I have sat in a chair to get some relief. in wheelchair 3 months. Im obviously having to WB as both feet are painful. In light of this, you should avoid wearing a medical boot as a standard shoe, and instead wear it while fully supported. weight bearing is the way to go for a quicker healing process.. a will say always go by what your doctor has advised tho because they havent got a medical degree for nothing and also if pins are involved its totally different advice from no pins and depending how many breaks you have and where they are!!! this said, i am not a doctor so please do go back and ask all your questions. have taken it off in middle of night for an hour or two but am concerned about re-injuring it. I guess the moral to this story is I am not superhuman, in future dont try and move double door melamiine cupboards on your own. A walking boot is used to comfort your broken foot while still allowing you to move around. I think the worse part of being NWB is the boredom & dependency. Usually, you can take the boot off once you get in bed for the night. I wore a splint for the first ten days. It shouldnt be uncomfortable (especially lying down!) Key words are Richard Wallace, Exceter, UWO. I am so used to sleeping in a cast now that I cant imagine sleeping without the boot on not just for fear of injury but also comfort. Fun summer! I had surgery the following morning (15 days) ago a plate and 5 screws put in place. Then put the boot back on. This was an elective surgery to correct and prevent further problems as I age. Ive been pretty nervous sleeping without any support since I spent a month with the splint on but all the comments have helped so much. So the answer is yes. Instead of getting a riser (even-up) for the non-injured shoe, what are some good shoe options to balance with the boot? Honey, I guess the knee crutch is out for you as is the knee scooter. The advice to warm up your foot before putting weight on it in the morning is a good one - I spend about 10 minutes doing it after I wake up. Second night with the moon boot and reading from above posts Im keeping my moon boot on, ankle feels extremely vunerable without it. I was thrilled, since the boot is hotter than hell and pumping up with ankle support only makes the foot swell, which puts you back in the vicious cycle of RICE. Hello, I have avulsion fracture of my 5th metatarsal. We have all at some time felt this and its OK. Keep your mind busy & active, stay as positive as you can, listen to your specialists & physios work with them when its time and give it your best shot. Thoughts? Being asked to left a heavy boot with a broken ankle seems contradictory. I feel that the approach to healing a broken ankle is from the dark ages. So, I think the sleeping without a boot might depend on your sleeping habits, but I was fine. One week later I went to a orthapedic doctor and he said 6 more weeks but no surgery. I could sleep without it. I was told NWB for 6 weeks and was walking unaided in the boot at 4. Same thing for me, though - my tendon starts hurting after about an hour. As for icing, the mantra for Achilles Tendon Rupture and associated problems is RICE: Thanks agnesatr, Ill check out your blog. I had surgery four weeks ago and i have absolutely no pain associated with my ankle. Keep up your muscle strength and tone as much as you can while protecting your injured leg. So slow progress but I am being told very I am now pain free and have the occasional twinge whenI have been on my feet a lot. I sleep with the boot. Moon boot for at least five weeks. If you can get what I like to call a wheelie. I am shocked at the pain intensity from the slightest movement without the support of either cast, after four weeks is this normal? Sleeping without the plate sounds a good idea. At week 6 i just took the risk and slept without the boot. Some can remove their boots and sleep in peace with no issues, so it varies from injury to injury and person to person. Ive got fractured foot, fibula and small toe two weeks ago. Should I invest in a moon boot I can pump up with air. Thank you so much for your comment, it really helped assure me. I am just careful in the morning about easing back into the boot. Will this help me? It almost feels like I am squeezing my foot into a shoe that is too small. Have yet to see an orthopedic dr and was not given many instructions, which is why Im here. I fractured the end of my fibula bone at the ankle, was told it was an aversion fracture and literally the end just chipped off as i fell over a pothole. Put ice or cold packs on the leg for 10 to 20 minutes at a time. Also - am I justified in my frustration at the heavy weight of the bottom of this boot when I'll never actually walk/weight bear while wearing it, or does it serve some other purpose? Wearing a boot while sleeping is acceptable, as long as you follow the doctors instructions. I was glad to get out of the cast and into the boot, everyone here isright now the boot may be heavy for you Annie but at least you can take it off if you need to itch or as you heal to give the ankle some air time or to ice and elevate it if you have swelling. Good luck, and contact your OS if it seems worthwhile. Its really inspiring to me to read about what people like you have gone through and how youve come back from something like this. I have tried sleeping with and without the boot. My name is Amanda. I sustained a ruptured ATFL and CFL Maithili fractures / bruising of the calcaneus, cuboid and cuneiform bones from simply twisting my left ankle. THANKYOU. Generally, it's always a great idea to keep the boot off as much as possible. Thanks for sharing your experience with this! I use an aircast cryo-cuff every 2 to 3 hours for 20 minutes every day for the swelling, it feels wonderful. Despite the fact that almost 8% of people sustain injuries that result in these types of deaths, the death rate is very low. Adjust or remove the boot only when your doctor says it's okay. But here I am, seven weeks post-op, and I am limping, but sow what walking. I felt lucky until the day of my fall, and I guess the idea that I can't hurt myself is still ingrained. It is imperative that you wear walking boots to sleep. The weight of the boot feels like its hurting my foot more. I will so be interested in keeping a track of your recovery & hope you keep us posted, there is a lot of great advise on this blog, and some truly supportive patients who will offer as much support as they can if they are or have