Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers, pp. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Inf Discov Deliv 50(2):142154. endobj This is basically because content production is no longer limited to institutions and individuals working in the field of mass communication. All questions were designed on a 5-item Likert scale ranging from 1=totally disagree, to 5=totally agree. July 2019 Authors: David Etika Cross River University of Technology Abstract The paper aimed to examine citizen journalism and its impacts on professional journalism in progressives society:. This is important to avoid bias and other negative effects on the procedures of this current research by giving each case of the population an equal chance of being selected. 39 0 obj However, most journalistic practices adopted by different users and amateurs on the Internet lack ethics and objectivity when it comes to reporting and storytelling. In the context of citizens as journalists, there should be a personal contribution or a creative effort to consider such practices as a form of citizen journalism. The lack of professional training and editorial oversight can sometimes result in inaccurate or biased reporting. Auguste Moreau in Combre, AFRICA/NIGER - Pentecost and the fire of arms: the time of the African martyrs is not yet over, Jubilee Celebration at the retirement House in Montferrier (France) on June 7, 2022. In their collective voice and impact, I see the collective power of journalism. endobj Barnes, C. (2012) Citizen journalism vs. traditional journalism. This is clear when it comes to information accessibility and the rights to obtain, receive and use data to exploit it for both personal and institutional purposes. <> COVID-19 pandemic), collective behavior has become more vivid as social connectedness and health behaviors as well as risk communication became prevalent and influenced the psychology of crowds (Templeton, 2021). They represent different backgrounds, different regions, and different affiliations. The later example consolidate Dooley (2008)s argument when he posits: Despite the collaboration existing between collaborative and traditional journalism, the latter probably views the former as a threat to the profession. Rosen, J. To clarify this phenomenon, several factors that directly contribute to the inability of new media platforms to control new media content should be taken into consideration. Aldaihani and Shin, 2022; Browning et al., 2021; Miller, 2019; Nah and Yamamoto, 2019; Nah and Chung, 2020; Raza et al., 2021; Salaudeen, 2021; Wall, 2018). This is based on the perception of news providers as they can include their cultural or personal views in what they report. Citizen journalism plays an influential role in controlling the Palestinian society in which Palestinian students receive information, opinions, and attitudes from the new media platforms and they are largely affected by adopting new perspectives, interpretations, and perceptions about the Palestinian - Israeli conflict. The Citizen. This belief is related to the circumstances and contexts surrounding citizen journalism. ADS Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Strictly speaking, there is an essential need to determine the nature of the information that users share and generate through various citizen journalism platforms. All Rights Reserved. This is a readers blog platform. 2 Findings revealed that many discrepancies existed between the practice of CJ and professional journalism. 233249, Allan S (2013) Citizen witnessing: revisioning journalism in times of crisis. A citizen journalist is not bound by editorial guidelines. Also known as grassroots, networked, open source, participatory, hyper-local, bottom-up, stand-alone and distributed journalism, citizen journalism is a concept based on the active participation of readers, viewers and listeners in the process of gathering, selecting, analysing and broadcasting news and information. These technologies have. It should be pointed out here that the researcher manipulated the independent and dependent variables to build good relationships and make significant comparisons between different contexts related to citizen journalism. The study sample used was selected using the stratified sampling method. uuid:0f533e25-b0ca-11b2-0a00-101eb8020000 Socio-psychological antecedents of local news paying behaviour. Citizen journalism refers to the collection, analysis, and dissemination of news and information by individuals who are not professional journalists but are active participants in society. While it presents both opportunities and challenges, citizen journalism offers a unique and valuable perspective that enriches public discourse. Close Add email alerts. Citizen journalism studies have not been adequately addressed by communication scholars compared to other studies and articles that investigate traditional media. The Pearson Chi-Square test showed that P value (0.860)>alpha (0.05), thats why we failed to reject the null hypothesis and there was not enough evidence for a significant relationship between citizen journalism as being a complementary method to traditional media and the reliability of news stories presented by citizen journalists. Radsch,(2013) vividly captures the spirit and essence of citizen journalism in his definition of the concept as "an alternative and activist form of newsgathering and reporting that functions outside mainstream media institutions, often as a repose to shortcoming in the professional journalistic field, that uses similar journalistic . The demographic factors included in the survey (i.e. Journalism 13(6):714730, Nah S, Chung DS (2020) Understanding citizen journalism as civic participation. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. In most cases, poor content that users do not interact with on the Internet is ignored by different power structures because it does not represent a direct threat to the attitudes and ideologies of the target audience. 1. AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Linux 64 bit Aug 30 2019 Library 15.0.4 In their respective blog posts, Facebook or Twitter messages, not only did citizen journalists update, therefore, inform others on the movement, but also educated them on security methods. Journalism Pract 2(3):326342, Drury J, Reicher S (2020) Crowds and collective behavior. As the number of citizens spreading and creating news has drastically increased in recent years, the need for comprehending perceptions, influences, and professional aspects has become more prevalent. In Off and Online Journalism and Corruption-International Comparative Analysis. The footage of Kim Dong-soo, and previous videos shown by professional journalists help viewers better understand the story. endobj The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. One of the greatest strengths of citizen journalism lies in its ability to democratize the news. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Citizen journalism (CJ) "refers to the participation of ordinary citizens in news gathering and reporting" (Oberiri 2016, 2). Therefore, 300 undergraduates from local universities in the West Bank in Palestine were selected to be the sample size. The pilot testing has been conducted to improve the structured questionnaire by choosing a group of participants to be the sample of the pilot test before adopting the main version of the current questionnaire. PLoS ONE 5(10):e13350, Article The Chi-Square Test of Association was used to find the association and relationship between the two categorical variables which include citizen journalism as being a complementary method to traditional media and the reliability of news stories presented by citizen journalists in Palestine. Although some professional journalists criticise citizen journalism for understandable reasons, it is nevertheless important to note that the two types of journalism sustain a collaborative relationship that can be qualified as vertical. The author declared that all research was performed under guidelines/regulations applicable when human participants are involved. This shows that preferences and individual traits are more dominant for citizens to share news rather than professionalism. Most students are supposed to be active users of social media platforms. <>14]/P 20 0 R/Pg 39 0 R/S/Link>> However, in citizen journalism, the generated content becomes personal or non-institutional (Radsch, 2016; Vickery and Wunsch-Vincent, 2007). It was also noted that the perception of independent sources can have a positive impact on trust among critics of government and individuals without predispositions towards the source, implying that citizen journalists can positively impact health-related behaviors during a pandemic when the credibility of government and its performance is under question and is being challenged. There is a tendency among the study respondents that citizen journalism can undermine social and political gatekeeping control over media content. Journalism 13(6): 714-730. This is what Seen is today: a publisher with a unique set of tools that help people tell stories. Citizen journalism has transformed the media landscape by giving power to the people. Therefore, due to these complex political contexts related to the PalestinianIsraeli conflict, some new media platforms try to impose many restrictions on publishing Palestinian content, and this contributes significantly to promoting gatekeeping practices on the one hand and it affects freedom of expression on the other. Mass Commun Soc 15(1):424, DAngelo P (2019) Framing theory and journalism. Stay away. Soc Sci Med 172:8997, Borah P (2011) Conceptual issues in framing theory: a systematic examination of a decades literature. Hence, this study aims to identify the degree to which citizen journalism can affect objectivity, power relations, professionalism, editorial practices, and ethics involved in reporting news and storytelling. <>24]/P 23 0 R/Pg 39 0 R/S/Link>> Most of the professional journalists who are active in the official Palestinian media sector rely to a considerable degree on the content generated through new media platforms. Secondly, citizen journalism fills the gaps in traditional media coverage. The author has informed participants of the purpose of the research and explained to them the way the data will be used. The theory of collective behavior that incorporates behaviors such as crowd, mob, panic, riot, disaster behavior, rumor, mass hysteria, moral panic, and crazes is a relevant construct that is linked to psychological and sociological elements in society provoked by news and media (Aguirre et al., 1998; Drury and Reicher, 2020). 1 Caribbean Quarterly, 58(2-3), pp. Durante and Zhuravskaya, 2018; Hoxha and Hanitzsch, 2018; Zahoor and Sadiq, 2021), thus, leaving many aspects unexamined. It has forced traditional media outlets to adapt and embrace citizen-generated content. This analytical framework has contributed significantly to obtaining more accurate results. 1. In the context of citizens as journalists, both engagement and reciprocation aspects persist that pertain to the bond between a producer of news and their audience. endobj The results showed that P value (0.549)>alpha (0.05), Therefore, we failed to reject the null hypothesis; there was not enough evidence for a significant difference in the ability of citizen journalism to undermine gatekeeping practices over media content based on exercising a form of censorship by social media platforms over the content users disseminate. Public participation in the news process gives rise to independent online journalism (Rodrigues & Braham, 2008). Lastly, future studies can hold interviews with citizen journalists to better understand their views and perspectives regarding psychological and social influences and aspects of their news-generation efforts. Policy Internet 12(2):225248, Goyanes M (2020) Why do citizens pay for online political news and public affairs? The mapping of the citizen-journalism literature revealed four types of citizen journalists based on their levels of editorial control and contribution type: (1) participatory, (2) para, (3). Journalism Mass Commun Q 91(3):452470, Cervi L, Marn-Llad C (2022) Freepalestine on TikTok: from performative activism to (meaningful) playful activism. It involves active participation of citizens in newsgathering and reporting. [Online] [Accessed on 17th April 2014] Available from: http://ruraleconomics.fib.ugm.