr/suite-messages-multiples-v-c31587780. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple. Verse 9 speaks of them as being a great multitude which no man could number, yet, in the churches of our day, people are being taught that all who believe in God will be raptured when Jesus comes to take his bride. They will refuse to worship the beast and his image, and they will refuse to take his damning mark in their hands and upon their foreheads. The worm dieth not, and the fire of their torment, in their conscience, is not quenched. That is why the apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 11-12, Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil, 12, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Our greatest battles in this life as we try to live for God are not with flesh and blood people; they are with the spiritual forces of darkness. Christ in the Historical Books -- 1. He took of Himself, for He is life, and made man, but the process by which you and I came into the world causes us, in our physical makeup, to be a sinner. That is not true; there will be no resurrected people judged in this judgment. We read down through verse 41, where the King said to those on His left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into EVERLASTING FIRE, prepared for the devil and his angels, and you will notice from the verses following that, the very reason they were placed on His left hand in the first place, was because they had failed to do the humanly moral deeds that the group on His right hand were rewarded for doing. The difference between burning a stick of wood in your stove, and God burning these souls in the lake of fire is this, The atoms that make up the piece of wood will not be destroyed, but it is the purpose of God to rid the earth of every trace of sin and wickedness, so, after a period of time, in which they will suffer, they will be completely annihilated. Some will say, Now Bro. Our likes, dislikes, and so forth, come from that, and this furnishes our motivation. That is what this message is being published for: to answer that question, along with some others. 2 Tim 3:16: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 34. If it is pure water; it is aroma-less, practically tasteless, and without color; its clear. That is what we read in Revelation: that the devil which deceiveth the whole world, was cast out into the earth. The two spirits that are immediately cast into the lake of fire when Jesus returns to earth are two of the chiefest fallen angels, of the great host that was cast down from heaven with Lucifer, but even though they were powerful, Satan still remains to be the ruler over all of them. This is what happens, many times, to prisoners who are facing capital punishment. WHAT DO THEY SEE? 1 Pet 3:15: But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. It is true, Satan does use people to come against us, but the real battle is with spiritual forces that cannot be seen. These words, called prepositions, are power-packed with truth for our minds, hearts, and lives. In Him is love, wisdom, compassion, longsuffering, and all the attributes that we have ever heard attributed to God. There are no righteous souls in hell today; only the wicked were left in hell, to be tormented for their evil ways when they were alive upon the crust of the earth. View the Module through the Reference Library window. Actually we will read the 6th verse first, to establish the thought. But it was revealed to the apostle Paul that, when Jesus comes for the resurrection, He will bring those righteous spirits with Him, and that brings us to verse 16, For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, (all the grace age righteous spirits will be with Him) with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. That will be the bodies of those spirits that are coming with Jesus. It is because their teaching is Antichrist. This I have done.The result will be that the man of God, might become thoroughly equipped, for every good works." Now I have taken water, added certain substances to it, and made a tasty drink, but basically, it is water. I just do not see how these people get such an idea from scriptures such as these. 4:3, And when the tempter came to Him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. Jesus did not submit to that temptation, and neither did He submit to theirs. 45, And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: 46, Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched. Let me say first of all: this is figurative language. What is that hope? He is the one who said, (at a time when all outward appearances seemed that God had forsaken him) For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another, (Job 19:25-27) In other words, his very own eyes, in an immortal body, of course, would see his redeemer stand upon earth in the latter day. Can you now begin to see why we need to present the word of God (in its revealed form) to people who have been taught in such ways? Most Christians would agree that the Bible provides a basis for mission. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, urn:lcp:christinallscrip0000amho:epub:bd01fd04-1370-41bf-a4d3-d76544aa6d75, urn:lcp:christinallscrip0000amho:lcpdf:f730d43d-a29a-4874-a6de-6ad5c0bb50ef, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). God is a spiritual power for good, and Satan is a spiritual power for evil. During that time their bodies will be confined to the crust of the earth where all the other bodies of the wicked are held. ), Donald S. Fortner presents a holistic look at the Bible, as well as a close-up view of six books of the Bible: Genesis, Ruth, Song of Solomon, Luke, Acts, and Revelation. 1. You cannot use Isaiah nor Jeremiah, nor even the words of Jesus for the final analysis on the subject; you must look to Paul and John. THEY ARE TAUGHT WITHOUT TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION, ALL THAT JESUS AND HIS APOSTLES TAUGHT ON THE SUBJECT. He is redemption, and resurrection is a part of redemption. The color can be seen, the flavor can be tasted. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. I can just hear David, as he saw Christ walking down the corridors of hell, saying, There is the One I sang about. ", and 2 Tim.3:16 tells us, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, fro reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." Our rejection of Gods way is what brings about the necessity for our destruction. 40, And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. All of mans words, and deeds, are open before the Lord. Several functions may not work. It seems that he was in a camp meeting somewhere, and a certain man walked up to him and said, You know, the Lord has just given me a revelation concerning those who suffer the loss of a part of their body for the gospels sake. Yet thou shalt be brought down to HELL to the sides of the pit. Somewhere in the ages past Lucifer was a righteous angel, but his attempt to make himself equal with God, caused God to cast him down to the earth. Thats right, our God longs that we know the reality of His loving Presence totally cocooning us in His Son by faith. JUDGMENT OF MATTHEW 25 Let us go now, to the gospel of Matthew for another of the scriptures that trouble many people. It seems that during the time when the whole world was speculating on who was likely to be the next pope, she heard a statement made by one of the great leaders within the Catholic church. Naturally, he acquired some followers as he began to teach from his new understanding, and eventually, that lead to a denomination, an organizing of those who believe that teaching, and today we have hundreds of different religious denominations in the world, and most of them have their schools, but not one of those schools has produced a genuine revelation. All the wicked are physically slain, before the millennium starts, but they are not cast into the lake of fire until after the millennium, when the great white throne is set. John saw these things in the spirit, but he did not record them detail for detail in chronological order. Newman Hall, LL.B., D.D. For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In this particular use of the word, EVERLASTING, it truly does mean time without end, for when we receive the Spirit of God, it makes us so that we will never die. WE WILL ENDEAVOR, BY BRINGING TOGETHER ENOUGH SCRIPTURES TO ESTABLISH OUR POINT, TO SHOW YOU THAT MOST OF THE TRADITIONAL IDEAS ABOUT HELL ARE JUST NOT SCRIPTURAL. Not only is she continuing to build settlements on the West Bank, but she has also determined not to allow any more foreign troops to be used as a buffer between them and their enemy. 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