Dr. Halsted's preceptor was Dr. Henry B. Sands. night in 1882, a critically ill 70 year old woman was at the verge of death at her daughter's home, suffering from fever, crippling pain, nausea, and an inflamed abdominal mass. A number of his professional associates, including Max Brdle, Adolf Meyer, John Shaw Billings, Abraham Flexner, and even Franklin P. Mall, all became candidates for his surgical services, but not all within this 8-year period. This marked the beginning of the use of rubber gloves in the operating room in this country. As I understand the account you have sent me you owe us. The members of the Board of Trustees of the hospital were not happy about this annual disappearance, this extended vacation, and one can find critical comments in their minutes on several occasions through the years. As noted earlier, in matters of religion, he was agnostic. Other leather goods came from a specific London firm. William Stewart Halsted, M.D. I need to get some idea as to what the university wishes done with the books, papers etc. Example: Exploratory laparotomy. After his death, Dr. Halsted's influence spread throughout the United States, and indeed the world. At 2 AM, a courageous surgeon put her on the kitchen table and performed the first known operation to remove gallstones. At first, I thought standard fees were set up to protect the patient, but I regret to inform you that, in this day, the county medical societies posted fees, so that if any physician charged less, he was severely castigated and reprimanded for doing so. The professor and Caroline. I thought it was hilarious how that came about. Unfortunately, Halsted became addicted and in 1885 was approached by his good friend, Dr. William Henry Welch, who was then a pathologist at Bellevue Hospital. 8%p6[#b@`YKFbF=(:L?mC^3tamw~n,ZgW. %R"+5z7._rcj\H]HC7dL,bL[xv#X?~TBGe8}5|Et:v$$. F6 The Halsted cottage at High Hampton. Presented in part at the annual meeting of the American Osler Society, Houston, Texas, April 2004. The obliteration of dead space in the wound. I am temporarily laid up with an attack of gout, but I hope that before long Dr. MacCallum and I can look over Dr. Halsted's books and papers. Before 22.8. Caroline was raised by her three aunts (Caroline, Anne, and Katie Hampton) in a small house behind the ruins of Millwood, General Hampton's plantation home, which had been burned by Union troops. Lister had recently introduced carbolic acid dips and sprays (that were irritating and toxic), but hand washing was discouraged because it was thought to force germs into skin crevices. It was much more common to find 2 residents and 2 nurses accounted for something like $40, overall. The old method was to slit a man from the chin down, take out his bowels, and spread them on a towel while you sorted them. The hospital officially opened in 1889 and Halsted was named surgeon in chief in 1890 and finally professor of surgery in 1892. He pursued his hobby of astronomy. One hundred years after his death, his legacy continues. Dr. Rienhoff was of the opinion that Halsted's addiction to cocaine was a great assistance to him in his experimental and clinical studies. His withdrawal from the pressures of his previous busy life in New York City gave him leisure to think and develop powers within himself that otherwise may have lain dormant. Voiced this way, his accidental cocaine addiction was a blessing.. Its all about understanding how tissues heal. Phenomenal interest rates or partial control of the land was the price of the loan, and both Ogden and his investors made quite a financial killing. Whatever it may be necessary to do, there will be no charge for the operation. On October 13, 1922, Dr. Welch replied to Caroline: I have received [your letter and later] the mementoes of Dr. Halsted, and am delighted to have them. Dr. Halsted did not have a private office in town, but would see his patients at the hospital or examine them in their homes. For many years, I heard the laundry story while at Hopkins, and said surely it was apocryphal, but I have seen evidence for the story in stacks of Parisian laundry slips. The exact type of surgery we don't know, but he has listed, detained 4 1/2 days, and has figured an appropriate fee for the time. He was a dandy, garbed in European tailored suits and Parisian cobbled boots, who dressed impeccably, even sending his dress shirts to Paris to be laundered. Mrs. Halsted's style was described as plain and austere. Nevertheless, the couple were remarkably well suited to each other, each being reserved and self-sufficient and described by others as socially aloof and somewhat eccentric., Osler commented about Halsted: He married a woman after his own heart. nn.M6\Hs#ndvs.vnHU#u;Z?qW|)M^! Mrs. Halsted, who generally arrived in May and stayed until Thanksgiving, literally ran the farm, directed the hired hands, and supervised the planting of those acres to which she was so devoted. The vertical component of the flap is also known as a relieving incision. During a long career as an Air Force physician, she held various positions from flight surgeon to DBMS (Director of Base Medical Services) and did everything from delivering babies to taking the controls of a B-52. government site. You will, I suppose, have it cut in 8 foot lengths, and later saw these up at the mill. In passing, I am sure there is no one in this Department who has not heard something of the following story. Muscle attachment is visible on the right-hand side. In 1919, Halsted underwent gallbladder surgery at Hopkins with temporary relief of his abdominal and chest pains. Mencken, certainly somebody who did not find it necessary to admire many men: He was one of the first surgeons to employ courtesy in surgery, to show any consideration for the insides of a man he was operating on. Whilst the complexity of microsurgery may not be routinely necessary in general dental practice, many of the principles and equipment used do improve the ease and predictability of standard surgical management. There is a lovely 18-hole golf course, 7 quick-drying tennis courts, and it is a very pleasant resort near Cashiers, North Carolina, at least for all of us who are interested in keeping the history of the Hamptons and Halsteds very much alive. Any medical or surgical procedure is done for some purpose. He would disappear for months at a time, apparently to binge on cocaine in privacy. Caroline Hampton Halsted, an eccentric but well matched helpmate. It seems that Dr. Halsted's younger brother, Richard, had been forbidden by Mr. Halsted to bring any friends home on weekends, because they ate them out of house and home. Definition 1 / 10 1) The Halstead Principle: also known as Tenets of Halsted in the medical community. I was quite sure he would, for he is easily the first man in America in his specialty, and possibly has no peer in his line in the world. I nearly collapsed at the meeting 3 days ago on hearing my name proposed for the highest honor that it is possible for a surgeon to receive. Correspondence between William Halsted and Douglas Bradley, 1913 to 1921, William Halsted to his sister Bertie (Mrs. John T. Terry Jr.) in New York City, Personal reminiscences of The Johns Hopkins Medical School and the Johns Hopkins Surgical Service 19151960, Proceedings (Baylor University. Modern surgical management reflects both a move towards evidence-based practice and the introduction of improved techniques and instrumentation. H\n@b"2x%REbJ b,,xRqr[n Accessibility To provide an idea of some of the surgical fees, Dr. Halsted went to Providence, Rhode Island to perform surgery. In this intussusception child, regardless of cost, if you can't come, send a substitute. Our surgical heritage. Box 2-1 Tenets of Halsted. He was one of 550 students registered for that 3-year course. Halsted then admitted himself to the Butler Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, and was treated by substituting morphine for cocaine. When The Johns Hopkins Hospital opened the following year, Dr. William Halsted appointed her chief nurse of the operating room, and she became his scrub nurse. Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between science and medicine. On January 7, 1920, Dr. Halsted wrote to Douglas Bradley in Cashiers: Mrs. Halsted asked me to send you the enclosed check and to say she would like to have you arrange for the cutting of 20 or 25 cords of firewood. Richard apparently came to William's aid and stood by him when the latter was suffering from his initial drug addiction, but there was never any reciprocation. When comparing these to what were called fee bills, one being a national average, another for New York, another for Baltimore, one can see that Halsted's fees, with rare exception, were not outlandish whatsoever. They went on to teach another generation, and many of todays most prominent surgeons and researchers can trace the line of their teachers teachers directly back to Halsted. She surprised her family in 1885 by packing her bags, heading for New York City to enter nursing school, and graduating from the New York Hospital in 1888. The editor would like to thank Dr. Olch's wife, Mary, for her generous help and permission to publish this work. The demise of Caroline's mother was followed by the death of her father, 9 months later at the battle of Fleetwood Hill at Brandy Station, Culpepper County, Virginia. She retired with the rank of Colonel. Without him it would be nothing. Example: Rumen fistulation. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. A committee of women offered to raise the money if the board would agree to admit women students. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Magnification using loupes is invaluable for periodontal surgery. The patient was irascible according to Cushing, and the family was even worse. These tenets still stand as guiding principles in periodontal surgery. In general, two relieving incisions (a three-sided flap) provide optimal access to the surgical site and reduce tissue tension (Fig 2-1). Dr. William Welch was best man, and the newlyweds honeymooned at the Hampton Hunting Lodge in Cashiers, North Carolina. Dr. Halsted purchased the 450-acre property from Mrs. Halsted's aunt shortly after their marriage. . When Dr. Halsted married Caroline Hampton, it was a merging of the wealthy merchant class of the north, with the planter aristocracy of the south. To make an animal sociality acceptable. Commonly used flap types and their synonyms are presented in Table 2-1 (pages 15, 16 and 17). Dr. Frank Mitchell administered ether anesthesia. Preserve vascularity What is Halstead's third principle of sx? This quest for information has taken me to manuscript collections in Baltimore, Washington, New York City, New Haven, and Columbia, South Carolina. Halsted, dressed impeccably, with some of his dogs at High Hampton. e-rN[#{>r%gK ,d{+YF6+"&0W+ I also gather that, at this point in time, it is in one of the worst sections of town. Halsted was said to be a very meticulous operator but was a head surgeon, not a hand surgeon, according to his close associate Dr. John M. T. Finney. I think a word about Richard might be in order, because he and Dr. Halsted were quite different in personality, and were not terribly close. Many important surgical programs, such as the one here at Duke, were started by Halsted's students. William Stewart Halsted: a lecture by Dr. Peter D. Olch. This was not that unusual, of course, reflecting the Victorian style of living. In 1890, Halsted and Caroline were married at Trinity Episcopal Church in Columbia, South Carolina. H\@}9s1j 8 1i/|3 He knew things.. Remember, being allowed to operate on another living being is a huge privilege, but comes with huge responsibility, too. It is very interesting to note that Sally courted many eligible males, including William Makepeace Thackeray, who became quite infatuated with young Miss Sally on a number of his lecture tours in the United States. Halsted's principles, also known as Tenets of Halsted in the medical community, are the basic principles of surgical technique regarding tissue handling, vascular occlusion, etc. FIGURE 4. and transmitted securely. In 1884, he became an accidental addict. He was impressed by a report by Dr. Carl Keller at a conference in Heidelberg, Germany, on the successful use of cocaine for anesthesia of the eye. There is little question that Mall was an important factor in Dr. Halsted's significantly improved support within the institution. Under their loving care, the estate flourished, and grew in size from 450 acres to 2000 acres. Many of the principles of modern day surgery are based on the teaching of William Halsted from the late nineteenth century. In 1885, Caroline surprised her family by moving to New York City to enter nursing school, graduating from New York Hospital in 1888. On leaving, I wrote on a slip of paper the following lines: But what delights could equal these that stir the spirit's inner deeps, when one who loves but knows not, reaps the truth from one who loves and knows. The engagement was announced within a week.. Life at High Hampton was a time for quiet contemplation, as well as writing, raising a superior collection of dahlias which he prized, and following the amateur hobby of astronomy. There are eight tenets of Halsted, also known as the Principles of Halsted or Surgery. ]DHNfw-'Kf=-`uyEzGfqhE;8]J 49wrV E=p 1cknr2R~7(mwW+"MM~}l|`+czSVU[=? U h1LP Dr. Halsted gradually bought out the surrounding small farmers, offering from $1 to $5 per acre. National Library of Medicine He also worked as a student assistant with Dr. John Call Dalton, Professor of Physiology. He tried very hard to discourage out-of-town consultations in surgery by charging a rather hefty fee: from $20 to $75 per hour for time spent out of Baltimore, when the normal fee in his day was $1 to $2 per mile for a visit. In fact, those laundry slips can be seen today. However, her independent and aristocratic nature immediately caused some friction with the superintendent of nurses. He spent little time with the junior house staff, and even less with the medical students, who were generally just as happy because his rounds were known as shifting dullness. In his weekly clinic with his students, he generally talked over the heads of about 95% of the group. 