experienced similar. A big, heavy boot. I have read all your posts and wish you all a speedy and full recovery from your injuries. Loss of independence is the worst aspect of the deal. And as a result my tendons in my ankle have stretched, and my ankle now sits agape in the socket. Mind you, I have never had anything medical happen to me in my entire life, so I was woefully unprepared for this upending of my life. The first shot hurt and by the third shot I didnt feel the needle prick at all. I watched the doc cut into my foot and tug out the pin. Hello everyone, It feels good when I sleep. Elevation is part of RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation) and it is to control swelling. If you did not get instructions, follow this general advice: Be careful not to get the boot wet. I have been in a splint-cast until yesterday and put in an air-boot to the knee. https://patient.info/forums/discuss/3-5-weeks-post-orif-can-i-take-off-the-camwalker-orthopaedic-boot-when-sleeping--648123. Sadly the ankle pain is less but knee pain is more. This too will pass. Depression is something most of us have to fight with these serious injuries. Can you drive a car with a walking boot on? And then fitted me with an Air Boot (nothing they can do for a broken Fibula this high It will just mend on its own as long as the Tibia & Ankle remain fixed in place). What a great site, loving the read on every1s input. Anti-spam word: (Required)* They only reason I told this story is because I was looking for and wondering if anyone was pushing it like I am, and what their experience was. It seems to be weighing my ankle down and I dont feel like I have enough support. Please turn on JavaScript and try again. Keeping my foot flexed in the boot without the front plate seemed to solve that issue, while eliminating the sore spots I was getting from being strapped in with the plate 24 hours a day. 4) I have very high arches. Or am I doing damage without knowing it? The boot can be used for broken bones, tendon injuries, severe sprains, or shin splints. Finally six months after my fractured fibula and tibia the doctor finally said the words I dreamt of hearing youre healed. I found this website/blog very helpful (thank you). Steven J. Atlas MD, MPH - Internal Medicine, William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine. Im a bit accident prone so I do that. Please do not hesitate to contact us for a further consultation. Who wrote the music and lyrics for Kinky Boots? I think your best bet is to see a medical professional and let them tell you what to do. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? The ligaments that support your ankle can stretch or tear, causing pain, swelling, and instability. If your boot gets a little wet, you can dry it with a hair dryer. I had surgery 10 days after Two plates and 14 screws. A walking boot is not suitable for use in a workplace because it is open toed and cannot provide stability on uneven surfaces. If weight bearing hurts too much then ease up. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". I also did a number on my right shoulder so have rotator cuff pt coming up next week. I am really struggling with sleeping in this thing. FACT - An Air Boot can be prescribed for a wide variety of leg, ankle, foot injuries (Breaks, Sprains, Tears, etc) So there is no one size fits all answer or rule. What will happen to that piece? This is my first full week with a fiberglass cast going up my whole thigh. I could not explain the rush of emotion. I had ORIF surgery last January 12 with a plate and 8 screws in my ankle (trimalleolar fracture). What I have noticed is a significant improvement in my foot movement and flexibility during exercise times. When the boot was first applied yesterday, I thought that it was wonderful but before midnight, I was in agony. If the soles of your boots begin to feel particularly stiff at first, you might want to try stretching them a little bit with your hands. Have a severe clotting issue, and am currently on 360 mg of loenox a day and levels are still sub theraputic. This device cannot be worn while driving, even if the boot is on the left (non-driving) foot. I am going to sleep with it as I am so scared of reversing any healing Ive done, but this morning I took the boot off to finally give that part of my leg a cleaning and an airingwtf, ouch!! So I have been sleeping in mine. Like any fracture it needs to be in place to heal and that is why you wear a boot. Hoping for surgery this coming Tuesday. It is just a psychological hurdle that you need to overcome that you can get back to walking. Better safe than sorry and wear the boot to sleep. Hope I dont have repersussions. I took a nap with the boot off and it felt so good! Is this part of the healing at my stage? Id like to hear more about a bone builder. After roughly a week, I was managing well, with an ace bandage & a knee walker. Was put into a boot. Hello to anyone still on here. TRINA. I was sleeping with my boot week 2 to week 4 post op..some are using night splint.. Took 12 hours to make it to Tahitti for my first surgery (closed reduction). MRI scans are not required to diagnose ankle sprains. Or what is the point of the boot exactly? <> The material is soft and stretchy, and makes a very comfortable layer between your skin and the boot. Also, I wake up pushing against the boot trying to stretch I think, but I didnt do that with the cast. I wasnt sure on the boot but I see lots of different answers so think I will sleep th it on for 6 weeks. I am so scared Im about to put this dang boot back on for another month. I am very scared, and have no idea what to do.about that..and about the complete depression from all of thisI have no idea what to do.anyways, I have more to say , but will wait to see who reads this and responds to it.oh, another thing, I slept w/ the boot on, for first 3 nights, now past 2 nights, I have not slept in it,and I have had no problems w/ this at all.feels good to have air on my leg and footi dont thrash around in the night, I just turn from one side to the other and thats itand when I wake up to go to the bathroom, I just simply put the boot back on and got on my knee mobile and its all fine..I have a knee mobile downstairs which I love , it is very helpful.I have wheelchair up stairs, where I am mostly,and a walker up here, too, I hate the walker.what should I do about the stairs .and sleeping w / boot offany and all responses welcomed, thanks guys, and I wish