The memo should cover the following questions: The bigger or more complicated the ask, the more information you should gather. He can be found giving talks at conferences, cycling around post-Soviet neighbourhoods or performing music in empty bars. This expression says, Im a reliable person! Verb conjugations reflect three elements: the subject, the tense, and the mood. Boundaries are an essential part of healthy relationships and effective communication. Be sure you share your list with the asker to confirm that youre on the same page. If your no really means not at the moment but soon, then let the person know that. Thank you so much Annemarie, it is really helpful. Typically, you should avoid short forms, abbreviations, and slang. Or an ask appears so insignificant that an intake memo seems unnecessaryor would take longer to draft than simply completing the request. If you become skilled at conveying both, you can avoid burnout, increase your influence, and enhance your reputation. Here are some to try depending on how much you agree or disagree with the statement in question: Totally! Here are a few options to consider: 1 It was great seeing you at [work conference/event]. This is like sure, but a little less formal. Everyone uses slightly different ones. Thanks so much for the kind comment. Im going to try and use this in future conversation . With more interactive experiences, and a chance to practice fluently the knowledge, I would certainly be improving my expression. But if someone wants to take you out to the best restaurant in town, then you might want to sound a bit more enthusiastic. Definitely You help me a lot and you are an inspiration to many of us. In some cases, it can be seen as rude or unprofessional because it seems like you're making a promise without saying when or how you'll get something done. So, dont be afraid to call in some professional evidence by demonstrating experience of previous successful projects. While the oven is heating up, take your peeled bananas and mash them with a fork. To help you get people to say yes to professional favors, we wanted to share some of the best ways to ask so that you get a positive result. If you cant avoid it, try to preserve the opportunity to fulfill the request later or else help out down the road when you are available. Let me ask you the following questions. Essentially, youre getting the person in need of help to make a more thorough or convincing proposal. Yes-no questions are contrasted with wh-questions (who, what, when, where, how, and why), which require further elaboration. If you sound neutral or upbeat and eager, it is fine. Why Learn How to Talk on the Phone Professionally. Instead, you can use the words not able to or unable to to soften the language. The new word, I had learned today is: We appreciate the offer, however, this is not a good time for us. Can you cover for me tonight? Taking messages. Saying . I call these the no gates, a concept I borrowed from a project management technique called stage-gate reviews, which divide initiatives into distinct phases and then subject each to a go, no go decision. I usually say yeah or of course but I like this option (Id be happy to) It will give more variety to my vocabulary. What are you doing this weekend? Thanks for that lesson, it it usefull for me. Leaving messages. UPDATED: How to Complain in English & Get Results You Want#261: Small Talk About Travel, Vacations, and Holidays in EnglishHow to Express Ideas in English Clearly and with Confidence. It bridges elements of formal and informal language. No, we cant go to the party. Finally, this one is also a bit like yep and yeah its rather informal and casual. Chern literally wrote the book on Business Etiquette Made Easy, where you can find more of her great advice. Its less an exchange of information and more of a bonding experience a process that brings people closer together. Access more than 40 courses trusted by Fortune 500 companies. If you have other obligations, then Let me check my calendar or a similar phrase may be more polite than yes without any explanation. This information is very useful. If youre giving permission for something small, like opening the window, then its well its fine. Thank you, Annemarie! this is a laid back, colloquial alternative to yes that originally comes from the teen surfer and skate culture in America. And with this response, you're ensuring that you're working on it. Wait! Therefore, keeping your request free from too much pressure will help your chances of the favor being granted. Saying yes to requests from bosses, teammates, and others can make you feel important but can be a prescription for burnout. What if you have a demanding boss? Im glad to hear lots of useful expressions from you ! It should be a response to a big request usually one with emotional connections. Im so glad to hear that, Dragana! Examples of yes synonyms for professional settings include: To indicate consent to do something upon another persons petition. Follow these steps to learn how to respond to emails professionally: 1. We all know that Australians are well known for having a rather relaxed attitude towards life. For some reason, people thought this sort of thing was hilarious. This is actually an Australian English expression. . So if someones asking you to do something big, like look after their pet python for two months while they go on a scuba diving holiday in southern Uruguay, then it might seem like you dont really care too much. Copyright 2014-2023 Speak Confident English | Privacy Policy | Terms & Disclaimer| Online Class Policies. I am sure I will practice these in my conversation. A good no is all about timing and logic. I think exactly the same way as you!. Tip #4: Embody kindness and respect in communication. In fact, we have several ways to say yes in English for casual and professional situations. Yes, what is it? Youll find that small asks can balloon into big ones or that what at first sounds impossible turns out to be much easier than you assumed. As a result, its pretty popular with Americans. For example, if your boss asks you to do a task that youre not sure if you can complete, you can say, Ill try my best, to let them know that youre willing to take on the challenge. Also check out How to Answer How Are You? + 9 Interesting Ways to Ask It. We have plenty more lessons on so many different topics, so I am sure you will find more