7 However, over the years, Halsted's method of "see one, do . Basic principles of surgical technique regarding tissue handling, vascular occlusion, etc., If followed, they improve soft tissue surgical success rate. Approximate tissue w/o tension What is Halstead's fifth principle of sx? All-Star Operation from William Stewart Halsted by W. G. MacCallum (Johns Hopkins Press, 1930). The text will describe modern surgical equipment and methods and contrast this with more traditional armamentaria and approaches. The obliteration of dead space in the wound. Principles of surgery. These vary in complexity from simple exodontia to technically demanding periodontal plastic surgery and include the management of periodontal and endodontic disease, preparation for and placement of implants, and preparatory treatment for fixed and removable prostheses (preprosthetic surgery). He was usually very modest about his accomplishments but in 1914 wrote to his sister Bertie (Mrs. John T. Terry Jr.) in New York City about an honor he received in Berlin. He developed the Halsted operation for the treatment of inguinal hernia, performed physiologic studies of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, modified the technique for thyroidectomy, and last but certainly not least, published his early work on surgical treatment of vascular aneurysm. Mr. Heaton vanished from sight never to be seen in the valley again, but Mrs. Heaton's grave can be visited today in the upper Zachary Cemetery on High Hampton property. Dr. Halsted's tombstone in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY. Now, Dr. Halsted's later qualities as a teacher left something to be desired. Abstract Introduction: William Stewart Halsted was born in New York in 1852 and is generally regarded as the most innovative and influential surgeon the United States has produced. He has been the best friend to me that any man could ever be.. Halsted was known as a bold and aggressive surgeon, a quality which was not to be part of his make-up in Baltimore. Was the first to use plate and screw techniques with burial screws for long bone fractures. He far preferred to operate at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, but on occasion would perform surgery in a Baltimore home for an added fee. Finally, I did make an attempt, in all fairness, to compare Dr. Halsted's fees to those of the time, because through the years I would hear people say: I wonder what Dr. Halsted charged for radical mastectomy. Where it was possible, we gathered together numbers that were available, and the range was from $100 to $2500. William Stewart Halsted. . In 2008 she published her memoirs, Women Aren't Supposed to Fly. Halsted graduated among the top 10 members in his class, and 18 months later, completed a period of training in the fourth surgical division at Bellevue Hospital, where he came under the influence of Drs. The course lasted 3 years and had no entry requirements. The site is secure. Dr. Olch was physically and intellectually vigorous (Fig. H\j }XaeK!=$+4Fw&. The horizontal component of the flap normally involves an intrasulcular or parasulcular incision around the gingival margins of the teeth of interest. Halsted obviously applied the floating scale for determining his fees. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, He also perfected the radical operation for carcinoma of the breast (which only recently has come under fire and now, of course, has undergone a rather important modification). However, he probably never overcame the addiction. It is very interesting that the service for assistants is provided as $200. In many respects, all of surgery ultimately became Halstedian. Thank you. 22.7. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help and one of the members of my staff in whom I take the greatest pride, has carried off all the honors of this meeting, I am told. Halsted favored fine silk sutures and was the first to show that the submucous layer was the strong layer of the intestine. The Halsteds. They respected him greatly, and he sent a good number to The Johns Hopkins Hospital, frequently paying their expenses. 162 0 obj <> endobj His department of surgery established four subspecialties: otolaryngology, urology, orthopedics, and neurosurgery. 1. The regular price per week for a bed in the ward is $20. I think there is little question that this concentrated-responsibility system of residency training was proposed, interestingly enough, by Dr. Osler to the Board of Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital (not as I have been told, when I was at Hopkins, by Dr. Halsted, but by Dr. Osler). You will find, in the Cushing papers, a letter from Halsted, apologizing profusely for the situation and saying: Dr. There was no laboratory or clinical work and students often did not see patients at all. And on February 7, 1920, Halsted wrote to Douglas Bradley: I am pleased to receive your letter and to know that all is going well at High Hampton and that you and Della and the children are all in good health. He spoke little, was focused, and 'nothing else existed but the work at hand'. Dr. Halsted was born on September 23, 1852. He was very busy, operating at multiple hospitals, and also taught anatomy. The search for perfection was obvious in many areas of Dr. Halsted's daily life. The gentle handling of tissues. With most cordial regard and best wishes, I am. Johns Hopkins Advanced Studies in Medicine. read and be the best in your profession. It was a common habit for the students to take up a collection each week, to give to their unfortunate colleague who was assigned to present a case to the Professor. However, those selected few residents, who trained under him for 7 years or more, were given complete patient responsibility, which was an unparalleled learning experience and a significant alteration to the German system initially adopted by Dr. Halsted. In an attempt to overcome this addiction, he was hospitalized in Butler Hospital for 6 months in 1886, and for 9 months in 1887. Where there is a need for greater access or relief of tissue tension, vertical relieving incisions may be employed. I then knew all that was up with him, and I sat down and chafed him a few minutes. Specific surgical techniques will be applicable to particular flap designs and procedures. 22.5. Dr. William F. Rienhoff Jr., who was the last surgical resident of Dr. Halsted, entered Johns Hopkins in 1910 as a medical student and later became a well-known professor of surgery at Hopkins. This compelling story is the beginning of an excellent new biography of William Halsted, the father of modern surgery, Genius on the Edge: The Bizarre Double Life of Dr. William Stewart Halsted, by Gerald Imber, MD. Previously, medical schools were little more than for-profit trade schools. Dr. Olch (left) with Mr. Jake Zeitlin at Mr. Zeitlin's Los Angeles antiquarian bookstore in the early 1980s. The Halsteds were described as opposites in appearance. She then moved to Baltimore, to be chief nurse of the surgical division of the newly opened Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1889. Many of you probably are familiar with Halsted Street; it is still so named in Chicago. s\A0W+ I am very sorry to learn that your wife is in such trouble. [i4Fk(Z R]vxQ9Ih"N#Y93#GS9R,La+ X|` j If followed, they improve soft tissue surgical success rate. HWn$>PUZo.5$N`F%-9UE( `&Ys]~{qW8:$H?#ws}rQ|)7W7WqC}wyz7Ud~$whxsS?^.mo7I9N%77z8Xg;OO;RRZr"d.#M'2A:em4)bChR)!