Explains that they are an energetic individual who is always looking to develop new skills and gain experience in different areas. Doctors, lawyers, politicians, and engineers all received some type of formal education to be able fulfill these titles. Students now are encouraged to actively learn through groups or individual projects. they were instilled with the importance of an education. their parents' passion for science and their involvement in the national youth science forum inspired them. In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. Opines that a funny teacher is like god-sent to the students. knowledge in the making.' His charge to the faculty was simple. Teacher loves me very much as I am her very disciplined and ideal student. I am passionate about education and excited to share the joy of learning with students. Paragraph on An Ideal Teacher English Writing A child's character and personality development does not depend solely on the influence of their parents or guardians at home. But what are the qualities that make an ideal teacher? Being able to see the drastic improvements in little children is very rewarding and that is why I want to continue to teach lower grades. Opines that an effective teacher is fully prepared with resources that will give all students an equal opportunity. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. I always knew that I wanted to work with children in some way, but I was pretty sure that teaching was not for me. Opines that a great teacher makes the classroom feel community and welcoming. 811 words. A few qualities that make me a suitable candidate would be, my motivation, dependability, and ability to put others before myself. 3. Opines that people enter the teaching field because they enjoy working with people or children, and their desire to make learning a more positive experience has only increased with time. Nevertheless, not all these people choose to become teachers because they love teaching. Teachers can also teach foreign languages, art, kids with special needs, and P.E. She drives the individuals in her class to succeed to their best ability. Explains that teachers are responsible for molding a student's personality and shaping his/her mental orientation. An effective teacher will excite, inspire and motivate students to be active in their learning, investigate new areas of knowledge and make connections to future learning (Whitton et al 2010). 727 Words. They are so much caring. Teachers need to be enthusiastic about whatever they are teaching, especially if they want to sustain students' interest. Of. By doing this, they would never know what sound to listen for, so the voice level would naturally be lower because they would be eager to see what silly noise maker the teacher was going to use. They don't need to create pressure on students to learn more. they have substitute taught at woodbridge high school in northern virginia. I want each student to do their best and go as far as they can. Explains that a great teacher can "shift-gears" and is flexible when lessons aren't working. You have to have a certain kind of love when working with children because your whole day will require you to work with children. WORKSHEET UNIT 1 These characters in his life include teachers from grammar school throughout his college experience. It was very important to me to see that what I am studying for is actually something that I would and will do well in. An Ideal Teacher Paragraph. Unlock the Success Potential of Students 1. Describes the characteristics of a great teacher, such as respecting students' opinions and listening to each other as technical co-workers. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. What makes a good teacher? compensation and working conditions are the main downfalls in teaching. Of the five, there were only three that I felt would be the most helpful because they are more direct and versatile. I felt that I could ask them anything and that means the world to me as a student. Short Paragraph for kids on an Ideal Teacher Article shared by: An ideal teacher knows the art of teaching. We, as students, looked forward to attending to his classes just to know what he had brought for us that day. My voice will improve once I become more confident in my own ability to assist students when they have questions. 5 Pages Open Document Essay Sample Check Writing Quality Show More I believe my ideal classroom will be founded on the principal of establishing a safe, intellectual environment where my students have the opportunity to grow and develop physically and emotionally during this important time of their lives. He is an asset to the nation and is held in high esteem. He looks like a solemn & grave during the classroom lectures but deep down he is a man of soft and sweet temper. To make them feel appreciated, to be noted, to recognise them as a person, not just an individual. My Favourite Teacher Paragraph in 150 words. they will expect their students to listen to them and follow their rules, but allow them to have their say in establishing the rules and punishment. Paragraph On Teacher 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words For Kids, Students and Children March 26, 2023 by Veerendra Paragraph On Teacher: Teaching is one of the noblest professions anyone can opt for, and those who do it are called teachers. In ancient India the teacher had a place of respect next to ones mother and father. I believe all of us has been blessed by a good teacher in our own home, in school, or in church. 3 Pages. My Favorite Teacher - Short Paragraph: 1 (100 Words) Ramesh sir is my favorite teacher. His character is perfect and spotless. Opines that it is important to praise students for good grades and good behavior and reward those who try their best. This past semesters has been an eye opening experience that has changed my views on teacher. In week one when answering questions, I felt I had to answer immediately in week one (Appendix E), compared to week two where I felt I could pause construct the answer then speak with confidence. 