Marx and Engels noted an intellectual convergence in the literature which was a kind of intellectual globalization of ideas that preceded the materialistic globalization of goods and markets. Pluto Press, London, Hearn J (2006) Rethinking nationalism a critical introduction. knowledge. Stanford University Press, Goldthorpe JH (2007) Cultural capital: some critical observations. Additionally, the enlightenment thinkers had forecasted a uniformized and borderless world in the sphere of values. Finally, globalization is a natural and inevitable process as no country in the world can avoid or ignore it and failing to embrace it will lead to marginalization (Jaja, 2010). This phenomenon has been labeled globalization. For instance, although the spread of the colonization phenomena yielded a reduction of cultural differentiation, when the colonization movement receded, cultures sprung up and cultural differentiation was favored. Early forms of globalization, especially with the Silk Road), European imperialism (rise of the West. This book could not have been put together without the support of numerous individuals and institutions. In this regard, Featherstone (1990) contends that globalization defines the space in which the worlds cultures merge together while generating innovative and valuable heterogeneous significance as well as culturally compelled global insights. Despite the contribution of the McDonaldization theory in explaining implications of globalization, Pieterse (1996) stresses that fast food outlets like McDonalds and the sort are not at all culturally homogenized but rather characterized by differences that reflect culturally mixed social forms. The "uneven" nature of this experience is discussed in relation to first and third world societies, along with arguments about the hybridization of cultures, and special role of communications and media technologies in this process of "deterritorialization". From this perspective on globalization, conflict may be mitigated and identity preserved, albeit transformed. Hence, globalization strengthens national cultures rather than undermine them. They are said to follow a recognizable lifestyle, are instantly identifiable anywhere in the world, and feel more comfortable in each others presence than they do among their less-sophisticated compatriots. (PDF) Culture and Globalization: A critical Literature Review Culture and Globalization: A critical Literature Review October 2021 Authors: Deman Yusuf institute of social work Preprints. In fact, the involvement of various states and governments in promoting the internationalization of their companies contributes to globalization, particularly through multilateral agencies such as the World Bank, the World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund (Drucker, 1997). Due to the generalization of free trade, the market economy of the twentieth century has progressively spread at remarkable proportions around the world. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In contemporary scholarship, the presence of transnationalism is often used as an indication of cosmopolitanism, and a linear positive correlation between the two is often implied. IN COLLECTIONS Books to Borrow Internet Archive Books . Transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world, Pre-modern phase: early civilizations to 1500, Manfred B. Steger and Paul James, Ideologies of Globalism, in Paul James and Manfred B. Steger, eds, Globalization and Culture: Vol. Therefore, the Americanization phenomena seems to be contingent with the predisposition of local cultures to embrace artifacts reflective of the American culture, rather than with the simple availability of these artifacts. McDonaldization is the idea of a worldwide homogenization of cultures through the effects of multinational corporations. For instance, examining the fit between a culture that values efficiency and accepts a McDonalized system is vital for companies planning to take their businesses global. In fact, McDonaldized systems have had to adapt in order to succeed overseas. Occurs in everyday life, through digital communication, electronic commerce, popular culture, and international trade. Glocalization is reflected by the fact that the world is growing pluralistic with individuals and communities becoming innovative agents that have a tremendous power to adapt and innovate within their newly glocalized world (Robertson, 2001). John Tomlinson Book details Book preview Table of contents Citations About This Book Globalization is now widely discussed but the debates often remain locked within particular disciplinary discourses. What are the technological and economic preconditions that allow for and demand the transnational flow of capital and commodities? Extends ideas and cultures across all of the civilizations of the world. The latter can be global and regional in nature, and marked by a particular speed of growth and direction of movement. This perspective is reflected in several concepts and models such as the Global Culture, Americanization and more importantly the McDonaldization theory. In: Panebianco F, Serrelli E (eds) Understanding cultural traits. Edited by More precisely, the interaction between globalization and culture still remains under-researched (Prasad and Prasad, 2007) and the current globalization debate in this respect is relatively recent (Acosta and Gonzalez, 2010). Similarly, American adaptations of the fast food principles have been observed in China, south-east Asia and India. Globalization is now widely discussed, but the debates often focus on economic issues. De-Globalizing Global Communication Research: A 'Glocal-Comparative' Take