that can help you. Or no I dont want to see all 456 photos from your vacation. our company has a holiday party that night. I really appreciate your work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I love the way you teach and your pronunciation is very clear. What if you dont currently have the experience and skills to handle the request quickly and confidentlybut you could acquire them? However, if youre absolutely sure you cannot do something, honesty is the best policy. In other cases, it can be polite because it shows that youre willing to help out. Here are 14 phrases to consider using in the subject line of an email when making requests, scheduling meetings or applying to jobs: Meetings Here are four email subject line phrases for setting meetings: "Meeting request regarding. In any sentence with a verb in it, the auxiliary is between the subject and the verb. Some universally accepted gestures that replace or accompany the yes word include the thumbs up, the wink or high brow (usually coupled with a smile), and, of course, the traditional nod (lowering and raising ones head in quick succession. The first gate is the easiest to understand. For example, when a person wants to encourage the interlocutor to continue speaking or finish an idea. Would you mind just repeating the question? I like it because its quite versatile. Sep 20, 2017 | Everyday English and Conversation, Did you know there are better ways to say yes, no, and maybe in English? You want to gain a reputation for saying no at the right times for the right reasons and make every single yes really count. The use of yes here tends to be very straightforward, with little need for emotion, so some simple alternatives might be: Yep and yeah are very common alternatives to yes, but are only used informally, among people you know well, and they might be frowned upon in formal settings, such as the workplace when youre speaking to your boss. Again, although this can be quite friendly, make sure youre not in a situation where you need to be very, very polite. Again, this one is very neutral, but it can show a lack of enthusiasm in some situations. This is very enthusiastic and shows that you really appreciate whatever it is that youve been offered. When youre in informal situations, you will often choose to use casual language. Right? Here are a few: You can use Ill take a look at that as an alternative because it shows that youre willing to help out without making any promises about what time frame or how exactly youll get something done. Although he temporarily lost his power to say yes or no, he learned a lot from his bosss process, and eventually, Zane took it over himself. Match each conversation to the requests in, Each person answers 'yes' in a different way. You can use Ill try my best as an alternative because it shows that youre willing to do your best but cant make any promises. You could try: What is your favourite way to say yes? I hope youll continue to use them and make progress in your English. With over 20 years of experience in HR and various roles in corporate world, Jenny shares tips and advice to help professionals advance in their careers. Its friendly and shows genuine, positive enthusiasm. When you say this, you come across as an efficient person with your life under control. Celebrating International Womens Day with Amanda Gerlinger! Were thrilled to know the lesson was helpful to you! Thank . Tip #3: Explain yourself briefly. If the request isnt feasible, you say, I simply cant do it. If you just dont have the ability to deliver on it, then you say, Sorry, thats outside my skill set. Just remembering peoples names and getting along professionally is often enough to make people like you. You cannot do everything and that is okay. God bless you. use the words, "I am pleased to accept your offer") Repeat the position title and relevant terms. You might say, Thats not something I should say yes to at this time because the likelihood of success is low, the necessary resources are too great, its not in alignment with the current priorities, or the likely outcome is [otherwise somehow not desirable].. Youd be surprised to learn that the word yes, while not infrequent, is not as widely used in English everyday lingo as many of its variations. Im glad it was helpful to you! When to RSVP How to RSVP via email RSVP email format Example RSVP email subject line RSVP email examples 1. The word yes has been changed over the years in order to adapt to every situation and medium in which it is used. I did previously note that this was a likely outcome. I have become better in recent years about turning down work. I see this one would be used when someone is giving you some information rather than asking you a question. He also delayed completing a request from another executive peer of Aikos, saying something along the lines of Weve never collected that particular data before. But using the disciplined intake-memo process, Zane got better and better at comparing how urgent or important each project really was, making smart decisions, and demonstrating to everyone his true service mindset without overextending himself. While it's important to reply to business emails quickly, check the email for any potential urgent requests or deadlines. In less casual situations, Id recommend avoiding it. How difficult is it to say 'no'? To acquiesce to a request or acknowledge that a piece of information was received approvingly. . In other cases, it can be polite because it shows that you're willing to help out. Don't worry." Your boss shared some urgent work to accomplish before the end of the day. Richard Simmons put being nice very nicely, Everyone in this world is somehow connected. Learn how to resolve those inevitable workplace conflicts. How do you plan to resolve this? Sometimes the ask is sloppy, so you misunderstand: It sounds like more or less than it is, or it sends you off in the wrong direction. Yeah, fo sho! or,Hell yeah, I like it!. The only way to be sustainably successful is to get really good at saying no in a way that makes people feel respected and to say yes only when your reasoning is sound and you have a clear plan of attack. In the centuries since, lots of alternatives to the word yes have sprung up in the English language, and there are no many meanings for the word yes too. Most people will be far more likely to say yes to your proposal if you stand in front