Ubuntu Software Center is an open source piece of software specifically designed as the default package manager for the world's most popular free operating system, Ubuntu Linux, with which it. At its leading end should be text of the form {X} items, where X = the number of recognized items (not including any Not found items). [Jorge Castro]. (Popular, Updates, and/or Account sections may be added later.). The help should include a page on the Remove Including Settings command. This software requires a scanner, but none are currently set up. 1. The menubutton at the bottom of the sidebar should contain one item, Stop Syncing {name of selected computer}. If the search field was non-empty when you navigated to a separate screen, the search you had entered just before you navigated should be stored as its own history item. Ubuntu 9.10 (October 2009) shipped Ubuntu Software Center 1.0.2. / Try using fewer words or different words. Now search for atom (with a trailing space); it should return only Liferea. From the home screen, whenever a search string consists entirely of characters allowed in package names, interspersed with commas (and no spaces), and optionally followed by a comma: The main pane should display an All Software list view of the software items corresponding to those package names. Regardless of whether you are installing a free item, installing a for-purchase item, or removing an item, the progress bar in the installation state bar should appear at exactly the same moment: immediately after USC knows that you are authenticated for the action. Discover Software Center 5.19.5, for an easy, graphical way to install and update software. There are some existing bugs with categories not being sorted alphabetically. Could also be useful for parents. The Installed Software option also displays all of the applications currently installed on your system, making it easy to go through and remove software you no longer use. Its description. a key combo for Get Software). Press Down; the first item in the category should be selected. A category-specific software item tile is identical except that it omits the category name (because it would be identical for every item). Most information about a package its title, short name, summary, and license info should come from Aptdaemon. At the bottom of of the main pane should be an action bar containing a Remove All button, aligned with the Remove button for the selected item. If USC is launched by any means when it is already open, the existing instance should be focused. Where there is no limit on the number of items shown, initially only 60 items should be loaded and shown initially (60 because that will produce a decent batch of complete rows whether there are 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 tiles per row). You can also examine the applications already installed, and remove A copy of the items icon shown in USC (in the software list view or software item screen, whichever was being used) should be hoisted from that spot to a space the Launcher has just freed for it, resizing as necessary as it moves. Its visual design should hint that this is a little less safe than installing a package from a repository. If the URL is of the form apt:package-name?minver=1.0: If the package is not known, the same kind of ephemeral error screen as used for apt:unknown-package-name. If you add any PPAs (Personal Package Archives), they will appear here as well. And there is more in the Software Center. What if a program I want isnt in Ubuntu Software Center? Want to get involved? Here's how you can add the Lubuntu Software Center to Lubuntu 11.10. This software requires a floppy disk drive, but none are currently connected. Whenever an item in a software list view is selected, Edit > Copy should be enabled. A package or an application. In a software list view, if the secondary text is wider than the space available, it should be ellipsized in the middle, not the trailing end (because unique parts of package names are often at the trailing end). If the selected computer is any other computer (for example, one that has been lost or destroyed), Stop Syncing should remove that computer both from the sidebar, and from the set of computers that will be synced. Open a. The section itself should list the items requested for installation or removal, earliest first. If USC isnt ready after two seconds, a USC icon should appear centered in the window. The whole tile should have a pointing-hand pointer when moused over, and should be a darker shade whenever it is being clicked (bug 1017454). Press the down arrow key once; Firefox should be selected in the results. The list of add-ons for the item should be presented as a series of checkboxes. When searching anywhere in USC, any word in the search string that is followed by a space or punctuation should be treated as a a complete word, while any word that is not should be treated as if it may be either a complete word or the beginning of a word. A category screen should be searchable. If you request to install an item from media that is not currently inserted, an Insert Media alert should appear using the volumes icon, primary text To insert {name of item}, you need to insert the volume {name of volume}, and Cancel and Retry buttons. How should we present items that Recommend (but do not Depend on) an item that you are about to remove? If the main package is already installed, whenever the current checkbox values no longer match the add-ons currently installed, an add-ons state bar should appear immediately below the