1377 Words. Analyzes how richard dufour, author of why teach, expressed his views on the profession first by stating that teaching is not the career for everyone. teachers spend countless hours of schooling and education to become certified. A job as a nurse practitioner will allow me to look forward to going to work every day because I know it is something I will love to do. A positive aura of teachers makes student enjoy their academic life. My ideal teacher would use their voice to expand and carry on the students attention for the whole hour. children need affection, attention, stimulation, and good nutrition to grow and learn at their best. Qualities that I would consider to be important for teaching is a teacher should have a love of children. This quality is essential to create a comfortable learning environment for students. The teacher is a respected person. While I may have been close with each of these teachers, it is very clear, in retrospect, that each was very unique, and represented an entirely different class of teacher. Explains that lenient teachers are easygoing and take things as they come. While there are many ways to be an outstanding teacher, every high-quality teacher should, in my opinion, have these skills and dispositions: I had wonderful teachers, always so helpful and there for me whenever I had a question. I desire to create these same bonds with my future. show more content My ideal teacher self is one who fulfills the aforementioned qualities and . If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy lessons as well. Their knowledge on things that didnt come from our books was very helpful as well, I loved to hear all their real world experiences. In my life I have studied under three memorable teachers. They are people with whom each of us shares 9 or 11 years of life, from whom we assimilate values and information, and who help us to build our personal world view. They are the areas that I believe I have strength in and the areas that will benefit my future students. the sense of peace they felt with their decision told them they were making the perfect choice for them. One of the main reasons I want to become an educator is because I feel education has really lost teachers who truly love teaching and those who truly love teaching and those who have the desire to make a difference. they use constructive criticism and advice from other facilities and leaders as an opportunity to grow as distinguished teachers. The career that fascinates me and what I plan to be when Im older, is a Dental Hygienist. Essay on An Ideal Teacher - Given below is a Long and Short Essay on An Ideal Teacher for aspirants of competitive exams, kids and students belonging to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Be a teacher that gets students to look forward to learning. After observing my cooperating teachers strategies and learning more about the profession, I knew that I was going in the right direction with my life. Teachers are not conscious that they project into students, and that affects how things go in the classroom. there is no perfect formula for teaching that will work for every single student. Throughout my lifetime, I've had both unsatisfactory and superb teachers that were both memorable to me. Have you ever asked the question: What makes an ideal teacher? Explains their motivation for becoming a teacher in nsw. Copyright 2000-2023. Opines that education is ultimately about survival, as people moved to the new world and their children were taught christianity and the culture of america. I remember my favorite teacher vividly even though I sat in her class many years ago. Teachers play a crucial role in the continues growth of society. What he says should have clarity. they believe that schools and curriculum should be directly tied with the matters, interests, and real-world experiences of students. Opines that their ideal teacher self is one who fulfills the aforementioned qualities and in addition is understanding, effective, and relatable. The superior teacher demonstrates. students are to understand what needs to be done. If I could create my ideal teacher, my ideal teacher would be an academic teacher. Being a teacher is a journey that has much to do with learning about yourself and being aware that what happens in your classroom reflects only on how are you with yourself. Explains that their interest in education may have been the impetus that attracted them to cuny hunter. Behavior of teachers reflects on their relationship between their students. You can use My favorite Teacher essays on occasions like Teachers Day or similar events. I feel I can really help make a difference in the education world and bring back the love to teach. For me, my class teacher, Amita ma'am, is an ideal teacher. Giving Brings Its Own Rewards 2. progressivism is about critical thinking, social skills, personal experience and lifelong learning in the classroom. There is only one incentive that makes me want to be a teacher, but that one incentive comes along with so many everlasting rewards that I have enough motivation to teach for a lifetime. becoming a teacher (4th ed.). n order to reach the belief that all students will be taught and learn to high standards calls for a makeover in the methods our system of education in order to be a magnet for, train, support or uphold, and cultivate effective teachers in more efficient ways. An Ideal Teacher . Opines that their decision to become a teacher is based on their enjoyment of working with children and their personal desire to make learning positive for children. A teacher needs to be flexible and adaptable due to schedule changes, adapting lessons, gaining new students, adapting to various behaviors and various academic levels of students. Each of these educators stands out in my mind for a variety of diverse reasons. First, its important for teachers to be vastly knowledgeable about their subject matter. She uses question answer method and enables the pupils to discover things for themselves. An ideal teacher is concise and clear in both oral and written expression in the classroom. they want to teach students the subjects that they love so much. However, just being kind wouldn't work because we would be able to murder someone right under the teacher's nose! The only reason I stayed in the education program is that there are many more reasons to stay then to leave the program. laughing at funny things can lighten up a child's mood. Explains that a great teacher maintains professionalism in all areas, from personal appearance to organizational skills and preparedness for each day. Pelvin talked about how a noise maker gets the students attention because it can be silly. Hopes to graduate with a degree in education and teach english 5 to adult. 5 Wonderful Paragraphs on Teacher Letter to the Editor Regarding : Exploitation of Teachers Speech Writing : `The role of a teacher in society' Short Essay and Article on: " TEACHER" 10 Lines on an Ideal Teacher 1. This would make the. They often act as a role model, an inspiration, a guide, and many other things to learners of all ages throughout the world. 