of them. Can you elaborate further on your thought process here? As usual, he gave many standard That data is simply not in the system responses. Tip #2: Be straightforward and to the point. Another alternative is Ill see what I can do. This phrase shows that youre willing to help out but cannot guarantee anything. Excellent. They are completely useful to me and now I can be more polite to my friends and my colleagues. Very similar to certainly or definitely, but this one is a little more enthusiastic. Do you need analysis, and is that something we can do? I believe that using the I am unable .. helps me for example when I need to cancel a tennis match with my group. To decline gracefully say: "Thank you so much for asking me to be part of this committee. If your boss sees credible evidence that you know what you are talking about, they are far more likely to say yes. Finally, give your co-worker an escape clause by saying you will understand if they cannot do it. When you say yes or no to a request, youre deciding where to invest your personal resources, so give the choice the same careful consideration. As the company moved toward a more sophisticated approach to business intelligence (data collection, analysis, reporting, and modeling for prediction), his input was sought by a number of executives he had worked with, and his opinion was given a lot of weight. Also comment on the responses given by others. So why not just be nice to everybody?. I'd love your thoughts and questions! What makes a good IELTS Speaking Part 2 answer. Interestingly no one really knows where this word came from, though some theories are quite popular. What is the deliverable being requested? I can definitely use them and I will really practice using these expressions so that they will become part of my wrd bank. Ideally, Speak in Complete Sentences. 1. Why say yes all the time when you can say something like gladly, for sure or even be my guest? This request violates policy/rules/law. When you take on too many or the wrong things, you waste time, energy, and money and distract yourself from whats really important. Here are some of the most common: Unfortunately, there are times when we have to say no. Yes can be an answer in response to a request, be it an informal one, such as Could you pass the butter please?, Or a more formal one, such as Please make sure the paperwork is finished for 5 oclock., I will If the answer is No, but I know somebody who can or No, but I can provide you with aid that will help somebody else do it, then say that as soon as possible. With this phrase, you still come across as a team player. Awesome! We use language to get past those awkward little situations that come from wanting something from someone else. whether I can but Ill check my calendar and let you know. Asking for professional favors can feel awkward. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). Usually, when we say something in English, we're making either a positive sentence: "My cat likes eating cake." or a negative sentence: "My cat doesn't like it when I play [] We use reporting verbs to report what somebody said to tell someone what another person said. Thank you Annemarie. We talked about this above. But maybe sounds awkward, even rude. Wonderful! So I say: Im afraid I cant meet you this weekend. How difficult is it to say 'no'? You dont need to worry.. Your lessons are awesome!!! You should say no to things that are not allowed, cannot be done, or that, on balance, should not be done. However, if your professor asks if you studied for the exam, you may respond with a less enthusiastic absolutely.. Is It Polite to Say Yes Will Do? Small talk. Your attendance is required for this discussion. "Have you bought the tickets?" "Mm-hmm / Uh-huh" These sounds both mean "yes." Which response sounds the most eager, most helpful and least positive? Be as it may, yes currently stands among the most flexible words in the English language, with a broad range of variations and usages. We hope you keep enjoying our videos and get a lot out of them. Thank you very much to let me know I used to speak and write ruly by the word maybe. And if they like you, they will want to help you out by agreeing to the favor. There may be some overlap between formal and professional, so we'll only disclose here some of the expressions that wouldn't rightly fit in a formal . I am unsure about my work schedule ,therefore i will politely respond to my cousin that i am unsure about my work schedule and i will definitely let her know once I get to know my work schedule. Make sure you know your audience before whipping out one of these responses! Youre right! Im glad youve got some new language to use in those challenging situations. Thank you. Its use has spread worldwide through movies and music, and is still widely used today, most commonly among younger native English speakers. As a result my friend misunderstood me, I think. I hadnt thought of it! Because of Zanes increasingly thorough, businesslike approach, his colleagues came to deeply value his assessments and responses andover timehis judgment. Whenever you have a few moments, I would like to discuss something with you. Hi Marie, Im so glad to know youve got some new words to use after this lesson. There are three key stages to remember: First, set the scene by saying I have a favor to ask you. Yes is a lovely word, but there are so many different ways to say yes.. I told her sounds great, perhaps I dont know weather I can,I need to check my calender n let you now,I d be glad if I make it .I ask her if I dont make it next day then wht about Saturday?she said no problem, then told her I appreciate toRead more . Match each conversation to the requests in A-D Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 4 A. to work late B. to do some paid overtime C. t You can unsubscribe any time. Just use the question form itll be the first word of the question: If someone says something like, Well never get there on time! you can agree with We wont! Professional Ways to Say Yes. First, explain exactly why youre saying yes: You can enrich the project, you want to collaborate, you see the benefits. Yes will do may be considered polite in certain circles, but its important to consider your audience. A version of this article appeared in the. But my sister invites me to come over to her house same time . Add to this the demands of external stakeholders, of