(p5Z = zL}BtO2(86Z;fLi. [~2+seM GUcXqgZip_'$e But let me quote again, for instance, after examining a 3-year-old girl with cervical lymphadenopathy, we find a note: A terrible kid, consult $50 at least, one hour's torture by child. Or his comment on a $500 bill for performing a gastrojejunostomy: Paid within 12 hours. Following a shoulder amputation for a humeral tumor, he received $100, presented in the operating room: That doesn't happen too often. His anger is evident when a patient, whom he charged $500 for a cholecystectomy, apparently paid the hospital $150 instead (which in those days was perfectly acceptable). His story is interesting in more ways than one. Katie Pearce / Fall 2022 He was an odd duck in many ways. Caroline's mother, Sally Baxter Hampton, came from the same wealthy merchant class of the north as Dr. Halsted. Well indeed, Mr. Heaton ignored her threat, but on his return home after the sale to Dr. Halsted, he found his wife hanging from an oak tree on their property. Now, more than 100 years later, they still form the basis of modern surgical craftsmanship. He was sometimes observed by colleagues to be suffering drug effects or withdrawal symptoms. Mrs. Halsted, who generally arrived in May and stayed until Thanksgiving, literally ran the farm, directed the hired hands, and supervised the planting of the garden and crops. Yet this man who accomplished so much for science was a drug addict for 40 years. One relieving incision (a two-sided flap), however, may provide adequate access and improved blood supply and may reduce the number of sutures required for closure (Fig 2-2). It is said on good authority that the tablecloth had to be ironed in place on the table to ensure the absence of wrinkles. His shoes were all imported from a particular Paris boot maker. The .gov means its official. William S Halsted of John Hopkins University put forward a set of principles (Halstedian principles) in the 1890's for achieving the best results in surgery. First-, second-, and third-year students attended the same lectures each year and crowded the wards together. It was arranged with a dining room and 2 rooms of library space for secretaries on the first floor. The professor's entrance was greeted by catcalls, whistles, and yells, and general pandemonium raged between lectures. Describe the characteristics of different, commonly-used instruments, suture materials and needles. Careful haemostasis, using fine, non-irritating suture material in minimal amounts. High Hampton was an ideal retreat for Halsted, who loved solitude. .AZ /Mb~-q%UD3H:P>J'Bqol1 K`2,KDLpL$HN/Ni3a Ko Xp~"WXZ?ahZ5zhuC':q IwbBT$z;/:f>,fW:K5lD^U+FvTTqAp~{~G&+|jevByXHA[vke*l0n+V]jZcMj2XXiJvi0V;YH2K+D RJ)bw)TIAlk66Ua@T]hw)| On November 10, 1921, Dr. Halsted wrote to a neighbor's husband in the Cashiers vicinity: Your letter has just arrived. Nunn DB. The results, which led to the development of local and regional anesthesia, were published by Halsted in 1885. Contributions to surgery: The number and magnitude of Halsted's contributions to surgery are staggering. First train tonight. Well, Dr. Halsted hired a special train, and was on his way to Salisbury, North Carolina, when a second telegram intercepted the train at Alexandria, Virginia stating: Please have a special stop for Dr. Halsted. Yet we should strive to minimize iatrogenic trauma to tissues. There is a story, which some say is apocryphal, that Will Mayo was visiting Johns Hopkins and was observing Dr. Halsted perform a radical mastectomy. They provide a very interesting and enlightening picture of his relations with his patients during the period from 1894 to 1902, when he had a private practice. He never mentioned you without praise. Halsted's home (photograph taken by Dr. Olch in 1965). He was abrasive, abrupt, inconsiderate, forgetful, and apparently unfeeling: his personality quirks constantly antagonized his students and colleagues. T PS=cy^=83a There was no formal training system in the United States prior to that time, so medical school graduates The photographer is standing on top of Rock Mountain looking down at the artificial lake, which has now been dammed and stocked with fish. I cant help but wonder what would happen to such a man today. With the death of her parents, Caroline Hampton was raised by 3 maiden aunts. Describe in general terms how personnel, animals, instruments and equipment should be prepared for aseptic surgery. I hope you know how completely I reciprocated Dr. Halsted's feelings of affection. That evening, a dinner was given in Dr. Olch's honor, and the entire visit was quite remarkable. Halsted returned to Baltimore in early 1888, and, after the endorsements of Welch and Osler to the trustees, was later appointed surgeon in chief to The Johns Hopkins dispensary and acting surgeon at the hospital for 1 year. I subsequently learned that Dr. Peter D. Olch, Deputy Chief of the History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, had been invited to give the lecture. (c3^mX2eJ^TiH|*DM-'gqj.pAy3C,xaQHe9s1zH{5G:4g7,H-PsF'0'Xu:|s,cx 4El 0&~XlT,_|l0qT;]Y[&l, l1bQ=Vsv6+L 8 8 !Tl:XLl )@a {;> 0|4p+FW!zD(c m~7k9S\~:Hz . It is hard for me to tell you how much I appreciate all that you have done and are doing for me. In this, he discussed Halsted's principles of surgical technique, advising surgical students to handle tissues with great care, avoiding interruption of the circulation, and closing the incision carefully and gently, layer by layer, the sutures thus avoiding tension which might interfere with the blood supply. Further, the end of the forceps should be small to avoid crushing surrounding tissue and a drain was essential where there is necrotic tissue and infection. Rienhoff stated, These lessons to us as third and fourth year medical students were constantly drilled into us.. A Johns Hopkins founding physician, William Stewart Halsted, with the help of his wife, Caroline Hampton, pioneered modern surgery as he waged a lifelong battle against drug addiction. As a resident, was responsible for the inclusion of temperature charts in the medical record. In 1884, while experimenting with cocaine hydrochloride as a surgical anesthetic, Halsted and several of his colleagues and students became addicted to the drug. There is no one who can fill his place as he did. He felt the finest surgeons in the world were the leading surgeons of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland, and indeed, he made frequent trips abroad to their clinics. It seems that, in 1897, he offered one Hannibal Heaton, a neighbor who had 50 acres siding on his property, a certain price for his homestead. Young and his wife were also present. The student awards were announced during the School of Medicine's 52 nd annual commencement ceremony last week.. 2023 Student Awards . [~2+seM GUcXqgZip_'$e combined with adult learning principles. Dr. Mitchell was very active in Washington DC, and one of the early figures of George Washington University Hospital. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. History of the Surgery Residency Program In 1890, William Stewart Halsted became the first Chief of Surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital who transformed surgical education by creating the residency program. In late 1886, Halsted was invited by Welch to move to Baltimore and live with him and work in his laboratory while the new Johns Hopkins Hospital was being constructed. At this point, Dr. Halsted entered her picture again, for he immediately stepped in and appointed Caroline Hampton as Chief Nurse of the Operating Room, where she would have far more independence and not just incidentally be his scrub nurse. He was calm and detached in the operating room even in moments of surgical crises. Additionally, Ms. Christine Ruggere, Associate Director, Institute of the History of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, was extremely helpful with checking names and references. Dr. Hugh Hampton Young, associate professor of genito-urinary surgery at the J.H.U. Incidentally, Gertrude Stein was an early medical student there, but instead of sticking around to graduate she went to Paris to write poetry and become famous. In their surgery on dogs, they focused on intestinal anastomosis. They would have their evening meal together and visit from about 7:00 to 8:30. 