For example, foreign governments may supply consular services or provide humanitarian visas (see, of how the government arranges its crisis response, authorities in charge should coordinate across ministries and agencies, understanding the immediate and longer-term implications of displacement. This site is archived. An official website of the United States government. Under the cluster leadership, the partners establish strategic response plans and work towards common outcomes for that sector. 4 Its objective is to ensurethat the activities of . Shelters remain open in Guam, with more than 800 survivors being served. Country office operations in complex crises often have higher operational costs, as they require special security measures and multiple sub-offices to ensure access to people in need. Data collectors have to make sure that data are obtained by lawful and fair means with the consent of the data subject and that the data serve a specified and legitimate purpose, amongst other principles (IOM, 2010)(see Data, research, and analysis for policymaking). Residents should remain cautious, avoiding floodwaters and take precautions as they return home and begin cleanup efforts. Personal data must only be securely shared in accordance with data protection standards to avoid causing harm to affected populations using, at a minimum, encrypted tools and password protected files. United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. By continuing to use this website or clicking on the OK, I agree button, you accept our policy on use of cookies in our, Prevention of Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment, Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict. Data collectors have to make sure that data are obtained by lawful and fair means with the consent of the data subject and that the data serve a specified and legitimate purpose, amongst other principles (I. In some situations, the State may be unable or unwilling to provide support for other reasons. The Executive Secretary @DrWorkneh constituted an IGAD Committee on Regional Humanitarian Response for Sudan this week. USAID/BHA implementing partners also provide surge support to address coordination or information management gaps, and engage in research and development of new data technologies and tools. Through critical situational and gender-responsive analysis, OCHA provides a comprehensive picture of overall needs and helps a diverse set of actors achieve a common understanding of the humanitarian context and a collective plan for the response. The State may thus require and request the support of the international community. Please find the new site - ReliefWeb Response - at, Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a, Child Protection (Area of Responsibility), Gender Based Violence (Area of Responsibility), Housing, Land, and Property (Area of Responsibility), Global Cluster Coordinators Group Initiatives, IASC Guidance: Role of Cluster Coordinators in the consolidated appeal process, IASC Guidance: Role of the Humanitarian Coordinator in the consolidated appeal process, IASC Operational Guidance ToR for Cluster Coordinators, IASC Generic ToR for Cluster Leads at the Country Level, IASC Operational Guidance on Humanitarian Country Teams, Handbook for RCs and HCs on Emergency Preparedness and Response, IASC Terms of Reference for Humanitarian Coordinators, IASC Operational Guidance on Designating Sector/Cluster Leads in Major New Emergencies, The Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator, The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Trained experts to lead cluster coordination at the field level, Increased stockpiles, some pre-positioned within regions, Standardised technical tools, including for information management, Agreement on common methods and formats for needs assessments, monitoring and benchmarking, Best practices and lessons learned from field-tests, Ensuring that coordination mechanisms are established and properly supported, Serving as a first point of call for the Government and the HC, Acting as a provider of last resort in their respective sector, A common commitment to humanitarian principles and the Principles of Partnership, Commitment to mainstream protection in program delivery, Readiness to participate in actions that specifically improve accountability to affected populations, Understand duties and responsibilities associated with membership of a cluster and commit to consistently engage in the clusters collective work as well as clusters plan and activities, Commitment to ensure optimal use of resources, and sharing information on organizational resources, Commitment to mainstream key programmatic cross-cutting issues, Willingness to take on leadership responsibilities as needed and as capacity and mandates allow, Contribute to developing and disseminating advocacy and messaging for relevant audiences, Ensure that the cluster provide interpretation so that all cluster partners are able to participate. Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) vs. Resident Coordinator (RC). 20 April 2023 - 19 May 2023. Thematic coordination groups are a key instrument of humanitarian response. The position is located in the Operations and Advocacy Division (OAD), Office for the Coordination of . ICRC coordinates with other humanitarian actors to the extent necessary in order to achieve operational complementarity and strengthen humanitarian response in armed conflict and other situations of violence. The HCT aims to provide common strategic and policy guidance for the overall humanitarian response. However, if the response required is greater than local capacity can provide, national level actors step in. LockA locked padlock Eritrean forces prevented a mission led by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) deputy head of Ethiopia from entering a village in Tigray on Thursday, aid workers on . Humanitarian coordination involves bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent and principled response to emergencies. The HC is accountable to the Emergency Relief Coordinator. While commercial air traffic is pending, cargo flights continue arriving, including a humanitarian shipment scheduled today carrying blood products, clean-up kits, work gloves, trash bags, collapsible mopsand comfort kits including hygiene products. A leading scholar in the field identifies three basic types of coordination: coordination by command, coordination through consensus and coordination by default; and the distinction between the three is important