on Transnational Research. The purpose of the following chapter is to provide a lens view of the interactions between globalization and culture as the latter positions itself on the spectrum of a theoretical perspective. [19], Alternatively, Benjamin Barber in his book Jihad vs. McWorld argues for a different "cultural division" of the world. Globalization and culture: Homogeneity, diversity, identity, liberty Pieterse (1996) questions whether the distinction between what has been referred to as cultural grammars as a metaphor for inherent and deep-rooted cultural elements and cultural languages which are the peripheral or marginal elements of a culture can be looked at as divergences between surface and depth at all. Pine Forge Press, Los Angeles, Robertson R (1997) Glocalization: time-space and homogeneity-heterogeneity. Global Culture: Nationalism, Globalization, and Modernity. 5 Princes Gate Court, To look into the interactions between globalization and culture, a literature review of relevant theoretical contributions has been conducted followed up with a discussion on their main insights. [4] A growing field in cultural globalization research corresponds to the implementation of cross-cultural agility in globally operating businesses as a management tool to ensure operational effectiveness. It contributes to the expansion of cultural ties between the peoples and human migration. Another group stems from the rise of a transnational workforce. It seems that the superficial elements of cultures such as clothing, fashion, foods, arts, music, movies and crafts are what gets transferred whereas the deeply embedded components of cultures remain contextually bound and culturally specific. [18] While not many commentators agree that this should be characterized as a 'Clash of Civilizations', there is general concurrence that cultural globalization is an ambivalent process bringing an intense sense of local difference and ideological contestation. In its extreme form, there is a possibility that local cultures can be shaped and overwhelmed by other more powerful cultures or even a global culture. However, the predominance of the nation-state and national economic barriers had protected and insulated cultures from external influence. Challenges to national sovereignty and identity, Anti-globalism movements and the Internet, Borrowing and translating popular culture,, National Center for Biotechnology Information - PubMed Central - Cultural syndromes in the era of globalization, Social Science LibreTexts - Globalization. Glocalization allows for a twofold conception of cosmopolitanism: first, as situational openness within local contexts and, second, as detachment from local ties. Now updated with new chapters on culture and on populism, this seminal text disputes the view that we are experiencing a clash of civilizations as well as the idea that globalization leads to cultural homogenization. The heterogenization view, which is also labeled differentiation, relates fundamentally to barriers that prevent flows that would contribute to the sameness of cultures. Capital Flows. The adoption of a Western way of life does not mean standardization. Transnational flows of people, financial resources, goods, information and culture have recently been increasing in a drastic way and have profoundly transformed the world (Ritzer and Malone, 2001). What is judged to be the staple elements of the field has evolved over time, as well as becoming more international in orientation. This conceptual paper proposes a mode of inquiry that engages with an increasingly glocal reorganization of contemporary globalized spheres. cultural globalization, phenomenon by which the experience of everyday life, as influenced by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, reflects a standardization of cultural expressions around the world. Capitalist interests reshaped the landscape through chains of entrepreneurs and other businesses that came in and extracted its resources to sell to distant markets. As for Kroeber and Kluckholn (1952: 181): Culture consists of patterns, explicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiment in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially their attached values; culture systems may, on the one hand, be considered as products of action, on the other, as conditioning elements of future action. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 5(1), 37-43. It considers the opposition to globalization and whether globalization has an effect on cultural convergence or divergence. Multinationals and later, global companies began to grow and multiply in record numbers. Further, control of the labor force is not as standardized and unvarying as presented by the theory. [21], Friction among social groups present risks of both potential destruction and improvement. The article engages with notions of 'glocalization' to reconceptualise a notion of glocality that resonates with new forms of locality-bound globalized spaces and cultures. We suggest that Internet studies should not only respond to the realities but also transcend the contextual constraints to direct attention to the often neglected dimensions of development, which are to make actual impacts through allowing the people and the communities to define their own development discourses as well as building research institutions that are oriented to influence policy-making. ditions Flammarion, Paris, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University, 411 Swanston St, Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia, You can also search for this author in In other terms, globalization contributes in creating a new and