family, friends, and acquaintances, and sometimes even of complete strangers. While its quite informal, this is not the friendliest phrase. Thats why the intake memo should become a rock-solid habit for everything except the most minor and urgent requests. This is also rather friendly and enthusiastic. The asks are formal and informal, large and small, and from all across the organization. You are not a superhero. Susie S, Hi Susie, Those expressions are really useful. . So saying, can you cover for me tonight as Im running late is not as powerful as saying, Michael, I have a favor to ask you. If youre in a situation where you cant do something, then I cant promise anything might be a better way to phrase things. Like typical Americans, we hugged, we chatted, we asked some small talk questions. Video Tips: What to Say Instead of "Yes" in English. Then, give your reason for asking. December 8/2018 I am really trilled to get your Support for your ideal lesson it is really useful. When emailing someone in a professional setting, the way you ask how they are is especially important. / | |. For example, your boss might say: Can you help me with this? You could respond with, Id be happy to.. Hi Anniemarie, It kind of says, Wow! With a resounding "yes!" of course! Mix well with oil and brown sugar. Thank you for shear that lesson, its its very important for me,I will try. Hi Annemarie! While making a decision may come easily to you, expressing yourself professionally may not. After receiving a job offer, you must decide how you want to respond. Now i should practice this new vocabulary (i d be happy to help you/i absolutely agree/im sorry to say that but im not available tomorrow how about Saturday. These are all pretty informal, so you should generally avoid them in more professional situations like job interviews. What is one new word or expression you learned in todays lesson? Unless you really dont like restaurants. I really did want to see her. In an email, you could say "Thanks for the help, I have understood the subject." This sounds polite (with "thanks" being used) and professional. Who is making and authorizing this request? Even after answering those questions, prioritizing competing requests could often be tricky. A considered no protects you. Directions: Preheat your oven to 365 degrees. And she asked me if I have time to meet her when she come to taiwan,but because I need to prepare applying my second degree next year so I have to tell her I cant . Thankyou for this lesson, I really like it. Firstly, i would like thank you its really helpful i appreciate. I agree, using the phrase Im unable to is perfectly simple and it says exactly what you need. So, like with all right, only use it for boring, everyday tasks, otherwise you might seem insincere. Just before I left, I saw a friend I havent seen for a long time. Imagine the confidence your counterparts will gain in your promises if they see youre creating a mutually approved record of what they needand how much more readily theyll accept your judgment of yes or no. Sometimes you cant see it, but its there: She met him at an elephant factory. We have a fixed date. Your lessons would be very useful for me with all of your advanced tword English fluency and confidenty. For example, if your boss asks you to stay late on Friday and work overtime, but youre not sure because of other commitments that you have, you can say, Im not sure if I can do that or not, to let them know. That said, if you accept that Id need extra time to climb a learning curve, then Ill take a crack at it. It could be a development opportunity for you and, in the end, give the requester a new go-to person (you) on this sort of project. Hi, thanks a lot. Express your thanks. To ensure that information does not get missed can you please condense your communications into a single email where possible? Used to confirm the validity or accuracy of a statement. Great as always! I use the words yeah, nope, of course, and now I will use all these new ones! Thank you so much for your lesson, Annemarie! And what about when someone asks you for something? One phrase I have always found confusing is Yes will do. This phrase can have multiple meanings, such as I agree to do this or I will do this for you. In some cases, it can seem rude. Also comment on the responses given by others. These are closed-ended queries insofar as the person answering them must choose among a predetermined set of possible choices. Its very similar to informal language but typically used within specific social groups, such as teenagers or locals. There are probably several ways you can say yeah, and it could have a slightly different meaning each time depending on how you pronounce the vowel sound (longer, shorter, higher pitched, lower pitched, going up in pitch, going down in pitch, etc.). I had some experience to share with you. Finally, give your co-worker an escape clause by saying you will understand if they cannot do it. This isn't always necessary, but it can be helpful to alert the recipient of the focus of your reply. When someone says this to me, I feel completely at ease. You might see that a seemingly silly ask is actually smart, or vice versa. Until recently, he had a hard time saying no at work, especially to his boss and other senior leaders, because he was so determined to prove his value. Im so glad youre enjoying my lessons. In the video lesson, I share common examples for casual and professional life in English. Treat everyone politely, even those rude to you; not because they are nice, but because you are, as Jean Chern puts it nicely. Soon he started dropping balls, making mistakes, and irritating colleagues. I will finish it this afternoon. How to Answer How Are You? + 9 Interesting Ways to Ask It. Unless youre the sort of person with a sense of irony in their humour. Other examples of back channels are mmm and mm-hmm and ahhh.. Last night I was at the grocery store. ). And how can you use it in your English life? Remembering this makes it okay to say no. They are all incredible and easy to understand. Thats only we can learn with someone that wants to teach that toy you Giving feedback is an important skill for anyone who wants to excel in the workplace. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. In those instances, people tend to say things like With all the other priorities Im balancing, I dont have the availability to do it anytime soon. Thats a forced no. If you absolutely cannot complete the task at hand, then I cant do that is a polite way of saying no. Or no I cant change the date of the meeting. Hello Annemarie, Is this data we have or data we need to get or start capturing going forward? Thank you thank you. So, check your workload before committing. Do you have any other alternatives our online readers might find useful for their language learning? And if you dont have a confident personality, you may struggle with mustering up the courage to approach a colleague or co-worker with a professional request. Professional language has elements of formality but is conveyed in a more relaxed day-to-day manner. Bad nos happen when you havent properly assessed the ask; when you let decisions be driven by personal biases, including dislike of the asker or dismissals of people who dont seem important enough; or when you decline simply because youve said yes to too many other things and dont have any capacity left. All right is a nice, neutral expression. To show that you're listening. " "Meeting follow-up needed" "Request for an informal meeting" "Please see meeting availability" Requests Tip #1: Evaluate the situation and context. I needed a few things to make dinner. What do you say in those cases? Thank you Annemarie. Id use it for small suggestions, like Shall we leave in five minutes? and not for big ones, like Why dont we invest the four thousand in the stock market?. Take It Further. From the Magazine (SeptemberOctober 2020), The Art of Being Indispensable at Work: Win Influence, Beat Overcommitment, and Get the Right Things Done, What is todays date and time? Can you believe that?. I was so happy to see her! 2. Hi Lajos, we are so glad you found us! Yes! (awkward silence for a moment) Me: "err.. Its for something that you can do, ideally well, fast, and with confidence. Watch the video, review the lesson, and then check out my challenge question for you. There is more than one way to say yes? In fact, we have several ways to say yes in English for casual and professional situations. Im happy to know it was helpful to you. Thank you so much. It suddenly hits you that you're spread too thin. When it comes to timing, the most important thing is to thoroughly engage with the request. Yeah, right this one can be used sarcastically, with reference to the above examples, when you actually thought the evening was boring or the lunch was lousy. Enrollment is open until Friday, June 2 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time. Im unable to make that kind of compromise. I learned a polite way to say I cant from this lesson. How do you say yes professionally? An expression utilized as a sign of assent or to give the impression you understand the information being provided. (This is like saying, No. Wonderful, Jao. Use these tips and phrases for supportive, meaningful feedback in English. But efficient. It also implies that there might be some limitations on your ability or willingness to complete a task within the requested time frame. 2. Its enthusiastic! I never know it before, this is very helpful information! In some cases, it can be seen as rude or unprofessional because it seems like youre making a promise without saying when or how youll get something done. You need to say yes then (unless you dont want to give them what theyre asking for). If you say this out loud though, it could be considered rude depending on the tone of voice and body language you use. But it isnt very kind to just say, no. Here are some other ways to do so: In other words, you cant or dont want to commit to something. Here are some of the most common: I will be right there. I told her a lot while theyre listening to someone in a conversation this is a sign of a bored and half-hearted yes! This is like all right its agreeable but not very enthusiastic. Sure, you can use it to agree with someones opinion, but it can also mean things like Yeah, thats a good idea, or I understand, dont worry about it., Your email address will not be published. You can count on me!. Tulgan, who spent decades studying what makes people the most highly valued, indispensable employees at organizations, presents a three-part framework for managing the flood of requests. Yes, that is me?" (both sides start saying something at the same time) Me: "Yes. Alrighty! Do you want to take your health and wellness to the next level? When saying no, the first thing to start with is a positive sentiment. #276: How to Set Boundaries in English Communication | English Lesson, #275: How to Give Feedback in English: Tips and Phrases for Success, #274: How to Use Linking Words in English | However, Instead, Therefore. Thank you for your input, but please wait until I am finished sharing my thoughts before proceeding. One of these was Orl Korrect (meaning all correct). Im so glad youve found some new language to use. You might also know these as helping verbs.. Thank you, Annemarie. 2. This is a long game, so always try to get on with co-workers and fellow professionals so they do the same for you when you need a favor. This one is quite strong in terms of emotional expression. If you are feeling Shakespearean or just enjoy using archaic language, you can use these words to say yes. Unless you are writing a paper about medieval times or emailing an archaic language enthusiast, we dont recommend using these words in formal writing. Here you go. I felt very stressed and felt time so so limited. As always, yep is a little short a little impolite. Lets do it!. For example, if your manager assigned you to a new team, you can start the meeting by expressing gratitude for being there. Polite Ways to Say Yes in English Wait! It could come off as condescending or showing a lack of interest when repeated too many times. To make your answer more clear. These days we are so busy, Weve changed our name from EF English Live to EF English Live. I felt very stressed and felt time so so limited. . Im glad it was helpful. Sorry if I made some mistakes, but Im still learning. Before this lesson everytime I have the same situation I just say sorry I cant because.. But now I can reply her I would love to but because next year I need to have a big exam on applying my second degree so IRead more , Awesome! Awesome, Edward. Thanks so much for the comment and Im thrilled to know you enjoy the lessons!! Courage and confidence to stand up to people in