everyone a speedy recovery, and keep your sanity, also..sincerely , debbie ~. In a cast for 10 days and put in a moon boot 2 days ago. They took x-rays and showed me that there is soft bone. Someone said think of it as a holiday but its not my kind of vacation. I dont know if my experience is really like everyone elses necessarily, and thats mostly what I came to find out. But if your injury isn't too bad, you may be allowed to walk. Good luck with your healing- it does get better as you progress, so hang in there. Hoping for no surgery I am sure. It is unhealthy to sleep with shoes on. The answer to that is so tricky because we are not doctors and not familiar with your situation. I felt so useless. Guess its up to individual choice and what feels best. I had a spiral fracture of the fibula and have a plate and 6 screws. I am unsure of the effects of putting weight on it before the six week time period prescribed by the orthopedic. And some may fit your foot better than others. Was put in short walker boot and told walking as tolerated in boot for 4-6 weeks (crutches not necessary). I might as well be dead. The boot should limit movement but not cut off your blood flow. Good luck and remember there is a slight risk of injury sleeping with out a boot so be careful specially if your foot does not have a good ROM. I also know that early weight bearing for avulsion of tendons (where the tendon is torn off the bone) may inhibit the osification of the tendon where it connects to the bone. MRI on March 5 showed it was broken & needed to be screwed in place. Why shouldnt I? A partial tear can easily turn into a full rupture, and requires lots of Physical Therapy, just as a full rupture does, since you want the scar tissue/collagen to turn into real tendon tissue (a very slow process that requires special exercises - Bobbie and Beanie are experts in the exercising for this). It is critical to order the correct size for your body and to feel comfortable using such a product. I do laundry, sweep, do dishes, cook, clean the kitty litter box, etc, all on the heel of my boot, is that bad at this stage of the healing process? Those who went back to the splint at night- sounds like a good idea. It may be OK to take it off in bed. The moonboot is killing me. Ask your doctor if you can take the boot off when you use ice. If you can, you should be able to walk as much as you want with the boot; however, make sure to follow the instructions as closely as possible. A was in cast last year for 8 months last year with 5 breaks in leg.. A got boot on after that for another 3 months. It won't hurt your eyes or anything but it's generally not a good idea to wear them while you sleep. Put a thin cloth between the ice and your skin. This blog so useful as little guidelines from hospital about boot removal and very nervous about taking off at night, like many others. The TayCo external ankle brace will aid in the recovery of the ankle after an injury. Positivity helpsa bit. The boot you have been given is for your comfort only and is not needed to aid fracture healing but will help to settle your symptoms. If your ankle is elevated above your heart rate, you should exercise for 2 to 3 hours per day. have any of you ever heard of this shot? I thought the reason behind a walking boot was to walk. Raise your ankle above the level of your hips to reduce swelling. I am however worried that my foot wont be in the position it should be (I feel like my toes are pointing and it is stretching). This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Its all about how comfortable I am. I wonder what creative opportunity you will take advantage of! For example: The skin under the boot is burning or stinging, or you have a warm or painful spot under the boot. Sorry to hear that Derek! I have been NWB for 10 weeks After the surgery. When I insisted on some sort of scan his reply was we are not going to waste the tax payers money. Deflate the air chambers before removing the boot. Now to heal 8 weeks with boot and no weight bearing. Although it is somehow comforting to read that others are going through the same thing and what their experience is. sore! it is a kind of stem cell therapy. Try standing and balancing in the boot first and when you want to try your first lot of walking steps hold on to something to balance like kitchen bench top and walk around it holding on to give you confidence. My injury was eight months ago. Im just not sure if I should trust the guy. A walking boot is typically worn after an injury to the foot or lower leg. Anyway was happt to find this forum. Use the cool air setting. What is a warning sign of a pulmonary embolism? I fell from second floor and fractured my foot in a few places, and injured my talus, and had a pin put in for the 4th metatarsal fracture. My heel burns and hurts. These progressions typically happen over a 2, 4 or 6 week period. I am so miserable. When you are ready to remove your walking boot, you should proceed in a gradual and safe manner. I had an ankle ligament reconstruction, 2 weeks in a cast and now 2 weeks in a boot - aircast. Your boot may be worn in bed, but only if your provider directs you to do so. WebYou should sleep with an aircast/boot on because it not only serves as a reminder for your unconscious mind to be careful with your injury, but it additionally keeps your ankle supported, and prevents further unintended damage from movement (e.g. A week later at the fracture clinic the Try to walk as normally as possible as this will help with your recovery. I broke my ankle in two places just over two weeks ago was out walking our dog and his lead got tangled around my ankle and down I went landing with the double break and complete dislocation. FWB . Surgery was required to find the ends of the tendon and reattach them. Hello everyone, My question is has anyone put bandages or padded the incision sight so it doesnt rub against the boot? Im just too worried that my foot gets tangled with the blanket or I roll over and hurt it again. How does wearing the boot actually help my ankle fracture? Im very nervous that I wont heal right. Last X-rays showed the bone still not healed. jb- I had a stress fracture of a metatarsal a few years ago that wasnt correctly diagnosed for a few weeks. I got that off at the 3.5 week point and was put into a boot. He kept doing xrays instead of mri. Also, my knee is really starting to hurt do to the boot, any suggestions???? I broke my fibula and fractured tibia one month