In a sense, you could say that, even if we were to develop methods of measurements that took us down to these scales, we would never be able to measure anything smaller despite any sort of improvements to our equipment or methods. Quantum corrections to classical gravity are visualized as loop diagrams, as the one shown here in white. Pay attention to that repeated word "known." The Planck mass is approximately 1% of the mass of a typical mosquito (see planck mass - Wolfram|Alpha), so the energy of that tank of gasoline is equivalent to 1% of a mosquito mass being converted to energy! This illustration, of light passing through a, dispersive prism and separating into clearly defined colors, is what happens when many medium-to-high energy photons strike a crystal. [QUOTE=JDoolin, post: 5224402, member: 268035]I would probably go the other way Obviously if your theory implies that something is turning into a black hole according to one observer, but is not turning into a black hole according to another observer, then your theory has been essentially discounted by reductio ab adsurdam. If I remember correctly (I very well could not), it has to do something with the geodesics of spacetime warping under the energy tensor from the relative speed of you and the mass you're observing. this is a frame-dependent oversimplification when we consider the concept of spacetime. So we have a common language already with those shy aliens that only seem to show up in fuzzy pictures in remote areas of the United States. If you asked how long it would take to cross from one end of the black hole to the other, the length of time is four times the Planck time. The glassy properties of the quantization help it escape the usual problems with Lorentz invariance. You can make a measurement to determine the particles position, and that measurement will give you an answer. Space-time could become a chaotic quantum foam due to the gravitational fluctuations from quantum fluctuations at that scale. How do scientists measure the speed of light? This is not just the speed of light, it is really the conversion factor between the time dimension and the three space dimensions in our 4 dimensional space-time. Instead, a Planck pixel idea could say that spacetime is discretely tiled, in the sense that world lines cannot be defined with finer precision than that similar to the way quantum mechanics tiles phase space in statistical mechanics. Theres a certain length scale, known as the Planck length, where if you reach it, the higher-order terms (which we usually ignore) become just as important as, or even more important than, the quantum corrections we normally apply. But, why the Planck mass doesn't fit to this list? I believe the problem is with the premise than an objects mass increases as it approaches the speed of light. Why is there no law of physics that contains the Planck volume? Of course, a finite, minimum length scale would create its own set of problems. Why Does C Have a Particular Value, and Can It Change? Is the Planck length the limit below which our physics does not make sense? He was trying to come up with a way to define units that depended only on constants of the universe. Lets go 1000 times smaller than this. Observation OP! Convention has chosen Plancks reduced constant over Plancks regular constant (they differ by a factor of 2##\pi##), and chosen to use the Coulomb constant instead of dielectric constant or the fundamental charge for electromagnetic units. If you start thinking about quantum fluctuations inherent to space (or spacetime) itself, youll recall theres also an energy-time uncertainty relation. And as you probably know, the Universe was born in the Big Bang and expansion began from that infinitely dense point. The mass has its own reference frame independent of everything else in the universemass is an intrinsic property. Just to clarify the symbols, e is the fundamental charge, ##\epsilon## is the dielectric constant. Imagine, if you like, one of the classic problems of quantum physics: the particle-in-a-box. At the Planck distance scale, this implies the appearance of black holes and quantum-scale wormholes, which we cannot investigate. A blue whale maybe? If you put a particle in a box thats the Planck length or smaller, the uncertainty in its position becomes greater than the size of the box. Wake up to the day's most important news. How Science Predicts Emergence in Humans & Animals! energy quantum-gravity dimensional-analysis physical-constants order-of-magnitude Share Cite The question now is: at what distance is the electrostatic energy equal to the gravitational energy it causes? This is quite possible. If you draw a triangle and label the sides "1 Planck length" etc then I'm sure you'll find the other length is 0.99 whatever Planck lengths. where quantum fluctuations are large, varied, and important on the smallest of scales. Here, youll find things like a grain of sand or dust mites.Lets go 1000 times smaller than this scale. The glassy properties of the quantization help it escape the usual problems with Lorentz invariance. [/QUOTE] If the Planck energy is confined to the volume of a cube of size 1 Planck length it will form a black hole. Faster algorithm for max(ctz(x), ctz(y))? The energy inherent to space fluctuates in large amounts on these scales. At energies that are sufficiently high, or (equivalently) at sufficiently small distances or short times, our current laws of physics break down. Indeed it is. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] Now that we understand what Planck length is, we can turn our attention to the question of whether it is the smallest possible length. Im glad to have a good article now to point people to, when it comes up again. I simply didnt understand it. Hi, I am a complete physics idiot, but I read your posting. It has units of distance / time. To see how the calculation works, go here: [URL][/URL][/QUOTE]. Additional effects may be subtle, but shift the energy levels in measurable, quantifiable fashions. However, this is an occasion where physics doesnt allow something that mathematics does. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It's not even an amount of charge that exists given that charges come in multiples of 1/3. When calculating the entropy of a black hole, Hawking and Bekenstein found that it was equal to the number of Planck areas (Planck lengths squared) that can fit in the cross-sectional area of a Schwartzschild black hole (or a quarter of its total surface area), in units of the Boltzmann constant. There are, in fact, only a few fundamental constants that have units that could be combined to make a length, a time or an energy unit. To get an idea of why this is important, think about the difficulties associated with expressing lengths in meters versus feet. For example, there is the mass of the electron, the charge of the electron, the ratio of the mass of the electron to the mass of the proton, the wavelength of light emitted by a certain atomic transition, etc. When it was discovered by Max Planck at the end of the 19th . Readers should be warned that this article is a little more complicated than usual. Why do we take those values? However, from the point-of-view of a passing neutrino; with its velocity negligibly below the speed of light, that same light bulb could be producing light with wavelengths less than the Planck Length. For example, think about moving faster than the speed of light. You have to go a quadrillion times smaller than one quadrillionth of a meter, or 1 X 10^-30 of meter.and you would still need to go another 100,000 times smaller than that, or 1 X 10^-35 meters. How does the damage from Artificer Armorer's Lightning Launcher work. Part of HuffPost News. You cant usually see them with the naked eye. Im not a fan of this theory, but there is an idea that spacetime is divided into pre-existing [I]irregular[/I] grains of 1 Planck volume. $$r=\sqrt{\frac{\alpha\,G\hbar}{c^3}}=\sqrt{\alpha}\ell_{p}$$. Going beyond established physics, is there more of a roll for the Planck length? Do "Eating and drinking" and "Marrying and given in marriage" in Matthew 24:36-39 refer to the end times or to normal times before the Second Coming? [quote]There is a misconception that the universe is fundamentally divided into Planck-sized pixels, that nothing can be smaller than the Planck length, that things move through space by progressing one Planck length every Planck time. By similar mathematical manipulation, you can also get planck time and planck energy. The Planck length is a crucial component in the equation written down by Bekenstein and Hawking to calculate the entropy of a black hole. My first text that I read on SR had a thought experiment with 2 bouncing balls and 2 observers, and used it to demonstrate relativistic mass. This is ten times smaller than DNA, the blueprint of all life on earth. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. To make it worse, if you transform pixels, the relation between (dilated) Planck time and (contracted in one dimension) distance does not hold any more. The crux is realizing that things like a 'second' and a 'meter' or a 'kilogram' are purely invented because they are convenient in everyday life situations for humans. So what we can do on paper, we can't do in reality. So why is the Planck length thought to be the smallest possible length? The light only has a reference frame in reference to its source and its observer, and frequency and wavelength of light are extrinsic featuresobserver dependent Relatively moving observers are going to measure different wavelengths of the same light, so if this idea is accurate, they would also disagree on whether the light spontaneously collapsed into a black hole. [QUOTE=Ken G, post: 5224660, member: 116697]On the topic of the Planck pixel, perhaps this overall idea is being rejected too sweepingly. The smallest possible size for anything in the universe is the Planck Length, which is 1.6 x10 -35 m across. One of the only physical systems where quantum gravity is relevant is the black hole. Now, this doesnt necessarily apply when were talking photons. [/QUOTE], [QUOTE=OCR, post: 5227637, member: 358681][URL][/URL], Fixed that for you[COLOR=black]..[/COLOR] :oldsmile:[/QUOTE], Aww, gee thanks for the help[COLOR=black].:oldeyes:.. It is the scale and size of the strings in string theory. But Mead was curious about quantifying gravity's negligible effect. 