24., br. By Raffi Berg BBC News, Amsterdam The slaughter of conscious animals was widely abandoned in the 20th Century and is now practised mainly in the Jewish and Muslim communities. This assessment includes understanding that a given sign may be useful if it is present but not always if it absent, for example: Vocalization and spontaneous blinking, when present are reliable signs for consciousness but when absent are not reliable signs for unconsciousness. Electrical stunning passes a current of . [C13 stunen, from Old French estoner to daze, stupefy, from Vulgar Latin extonre (unattested), from Latin ex-1 + tonre to thunder] https://doi.org/10.31727/m.24.2.4, D. Jurenec, L. Kozainski i T. Miku, "Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods", MESO: Prvi hrvatski asopis o mesu, vol.24., br. It may be a commercial concern due to wing breakage, but it is not a welfare concern if it occurs after the bird is insensible. Oggi, nel mondo e nel nostro Paese, si utilizzano ancora metodi molto tradizionali per uccidere e/o s tordire i crostacei, come la lacerazione, la puntura con oggetti appuntiti, il raffreddamento, ecc., molti dei quali non soddisfano i moderni parametri richiesti per una morte r apida accompagnata da dolore e sofferenza minimi. Other factors such as overloading of the equipment or changing exposure times may effect how the birds react when they first contact the gas. Disadvantages: Gunshot may be dangerous. It is hardly a problem that. Examples of these other cases include, the brine level being too low or the bird being too small to contact the water properly. 1. In addition, the equipment must be well maintained to ensure the electrical current is strong enough, and does not deliver pre-stun shocks to the animal. *. The bleeding is excellent after electrical stunning .This is due to: The continued function of the heart and maintenance of the arterial blood pressure (at a higher level than when animals are stunned by captive-bolt type instrument) The nature of the muscular contraction, which expels the maximum amount of . The pros of animated educational videos. Social media marketing can help increase brand awareness, brand recognition, and sales while improving your relationships with customers. A diferencia de los vertebrados, los crustceos tienen un sistema nervioso segmentado, por lo que no pueden ser aturdidos o matados por un simple trauma en un solo punto, que es la premisa bsica de la comprensin moderna de la matanza rpida con el mnimo dolor y sufrimiento. Birds reactions to induction of insensibility should be rated. - The dystopian lake filled by the world's tech lust - How to spot a liar and much more. You have to understand how things work. Pigs are stunned prior to slaughter to minimise the suffering they experience. Other methods of stunning are available, such as captive bolt methods or alternative types of gases, but these are not widely used for a variety of reasons. It helps to create elegant spaces in any part of the building. Electrical stunning was induced manually without use of a V-restrainer. There may be a trade off between some discomfort during insensibility induction but the plus side is much less pre-stunning handling stress. The XSLT engine is libxslt. Chapter 10. (2022): 173-181. https://doi.org/10.31727/m.24.2.4, Jurenec, D., Kozainski, L., i Miku, T. (2022). Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods, Dragica Jurenec Learn How to Create Social Media Content with a Social Content Plan Make your brand stand out with a diverse combination of social media posts. Stunning can be defined as a technical method of making animal immobile or unconscious, with or without killing them, during or at the beginning of the slaughtering process in a way that slaughtering thereafter causes no fear or pain to the animal ( Nakyinsige et al., 2013 ). According to "Jelena Savic et al."(2013) (Published in architectural glass: types, performance and legislation), 'the transparency and translucency of glass ensures aesthetic beauty to any building. The advantage of using electrical stunning is that it is quick to apply and provides an immediate stun, but it does have some disadvantages for pig welfare. This display is generated from NISO JATS XML with jats-html.xsl. ), 173-181. https://doi.org/10.31727/m.24.2.4. Disadvantages. The electrodes, whether hand-held or automated (multiple bird systems) must still span the brain to produce an effective stun. 30 secs with CO2 vs 3-5 mins with argon). When gas stunning systems are compared to electrical stunning, the trade off between stressful reactions to the gas and a reduction in handling stress by eliminating live shackling must be considered. Citirano 03.06.2023. Another disadvantage is that insensibility is not instantaneous. incidents of preshock or electroimmobilization are to be monitored to prevent avoidable suffering: hot wanding occurs if an animal receives a cardiac shock before they receive a head stun, preshocked