6). This design is also referred to as a simple replaced flap and is utilised for open root surface debridement or where simple access for surgical exodontia is required. Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the It is said that Will stepped out of the operating room shaking his head after 2 hours and said: My God, this is the first time I have seen the wound healing at the upper end while it is still being operated upon at the lower end.. I would like to close with this frequently quoted summation of Halsted's life by H.L. Quiet, simple, unostentatious except in the medical world, where he towered, the full scale of his genius and the tremendous extent and value of his services to mankind were neither generally known nor generally appreciated. Halsted's innovations and contributions to surgery. | This book is comprised of 6 parts providing an introduction to the fundamentals of small animal soft tissue surgery, core principles that . He then would retire to his study on the second floor, and she to her quarters on the third. Cameron JL. After she developed a severe dermatitis, Dr. Halsted arranged to have the Goodyear Rubber Company make some thin rubber gloves strictly for her use. His letters (probably based on suggestions by Caroline) gave specific orders for planting crops, cutting wood, and purchasing animals, etc. Following cremation, he was buried in the family plot in Greenwood Cemetery in Brooklyn, New York, and this is his tombstone (Fig. We have a number of letters in the archives of the National Library of Medicine that he wrote to Dr. 191 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<83BEDD00D577EB46ABC64ACA37F855D6>]/Index[162 78]/Info 161 0 R/Length 124/Prev 164749/Root 163 0 R/Size 240/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream It provides insight into a crucial time in history when medicine was transitioning from superstition to science, when scientific surgery and modern medical education were being born. Halsted was born in 1852 in New York City, the son of a wealthy dry goods importer, and lived on Fifth Avenue. The 2nd Yale Research Symposium on Complementary and Integrative Medicine. They lived a strange sequestered life in a great big house where each had his own quarters and neither saw anybody. For replacement of a part by an artificial one. My children for years referred to Dr. Halsted as Uncle Willy, and my home is still filled with replicas of owls, all because of continuing involvement with William Stewart Halsted. Halsted requested the Goodyear Rubber Company to make two pairs of rubber gloves to protect her hands. However, in 1922, he developed jaundice and returned to Baltimore for removal of another common duct stone. He had a private practice limited to surgery, and from all accounts, his quiz (teaching sessions with the students) was very sound academically. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Strict aseptic technique during preparation and surgery. (SACRAMENTO) The UC Davis School of Medicine recently recognized more than 100 students, residents, faculty, and a staff member for their exceptional contributions to the medical school as part of its 2023 annual awards.. 2) as a subject for intense investigation was stimulated by the experiences I shared in 1955 and 1956 with my fellow interns on the Halsted Surgical Service at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. A treatment plan proposed by Welch consisted of a sea trip to the Windward Islands but failed. Wounds are resistant to infection when no bits of tissue have been: a. torn with clamps b. torn by the rough handling of retractors c. devitalized by hastily and carelessly applied ligatures. With these neighbors, the Halsteds would cover all the expenses themselves. eO}ZmW;:{tCczB=^/+w5cE)-+XQ;r: M 1PI4# OPKBOBYh Whether in the laboratory studying basic principles of the care and handling of wounds, or at the operating table or bedside, his scholarly and painstaking approach was a model for many, although it is said an aggravation to a few. One Saturday night, however, Richard appeared with friends in tow, and so the story goes, on Sunday morning, the old man looked daggers at them but did not say a word. Figure 4 shows his home at 1201 Eutaw Place, after being boarded up and shortly before being torn down in 1966 in a Baltimore urban renewal project. Seven of his residents became professors of surgery. He collected statistics to prove that gloves reduced the infection rate, although he wasnt always consistent: he once removed his gloves to better palpate a lesion and the patient got infected and died. In 1855, Sally married Frank Hampton, the younger brother of Wade Hampton III. Halsted's addiction to morphine continued, and his personality changed as he became more reclusive. It's not for everyone, but for many of you, surgery will be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things that you . Walking encyclopedias may still live in the dark ages. He was a heavy smoker of cigarettes, but rarely imbibed more than an occasional glass of wine. Some of the leading surgeons of the day, such as Rudolph Matas and W. W. Keen were guests at his home on occasion, but his aristocratic demeanor discouraged many individuals from approaching him. Perhaps his most important contribution to the field of surgery was educational. Osler W, Bates DG, Bensley EH. This discovery later greatly enlarged the scope of dentistry. They were well matchedhad no family, cared nothing for society but were devoted to their dogs and horses, and especially to each other.. His marriage was apparently sexless and his wife was also addicted to morphine. s\A0W+%fW] v%JG~~~~~~~~~~~~e'NYdE'N(;QtDE'N;1tbt68 Fglt68 Fglt68Ud9qBpIwOS>|c_ n% (September 23, 1852 - September 7, 1922) was an American surgeon who emphasized strict aseptic technique during surgical procedures, was an early champion of newly discovered anesthetics, and introduced several new operations, including the radical mastectomy for breast cancer. This, as you know, should be red oak or chestnut oak or hickory; we do not like white oak for the open fires. Dr. Halsted's relations with his colleagues varied. 