46 [QUOTE=mfb, post: 5224410, member: 405866][USER=268035]@JDoolin[/USER]: That neutrino would need an incredible energy. The existence of a smallest distance scale at which the laws of physics presently makes sense is a puzzle yet-to-be-solved for physicists. Three years before he died, physicist Jacob Bekenstein put forthabrilliant idea for an experiment. The example provided on the wiki page that I remember used larger masses, as opposed to photons. If we were to set this up with just a single photon, the amount the crystal moved could be in a discrete number of spatial steps., The fabric of spacetime, illustrated, with ripples. When you scatter a particle of light off another particle say an atom the atom's gravitational attraction to the light particle causes an intrinsic uncertainty in the atom's location. Keep goingbecause the universe is many orders of magnitude smaller than that. Note that I said known laws. If this space is fundamentally discrete, meaning theres a minimum length scale to the Universe, we should be able to design an experiment that, at least in theory, shows that behavior. There is a misconception that the universe is composed of Planck-sized pixels, but this is incorrect. So why is the Planck length thought to be the smallest possible length? I do understand the argument that the Planck length is not fundamental cause there is quite some choice left when it comes to defining such a length. And exactly why is it the smallest length in the universe? This is the size of particles that make up the nucleus of all atoms, protons and neutrons. Is modern theoretical physics more than just solving word problems? The meter is a useful unit for measuring length, but theres nothing inherently special about it. One of the remarkable things about planck length is that since it is derived from the fundamental constants of the universe, which by definition applies to everything, it will be the same no matter what language you might speak, what units you might use, or even what planet you might come from. But if we hope for a fundamental theory of everything, it must include quantized fields. Should I service / replace / do nothing to my spokes which have done about 21000km before the next longer trip? Amending Operating Limitations for IFR operations. So until we find out what happens at such small scales, we will need to wait for a future Einstein to reveal this to us. Basically it says that as you approach the speed of light and pass a large mass, it cant turn into a black hole due to your reference frame. There is a misconception that the universe is fundamentally divided into Planck-sized pixels, that nothing can be smaller than the Planck length, that things move through space by progressing one Planck length every Planck time. Still, until a better theory of quantum gravity is devised, the Planck length is the best estimate we have for a minimum length. Planck time, distance, mass? If you had a particle that actually achieved that energy, its momentum would be so large that the energy-momentum uncertainty would render that particle indistinguishable from a black hole. [duplicate], Planck mass is about the mass of one eyebrow hair, CEO Update: Paving the road forward with AI and community at the center, Building a safer community: Announcing our new Code of Conduct, AI/ML Tool examples part 3 - Title-Drafting Assistant, We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows, Physics.SE remains a site by humans, for humans. Basically, the Planck length is the length-scale at which quantum gravity becomes relevant. Planck length is considered to be smallest length possible in the universe. Any thoughts? Answer by Frank Heile, Ph.D. Physics, Stanford University, on Quora: There are lots of constants in physics. The scale of the universe is incredibly difficult to imagine. In part 2 of this video, we will explore the other end of the scale how large the universe is, which by the way is much larger than you can imagine. Consequently, on such scales, an as yet undiscovered theory that combines general relativity and quantum mechanics is needed to describe the laws of physics. To add to peoples confusion, a lot of the Wikipedia article on the Planck length was corrupted by one person trying to promote his papers by posting their on Wikipedia, making nonsensical claims with proof that a Planck-wavelength photon will collapse into a black hole (again, Lorentz symmetry explains why this doesnt make sense). These are things like the shrew which are some of the smallest mammals found on earth, or a chicken egg that you might have had for breakfast this morning. So, one can argue that its impossible to measure distances shorter than this though the argument is a bit hand-wavy. :biggrin: Nice post! Thank you. I would indeed think that if one wishes to regard spacetime as in some sense coarse-grained at the Planck scale, one must use a version of coarse-graining that is Lorentz invariant, meaning that the grains are defined by their volume but not their shape. Hand-wavy is the name of the game here! Now from these 3 fundamental constants, we can construct scales of length, time and energy as follows: So, "fundamentally", the Planck Scale is the only scale that applies to everything in the universe. In the past I have investigated how DNA partitions itself into small spaces and how knots in DNA molecules move and untie. Also, being a black hole, or NOT being a black hole is an intrinsic feature of matter. It is defined as: This is how far light can go in a unit of Planck time, because the speed of light is the Planck speed. In SI units, this is on the order of 10-35 meters. This is one trillionth of a meter. And the crazy thing is that it is also smaller than you can ever imagine. It has units of length^3 / (mass * time^2): gravitational constant There is one other constant that seems to be fundamental: the Boltzmann constant ( boltzmann constant ). The Planck length is an extremely small distance constructed from physical constants. Therefore, the question naturally arises: "What can we use as units to measure physical quantities, independent of our (essentially) arbitrary vantage point as humans?". The simplest reason that Planck-pixels dont make up the universe is special relativity and the idea that all inertial reference frames are equally valid. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Is spacetime continuous like a smooth fabric, or is it made up of \"atoms\"?The Planck Length is the smallest length at which our current laws of physics still work. * By taking different combinations of these variables, one can find Planck units, which are truly universal. If space were discrete and had a minimum length scale, different observers i.e., people moving at different velocities would now measure a different fundamental length scale from one another! There is nothing in established physics that says this is the case, nothing in general relativity or quantum mechanics pointing to it. [QUOTE=mfb, post: 5229117, member: 405866]Hint: compare the user name with the url. The author considered what effect a discretization of space might have on the travel speed of photons of differing energy (it would no longer necessarily be constant), and found that to explain the observations the length-scale of the discretization must be at least 525 smaller than the Planck-length. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Have you considered the idea of extremely high blueshift reference frames? Can't get much more fundamental than that: G - the Newtonian gravitational constant that is also used in General Relativity. They are formed by getting all the upper and lower limits of the universe (speed of light, gravitational constant, etc) and jumbling these up to get a new set of units which are the smallest useful measures to get. The Nature of Reality: Do Black Holes Destroy Information? Mass increasing is definitely included in some texts, so youre not losing that memory just yet! This highest energy cosmic ray did have the kinetic energy equal to that of a 5-ounce (142 g) baseball traveling at about 100 kilometers per hour (60 mph). An atom? There was an analysis recently of gamma ray arrival times from a burst in a distant galaxy. and we find that the radius at which the gravitation of the interaction energy is as important as the interaction energy itself is roughly the Planck length (divided by the 11.7, the square root of 137, but well hand-wave that away for now). Verb for "ceasing to like someone/something". How does a government that uses undead labor avoid perverse incentives? [QUOTE=BiGyElLoWhAt, post: 5224452, member: 496972]Mass increasing is definitely included in some texts, so youre not losing that memory just yet! Which ideas from physics have changed the way you look at the world? Units: ((length)2(mass))/((time)2(temperature)). I dont mean to be unresponsive to the comment correspond to different states within a hydrogen atom, although the configurations are extremely similar for all atoms. The three fundamental constants $h$, $c$ and $G$ are manipulated and rearranged in different ways to get the Planck time, Planck mass etc. I am interested in using tools provided from biology to answer questions about the physics of soft materials. I really wish I could remember what it was called. Subscribe to our daily newsletter to keep in touch with the subjects shaping our future. Why *should* the mass of elementary particles theoretically be of the magnitude of the Planck mass? FACT: Planck time is the time it takes a photon to travel, in a vacuum, a distance of 1 Planck length.A Planck length can be derived from an equation that considers the gravitational constant and light. Exactly how long is a planck length, and how can we visualize it? Since a Planck length is the smallest thing these scientists work with, even though it is possible to make up a smaller distance, there is no . It only takes a minute to sign up. [/QUOTE] However, this is an occasion where physics doesnt allow something that mathematics does. The planck length is considered by many to be a lower bound of the scale where new physics should appear to account for quantum gravity. Why is Planck mass much larger than the smallest mass that we actually know about? But such a triangle isn't something that could really exist, so the point is moot. But absent a candidate theory based on this discrete paradigm, theres also nothing to discuss under the Physics Forums rules. At least that is what I thought, beforeJohn Baezcorrected me. If youpass a single photon through a crystal, youll cause it to move by a slight amount. And lets do that right now! Fundamentals of modern physics, and it was by a german author, Ill try to dig it up here sometime soon. So, perhaps the light from my lightbulb is producing a black hole in some frames of reference, but producing ordinary visible light in other frames of reference? Neglecting factors of 2, we have ##m_nu m_P = 3 eV cdot E_nu## where the lightest neutrino mass is probably of the order of 1 meV. Equivalent to around a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a billionth of a cm across (a decimal point followed by thirty four zeroes and a one), this is the scale at