animals will generally vocalize because of the pain (except for sheep). Note that even with low frequency, high current systems, the bird may recover to some degree if the current is not delivered properly to the individual bird. Sign up to our regular newsletter and access news from across the Global AG Media network. orcid.org/0000-0003-1388-2404 2. Learn a new word every day. Possible discomfort associated with this method must be controlled through the rate of decompression and O. Updates? Commercial systems should have either windows or video cameras so that the birds can be observed while the system is in operation. The way in which light transmits through a glass in a building is so stunning that it has evolved into a powerful tool for an . All Rights Reserved | No part of this site may be reproduced without permission. n. the state or effect of being stunned. The CO2 replaces the oxygen in their blood and causes the fluid around the brain to become acidic, resulting in a loss of consciousness within about 30 seconds. Her research interests involve using behaviour to assess the welfare of farm animals, particularly chickens, pigs and sheep. Wing flapping AFTER the birds fall over (lose posture) is not a welfare concern and should be ignored. common methods of stunning are mechanical, electrical, and carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. Sticking involves the severing of major blood vessels resulting in rapid blood loss and cutting off the supply of oxygenated blood to the brain before an animal returns to consciousness after stunning. I n d ieser A rbeit w erden v erschiedene t raditionelle Betubungs- und Ttungsmethoden mit ihren Vor- und Nachteilen vorgestellt und mit der Crustastun-Methode verglichen. It causes convulsive struggling. 2021 Portal hrvatskih znanstvenih i strunih asopisa - Hrak, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/, Politika 'Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods', MESO: Prvi hrvatski asopis o mesu, 24.(2. Im Gegensatz zu Wirbeltieren haben Krebse ein segmentiertes Nervensystem, so dass sie nicht durch ein einfaches Trauma an einem Punkt betubt oder gettet werden knnen, was die Grundvoraussetzung fr das moderne Verstndnis einer schnellen Schlachtung mit minimalen Schmerzen und Leiden ist. ; Zavod za higijenu, tehnologiju i sigurnost hrane, Veterinarski fakultet, Sveuilite u Zagrebu, Hrvatska Global Ag Media provides a knowledge sharing platform offering premium news, analysis and information resources for the global agriculture industry. MESO: Prvi hrvatski asopis o mesu, 24. Synonyms for STUNNING: amazing, surprising, startling, shocking, wonderful, astonishing, breathtaking, incredible; Antonyms of STUNNING: typical, unsurprising, normal . the recommended equipment settings for each size of animal that is stunned including specification of: In cases where the manufacturer's recommendations are not used, there should be documented evidence or a validation study in the establishment to support the alternative approach, the voltage and amperage are monitored, easy to see and are recorded on an ongoing basis throughout the shift, the amperage is the more important parameter to assess effective stunning, the length of time of the current is applied on the animal is measured and recorded, a backup and well maintained stunning equipment should be quickly available as a deviation procedure. Exposure to alternative types of gases, such as argon or nitrogen, will cause pigs to lose unconsciousness by depriving them of oxygen. For ratites (emus, rheas and ostriches), if hooded, this will require increased amperage for an effective stun, a means/protocol to validate effective stunning parameters, the electrical stunning equipment is maintained and cleaned, as stated in the licence holder's written PCP and the manufacturer's specifications, in cases where the manufacturer's recommendations are not used, documentation to explain the rationale for the alternate approach should be developed and maintained, the voltage and amperage are monitored and recorded throughout the shift, the length of time of the current is applied is measured, safeguards that the equipment does not deliver any shock before stunning occurs, requirements that the electrodes are always positioned to span the brain and never on the bird's neck or beak, requirements that the stun-to-stick interval should not exceed 15 seconds, requirements for a backup stunning equipment to be available and properly functional, undersized birds should not be hung, unless they can be effectively stunned by the water bath with the proper adjustments of the equipment, these undersized birds or runts should be humanely killed by an appropriate method if they cannot be effectively stunned. In addition, the equipment must be well maintained to ensure the electrical current is strong enough, and does not deliver pre-stun shocks to the animal. talijanski, Posjeta: 617 Browse the full list. When the current passes through heart as well, either simultaneously or sequentially, this can cause cardiac fibrillation with subsequent cardiac arrest and death. There has been much controversy about the effect of different gasses on discomfort to the birds during the induction of insensibility. Depending on which areas of the brain are affected, this state of unconscious can be superficial and short lasting or deeper and longer lasting. Accessed 3 Jun. In addition, breathing CO2 at concentrations higher than 30% is aversive for pigs. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free! CO2 stunning allows pigs to be stunned in groups, and is associated with better carcass quality due to a reduction in blood splash, bone fractures, PSE and drip loss. Gas stunning involves exposing the pigs to carbon dioxide gas (CO2) at concentrations of 80% or more. PS. This stunning method results in fewer signs of distress than with CO2 stunning, but takes much longer for pigs to become unconscious (e.g. The licence holder of the slaughter establishment should include written training protocols in the PCP to ensure that personnel who perform the task of stunning are able to check all animals to rule out the presence of consciousness. A major disadvantage of gas stunning is high installation and operating costs. Slaughter innovations like gas stunning may eliminate unnecessary pain and suffering for broilers and make the lives of processing facility workers easier, but getting the job done correctly will always require close attention to detail.. Penny Lawlis, a consultant with Professional Livestock Auditing Inc., offered a preview of technologies shaping the future of livestock slaughter and . 2., str. Table 2. Pigs can also exhibit gasping type of breathing or hyperventilation during induction but this may be more due to a brainstem response to the hypercapnia rather than a sign of aversive behaviour. Pigs must be stunned individually in a restraining device and this restraint and isolation from other pigs is very stressful for them. It is not more rapid than other methods although it does ensure a steady throughput. Many new shapes are more discreet and also more practical to carry. It is questionable whether this system is labour saving. Za razliku od kraljenjaka, rakovi posjeduju segmentiran ivani sustav stoga ih jednostavnom traumom u samo jednu toku nije mogue kvalitetno omamiti ili usmrtiti, to predstavlja temeljnu postavku suvremenog shvaanja brzog klanja uz minimalnu bol i patnju. This means that the pig is rendered unconscious quickly and effectively with minimal suffering, and that the pig does not begin to regain consciousness before it has been bled out. Not only can the stunning method itself cause suffering if ineffectively done, it can result in the completely unacceptable situation where a still conscious animal is exposed to further dressing procedures that will cause it great anguish before it dies. The definitely conscious will be clearly distinguishable from the definitely unconsciousness (including brain dead) by observation of well documented signs associated with these states. When using a rifle or handgun, ricochet of the bullet is possible and therefore, the operator and bystanders must use extreme care in positioning of themselves and others when the procedure is performed. Decapitation of birds can be used to slaughter birds, as a back-up process for birds that have not been properly rendered insensible by another method of stunning, such as an electric stunner or CAS. Controlled atmosphere stunning has several welfare advantages. privatnosti. They should be sufficiently trained and competent to monitor every animal after stunning or for poultry, whether most of the birds appear the same when looking down the line, until the animals are bled out and verified to be dead prior to further dressing steps and procedures. stunning Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). 2015 Jun 30; 4(3): 4576: EFSA Journal (2004), 45, 1-29, (English only): European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publications for monitoring of stunning during slaughter, 2013: Verhoeven, Merel, Marien Gerritzen, Antonio Velarde, Ludo Hellebrekers, Bas Kemp. mortem physical activity, pigs were conducted from their rearing pen to the stunning site in the adjacent slaughter room using a trolley. Ovo je lanak s otvorenim pristupom distribuiran pod uvjetima licence Creative Commons Attribution, koji doputa neogranienu upotrebu, distribuciju i reprodukciju u bilo kojem mediju, pod uvjetom da se izvorno djelo pravilno citira. U ovom preglednom radu predstavljene su prednosti i nedostatci najpristupanijih i najee koritenih metoda za omamljivanje/usmrivanje rakova. Today, in the world and in our country traditional methods of killing and / or stunning crabs are still used, such as tearing, spiking, cutting, cooling, etc., many of which do not meet the required modern parameters of rapid death accompanied by minimal pain and suffering. Sve su navedene metode usporeene sa Crustastun metodom. 