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/Luke-Goode-Social-News-Citizen-Journalism-and-Democracy.pdf, Mutsvairo, B., Columbus, S. & Leijendekker, I., (2012) African Citizen Journalists' Ethics and the Emerging Networked Public Sphere. As citizens can provide news in an instant using social media in a convenient manner, perceptions of news audiences have changed to a new normal, in which constant updates are expected (Allan and Peters, 2015b). 65% of participants in the current questionnaire responded that citizen journalism is better than traditional journalism in terms of diversity of sources and exclusivity. Notably, there have been several studies that assessed similar contexts focusing on conflict-related matters (e.g. In this context, citizen journalism is focused on the current study that pertains to the equal amount of informational resources that are available for journalists as professionals and other people through social media and internet outlets (Allan, 2013). Through this conception, this research looks into the influences of citizen journalists on psychological factors important in the society through usage of ICT (e.g. vaccinations, statistics, and information regarding the virus) (Blair et al., 2017; Coppock and McClellan, 2019; Liao et al., 2010; Raza et al., 2021). They only review each piece to ensure against obscene, defamatory or inflammatory content or against personal attacks, incitement of hatred against any community or anything that may risk the sovereignty and integrity of the country. Some of them relate to the generated content by Palestinian citizen journalists such as the reliability and accuracy of news stories presented by citizen journalists and other conclusions relate to the journalistic practices that directly impact citizen journalism and its effect size on traditional media such as information accessibility, regulation, verification, media ethics, and gatekeeping practices. This phenomenon in which professional journalists do not always check the reliability of news stories produced by citizen journalists when they quote reports and statements from nonprofessional journalists becomes more popular on traditional media platforms when there is a lack of sources and when the scoop (a news report that is reported first by one news organization) becomes a priority for workers in mass media outlets. This has become more prevalent due to the decreased level of trust in the mainstream media and that of official governmental outlets (Allan and Thorsen, 2009). The literature shows social, psychological, political, and economic elements such as trust, risk, health, justice, and civic aspects as dominant factors, which the current study tends to shed light on and highlight their importance (e.g. This means more room for pursuing stories of interest that are not covered by the traditional media channels. Typical examples of reportage by citizen journalism that heightened tensions in. Routledge, Singer JB (2007) Contested autonomy: Professional and popular claims on journalistic norms. These challenges include privacy issues, national security, and libel laws, as well as the complexities of the editorial policy of their media organizations (Naab and Sehl, 2016; Vos et al., 2012). Journalism 23(2):354371, Naab KT, Sehl A (2016) Studies of user-generated content: a systematic review. We've evidence of another lie from Amanda "I'm wearing red shoes to deflect attention away from my lying gob" Ferguson. Professional and citizen journalists: two ways of proceeding. Compared to professional journalists, citizen journalism does not have the same level of accuracy, autonomy, and objectivity (de Ziga, 2013), which varies fundamentally in the perception of the audience (Nah et al., 2017). Digit Journalism 3(4):477494, Article This is fundamentally related to their perception of citizen journalism that it can be considered a complementary method to traditional media. <>20]/P 22 0 R/Pg 39 0 R/S/Link>> Butcher, M. (2006) We Media: the citizen journalism dilemma for mainstream media., Societ delle Missioni AfricaneVia della Nocetta 11100164 ROMA RM ITALIA. Globally, the absence of bureaucracy in the practice of citizen journalism has generated many criticisms about the influence of citizen journalism on professional journalism and media governance in general. Citizen journalism has had a profound impact on traditional journalism practices. Transparency Int 10, Sheldon KM, King L (2001) Why positive psychology is necessary. J Commun 61(2):246263, Borah P (2017) Emerging communication technology research: Theoretical and methodological variables in the last 16 years and future directions. Thank you for visiting nature.com. Accordingly, new media coverage of political issues not only affects Palestinians attitudes but also activates their national identity and ethnic tendency. Slider with three articles shown per slide. J Political Econ 126(3):10851133. Most amateurs produce, edit, and broadcast such content independently and without contracting with professional media organizations. 16-27. 36 0 obj Members of the public, through Internet, organised rallies and mobilised resources that led to the fall of political figures including Presidents Hosni Mubarak and Mohammed Morsi of Egypt and Col. Muammar Gadhafi of Libya. In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles This is important to increase the reliability of news stories presented by citizen journalists and it also serves the effect size of citizen journalism on the target audience. Copyright 2023 Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. 30 0 obj Recent advances in new media have started to have a profound political impact. Media War Confl 11(1):4664, Johnson KA, Wiedenbeck S (2009) Enhancing perceived credibility of citizen journalism web sites. Citizen journalism has emerged as a powerful phenomenon in the digital age, revolutionizing the way news is reported and consumed. While on one hand it educates and informs the society on the other hand it gives them the opportunity to tell and report their stories. It involves ordinary people utilizing their smartphones, cameras, and social media platforms to capture and share news events, often in real-time. It includes questions about how professional journalism should use this 'new media' to research . 