in discerning both the benefits and challenges offered by different approaches to coordination. [1] Job Opening Number: 23-Humanitarian Affairs-OCHA-206933-R-Aden (X) Staffing Exercise. The HC is accountable to the Emergency Relief Coordinator. Each cluster lead/co-lead is given clear responsibilities for coordination. Efforts should be made as soon as possible to hand over coordination to relevant national authorities. In a country affected by a disaster or conflict, the ERC may appoint a Humanitarian Coordinator (HC). Under the leadership of the Emergency Relief Coordinator, the IASC develops humanitarian policies, agrees on a clear division of responsibility for the various aspects of humanitarian assistance, identifies and addresses gaps in response, and advocates for effective application of humanitarian principles. Analyse collected data in the field by, when feasible, cross-checking and comparing with other sources of data (triangulated) to ensure their accuracy. International instruments, initiatives and dialogues, Prevention, preparedness and reducing risk, a joint note on coordination in mixed settings, Data, research, and analysis for policymaking, Sphere Handbook: Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response, Policy on Protection in Humanitarian Action, Guidelines to Protect Migrants in Countries Experiencing Conflict or Natural Disasters, Anti-Trafficking in Humanitarian Responses. It is important for government authorities to factor in how the humanitarian community coordinates itself to ensure the compatibility and complementarity of the international support provided. Appropriate data protection safeguards should be in place. Responsibilities. At the field level, OCHA helps ensure that the humanitarian system functions efficiently and in support of the Humanitarian Coordinators leadership. The clusters may or may not continue after the initial phases of response based on in-country assessments of continued need (IOM, 2019b). The primary entity responsible for emergency response is the State. They are also actively engaged in humanitarian advocacy. OCHA works with national governments, regional bodies and other agencies on implementing and testing measures that help save lives in an emergency. InterAction also serves as a hub for our Members responding to humanitarian emergencies by coordinating information and engaging with the United Nations and the U.S. Government to improve timeliness and accountability for effective responses. Surge capacity is used when there are unforeseen emergencies and disasters, when a crisis deteriorates, or when a force majeure affects an office. Russias invasion of Ukraine has left 17.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, internally displaced 5.4 million people, and prompted 8 million Ukrainians to, Although seen as a siloed sector within the humanitarian system, shelter and settlements assistance impacts every aspect of peoples lives. A dedicated full time Shelter Cluster Coordinator should be appointed. The site is secure. OCHA works closely with global cluster lead agencies and NGOs to develop policies, coordinate inter-cluster issues, disseminate operational guidance and organize field support. The ERC ensures IASC endorsement of the HC proposal for Cluster activation and Cluster lead appointments. OCHA's mission is to coordinate the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. The Role of the Humanitarian Coordinator Leadership: The Humanitarian Coordinator & Humanitarian Country Team When a humanitarian crisis occurs, the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) strives to efficiently mobilize and coordinate aid. The information shared should allow partners to quickly decide on how to respond to the crisis and where to allocate resources. national level or sub-national level). Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. As well, there should be a mapping exercise to identify partners providing assistance on the ground. More than 9,700 people, including Central African returnees have preventively fled . This site is archived. A vital component of humanitarian action is the coordination among all actors involved in the delivery of humanitarian assistance. Approximately 5.4 million people have received humanitarian assistance and protection services by aid organizations across Ukraine in the first four months of 2023 - more than 60 per . Latest Infographics We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. The HCT is chaired by the HC, or in the absence of an HC, by the United Nations Resident Coordinator (RC). We advocate for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. Feeding and bottled water operations continue as needed and requested by the territory and the commonwealth officials. Coordination architecture in the cluster approach, IASC Standard Terms of Reference for Humanitarian Country Teams, February 2017. Governments, corporations and foundations:, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls, UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC), International Search and Rescue Advisory Group (INSARAG), On-Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC), Today's top news: Ukraine, Bangladesh, Sudan, Today's top news: Ukraine, Sudan, Myanmar. The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) is responsible for assessing whether or not an international response to crisis is warranted and for ensuring the humanitarian response efforts, if needed, are well organised. Even so, the cluster-based model of work is still useful. While United Nations agencies played a central role in the systemization and institutionalization of the idea of coordination, effective coordination requires multi-sectoral and multifaceted perspectives, as well as a dual approach in which the importance of both operational and strategic coordination are recognized. OCHA also promotes efficient interaction between civilian and military actors in humanitarian operations, bridges gaps in environmental emergency management, and maps global emergency relief stockpiles on behalf of the whole humanitarian community. In refugee crises where government does not have sufficient capacity, the protection of and assistance to refugees, Regarding situations where a UNHCR-led refugee operation is underway but where there is also a complex humanitarian emergency or disaster and a HC has been appointed, mutual roles and responsibilities have been laid out by UNHCR and OCHA in. Under UN General Assembly Resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991, the