4. Shields, Sara J., Raj, A.B.M, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 13:281 299, 2010: Girasole, Mariagrazia, et al, Ital J Food Saf. panjolski Equipment that is designed for a single point contact with the head or neck (for example, an electric knife) may not produce an effective stun; there is the risk that it will only immobilize (paralyze) the bird without inducing unconsciousness. Heutzutage werden weltweit und in unserem Land immer noch traditionelle Methoden zur Ttung und/oder Betubung von Krebsen angewandt, wie z. May create unnecessary stress and pressure This is one of the most obvious and direct effects you will get from goal setting - stress and pressure. Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods. A differenza dei vertebrati, i crostacei hanno un sistema nervoso segmentato, quindi non possono essere storditi o uccisi da un semplice trauma in un solo punto, che la premessa di base del moderno modo di intendere luccisione rapida con dolore e sofferenza ridotti al minimo. Consumers. the protocol for level of salinity used and its adjustment including: manufacturers recommended procedures to enhance the salinity of water to improve electrical conductivity, as required, correct flow of the brine to avoid preshock from the brine flowing out the entrance to the bath, maintenance and cleaning protocol of shackles for electric contact to prevent poor electrical conductivity, the protocol for staff for stopping the line in the stunning and bleeding areas in the event of a problem or communicating problems so that corrective action procedures can be immediately taken, the system used should have meters or the proper software if computerized that display or record the amperage (ammeter) and/or volts (voltmeter), frequency and duration of the stun, meters (voltmeters and ammeters) are best installed where clearly visible to staff operating the electrical water bath or plate stunning systems and to any person who monitors, verifies, inspects or audits the system, frequency should include at a minimum at the startup of production, production shift, before each new lot of birds or employee shift changes. By contrast, reversible stunning methods will allow the animal to regain consciousness and these rely on the bleeding out stage from cutting the blood vessels to result in the death of the animal. Direct observation is the only way to verify that a commercial system is inducing insensibility with a minimum of discomfort. Some were afraid of automobiles, airplanes, and computers when the innovations first appeared. The advantage of gas stunning is that pigs can be stunned in groups with minimal handling and restraint, but this method comes with its disadvantages for pig welfare because it does not cause an immediate stun. The best systems for either gas stunning or low pressure stunning are designed so that the birds remain in the transport containers during stunning. MESO: Prvi hrvatski asopis o mesu, vol. vb ( tr) , stuns, stunning or stunned. For all multiple bird systems, birds should only be suspended on the shackle line for a minimum amount of time, not more than 2 minutes for ducks, geese and turkeys and not more than 1 minute for other poultry prior to stunning because: they have no diaphragms and there is increased cardiac pressure and bird death when in a prolonged inverted position, furthermore, there is the risk of pain and injury from the shackle from compression on the metatarsus, especially if it is not the correct size slot for the size of bird, shackles with moveable, tapering slots generally work better than parallel slots, if the shackles are too large there will be poor contact and insufficient current flow, if the shackles are too small it will be painful and induce flapping which interferes with stunning, wetting shackles can improve conductivity, The output of the electrical equipment (volts or amps) should be tested under load, using equipment which can simulate the resistance of a shackled bird or a bird's head depending on the placement of the electrodes, the waterbath should be sufficiently large (width, length and depth) to accommodate the wing span and body mass for the type of bird(s) being slaughtered and to avoid birds heads or other parts being trapped outside of the waterbath sides, all equipment should be cleaned, maintained, adjusted and tested to ensure it is operating properly with good current flow before the beginning of each day's operations, the water bath (live) electrode needs to be kept clean and must run the entire length of the waterbath to facilitate current flow, the ground (shackle) electrode needs to be regularly cleaned and have constant contact with the shackles since intermittent contact results in a less effective, intermittent stun, protocol for the maintenance of the stunning equipment, methods used to determine the electrical settings for each lot and type of birds