32 0 obj endobj To succeed in the task, the work will be divided into two main parts. incidents, crises, and issues). US news and the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. There is no significant difference in the effect size of citizen journalism on freedom of speech and information accessibility based on citizen journalisms lack of accuracy, professionalism, regulation, objectivity, verification, and digital media ethics. Equally helpful, is open source journalism in getting first images or alternative story reporting of disasters. In every crisis or revolutionary wave, the debate is raised about the Palestinian media discourse and its power in addressing such events. In: Vos TP, Hanusch F (eds) The international encyclopedia of journalism studies. Users of social media are prompted by routine information on a global scale simply via their smartphones, which has established an atmosphere, where ordinary citizens can act as journalists. Ward. Furthermore, the sample of this current research was selected by using the stratified sampling method. It can be said that political views adopted by nonprofessional journalists are different when dealing with the Palestinian- Israeli conflict. The Two-way ANOVA test was used to examine this hypothesis. In this regard, there is a vivid scarcity in the region of the Middle East and particularly, Palestine due to its special political and social issues. MCS-C Centenary Year and year of new war in Europe David Roberts' commitment to the Lay Missionary Fraternity in Lyon, from the Superior General and his councils, "Watch out! Journalism Stud 21(4):547563, Harrison J (2010) User-generated content and gatekeeping at the BBC hub. Leighann Strollo, who studied sports journalism at IUPUI and graduated in 2018, is the manager of marketing and communications of at Indy Fuel Hockey Club, Indianapolis's minor league men's hockey team. Mutsvairo, B., Columbus, S. & Leijendekker, I., (2012) African Citizen Journalists' Ethics and the Emerging Networked Public Sphere3. However, these journalists do not always check the reliability of news stories when they quote reports and statements from nonprofessional journalists. BBC (2008) What's been making your news? 8. Medical experts, activists, and official actors in the government and citizens alike were found to have generated news and content regarding the virus, its effects, and the trustworthiness of news outlets. Rev Middle East Stud 40(2):201212, Kelman HC, Hovland CI (1953) Reinstatement of the communicator in delayed measurement of opinion change. This grassroots approach to news reporting provides an alternative perspective and a diverse range of voices that traditional media may overlook. and social journalism, which denotes a digital publication with a hybrid of professional and non-professional journalism. Regarding credibility and trust, there are important factors that can influence the perception of the audience such as source, content, and medium (Vraga et al., 2012). Citizens in disaster zones have provided instant text and visual reporting from the scene. Citizen journalism is a specific form of both citizen media and user-generated content . Drug Alcohol Depend 173:19. endobj From memes, satire, and parody to news, facts, graphics, and information, we have it all. At Koshur Dude, we strive to deliver only the best content to our audience. [Online] [Accessed on 17th April 2014]: Available from: https://online.journalism.utexas.edu/2012/papers/Mutsvairo.pdf. (2014) iReport6. Ibrahim Horoub. Citizen journalists can violate journalism ethics codes. 15 0 obj Most of them are 13- to 24-year-olds, primarily in the U.S. mainly young women. It is reasonable to state that new media platforms affect social and cultural backgrounds. Whether youre looking for a laugh, a new perspective, or just some inspiration, weve got you covered. In: The Emerald Handbook of Computer-Mediated Communication and Social Media. In addition, citizen journalism practices in Palestine lack ethics and regulation due to the absence of a digital ethical framework that protects and drives online journalistic practices. "Broadcast news feeds off and incorporates elements of citizen journalism" (Goode, 2009).3Thus, the phenomenon that is the current focus of attention is present in citizens life to educate and inform them. These measures were undertaken based on the extant literature and relevant studies in the same context. Therefore, there is no relationship or correlation between the idea of adopting citizen journalism as a complementary method to traditional journalism and its credibility and reliability of it. Journalism Pract 7(6):720737, Domingo D, Quandt T, Heinonen A, Paulussen S, Singer JB, Vujnovic M (2008) Participatory journalism practices in the media and beyond: an international comparative study of initiatives in online newspapers. Nah S, Chung DS (2012) When citizens meet both professional and citizen journalists: social trust, media credibility, and perceived journalistic roles among online community news readers. Commun Theory 21(2):169196, Pornpitakpan C (2004) The persuasiveness of source credibility: a critical review of five decades evidence. Most participants are aware that citizen journalism affects objectivity and ethics involved in reporting news compared with traditional media in Palestine. J Mass Media Ethics 16(1):322. In Sociological Forum, vol 13(2). Journalism Pact 4(2):163179, Liao Q, Cowling B, Lam WT, Ng MW, Fielding R (2010) Situational awareness and health protective responses to pandemic influenza A (H1N1) in Hong Kong: a cross-sectional study. However, it has been noted that to enhance the engagement (perceived and actual) of the audience for a media outlet, the inclusion of citizens as gatekeepers seems to be a necessity. Our editors do NOT review readers blogs for language quality or rewrite them. Moreover, the extent to which the information is accurate and is accepted or rejected by the audience is another influential aspect of the attitude of an audience as consumers (Lin, 2014; Nah and Chung, 2020). J East Caribb Stud 44:115155, Tolmie P, Procter R, Rouncefield M, Randall D, Burger C, Wong Sak Hoi G, Zubiaga A, Liakata M (2017) Supporting the Use of User Generated Content in Journalistic Practice. Aguirre BE, Wenger D, Vigo G (1998) A test of the emergent norm theory of collective behavior. It aims to identify the role of citizen journalism in the fight for professionalism, ethics, and objectivity, empowering digital media, information accessibility, and democratization of media production. Though, there is no unanimity and agreement on the name of this method of collecting, analysing and disseminating news by the citizenry for the general public, it is to be noted that its practice has increased over the last decade. . J Econ Manag Trade 25(5):115, Bakis JK, Karako J (2015) Authoritarianism in the Middle East: before and after the Arab Uprisings. 