power (or who give you money). , there are times when we have to say no. Yes can also be asked at the end of a statement to indicate the expectation of agreement. This one is particularly informal and not very strong. It depends on the situation. But its efficient. So remember to use it for situations that are likely to delight you, like looking after your bosses seaside mansion for a week. Hadnt thought of it, even though I use it myself all the time. Now that youve completed the lesson, Id love to hear from you! Just like in your language, we have many ways to say yes, no, maybe and I cant in English. . Absolutely is more or less the same as totally.. Did we miss any? Start with your salutation. How to Express Uncertainty in English (Everything You Need to Know), Reporting Verbs in English: 27 Words for Say, Ways of Looking in English: Ogle, Gaze, Gawk and 12 Others. Yes! Its a much more gentle way to say you cant and it removes some of the negativity. Its raining! or Titanic was a bit rubbish, wasnt it?. Annemarie, your class was fantastic, she taught very clearly and with a lot of class. And then she said, We should get together! Thats not strange. 1. 0. I hadnt thought of that, but now that you mention it, I think its a great idea!. Hi Katherine, It is my understanding that you are the appropriate person to contact in regards to this but if there is someone better equipped for this please let me know. Example:Yes! Then answer quickly. In which case, this could be quite a funny phrase to use. If this date/time does not work on your end please propose a new time that works for you, If you need to contact me, please note that my working hours begin at 8am and communications received prior to this will not be seen, I previously sent you an email regarding that but please let me know if something went wrong is transit, I understand this is a busy time and if it is easier for you to jump on a call I am happy to set up some time in order to get this resolved, Our effectiveness would benefit from a greater level of respect and professionalism than what I currently feel is being displayed, It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery, The internet is a great resource for these type of questions and i am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online. Formal language is more commonly us. I need to be more discipline to be more confident. You should respond as quickly as possible, but you can ask the employer for 24 hours or a few days to consider the offer if you . And today youre going to learn them. This one is strong, but when the person youre agreeing with says something that you really, really agree with, then its time to bring out the big guns and use this one. Identify the most critical questions or requests from the sender. Stop trying to call me before my work day even starts, Check your inbox, I already sent this to you. People generally find it awkward to say no in person, so use this to your advantage. The asks are formal and informal, large and small. / | |. It might be someone offering you some lovely food: It could be someone offering you something fun: Or it could be something ridiculously generous: Its positive! Sometimes we just want to say, I agree with you lets share this moment.. . It does a good job of making everything feel under control. This phrase shows that yes can mean yes, but only after some thought has gone into it. I need to know more. As a result, Zane was made the lead analyst on the new enterprise-resource-management system implementation, which he describes as the greatest professional development experience of his career. You can say this when you dont have the time, resources, or knowledge to complete a task. , Your lessons,helpful to built my confidence, Awesome! Im so glad this lesson has given you more options in English!! There is more than one way to say yes? As you respond to an email, it's often best practice to follow whatever tone the initial email has established. English speakers often dont distinguish themselves from speakers of other languages when making affirmative gestures and sounds. But dont string your counterpart along, either. Hello Annemarie, let me said to you that I appreciate your help to improve my English, more than a new vocabulary its to learn the mood behind the language. We say yes whenever we want to express agreement, accept a proposal, or issue an affirmative response to a binary question (also referred to as a yes-no question or polar question). Instead, save asking a favor when you need it. So instead of saying maybe, use: In more professional situations, we sometimes have to tell someone that we cant do something. For example: Mike: Theres a problem with the report, Mike: it contains some errors in the last paragraph., Yes can also be an exclamation, expressing great pleasure or excitement. It is tempting to send an email, especially if you feel awkward, but approaching a co-worker in person is far more likely to lead to a positive answer. You should ask questions and take notes, clarifying every aspect of the request, including the costs and benefits. There are three key stages to remember: First, set the scene by saying I have a favor to ask you. If there are procedures, guidelines, or regulations that prohibit you from doing somethingor someone has already made it clear that this category of work is off-limits to you, at least for nowthen you simply give a straight no. There are plenty of alternatives to say this in the workplace. Its an unique way of learning, very personal, motivating and simple. 