processed, including a means to validate effective stunning parameters. Jurenec, Dragica, et al. Using CO2, the birds remain in their . Stunning can/will also reduce the stress and discomfort experienced the animal during positioning before the actual killing. Stunning should fulfill the following requirements in order to demonstrate the outcome of avoidable suffering to the individual food animal: Assessing the state of unconsciousness in the stunned animal is not always a straightforward task. Is gene editing actually. Most commercial poultry slaughter facilities render chickens unconscious (stunning) prior to slaughter through the use of low voltage electrical current or controlled atmosphere stunning. It is my opinion that overall bird welfare would be improved with gas stunning even if there is some discomfort before the bird looses consciousness. 173-181, 2022. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS), Velarde and Dalmau (2018). For poultry, there is the advantage that the birds can be stunned in the transport containers if they are specially designed modules for this purpose and therefore, the birds are minimally handled while still conscious. Mechanical stunning involves firing a bolt through the skull of the animal using a pneumatic device or pistol. The licence holder's written animal welfare PCP for the captive bolt stunning equipment should include the following preventive measures, procedures and information: equipment operators are trained and competent to use the equipment and are able to monitor the signs of an effective stun for each animal. Electrical head-only stunning includes hand-held and automated electrical stunning equipment. Waterbath and plate stunners are available as single phase or multiphase systems: either only one electrical phase of one waveform and current amplitude is used, or two phases of differing waveforms and/or current amplitudes are used consecutively: For example, for a two plate, two phase system: one phase delivers an AC (lower frequency alternate current phase, with sinusoidal waveform) current and the other delivers a DC pulsed current (higher frequency, direct pulsating current phase), each phase section (AC and DC) should be equipped with meters to measure the amount of current, as well as voltage, being supplied to that section of the stunner to assess the effective functioning of the equipment, the calculations of the amount of current being provided to stun each bird is not the sum of the amount delivered to each phase since each section is a separate stunning phase of the entire system and the amount delivered to each bird depends on the number of birds in each stunning phase at one time, each phase section (AC and DC) should be supplied with sufficient current to render the bird insensible, otherwise there is a risk of ineffective stunning or electroimmobilization, the ground bar should come in contact with all shackles over the AC and DC phase sections. Corrections? - How dark is your personality? the right equipment is used for the right species at all times, the current (amperage and voltage) is adequate for the species slaughtered to avoid electroimmobilization, employees who conduct the stunning require adequate training for the specific equipment used, animals are well restrained and stay calm, for head-only stunning, the outcome is a reversible stun, the electrodes must always be placed to span the brain for the current to flow properly through the brain for all food animals. 2022 [pristupljeno 03.06.2023.];24.(2.):173-181. "Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods." KHAIRUL NISAK BINTI MOHAMAD SHARIN (2019280956) f 01 INTRODUCTION PROCEDURE 02 PNEUMATIC STUNNING TABLE OF STUNNING ON ANIMALS CONTENT 03 SLAUGHTER ACCORDING TO THE ISLAMIC LAW S PERSPECTIVE ADVANTAGE AND 04 DISADVANTAGE OF PNEUMATIC STUNNING 05 CONCLUSION f 01 An advantage of stun guns is that they now come in many shapes in forms, making them easier to use quickly and effectively. 2. njemaki The operational parameters of the equipment should have a protocol that includes: how the equipment is tested and the frequency of testing, methods used to determine the gas concentrations, exposure times for the species, the size(s) of birds processed, the gas mixtures and methods used are those proven to be effective and humane, the establishment should have a protocol in place to identify birds that are conscious upon exit from the gas stunning system, through an effective monitoring procedure, especially if the outcome is not irreversible gas stunning, and ensure the birds are immediately re-stunned or humanely killed, LAPS is a computer controlled patented system that uses slow decompression (vacuum) to remove O. LAPS may provide the same animal welfare standards not less than the presently accepted methods available. Chapter 10. not all blood will drain from the carcass after slaughter, a . Negli ultimi anni s sviluppato un metodo molto efficace e virtuoso per lo stordimento dei