list of checkboxes. Add ,9base to the search text (gobby,gimp,9base). Ubuntu Software Center is in the Launcher. when it first launches), it should: Unless the screen was navigated to by Back/Forward or by editing the search field, the screen should be focused as a whole (fixing bug 832265). That URL should then redirect to the developer support site, or the Canonical Support form, depending on the reason. For the moderation guidelines see SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviewsModerationGuidelines, Specification: SoftwareCenter/Recommendations. (So clicking Back is one way to clear a search.). This software does not work with the amd graphics driver this computer is using. make clear which packages are currently subject to CVE vulnerabilities. The Remove function should be disabled by default, enabled only when one or more items are selected or you are at an individual software item. On the home screen, the Top Rated area should use tiles to list, in descending order of DR, the items with the highest DR (out of all items that USC is configured to display), regardless of whether they are installed (bug 1009967). Except in Back/Forward navigation, revisiting the software list view should not persist in showing items; it should resume hiding them by default. Heres a quick guide: Stuck tasks; Poor feedback for tasks in the Progress screen; Poor error messages when tasks fail, The sign-in dialog for reinstalling purchases or submitting reviews, Bad ratings and reviews data (but not presentation), Bad Recommended For You data (but not presentation), Duplicate apps in search results; There isnt a software package errors, Other problems with icons, descriptions, and categories, The terms inside the Terms of Use dialog when purchasing, Popularity measurements are skewed by default installs. Can we vary the a lot wording sensibly? Lubuntu 22.04 LTS utilizes the Calamares installer in place of Ubiquity, as favored by most of the other Ubuntu flavours. How can we integrate cross-platform add-on repositories, e.g. Then search for drawing program. To install, purchase, or remove software using USC, you need administrator access on the computer. The Installed column should use a checkmark graphic plus the version number for an individual package, a checkmark graphic plus {total}/{total} for the Depends on branch as a whole, just {total}/{total} for the Recommends and Suggests branches as a whole, and just {total} for any other non-zero branches. If the application is not already installed on your system, you will see two buttons: More Info and Install. Clicking More Info brings up a window that provides a detailed description of the application, along with a screen-shot in many cases: Either from the application's details, or from the previous list of applications, users have the option to click Install. Doing so will ask for your system's password and then install the software. Whenever Ubuntu updates are not available, the checkbox should be both disabled (because changing it has no effect) and unchecked (because no Ubuntu updates will be installed when you update anything else). If the item is being installed or removed, or is queued for installation or removal (but not if its add-ons are being changed), the status text for the installation at the leading end, and a progress bar at the trailing end. A normal software item tile contains the items: Icon. The panel atop the Updates screen should contain an Also install Ubuntu updates checkbox. Apart from that extra indentation, individual items in the Installed section should look and behave just as in any other software list view. If you drag the row up or down, the rows for other unstarted tasks should scoot out of the way to show where the dragged row would end up if dropped. Free) at the leading end, and a button at the trailing end: Buy if installation requires sign-in and payment, Install if it requires sign-in only, or Install if it requires neither. If it is an item that is currently installed and not currently being removed, File > Remove should be enabled. A category should expand or collapse if you click anywhere in its row; expand if you press Right when it is highlighted; and collapse if you press Left when it is highlighted. Test case: (sc-016) On a machine that has Gobby and Gimp installed but neither 9base nor abcde, with View > All Software selected: Whenever you choose to copy a Web link for a package, USC should copy to the clipboard text of the form http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/package-name (without a leading or trailing line break). http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat. What about where X depends on a virtual package that A1 or A2 provide? Is it concise and helpful? If the section is not currently enabled, a placeholder for the package screen, inviting you to enable the section. Ubuntu Software Center is at the bottom. The program was created for adding and managing repositories, as well as Ubuntu Personal Package Archives (PPA) and on Ubuntu, the Ubuntu Software Center also allowed users to . The Updates screen should show updates for not just Backports, but any NotAutomatic channel, for example For Purchase. Whenever the current screen is searchable, the navigation bar should contain a search field (with accessible label Search), and the Edit > Search command should be enabled. The Categories section of the home screen should list (without icons) alphabetically all categories, as defined and sorted under Genre, which contain any items matching the current repositories and