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    ' + "WindowResize": function() { { U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona has recognized Meeting Street Academy - Spartanburg, a public/private school of innovation partnership between Spartanburg School District 7 and Meeting Street Schools, as one of 325 National Blue Ribbon Schools for 2021.. Meeting Street Academy is recognized in the "Exemplary High-Performing Schools" category, placing it among the highest . else { Every student deserves access to a quality education and the opportunity to succeed. $(".wcm-controls").css("margin-top", "0px"); var template = this; visited MSACharleston and inspired our students and families with the story of his upbringing. '}' + "onTransitionStart" : function() { }, { Read moreMUSC studies whether vape flavors to help adult smokers quit outweigh risk to enticing kids, The Post and Courier "translateId" : "none", e.preventDefault(); var socialMediaHeader = ""; }, Meeting Street Elementary @ Brentwood celebrated the opening of a first-of-its kind clinic on campus, thanks to a partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina. dynStyleSheet.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); $("#gb-sticky-logo").append(''); "addMethod": "prepend", // PREPEND OR APPEND THE TRANSLATE ELEMENT var srcSplitLen = srcSplit.length; else { P: Phone: 864.253.1800 F: Fax: 864.253.1802. var imageRawSource = photo.src.split("? } } return true; // ADD SITENAME $("div.ui-widget.app .ui-widget-detail img") var slideNum = $(".rs-gallery-images-list li", element).length; this.Search(); 3/11/2023 10:54 AM. if(this.slideNum > slideMax) { $(this).parent().remove(); } e.preventDefault(); if(dynStyleSheet) { dynStyleSheet.appendChild(rules); "class": "twitter", })(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga'); }); // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']", _this.app).first().attr({"aria-hidden": "true", "data-visibility": "hidden"}); if(true) { "thumbnails" : "no", Ms. Kyndran Hilton, Principal at time of Nomination . //$(".gb-footer-google-map iframe").attr("src", googleMap); "descMoreLink" : "yes", $(".rs-gallery-container .rs-gallery-images .rs-gallery-images-list li img", element).removeAttr("style"); var viewWidth = ($(".rs-gallery-images", element).width() > 930) ? div.homepage-thumb-region.region-9 { Our team recently announced this exciting news at the Barnwell County Public Library to an audience of students, school leaders, local elected leaders and other community members. generously leased/donated land at 642 Meeting Street (corner of Meeting and Cool Blow Streets) for the future site of MSA-Charleston. "allLoaded" : function() { if((siteNameOne == "") && (siteNameTwo == "")) { $("#rs-gallery-videos-" + elemID + " .video").css({"height": (vidHeight + 40)}); } else if((siteNameOne == "") && (siteNameTwo != "")) { }, } $(".sw-channel-item").unbind("hover"); linkWrapStart + case template.KeyCodes.home: // UPDATE WIDTH AND HEIGHT VARIABLES "show": false, "primaryColor" : "#1A1A1A", $(document).on("keydown", function() { window.location = "//www.google.com/maps/place/" + mapURL; if($.trim($("#gb-search-input").val()) != "" && $.trim($("#gb-search-input").val()) != "I'm Searching for") { }, } else { this.Header(); if(false) { $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']", _this.app).first().prev("li").attr({"aria-hidden": "false", "data-visibility": "visible"}); $("#gb-search-input").focus(function() { }); "linkedElement" : ["image"], this.breakpoints = ["desktop", "768", "640", "480", "320"]; }); "autoRotate" : "yes", this.HeaderIsSticky = true; var userOptionsItems = ""; $(".rs-gallery-videos .video iframe", element).css({"width": "auto", "height": "auto"}); "apiKey": "", // ONLY FOR API VERSION "translateItemsList": true, // true = THE TRANSLATE ITEMS WILL BE AN UNORDERED LIST, false = THE TRANSLATE ITEMS WILL JUST BE A COLLECTION OF TAGS // USE SET TIMEOUT TO UPDATE ATTRIBUTES BECAUSE ANIMATION IS HANDLED VIA CSS }).blur(function() { function cycleNext(button) { When the school was founded in 2012 it served only 36 students in grades 3K - 4K with plans to phase in new classes each year. } "Slideshow": function() { subList.slideDown(300, "swing"); Not only did MSA challenge my daughter academically but it also exposed her to new things that she probably wouldnt have been exposed to at our previous neighborhood school. // FIRST CHILD IS VISIBLE Explore the Scholarship Experience Barnwell County Scholarship Launch Event 11/17/22 this.DynStyles(); .each(function() { '
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