02. Throughout the history of each of our learning careers, I am sure every student has been taught by one of these kind of teachers. Explains that many teachers work anywhere from thirty-six to over forty hours a day including outside activities such as coaching, drama, and debate clubs. The best and the greatest profession in the world is that of a teacher, because the future of a nation depends upon the type of teachers who shape the future generations. As most of the education majors, I want to have a positive impact on childrens lives and have them leave my classroom with greater knowledge than they entered it., Content Structuring he watches out for his teaching throughout the lessons and finds new ways to teach material to make sure students understand key concepts. Teaching is often a difficult process, but the end result is very rewarding. Thus, a teacher should possess certain requisite qualities expected of him. I have not always wanted to be a teacher. Explains that professionalism plays a dominant role in the early childhood field. Knowing that someone is cheering you on and. students should learn to appreciate the wisdom that each individual brings to knowledge. 1. He is polite, and kind. Explains that their placement teachers and the teachers they have had throughout their life have definitely influenced their philosophy on education. They have learning games, debates, and experiments to help them through the learning process. Once this happens, the problem can begin to be addressed and hopefully rectified. . Today the books that always manage to get my attention are usually the books based on true events. There are many teachers that we meet in our student life. if the student is not prepared and engaged in his learning it could lead to them falling behind academically and possibly having discipline issues. I dont believe a specific person has ignited that desire but rather, all my teachers throughout school have had a positive impact on me. Essays; My Ideal Teacher: My Career As A Teacher; My Ideal Teacher: My Career As A Teacher. In this paper, I will discuss the effectiveness of these two teachers and how their teaching styles differed. If you do not have good classroom management skills, knowing your content will mean nothing. is a 13 year old, 2 month old girl in the seventh grade. An effective teacher demonstrates a caring attitude. Explains why they chose to become a teacher, not because of the salary nor because they want weekends and holidays off. This is because only by doing so will the students feel their passion and hard work. Katie Josef, my Ed Tech teacher, has shown me what true passion for the field of education looks like. Explains that they are going into the education program because they have the aspirations of coaching football and track. Students used to go in search of such teachers to get educated. Now that I have told you what has led me to this decision I would like to tell you exactly why I have chosen to become a teacher. My English Teacher: Short Paragraph (100 Words) for Class 2, 3, 4 They are humans who actively dedicate their lives to passing on knowledge to younger generations. Explains why they want to become a teacher, even if it's only one child, and how many of their teachers have touched their life. Students need to be able to feel safe to fully express their feelings and, As we reminisce and reflect back either on our childhood or academic career, we tend to have that one teacher who was memorable to us in some way - for their sense of humor, their stellar personality, or perhaps having that charisma and charm no other teacher had to make a difficult subject and it 's concepts fun to learn. Elite teachers know how to balance this without crossing that line and once a student believes the teacher truly cares for them, then there is no limit to what that student can achieve., The points of view and experiences of those who assess teacher qualities influence how effective teachers are described.(Touch the future.teach!, 2006) Teachers are not ordinary because they had a super power that touches every student. I want to teach students the subjects that I love so much. they would be honoured to complete their tertiary studies under the teach nsw rural scholarship. Explains that they have outstanding team and leadership skills. The mediocre teacher tells. Explains that everyone has progressed to where they are today because they had a teacher, someone who taught them in the way they should go. A good teacher is the one who show the path and is the only light before him to guide, lead,, Moreover, a good teacher is not only a communicator of knowledge but a model of competence. we all, at some point in time, strive for an understanding teacher. The best teachers will never be forgotten, every words of wisdom and encouragement that comes out from their mouth will stays on every students life. Opines that a great teacher never stops learning from themselves. Understanding is about being patient, listening, and being thoughtful about our actions and decisions. Being a teacher doesnt mean you have to be boring and uneventful. But at the same time, being a teacher allows one to be a visionary for the world and those who surround you. Another quality, and perhaps one of the most fundamental elements to possess as a teacher, is a high level of effectiveness. A teacher who goes above and beyond for their students is one that will make a difference. Nowadays, many people have chosen the teaching profession as their career. Describes latham, blaise, dole, faulkner, lang, j., & malone, k. Explains that an effective teacher will excite, inspire and motivate students to be active in their learning, investigate new areas of knowledge, and make connections to future learning. Explains that the process of teaching goes beyond the presentation of facts, it includes the dedication of both heart and time. During my time of slavery in the Rochester school system, I have been blessed with many of these teachers. 2. I want to be the teacher who is encouraging, supportive, and pushes her students to be their best. As a student I was assigned the task of analyzing and defining the differences of a teacher and a good one, comparing the virtues of a good teacher with many others things, and making clear what a good teacher is not., In conclusion, I think in order to obtain a certain skill in teaching; a teacher must be able to have certain qualities such as, . and is what I can only hope to be in my future career as a teacher. (2011). He is punctual, neatly dressed and disciplined. When a teacher moves about the room, one will notice that the students will focus on the teacher and their eyes will follow. Students performance is based on their teachers, The roles and responsibilities of a teacher Later in my life, I would like to study and become a chiropractor. My favourite teacher is Riya madam. Opines that teaching is full of many challenges and they plan to overcome these because they feel the positive factors of teaching definitely outweigh the negative ones. I feel that it is most important because even if you know your content and manage your class well, if your students dont feel like you believe in them, they will have no reason to want to work hard. Contrary to the popular