identifiable class of individuals who belong to an emergent global culture. Routledge, London, pp 7495, Steger M (2014) Approaches to the study of globalization. The homogenization perspective seems to positively answer these questions as the increased interconnection between countries and cultures contributes to forming a more homogenous world adopting the Western Euro-American model of social organization and life style (Liebes, 2003). Drawing upon the field of global communication, I discuss existing literature pointing to an emergence of glocalist research. The theory advances cultural mixing and integration without the need to give up ones identity with cohabitation expected in the new cross-cultural prototype of difference (Pieterse, 1996). For instance, Cowen (2002) contends that while changes and potential losses imposed by globalization on local and traditional cultures, including those extending to cultural differences, may be damaging and destructive, they may also lead towards new prospective opportunities. Weber G (1999) The world 10 most influential languages. In a new chapter on China, the author focuses on the key issue of agency and power in hybridization. On the one hand, culture is an integrated set of values, norms and behaviors acquired by human beings as members of a society. Culture openness is a phenomenon that recognizes differences between cultures, does not necessarily standardize or blend cultures and allows cultures to benefit from richness of other cultures. In addition, while resorting to standardized practices across cultures, organizations need to adapt these practices in light of local cultural specificities. Locating Cosmopolitanism in Media and Cultural Studies. Media, Culture and Society, 31(3): 449-466. There is no doubt that cultures get influenced and shift through contact with other cultures. Given this, it might seem a relatively straightforward task to analyze cultural globalization as a discrete area of . The latter seek to explore new modern tastes of the fusion of food variations whether it is the mixed tastes of Chinese and American menu items or Japanese and American. It is defined as the process whereby the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society and the world (Ritzer, 1993:19). [8], There have been numerous attempts to measure globalization, typically using indices that capture quantitative data for trade flows, political integration, and other measures. World nations are not integrated to the same extent in international exchanges. Fairbank Professor of Chinese Society and Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University. In this regard, Robertson (2001), who is critical of the focus on processes stemming from the United States and its homogenizing impact on the world, advocates the notion of heterogeneity with a focus on diversity, multi-directional global flows and the existence of world processes that are independent and sovereign of other nation-states. If your style isn't in the list, you can start a free trial to access over 20 additional styles from the Perlego eReader. In a nutshell, the concept of culture has two major definitions. Indian-born anthropologist Arjun Appadurai has studied English-speaking professionals who trace their origins to South Asia but who live and work elsewhere. The heterogenization at a local level refers to a situation where the practices of a sphere of life in a specific milieu or locale become more diverse over a period of time. Santa Barbara, CA 931062150, Campus Location Major American companies such as McDonald's and Coca-Cola have played a major role in the spread of American culture around the globe. Most commentators agree that globalization is a multidimensional process, taking place simultaneously within the spheres of the economy, politics, the environment, the institutionalization of technologies, and culture. Talbott (1995) observed that, in opposition to what the McDonaldization theory holds about predictability, the main attraction for the Russian customer is in the diversified and unique lines of products that the chain offers not the standard menu items that one thinks they may find in Russia. Licensee IntechOpen. We posit that these scenarios and theoretical perspectives associated with them are capturing the broad contours of the current debate on globalization and culture, despite some overlapping insights among the different viewpoints. For some, culture is a marker of difference, representing an ensemble of collective routines. Available from: sociopedia.isa [6 November 2016]. By the beginning of the 21st century, institutions such as Cultural Survival were operating on a world scale, drawing attention to indigenous groups who are encouraged to perceive themselves as first peoplesa new global designation emphasizing common experiences of exploitation among indigenous inhabitants of all lands. But there is a disadvantage too. I don't own any of these. These transactions are not purely and solely destructive and negative for local cultures, they also bring about more possibilities and opportunities. At the heart of this project lies Tomlinson's ambition to reappraise Virginia Social Science Journal, Vol. With the inequalities issues, such as race, ethnic and class systems, social inequalities play a part within those categories. For others, culture is only an effect of differentiation, whose chimerical boundaries are drawn with such apocryphal dualism as self-other, us-them, here-there, and the Western-the Oriental. Online version, Dallas. It is an effect of the intimate intermingling and collision of different ethnicities, cultures and histories (Pieterse, 1996). Aust J Linguist 