8600 Rockville Pike His creative genius led to numerous innovations and contributions to surgery, some of which are listed in the Table. I will speak to the Superintendent, explaining the situation, in the hope that he may be able to reduce the price for her board. While the 2023 Principles of Community (POC) Week has officially concluded, the experiences, connections, memories, and takeaways will remain. What is Halstead's first principle of sx? One can find this in the minutes of the Board of Trustees in 1890, but it was immediately and enthusiastically adopted by Halsted and several other clinical programs. Following the strain of the fourth surgical division in the fall of 1878, and after a brief period as house physician (interestingly enough, not house surgeon, but house physician) at the New York hospital, he went to Europe for 2 years to further study in Austria and Germany, chiefly in the basic sciences and particularly in anatomy. High Hampton was the country estate where both Wade Hampton II and III rode, hunted, and escaped the summer heat and malaria of Columbia or Charleston, South Carolina. She was a very skilled rider and was known for her horsemanship (Figure (Figure44). There was one such transaction which ended in tragedy, placing Dr. Halsted's name forever in the annals of North Carolina folklore. It is also fascinating to realize that this flawed man was able to maintain an incredibly productive scientific career for 4 decades despite his addictions. It was a cold January day under clear Carolina skies when we accompanied Dr. Olch on the requisite tour of the Duke campus. In fact, she loved animals and especially horses. endstream endobj 166 0 obj <>stream And one week later (November 18, 1921), Halsted wrote to the patient: I regret that it is impossible for me to tell you what the nature of the operation is likely to be, but I presume from what the doctors have told you that you have nothing very serious. For 75 years, the Halsted Haines Company placed the family in a prominent financial and philanthropic position. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Olch developed lymphoma, eventually lost a hard fight against the cancer, and never published this paper. FIGURE 5. As a library, NLM provides access to scientific literature. Let's review Halsted's seven principles of surgical bliss. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The trials and tribulations of Mrs. Halsteds parents, as a house divided immediately before and during the Civil War, is a story unto itself. She preferred the outdoor life at High Hampton by far to the social amenities of Baltimore. 239 0 obj <>stream Little did I know that someday I would have the opportunity and pleasure to devote many hours, over a number of years, to an in-depth study of Dr. Halsted. It was anything but conducive to learning. y*^[2029w2Im0g00eiVf1p(`Qf`j\ He prepared a particular brand of Turkish coffee (after scrutinizing the selection of coffee beans) that was guaranteed to keep his guests awake for the rest of the night. In general most flaps can be described as having a horizontal and a vertical component. (Reproduced with permission from Dr. Bernard Jaffe.). William Mills Halsted, Jr. followed his father into the dry goods business, and as a frugal and rigid businessman, kept the family fortune intact. When Halsted went to medical school, surgeons still operated in street clothes, with bare hands, and major surgical procedures carried a mortality rate of nearly 50 percent. I would like to briefly discuss his personal life to give us a little more insight into his personality. These are the first 2 physicians in Dr. Halsted's direct ancestral line. Having just read MacCallum's biography of Halsted, I mentioned the topic of William Stewart Halsted, and Dr. Sabiston seemed interested. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. History When The Johns Hopkins Hospital first opened, a young surgeon from New York, William S. Halsted, M.D., was chosen as the first surgeon-in-chief, Halsted laid the foundation for surgical training as we now know it in the United States. It was a merger of the wealthy merchant class of the North with the planter aristocracy of the South. Caroline carried her two favorite dachshunds, Nip and Tuck, everywhere in a wicker basket. They prepared their own breakfasts alone in their respective living quarters, and he generally was away at mid-day. Nevertheless, it is amazing and somewhat miraculous that he was able to continue as the chief of surgery at Hopkins for 30 more years until his death in 1922. Halsted's principles, also known as Tenets of Halsted, are the basic principles of surgical technique regarding tissue handling. William Stewart Halsted was a pioneer of surgery in the USA and made many wide-ranging contributions, including the surgical treatment of breast cancer. Halsted introduced rubber gloves. Rankin JS. He was given morphine to help him withdraw from cocaine and ended up hooked on both drugs for the rest of his life. List the principles of successful surgery (e.g. 0 A myriad of flap designs exist in periodontal surgery. In 1880, he returned to New York City, and shortly thereafter, joined the faculty of P & S as a demonstrator of anatomy. (Reproduced with permission from Mrs. Mary Olch.). In the fall of 1979, Dr. David C. Sabiston Jr., as Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Duke University, called a chief residents meeting to ask for suggestions regarding the upcoming Clarence E. Gardner History of Medicine Lecture (Dr. Gardner was the second Chairman of Surgery at Duke). Halsted held that if you touched an intestine with your finger you injured it and the patient suffered the effects of the injury. After building the hospital they had run out of money and were desperately seeking an endowment to establish a medical school. here is some useful techniques and treatments for veterinarians. #VeterinarySurgery #PriciplesOfSurgery #TenetsOfHalstedA brief lecture on Introduction to Surgery and Tenets of Halstead. There were also comments regarding an operation for intestinal obstruction in a Hagerstown, Maryland farmhouse. ]zyy>^7Pvy/buo6iSx?r>9S2az8P=|nO;~91MR2,,Rwx>Y~=gmlC?5F_+ Dr. Halsted's relations with William Osler and Howard Kelly were more formal and professional. Periodontal surgery encompasses a broad range of procedures involving the supporting tissues of the teeth. Having read this chapter, the reader will be aware of general surgical techniques applicable to all aspects of periodontal surgery. They even admitted women on the same basis as men. This approach will reduce intra-operative bleeding and also m/>, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), 1: Principles and Practice of Periodontal Surgery 1: Case Selection and Planning, 3: Surgical Management of Gingival Overgrowth, 9: Mucogingival Grafting Procedures An Overview, 11: Soft Tissue Surgery Around Dental Implants, on 2: Principles and Practice of Periodontal Surgery 2: Basic Surgical Principles, Intrasulcular incision around teeth of interest (modified Widman involves a parasulcular incision prior to the sulcular incision), Access is limited to coronal aspects of root in most instances, Intrasulcular incision with one vertical relieving incision, Better access to deep periodontal lesions or root apices, Access is limited where roots are long or horizontal component of flap is short, Intrasulcular incision with bilateral vertical relieving incisions, Any periodontal surgery where maximum access is required, Access is usually fairly limited and these flap designs are now relatively outmoded for this reason, Incision down to bone, flap raised from bone with blunt dissection, Unsuitable for grafting does not offer vascular bed, Most often a three-sided design but variable, Used for free gingival or connective tissue grafting, Flap margins are replaced in original position, Not suitable for grafting or some crown-lengthening procedures, Repositioned flap (coronally, apically, laterally), Allows coverage of defects, grafts or exposure of tooth substance, Used for mucogingival surgery and crown lengthening. This actually is his future brother-in-law, Sam Vander Poele, and this is a gentleman by the name of Hotchkiss, who later became a very renowned surgeon in New York himself. These key points were introduced by William Stewart Halsted. The hospital officially opened in 1889 and Halsted was named surgeon in chief in 1890 and finally professor of surgery