42 Ways to Say "Yes" in English When someone asks you if you want that second bowl of ice cream, how do you respond? For example: You got the report handed in on time, yes?. is owned by Quadratic Digital Learning. One of my American friends invited me to go to her house, but I didnt know how to answer because I had an upcoming examination to prepare. In one instance, Zanes bosss boss tasked him with setting up a new data-capture system as fast as possible, just as he was pulling together a report for Aiko. Thank you for your useful lesson. Informal language is a more casual way to approach people within trusted circles or in situations that dont call for a professional or formal voice. Absolutely thank you so much for this good lesson I like it its very helpful for me. "I've kept this on the priority of the day. Could you just clarify your question for me? And what is the business objective?. Filed Under: Education, Grammar Tagged With: ESL, fun, rw, student. I hope you find more useful lessons here. The phrase Id be happy to is a polite alternative because it shows that youre willing and able to help out. Its better than taking on more than you can handle. I honestly couldnt remember if we were free or if there was already something on our calendar. So its crucial to learn when to say no and how to say both no and yes. I'm really honored, but I'll need to respectfully decline because I'm at capacity right now. A considered no protects you. Im very grateful to have your advice and tips which encourage me to use English confidently. Its often said that vowels carry the emotion of a phrase or a sentence, while consonants carry the meaning. I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload, as i am at capacity with my own assigned responsibilities. And theyd have a point. It can be a nice one to use when youre with friends and family. 1. Simple but I like it. Often, when we say maybe, people think we dont want to do something. The subject may, There are some words in the English vocabulary which sound the same as another word, English hasa number ofodd rules that often create stumbling blocks for those wholearn English onlineor, March 8th marks International Women's Day, a global celebration of women's social, economic, cultural, and political achievements. ), (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.). It reminds me a little of cheers my dears!, I also like the phrase fair enough The definition is used to admit that something is reasonable or acceptable I would use it to express agreement with somebodys opinion, but not sure if this is the best option. In this article, I explore some alternatives to politely acknowledging a request. Choosing an appropriate salutation that's respectful and cordial can make your recipient more likely to cooperate with you. They are so useful for me. Nearly45% of Americans say they worry a lot. You bet! Make sure whoever is asking you the question understands that you mean no now and forever. You need to make a judgment on the likelihood of your success, on the potential return on investment, and on fit with your and your organizations priorities. Yes, handsome! I like helping you.. From formal settings like the workplace, to laid back conversations with your friends, youll find that yes is a very flexible word that fits into all manner of situations, and its alternatives do too. The word yes in English has its roots in the Old Englishgsewhich, at the time, was a shortened way to say may it be so. By the 12th century, it was a very common way to respond affirmatively. Setting a deadline tells your co-worker that you need the favor done by a specific time or your plan will fail. A good yes allows you to serve others, add value, and collaborate effectively. By asking the person if they can do you a favor, it implies that you are on a friendly basis of a two-way relationship. (C) 2021 - Eggcellent Work. And I extremely like your lessons. According toHarvard Business Review, the way you ask for the favor can drastically affect the outcome. Annemarie! If youre like most people, youre constantly fielding requests at work. When making a financial investment, most of us do some due diligenceseeking out more information so that we can make a sound judgment. And now more than ever, your professional success and personal well-being depend on how you manage it. Yeah is just like yep, but feels slightly more friendly. Be straightforward Instead of saying "maybe" or "I don't think so," be straightforward in your answer. Building the new system would take about two weeks. Of course there is! Im so glad this lesson was helpful and it gave you some new language to use, Hannah! No problem! Im Lajos Barti from Roumania but Hungarian as native(we are 1,5 million people Hungarian nationality with native language Hungarian, state language Roumanish) I speak German too,but wander the English languages as well. These are some examples of how to say yes in a formal manner: To show total disposition towards another persons request. Im happy to know that my lessons are helpful to you. Perfect! I will get it to you this afternoon. Next time youre listening to people speaking English, try listening to the sorts of back channels they use its fun. Were going to look at six situations where you might need to say yes: One of the most common situations where we use the word yes is when someone wants us to do something for them. We hope this has helped you to navigate the different ways to say yes.. I will send it by the end of the day., Example:Would you like to attend the wedding?, It would be my pleasure!orIt would be my honorto attend the wedding!. As our deadline is quickly approaching, can you provide an update as to where you are in completing this task? The most common reason for I cannot, however, is overcommitment. So use to agree with those little, everyday observations like, Oh! Im so happy to hear this lesson advanced your vocabulary and gave you more options. It stops you taking too much on and reducing your productivity and work-life balance. Match each conversation to the requests in A-D. Each person answers 'yes' in a different way. To keep the conversation going. The difference between Your or Youre, We explain: How to use Their, Theyre and There. Im happy to know it was helpful to you. . No, we cant go to the party. Please share your comment. Many young and ambitious, When we hear the word art, the first thing that comes to mind is creativity,, 12 Reasons Why Intelligent People Have Fewer Friends, 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Cold Showers for Men of All Ages, Stop Making These Common Investing Mistakes, Secrets of The Technical Business Analyst, Revealed, The Importance of Critical Thinking In Business, Most Startups Dont Understand This About Business Development, 5 Art-Inspired Examples of Creativity And Innovation In Business. Why dont you and your husband come over for dinner Saturday night?. Always follow the favor up with a verbal thank you or a note that says how much you appreciate it. But it would sound a bit weird if youre being asked to take out the rubbish. What if you do understand the ask and you dont think its a worthwhile goal for you right now? Keep up the good work, please! It could seem a little rude in the wrong situation. a