belief, that teaching is a stress-free vocation, teaching actually can be quite demanding at times. I also want my students achieve many accomplishments. Lesson plans are clear and structured, proving organisation, illustrating good traits of intelligence. Opines that they want to be a teacher because they have an innate need to help others. Once I had finished all the tests, I was able to look through the career clusters and see which ones I considered for my top two choices, which were being a teachers assistant or a physical therapist. Opines that they do not plan to join any particular professional groups because they have not had enough time to research all of the details of any organizations. There are various reasons for their choice. Passion The happiest person is the one who knows what he/she, The teacher: He is considered the corner-stone of the process. Manish Sir teaches us Maths, and he has a really attractive personality. The integrity I possess and genuine character I have reveals my authentic positive outlook on life. For just one student to think of me in the same way would make all the years of hard work worth the effort. teachers are dedicated workers who put time and schooling into teaching for the rest of their lives. Explains that teaching is a difficult process, but the end result is rewarding. Becoming a teacher would mean the opportunity to be able to witness the shaping and molding of the minds of the future generations and the satisfaction knowing that you have helped your students set themselves onto the right path and provide guidance towards the creation of a better tomorrow. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. Many people would happily switch profession with a teacher. I will try my best to able to do that and I hope that my dream to come. Opines that the nature of a student's knowledge should be constructed, dependent, discovered, and true regardless of any person, place, or thing. Argues that diversity among the profession is to present an adequate representation of multicultural society. most states require teachers to pass a background check. To be an outstanding educator you need to possess many important qualities. I aspire to get my bachelors of science in nursing to be able to become a registered nurse. Explains how professionalism, teacher reflection, decision making, classroom management, effective questioning, and holding fast to the constructivist way of thinking contribute to an effective teacher in our society. Teaching requires a willingness to cast critical eye on your practice and pedagogy as well as, The teacher is the head of the classroom, which mean that he/she is the example and should lead as such. There are many teachers in my school/institute. This has enable me to speak at a comfortable volume without having to strain my voice. Reading was something that I liked to do. One teacher who I believe has made all the difference to me, was my accounting professor. Open Document. My Ideal Teacher A teacher makes a child understand what is right and what is wrong that is why he . He appears different all the times sometimes young & bright and sometimes rather old. I have always felt a strong desire to help people, so when I began my college career I decided to major in Psychology. This will help him fulfill his national duty and go on well towards achieving noble targets., Defining the role of teacher is difficult as any definitions will be influenced by our previous experiences, therefore becoming subjective. An Ideal Teacher is patient and understanding. My ideal teacher is Sir Ravesh Sharma. I suppose I just took the longer route to get there than most people do. Climate of a classroom depends on the nature of personal relationship between a teacher and his pupils, so these relationships should be founded on mutual respect, tolerance and patience. Patience a teacher must be kind and understanding. Even teachers who love their job can struggle in this area, not because they dont care, but because they get caught up so much in the day to day routine of teaching that they can forget that their students have lives outside of school. I am currently in my third year of community college, and have come across multiple teachers who have helped and inspired me in many ways. My Most Memorable Teachers For some reason or another certain students are drawn to particular teachers while other students are more fond of others. The one who talks for hours upon end about their bike trip across the country and all of the life lessons they learned along the way or the one who decides they simply must not let you take their word for it and prove an entire calculus problem for 3 hours. the progressive teacher uses critical thinking to intertwine the two purposes. I also want them to have a broad spectrum of knowledge. Talk to me, I can help! It's no secret even though an alumnus has a teacher`s diploma it does not guarantee that he can really be considered as a teacher. When one can educate the masses there is no doubt that together we can accomplish great things. In general, the idea of quoting the culture that suits our societies may help us to develop from the reality of our lives. They are: knowledge, creation, confidence, empathy, sense of humor and passion. they have participated in a number of team sports and projects contributing positively to the group's success. An ideal teacher is the pride of the whole society. Explains that they will use behaviorism and perennialism to set rules and regulations to better prepare students. Explains that they plan to establish discipline by establishing the rules the first day of class. I want them to use and remember what they have learned in my class. I have many reasons that I want to become a teacher, focusing on the high school level. they demonstrate excellent customer service to clients by assisting them with enquiries, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the purchase of our merchandise. pearson education australia. Explains that in teacher education programs, highly ranked high school teachers learn how to present information to students and work with students of varying abilities and backgrounds. I am a firm believer that in order to be happy and successful, you need to have a job that you love to do. No matter, the position someone may hold in society, everyone has progressed to where they are in life because they had a teacher. I would probably give him qualities most of my current teachers currently have. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. To understand each student has different learning ability and allow each student to grow at a reasonable speed. As class size increases I will need to implement other strategies which engage all students and reduces the behavioural. Knowing your content also allows you to teach it in different ways to assist the needs of students learning styles. I also noticed that with an increase in confidence in what I was saying, students were more likely to engage in class which eliminated a lot of chatter that occurred in week one. During my years in school Ive observed these qualities in, Click here to unlock this and over one million essays. A teacher must contribute a significant amount of time and effort in order to see positive results in the school and in his or her own classroom. A student remembers such a teacher for long. Explains that a professional of childhood development exhibits the six standards of professional development. Opines that teaching children something that is their responsibility to teach them, and they go on to become a successful adult, is great satisfaction for an instructor to see. I tried this with my year thirteen class which only has fifteen students. This has inspired me to become a role model for someone in the near future. He serves as a lighthouse for his students. Qualities like hard work, dedication and patience are all things that student can learn from their teacher. T.C. Education was then limited to a few. My Ideal Teacher. When I think about teachers that I have had in the past, several different ones come to my mind. Equally significant is the role of teachers in shaping the minds of young people who come in daily contact. Paragraph on Teacher 7 (400 Words) A teacher is the creator of the future of a generation. My Ideal Teacher Essay. opinion Essay. The second was my seventh grade teacher. Explains that becoming a teacher has been the ultimate aspiration for them since the first day they walked into kindergarten. Both, these teachers had very different teaching styles and very different out looks on teaching. I respect all of them. S/He is the person who plays the lead role in shaping the career and the future of a child by developing his/her mind and filling it with the great knowledge of the world. Describe the skills or attributes you believe are necessary to be an outstanding teacher. Help Disadvantaged Students 3. Opines that a teacher inspires curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge in their students, and should be an inspiration and guide to learners of all ages throughout the world. Task 1 List 5 qualities that a good teacher should have and give reasons for your choices. My Favourite Teacher Essay for Classes 1 to 12. Explains that effective teachers focus on shared decision-making and teamwork, as well as community building. With the love and support she shows, it is no mystery how she creates unbreakable bonds with her students- bonds that last for many years, even after a student's graduation. a strong ethical position ensures that every child is provided with the same opportunities throughout their individual learning journey. teaching challenges and dilemmas. Explains that they wanted to be a p.e. This was a lengthy and difficult process, but in the end, it led me to the path I am traveling today as a student at California University of Pennsylvania. Explains that they have regularly worked to raise funds for a variety of charities, including the salvation army, st. vincent de paul society, and the victorian bush-fire appeal. Teaching young children is especially great because it is setting a foundation for life-long learning.(Chronicle guidance publications). Explains that a safe environment, high parental involvement, sufficient learning materials, collegial cooperation, and strong administrative leadership can promote teaching effectiveness. One of my favorite memories growing up is how much time I spent reading. I would like to break my summary down chapter by chapter. --John Milton A good teacher is inclusive. It is important to me to feel comfortable with a teacher to succeed. This individual is not only my favorite teacher, but very influential in my life. Teachers are the second most important people in our lives, right after our parents. T.C.s prenatal and birth history was unremarkable. It needs to be recognized that vocal participation between teacher and student is not the only way to actively participate. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. Motivate, expect something good, instruct them in the right path are the way from every students heart and also in their success. But, there are also the exceptionally unordinary ones. You are helping people get better teeth and even look better, because when people have straight pretty teeth, they seem to have an upgrade in their looks. Individuals who enter the field of education reply to the question why teach with various answers. Speaking at a lower volume could be less effective in larger classes. This ideology is what motivated me to want to become a nurse practitioner and help the people in my community. questioning techniques to use in teaching. 123Helpme.com. An ideal teacher is the one we respect from our heart. Explains that they will establish an authoritarian classroom to ensure the students behave properly. My Favourite Teacher Paragraph: 120. She gives examples from real life situations to make his lessons interesting. I for the most part feel those two elements in a classroom. When I think about teachers that I have had in the past, several different ones come to my mind. Moreover, at times, a teacher also plays the role of a surrogate parent. Mrs. J has shown me what a teacher that cares for her students truly looks like. To be an effective teacher the teacher must respect the student and be willing to go the extra mile to help the students learn all they can. Unfortunately, the yearning I felt to help people was not being fulfilled. I have learned a great deal from reading this book and I hope to implement a few of his ways in my future classroom. 994 Words 4 Pages Open Document In my opinion, a good teacher should be one who puts her heart into teaching. Explains the requirements for becoming a licensed teacher. Opines that a great teacher collaborates with coworkers on an ongoing basis. they have acquainted themselves with the curriculum and background of the school. As an education major at State College, Ive decided to become a teacher for several reasons. they realize that being strict with a child can only make him/her withdrawn. I find these qualities important because you will always look for new techniques to improve your performance and situations. There have been many factors that have inspired me to this career choice. Open Document. Attending California State University, Los Angeles is allowing me to pursue my academic goal of getting into the nursing program. preston, b. Choosing a favorite teacher is fairly difficult when one puts into account all the types of teachers they have known, all of them are important. Describes their role as an employee and a certified crew trainer at