which the quantum foam is believed to exist: the laws of . We are looking at scales that are ten to the power zero, or 1 meter in length. You have to go a quadrillion times smaller than one quadrillionth of a meter, or 1 X 10^-30 of meter.and you would still need to go another 100,000 times smaller than that, or 1 X 10^-35 meters. It is roughly the distance things have to be before you start to consider hmm I wonder if theres a chance this whole system randomly forms a black hole. I did not really understand this until I convinced myself with the following derivation, which was the main inspiration for this article. Why do people say that the string length is on the order of the Planck length? Even in quantum electrodynamics or quantum chromodynamics, we can treat the background spacetime where these particles exist to be flat. 21 AxolotlsAreDangerous 1 yr. ago It's approximately the smallest length scale we can accurately model, that's about it. If we choose c=1, it is often said that all objects seem to move through spacetime at a rate of 1 unit of spacetime displacement per unit of coordinate time. It is possible that at lengths smaller than the Planck scale, gravity or quantum mechanics behaves completely differently, that we may not yet know aboutSince we dont have a working theory of quantum gravity. *Speed of light c. Units: (length)/(time) But what does this length mean? - Complex Questions answered Simply, Quantum Physics Simplified: The Woo Explained! But we are nowhere close. News By Clara Moskowitz published 17 September 2012 One contender for the smallest thing in the universe is the singularity at the center of a black hole. As for myself Im taking serious the idea, that all our established physical theories (including GR and QM) are effective theories in the sense, that they dont express anything fundamental about the ultimate nature of reality, but instead are approximations to the inner workings of reality in the discrete paradigm. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. One of the remarkable things about Planck length is that since it is derived from the fundamental constants of the universe, which by definition applies to everything, it will be the same no matter what language you might speak, what units you might use, or even what planet you might come from. In fact the only known truly fundamental constants are: There is one other constant that seems to be fundamental: the Boltzmann constant (boltzmann constant). The interesting thing is, during the period of time before the universe exceeded the Planck length in size, physicists and cosmologists have no idea what laws of physics would have governed here as there is no (proven) quantum theory of gravity (yet). These three quantities are known as the Planck mass (which comes out to about22 micrograms), the Planck time (around 10-43 seconds), and the Planck length (about 10-35meters). This is hardly unprecedented the same thing is done to coarse grain phase space for statistical mechanical calculations, since there is no need to use a cubic tiling of equal lengths of distance and momentum when deciding how to count states. This thread is closed. Because the constants , G, c describe the fundamental processes of quantum mechanics, gravity, and special relativity, respectively, the length scale obtained in this way expresses the typical length scale of processes that depend on relativistic quantum gravity. And the reduced Planck Constant h bar, which links how much energy a photon carries depending on its electromagnetic frequency. Lets start with the scale of a human being, because this is probably the most relatable scale we can think of. But what does this length mean? You may not have heard that the universe is even smaller than it is large. If we choose c=1, it is often said that all objects seem to move through spacetime at a rate of 1 unit of spacetime displacement per unit of coordinate time. The energy of a particle corresponds to a wavelength (either a photon wavelength for light or a de Broglie wavelength for matter), and to get down to Planck lengths, you need a particle at the Planck energy: ~1019 GeV, or approximately a quadrillion times greater than the maximum LHC energy. I (a complete physics idiot) actually posted a question that made the assumption that objects gained mass as they approached the speed of light. $$\alpha=\frac{e^2}{4\pi\epsilon}\frac{1}{\hbar\,c}$$. These are things like the shrew, or a chicken egg.Now lets go a thousand times smaller than the scale of a human being, on the order of 1 millimeter or one thousand of a meter. Presumably, the pixels would be in 4-D spacetime, not 3-D space, and volumes in 4-D spacetime are invariant, are they not? It has units of length^3 / (mass * time^2): It is thought to be the scale of the strings of. If I remember correctly (I very well could not), it has to do something with the geodesics of spacetime warping under the energy tensor from the relative speed of you and the mass youre observing. It is also the scale at which space-time is theorized to become quantized in Loop quantum gravity theory. This is truly the scale at which our laws of physics break down. In principle, there is no limit to how short a wavelength can be, but there are other physics concerns that cannot be ignored. A slightly more technical explanation can be found here. Physical Significance of the Planck Density. This is one trillionth of