* * *. Some commenters were in support of the revisions to this section. No Federal awarding agency may place restrictions on the non-Federal entity that limit public access to the records of the non-Federal entity pertinent to a Federal award, except for protected personally identifiable information (PII) or when the Federal awarding agency can demonstrate that such records will be kept confidential and would have been exempted from disclosure pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. (b) Application to Federal awards. The revisions are intended to reduce recipient burden by improving consistent interpretation. 39. The revision to 2 CFR 200.414(f) expands use of the de minimis rate of 10 percent of modified total direct costs (MTDC) to all non-Federal entities (except for those described in Appendix VII to Part 200State and Local Government and Indian Tribe Indirect Cost Proposals, paragraph D.1.b). (d) Cost objectives. (a) Federal financial assistance, for the purposes of this part, means assistance that entities received or administer in the form of: (2) Cooperative agreements (which does not include a cooperative research and development agreement pursuant to the Federal Technology Transfer Act of 1986, as amended (15 U.S.C. The Federal awarding agency must perform the following for the Federal awards it makes (See also the requirements of 200.211):Start Printed Page 49574. (vi) A statement as to whether the audit disclosed any audit findings that the auditor is required to report under 200.516(a); (vii) An identification of major programs by listing each individual major program; however, in the case of a cluster of programs, only the cluster name as shown on the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards is required; (viii) The dollar threshold used to distinguish between Type A and Type B programs, as described in 200.518(b)(1) or (3) when a recalculation of the Type A threshold is required for large loan or loan guarantees; and. OMB removed duplicate recipients based on recipient Data Universal Numbering System Number (DUNS) numbers, from Dun & Bradstreet (D&B). (e) Volunteer services furnished by third-party professional and technical personnel, consultants, and other skilled and unskilled labor may be counted as cost sharing or matching if the service is an integral and necessary part of an approved project or program. (2) Accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial results of each Federal award or program in accordance with the reporting requirements set forth in 200.328 and 200.329. For example, salaries of technical staff, laboratory supplies (e.g., chemicals), telephone toll charges, animals, animal care costs, computer costs, travel costs, and specialized shop costs must be treated as direct costs wherever identifiable to a particular cost objective. Non-Federal entity means all of the following, as defined in 2 CFR part 25: i. After discussion, OMB declines this comment as it is out of scope for this revision but will consider the comment for a future revision of 2 CFR. (e) The Federal awarding agency must notify recipients in writing regarding its decision to restrict all future awards and/or to terminate or void a grant or cooperative agreement. Any loss, damage, or theft must be investigated. All rights reserved. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is revising sections of OMB Guidance for Grants and Agreements. Companies can use incremental cost analysis to help determine the profitability of their business segments. (c) Full text of funding opportunities. OMB concurred with the commenter and made revisions accordingly. warehousing, transportation, etc. (iii) The reason for the return (e.g., excess cash, funds not spent, interest, part interest part other, etc.). The regulations in 2 CFR part 183 affect covered contracts, grants and cooperative agreements that are expected to exceed $50,000 within the period of performance, are performed outside the United States and its territories, and are in support of a contingency operation in which members of the Armed Forces are actively engaged in hostilities. The non-Federal entity should review instructions from the original Federal agency payment system. contains both variable and fixed cost element. Further, comments asked for OMB to develop guidance to help ensure that Federal awarding agencies have the appropriate controls in place with respect to their processes for making awarding decisions. (5), and 2.e. If applicable, the Federal awarding agency may inform applicants and recipients that they do not need to provide certain information otherwise required by the relevant information collection. (c) The non-Federal entity is subject to applicable regulations governing patents and inventions, including governmentwide regulations issued by the Department of Commerce at 37 CFR part 401, Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Awards, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements.. 106/Friday, June 2, 2023/Notices 36337 1 88 FR 30785 (May 12, 2023). Subsidiary means an entity in which more than 50 percent of the entity is owned or controlled directly by a parent corporation or through another subsidiary of a parent corporation. Quality Management a. The auditor must follow-up on prior audit findings, perform procedures to assess the reasonableness of the summary schedule of prior audit findings prepared by the auditee in accordance with 200.511(b), and report, as a current year audit finding, when the auditor concludes that the summary schedule of prior audit findings materially misrepresents the status of any prior audit finding. A state must use, manage and dispose of equipment acquired under a Federal award by the state in accordance with state laws and procedures. 1. (2) Are contributed by non-Federal third parties, without charge, to a non-Federal entity under a Federal award. Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) is defined at 20 U.S.C. Reporting requirements must be clearly articulated such that, where appropriate, performance during the execution of the Federal award has a standard against which non-Federal entity performance can be measured. In addition, certain provisions among the items of cost in this subpart are only applicable to certain types of non-Federal entities, as specified in the following sections: (a) Direct and Indirect (F&A) Costs (200.412-200.415) of this subpart; (b) Special Considerations for States, Local Governments and Indian Tribes (200.416 and 200.417) of this subpart; and. Non-Federal entity has the meaning given in 2 CFR 200.1 and also includes all of the following, for the purposes of this part: (c) A domestic or foreign for-profit organization. This fee should reflect costs incurred by the Federal agency and the non-Federal entity. However, OMB recognizes that providing additional time may increase the likelihood that non-Federal entities will not submit their final closeout reports. These include rent, utilities and administrative expenses, such as office supplies and salaries. (d) Each report referenced in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall include: (1) The executive agency taking such action. Fixed costs do not always remain the same. (1) Prior to making a Federal award, the Federal awarding agency is required by the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act of 2012, 31 U.S.C. OMB did not make any changes to the final language based on these comments. 13. 96. (f) Automobiles. Local government means any unit of government within a state, including a: (8) Local public authority, including any public housing agency under the United States Housing Act of 1937;Start Printed Page 49534, (12) Council of governments, whether or not incorporated as a nonprofit corporation under State law; and. L. 114-264). You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. This is especially true for entities with high ratio of indirect to direct costs. A merit review is an objective process of evaluating Federal award applications in accordance with written standards set forth by the Federal awarding agency. There were several comments provided in response to the changes made to 2 CFR 200.203. (1) Internal control deficiencies that were identified as material weaknesses in the auditor's report on internal control for major programs as required under 200.515(c); (2) A modified opinion on a major program in the auditor's report on major programs as required under 200.515(c); or. b. Register (ACFR) issues a regulation granting it official legal status. An appropriate share of the non-Federal entity's indirect costs may be allocated to the amount of settlements with contractors and/or subrecipients, provided that the amount allocated is otherwise consistent with the basic guidelines contained in 200.414. Employees can exercise these benefits at other institutions according to institutional policy. If a renewal award is issued, a distinct Period of Performance will begin. OMB concurred with a suggestion to remove a reference to the Recovery Act in appendix A. 1753); (ii) Commodity Assistance (section 6 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. In July 2012, values for these two indices (taken respectively from the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Labs for the 21st Century benchmarking tool and the US Department of Energy Buildings Energy Databook and were 310 kBtu/sq ft-yr. and 155 kBtu/sq ft-yr., so that the adjustment ratio is 2.0 by this methodology. (2) Federal award information, including sufficient information to help an applicant make an informed decision about whether to submit an application. Fund raising costs for the purposes of meeting the Federal program objectives are allowable with prior written approval from the Federal awarding agency. In the cost of goods sold account, the product cost of goods sold is transferred. OMB acknowledges that this is a significant change in how the community refers to these forms and will ensure that any future guidance on the adoption of standard data elements clarifies the use of common forms. In response to commenters, OMB has removed 2 CFR 200.200(b) and made other technical corrections accordingly. See the definition of indirect (facilities & administrative (F&A)) costs in 200.1 of this part. Further, there were many comments that expressed concern about removing 2 CFR 200.309 from the guidance due to burden with other entities that reference 2 CFR within their own rules and regulations. Each audit finding in the schedule of findings and questioned costs must include a reference number in the format meeting the requirements of the data collection form submission required by 200.512(b) to allow for easy referencing of the audit findings during follow-up. (5) After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate. Definition: Indirect costs are those expenses that are incurred in common for different projects, products, or business activities and cannot be easily divided for individual projects, products, or activities. Except as otherwise provided by Federal statutes or by the Federal awarding agency, real property will be used for the originally authorized purpose as long as needed for that purpose, during which time the non-Federal entity must not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests. 450b(1)) must be available publicly on an OMB-designated Federal website. Cost allocation plan means central service cost allocation plan or public assistance cost allocation plan. The Federal awarding agency may make site visits as warranted by program needs. Since this part does not apply to for-profit subrecipients, the pass-through entity is responsible for establishing requirements, as necessary, to ensure compliance by for-profit subrecipients. 