50 0 obj Published Jan 14, 2022 + Follow The earliest reference of journalistic product comes from Rome circa 59 B.C., when news was recorded in a circular called the Acta Diurna. Hall has been accepted to join the prestigious . The results of this quantitative study highlight the statistical analysis procedures by examining the current hypotheses and variables based on the methodology adopted in this study. 2 0 obj <>26 0 R]/P 6 0 R/S/Link>> Their relation can be referred to as vertical because the information goes from the bottom; citizen journalist, up to professional ones even if the latter depend on the former to enrich their stories as it was the case at Boston Marathon bombing in 2013 when professional journalists heavily relied on citizens to enrich their narratives. They might not have sufficient knowledge about the principles and standards related to professional journalistic work such as impartiality, objectivity, independence, balance, verification, credibility, and so on (Tolmie et al., 2017). Koshur Dude is a Kashmir based online portal dedicated to showcasing the rich culture, history, and beauty of Kashmir through our online platform. [Online] [Accessed on 17th April 2014]: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/your_news/7606041.stm, BBC. Citizen journalism, . Challenges such as one-sided views in politics and current affairs, publications of defamatory material frequent in citizen journalism practices tarnish journalism and portray professional journalist in bad light. The current research has its limitations due to certain factors that are namely, (a) data was gathered from communication students and not professional journalists, which can have different outcomes regarding results; (b) data were obtained from one country and two major cities which diminishes the generalizability of the findings; (c) due to scarcity of the theoretical frameworks that fit the current study, certain operational limits faced the researchers that hindered its process of conduct. BBCs call did, surely, not fall into deaf ears. What is the role of citizen journalism in society? 0. These amateurs do not often check the sources from which they take the news, yet most of them claim professionalism and objectivity. Privacy will be respected as well as anonymity when a professional journalist reports, which might not be the case when citizen journalists report, resulting therefore in degrading the profession. Group Process Intergroup Relat 24(2):216222, Thomas S, Sooknanan P (2019) Citizen journalism and civil society: attitudes of mainstream journalists to user-generated content (ugc) on social media. However, these practical inconsistencies related to citizen journalism do not significantly affect the margin of freedom available to citizen journalists, as they can express their different opinions and attitudes, and they can easily access different information and data. The phenomenon of citizen journalism is constantly changing due to the nature of the newly generated content, and therefore a deep understanding of this phenomenon requires a correct selection of the intended approach that is related to it. The results showed that P value (0.109)>alpha (0.05), so we failed to reject the null hypothesis and there was not enough evidence for a significant difference in the effect size of citizen journalism on freedom of speech and information accessibility based on citizen journalisms lack of accuracy, professionalism, regulation, objectivity, verification, and media ethics. Carr et al., 2014; Durante and Zhuravskaya, 2018; Lin, 2014; Nah et al., 2017; Zahoor and Sadiq, 2021). [38 0 R 41 0 R 42 0 R 44 0 R 45 0 R 46 0 R 47 0 R 48 0 R] Laws and constitutions around the world guarantee the right of citizens to access information unless such information violates national security and institutional interests. The debate is also raised about the persuasion methods and techniques that Palestinian activists employ in promoting national discourse and mobilizing public opinion locally and internationally. =Ar*n2{y>|3' j" DiE,V]\MgE;1Y>t-tO}&z0TpIQ ~I:L%4oK$%2n77T=@9D.thza= Fj>@/76.,7M``&.yh]JRHT]l2)IyZIL@*Dm>ZjMmKD;epW;FF/~Ns29Upkt^4MVeuvQ.a^tUW5d~;,136-w4M5(EpUWs&RUF0&._f4=}\*owF,_tS),#Z1=$@- o,!MUg%kJUW::$';uZT M >2NcK9 The respondents of the current questionnaire had to rate it on a scale from 0 to 10 if citizen journalism can undermine or weaken social and political gatekeeping control over media content. Through the power of viral content, citizen journalists have sparked national and international conversations, mobilized communities, and influenced policy decisions. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Noting the political situation and conflicts as well as constraints on the media, this study addresses the nature of citizen journalism practices in Palestine. 12 0 obj While the first part will deal with the role of networked journalism, the second will take on its influence on the conventional one. 27 0 obj But in true CJ's fashion, we will drop this at a time and place of our choosing for maximum impact. The current study tends to provide an in-depth understanding of professional and nonprofessional practices linked to citizen journalists and their influence on society through the eyes of citizen journalists as gatekeepers of news. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 36323644. The Palestinian content disseminated on new media platforms plays an essential role in persuading the Palestinian guys to act in certain ways especially when there are potential clashes with the Israeli forces. "Citizen journalism" is a term used to refer to ordinary individuals who act as journalists during some part of the process of creating content for mainstream journalism coverage. age, gender, and education) were controlled in the analysis based on their impact on citizen journalism. A rather wild imagination: who is and who is not a migrant in the Czech media and society? endobj To ensure ethical means of conduct several aspects were taken into consideration that are namely, each participant was informed of research purposes and objectives; a written consent form was provided to participants; withdrawal was made possible at any stage; no personal information was collected and confidentiality was given to participants; and original data was deleted upon computerization of responses. Journalism Pract 16:20402063, Saragih MY, Harahap AI (2020) The challenges of Print Media Journalism in the Digital Era. This rise of so-called 'citizen journalism' has caused a fundamental shift in the role of the wider population in public discussions. There is a relationship between citizen journalism as being a complementary method to traditional media and the reliability of news stories presented by citizen journalists. 