After being decontaminated, the two of them went back to Maya's place and had sex in her shower. Her father was furious with her and told her she had no friends on the track, only competition. Maya and Vic then continued to fight the fire and Vic found that she wasn't afraid anymore. [61], Maya asked Carina if she wanted to take some days off and go on vacation together. [49] The two then continued to hook up in secret. They had to free Susan, who was impaled on a piece of the bus, and Carla, who was pinned under the bus, while also treating Mary and the other six victims who were free. They finished checking her out and then dropped her off at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. They suspected a cardiac bruise from the fight. Travis was very cautious about making sure no one else fell in. One girl, Holly, went to kitchen during the movie and came back with a soda. Andy tried to tell her they didn't have to be friends because they were the only two women. Ben and Vic delivered Ava's baby and after a brief complication when the amniotic sac didn't rupture, Ava and the baby were both healthy and stable. [29], The firefighters of station 19 held a training session for the police officers, teaching them first aid and CPR. [40], Maya and Jack first met on Maya and Andy's first day at Station 19. Holly called her mom and went home crying. I let you figure out your crap on your own. Visit our corporate site. Tiffany's house caught on fire when her laptop cord sparked on her bed while she was in the bathroom. When they heard Max down below them, they considered using a jackhammer to widen the opening, but Ben found that there was a gas line near them and it's too risky. While she was gone, Andy heard Max's voice down below them. He got out of the building and handed off the babies, but then realized Ruth hadn't come out with him. A more complete gallery with pictures of Maya Bishop can be found. We can only hope that Maya does eventually get the help she needs and the two can work it out. [44], After the skyscraper and the end of Andy and Jack's relationship, Maya and Jack were often seen bickering and throwing light-hearted insults at each other. These episodes are Maya-centric or are otherwise very informative about her life. Maya and Andy quickly found Tiffany and brought her outside, where she said Charlie was still inside. I feel like family is not just blood anymore. Carina went to leave but then Maya apologized. Once the door was open, they heard Jack's PASS device going off. That is love. It was previously Maya's apartment. While fighting an apartment fire, Jack and Pruitt got separated when Jack entered a kid's room to look for a child. [84] After Maya and Jack had sex for the first time, Maya wanted to tell Andy about it, but kept getting interrupted by Andy's own issues with Ryan and later decided to continue keeping her relationship a secret. They arrived to learn that a subway had malfunctioned and multiple passengers were injured in a minor fall. Back at the station, Maya was upset with Andy for ruining their first chance to get Max. They worked to open up the car enough to free him. Oh, the lengths youll go to get your way. Ripley was called back to headquarters, so Pruitt stepped in as captain. Carina said Maya slept with her ex-boyfriend, and did that to hurt Carina. [7], When a crash caused a tanker to overturn, Station 19 responded. Principal Linsley met them and said it was likely a false alarm. When Maya took her first vacation probably ever in Season 3's "No Days Off," evil forces kept trying to force themselves into Marina's getaway namely a five-alarm fire back home and Todd. [47] While Jack wanted to clear things up between them, Maya told him she was telling Andy about what had happened and that nothing would happen between them ever again. They decided to help her without telling Jack and Andy, who would be obligated to report it. Andy was able to stop him before he moved the car. Maya suggested sending in Andy instead, because she's lighter and has more experience. After a rough moment, all the patients were stable. Unfortunately, those answers werent great for Mayas health or her marriage to Carina and Station 19 ultimately left us with more questions, including a big one: is this the end of Marina? He had to tell Andy he couldn't find her dad and she and Maya came to help look for him. When Sullivan saw them laughing and felt they weren't taking it seriously, he called Maya out on it, which eventually got him sent home for the rest of the shift. Station 19 returns at 8 p.m. [52], After Ripley died, Maya was visibly sad and constantly crying and Jack tried to ask her what was going on, but Maya denied the fact that she was crying. Afterwards, while waiting to be cleared, the two resolved their differences and later had sex while showering at Maya's apartment. Jack then saw signs that there were squatters inside. When the team arrived, they went up to the roof. His behavior made her put all her attention back into training. [75] While on a stakeout together, unable to leave, they started talking and sorted through their issues together. Once she came in first place a track meet, but she didn't beat her time. He'd come from Bashran, in the middle east. Inside, Andy heard popping. Maya noticed Vic just starting at the flames and stood with her when she said it helped. [35], Maya and Jack were called out to the transit tunnel for an unknown medical emergency. Maya and Carina's Apartment is the apartment where Carina DeLuca and Maya Bishop live together. Marina?". [60], Carina told Maya to speak her truth in Italian, and then they started kissing. And no couple is more swoon-worthy than Maya Bishop and Carina DeLuca, who even come with the Seattle-appropriate couple name Marina. With lots of tough storylines on Station 19 in Season 4, Maya and Carinas relationship has been a bright spot, with Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato bringing the red-hot chemistry on and off screen. Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato have an undeniable chemistry each other, both on and off screen, which naturally would lead to their fans wondering if the on-screen romance continues after the cameras stop rolling. She was scared that by protecting herself from him that she was turning into him and she didn't want that. [11], Maya went with Travis on a medical call. They were able to restore sinus rhythm.[32]. Maya had an apartment near the intersection of 10th Avenue and Newland. During the next race, Hima twisted her ankle and fell on the track. The team responded to a fire at a B&B on Sunken Meadow Road. Dean used the ruse of cleanup duty to get Jack to go to the kitchen, where they held an intervention. She was going to put it all back, but she got caught before she could. [80] The next shift, Andy and Maya worked together on Aid Car and Maya was supportive of Andy who was worried Sullivan would fire her, but Sullivan didn't. On their way to the hospital, they came across a party bus that had crashed. Her father made her walk home over 20 miles. She later told Andy she hadn't told them because she worried about awakening the competitive beast inside her. She is married to Carina DeLuca-Bishop. According to Miller, she doesn't do relationships and usually only has exclusive relationships for a few weeks. I cant believe you would do this to me. Just not Mayina. While they waited, they checked their supplies. Carina told her that emergencies happen every day and that they all get fixed even without her. Andy told her that because she didn't want to end up like her father, that she was nothing like him. [19], While Andy was captain, they were called out to respond to Peter, who accidentally ran into a dumpster. Here, she meets a young woman named Carina DeLuca, a resident at the local hospital. So definitely thats what I want a happy ending.. One of the injured was Will, who didn't want to let Maya check him out, but agreed when Maya asked directly. They came back to the station very dirty. Can't. Maya and carina meeting first time in the Bar. When asked directly, the actresses didn't seem to be willing to spoil the fun, with Savre channeling Gossip Girl in her response of, "That's one secret we'll never tell." Maya, who spent the first episodes of Season 6 continually refusing her wifes requests that she see a therapist, begged Carina to let her go home, and a gut-wrenching scene ensued as Maya tried to fight her way out of her bed until Carina threatened to have her restrained. They were able to stabilize Reese, but realized Will needed blood. Jack said it was a bad idea, but Ryan started it anyway. Maya continued the drills, even when Vic started to panic. New York, Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Heres how it works. Clips from season 3 & 4.Danielle Savre as Maya BishopStefania. New York, She explained to Ryan how he took an interest in art but his parents had no attention or investment to give him since it was all put into her Olympic training, and that Maya blamed herself for his drug addiction. When they were called out to an intersection, they couldn't find the emergency. Dallas called the police after her brother and friends wouldn't wake up when she pulled them out of the pool. But theyre more than off-the-charts passion: theyre representing important storylines we dont see enough on TV, and theyre both aware of how important their work is, from fertility journeys to LGBTQ+ representation. Later, Maya and Andy argued again and Andy said she felt humiliated that Maya didn't think enough of Andy to tell her she was seeing Andy's ex-boyfriend. While Gen Z and Millennials are certainly fans of this relationship too, Spampinato believes that Maya and Carina are changing the minds of the older generations as well because theyve fallen in love with the characters. Its been a long couple of months for Station 19 fans, who last saw Maya Bishop falling off of a treadmill and collapsing unconscious on the floor of the firehouse. She held Maya's face and helped her calm down. Their father told him to quit art so he could achieve first place. I. While Maya and Jack were distracted, Reese tried to leave, but Kenneth, a security guard, used a taser on him, which set off a cardiac episode. Maya and Carina were absolutely on fire in the Season 4 episode "Save Yourself," leaving Marina fans in fits with their longing looks and skipping and chin strokes. When Carina still couldn't scream, Maya started screaming, and Carina was finally able to allow herself to do the same. MEAWW brings you the best content from its global team of He said he wanted to improve station 19's efficiency and wanted to start immediately. He was handed off to be seen and Zoe tried to re-enter the building. She attended Andy's Medal of Valor ceremony and later hosted a party at their apartment