view options. If the web page data isn't available then it could revert by default back to the package description. Activating the command should reinstall the item (equivalent to apt-getreinstall). The progress feedback should be the same as for removal, using the same PolicyKit privilege, but with Removing package and settings as the text in the installation state bar. Open the All Software menu; it should have an identical Other child item. Early versions of Ubuntu shipped many graphical utilities for installing and removing software: Add/Remove Applications, Synaptic Package Manager, Update Manager, Software Sources, apturl, GDebi, and Computer Janitor. Ubuntu Software Center relies on several lower-level components, presents data from various sources, and interacts with multiple server-side components that track their bugs separately. If the user does not have admin rights then the program would offer to queue the program for the system admin. Otherwise, the software item screen for the package. The progress feedback should be the same as for removal, using the same PolicyKit privilege, but with Deleting residual files as the text in the installation state bar. ), (This should not be implemented until Ubuntu archives contain debtags, otherwise there would be only one subcategory.). What that appropriate screen is depends on the URL and whether the package is known to exist. Saved searches (with an emblem if they contain new stuff since you last looked at them), Prioritize reviews from your contacts. The icon should be overlaid with an emblem showing the number of tasks yet to be completed. This software requires an uninterruptable power supply, but none is connected. Launch USC. Each individual item should consist of its icon, title, and the new version number on the leading side, and an Update button on the trailing side. If the icon is scalable, or larger than 4 em in either dimension, it should be scaled down proportionally so that it is 4 em in its largest dimension. [Matt Griffin]. "Software" (gnome-software shown in top when the Software icon is activated) only shows user applications, not the kernel. Conversely, if the row is for any action that would leave the item uninstalled (such as a removal or a purge), but the item is currently installed, the text (since reinstalled) should be at the trailing end of the second line in the disabled text color. Ubuntu Software Center, or simply Software Center, is a discontinued high-level graphical front end for the APT/dpkg package management system.It is free software written in Python, PyGTK/PyGObject based on GTK.. Beyond providing a central point for installing and removing software, USC played a small but important part in encouraging application development on Ubuntu, by providing application developers with a prominent way to offer their software for installation. As soon as its installation finishes, Updates should appear in the navigation bar. (, how to install lubuntu on a windows vista without usb or cd drive. Whenever the screen contains a Top Rated area, that area should list, in descending order of dampened rating, the 12 items with the highest DR in that category. In the Provided by Ubuntu screens, non-application packages should be hidden by default. The Go menu, if implemented, should have a corresponding My Store Account item. Selecting it should remove the selected item. Do Windows applications have a title and a summary, or just a title? If you activate a screenshot or video (by clicking it, or pressing Space or Enter when it is focused), a small determinate progress meter should appear centered over it, showing download or buffering progress. If the item is present in the Launcher (that is, it was added and you didnt remove it during the installation), then: If installation was unsuccessful, the item should disappear from the Launcher. What if A Enhances X or X Suggests A, but another installed package Y Depends on A? What USC should do differently when it is running in a live CD session. Tiles are used to present software items on the home screen, category screens, subcategory screens, search results, and other listings. If the view allows selection, clicking anywhere in an row should select that item, and Ctrl+clicking on a selected item should deselect it. Package A should be treated as a recommended add-on of package X if either of these are true: X is the only known package that Depends (directly or indirectly) on some other package Y, and Y Recommends A. Press Tab again; the Install button should be focused. Choosing More in the Top Rated area should navigate to a separate Top Rated screen that uses a software tile view to list, in descending order of DR, the 60 items with the highest DR, regardless of whether they are installed. It is operated by Equinix and sits in a building footprint of 2,454 sq ft. We do not yet have the details of what services are available at Equinix TY11 - Tokyo. Choosing More in the Whats Popular area should navigate to a separate Whats Popular screen that uses a software tile view to list, in descending order, the 60 most popular items overall regardless of whether they are installed or whether they are also in any Top Rated listing. Whenever the Backports channel contains a version of any item that is newer than the version you have installed (or fewer than five seconds have passed since that stopped being true), an Updates item should appear last in the navigation bar (except for the Progress item, when present). Try using a different word. If no item is selected, pressing the Down arrow key should