2021-03-16T16:36:34-07:00 5 0 obj You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. This has dramatically led to a state of contradiction and widened the gap between those opponents. At Whitewater High, they believe in continuous learning, and Principal Krystin Hall is leading by example. However, our findings also reveal that citizen journalism does not make a significant difference in undermining gatekeeping practices over new media content in Palestine. An examination of recent developments in the field. Citizen journalism has expanded its worldwide influence despite continuing concerns over whether citizen journalists are as reliable as trained professionals. Information accessibility is the right to obtain, receive, and use data to exploit it for personal and institutional purposes. This was published news. However, it cannot be used as a tool for data analysis separated from the theoretical and methodological bases. A journalist will respect the rules of the profession even in photograph taking. To obtain This could delay the go-live process of submissions. In the aftermath of a crisis (i.e. To this end, this study uses data from different universities across Palestine obtained through surveys that address digital media empowerment and non-professional users in the new media landscape. Appligent AppendPDF Pro 6.3 The fear, or suspicion, of professionals could be justified, as it is not because somebody can administer first aid that the person is a medical doctor. There is a statistically significant difference in the ability of citizen journalism to undermine gatekeeping practices over media content based on exercising a form of censorship over the content users disseminate. A one-way ANOVA test was used to examine if there is a statistically significant difference in the ability of citizen journalism to undermine gatekeeping practices over media content produced by Palestinian citizen journalists based on exercising a form of censorship over the content they disseminate. Correspondence to <> The celebration of the 140th anniversary of Fr. Therefore, informed consent was obtained from all participants and/or their legal guardians for participation in the study. You are now a part of The Times of India Readers' Blog platform. Many of them tend to utilize different academic fields when it comes to citizen journalism such as psychology, sociology, economics, etc. Inf Commun Soc 18(11):13481361, Allan S, Thorsen E (eds) (2009) Citizen journalism: global perspectives, vol1. Comput Hum Behav 36:129137, Loizzo J, Watson SL, Watson WR (2018) Examining instructor and learner experiences and attitude change in a journalism for social change massive open online course: a mixed-methods case study. Thank you for completing the registration process successfully. The inaugural issue of Digital Journalism was published in 2013. Abstract Recently, the proliferation of powerful new technological tools such as social media and other messaging platforms have aided citizens to become purveyors of news. Most journalists and users who take advantage of the generated content on the Internet believe that the reliability of the news presented does not directly affect professional practices when adopting citizen journalism as a complementary method or an alternative option to traditional journalism. Introduction. Though, there is no unanimity and agreement on the name of this method of collecting, analysing and disseminating news by the citizenry for the general public, it is to be noted that its practice has increased over the last decade. He received the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication's Kriegbaum Under 40 Award in 1985, the . This is also clear when it comes to information accessibility and the rights to obtain, receive and use data to exploit it for personal and institutional purposes. Am Psychol 56(3):216, Shoemaker PJ, Vos T (2009) Gatekeeping theory. This change is challenging traditional ideas of what journalism is and who can claim to be a journalist. It has had a significant impact on today's news, with many believing that citizen journalism is a threat to professional and traditional journalism. This is important because understanding citizen journalism and analyzing the different contexts in which it operates will contribute to the development of new methods and models of mass communication on the one hand, and will certainly promote democratic and liberal practices in postmodern societies on the other hand. Soc Mov Stud 11(3-4):367374, Goldsmith RE, Lafferty BA, Newell SJ (2000) The impact of corporate credibility and celebrity credibility on consumer reaction to advertisements and brands. SAGE Publications, pp. We promise to bring you the best of Kashmir, straight to your screen. (2014) iReport. In many cases, the new media content disseminated by users on the internet lacks accuracy, regulation, and professionalism. psychology, economics, technology, sociology, communication, marketing, and politics) (Aldaihani and Shin, 2022; Gorwa and Guilbeault, 2020; Loizzo et al., 2018; Mutsvairo and Salgado, 2022; McIntyre and Gyldensted, 2018; Zahoor and Sadiq, 2021). Finally, it may be concluded that any journalistic work, including citizen journalism, should operate under the umbrella of ethics, credibility, objectivity, accuracy, professionalism, and regulation. A larger number indicates a higher level of undermining. These factors are influential on health behaviors (Pornpitakpan, 2004; Raza et al., 2021), social matters (Kelman and Hovland, 1953; Goyanes, 2020), and brand-related attitudes (Goldsmith et al., 2000; Thomas and Sooknanan, 2019). Dooley, P. (2008) The Technology of Journalism: Cultural Agents, Cultural IconsEvanston. 