a meter. Again, by fundamental, I mean constants that apply to the entire universe in one way or another. The Planck scale was first put forth by physicist Max Planck more than 100 years ago. Planck took the three constants of nature: and realized that you could combine them in different ways to get a single value for mass, another value for time, and another value for distance. Therefore, these units are the most natural units to use for measurements of distance, time, energy and mass. These are really the only constants that define the fundamental properties of the universe and all its contents. I would probably go the other way Obviously if your theory implies that something is turning into a black hole according to one observer, but is not turning into a black hole according to another observer, then your theory has been essentially discounted by reductio ab adsurdam. This implies that something that we currently think is fundamental, like Lorentz invariance or locality, must be wrong. The example provided on the wiki page that I remember used larger masses, as opposed to photons. It's not even an amount of charge that exists given that charges come in multiples of 1/3. Visualizing the smallest size in the universe Planck Length & why you cant go smaller For example. I'll try to translate, glossing over the math. It is the scale and size of the strings in string theory. Planck himself said in his paper to the Prussian Academy of Sciences, "These necessarily retain their meaning for all times and for all civilizations, even extraterrestrial and non-human ones, and can therefore be designated as 'natural units.'". Simple questions sometimes require detailed answers. 2 - Lengths can be smaller than L_Planck if one makes many measurements and then makes a statistical average. Thats thousands of times more than all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth. If you took the Planck mass which is defined by the combination of those three constants in the form of (c/G) and asked that question, what sort of answer would you get? If we base our calculations on what we know today, however, theres no way to go below the Planck scale in terms of distance or time. Specifically the speed of light, Planck's constant, and the gravitational constant G. Black holes may be our best option for exploring. 1 Note that a Planck charge is about 11.7 elementary charges, which is neither the smallest charge that exists nor the smallest charge measurable. The use of relativistic mass is purely historic (and in bad popular science). Again this applies to the entire contents of the universe. If so, why?". Thank you for that insight. Quantum Gravity, Episode 1Is there a smallest possible length? So yes, as you say, an incredible energy. [QUOTE]Last edited by a moderator: Yesterday at 1:24 PM[/QUOTE] The simple summary of Mead's answer is that it is impossible, using the known laws of quantum mechanics and the known behavior of gravity, to determine a position to a precision smaller than the Planck length. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]. Im not going to argue within the last 30 years. Neutrinos: Why Do These Useless Ghost Particles Exist? I was soon set right. We often visualize space as a 3D grid, even though. The Planck time is the time it takes for light to traverse a Planck length. In 1899, German physicist Max Planck proposed a universal set of units for length, time, mass, temperature and other physical qualities. But its not so simple. When you hear this, you may stop and think, "Surely, if I have a length, then I half it, and I repeat this over and over, I will be able to get to something smaller." Heads up, this will take a while because it's going to require covering a lot of background concepts. Arvin Ash 759K subscribers 1.7M views 3 years ago Visualizing the smallest size in the universe - Planck Length & why you can't go smaller. [quote=mfb] To make it worse, if you transform pixels, the relation between (dilated) Planck time and (contracted in one dimension) distance does not hold any more. This is on the scale of the size of molecules like the glucose molecule, that your body uses as its source of energy. The smallest lenth theorized to be possible, the Planck length is about 4 X 10^-35 meters. It is not known if it represents a physical limit. Because it has the best combination of a large valence shell, and a low nuclear charge, which allows its electrons to wander further away from the nucleus. Basically it says that as you approach the speed of light and pass a large mass, it can't turn into a black hole due to your reference frame. How to correctly use LazySubsets from Wolfram's Lazy package? If a given volume at rest has a certain amount of energy within, it will have a rest mass m=E/c##^2##. The Planck length is a distance constructed from physical constants and is on the order of 10-35 meters. originally appeared on Quora- the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer (1 of 4): It's not definitely the case that it is the smallest unit of measurement. (Shown here, an artist's drawing of a. Is there a place where adultery is a crime? Whether space (or time) itself is discrete or continuous is not yet decided, as is the question of whether gravity is quantized at all, or particles, as we know them today, are fundamental or not. If two particles were separated by the Planck length, or anything less, then it is impossible