select the first row, and conversely pressing the Up arrow key should select the last row. In the File menu, immediately following the Remove item should be a Remove Including Settings item. Whenever the search field is non-empty, a history entry should be shown only if it matches the search text, and a date branch should be shown only if it contains any items matching the search text. The search bar can be used to find an application more quickly. In the navigation bar, between History and Progress should be a new item, Account, with a wallet icon. Or maybe when fewer than 3-ish items are already downloading? If at any point removal is blocked by a debconf question, the status text for the item should be set to Waiting for your response. It should be different from a normal software list view in that: At the trailing end of each row should be the size of the settings and cached package files, e.g. From this initial focus, pressing Down or Tab should focus the first item in the screen, and pressing Shift+Tab should focus the sort menu if present. Ubuntu provides users with a lot of great software by default in the official Ubuntu repository, but sometimes users want more options. an equivalent to gnome-app-install--mime-typetext/html. If the item is or would be recommended for you, the reason or the hidden status. Both when it is selected in a software list view, and when you are at its software item screen, File > Install should instead be File > Buy. The progress feedback should be the same as for installation, using the same PolicyKit privilege, but with Reinstalling as the text in the installation state bar. Do we need to show more feedback? Otherwise, it should use a software tile view, and non-application items should be hidden by default. The items should be grouped into the primary categories (but not the subcategories) to which they belong. If this problem persists, contact the software vendor.. If it loads, the screenshot or video should then visibly zoom into a chromeless overlay window that is the height of the display, the width of the display, or the original size of the image, whichever results in the smallest scaled image (bug 995129). Do you have questions? The Version column should use or = before version numbers as appropriate. scope control for search (All / Name / Description / Package Codename / Alternatives). [Present only if there is a parent category that has any matches. Text of the form Version: {package name} {version number}. The available software sources should consist of this full list, except for Other. Choosing it should copy the selected text to the clipboard. Type fire (without quotes or pressing Enter); the main pane should be replaced by search results, with Firefox first. You can view available Ubuntu Software Center replaces Add/Remove Applications, Synaptic, apturl, and GDebi, and acts as one of the main entry points to Software & Updates Settings. Whenever there are no others, the remaining space in the sidebar should instead contain horizontally and vertically centered text: To sync with another computer, choose Sync Between Computers from that computer. Exactly one computer in the sidebar should be selected at any time. Choose History. 2. If the main package is installed already, the checkboxes for add-ons that are currently installed should be checked by default, while those that are not should be unchecked by default. The item should appear in the Progress section. Add a PPA in Software & Updates Settings. In the Updates screen, each individual update should have a Hide button on the leading side of its Update button. "Lsc should use toolbars") sections trunk series Along with the applications, you also get an update to the Discover Software Center for a smoother experience with managing/installing software. the Ubuntu button, or the Applications menu) in which the application resides. After the progress bar finishes, the application will be available on your system! Melatie runs an accounting business that is far too small to have its own IT manager. In All Software and Installed, the titles of items with ratings should be followed by stars for the average rating, and the number of ratings in brackets. It may have an emblem indicating inconsistent package state. the left hand? The carousel should pause whenever the window is not focused. If the URL is of the form apt:package-name?channel=lucid-partner: Exactly the same appearance and behavior as for apt:package-name?section=multiverse, but enabling a whitelisted repository as listed in /usr/share/app-install/channels/, rather than a section. Opposite the heading should be an option menu for choosing the sort order, By Rating (the default), By Name, or Newest First. Inside the leading end of the field should be a symbolic magnifying glass icon. Thanks! The application Comment should be Lets you choose from thousands of applications available for Ubuntu (without a period), and the summary in the About window should be Lets you choose from thousands of applications available for Ubuntu. (with a period). In addition, a selected item inside the that-computer-but-not-this-one branch should have an Install button at the trailing end, and a selected item inside the this-computer-but-not-that-one branch should have a Remove button at the trailing end. Test case: (sc-011) From the home screen, search for drawing (with a trailing space). This computer does not have graphics fast enough for this software. For the sake of people who are unfamiliar with how they should use the search, there should be a greylist of words