mcdonalds, cowra. I aspire to be the voice that encourages students to obtain a life changing education that will aid them in their journey. Be great teachers! Be like the loon 's voice on a summer night. When a teacher strives hard for the students, students will put in their effort as well. Opines that the most important value they have for their students to learn is respect. I want the feeling that I helped a child accomplish or learn something they couldnt understand. A passionate and knowledgeable teacher can inspire, challenge, and motivate students to achieve their full potential. The teacher is a respected person. The smiles received from a room full of students when as a whole their individual needs, both educational and personal have been catered to, prompts a burst of passion in every teacher. An ideal teacher is patient. They look out for the students, help them, motivate them, understand their requirements and problems and guide them through it all. I have a genuine interest in lifelong learning and as such I have the desire to not only instil knowledge and values to others, but also encourage them to share my passion for learning. In essence I know that my abilities and aspirations will make me a good teacher. So today we are going to share a few short and simple paragraphs on 'My English Teacher'. They are prepared and organised and in their classroom early. oft-repeated question. Best Teacher, Worst Teacher Although I have had many different types of teachers, there are two that stick out more than any others. T.C. Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be a fourth grade teacher. States marsh, c. (2008). Becoming a teacher to me means helping to shape another person by teaching and instructing them. Helping Many People Is Achievable in Teaching 4. She is the master of her subject. they are constantly adapting to new and improved learning places. Teachers play an important part in training children, teenagers So, a good teacher must have some special qualities. My Ideal Teacher. they want to coach cheerleading, volleyball, and softball. Some of them are really special. Teachers play perhaps the most crucial role in the process of one's education. Opines that elementary education is the foundation of our education. Many times, teachers are not provided with the necessary materials in order to maintain the various learning styles in a classroom. A teacher has to don the mantle of a lucid communicator, a fair evaluator, an adept manager, a strict disciplinarian, a healing therapist and a skillful team leader. 2. A suitable teacher has to have the willingness to reflect, organization skills, compassionate, patience, understanding and creative. By reflecting you will be able to form better relationships with your students and their families. Being able to reflect and ask why things went the way they did. The ideal teacher has a lasting positive impression on her students. While many professions can be impactful, I believe the qualities of the person in the career position to be the most influential. An ideal teacher for me would prefer him to teach language arts. One could argue that there is a very close link between the qualities used to describe the role of teacher and those used to describe a good or effective teacher., Definitive Essay Explains that teachers are required to complete annual professional development classes to keep their license. But my favourite teacher is Satish Sir. Opines that a strict teacher is tough on students and dislikes any mistakes or carelessness on the part of the students. Explains that good questioning is seen to be one of the main characteristics of effective teaching. If the. Small; Normal; . As the question was raised in the class who is my ideal teacher, allow me to share: America also does not have a vast collection of methods available that will maintain the evaluation and continuing development of a teachers effectiveness in the classroom, or support decisions about entry into the field of teaching and the continuance in the profession of teaching (Darling-Hammond, 2010). Hello friend'sIn this we will learn paragraph on "my ideal teacher" in English.If you like this video so please like, share and subscribe on this channel.Tha. Classroom management is also a very important characteristic of an effective teacher. Explains that there are many challenges to teaching. There are many teachers in our school but Miss Veena Gupta, my History teacher is an ideal teacher in my eyes. If a teacher dislikes her job, goes to classes in a bad mood, her teaching would also be affected and students would not be able to enjoy lessons as well. The way of his talking is great, he . Argues that the overall college enrollment process is a constant barrier for minorities, causing the number of certified minority teachers to remain as is. She is 38 years of age and is a highly intelligent woman. She inspires me to become an outstanding teacher in whatever field I choose to pursue. Being patient is often expressed as being diligent or persevering. being an effective teacher requires many skills and characteristics. they are witty and bring humor in the subtle form. Opines that teaching is one of the few professions that they can be truly fulfilled and happy doing. This is a full time job, meaning that a teachers work is not done once they leave the school. The. These monotone voices and stand still positions are almost hypnotizing; students get sluggish and drop curiosity fast. For me, an ideal teacher would have a good sense of humor, but also enforce expectations and rules. I have been told that I am crazy for wanting to become a teacher because there is no pay, the degree is difficult to complete, plus many other reasons. it is challenging, but all so rewarding. If you do not fully understand something yourself, it could be difficult to relay it to someone else. What qualities distinguish a teacher, respected and beloved by his disciples?, 2. She teaches us Science as a subject. I feel like being a chiropractor would be a great job for me. Write a two page essay explaining how Jefferson State CC has helped you further your education and what are your plans when you complete your studies at JSCC. I remember that I would always read on the bus ride home. A teacher needs to be assertive when advocating for the needs of their students, themselves and for their peers. My desire to make learning a more positive experience for them has only increased with time. As a knowledgeable practicing professional, it is essential that he/she knows his/her content. Argues that teachers should create a safe, open, and supportive environment for their students. Here are the top four paragraphs on 'My Favorite Teacher' and 'Your Favorite Teacher'. What is teaching? the teaching profession faces the same imbalance today as it did when the wave of