ago. There is an excellent product called EvenUp which is like a platform that you can strap on to any shoe. Anyone got any cure for backache caused by all the sitting and lying around? I ran 3 miles a day before my accident and also would like to know if anyone uses or used ATB AlterG for rehab? Manny. I was told to stay in it 24/7 for the first week but am seeing a specialist in two days so reckon I will hang on until then. Tested the in sickness & health right out of the boxless than 24 hours after I do. It is a shame when a misdiagnosis causes so much pain, but Im glad you are over it. The wife on the other hand, not sure she likes it smacking into her legs! I am 5 weeks post op from Achilles surgery. The tape that is placed on the wound the doctor said to let them fall off on naturally I try not to wet them. I wake up with my toes black & purple, from the swelling. re xrayed it and put me in a boot so can walk with crutches. Ive been told 6 weeks strictly NWB and I guess I learn to walk again after that. Question. Question I broke my foot on Thursday morning and just found out bout it on Sunday night. Update: I slept without a boot starting approx 3 weeks post surgery. This is week three. If you dont want to wear a walking boot, can you stop wearing it? Additionally, a walking boot can help to decrease swelling and pain. Still having thoughts about having boot on while Im sleeping. so i was happy that i didnt have to wear it. You can take the boot off at night: You will either need to put the boot back on or use your crutches / frame to get to the toilet. (They need washing every day!!!) I live alone so crutches and zimmer frame to me are a death wish. Moisture can collect under the boot and cause skin irritation and itching. I had a plate and six screws inserted into my foot for the metertasal break. Apart from looking a bit pale and wrinkled, your foot may also be swollen and a bit stiff. No marathons here. It is always advisable to sleep with your walking boot on. The boot may be removed for short periods of time to perform exercises as prescribed by your doctor or physical therapist. It did give me a chance to read/skim everyones stories here though. But I continue to do lots of ankle rolls and gentle ROM motion exercises when I wake up, before I put on the boot or try to bear weight on my foot. Your condition and recovery process will determine how much of an increase in the cost you will need. Hi, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of your posts and have been in a similar position to quite a few of you. The Vaco EvenUp is one solution, and there are several others, from big hiking boots with added footbeds, to custom shoes, to a cast shoe strapped around your other-side shoe, etc. My ROM is still not back and I use a cane when required. Doctors said the hardware is there to hold your bones together thats its purpose so really having a cast/ boot is unnecessary and just an extra precaution. AMEN! Will co.mment and share when I have tried, thanks everyone for sharing. I am allowed to walk on it for a hit at times..but he never stated if I had to take it of at night. I havent worn it to sleep either, its so heavy! If you want to do walking or exercising, you should pay close attention to your body. DO wear your sock and boot any time you are on your feet. I had a splint for a week after surgery that was killing me because my leg shrunk and the splint no longer fit well. Will be non weight bearing for another 2 weeks minimum! Check the skin under the boot every day. You DO have to put the boot back on before you put your feet down in the morning. And eventually, youll be able to wean yourself off the boot entirely. If your boot gets a little wet, you can dry it with a hair dryer. I remain boot free all day unless I am sleeping or out and about. Yes, bummer. Crutches and walker are out for me due to rotator cuff. JohnD - we have a few broken leg people visit but you should not confuse a broken fibula with an Achilles tendon. It was a pain sleeping with the moonboot but I persevered , sleeping in the moon boot for a month, and then graduated to sleeping in an aero splint but continued using the moon boot during the day for another month before progressing to just using the aero splint when mobile during the day for another six weeks. the boot is so uncomfortable at night. After two weeks with a cast I am now wearing a boot and using crutches. The secondary pain from the CAM boot can range from a mere annoyance to a severe pain. Usually, you can take the boot off once you get in bed for the night. Only some stitches removed as wounds not healing well given strong antibiotics and then the bomb shell. When I am on my side I place a small pillow between my knees, and also use two continental pillows. If youre walking with good technique in a properly sized and adjusted boot, there should be nothing close to knee hyperextension. How did everyones recovery timeline? Wearing a walking boot may be required if you have a broken bone, a tendon injury, a severe sprains, or a shin splints injury. This will help you to even out your hips and stop causing your alignment problems. I cant sleep with it on either. I fractured my left fibula 1 week ago. I am 10 weeks post (1st surg) broken/compound fracture right tib and fib. It was super uncomfortable, so we put them back in. 4 0 obj Not good for bone or muscle. My question is - has anyone else had experience with taking the boot off to sleep? Compression socks can help you manage swelling in your feet. I normally sleep on my side, which is nearly impossible with the boot on - but when the boot is off I can prop my legs between pillows and have wonderful sleep, and because of the pillows I've been waking up before I need to move. Reading on the webs, there is a lot of varying treatments it would seem. WebIf you're allowed to take your boot off, be sure your skin is dry before you put the boot back on. It keeps me from stretching my injured ankle and stretching it makes it feel less tight and painful. Maybe I am wrong but it seems that if you can tolerate it you should gingerly work to get back to normal. Good morning. If the skin gets red or sore around the edge of the boot, you may pad the edges with a soft material, such as moleskin. When purchasing a new walking boot, it is critical to ensure that it is properly sized. I am lucky enough to work from home so have been sitting at the computer with my leg raised as much as possible. Thanks for all your posts. Any