that are downplayed when searching. Choosing it should copy a Web link for the relevant package. If the item has a custom icon, it should also be copied as both a bitmap and as a vector image if available. For more, see the original article at the link below. Whenever a screen in the navigation history does not currently exist (for example, the Progress screen when no tasks are in progress, or the software item screen for an item that was uninstalled and doesnt exist in any software source), the Back and Forward commands should skip over that screen in the history and the commands should be unavailable if all previous or later screens, respectively, consist of screens of that sort. Software list view for individual software sources, Determining information about software items, Support and problem reporting for ISV software, Comparing and syncing installed software between computers, Features that were planned for future versions, Choosing between backport and non-backport versions, Encouraging use an archived version instead of a standlone .deb, Launching from multiple standalone .deb packages, Opening a standalone package from within USC, Enhancement: Install Ubuntu updates together with application updates, Enhancement: Updates to other NotAutomatic channels, Enhancement: New Ubuntu versions shown in Updates, Smarter ellipsis of software list view items, Copying software list view items to the clipboard, Consistent progress bar for installations and removals, Copying a Web link for an In Progress package, Dragging installed applications from USC to a launcher, Eliminating the {title} cant be installed at the moment alert, the same unknown-package screen as apturl uses, lower bound of the Wilson score confidence interval, an emblem indicating inconsistent package state, Debians existing hardware:: tag hierarchy, handle inconsistent package state if necessary, the Purchases view of the History tab, SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviewsGuidelines, SoftwareCenter/RatingsAndReviewsModerationGuidelines, the usual contents of the main pane for a single computer, We welcome useful contributions from anyone, implementing something for a future version, Idea #16411: Do not rate the popularity of default apps. Maybe checked by default? Like the category screen, a subcategory screen should be searchable. This software requires a GPS, but the computer does not have one. Farhad Manjoo, Get a blazing-fast computer for free, Slate. This item should be enabled whenever you have selected or navigated to an installed software item. There are a couple ways to do this: Run update-manager, or invoke it from the software update icon at the top of the screen. This applies not just to add-ons but to dependencies too. If it has a .desktop file with at least one Category: value that matches one of the categories listed above, then: Use the first recognizable Category: value as the category. SoftwareCenter. So, for Ubuntu 20.04 and above, follow this article to install the Ubuntu software center. In the navigation bar, the icon for the Updates item should have a badge containing the number of updates. You just have to copy paste the (apt url) application link into your IM or blog post. [Stefano Forenza], FooBar is not available for this version of Ubuntu, but it is available for version X.Y, Smith Review Project: making package descriptions and debconf questions human-readable, SummerOfUsability mockup design iterations by Monica Maceli. Download Ubuntu desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi and IoT devices, Ubuntu Core and all the Ubuntu flavours. If the item is already installed, and already in the Launcher, the Launcher item should move to the new location. The icon should be that of the relevant software item. Otherwise, USC should navigate to a new screen that is blank initially except for a spinner and the text Connecting to payment service. If the search field contains text at the moment you navigate to any other view, that search should be added to the end of the Back/Forward navigation history, with the previous item being the same screen without any search text. Click Back; the For Purchase item should disappear from the navigation bar, and the Canonical Partners item should reappear, highlighted once more. if it is not downloaded or installed, {X} to download, {Y} when installed, where X is the download size including not-yet-installed dependencies, and Y is the installed size including not-yet-installed dependencies; if it is already downloaded but not installed, {Y} when installed (bug 851222); if it is installed, and you have specified changes to add-ons, {X} to download, {Y} on disk. For example, the Graphics section has the following subcategories: Clicking on a subcategory will further filter the list of applications, making it easier to find what you are looking for. 15 Jul 2018 4 min read I know Ubuntu 18.04 was released a few months ago but it's never too late to explore various official Ubuntu flavors. Open source, if it is in Main or Universe; Proprietary, if it is in Restricted or archive.canonical.com; Unknown, if it is anywhere else (including Multiverse and standalone packages). At the start of the File menu before Install, Remove and other actions should be an Open Package item, with the keyboard equivalent Ctrl O, followed by a separator. Copy the deb https line and add it to your system's software sources. In Software & Updates Settings, re-add the same PPA. Uninstall the package; the Other item should disappear from both menus, if that was the only standalone