for the occasion. [55], Carina met Maya at the Emerald City Bar where she recognized Maya from when she brought in a patient's nose. [67], Growing up, Maya never saw her father as abusive toward her. This isnt love. They'd made ice cream with liquid nitrogen and poured the rest in the pool to make it look cool. The situation escalated when Neil's condition worsened and he collapsed on the floor. When Ben later came to Vic and offered to help her, she denied any trouble, saying she was still a rookie and something like that could damage her reputation forever. Carina asked if she was sure, and Maya said she was maybe not sure. Just as they were about to get him out, they noticed that the house, where his wife, mother, and twin newborns were, had caught on fire. They searched for anything they could use to try to free themselves. They left to start the search. Jonathan And Drew Scott's Original Name For Their HGTV Show Just Became A Jeopardy Clue And I'm So Glad They Stuck With Property Brothers, Nick Cannon Got The 'Blessing' To Take Over For Jamie Foxx On Beat Shazam, Explains Why We Haven't Gotten Updates On His Health, Some Fans Hate How Little Care The MCU Put Into The Aftermath After The Blip, But One Phase 5 Movie Was Supposed To Have Addressed It. Evelyn said she had fallen and was having a hard time catching her breath. Max was scared to let go and jump to the loop, even when his father told him to. When Maya learned that the hydrant was dry because the building was scheduled for demolition, she suggested that once they cleared the building, they could use the water in the engine to drown the surrounding buildings and let it burn. Maya said no, because her father raged and threw things, but never at people and never in front of the neighbors. One of televisions greatest love stories is playing out on ABCs Station 19 the characters of Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLuca (now sharing a hyphenated last name after last seasons wedding: DeLuca-Bishop) are rich, complex, and downright ship-worthy. After a shower, they tended to Greg Tanner, who came in looking for Pruitt to patch him up after a fight. Jack took the ladder from the engine over to her, but it took time and so Ryan asked the woman to toss down her baby, so she'd be ready to jump to Jack when he got close enough. When she was finished treating Greg, they got called out again, to tend to an injured hiker. [86], After Chief Ripley died, Vic crashed with Andy and Maya and the two took care of her by making her breakfast and trying to reach her when she wasn't in her room despite the tension between them. Maya also teased Andy about having sex with Ryan in her room during the party. Outside, Vic's ear was treated where it had been burned. Katherine hilariously missed all of the social cues and asked if Carina was "one of Maya's fire women," before assuming she was Maya's doctor. Now that our queens are getting married, I'm looking forward to many, many more electric moments between the two, and probably at least a couple interesting conversations about having kids. [62], On vacation, Carina and Maya had drinks by the pool when a man named Todd started to flirt with them. Spampinato added the cherry on top of her retweet, with a noncommittal emoji. On their way to the call, a tree branch went through the windshield of one of the engines and a fallen tree blocked the road for the other. Before you go, click here to see our favorite LGBTQ couples on TV. When they arrived, they started a perimeter sweep to see if anyone might be inside and prepared to start fighting the fire. Of course Maya refused to admit there was anything wrong, telling Carina (Stefania Spampinato) that she should use her pull to get her discharged. [48], Later, Maya noticed that Jack was doing the quiet thing, meaning he was angry and out of concern, she asked what happened. Vin Diesel blames Jason Momoa's 'overacting' in 'Fast X' for negative reviews: Sources, 'Happy Graduation Day': 'GMA' host George Stephanopoulos 'skips' show after celebrating massive family milestone, 'He failed her': Travis Barker slammed after daughter Alabama, 17, flaunts bags that cost over $5K, Tina Turner's widower Erwin Bach to inherit half of singers $250 million fortune after her death, DC Young Fly's longtime girlfriend Jacky Oh dies at 32 reportedly due to heart failure. She then told Ripley she knew that Jack was a strong candidate. While he was gone, Peter ransacked the ambulance looking for morphine. It was then announced that Seattle Fire Department wasn't taking calls anymore and everyone should seek shelter immediately, so the team returned to the station and sat down to eat. [89][90], When she was initially promoted to lieutenant, she was supposed to transfer to station 23. The truck swerved at the last minute and missed both of them. Thats what makes this fictional union so crucial, especially in a time of real-world political turmoil and anti-LGBTQ+ legislation. However, the flow of water picked up and while she was pulled underwater, Max was swept away. At that age, Maya knew that she wasn't completely straight, but pretended during the sleepover. Fans of Station 19 tune in weekly, not just to watch the firefighting action, but also as with its Seattle predecessor Greys Anatomy to vicariously live the romantic escapades of our heroes. Rita Ora Rocks A Sheer Dress With Matching See-Through Gloves, And Im Obsessed, Rumors Have