more informal youth slang meaning for sure, or certainly, Yes can be a word that you use to express your agreement with a positive statement, such as That was a great evening or Wasnt that a fantastic lunch?. The phrase sure thing shows that youre willing and able to help out but not making any promises about what time frame or how exactly youll get something done. Never heard it before! When in doubt, choose a precise answer that reflects your ability to handle the task. If the answer is I may not, cannot, or should not do it, and it is a bad idea, so you shouldnt do it either, have that conversation before the asker presses you or someone else further. If you hear someone repeating Uh-huh.uh-huh. Nobody wants to hear this. However, if you go about this in the right way, it does not need to be time-consuming or complex, and a good approach raises the likelihood of people saying yes. Lawrie Jones Writer How to write an RSVP email What is RSVP? Its aligned with the mission, values, priorities, ground rules, and marching orders from above. So do I!, To highlight an assertion, especially when its hard to fathom. The key to a great yes is clear communication and a focused plan for execution. Thanks once again for for your tireless efforts in making sure that I become a fluent English speaker. Write/upload your responses below for our feedback. Hi Livious, thanks so much for the comment and Im thrilled to know it was a helpful lesson for you. And this expression totally captures that unstressed, chilled-out feeling. keep on the good work! ), What do you say? Either way, if the theory is true, this phrase is still with us with OK.. If its something very specific, like the only sketch of a dog by Picasso in the world, then youd need to say Id love it!, Its like youre saying, Thats a good idea! It shows familiarity and that youre comfortable with the other people. If thats not possible, Id love to be of service somehow in the future., The third gate is the trickiest because whether something merits doing isnt always clear at first. Theyre not just from direct bosses and teammates but also from internal customers all over the organizational chart. Why? You are doing a great job for me as much as speaking English confidently and fluently is concerned. And I was a world class people-pleaser. But its fine if theyre asking you to open the window for them. This is not only annoying; it will give you a reputation that you are looking for special treatment, and people will tend to refuse on principle. Im not sure if I can do that or not. Im already committed to other responsibilities and projects. When you say things like, "maybe later" or "some other time" you should mean what you are saying. She (did) meet him at an elephant factory. Example:Could you please pass me that quotation?, Sure. It doesnt mean youre agreeing to the ask. With a resounding yes! of course! The thing is, I'm a little awkward in my vocal communication skills and think it would be easier on myself to work out a greeting now and memorize it for use. Fo sho! Though, there are always ways to be more professional. Read the initial email carefully. The English word yes is thought to come from the Old English word gse, meaning may it be so, and can be traced back to earlier than the 12th century. Or no I dont want to see all 456 photos from your vacation. Theres no chance I would ever do that!). Hes the Clark in Clark and Miller, a website that focuses on giving learners a deeper understanding of how English works through online courses and a blog that often features giraffes. This decision was made weeks ago, why are you bringing this up now? Required fields are marked *. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. However, if your friend asks you to pick up some tacos, and you feel inclined to do so, you can respond with these variations: When you find yourself in formal situations, it is important to speak or write using formal language. , Hi,Anemarie, Depending on the offer, your response will be one of four options: acceptance, rejection, negotiation, or consideration. Saying no takes commitment to your focus and priorities. So, unless you know someone really well, I would stick toformal or semi-casual replies. 40 Must-know English Phrases for Business Telephone Calls. . If you do have to turn someone down, deliver a well-reasoned no. For example in a conversation like this: Mike: When you bought those photographs, Mike: Did you get them from the shop on the high street?. Once Zane routinely began tuning in to every ask and doing his due diligence, he found it much easier to see when he should decline a request and became far more confident delivering a well-reasoned noor a not yet. For example, around the time that he was balancing that report for Aiko with setting up the new system for her boss, Zane had to decline or delay filling several other requests. However, if your professor asks if you studied for the exam, you may respond with a less enthusiastic "absolutely." 44/12, North Dhanmondi , Kalabagan Dhaka 1205. The phrase, I have a favor to ask you, is far better than just asking for the favor without acknowledging that it is a favor. I love that you say you wander the English language, what a lovely, poetic way to describe it! Professional language has elements of formality but is conveyed in a more relaxed day-to-day manner. It could sometimes be construed as offensive when used on people not prone to speak that way. Id like to, but my schedule is full right now. Yes can be used to encourage someone to continue speaking. I atempted to write small paragraph as I learned from your lesson. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the eBook free! I will send it by the end of the day.or,Yes,of course. Be sincere. One of my American friends invited me to go to her house, but I didnt know how to answer because I had an upcoming examination to prepare. If you dont create a deadline,the person you ask may agree to it as a vague idea in the future but may not have a genuine intention of following through. Setting boundaries protects yourself and your work. If the answer is yes, make it an effective one by explaining how you think you can help, pinning down the deliverables, and laying out a focused plan for execution. When you use this expression, youre saying, Im really happy to help you, and Im glad that you asked. 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