29(1):115133, Lo Bianco J (2001) Talking globally: challenges for foreign-language education from new citizenship and economic globalisation. [11], The past half-century has witnessed a trend towards globalization. This text is an essential resource for all media, communication and film studies students who want to broaden their knowledge and understanding of how the media operates and affects society across the globe. In fact, culture has been studied from various fields such as anthropology, sociology and psychology. Allen & Unwin, Sydney, Matera V (2016) Understanding cultural diversity. Globalization is a set of social, economic, political and cultural processes that have taken place together and produced the characteristic conditions of contemporary existence (Hawley 2001: 209). It impacts social structures and institutions in its country of origin, as well as, in other developed and developing countries around the world. Instead, Jan Nederveen Pieterse argues that we are witnessing the formation of a global mlange culture . Instead, globalization is about understanding and recognizing that communities are not the same and these differences are what make up the contemporary world. In the homogenization view, barriers that prevent flows that would contribute to making cultures look alike are weak and global flows are strong (Ritzer, 2010). Europe des cultures, vol 11. Globalisation is a concept that in its most basic sense implies a contemporary intensification of global interconnectedness. According to the hybridization view, external and internal flows interact to create a unique cultural hybrid that encompasses components of the two (Ritzer, 2010). [21] This instance is not limited to just a nation or a village, but to several social organizations all at work. In: Steger MB, Battersby P, Siracusa J (eds) The Sage handbook of globalisation, vol 1. Globalization is seen as a friction between these two social organizations where globalization relies on the local for its success instead of just consuming it. Polity Press, Cambridge, UK, Paul J (2006) Globalism, nationalism, tribalism. The Indian experience, to take another example, reveals both the pluralization of the impact of cultural globalization and its long-term history.[13]. In an ethnographic study of the McDonaldization theory, Talbott (1995) examines the fast food technique at the McDonalds fast food restaurant in Moscow and discerns that the McDonaldization method is not precise and accurate. The course considers the emergence of, and global responses to, the cross-border flow of information and cultural products. Accordingly, cosmopolitans and locals form a continuum where individuals attitudes might range in strength depending upon specific dimensions. Globalization and Culture: The Three H Scenarios 5 2010). - Locating Cosmopolitanism in Media and Cultural Studies. Media, Culture and Society, 31(3): 449-466. Our team is growing all the time, so were always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. Books > Globalization and Culture Global Mlange, Fourth Edition Jan Nederveen Pieterse Now updated with new chapters on culture and on populism, this seminal text disputes the view that we are experiencing a "clash of civilizations" as well as the idea that globalization leads to cultural homogenization. In addition to an openness of diverse economic, political, cultural and social flows in both information and trade and its market-related dimension, globalization also has political features through the so-called notion of global Every culture maintains its cultural particularities while absorbing and interpreting cultural characteristics of other societies with which they are in contact. Hector Cuadra-Montiel. on the Internet. Along the same line, Wiley (2004) contends that national cultures, which are fluid constructs, have become part of a heterogeneous transnational field of culture. Lastly, Appadurai (1996) and Pieterse (2004) argue that cultural homogenization is too simplistic as several local cultures have demonstrated their ability to domesticate or resist foreign cultural influences. And so the broad task of globalization, One of the most striking features of the idea of globalization is just how readily and plentifully all manner of implications seem to flow from it. Available online: Kluver, R., & Fu, W. (2008). : Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this seminal text disputes the view that we are experiencing a "clash of civilizations" as well as the idea that globalization leads to cultural homogenization. This influence is represented through that of American-based television programs which are rebroadcast throughout the world. The relation between communications and globalization needs to be considered in its changing world-historical context as a long-term process involving both continuities and discontinuities. It seems that globalization has an ideological basis as it is founded on the capitalist economic tradition with its premises such as the development of free markets, private ownership, open and free decision making, the price mechanism and competition (Jaja, 2010). In fact, only the peripheral elements of culture actually navigate and traverse beyond borders and across national cultures via external and marginal rudiments such as cuisine, fashion styles, shopping habits, crafts, arts and entertainment. Whereas "Clash of Civilizations" portrays a world with five coalitions of nation-states, "Jihad vs. McWorld" shows a world where struggles take place on a sub-national level. (2010) Globalisation, Nolibralisme, Education et Diversit Culturelle. And consequently over a period of time, these groups become diversified and very different due to environmental circumstances and pressures. Koc, M. (2006). 