Been Swirling That Tristan Thompson And Khlo Kardashian Are Dating Again, But Not So Fast, Javier Bardem Was 40 Feet In The Air When His Wires Failed On The Little Mermaid. Four months later, Pruitt presented Andy with a Medal of Valor. After she came back, she saw that Carina never left. Spoiler alert! Maya freaked out because those were her dad's and no one was allowed to touch them. Maya challenged him to a push-up battle and if she won, he would them drinks and leave them alone. The performances of both Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato were so raw through the whole episode, but nothing hit quite as hard as when Maya led Carina into the barn of the fire station and flipped on the fire engines sirens to allow Carina to scream out the frustration and emotion and guilt that were weighing her down. A few viewers can't handle the hotness. Do you hear me? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. They dug for a while, but eventually, they had to pull Piper out when her leg started to swell. They got him as wet and cool as they could as they treated him and then conserved their air while the rest of the team tried to figure out how to get them out. [10], Station 19 responded to a medical call. Phil Lord Explains, Reports Keep Talking About Ryan Reynolds Not Being Able To Ad-Lib In Deadpool 3. Teddy Altman, also in line at the coffee cart, encouraged Carina to forgive Maya. [54], When Maya met Dean's girlfriend, Nikki, she was surprised that it was one of her exes. It was surrounding Ben and Vic and they didn't have enough foam to put it out. Everyone was evacuated and treated for smoke inhalation. Okay? [63], Maya's phone chimed and she found out about the four-alarm fire back in Seattle. His father finally told him that his mother was dying and encouraged him as he jumped and grabbed the loop. She lived there alone, occasionally bringing home one-night stands, including Charlotte Dearborn. media-tech companies with hubs around the world. Published on : 22:08 PST, Feb 20, 2020 FOLLOW Carina DeLuca, Maya Bishop (ABC) Are you ready to see another hot 'Grey's Anatomy' and 'Station 19' crossover couple? Jack, with Dean's help, was able to restrain him and bandage his hand before they were able to take him to the hospital. At the end of Episode 5 titled 'Into the Woods', Maya Bishop (Danielle Savre) meets Carina DeLuca (Stefania Spampinato) and sparks fly between the two. When the Station 19 season 6 fall finale aired back in November 2022, it left viewers gasping as the episode ended with Maya Bishop (Danielle Savre) injured and passed out on the floor alone. [41] Maya was the only person who knew about Jack and Andy's secret relationship, the latter's proposal, and their subsequent breakup. "I hereby christen this Carina/Maya ship," one viewer posted and another said, "Omg please have Maya hook up with Carina. [88]At Ripley's recommendation and Sullivan's insistence, Maya applied to be a lieutenant and was promoted shortly after. He needed to get Ben to the school for his friend Ava, who was pregnant and in labor. [33], After noticing what was happening with Jack, Pruitt called out the rest of the team for not getting him help, knowing they'd all noticed that something was off about him. slight angst if you squint. Contents 1 Timeline 2 Characters Present 3 Notes and Trivia 4 Gallery In an improvised moment, Carina said to Maya in Italian, "Basciami." Maya told her to leave and admitted that she slept with Jack just an hour before she got back. Then, Maya and Andy both agreed that Jack was "very ew". The fifth season of the series has brought forth their fertility journey and what it means to try to have a child in an LGBTQ+ relationship. Station 19 responded to the fire. [78], When Andy decided she needed to move out of her father's house, Maya supported her and offered to let Andy move in with her. Spoiler alert! [85] After agreeing to finally tell Andy the truth, Maya and Jack decided to secretly hookup one last time, but Andy found them in the supply closet. After separating from Miranda, Ben wanted to feel a sense of togetherness, so he planned "Friendsgiving" with Jack at Dean's houseboat and invited the rest of the team. It's clear that the makers are hinting at another relationship for Maya and fans are ready for it. I just hope they show the reality that we are humans, and during this time, theres a lot of heightened emotions. But ultimately, she wants Station 19 writers to play out their storyline as a gay couple who are happy and have a child., Spampinato also chimes in with what she hopes doesnt happen to Maya and Carina, showing how invested they both are in the characters having the joyous outcome they deserve. When Andy struggled with a hose drill, Maya coached her through it.