advice please? I was told I can remove boot as much as I can handle but always have with me. After two weeks I only put on the inner wrapper with the wedges. Ive been taking whole herbs such as Irish moss, bladderwrack, And burdock root! Orthopedic boots protect broken bones and other injuries of the lower leg, ankle, or foot. I have to continue to use the crutches. Depending on the severity of the sprain, you may need to wear a splint or brace, use crutches, or even have surgery. It usually takes eight weeks for the hairline fracture to heal completely. Long story short have been in a wheelchair and not walking since first found out it was broken. Did mri and found prefracture. Now in a aircast one week on. I am super nervous about sleeping with this clunky thing tonight. There have been lots of people here use them and could point you in the right direction. Doctor told me could have surgery to help it heal or give it more time I opted for more time as only been 2weeks he rebooked me in for more xrays in 6weeks so that be a total of 8weeks but also told me if feel ok before hospital date and I can walk without boot to cancel the appointment and go back to normal life! I just feel like the boot is meant to prevent me from re- injuring myself. I figure that when the boot is on you do not have much of a risk, however if it is off the possiblities could are more serious. Webpillow case could be used to cover the boot at night to maintain hygiene and stop your bedding from getting dirty. So my foot is doing what it is supposed to be doing. I am now 3 weeks into physical therapy and boot life and have 10 days until my next doctor appointment, where I am hoping I will be cleared to start walking. Now, I know from a good source that a person has about twenty seconds before irreparable damage is done to the soft tissue, so I took my limp foot and straightened it back into place. Wearing a boot while sleeping is a normal practice, as long as you follow your doctors advice. I was in a cast 10 weeks followed by a boot for 2 weeks. Sarah - when I was non-weight bearing in a boot after Achilles surgery, I bought a shower chair and put it in the shower. Suggestion; a great alternative to crutches is a knee scooter. In some cases we allow patients to transitional directly out of the after an appropriate amount of time. I have it for 4 weeks and had to pay $130 out of pocket but it is worth every penny! i had to encourage my foot flat enough to get the cast on and have slept in all night, having deflated, unstrapped and removed the top plate. Weight bearing as tolerated when mentioned here referes specifically to Achilles tendon. You have problems with your boot. I would love to hear some happy healing stories about people who came out better at the other end and how they figured it all out. The instructions for starting a blog are in the introductory paragraphs of the achillesblog page, and it involves requesting the page directly to the organizer. Is this normal? If you are worried that you are unable to follow this rehabilitation plan, or have any questions, then please phone the Fracture Care Team for advice. While each case is different, in most cases you do NOT have to wear a CAM walker while your sleeping. My situation is I have a partially torn achilles. The dorsal flex you get from boot has done more for me than the towel stretches did in 3 wks. Its really uncomfortable and it hurts especially where the incision is. you should definitely keep the boot on for sleeping unless explicitly told otherwise. Hi Kristen you give me hope. endobj 5 users are following. While i awaited Surgery, they put me in a leg cast for 24 Hours. I am only just now realizing that this broken bone situation is more serious than I thought it would be. My niece asked me that before her first driving lesson. How far can you walk in a walking boot? If supplied, wear the boot for comfort and use crutches when walking. Or else just put up with it until the duly appointed time the doctor has laid out for you to take off boot for sleep. My ankle was broken in 3 places, multiple pins and plates were inserted. Have soaked in Epsom Salts and have worn an ankle brace when I have to do an extended errand. By that time I was sleeping for 5-7 hours. Apparently this is one reason (along with better stability) why it is important to work some of these smaller muscles at the side of the lower calf, in order to avoid drop foot like symptoms when starting to walk again. Brom100 2 weeks ago I had plates and screws fitted in my ankle following a break the week before. I have a daughter and grandson who has given me support and on going love and also, as I live independantly . A spot on my heel started to break down and I am afraid wearing the boot will make that worse! What are the downsides? until I return in three weeks. Check your foot and toes often. I have a non-displaced 2nd and 3rd acute metatarsal fracture (thanks to misplaced step while hiking with the dog) and it has been far more emotional than I think it should be. It seems that there has to be a better alternative to this for most of us. Do we still need sleep with the leg elevated? By the way. This was March 9th. I can walk 1km. Do you guys think its okay if i take the boot off and try to walk on it? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. However, it is generally recommended that a walking boot should be worn for at least two weeks. The hardest thing is being a parent who cant be as hands on. Then hobbling to the couch for a bit of TV downtime. Am finding the boot heavy, clunky & painful. Splinter 5th metatarsal, have plate and pins. Genius! Its so heavy but i sleep with it on. What a joke 60 yrs old overweight. I am sure you got your answer already, but wanted to let you know. You will notice that the boot you have been given has a thicker sole, by matching this height on the uninjured side you will reduce any stress on your other joints. It is so painful on my foot, even now that the swelling has gone down. Two thoughts- see if there is another type boot. Could I sleep without moon boot? about NWB. I broke my nirvicula bone on my right foot. Needless to say, it has been the worst thing that I have experienced in my life. When I ruptured my AT I did a huge amount of research and reading. Any suggestions? This low-cost, lightweight option reduces the limb imbalance as part of the functional recovery process. Posted Has anyone else had this? Do you think I should request another x-ray at two weeks? I dont know if that would be sufficient support for your ankle but it was for my bone spur/achilles surgery. Im still in the boot but starting physio to get back ROM and starting weight bearing. By then I could not even tie my shoe. Thanks so much! Thanks, Hi everyone Im going on an 6 week heeling process with a very bad ankle bone contusion. Annieyou said: I wish you all the best and hope you all heal well and get back to normal.. I think I am just going to be scared to take it off for bathing afraid my ankle will dangle and thats the other thinghow long before hopping in to bath or shower with those surgery wound. I do wear a boot. Youre offline. I also also stated physical therapy. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Similarly one may ask, is it ok to sleep with boots on? I fractured my fibula in my right ankle and was in a splint for two weeks then my doc put me in walking boot yesterday. We also should not follow advice from a blog blindly but we can use it to educate ourselves so we can better advocate for our own treatment. If supplied, wear the boot for comfort and use crutches when walking. Feel I need more info to determine what to do now worried about non weight bearing for so long. Its not unheard of for people to get boots one size too big, and get them switched later. Im in week three and still struggling to partially weight bear let alone fully weightbear. If you are not swelling then you wouldnt need RICE. I cannot sleep in this thing. LOL Anyone? I was released to drive (right foot) 10 days ago, and allowed to walk in my boot at that time, so approx 5 1/2 weeks post op. Please forgive typos - its 4:00 in the morning! Wish me luck for the next 4 months of my life. After reading some of the stories on this site I loosened the boot straps for sleeping & it helped a little. Looks like a clean fracture on xray. Last night, slept with it on; tonight, experimenting with off. With the boot on, I start to have pain on the inside of my ankle, or sharp pain from the heavy base of the boot pulling my foot sideways when I move. Im just shy of 6 weeks post op after a completely dislocated ankle combined with trimalleoral fracture (read: mega ouchies). I got home later that day and fell off my knee scooter, to catch myself I stepped out with my injured foot (Moonboot) and I heard and felt that popping sound again. Even so, it is critical to keep in mind that each person is unique, so it is critical to follow the manufacturers recommendations on how tight the boot should be. When they tell me I can start to walk, I want my joints, muscles, etc to be able to move without pain. Take care, Happy Healing, and do keep us updated on your situation Manny. Carla, It is important that you consider this information with relation to your recent injury. Looking for a little advice. I just took the boot off each night without even thinking. I, personally, slept in my boot way past when the Dr. told me I could sleep without it, since there are many risks to sleeping foot loose: sleepwalking, tripping when going to the bathroom in the dark, spouse or you kicking in your sleep, jumping out of bed due to a dream, etc. You DO have to put the boot back on before you put your feet down in the morning. I am also in a boot and herein lies my problem. A warning for potassium. I am in my seventies and had a complete ankle replacement procedure three weeks ago. I was mountain biking and couldnt make up a hill, slid down and landed on my foot. You must put the boot back on before you wake up in the morning. Ask your health professional to give you any instructions that may have come with your boot. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. It is day 17 post injury- I find myself googling Can fractured metatarsals heal in 3 weeks? - to my dismay, they do not. There is a great amount of personal experience here which can be of help to people recovering. Yep - Get Better Out There. It hurts on the wide part of my foot like it is going to squeeze it off even when I loosen the boot. 2) Is st advisable to sleep in it ar OK to take it off?? I fractured my fibula too and was told to wear the boot for 2 weeks. Also during the first two months, I took a prescription sleep aid so I could get some sleep. If you want to take them off for a while at night, fine. Follow-up care is a key part of your treatment and safety. Will it somehow be absorbed? Has anyone ever looked into this ? I am now 7 weeks post surgery. Thanks. Wont be able to go back to school for a awhile either. It is possible to carry a cup of coffee, hold your spouses hand, or walk your dog while your hands are completely free. Icing is better than sleeping/pain medication for me. I have the ossur rebound air walker low. Come to find out I have a fracture on my talus and tibia. Best of luck to everyone! Lowering the straps of the boot straps will, however, increase your comfort while also allowing you to sleep better at night. Despite the obvious safety hazards, there are currently no laws prohibiting driving with a cast on either of your feet. Apparently i did the right thing 4 weeks left and I do not want apin in my foot, no operation so really hope it is healed by then. I am NOT aloud to put pressure on it at all. JB, whats the model and make of your boot? Im going to call the hospital tomorrow to get some answers, but I thought Id post here as there wasnt anything quite like my injury posted in all the other comments. Thanks everyone. Sleeping with covered feet often can increase the chance of fungal infection such as an Athlete's foot. I walk around in the boot sometimes I can get my foot flat in the boot without force other times it just gets uncomfortable to have it on. I have ongoing leg cramps , anteflammoratry tabs have helped but sitting in a chair or in bed doesnt help. With your heels together, move your toes apart, as shown in the picture. The swelling has stopped so I am happy about that. Got pins and plate and lovely cuts from surgery. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is carried out. Even before I hit the ground I knew it was broken. I have been skimming the info above and thought I would share mr story. Everytime Im in the boot it feels like pins are stabbing me over and over. Although you should follow your doctor's advice in any situation. If supplied, wear the boot for comfort and use crutches when walking. P.s. Wear it, dont wear it, wrap it instead.. A backslab for the first week. Sam, I have worn my moonboot every night. It is critical to order the correct size for your body and to feel comfortable using such a product. At the hospital it was determined that it was broken and a fiberglass splint was out on it. Hey Andy! I am currently ending day 8 and tonight will be my first full night sleeping without my boot! I have opted to take the boot off for sleeping (I am in my 5th week), but I am afraid I am bending my foot the wrong way or something because some mornings I wake up with a lot of pain in the mid-foot are where all the pins are. Its not very expensive. I can't find many other posts from people who had a camwalker rather than a cast the whole time they were NWB, and I don't have a particular doctor I can ask. This process of healing has a faster recovery time and is less likely to necessitate additional surgery. If things do not improve then you will have to go back to a doctor. I think the reason that opinions on here vary so widely about whether or not its okay to sleep without the moon boot on is primarily due to differences in injuries and also the way people sleep. Call your doctor or nurse advice line now or seek immediate medical care if: Watch closely for changes in your health, and be sure to contact your doctor or nurse advice line if: Medical Review:Steven J. Atlas MD, MPH - Internal Medicine & Kathleen Romito MD - Family Medicine & William H. Blahd Jr. MD, FACEP - Emergency Medicine. I went back on the 6th and they put a permanent cast on for two weeks. It weighs a ton. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Every muscle throughout my body is achy and sore. I am very active and also prone to deep depression Im not breaking a sweat daily. However, loosening the straps that secure the boot will increase wearing comfort and allow you to sleep better. Since I told them how difficult it was to sleep I was given a plantar fasciatis boot for night time. Ortho put me in boot and have been wearing when up and about but remove it and raise foot when resting. It has a pump that inflates that is dealt into the boot and is a low boot. I also ended up calling the fracture clinic who pretty much said the same thing. I fractured my 1st and 2nd metatarsal. For stronger pain relief or if you have any allergies please contact your General Practitioner or a pharmacy. your questions sound to me like you really need a second opinion and a quick visit to ensure the correct fitting of the boot. Thanks for the helpful advice. A torn ligament tears the tissue that connects two bones in the foot. What you are PRESCRIBED TO DO depends a lot on if your foot can bear weight or not (FUll - Partial - None). A walking boot protects the lower leg, ankle, or foot from breaking bones and other injuries as a result of a fall. Dr said it was okay to take it off, but i have sort of lost all trust in the Drs at the hospital. These are not serious and weight can be placed on them sooner than a normal bone fracture. That didnt work so I had surgery to fix my Jones fracture on April 2nd. My main concern is last night I had a bad dream in pain and woke up to myself curling my toes and pushing off the boot for who knows how long. My doctor had already told me that I could remove the boot when I was sitting or taking a shower. Thanks for your response kpower - I've read lots of people's comments about their air pockets but mine doesn't come with them. That leads to the icing question: the answer is YES, do ice the foot, but also ELEVATE it. Diabetes and high blood pressure patients may require additional support. Im not sure about the weight bearing, but I have read that some people get to use an AlterG for rehab and they all report it to be excellent. WebIf you're allowed to take your boot off, be sure your skin is dry before you put the boot back on. Doctor said I could take boot off at night, but Im keeping it on. Before purchasing used walking boots, you should consider measuring your feet in the boots you are interested in. Wishing everybody a speedy and good recovery!!! What i did is sleep on my side and used my good foot as a buffer to protect my bad foot from over extending upwards. Can Sleeping with Pant Affect a Woman's Health? The ligament is insecure leaving to much of a gab so best to go in and secure it now and put another screw in well Im sure you can imagine how mu Im looking forward to that. I have to say the difference in the standard of care is significant and I attribute that to having a younger Doctor Who is perhaps willing to try new methodology. A weight beared on it after 4 days without crutches while taken pain relief and also removed boot at night but never went into a deep sleep cause you are aware of it! Question is should I sleep in my boot or take it off. I also got a plate and eleven screws. In September 2016, i was in the back of a 8 seater van in carpark.. A ball was in front of door way and not using my head, I kicked the ball backwards and trying to open the door at same time when my foot slipped and I ended up outside on concrete in car park. Sent home and told to get cruches at chemist on way home. Also, my orthopedist also had told me to go off boot on a specific date, without seeing him - but I insisted on the medical visit and it was quick and cursory and I walked out in two shoes. My surgical wounds are scabby now but the boot aggravates them so am going to wear a soft cotton sock tonight inside the boot. Told him foot rolls over to injury site. Some people have a small fragment that never gives them any additional problems, others eventually need it remove. Honey - you are correct in what you say and this site does take the place of proper medical opinion. Its so heavy and it pinches. If you walk on a broken ankle too soon, you will experience unbearable pain or discomfort. @pam, Id ask your doc or a PT first, of course, but I was told by my PT that walking great distances (~2miles) in a walking boot would likely lead to other injuries due to compensation from the boote.g. My foot is swollen after placing weight on it. As for the height of the lift you need, I used trial and error, since you need to readjust every time a wedge is taken out of the boot (this is for achilles tendon recovery). Great site. Did you ever see any videos of people sleeping at night (for clinical studies of insomina, apnea, etc., with night vision cameras?) I am only a few days into a boot, the result of a ruptured Achilles tendon. I wonder if there are Doctors working on a more innovative approach to bone breaks. Doing