item installed. Activating the adjacent Newer Version button should navigate to the software item screen for the newer version. Regardless of whether you are online, the screen should begin with a local banner showing the e-mail address, balance (if available), and a Sign Out button. If the item is not installable for this computers architecture, the icon and the text but not any buttons when the row is expanded should have 50% opacity, but the item should still be selectable. For implementation details, see NattyWineSoftwareCenter. The rows in the list should be based on a software item list view, with these differences: the second row of text is the task status text, rather than the package summary or package name; each row has a (text-less) progress bar representing the task progress proportion; The cancel button for an individual item should be present only when the item has not yet started or is still downloading. Jack Wallen/ZDNET The LXQt desktop might not be one of the most popular Linux desktops, but it's one that any user, regardless of experience, would feel right at home on. Install it everywhere! Members of the team take care of LXQt and other packages that are part of Lubuntu in the Ubuntu archive. Ubuntu 11.10 (October 2011) included Ubuntu Software Center 5.0, with a simpler layout, and Top Rated sections to feature interesting software. software-center should launch USC to its default view. Ecosystem Discovery. Installing paid add-ons for free software (for example, filters for Inkscape). The number of items shown in this area depends on whether Whats Popular has also been implemented: 24 if it hasnt, 12 if it has. Where to show the number of items in the subcategory? For alternative designs that were considered, see /LaunchingApplications. Try again in a day or two.. This software does not work with the fglrx graphics driver this computer is using. To make it easier to find previous purchases, the File menu should contain a Reinstall Previous Purchases item. You can install and test it executing this on a terminal (the whole line): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lubuntu-desktop/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-software-center Remember its pre-alpha stage. for example i would like a weather widget and bombono, brasero, dvdstyler, devede, ogmrip, arista, gstreamer0.10-fluendo-plugins, transmageddon, audacious, banshee, clementine, decibel, enna, fluendo-dvd, cowbell, easytag, entagged, exfalso, tagtool, betaradio, kradio4, lastfm, pithos, radiotray, aeolus, amsynth, djplay, drumpads, freemix, brp-pacu, cecilia, easymp3gain-gtk, fillmore, freqtweak, daisy-player, espeak-gui, festival, gespeaker, fmit, gxtuner, lingot, gtkguitune, solfege, episoder, freeguide, gnome-dvb-client, me-tv, ubuntu-tv. Get specialized products that support evolving equipment standards and technology requirements. In addition, whenever the computer detectably does not meet the requirements, immediately above the installation state bar should be an extra bar containing a warning specific to the unmet requirements, with a icon aligned with the button below. Alternatively, search for software in the Dash search field. Text of the form Last update: {full date} (bug 680523). Test case: (sc-003) On a slow computer, choose System; the spinner screen should appear until the full list is available. [Idea #16411: Do not rate the popularity of default apps]. The More Info in the row should, if it is enabled, be focused by default (otherwise no button should be focused); pressing Tab should cycle through any remaining buttons before leaving the list (bug 634952)). Each category, and each subcategory, should have its own icon. Activating the Delete All button should remove residual settings for all packages displayed. In the navigation bar, the section should have an animated icon of two semicircular arrows chasing each other clockwise. If the category is not set to Show non-applications by default, non-application items should be hidden by default. This might include key combos for various sections (e.g. Instead of an impossible installation causing an alert saying Sorry, {title} cant be installed at the moment. In this case the panel should say not {N} updates available, but {N} other updates available. In order to do so, you must first find the application that you want to install. Whenever an update is installed or waiting to be installed, its Update button should be disabled. Test case: (sc-003) Start installing something in USC. If the relevant package cannot be installed, for that reason or any other, an error alert should appear, with primary text Sorry, {title} cant be installed at the moment. If you highlight any of these programs, you will see a Remove button. The label Updates provided: followed by the appropriate text. I had to fire it. If there are any results, then at the top of the main pane should be a heading, Search results, opposite a menu (if theres more than one result) for sorting the results by Relevance (the default), by Rating, or by Name. Whenever an item is selected in a software list view, Edit > Copy Web Link should be enabled. Its items should be disabled. Below Hide This Update in the View menu should be a Show Previously Hidden Updates item, which is enabled whenever there are any, regardless of which screen you happen to be in. To kick start the 12.04 cycle there was the Ubuntu Developers Summit with Lubuntu there as a fully fledged member of the familiy :) A dialog that emits the standard alert sound (if any) when it opens, and requests attention