[5]. When Ripley announced that Maya had applied for lieutenant and she would have an interview, Andy was upset Maya hadn't told her. [28], Station 19 was called out to a structure fire. Maya grew up with an abusive father, who pushed her to train excessively to ensure her winning every race, going as far as forcing her out of bed the morning after a race by pouring cold water over her rather than letting her enjoy her victory. Carina gladly accepted. Andy slammed the door in anger and ignored Maya throughout the drive to the call, but made it clear that she was mad at her best friend. Andy reached the valve just as Travis and Ben noticed that what was coming out of the sprinklers was flammable. Vic and Ben couldn't get out without leaving the truck driver there to die. There hasnt been a whole hell of a lot of optimism on Station 19, though, so Marina fans should probably prepare for more rough waters ahead. When they heard creaking behind her door, they broke the lock, which showed that there were stacks of things filling her apartment, which was compromising the floor. They located the flame under the roof and created a ventilation hole, despite Jack wanting to make a strip. l. Early in Season 4, Marina decided to forgo their separate quarantines and move in together, and man do they make the domestic life look good. Hima had noticed him at races before and commented he was a bit scary. [64], After Carina met Maya's mother, she went to comfort Maya because of her mother's statement that what her father did to them was abuse. Feb. 23 2023, Updated 2:14 p.m. It should have been a simple call, but the kid ran into a building with a gas leak, so they had to track down the kid and break through a wall. They talked on the porch and admitted Ryan's looks when he came over to talk to Andy. Once they got Deborah out, they realized she'd inhaled some glass. Max was then lifted to safety. They later returned to the Inn when the fire reignited and engulfed the building in flames. She said that she hadn't told her grandson about it because she didn't want him to worry.[12]. Meal prep continued, but another call came in and Ben, Dean, Travis, Maya, Vic, and Ripley headed out to cover it, leaving Jack alone at the station. Station 19's latest episode "Save Yourself" the first half of its crossover event with Grey's Anatomy seemingly dealt a blow to fans of Carina DeLuca and Maya Bishop when Carina . Maya won (easily), and as Todd fulfilled his part of the bet buy them drinks and leave them alone Maya and Carina dropped all of our jaws with a smoldering kiss. I gave you space when you needed it. "Are we giving Carina and Maya a ship name yet? As Maya and Andy were discussing the fight, Carina came running back from the car, stating that she would much rather do something she didn't want to do than lose Maya. However, when Maya tried to tell Andy, they were interrupted by Ryan and his date. Carinas tearful response of, I lose you either way, bella. For Savre, she wants it to be as real as possible when it comes to dealing with this process since she has some firsthand insight from her own egg donation journey. Ellie said her mother was shaking and wouldn't stop, so she tried to hit the brake, but hit the accelerator instead. Maya talked about how Mason was like their mother and buried his head in the sand. They arrived to see a confused woman on a park bench with a head wound. The following story contains spoilers for the Station 19 Season 4 episode "Comfortably Numb," and many episodes that came before it. Ben, who had been left behind at the station due to a burn on his hand, was aided by Travis and Pruitt as he located plans for the storm drains' paths to see where Max was most likely to have gone. Maya said she was drinking alone. Unprovoked, will quote Friends in any situation. Thrives on New Orleans Saints football, The West Wing and taco trucks. They arrived to find Jimmy trapped in his car in a collapsed carport. Arguably more heartwarming than the scene itself was seeing actresses Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato name that as their favorite moment of Season 3, which you can see below. She didn't tell the rest of the team, but they found out when Ripley commented on it in front of them. At the funeral, Maya held Jack's hand during Sullivan's eulogy. [91] However, when she was supposed to transfer, Sullivan asked Chief Ripley to let him have all three lieutenants, which meant that Maya remained at station 19 as a lieutenant. Andy went after her and got her to agree to come back to their rig. She was the first female fire captain of Station 19. As such, Maya missed out on the things that most teenagers occupy themselves with, like music and celebrity crushes. They found a toolkit, which Karen used to pick the lock on the trunk of the car and retrieve a jack. Hell yes?? She needs a morale booster. Carina went in the opposite direction, as she and and Teddy Altman (Kim Raver) told Maya that if she didnt agree to stay in the hospital for a few days, they would place her on a 72-hours hold. Savre even surprised Spampinato by saying she was learning to speak Italian! However, her oxygen tank wasn't working, so they went to get a replacement tank. As the new episode of 'Station 19' and 'Grey's Anatomy' airs next week on February 20, we will find out whether the pair does have scope for a relationship in the future. Working at Station 19 and Finding Her Brother, Lieutenant Application and Hooking Up with Jack, Something About What Happens When We Talk, Everybody's Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, They both flirted with her and spent the whole day trying to outdo each other for her affection. She went to the hospital to apologize to Carina and found her in line at the coffee cart, where she told Carina she was right. At the law firm, Maya and Vic worked with Molly, the fire coordinator for the floor who took her job very seriously. Maya stood up for him by saying she would come to his art show and reached for the potatoes, but her father grabbed them and threw the bowl into the wall and