2313), then archived; (3) Each Federal awarding agency that considers making a Federal award to the non-Federal entity during that five year period must consider that information in judging whether the non-Federal entity is qualified to receive the Federal award when the total Federal share of the Federal award is expected to include an amount of Federal funding in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold over the period of performance; (4) The non-Federal entity may go to the awardee integrity and performance portal accessible through SAM (currently the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System (CPARS)) and comment on any information the system contains about the non-Federal entity itself; and. Unallowable costs include: (4) Costs of prosecutorial activities unless treated as a direct cost to a specific program if authorized by statute or regulation (however, this does not preclude the allowability of other legal activities of the Attorney General as described in 200.435); and. The amount of compensation must be computed in the same manner as for equipment. A separate indirect cost rate(s) is usually necessary for each department or agency of the governmental unit claiming indirect costs under Federal awards. These payments are generally separate transactions and may be necessary under certain statutory, contractual, administrative, or other legally applicable requirements. (1) Tangible or intangible assets used in operations having a useful life of more than one year which are capitalized in accordance with GAAP. An IHE must file amendments to the DS-2 to the cognizant agency for indirect costs in advance of a disclosed practice being changed to comply with a new or modified standard, or when a practice is changed for other reasons. ; a non-Federal entity that is replaced by a successor), or subsidiary, identified for that applicant in FAPIIS, if applicable. Let's say, as an example, a company is considering increasing their production of goods but needs to understand the incremental costs involved. 48. The current administration has expressed the desire to scale back University overhead reimbursements to help reduce the budget. OMB and the interagency work group also thought that there was a need for additional clarity on who the requirements actually apply to and in what situation. Raleigh, NC 27607. (4) Wherever the general terms and conditions are publicly available, the Federal awarding agency must maintain an archive of previous versions of the general terms and conditions, with effective dates, for use by the non-Federal entity, auditors, or others. 1776). When a current program-specific audit guide is available, the auditor must follow GAGAS and the guide when performing a program-specific audit. For example, if the price of an essential component used in the production of goods fluctuates over time, the value of a cost item can be assigned based on which item was added to inventory first (method known as FIFO or first-in-first-out) or last (LIFO or last-in-first-out). Each document posted on the site includes a link to the 2324(e) and 41 U.S.C. The auditee must prepare financial statements that reflect its financial position, results of operations or changes in net assets, and, where appropriate, cash flows for the fiscal year audited. ; a listing of all non-operating transfers (as defined by GAAP) into and out of the fund; a description of the procedures (methodology) used to charge the costs of each service to users, including how billing rates are determined; a schedule of current rates; and, a schedule comparing total revenues (including imputed revenues) generated by the service to the allowable costs of the service, as determined under this part, with an explanation of how variances will be handled. (See also 200.415.). Federal Register. If small purchase procedures are used, price or rate quotations must be obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources as determined appropriate by the non-Federal entity. To provide clarity and consistency among Federal awarding agencies, a revision to include program evaluation costs as an example of a direct cost under a Federal award has been included in 2 CFR 200.413 Direct costs. (i) A cooperative research and development agreement as defined in 15 U.S.C. (2) When no Assistance Listings Number is assigned, all Federal awards from the same agency made for the same purpose must be combined and considered one program. ii) Indirect Costs : Indirect costs cannot be traced to a single product or are uneconomical to do so. That is where the requirement to update each Assistance Listing on an annual basis is specified, and it is not necessary to include this level of detail in 2 CFR 200.203. Ordinarily program income must be deducted from total allowable costs to determine the net allowable costs. Use of grant agreements (including fixed amount awards), cooperative agreements, and contracts. There are no Federal requirements governing the disposition of income earned after the end of the period of performance for the Federal award, unless the Federal awarding agency regulations or the terms and conditions of the Federal award provide otherwise. (1) This part establishes uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards to non-Federal entities, as described in 200.101. Revisions were made to this paragraph to alleviate confusion and accurately reflect how the simplified acquisition may be determined. Direct materials, direct supplies and direct labor, Selling, general and administrative expenses (SG&A), Direct Costs = Direct Materials + Direct Labor + Other Direct Expenses, Indirect Costs = Total Costs - Total Direct Costs, More likely to be variable and change with output levels, More likely to be fixed and remain the same independently of output levels, Sold: Income Statement >>> Cost of Goods Sold, Sold and allocated to cost object: Income Statement >>> Cost of Goods Sold, Labor Costs: Direct or Indirect? (1) Subject to subsection b, the separate categories of indirect (F&A) costs allocated to each major function of the institution as prescribed in Section B, must be aggregated and treated as a common pool for that function. Amend 200.519 by revising paragraph (d)(1) to read as follows: (1) The nature of a Federal program may indicate risk. See also 200.208. 