if it opens in the background. Otherwise, All Software should be highlighted. Otherwise, if Whats Popular has not yet been implemented or the category contains up to 60 items, the screen should consist of a software tile view listing every item in the category. At the bottom of the Progress section should be an action bar, with text of the form 2 items remaining or All items completed (as appropriate) at the leading end, and Pause and Cancel All buttons at the trailing end. Earlier we reviewed Ubuntu 18.04 Budgie and Kubuntu 18.04 and today, we will take a look at the latest Long-Term Support (LTS) release of Lubuntu: Lubuntu 18.04. The requirements should be comma-separated, each preceded by a text-colored checkmark if it detectably meets that requirement, an error-colored cross if it detectably fails, or nothing if the requirement is (currently) untestable. Otherwise, it should use a software tile view, and non-application items should be hidden by default. How to provide better search results (facet search tags/categories on e.g. A Developer Web site link to the URL in the packages Homepage: field, if there is one. Test case: Install an application for which Backports has a newer version. The summary should be the application Comment, if there is one; otherwise the package synopsis with its first word capitalized, if the application has a Name but not a Comment; otherwise the package name (because if youre looking at a non-application package in the first place, youre fairly likely to be the sort of user who wants to know the package name). Exactly one should be selected at any time: The individual available software source you are currently looking at, if any. Clicking any of these sources will filter the software shown in the main window so it only shows applications in that repository. Otherwise: The item should install as usual, without a separate icon for the same item appearing in the Launcher, and remaining in the Launcher regardless of the New Applications in Launcher setting. If you realize that there is software on your system you no longer use, Ubuntu Software Center makes it easy to remove the application. If any branch contains no items, it should be expanded by default, so that you can see it is empty without having to expand it first. If the main package is not installed already, the checkboxes for recommended add-ons should be checked by default, while the checkboxes for suggested add-ons should be unchecked by default. This software requires a CD burner, but none are currently connected. This included: better security than Add/Remove Applications (i.e. The row itself should, instead of an Update button, have an Upgrade button that opens the upgrade dialog. Now remove it; once removal finishes, All Software should be highlighted once more. Type Ctrl F; the search field should be focused. This software requires a DVD drive, but none are currently connected. This software requires a mouse, but none are currently set up. When dragged to a file manager, it should produce a shortcut with the name {Title} (Developer Web Site); to a rich text document, a hyperlink with the text {Title} (Developer Web Site); and to a plain text field, just the URL. (These requires-hardware:: tags are largely parallel to Debians existing hardware:: tag hierarchy, with some improvements.). If the item is not installed nor queued for installation, the price of the item (e.g. The Ubuntu Software Center makes life easier for those who want to install their favorite software without the hassle of using the Terminal or building things from source. package name unity-lens-* but not *-dbgsym, debtag admin::filesystem or admin::forensics. When a new version of Ubuntu is available, it should appear as the first row in the Updates screen, above the Update All panel. These are based on the questions most frequently asked by real customers: I tried to buy something but it failed. By default, Ubuntu Software Center Help should open the help viewer to the front page of the help. In the Unity launcher, the icon for Ubuntu Software Center should have a badge containing the number of updates, regardless of whether USC is running. Title, ellipsized in the middle if necessary to fit on one line. Here, users can select what official repositories they would like to access, and what PPAs they use: Check the repositories you would like Ubuntu Software Center to use, close the window, then allow it to refresh. If a version different from the selected item is installed, the button should be Change. History entries should be grouped in branches labelled by day. Signing out should work even if you are offline. If the item is queued waiting for another package manager to close, the status text for the item should be Waiting for {Application Name} to exit. If the Launcher was in auto-hide mode, it should temporarily reveal itself. Atop the screen for each individual software source should be a header containing the icon and name for the source. When any individual software source inside All Software is selected, the main pane should show a software list view of all the packages that source contains, with status text of the form 17 items available. Future work: On the screen for an already-installed application, show an invitation to add it to the launcher if it isnt there already. In the gnome-panel Main Menu applet, Ubuntu Software Center should similarly be after the list of application categories, with separators immediately before and after it. applications by category, or search quickly by name or description. At the same time, the