he told Mason he couldn't hear losers, who are dead to him. Ripley introduced them to Robert Sullivan, who immediately established himself as a strict, by the book boss. Vic and Dean shared their oxygen with the kids until an exit was made and they were able to evacuate. They said they'd won as quickly as they could to clear the building and get the kids back inside. Travis saw her foot shaking and asked if she had seen a doctor for it, but she said she was fine. He lashed out at them, but was interrupted by Ripley, coming to tell them they were taking calls again and their first call was search and rescue for Andy and Sullivan as no one had heard anything from them in over an hour. This story discusses Station 19s Season 6 midseason premiere, We Build Then We Break. Consider yourself warned! reporters on a platform technologically tailored to meet the needs of the modern reader. Furthermore, the preview for next weeks episode shows Maya telling fire department psychologist Diane that Carina doesnt live there anymore. [66], Once things settled down, Carina had to go back to Italy because of her expiring visa. She made herself a perfect copy of her dad so that he wouldn't find a reason to be mad at her. "Maya Bishop and Carina DeLuca? When he came back out, he couldn't find Pruitt because of the smoke. The next time she ran, she beat her best time. Maya tries to go for a run. He was scheduled for his surgery that day and she wanted to see him before her surgery. Maya ordered another round drinks on Todd's tab and Carina added french fries and mozzarella sticks. With Mayas demotion, Carinas visa, the death of Andrew DeLuca, and more, fans have barely gotten to celebrate the marriage of the Station 19 ladies who boast the best couple name ever not to mention that we were hoping to see the couple have a baby! The two also agreed to have shower boundaries. They enlisted Ryan's help. The door was jammed, which Maya worried meant that the other side of the door was so hot it would kill them instantly. They then noticed a woman on the balcony holding a baby. However, Maya is also described as relentless and caring, and if she cares about someone she cares fully and will do anything for her friends and family. Part 13 of Station 19: Marina. Over the years, she learned his sighs, the looks, the hunch of his shoulders. was also unscripted. [18], A fire started at Flanner's restaurant and quickly spread to the rest of the strip mall. Station 19 was called the respond. They made up with a kiss. They were able to sneak her into the hospital to see her son and then she was arrested and taken to court. Maya was shocked that Edith refused pain medication. Pruitt sent Maya and Andy in to do search and rescue while Dean, Jack, and Travis put out the fire. Later, when Sullivan took his anger out on Maya during the police training, Andy took Maya's side and yelled at Sullivan. The fire started in a fireplace and was mostly contained to that area of the house. [15], While Jack and Andy were taking The Incinerator test, they left Travis in charge as he had seniority. They got off the roof less than a minute before the roof collapsed. Not long after, they were called in and they learned that it was another officer, not Ryan, who had been shot and they took him to the hospital for an x-ray because the bullet had been caught by his vest. Carina said she stayed there in case Maya wanted to talk. They noticed it was hot around them just as Andy realized it was an ethanol fire. Required fields are marked *. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, But fans have been going crazy for the couple ever since Carina watched Maya run into Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital carrying a severed nose, back in the Greys Anatomy Season 16 episode, A Diagnosis. The couples on-screen relationship packaged with their adorable real-life interactions on social media could make a Marina shipper out of the hardest of hearts. The fire was then extinguished. Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Andy stopped her, saying she needed to be treated, too, but Zoe said there were five more kids inside. He asked if it was because she was interested in getting promoted to captain. [31], Maya was on the Aid Car with Andy. Will coughed up blood and Maya noticed that he'd been on an international flight. one viewer said and another posted, "Maya thinking she can say NO to Carina was the kind of funny needed this week." In many ways, that scene seemed to be a culmination of her recent downward spiral that alienated those closest to her. However, Jack got angry at everyone and told Maya she had no chance to take his job from him. They found Sean and he was evacuated and treated. Suddenly, Vic noticed Piper calling out to them from here she was stuck in a pothole in the middle of a crosswalk. When a fire reignited in her face, Vic started to have a panic attack and Ben pulled her out while Andy doused the flames. Carina Deluca has been a great support for Maya Bishop since they met during season 3 of Station 19. ", Many have even given a green light to their romance. Maya also admitted, when pushed, that Jack overcame Andy's rule breaking to gain a good outcome. She always said that he really cared for her and her career as a runner. They followed the noise to a pile of rubble, which was burying Jack. Maya told her she was willing to spend the rest of her life trying to prove to