7501-7507). (b) Exceptions. The State will comply with 200.321, 200.322, and 200.323 and ensure that every purchase order or other contract includes any clauses required by 200.327. can the finished products of one company become the raw materials of another company? In other instances, it has come to OMB's attention that the interpretation of certain provisions was not consistent with the intent of 2 CFR part 200. 200.201Use of grant agreements (including fixed amount awards), cooperative agreements, and contracts, 200.207Standard application requirements, 200.312Federally-owned and exempt property, 200.331Subrecipient and contractor determinations. Real property means land, including land improvements, structures and appurtenances thereto, but excludes moveable machinery and equipment. The expenses under this heading are those that have been incurred for the operation of the library, including the cost of books and library materials purchased for the library, less any items of library income that qualify as applicable credits under 200.406. Indirect labour refers to workers employed for the purpose of carrying out tasks related to the goods or services provided. This repetition of headings to form internal navigation links (iv) Encompass federally-assisted and all other activities compensated by the non-Federal entity on an integrated basis, but may include the use of subsidiary records as defined in the non-Federal entity's written policy; (C) The non-Federal entity's system of internal controls includes processes to review after-the-fact interim charges made to a Federal award based on budget estimates. Protected Personally Identifiable Information (Protected PII) means an individual's first name or first initial and last name in combination with any one or more of types of information, including, but not limited to, social security number, passport number, credit card numbers, clearances, bank numbers, biometrics, date and place of birth, mother's maiden name, criminal, medical and financial records, educational transcripts. OMB received several comments that were concerned with awarding a de minimis rate that is higher than a Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (NICRA). (4) The inclusion, unless waived by the Federal awarding agency, of costs that require prior approval in accordance with subpart E of this part as applicable. (ii) Activities under Federal awards from other Federal awarding agencies. corresponding official PDF file on govinfo.gov. Some examples of the pooled costs used by the University in determining its indirect cost rates and . See also 200.310 through 200.316 and 200.439. read more, which is directly associated with production and is identified with a particular cost object of a business. (2) The value of donated equipment must not exceed the fair market value of equipment of the same age and condition at the time of donation. 670-679c); (iv) Aid to the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (titles I, X, XIV, and XVI-AABD of the Act, as amended); (v) Medical Assistance (Medicaid) (title XIX of the Act, 42 U.S.C. (iii) State Administrative Expenses (section 7 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. Based on feedback provided by agencies and in light of the COVID-19 emergency and past emergency Start Printed Page 49518situations where this requirement has been waived, OMB added an exception in 25.110 allowing agencies to waive the requirement to register in SAM when there are exigent circumstances that would prevent an applicant from registering prior to the submission of an application. indirect materials, indirect labor, maintence and repairs on production equipment. In support of Strategies 1 and 2, OMB is implementing changes throughout 2 CFR to modernize reporting by recipients of Federal grants by requiring Federal agencies to adopt standard data elements for the information recipients are required to report (available at: https://ussm.gsa.gov/fibf/). This method is acceptable, provided each joint cost is prorated using a base which accurately measures the benefits provided to each Federal award or other activity. Product costs are full factory costs. Federal awarding agencies must clearly and unambiguously articulate the conditions under which a Federal award may be terminated in their applicable regulations and in the terms and conditions of Federal awards. 31. an activity base is a measure of whatever causes the incurrence of a variable cost. what are two more cost categories that are often used in discussions of manufacturing costs? 4601-4655) (Uniform Act) except as provided in the implementing regulations at 49 CFR part 24, Uniform Relocation Assistance And Real Property Start Printed Page 49548Acquisition For Federal And Federally-Assisted Programs. See definition for Subaward in 200.1 of this part. Regarding federal awards, the Office of Management and Budget's Uniform Guidance defines Indirect cost (F&A) as "those costs incurred for a common or joint purpose . The types of clusters of programs are research and development (R&D), student financial aid (SFA), and other clusters. Indirect costs are also known as burden cost. See Section I (K) for additional information on the comments received. In addition to any other existing examination-of-records authority, the Federal Government is authorized to examine any records of the recipient and its subawards, to the extent necessary, to ensure that funds, including supplies and services, received under a covered grant or cooperative agreement (see 183.35) are not provided directly or indirectly to a covered person or entity in accordance with Never Contract with the Enemy. If charged to the award, these costs must be charged to the initial budget period of the award, unless otherwise specified by the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity. Innovation Park In those instances where the Federal interest attached is for a period of 15 years or more, the Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity, at its option, may require the non-Federal entity to report at various multi-year frequencies (e.g., every two years or every three years, not to exceed a five-year reporting period; or a Federal awarding agency or pass-through entity may require annual reporting for the first three years of a Federal award and thereafter require reporting every five years). 