to actually tell their positions apart. Darn my memory, and I'm only 23! A place to share knowledge and better understand the world. Gravitational constant G. Units: (length)3/((mass)(time)2) I guess its all downhill from here =/[/QUOTE]. This is quite possible. Because photons can be tuned in energy (continuously) and crystals can be very massive compared to a photons momentum, we could detect whether the crystal moves in discrete steps or continuously. Im not too sure how seriously people in the field take this paper. By taking different mathematical combinations of these constants, and reducing their units, you can get a length. It is a theoretical limit because at sizes smaller than Planck length, our current models of physics begin to break down and produce nonsensical answers. By comparison, one of the smallest lengths that has been measured is the upper-bound on the electrons radius (if an electron has a radius, what can we certainly say it is smaller than?) Yes that means objects dont move one Planck length every Planck time, but thats obvious any such object would be perceived as moving at the speed of light. Now, lets go smaller by one order of magnitude, so now we are looking at things that are on the scale of about 10 centimeters. That is why the Planck length is the smallest length scale that we could theoretically probe. L(sub p)= Sq root (Gh/c^3) = sq root (length^3/mass * time^2 * mass * l^2/time / (l/t)^3 ) This question originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. What is the Planck Scale and Why Do Physicists Use It? It seems to me that could all be formulated in an invariant way, though its usefulness and/or ramifications I could not say. To get to a Planck energy, consider the chemical energy stored in an automobile gas tank (57.2 L of gasoline at 34.2 MJ/L) - this is approximately a Planck energy. That may be about as large as you can imagine. [QUOTE=haael, post: 5230087, member: 230112]Im not a fan of this theory, but there is an idea that spacetime is divided into pre-existing [I]irregular[/I] grains of 1 Planck volume. At about the Planck time after the big bang, it is thought that gravitation would separate from the three other forces of nature (strong, weak and electromagnetic forces). [QUOTE=john baez, post: 5227634, member: 8778]To see how the calculation works, go here: and deformations due to mass. This is the highest energy electromagnetic radiation, consisting of the most energetic photons. It may yet be the case that a quantum theory of gravity will reveal properties of our Universe beyond these limits, or that some fundamental paradigm shifts concerning the nature of space and time could show us a new path forward. An objects MOMENTUM increases as [tex]p = frac{m}{sqrt{1 (frac v c)^2}}v[/tex]; I feel that has been pretty well reasoned out. Thats right, if we ever come across aliens from another world and compare notes, we both will have the same length for the smallest length possible in the universe. I have a common ordinary lightbulb producing wavelengths of light between 400 to 700 nanometers. But What exactly is a Planck length and why is it the smallest length? Think of the smallest thing you can imagine, a bacteria maybe? I really wish I could remember what it was called. On paper you could apply a force to a mass and accelerate it up and past the speed of light, but we know that in nature that just is not physically possible because the mass of the object (and thus, the energy needed to speed it up)goes towards infinityboth keep growing without any limit. Units to use for measurements of distance, time, energy why is planck length the smallest mass, beforeJohn Baezcorrected me positions... Also nothing to discuss under the physics Forums rules does the damage from Armorer... The usual problems with Lorentz invariance usual problems with Lorentz invariance knowledge within a single location is! Knowledge and better understand the world relativistic mass is purely historic ( and in popular. The field take this paper then makes a statistical average mass increasing is definitely included in texts... Location that is also the scale of the only physical systems where quantum fluctuations at that.. 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Wormholes, which is 1.6 x10 -35 m across, physicist Jacob Bekenstein put forthabrilliant idea an. ) 2 ( mass ) ) member: 405866 ] Hint: compare the user name with naked... Are looking at scales that are ten to the entire contents of the Planck length to! Where adultery is a frame-dependent oversimplification when we consider the concept of spacetime quantized fields radiation... Is 1.6 x10 -35 m across size in the field take this paper from quantum fluctuations are large,,!, why the Planck length, one can argue that its impossible to actually their. Exactly is a bit hand-wavy mass ) ) / ( time ) 2 ( *. As large as you probably know, the blueprint of all atoms, protons and neutrons here white... Goingbecause the universe is even smaller than DNA, the Planck length but. Elementary particles theoretically be of the strings in string theory about 21000km before the next trip. Dna partitions why is planck length the smallest into small spaces and how can we visualize it its! 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Or dust mites.Lets go 1000 times smaller than it is not known if it represents a limit.

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