9. endobj Following what was mentioned above, the perception of the audience and the quality of information generated through citizen journalism are among the key aspects that influence mediasociety linkage. Developing digital media ethics is important because the new media are based on the circulation of news stories via the Internet, and this should be consistent with the adopted ethics in traditional media, taking into account the nature of newly generated content and the different contexts that govern online journalistic practices. New media play a significant role when covering problematic political issues. social media platforms, and smartphones). Journalism Stud 8(1):7995, Singer JB, Ashman I (2009) Comment is free, but facts are sacred: user-generated content and ethical constructs at the Guardian. Horoub, I. June 1, 2023. This mostly occurs due to the various publishing restrictions that new media platforms impose on some Palestinian users. Understanding media empowerment: citizen journalism in Palestine. This happens through the selection of news stories presented in new media platforms and re-building the Palestinian consciousness towards the existential conflict they face. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.786, Mutsvairo B, Salgado S (2022) Is citizen journalism dead? This has been increasing over the past years with a significant rise after the outbreak of the COVID-19 global pandemic (Raza et al., 2021). 23 0 obj It takes years of training and practice to become one, and so it is for journalism as well. It is mainly due to the factors and circumstances surrounding the production and reproduction of news stories. <>stream This systematic analysis leads us to different sets of assumptions related to the particularities of citizen journalism and the various contexts in which such media content is produced and reproduced. Routledge, Wall M (2018) Citizen journalism: practices, propaganda, pedagogy. The Chi-Square Test of Association was used to examine hypothesis 3. It . However, grassroots journalism by its existence and practice raises questions related to its role in the society and the impact it could have on traditional Journalism. ISI. Verifying sources and ensuring ethical reporting standards become crucial in maintaining the integrity of citizen journalism. Lee B. Becker (PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison) is professor emeritus in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication and director emeritus of the James M. Cox Jr. Center for International Mass Communication Training and Research at the University of Georgia. (2012)2 though it does not begin nor end online. Per Corl's presentation, the city is requesting the support of the TDA in a "collaborative, multi-year partnership" in the amount of: $1.95 million grant reallocation of previously awarded funding . BBC. (2008) A Most Useful Definition of Citizen Journalism. citizen journalists) that are representations of low trust levels. The gatekeeping theory is embedded in the premises of the current research as it is commonly used to address (a) constant occurrences of events in a Spatio-temporal context, and (b) limitations of official media in terms of coverage. It is reasonable to say that the negative effects of citizen journalism can be avoided by adopting digital media ethics and developing rules and standards related to key practices such as objectivity and verification. This is beneficial for practitioners as they can delegate the distribution of news to citizen journalists, when it comes to technical matters in a society that is undergoing a crisis (e.g. During the pandemic period, the source that can aid the government to implement its policies regarding health-related issues and safety is citizen journalists as they are recognized as independent and thus, are more trustworthy in society in terms of risk perception and communication (Wu, 2020). This relates to large-scale activities that are not fully organized but are engaged by a considerable number of people. This is done by providing the public with certain information while maintaining the positive image of their group. As the outbreak of COVID-19 vastly limited activities and forced online communications to incorporate all aspects of media, the behavior and attitude of people towards government and official reports were seen as bipolar and lacking consensus (Wu, 2020). endobj When showing the role citizen journalism plays, a role that could be qualified as horizontal because of going from the people to the people, its relation with professional journalism has been evoked at many instances. J Int Intercult Commun 15(2022):414434, Chan-Olmsted SM, Cha J (2008) Exploring the antecedents and effects of brand images for television news: an application of brand personality construct in a multichannel news environment. Because the study sample comprises communication students in different Palestinian universities, this phenomenon can also be explained by analyzing the political and social contexts that directly affect Palestinian users. endobj Your News appeals to BBCs audience for collaboration when it argues. Media ethics is one of the most important issues on which a great debate is being raised among communication scholars. The Guardian's ' Guardian Witness ' app purposely targets citizen journalists, asking them to supply staff journalists with videos, photos and stories of any event they deem newsworthy. Rbutr.com is another app that helps journalists out with public opinion, using crowdsourcing to provide arguments and counter-arguments on a number of . Google Scholar, Kiousis S (2001) Public trust or mistrust? Barnes, C. (2012)Citizen journalism vs. traditional journalism5. We all know that traditional media content is produced and disseminated by media institutions that have different regulations and different editorial policies. 49 0 obj Notably, professional journalists use group settings that delegate gatekeeping processes. Citizen journalists, on the other hand, have a deep understanding of their communities and can bring attention to stories that would otherwise go unnoticed. In this respect, citizens carry the role of a journalist amid an event, crisis, or social and political occurrences. Crossref. Information, Communication & Society 18(5): 553-568. 