Carina that Maya could be trusted. Then she was able to jump onto the ladder with Jack and was taken safely to the ground. ET Source: ABC Season 6 of Station 19 captured the latest developments in Station 19 captain Maya Bishop's (Danielle Savre) relationship with Carina (Stefania Spampinato), an OB-GYN and the late Andrew Deluca's (Giacomo Gianniotti) sister. ET Thursday, February 23, on ABC, with episodes also available for streaming with a Hulu subscription. When your brother died, you could barely get off the freaking kitchen floor. [81] Maya later confessed she hadn't told her because she didn't want her and Andy to get competitive, but Andy told her she wasn't afraid to get competitive with her. [38], She had a one-night stand with Charlotte Dearborn as part of her self-care. NY 10036. Maya sang Andy's praises in her interview, including regarding her decision to leave Jack in the Aid Car with Peter. She was often antagonistic towards Jack, making smack talk about him behind his back and she had clearly sided with Andy during the captain's race. All Rights Reserved. Jack and Maya's tests showed that they weren't infected. She tried to go toward where she heard Deborah, but there were exploding wine bottles between them. After the ups and downs of their courtship and working through Mayas trauma, Marina came together over the years to not only marry each other but start a family. [2], Maya then went on to win a gold medal in the 10,000 meter sprint in the 2012 Olympics in London. They got bored as they waited in the ambulance, unable to leave. He accepted the challenge and quickly lost. Fans adoringly call the couple Marina and they are just as hooked on the actors who play them, Danielle Savre (Maya) and Stefania Spampinato (Carina). The hole wasn't sufficient to make the fire die down, so Andy authorized them to cut a strip. Carina closed the door and they started kissing. In Season 4's "Learning to Fly," Carinas grief is palpable after the murder of her brother Andrew DeLuca, and Mayas inability to help is just as heartbreaking. Everybody was holding their breath and it was just a meeting in Joes bar, she says, But the chemistry was so strong in that scene, the whole room felt it. [8], After Ben and Dean discovered that The Langham was on fire, they called the rest of the team in to help and started an evacuation. Dean learned she was a fugitive and the cops wanted them to distract her to give them time to arrive. When Andy protested that, he promoted her to lieutenant and said they could share the responsibilities until a new captain was officially chosen. [13], While on duty, Maya received a call from Ryan, explaining that her brother was in jail for stealing art supplies. When the team went to look for Herrera and Sullivan, Pruitt as acting captain benched Jack and ordered Maya to act as temporary lieutenant. As the temperature climbed, Ryan decided to hot wire the car and try to use it as a battering ram. Andy then put her on the stretcher and got her out. Since they'd lost that chance to get him, they had only one more access point down the line. Station 23 had a feed down a drain that showed a handprint, giving them a clue where he'd gone. [76]While trapped in a burning garage with no way out, the two worked together to find a way to escape and Andy was worried when Maya was knocked over from the explosion. They then had a party in her honor. As a result of this, her picture is on a Wheaties box. Water was then finally available and they doused the building as quickly as they could. One of television's greatest love stories is playing out on ABC's Station 19 the characters of Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLuca (now sharing a hyphenated last name after last season's. With lots of tough storylines on Station 19 in Season 4, Maya and Carina's relationship has been a bright spot, with Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato bringing the red-hot chemistry on and. They siphoned gas from the car and rigged the water heater up to explode and propel itself through the garage door. They quickly discovered that the asphalt was digging into Piper's leg, keeping her trapped. Four months after the windstorm, Maya was meeting Jack after every therapy session and showing her support, telling him he would eventually return to active duty. Carina had Maya wrapped around her finger. When Ripley revealed that Maya had applied to be a lieutenant, Jack told her he was ready to take her on if she tried to take his job since there could only be two lieutenants at the station. Andy then told Maya that Ryan had thought that she and Sullivan were together. Maya, who was leading the race, stopped to check on her. Maya consulted with Jack and said she believed they were dealing with a contagious illness and needed to go on lockdown. They then shared a kiss while the men looked at them in surprise. She speaks a little Nepalese, which she learned while backpacking through Kathmandu. Dean and Travis had to pry Shawn out of his car while Vic and Ben worked on the truck driver, who had gotten out of the cab and fallen. Maya and Carinas story is brought to life by the great writing team, currently led by executive producer/showrunner Krista Vernoff, and the undeniable chemistry between Savre and Spampinato, who tell SheKnows that it was magic from the table read., Spampinato recalls that the first time they read their scene together, the room froze, even though they had never met before that extraordinary moment. When Sullivan assigned the team special skills, Maya got assigned incident operations. Maya then decided she needed to go for a run to blow off some steam. Todd thought she was speaking Spanish and tried to reply. She couldn't remember anything about herself or how she was injured. At the table, Ripley announced that Maya would be a lieutenant soon and he already put her in for a transfer to station 23. She neglected to answer the question. She has won a gold medal, on a sprained ankle with her best ever time in the 10,000 meter run.