research on minority teachers began. Each of these educators stands out in my mind for a variety of diverse reasons. My Ideal Teacher I always thought about becoming a teacher since I was a little child attending the Northern Government Primary School. A teacher forms attitudes to his subject and attitudes to learning, becoming himself a symbol of education process, a person who is learning as well as teaching. The clusters place me in the medical or health services field, as well as working with children. He teaches us Physics and he is our class teacher. Explains the road to becoming a great teacher. A teacher needs to have an understanding of the role of education and how important education is. I have had multiple positive student teacher experiences through my many years of formal education. I want them to feel a sense of accomplishment and be proud of themselves. There are several main characteristics that every teacher needs to have to be a great teacher. She teaches us science. An Ideal Teacher has a strong foundation in teaching methods and philosophy. 127 10 There are forty teachers in our school. Guru as the teachers were then called was very much respected by society. I learned quickly that being an effective teacher is an art that takes time and devotion. Whenever I got a new book I couldn 't put it down. arguing, much writing, many opinions; for opinions in good men is but Since the dawn of time teachers bring the light of knowledge. I believe it is a function of human nature to want to change the world for the better. Through videoing myself at the beginning of week one and then at the end of week two I compared the reflection I made watching these videos (Appendix E). Teachers are persuasive and have the power to build a child up from an immature student to become a responsible adult; or they can completely and utterly crush a students hopes and dreams. a teacher provides education for children and adults using lectures, audiovisual aids, demonstrations and computers to present academic, social, and motor skills. Simply moving their eyes to follow the teachers pattern of movements can be effective in keeping the students attention. Recounts how their family emigrated from the dominican republic when they were two years old. Teachers Are Excellent Role Models 7. Explains that it took them a while to decide what they wanted to do with their life, but after sitting down with my father and peers, they have happily decided to choose education. Explains that they are an active and energetic individual who enjoys a variety of extracurricular activities and interests, including sports and volunteer activities. So the teachers thorough mastery of his subject is just out of question. was normal developing until 18 months old. Watching a child develop confidence and seeing a student progress in their studies is a very exciting process. Qualities of a good teacher Teaching is a difficult occupation. When I think about teachers that I have had in the past, several different ones come to my mind. Explains that they have been working full-time as an executive administrative assistant for domingo gonzalez associates, an architectural lighting design firm in lower manhattan. He goes on to say, that the education profession has the ability to present the unique opportunity for individuals to cast a positive influence upon others (Why Teach, 2000, p.1). This is not only a positive aspect but also a necessary feature in this particular profession. A teacher should have few virtues and follow some rules to become an ideal one. Using voice to emphasize an important point or even an incident that is being discussed can be very valuable in creating excitement for the students. A Great teacher sets high expectations for all students; they expect that all students can and will achieve in their classroom, and dont give up on under achievers. He praises the good work done by them. Teaching can leave a lasting impression in a childs life and offers a special opportunity to shape the bright young minds of future generations. He was a stern teacher, but everyone appreciated him because he showed an interest in us enjoying his classes. 6 Pages. Opines that teachers have set the standard for what they hope to one day become, and there have been those who have added to the abundance of positive examples. public schools are required to be licensed or certified, while private school teachers aren't. I took a significant amount of knowledge away from this experience and have continued to strive to be the type of educator that I was blessed to work with during this experience. Explains the purpose of public education: to pass on the knowledge and values of civilization, and to renovate society. The goal of every teacher is to pass his/her teachings to his/her students for their personal benefit. Explains their philosophy on education as an education major at state college. My teacher was my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Eardly. A dental hygienist is a stressful job, but it helps a lot of people. To be warm, caring, understanding, and to be available always (even when youre not supposed to be available), Acknowledgment Being a good teacher shows that you know what your students like and make them want to learn. A teacher not only teaches the content of their course, but life skills as well. There are many characteristics that are necessary for teachers to have. Opines that one is forever a student, and is always learning the lessons life has to teach us. As Ive gotten older my choice of books has changed alot, a different genre for each of my phases. I was well on my way in my junior year of college working toward a biology degree so that I could become a pediatric physicians assistant. Explains that they chose to become a teacher because they were inspired by mrs. hollyfield, who taught them that no star was too far out of reach. In addition, he is the hope of the nation in bringing up a promising generation able to achieve its target within a bright future with exertion and endowment. My Ideal Teacher I went to different schools and met a lot of AWESOME, strict teachers already since we didn't have any permanent address way back then when I was in my Nursery to College (specifically, 2-years IT course and 1 semester Major in piano) life. In the end the career I am going for is physical therapy. But, something about making people smile when Im the reason they look good doing it makes me happy. bush's "no child left behind act" fails to focus on recruitment and diversity within the profession. Some cultures have good qualities and bad recipes, or perhaps do not fit the nature of our lives. In every teachers classrooms, every students opinions and ideas are highly valued. they are more likely to want to learn from your teachings and trust you more. Explains that after graduating from concord college, they plan to move to north or south carolina to teach math and science at a middle school level. A teacher could even reenact or act out using body actions for various topics. Language arts has always been somewhat of a struggle, for as far my memory serves. All are honorable, and well educated but my favorite personality in out of them is Mr. John. Describes their early interest in children and their desire to teach. lives with her parents and she is the oldest of three children. 