affected State, i.e. For the purposes of this paper, coordination is defined as a systematic utilization of policy instruments to deliver humanitarian assistance in a cohesive and effective manner. A leading scholar in the field identifies three basic types of coordination: coordination by command, coordination through consensus and coordination by default; and the distinction between the three is important in discerning both the benefits and challenges offered by different approaches to coordination. This coordination body provides strategic and policy guidance to the overall response effort, whereas country-level clusters implement the strategy by coordinating operational response efforts in their respective areas of expertise. OCHA advocates for effective and principled humanitarian action by all, for all. For many countries, these responsibilities and structures are predominantly focused on responding to disasters, The frontline responders are first and foremost at the local level. In the majority of contexts, these two functions are handled by one person. The Humanitarian Reform of 2005 introduced a number of new elements to enhance predictability, accountability, and partnership. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) is the UN body charged with strengthening the coordination of humanitarian assistance of the UN in complex emergencies. Promote collective interest over organizational interest a balance is required. In some instances, sector specific coordination structures may be chaired by line ministries. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Humanitarian Cluster Coordination System was activated in Ukraine since December 2014 when the armed conflict in the eastern oblasts of Donetska and Luhanska erupted in mid-2014. the government and national actors, retain the primary role in the initiation, organization, coordination, and implementation of humanitarian assistance within its territory. United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity. Needs assessments should be updated if there are significant changes to the emergency. Country-level clusters are commonly co-chaired by government representatives. The HC supports coordination of humanitarian operations among all international actors, including both UN and non-UN. Photo credit: Matteo Minasi/UNOCHA. Groups seeking access to beneficiary populations often share the same objectives in regards to addressing human need and allaying suffering, but wide variance in such principle elements as organizational structure, technical and/or geographic expertise, mission, mandate, and political interest may hinder or prevent natural coordination on the field. IOM staff with the relevant technical expertise should attend these meetings (e.g. No personal data should be collected without a specified legitimate purpose and prior consent of the data subject. There are many possible methods to collect, process and analyse information. Such structures are adapted to local contexts and are designed to ensure coordination with appropriate government authorities. USAID's Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (USAID/BHA) is a global leader in advancing humanitarian coordination, information management, and assessments (HCIMA) to facilitate a cohesive response during emergencies. While there are many challenges to implementation of coordination strategies, as well as concerns regarding the potential for increased bureaucracy in an already complex system, the benefits to coordination can be tremendous. It should not be done on top of another job. Coordination involves assessing situations and needs; agreeing common priorities; developing common strategies to address issues such as negotiating access, mobilizing funding and other resources; clarifying consistent public messaging; and monitoring progress. The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator(HC), is the centre-piece of the new humanitarian coordination architecture established byHumanitarian Reform. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) is a unique inter-agency forum for coordination, policy development and decision-making involving the key UN and non-UN humanitarian partners. Cluster lead agencies are members of the HCT (represented by the Country Representative of the cluster lead agency and not the person assuming the role of cluster coordinator). However, there may be situations where they are handled by separate individuals, or where a stand-alone Deputy Humanitarian Coordinator is appointed. For example, foreign governments may supply consular services or provide humanitarian visas (see Humanitarian border management). Personal data must only be shared, if needed, to fulfil a specific purpose and with prior consent of the data subjects. Thematic groups bring together all stakeholders working within a defined area of expertise, including local authorities, non-governmental organizations and UN agencies, and are the forum for coordination of every aspect of response formulation, including assessments, data management, strategic planning, setting technical standards, monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of the response and contingency planning. The humanitarian community is preparing an addendum to the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan to adapt the response More than 13,800 people, including Central African returnees have preventively fled . The international humanitarian agencies (United Nations and non-United Nations) have agreed upon a coordination structure through which they organize themselves to provide life-saving assistance. The humanitarian coordination system operates at two interrelated levels: global and national/subnational [6] . They contribute to the HCT analysis by providing essential information from needs assessments and monitoring to support the HCTs development of Strategic Objectives and other policy guidance. Consider the resources available (transportation, for instance), as well as the security of the data collectors and affected populations. IOM should be present at all cluster meetings that relate to IOM's programming both planned and ongoing. When a crisis occurs, an immediate priority is to assess the needs of affected populations to inform decision-making and the allocation of resources. Residents who begin to clean-up should wear protective clothing and wear appropriate face coverings or masks if cleaning mold or other debris. The cluster approach provides the coordination architecture for non-refugee humanitarian emergencies. Humanitarian