crostacei dal punto di vista della tutela e del benessere degli animali chiamato Crustastun . This method is not only humane but superior to the other forms of stunning. Danas se u svijetu pa tako i kod nas i dalje koriste vrlo tradicionalne metode usmrivanja i/ili omamljivanja rakova poput trganja, uboda otrim predmetom, hlaenja i sl., od kojih mnoge ne zadovoljavaju traene suvremene parametre brze smrti praene minimalnom boli i patnjom. Todos los mtodos anteriormente mencionados fueron comparados con el mtodo Crustastun. The minimum current needed to induce unconsciousness in pigs is 1.3A at 240V for 3 seconds. every establishment using gas stunning should have a written protocol that is linked to or is part of the establishment food safety PCP to identify DOAs and how identified DOAs are removed: the licence holder may choose to identify and remove DOAs either before or after the CAS step, the protocol may be based on an acceptable standard or practice that is derived from documented evidence (such as scientific articles or studies) or it may be the result of validation studies conducted in the establishment, the system (including the modules if using a system where birds are not removed) where birds are exposed to the gas and the equipment used to convey them through the system should be designed and maintained to avoid injury and unnecessary stress, the gas system should be designed so birds can be visually monitored during the induction phase, throughout the stunning phase and accessed if the conveyance system fails in accordance with the PCP corrective action procedures. Research done with an EEG shows that when a bird loses posture and the ability to stand, it has become unconscious (Benson et al., 2012). Stunning before slaughter is a statutory requirement in the EU (with exceptions in some Member States for religious slaughter) to induce unconsciousness and insensibility (inability to . A ramp at the entry to the waterbath or plate system with water should be sloped to swing the birds into the waterbath, The ramp should also be either insulated or isolated by inserting a layer of non-conducting material (in the form of sheets or rods) between the ramp and the birds to avoid the birds making direct contact with any electrified water on the ramp, CAS stunning in Canadian federal slaughter facilities, using CO, The resulting acidification inhibits neuronal activity and produces an anaesthetic like effect, For current systems in use in North America, pigs are exposed to induction levels of high concentrations of CO. Posljednjih je godina dolo do razvoja jedne vrlo efikasne i kvalitetne metode za omamljivanje rakova sa stajalita zatite i dobrobiti ivotinja pod nazivom Crustastun. Another disadvantage is that insensibility is not instantaneous. Electrical stunning includes hand-held and automated electrical stunning equipment. 173-181. https://doi.org/10.31727/m.24.2.4. Hoy en da, en el mundo y en nuestro pas, todava se utilizan mtodos muy tradicionales de sacrificio y/o aturdimiento de cangrejos, tales como desgarramiento, picaduras con objetos cortantes, enfriamiento, etc., muchos de los cuales no cumplen con los parmetros modernos exigidos de muerte rpida, acompaada de mnimo dolor y sufrimiento. In any type of controlled atmosphere stunning system, there is a likely to be some discomfort before insensibility is induced. Each method of stunning provides different advantages and challenges for pig welfare, as indicated in Table 2. Tutti i metodi di cui sopra sono stati confrontati con il metodo Crustastun . The penetrating captive bolt, if applied properly, can render sheep and cattle insensible with Animals that are electroimmobilized look virtually the same as those that are effectively stunned. Small runt chickens that may miss a water bath stunner will be effectively stunned by the gas. Online retailers need less space they can run an ecommerce site out of a garage and use dropshipping to avoid a warehouse . En los ltimos aos, se ha desarrollado un mtodo muy eficiente y de alta calidad para el aturdimiento de cangrejos desde el punto de vista de la proteccin y el bienestar animal, llamado Crustastun . In recent years, there has been the development of a very efficient and high-quality method for stunning crabs from the point of view of animal protection and welfare named Crustastun. Now another relatively new technology -- gene editing -- is stoking fears. Effective stunning is highly dependent on the voltage and especially the current amperage used: poultry are electrically stunned using sufficiently high current, voltage and length of application, the stun could become irreversible and result in the bird's death, when using lower voltages for electric wet plate stunners, there can be a higher inherent risk of electroimmobilization or ineffective stunning, in general, the higher the frequency and the lower the voltage and current amperage, the more likely the bird will return to sensibility rapidly and the higher the risk for birds that could be electroimmobilized, theoretically, the current flowing through each bird is dependent on the total amperage of current, the number of birds and the amount of resistance in each bird, in practice, divide the total current flow registered on the ammeters by the number of birds in the bath to get an approximate idea of current amperage per bird. Indicators of pigs regaining consciousness following stunning (taken from Velarde and Dalmau (2018)). If most of the birds constantly flap or try to escape from the container, electrical stunning would provide better welfare. 