in 1892. Dr. Halsted was at High Hampton at the onset of his terminal illness. Reprinted with permission of the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. It is very kind and thoughtful of you to select the souvenirs, which I shall cherish in memory of my dearest friend and comrade of over forty years. Upon graduation from Andover, Yale, and the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, he trained in New York and spent 2 years in Europe studying anatomy and embryology. Part II. Halsted's research developed a better understanding of surgically amenable disease and a multitude of new techniques and . In addition to the first gallstone removal, he developed the radical mastectomy (radically improving the survival of breast cancer patients), the first successful hernia repair and aneurysm repair, and many techniques that improved the outcomes of surgery. At this time in his career, Dr. Halsted was an exceedingly busy, respected teacher, and a socially active bachelor sharing office space and living quarters with another physician, Dr. Thomas A. McBride. Also signalled advances in vascular surgery (first to excise a subclavian aneurysm). Definition of oral surgery Developing a surgical diagnosis or pre surgical evaluation Basic necessities for surgery or pre surgical preparation Aseptic technique Preparation of Patient and Surgeon Techniques of sterilization Maintainence of sterility Surgical staff preparation Incisions In a sense, the institution was practicing medicine, and actually, Osler, Kelly, and Halsted were not supposed to collect private fees (but they did). The following form generic guiding principles for operative surgical management. Mentoring is also an important aspect in teaching surgical technique. Halsted devised a surgical treatment for breast cancer and reshaped the way physicians practiced medicine in the twentieth century, which resulted in better health outcomes through more careful surgical methods, especially in women with breast cancer. William Stewart Halsted was the oldest of 4 children. He changed the training of surgeons from a disorganised apprenticeship to the residency training programmes used today. endstream endobj 163 0 obj <>>>/Metadata 25 0 R/Pages 160 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 164 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Tabs/W/Thumb 20 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 165 0 obj <>stream With the death of Richard Halsted, this line of the family name actually came to an end. Mrs. Halsted lived only a few months after Dr. Halsted's death. But despite such popularity and renown, some aspects of his life remain shrouded in mystery, or masked by suppression of information or misconception. (Welch had recently been appointed professor of pathology.) Have had a wonderful week, attending the Congress of German Surgeons and reading a paper. Mall's support allowed Halsted to go from geographic-fulltime to straight-fulltime in 1911; in other words, from a partly salaried position to a fully salaried position, and no longer with the ability to have private patients. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Haemostasis (or the lack thereof) is readily evident and demands attention before each surgery is completed and the patient discharged from hospital. It is quite an experience, if you ever visit Columbia, South Carolina. One of the legendary figures of surgery, William Stewart Halsted (Figure) made contributions that are, in using John Cameron's word, "staggering."1His novel surgical techniques influenced surgeons for decades in such wide- ranging areas as breast cancer, hernia repair, intestinal anastomosis, and internal fixation of fractures. To aid in diagnosis. An aseptic technique. 5, 6 This system, proposed by William Halsted in 1889, remains the framework of most medical and veterinary surgical programs worldwide. Richard apparently was a rather heavy imbiber, and in 1915, he was hospitalized for GI hemorrhage, felt to be due to esophageal varices secondary to cirrhosis of the liver. Well, Mr. Heaton was willing to make the sale, but Mrs. Heaton was not. There are eight tenets of Halsted, also known as the Principles of Halsted or Surgery. For investigation in research work. He had undergone gallbladder surgery in 1919, but in the summer of 1922, the characteristic symptoms and marked jaundice recurred. Postoperative complications occurred, and he died on September 7, 1922. endstream endobj startxref Oil painting The White Owl of High Hampton by Ms. Lily Byrd McKee. My initial interest in Dr. Halsted (Fig. (Reproduced with permission from the Johns Hopkins Archives, Johns Hopkins Press. Sharp anatomic dissection of tissues. This was truly a very unique experience, and it left an indelible impression on my mind. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Obliterate dead space I have declined an invitation to a banquet given by the English members of the International Society of Urology, which is now holding in London its second triennial Congress. In 1890, William Stewart Halsted became the first Chief of Surgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital who transformed surgical education by . Nunn DB. He only worked part of each year. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. He was an excellent teacher with the exceptional student or resident, but devoted little time to the others. (Reproduced with permission from William D. McKee, Jr., High Hampton Inn, Cashiers, NC.). These were removed, but he died postoperatively on September 7, 1922, basically due to bacterial infection which now would be no problem whatsoever. With his equally renowned colleagues internist William Osler, pathologist William Welch, and gynecologist Howard Kelly, he helped revolutionize the training of doctors by creating the first modern medical school at Johns Hopkins. Promoted rubber gloves for scrub nurse Caroline (see discussion in article). 8600 Rockville Pike Dr. Rienhoff produced an interesting manuscript of his personal reminiscences from 1915 to 1960. BVSc & AH Course: bachelors of veterinary science and animal husbandry (BVSc and AH) UG course is available on vetscraft. the contents by NLM or the National Institutes of Health. He entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New York in 1874, when it was a preparatory school, alike to Columbia College only in name. Let us remember this pantheon of pioneers, these "Magnificent Seven". I am also especially grateful to Ms. Cynthia Orticio for her expert technical assistance in preparing the manuscript. Given Dr. Olch's extraordinary insight into Dr. Halsted's character, which was based on many years of assiduous study, it seemed appropriate to publish this work posthumously after a quarter century. Most surgeons understand the need to minimize dead space and take measures to close itThis chapter aims to highlight the most important principles of surgery that have an impact on outcome. Dr. William Stewart Halsted (portrait by Stocksdale). FIGURE 3. He once wrote Dr. Harvey Cushing, who at the time was his chief resident, explaining how to get messages to him: by telegram to Hendersonville, by telephone to Brevard, then to Sapphire, and finally by horseback to Cashiers.. This is a man whose picture was painted to me as being very stern, cold, and humorless (at least while I was training at Johns Hopkins and in medical school). Halsted and several colleagues and medical students