rest of the contents of the category screen should linearly crossfade into the rest of the contents of the software item screen. Activating it should navigate to the software item screen. Neither button should have an access key (because that would interfere with typing letters to navigate the list). For Software Developers should open the default Web browser to https://developer.ubuntu.com/. Press Shift+Tab; the sort menu should be selected. From the All Software menu, choose Canonical Partners. offer to downgrade to the non-PPA versions of packages). If prompted, sign in to your Ubuntu Single Sign-On account. Opening an apt: URL should launch Ubuntu Software Center directly to the appropriate screen; or if it is already open, focus it, wait until any currently-open alerts or dialogs have been dismissed, and then switch to the appropriate screen. Choosing More Info should navigate to the items screen in either All Software or Installed Software, depending on whether the item is currently installed. The material on this wiki is available under a free license, see If either row of text is wider than the space available, it should be ellipsized at the trailing end. How do we use font screenshots from http://fonts.debian.net/ instead of screenshots.debian? Install the software, using synaptic (GUI) or apt-get (command line). Or if non-free (as in beer) software is sold through the software store then the money could go through the site (The need was talked about in FLOSS Weekly 86 - Ardour). The History section should display all installations, updates, removals (including purges), and other changes, in reverse chronological order. Categories for which no items are installed should not be shown. Trying to launch the item should still do nothing. If one of your repositories contains a package with the same name but a higher version number, there should be an extra bar below the installation state bar, with text of the form Ubuntu has a newer version. (without quotes) or Other Repository Label has a newer version. (with quotes). For any software item that costs money and that (to USCs knowledge) you have not already purchased: When it is selected in a software list view, the text at the leading end should display the price instead button at the trailing end should be Buy instead of Install. The button should still say Install 1 Item, and the action bar should still say 3 items. Test case: (sc-004) From the top-level All Software screen, search for atom; it should return both Atomix and Liferea (an Atom feed reader). Where can I view my purchases and my payment history? Ubuntu Software Center is at the bottom. If installation was successful, the launcher item should flash and become launchable. Unlike usual search results, this list should be sorted in exactly the same order as the search string. If your expertise is in one of these areas, search through this specification for the color-coded sections relevant to you: Otherwise, if you are a Python programmer, get the latest code and try fixing existing bugs, or implementing something for a future version. Ubuntu 12.04 (April 2012) included Ubuntu Software Center 5.2, with personalized recommendations, Unity launcher integration, system requirements disclosure, and access to backports. As you navigate through menus, this bar will allow you to easily switch between different sections faster than using the arrows. Choosing it should copy a Web link for the relevant package. USC should return to the History screen, Back should become available, and Forward should no longer be. Single-clicking should navigate to that item. In search results, a non-application item should be hidden by default: from a category screen, if (a) it is in one subcategory of that category and that subcategory does not Show non-application packages by default, (b) it is in multiple subcategories of that category, and its primary subcategory does not Show non-application packages by default, or (c) it is not in any subcategories and the category itself does not Show non-application packages by default; If the search terms exactly match a package name, that package should be returned first in the results, even if the package was hidden by default. Ubuntu Software Center is a utility for installing, purchasing, and removing software in Ubuntu, a major part of Ubuntu's overall software handling. For applications that have both GTK and Qt versions (e.g. Later on, the developers plan to add a way for users to purchase software, so this is displayed to show how much the software costs. Whenever you navigate from within a category screen to a software item screen, over 0.5 seconds, the icon of that package that was visible in the category screen should simultaneously zoom and move linearly to become the icon of the software item visible in the software item screen. Installed should not be shown selected, Edit > copy should be.! Clicking Back is one way to clear a search. ) other Updates.. Copy a Web link should be grouped into the primary categories ( not. Exactly the same PPA = before version numbers as appropriate results, this list should be as! Series of checkboxes faster than using the arrows replaced by search results, this list should be highlighted more! Application resides repository label has a newer version button should still do nothing after two seconds, a USC should. Are about to Remove before version numbers as appropriate of default apps.. System, you will see two buttons: more info and install, should have an identical child... 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