Coordination Task Team Humanitarian Coordination Task Team (Last updated on: 30 Oct 2022) View Group National humanitarian coordination is being coordinated by Humanitarian coordination Task Team of the Country which is co-chaired by UNRC and Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief. The name of this forum may vary depending on the context but its main purpose is to create a space for cluster leads to share information and discuss crosscutting issues. The Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) is the Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, and leads the IASC. Governments and local authorities have coordination structures for crisis response established under existing laws and procedures. HCT membership can include UN Agencies, including IOM, NGOs and, subject to their individual mandates, components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Coordination within this field allows for the most efficient, cost effective, and successful operations possible. The Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) is responsible for assessing whether or not an international response to crisis is warranted and for ensuring the humanitarian response efforts, if needed, are well organised. The type of analysis will vary; however, at a minimum, data should be disaggregated by age and by sex, as well as on multisector needs (WASH, food and the like). They are responsible for strengthening system-wide preparedness and for providing technical capacity to respond to humanitarian emergencies within their respective sectors. The humanitarian programme cycle (HPC) is a coordinated series of actions undertaken to help prepare for, manage and deliver humanitarian response. Ideally, contingency plans prepared prior to a crisis, by the authorities in charge, outline the arrangements for coordinating the response of the various actors. Service provided by United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs OCHA coordinates the global emergency response to save lives and protect people in humanitarian crises. As efforts switch from response to recovery, more personnel are on their way to the region to support emergency officials efforts. Under the overall supervision of the Head of Office (HoO), OCHA Chad, the incumbent reports to the Deputy Head of Office (DHoO). The HCT aims to provide common strategic and policy guidance for the overall humanitarian response. Humanitarian coordination seeks to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response by ensuring greater predictability, accountability and partnership. A lock () or https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. In a complex emergency, the . It is focused on improving the effectiveness of operational response, as well as ensuring accountability and inclusion, greater collective advocacy, improved collaboration between humanitarian and development agencies, and better humanitarian resourcing. Org. Individual clusters focus on key sectors of humanitarian action (water, health, logistics, education, protection, shelter and the like). The frontline responders are first and foremost at the local level. If so, a review of past data-collection tools and methodologies is useful to select the most efficient and appropriate method to collect necessary data. By doing so, OCHA influences timely decision-making to support more effective humanitarian response and emergency preparedness. Humanitarian agencies can assist governments, upon request, to respond to emergencies. Humanitarian coordination involves bringing together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent and principled response to emergencies. The Humanitarian Coordination Team (HCT), in collaboration with other humanitarian partners and basic human needs actors, have developed a related monitoring and reporting framework to report. However, if the response required is greater than local capacity can provide, national level actors step in. The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) is the main decision-making forum for humanitarian matters at the country level. USAID/BHA assists with disaster response coordination efforts between the UN Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) members and the Americas Support Team in response to the 2021 Haiti earthquake. Note: Like the HC and RC functions, the UNCT and HCT coexist; they do not replace each other. In the case of migrants caught in crises, foreign governments may play a role in providing assistance or other help. The Resident Coordinator is the leader of the United Nations country team and is normally the head of UNDP in a particular country. OCHA also helps ensure coordination between clusters at all phases of the response, including needs assessments, joint planning, and monitoring and evaluation. The .gov means its official. Shelters often serve as a. Humanitarian coordination seeks to improve the effectiveness of humanitarian response by ensuring greater predictability, accountability and partnership. Agreement must be reached on which Clusters to establish, and which organizations are to lead them. Particular attention should be paid to data protection to ensure respect for peoples privacy, dignity, and safety, to prevent discrimination, to protect confidentiality and to prevent unauthorized disclosure and inappropriate use of personal data. Assessments should be updated when there are significant changes in the situation. . There are a variety of existing mechanisms designed to enhance and facilitate coordination between organizations providing assistance in a given context. Factor in how often, or under what conditions, updates to the assessment findings should take place. 14 Story Street, 2nd FloorCambridge, MA, Harvard University Digital Accessibility Policy, Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, ATHA: Humanitarian Coordination: An Overview, atha_thematic_brief_humanitarian_coordination.pdf, Conflict and Food Systems Synthesis Report, Philippines Disaster Preparedness Scorecard, COVID-19-related mental health challenges and opportunities perceived by mental health providers in the Philippines. Government authorities enhance and facilitate coordination between organizations providing assistance or other help only shared! Global and national/subnational [ 6 ] partners establish strategic response plans and work towards outcomes! Unwilling to provide common strategic and policy guidance for the coordination architecture for non-refugee humanitarian.. 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