3. This made everybody feel happy, comfortable and confident. Teachers with which I was able to connect, to laugh, to share my misgivings. The most important thing about Ramesh sir is he is the most talented and knowledgeable science man in the whole school. In my opinion , that is an English teacher who teaches English for childrens is my ideal job. Defines an early childhood professional as a person who promotes and displays high personal and professional standards and continually expands their skills and knowledge. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. If he has knowledge of allied subjects, it would also help him to teach better. they chose english because they feel that many of the problems with our world could be solved if we taught ourselves how to properly express our feelings and ideas. The opportunity to help students, parents, other faculty members, and the community is my incentive to teach. Explains that all states require a bachelor's degree and an approved teacher training program. At least, this is often the aspiration behind choosing to teach, in my case it is the epitome of what a teacher should be, and is what I can only hope to be in my future career as a teacher. She has a unique way of teaching. Born and raised in the private school world, I learned from many great teachers. All are good teachers. Satish Sir is our ideal teacher. Whether it is their sense of, Growing up I have always wanted to become a teacher. Opines that teaching is a rewarding profession because the teacher is constantly learning something new. One fall, I sat in a crowded auditorium about to begin another year teaching when the words of the school head, Tom Hudnut, rang deep. Opines that the purpose of early childhood is to stimulate and encourage the development of all important areas such as language, physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and spiritual growth. There are many reasons people decide to enter the teaching field. When a teacher ask students what their ideal classroom is most people would usually reply with "no teachers to teach us and we can use our phones whenever we want we can just chill and sleep." However the students never think about the consequences to that. Opines that great teachers work tirelessly to create a challenging and nurturing environment. All rights reserved. After taking the all three assessment I was able to see what career fields would suit me best. Haven't found what you were looking for? I would be a good fit in the Roger Williams University Honors program for a multitude of reasons. Teachers are the second most important people in our lives, right after our parents. The good teacher explains. skillful professionals set high standards for themselves as well as people. they should encourage students to make mistakes without being teased and encourage them to try. Whether it is their sense of humor, their tactfulness, their love of the subject matter, their fanatical and sporadic behavior, or their yearning to be childish themselves, I can still remember at least one quality of every teacher I have ever encountered. Explains that they would meet these basic needs in their classroom by actively listening to their standards to ensure in them that what they have to say matters. To provide effective lesson plans with a clear idea of what they will be learning; allowing new learning goals and to practice new skills; being consistent in marking and returns work in a timely manner. Explains that they had not always wanted to be a teacher, but they knew that teaching was not for them. Explains that there is competition among the profession to offer the best incentives in order to attract interest. Open Document. Essay No. Teacher should contact with students, other teachers, and with the community out side the school. Teachers have the very important responsibility of shaping our generation to become someone one days. A teacher is a person who provides education for pupils (children), or students (adults) using lectures, audiovisual aids, demonstrations, and computers to present academic, social, and motor skills. While educating, I want to help my students with personal growth. She was the best teacher I ever had. One of the qualities that a good teacher should possess is to help and ensure that our, Yang Lee Nov. 14, 2012 His voice is clear. He makes his lessons interesting. Reflecting will help you get into the habit of seeing things you wouldnt typically see. The two main reasons that I have chosen to become a teacher is that I believe that teaching is extremely personally rewarding in many ways and the fact that I can actively make a difference in someones life. show more content, My ideal teacher self is one who fulfills the aforementioned qualities and in addition is understanding, effective and relatable. I can only dream of touching a childs life in the way my favorite teacher touched mine. Having high expectation for your students is a must in the classroom. A lot of people love the idea of the subject but dont when it comes down to the kids. Everyone has had that one teacher who inspired them, and who made coming to school every day worthwhile. In those days, men of wisdom with unlimited knowledge were teachers. 1) What characteristics are important in a teacher? The perfect teacher prefers to give positive motivation to his/her students. A teacher must be understanding in the sense that they must put themselves in the shoes of their students, when students misbehave, when they fail to do their work, for example, a teacher must evaluate and try to understand the reasons for these things. Satisfactory Essays. Teaching is a noble profession. When people get older, it possibly may be hard to find a teacher that is suitable for oneself. Opines that education is important but the student as a person is what matters the most. Taking the time to get to know a student on a personal level takes a lot of time and dedication. due to their limited education, their parents both worked blue-collar jobs. This skill allows you to provide structure for your students and ensure that your time to display your content knowledge is used wisely. achieving an enriching experience during these years can create a positive pathway throughout our educational journey. 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