2023 Socit des Missions Africaines (SMA). Mainstream media reporting on natural disasters always seek news feeds from members of the public to send updates, pictures and/or comments. Therefore, the self-administered questionnaire for this study was designed using relevant, valid, and available scales based on the reviewed literature. JOURNAL HOMEPAGE. (2008) Your News, Your Pictures. https://doi.org/10.1145/3025453.3025892, Vickery G, Wunsch-Vincent S (2007) Participative web and user-created content: Web 2.0 wikis and social networking. However, as the research focuses on professional aspects that have effects on the generated content by citizen journalists, the following concepts are deemed fit for achieving the research objectives. This becomes highly important for the Middle Eastern context as authoritarian regimes are dominant and therefore, need mediating elements (i.e. This negatively affects the popularity of citizen journalism and increases the possibility of fabricating news stories and reports to obtain more personal interests and benefits. Firstly, the proliferation of affordable and accessible technology has empowered individuals to document and share events as they unfold. Perceptions of media credibility in the information age. [Online] [Accessed on 17th April 2014]: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/talking_point/2780295.stm, Butcher, M. (2006) We Media: the citizen journalism dilemma for mainstream media. Indeed, it is now possible to fetch news outside of established agencies like Reuters, Agence France Presse and even public relation officers and police press releases. This theory pertains to the fact that individual traits are not dominant among professional journalists for the creation of news but rather subconscious psychological elements are prime in the decision-making process. Judging the Credibility and Professionalism of Citizen Journalism Versus Professional Journalism 118, Nah S, Chung DS (2012) When citizens meet both professional and citizen journalists: social trust, media credibility, and perceived journalistic roles among online community news readers. It should be noted that we use stratified sampling because we deal with a large amount of data. Hence, a selection process is conducted to generate news that is worthy to be shared and is referred to as the gate with the individual responsible for selection known as the keeper (Shoemaker and Vos, 2009). PubMedGoogle Scholar. ISSN 2662-9992 (online), Understanding media empowerment: citizen journalism in Palestine, humanities and social sciences communications, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-023-01526-z, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (, Effect of social media usage on the cultural identity of rural people: a case study of Bamha village, Egypt, Legacy media as inhibitors and drivers of public reservations against science: global survey evidence on the link between media use and anti-science attitudes, Who contributes more? How Ukrainian media construed migrants life strategies vs. what the Ukrainian public wanted to know. In: Oxford research encyclopedia of communication. This has led to various challenges that are posed towards the credibility of such content (Al-Shami, 2019). Citizen journalism plays an influential role in the Palestinian community in which Palestinian users receive information, opinions, and attitudes from the new media platforms and they are largely affected by the generated content of citizen journalists especially when it comes to the Palestinian - Israeli conflict. Impact of Online Journalism Journalism Introduction Journalism is gathering, processing, and dissemination of news and information related to the news to an audience. 27% of the respondents (Participants who somewhat agree plus strongly agree) believe that citizen journalism does not lack regulation, verification, and objectivity. <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 52 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> Upon completion of the pilot test, a total of 300 questionnaires were distributed among undergraduates of 10 universities across Palestine based on their willingness to participate and availability. A lot of people watch those shows. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 32 (2023). %PDF-1.7 % On the fight in Syria and particularly in Aleppo, even though professional journalists were reporting, bloggers had their stories to tell. Tables 2 and 3 show the results of the current hypothesis by using SPSS analysis. Another example of their collaboration is embedded in the creation of TV and Radio programmes, Websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts by mainstream media to allow people from around the globe to contribute pictures and video of breaking news stories5. I might contaminate you! BBC (2008) What's been making your news? 7. endobj Those political activists on social media platforms try to create a negative image of the other group. ABSTRACT: Citizen journalism has been widely cited as revolving the field of journalism especially in Zimbabwe where traditional media is said to be exclusive due to the styles of newswriting such as the inverted pyramid style which is elitist. endobj The results of this quantitative research have highlighted the statistical analysis procedures by examining the scientific hypotheses and variables based on the methodology adopted in this research. Therefore, citizen journalism provides people with a wider diversity of voices and alternatives than news organizations and other media outlets could deliver. Alternative journalism plays the multiple roles of exposing corruption, encouraging accountability, documenting abuses of power, and giving alternative views on local and international current affairs. Of such content independently and without contracting with professional media organizations Palestinians attitudes but also activates their national identity ethnic... Using the stratified sampling because we deal with a hybrid of professional training and editorial oversight can result! Phenomenon in the task, the produced and disseminated by users on the reviewed literature journalism studies 6:714730. And so it is mainly due to the people just some inspiration weve. 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