552(f). some of the most activity bases: direct labor hours, machine hours, units produced, units sold, a cost that remains constant, in total, regardless of changes in the level of activity. (b) Except where otherwise provided by statutes or regulations, the Federal awarding agency will charge interest on an overdue debt in accordance with the Federal Claims Collection Standards (31 CFR parts 900 through 999). See also 200.332. A pass-through entity may use the provisions of this paragraph for a subrecipient. 3321 and implementing guidance at 2 CFR part 77 (forthcoming at time of publication). b. The Federal awarding agency must also specify how performance will be assessed in the terms and conditions of the Federal award, including the timing and scope of expected performance. documents in the last year, 829 Examples of such programs and projects are health service projects, community service programs, non-credit community education, and conferences. If the proposal, plan, or other computation is Start Printed Page 49559required to be submitted to the Federal Government (or to the pass-through entity) to form the basis for negotiation of the rate, then the 3-year retention period for its supporting records starts from the date of such submission. OMB strongly encourages Federal awarding agencies to add or remove requirements by applying a risk-based, data-driven framework to alleviate select compliance requirements and hold recipients accountable for good performance. OMB has revised the reporting thresholds to further align financial assistance requirements with those of the Federal acquisition community. The Federal awarding agency may require the submission of the applicable common form for equipment. The data collection form prepared in accordance with 200.512(b), as applicable to a program-specific audit, and one copy of this reporting package must be electronically submitted to the FAC. The principles are designed to provide that Federal awards bear their fair share of cost recognized under these principles except where restricted or prohibited by statute. Additionally, UH has a policy of returning a portion of the earned IDC recovery on a pro-rata basis to the college that generated this income. These are those costs which are not directly related to production. Amend appendix VIII to part 200 by revising the heading and paragraphs 32 and 33 to read as follows: 32. (4) The pass-through entity is responsible for resolving audit findings specifically related to the subaward and not responsible for resolving cross-cutting findings. One commenter requested clarification as to whether or not this new requirement is intended to apply when the discretionary award is non-competitive. (6) Requiring the prime contractor, if subcontracts are to be let, to take the affirmative steps listed in paragraphs (b)(1) through (5) of this section. (j)(1) The non-Federal entity may use a time-and-materials type contract only after a determination that no other contract is suitable and if the contract includes a ceiling price that the contractor exceeds at its own risk. 113. (b) Recipients must also flow down the provisions in award terms covered in appendix A to this part to all contracts and subawards under the award. Note that when a non-Federal entity is awarded a FAR contract, the FAR applies, and the terms and conditions of the contract shall prevail over the requirements of this part. In 2013, OMB partnered with the Council on Financial Assistance Reform (COFAR) to revise and streamline guidance to develop the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance) located in title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations (2 CFR part 200) (79 FR 78589; December 26, 2013). 3502(18)). succeed. See also 200.432. Prior to reposting the releasable information, the Federal agency must resolve the issue in accordance with the agency's Freedom of Information Act procedures. Mixed costs are also known as semi variable costs. Factory hires hourly workers to assemble one specific product. 50. Pub. The increased threshold is valid until there is a change in status in which the justification was approved. The Federal awarding agency must include the following information in the full text of each funding opportunity. Where wide variations exist in the treatment of a given cost item by the non-Federal entity, the reasonableness and equity of such treatments should be fully considered. (e) Withhold further Federal awards for the project or program. This change was not considered because it would substantively alter the definition without providing the public the opportunity to comment on the revision. These principles apply whether or not a particular item of cost is properly treated as direct cost or indirect (F&A) cost. Indirect material, indirect labor, and indirect expenses are included in overhead. The authority citation for part 200 continues to read as follows: 33. Some commenters expressed concerns that the language proposed for this provision was too open-ended and the period could extend beyond record retention. It is anticipated that including this information as part of SAM registration or for a renewal should not result in significant additional time. The Public Inspection page (b) For non-Federal entities other than states, payments methods must minimize the time elapsing between the transfer of funds from the United States Treasury or the pass-through entity and the disbursement by the non-Federal entity whether the payment is made by electronic funds transfer, or issuance or redemption of checks, warrants, or payment by other means. Employees can exercise these benefits at other institutions according to institutional policy parties, without charge, a! Information to help reduce the Budget were made to 2 CFR 200.203 further align financial assistance with! 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