[94]. You know what I did? Holly didn't see the problem as it was just a can of soda. Sullivan sent Dean to get support beams and Travis and Vic to evacuate the floor below them just in case. [72] They met at the fire academy and banded together as they were the only two women in their class and have been best friends ever since. Whether they're making fun of Savre's dance moves or stumbling over their words (as seen below), you can't help but laugh along with them. They freed her, but struggled to get her to stop seizing. Since they couldn't get an adult down into the drain, they decided to send down a loop for Max to grab. [25], Six weeks after the skyscraper fire, the team gathered at the station to meet their new captain. In the Station 19 Season 4 finale, Maya Bishop and Carina DeLuca finally tied the knot. Despite this, Maya returned to the area to bring Mason supplies, both things she thought he needed and things he thought he needed. And were going to have obstacles that are natural and normal., Some of those obstacles are going to come this season as they deal with, as Savre calls it, the ups and downs of trying to have a baby (although both actresses admit they dont have much insight into where the storyline is going to take them just yet). Lane Bishop often pushed Maya to be her "best" and would punish her if she didn't do well enough. She won an Olympic Gold Medal at the 2012 Olympics in London. While Hima was helping her with her trigonometry, she discovered that Maya wouldn't even eat a cookie per her father's imposed diet. Although Maya kept saying that her father never hit her or her brother, meaning he wasn't abusive. [39], While teaching CPR and first aid, Maya flirted with Elle, a police officer. SheKnows chatted with Savre and Spampinato about their characters intense chemistry, the challenges they faced this past season, and whats next for one of our favorite TV couples. At first Maya said she'd go with her back to Italy, then they decided they were strong enough to withstand the distance. She was granted the promotion, making her the youngest Captain ever in the Seattle Fire Department as well as the first female Captain at Station 19. Due to Lane's parenting, Maya was afraid she wouldn't be able to love Carina the way she deserved to be loved. [87], Maya is a firefighter at Station 19 of the Seattle Fire Department. The strip worked and the fire started to die down. And this time it was Carina's turn to go crawling back to Maya. He caught on to what Maya was intending. At the station, they went over storm protocols and gathered extra supplies to be ready. Maya's response an elated, "Is that 'Kiss me?'" After some hesitation, she tossed down her baby and he caught it. For her thirteenth birthday, she was allowed to have a couple friends over to spend the night. Fury Of The Gods, Zachary Levi Shares Wild Idea For DC Crossover In A Third Movie. Marriage was the only way to stop Carina from going back, so Maya suggested it. [53], After the bar crash, Maya sat down with Jack and told him he is good in bed and he is a good guy. When they arrived, they learned that the opening was smaller than they expected, too small for an adult to fit down to get him. She didn't have three close friends but she invited three softball players from her team to spend the night. After a large fight, Carina left for the airport without Maya. [36], One day, an RV crashed into the side of station 19. Andy was upset to know that if she'd had her way and they waited for the engineers, Evelyn would have died. [68] Her parents put lots of money and attention towards her Olympic dreams, but they often put Maya and her training ahead of her brother, Mason. She apologized to Carina and begged her to get back together. Can't wait to see how the writers choose to develop thei. They went through the building and found the alarm that had been pulled. [23], Station 19 anxiously waited to be called in on the skyscraper fire. [20], Despite being on an active call, Andy decided to have her team stop to help the victims of a crashed party bus because the responding station was still eight minutes away. That night at the dinner table, he punished her by denying her potatoes. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Worry. [ 5 ] when Jack entered a kid 's room look. They worked to open up the car and rigged the water heater up to explode and propel through! Which Karen used to pick the lock maya bishop and carina the porch and admitted that she had n't told she! Her shower Medal in the pool it because she did maya bishop and carina beat her time to. A runner was pregnant and in labor aid and CPR while backpacking through Kathmandu Grey Sloan Memorial.... A fireplace and was mostly contained to that area of the door was so hot would... 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