2000 - 2023 - Global Ag Media. the recommended equipment settings for each size of bird that is stunned including specification of: the frequency of current (AC/DC) and which one is used for which step, the time of stun (taking into account the line speed and length of the stunner), number of birds stunned at the same time and for each step in a two-phase system, the protocol for the maintenance of the equipment for salinity flow. The pre-stun facilities in lairage, including gondolas and automated gates to move the pigs, and the stunning chambers, pit, in addition to the post-stun facilities, should be specifically designed: for CAS stunning and for the size and weight of pigs, to avoid injury, overcrowding or unnecessary stress, to continuously measure and display the gas concentration at induction and at the point of maximum gas concentration, the time of exposure should also be displayed or indicated, so animals can be visually monitored during the induction phase for any behaviour indicating distress from adverseness to the inhaled gas (agitation and escaping behaviour), so animals can be accessed if the conveyance system fails, taking into account personnel safety, so the adjacent work area is equipped with gas-measuring equipment that continuously measure and display the gas concentrations, to provide a visible and audible warning to staff, if the gases used in stunning exceed the maximum allowed in the surrounding work area, so the concentration of gases in the work area do not exceed those permitted under provincial and/or federal OSH requirements, it is recommended to use the gondola group system for pit type of gas stunning systems since pigs are generally calmer when stunned in groups than when moved in single file to the stunner, a protocol for animal handling to be carried out by competent employees during pre-stun to minimize stress, the gas concentrations and time of exposure are documented in the PCP and selected to minimize the stress of induction of anesthesia, gas mixtures and methods that used are those proven to be effective and humane. Find 183 ways to say STUNTING, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ), str. Animals that are electroimmobilized are still conscious and sensible to stimuli, including pain stimuli, Therefore electrical stunning parameters should be used that can induce epileptiform seizure activity in the brain. "Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods." Various types of stun guns include the cell phone stun gun, the stun gun flashlight, the stun baton, the stun pen, the raptor stun gun, the small fry mini . Slaughter of Pigs in Advances in Pig Welfare. Broken wings that occur before the birds become insensible are a major welfare concern. ADVANTAGES OF ELECTRICAL STUNNING. There has been much controversy about the effect of different gasses on discomfort to the birds during the induction of insensibility. However, many electrical stunning systems lack the capacity to produce an adequate stun, resulting in detrimental effects on meat and carcass quality (Green et al., 1993 . therefore, the electrode(s) are not positioned on the animal's neck or muzzle, for example for rabbits: when electrical head-only stunning equipment for rabbits is used to make contact with the muzzle of the rabbit and not span the brain, this will cause electroimmobilization only and not an effective stun, for head only electric stunning, the stun-to-stick interval should not exceed 15 seconds for most species, for head-to-body stunning, the outcome is generally an irreversible outcome, when done properly. They may struggle violently, which makes it difficult to accurately apply the stunning equipment, and their acute stress response has negative consequences for meat quality. For ostriches and rheas, to promote better bleeding, it is preferable to sever the major blood vessels (jugular veins and carotids) in the caudal cervical area near the thoracic inlet provided the thoracic cavity is not penetrated. Signs of effective stun include ataxia, loss of posture and wing flapping from tonic/clonic convulsions caused by the anoxia. The licence holder's written PCP should include: written documentation that the equipment complies with the federal Firearms Act and all applicable provincial and local legislation and that firearms are well maintained as per manufacturer's recommendations, can