in New York City began a series of experiments on themselves. Careful . It has taken me to the newspaper morgue and County Medical Society in Santa Barbara, California, to a mental hospital in Providence, Rhode Island, to the Civil War battlefield at Brandy Station, Virginia, and to graveyards here in the hills in western North Carolina. The next generation of Halsteds moved from Long Island to the area of Elizabethtown, New Jersey, where Robert and Caleb Halsted were born in 1746 and 1752. Example: Castration in a male cat. He married late in life and had no children. [2] [3] Gentle handling of tissue Meticulous haemostasis Preservation of blood supply I was pleased to learn that one of my heroes, John Wesley Powell of Colorado River fame, had been Halsted's patient for his third, and first successful, amputation-stump revision. Certainly, this model of residency training, which has evolved into the system that exists at Duke today, is probably the major contribution of that institution to American medicine. [1] These key points were introduced in the late 19th century by William Stewart Halsted, co-founder of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Reprinted with permission of the Alan Mason Chesney Medical Archives of The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. When the former returned to Hopkins as Professor of Anatomy, the relationship grew even closer. Halsted developed a novel residency training program while at Johns Hopkins Hospital that, with some modifications, became the model for surgical and medical residency training in North America. I have interviewed former colleagues and members of his family. He became associated with his former preceptor, Sands, at the Roosevelt Hospital, where Halsted actually initiated the Outpatient Department. Visiting dignitaries were occasionally entertained at their home, but after a period, the entertaining was done at the Maryland Club without Mrs. Halsted. Osler in the Inner History of the Johns Hopkins Hospital stated: Dr. That was a new doctrine when he began. Dr. Halsted became enthralled with the beauty of the Hampton estate and realized it would be a retreat from the heat and humidity of the Baltimore summers. Eleven days later, Caroline Halsted wrote from 1201 Eutaw Place in Baltimore. Developed new operations for intestinal, stomach, gallbladder, thyroid, hernia, and breast surgery. Inclusion in an NLM database does not imply endorsement of, or agreement with, I think an excellent illustration of this characteristic of Dr. Halsted's father is seen in an incident related by an intimate friend of the family. They will help you, like the singer Sade, become a "smooth operator." 1. I will not bore you with a lot of genealogy, but he was the son of William Mills Halsted, Jr., and Mary Louise Hanes. From 1892 to 1893, he purchased over 400 acres from Caroline's aunts and called the property High Hampton, a name that combined the two families, as the Halsted estate in England had been called High Halsted. Later, the Halsteds built a cottage and a guest house (Figure (Figure33). endstream endobj 167 0 obj <>stream 8TEQ'=k[h$P^r*Muiv|-! 22.6. Meticulous technique and careful tissue-handling married with microsurgical instrumentation will provide predictable and aesthetic healing in the majority of cases. The Department of Surgery over that period was the responsibility of Dr. J. M. T. Finney, Halsted's Senior Resident: that would be a 4-month spread. Yesterday Osler [Sir William Osler] came down from Oxford to see me and gave me a nice luncheon at the Automobile Club. The memory of his wonderful character and life and devotion must be your most precious possession. I understand you are eager to have all such matters looked after and settled as soon as possible. It even included laboratory training with Dr. William H. Welch, who had just recently returned from Germany and was beginning to introduce scientific medicine to the physicians of New York. The principles include: Gentle handling of tissue. The inner history of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. During this period, Dr. Halsted and his coworkers developed neuro-regional anesthesia through experiments with cocaine. The practitioner will understand the value and use of microsurgical methods and how these principles can be transferred to their own surgical practice. His mastectomy operation for breast cancer revolutionised what was once a uniformly fatal disease. Periodontal surgical methods were practised in Roman times when diseased gingival tissues were excised with crude instruments and without local anaesthetic. She worked in the fields with the hired hands from morning till night. >'Yy'2Dx?eAgyCgKp]A~W{so'E%0_:T|9UQqEz6Z s|)-ffIyM &|xrYO U455u'MQzsAm3D*1pR (Thus Caroline was the first medical professional to wear them.). This is an artist's depiction of the event (Fig. Apparently, the name was changed because the Halsted family ceded certain property rights to the city on its incorporation. He returned to Baltimore where he was operated upon again, and in fact, residual stones were found in his common duct. In an address on the "Training of the Surgeon" presented at Yale in 1904, Halsted said, [i4Fk(Z R]vxQ9Ih"N#Y93#GS9R,La+ X|` j The last five years, however, have embraced rapid changes in therapeutic techniques owing to our greater understanding of the biological principles of healing and the consequences of surgical insult. In all candor, I suspect Halsted felt that Osler was a bit of a clown. Halsted's principles, also known as Tenets of Halsted in the medical community, are the basic principles of surgical technique regarding tissue handling, vascular occlusion, etc. If followed, they improve soft tissue surgical success rate. The site is secure. He was a mediocre student, but an exceptional athlete. Keywords Introduction Example: removal of a benign tumour. This again, as we have noted, is in marked contrast to his teaching reputation in New York. Was the first to use cocaine for local and regional anesthesia and also the first to demonstrate spinal anesthesia. Richard did not attend college but became a successful broker on Wall Street. However, their displeasure did not prevent the annual event. Caroline and Halsted took a great deal of interest in their mountain neighbors who depended on Dr. Halsted (probably the first physician in Cashiers) for their medical needs. Of these Lister is one. Now I hasten to restate that my intentions were not to cast smut upon his fine white linens, nor to remove him from a pedestal (or to paraphrase a statement made by Dr. Cyril O. Houle some years ago in writing about William Osler: Indeed it is growing increasingly difficult to see him clearly through the clouds of incense rising from the altars erected to his memory by his former associates and friends). Cushing was very upset about being left in this position, and when he returned to Baltimore, he let this be known through the grapevine to Dr. Halsted. Though his extensive private library contained chiefly surgical and related medical monographs, his literary tastes were really quite broad. Sometimes he would leave in the middle of an operation, saying he had a headache, leaving his residents to finish the procedure. The lessons of Theodor Billroth, Theodor Kocher, William Halsted, Charles Mayo, George Crile, Frank Lahey and Thomas Dunhill are to be forever relearned and respected.

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