3. Editor of. English translation: Miller G (2011) Disordered world. By making research easy to access, and puts the academic needs of the researchers before the business interests of publishers. Moreover, regarding the mixing and blending of immigrants within their early settler societies, Pieterse (1996) alleges that the intermingling of this process engages both peripheral and deeply rooted cultural elements as observed with the case of North America. The hybridization thesis stands for cultural convergence and assimilation. It should be noted that while businesses may slightly adapt to local realities, the fact is that the basic items available for customers are generally the same worldwide (Ritzer and Malone, 2000). Pieterse (1996) argues that hybridization is in fact an offspring rooted in the breadth of racism with inferences shedding light on the existence of the mtis, half-caste and mixed-breed. Wagener A (2015) LEchec culturel Vie et mort dun concept en sciences sociales. This entry provides insights into the links between globalization and culture, based on a selective review of the literature, aiming to offer some reference points for further reflection to professionals, researchers, and students in public administration and public policy. Marin, J. Publication date 2009 Topics Globalization, Globalization, Globalization, Acculturation, Popular culture Publisher Lanham, Md. In the homogenization perspective, which is also known as convergence, barriers that prevent flows that would contribute to making cultures look alike are weaker and the global flows are stronger. This phenomenon has been labeled globalization. Paperback. Acknowledging the recognition of the media as international actors, this article discusses their role in the process of ideological production in contemporary democracies. These customers are far from adhering to the principle of uniformity. Ong, J.C. (2009). Part of Springer Nature. Globalization is a multidimensional phenomenon that encompasses not only economic components but also cultural, ideological, political and similar other facets (Prasad and Prasad, 2006). Culture is, perhaps, one of the most ethereal of concepts that impede categorical transparency and analytic consistency. Interactions between globalization and culture hold considerable implications for both societies and organizations. Sage Publications, The theory does not correspond to an established theoretical matrix or paradigm but it conjectures a shift by virtue of its nature., Rizer G (1993) The McDonaldization of society. I am intellectually indebted to Denis McQuail whose introductory volumes to communications theory remain, for me, the most accessible and comprehensive available in our interdiscipline. Greenwood, New York, pp 241258, Coulangeon P, Duval J (2013) Trente ans aprs la Distinction de Pierre Bourdieu. Martin J (1985) The migrant presence. Nations get involved in cultural integration processes on a regular basis without loosing their cultural peculiarities. It is noteworthy to mention that the former do not impact the latter. There is little doubt if any that the McDonaldization theory constitutes an important symbol of the homogenization perspective. What is actually being sold in not as relevant as the activities related to how things are organized, delivered and sold to customers; it is these steps that must abide to similar sets of principles for the business to be successful in its new global context. On the other hand, "Jihad" represents traditionalism and maintaining one's identity. While the concept of culture can be applied to any human collectivity, it is often used in the case of societies which refer to nations, ethnic entities or regional groups within or across nations (Hofstede, 2001). Hence, local cultures experience continuous transformation and reinvention due to the influence of global factors and forces. Written by Dr. Harvey . Most important to the origins of McDonalization is the interaction between culture and economics. As such, culture constitutes an element of identification within a given group of individuals and an element of differentiation vis--vis other groups from an anthropological standpoint. Globalization and Culture JungBong Choi 2002, Journal of Communication Inquiry Culture is, perhaps, one of the most ethereal of concepts that impede categorical transparency and analytic consistency. In the old days, individuals were subject to cultural consequences as they had to live with what their environment transmitted to them in addition to their contribution. Global-Local Consumption, Tommaso Detti, Giuseppe Lauricella, The Origins of the Internet, Roma, Viella 2017, Tactical mediatization and activist ageing: pressures, push-backs, and the story of RECAA, Globalization and Culture, Vol. How, precisely has the connectivity provided by air travel brought us closer ? governance. Silk Road ), 37-43 and economic preconditions that allow for and demand the transnational flow information!, electronic commerce, popular culture Publisher Lanham, Md and Society, 31 ( 3 ) 449-466! Is represented through that of American-based television programs which are rebroadcast throughout the world the process ideological! Not have been observed in China, south-east Asia and India as becoming more international in orientation globalization! Nation-State and national economic barriers had protected and insulated cultures from external influence Online Kluver! Asia but who live and work elsewhere 7495, Steger M ( 2014 ) Approaches to the and... 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