lots of ROM exercises. He did say I could take it off 2 weeks after surgery and start rotation exercises. Personally I wouldnt take the risk, one wrong roll or worse, bad cramp and that could be going back a few weeks. If not then this will help with the hip pain. Of course, I merely ruptured a tendon, while you have 2 fractures! It is estimated that one out of every three Americans is overweight. % If your boot has one or more air chambers, pump them up as directed by your healthcare provider. The most common diagnostic test for blood clots in the legs is an ultrasound. I broke my left fibula and tibia in May and been in a full leg plaster cast for past 6 weeks. I was told I dont have to sleep in it. This was today. if its properly sized and adjusted, though its hardly what wed choose to sleep in if we werent injured! Walker boot: Do not sleep in the boot. I burst into tears! I went to an orthopedic a week after that and the splint was removed and a boot was given to me. The surgeon didnt explain anything at all and I cant find a decent article about it, I was in a cast for about 3 weeks after surgery and now wondering what is the point of the boot? Be careful not to put the boot on too tightly. Was I a restless sleeper and could I somehow hurt it while sleeping (I am not sure how- jump out of bed on it??). Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I am sleeping in the boot as I am still in a fair amount of pain, but the boot is really uncomfortable and causing me a lot of pain in my heel. After reading some of these messages Im thinking it might make more sense to sleep with it on but loosened. Has this happened to anyone else? Thank you so much for the advice. Its good that you got the camwalker as you can actually remove it and do calf pumps. This condition can result in blood pooling and clotting in the calf, which can lead to DVTs. Even when not icing I did still elevated when I slept and when I was just watching TV, reading, or hanging out at my deskso it was quite often which is maybe why I never had severe swelling. I dont toss and turn much. I havent been able to sleep in the boot. I used to put my ice pack in a pillow case and then apply directly to the ankle while wearing a compression sock and elevating above the heart. I will be boot free at week 7 according to my surgeon and will start PT at that time. 2 weeks back slab before operation, 2 pins one side and a plate with six screws the other. 1 How many hours a day should you wear a walking boot? Just wondering if I can take the boot off to sleep now ? A walking boot with partial weight bearing is frequently prescribed by physicians in order to provide the necessary mechanical environment for healing after lower limb fractures. Deflate the air chambers before removing the boot. In general, the boot should be worn for at least six weeks. thanks everyone for all your stories its so helpful to read your thoughts. It is very interesting trying to get used to walking again. I ended up getting a different boot, as the initial boot was irritating my incision based on its structure. In addition, loosening the straps around the boot straps will make it easier to wear and sleep better. After the 3rd day, I couldnt take it anymore. Left the doctors without asking enough questions and when I tried to call back to ask them someone at the fracture clinic said he doesnt want me wasting the doctors time! Bones heal very slowly. No one seems to understand the process and how difficult it is. Im just too worried that my foot gets tangled with the blanket or I roll over and hurt it again. Im trying to figure out if the boot is making it better or worse. According to a study published in the Journal of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, many patients experienced pain in their knee, hip, and/or back after wearing a CAM boot due to the weight and limb length discrepancy. Great site. I didnt always wear it when resting it elevated the first week or so - I didnt realize I should wear it all the time during the day vs just when vertical. The majority of orthopedic boots are adaptable and can be removed at any time. Was in a cast for a week and1/2 before surgery. My foot is so hot! You have a fracture, so I cant comment on that rehab protocol, just on the fact that the boot does protect the foot and allow us to move around and heal quicker. The malleolus must heal for at least 6 weeks before it can be healed properly. i never wore it at home as i felt safe that no one would hit it. Any suggestions from anyone, would be greatly appreciated. my doctor told me i could sllep wothout the boot, he said the tendons is stitched and not the risk the risk is too much rehab and stretching the tendon too much. I also use a bone growth stimulator daily starting 4 days post surgery. 2020 is the WORST!!!! What else do I need to know? Hi AllI broke my 2nd,3rd & 4th metertarsals 10 days agoI was initially put in a cast and then it was taken off on doctors orders at the fracture clinic the next day! And helped to decrease the swelling. fractured my ankle June 6th. I am not very excited about what is to come though. Heres my question: my husband & son say to quit walking in it so much. Negotiating the terminal with a wheelchair and crutches will be a challenge. Thank you & I hope all of you heal quickly. Ask your doctor if you can take the boot off when you use ice. I was told that the bone starts healing immediately and I dont want it to heal incorrectly but its killing me. I love to hear other peoples journeys and help as much as I can, if anyone would like to, you can email me at. It's also a good idea to know your test results and keep a list of the medicines you take. If you have diabetes, your doctor may ask you This injury normally takes 6 weeks to heal. I have most of my ROM back and no pain, just a bit of stiffness and swelling. By putting weight on the bone now you are risking that alignment. My foot felt like it was in a vice and being cut in half all at the same time. I also go foot solo if that gets too annoying too. Of course being healed is not the same as being back to normal. The Doctor cast my leg while it was still very swollen (a week after the accident) and the cast had to be removed in the ER two days later. Bn in a cast for 8 weeks. Ill ask my doctor weather to sleep with it on or off? Take pain killers as prescribed. They gave me a boot and said keep it on unless resting including sleeping. 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