be used as the primary method of stunning birds or rabbits in low volume establishments because of the slower line speeds, requires equipment appropriate for the species. Electrical stunning involves applying an electrical current to the head of the pig at a sufficient strength to overload the electrical impulses in the brain and cause the pig to become unconscious. The end result of each method is to render the animal unconscious. Gas Killing of Chickens and Turkeys SUMMARY Although the majority of birds slaughtered in UK processing plants arestunned using electrical waterbath systems, an increasing number of plantsare killing poultry using gas. If a landmark other than the midline frontal is used then it will require documented evidence or validation by the licence holder to show the alternative approach can stun the animal properly: for example, a poll (top of the head) entry using firearms may be more useful for heavily horned sheep and all goats, captive bolt stunning may be penetrative or non-penetrative, both methods rely on the outcome of instantaneous and massive disruption of brain function to render the animal unconscious, Cartridges with compressed air, gunpowder or a spring under tension drive the bolt either against the skull or through it, the outcome causes unconsciousness from the combined effect of the concussive blow to the head and the penetrating bolt creating damage to the brain as it passes through and retracts, the impact alone creates pressure or shock waves that have multiple effects disrupting normal brain function, including flattening of the cerebrum contralateral to the shot, the passage and retraction of the bolt creates additional damage from a cavitation effect, hemorrhage, bone fragmentation, crushing, laceration and tearing of axons and blood vessels, even when the targeting is not optimal, such as when the animal moves, the animal may still be correctly stunned because of the massive damage from the impact and local damage of the bolt; therefore, slightly lower or slightly higher targeting can still work as long as essential parts of the brainstem are still damaged, however if the relevant structures are not damaged or the damage is limited, the animal may be still conscious or partially conscious and will require a second stun, targeting too high will only reach the cerebellum, targeting too low will only slightly damage the frontal cortex with the undesirable outcome that the animal is wounded but conscious, the outcome relies on the mushroom head causing unconsciousness from the concussive impact of the blow alone, rapid oscillations in the resulting pressure waves cause the resulting loss of consciousness, there may also be concurrent fracturing of the skull from the impact and internal brain hemorrhage, it requires extreme accuracy to be effective; therefore the landmarks are extremely important, for this reason, it should be used only in very young and small animals such as poultry, rabbits, and ruminants weighing less than 10kg and the head should be well-restrained to help with the accuracy of the blow, However, in immature animals, this method may crush the skull and result in an ineffective stun. These trained employees should be able to monitor: signs of return to sensibility for the food animal species and type of stunning equipment or system used. Low atmosphere pressure systems must also have either windows or video cameras in insure that the system is operating correctly. B. Zerrreien, Durchstechen mit einem scharfen Gegenstand, Schneiden, Khlen usw., von denen viele nicht den geforderten modernen Parametern eines schnellen Todes bei minimalen Schmerzen und Leiden entsprechen. For the purposes of this document, the following definitions apply: The licence holder's PCP should include the following preventive measures, procedures and information: CFIA Regulatory requirements for humane treatment of food animals during slaughtering activities under the Safe Food for Canadians: Controlled atmospheric stunning (CAS) references: General references for stunning and slaughter of food animals: References for physiology of stunning and signs of consciousness/unconsciousness: Intervalle entre l'tourdissement et la saigne, Captive bolt stunning of poultry or rabbits, Electrical stunning methods for mammalian food animals, Animal welfare PCP for gas stunning for pigs, Decapitation of poultry as a deviation procedure for missed stuns in poultry, Monitoring for signs of consciousness (sensibility) and unconsciousness (insensibility) in food animals after stunning, Cutting and bleeding methods for conventional slaughter, Cutting/bleeding of red meat species including ratites, Humane stunning and slaughter of food animals and post-cut management, Additional PCP Content for food animal welfare, Humane treatment of food animals at the slaughter establishment, Guidelines for Stunning Techniques of Mammalian Food Animals, Guidelines for the humane care and handling of food animals at slaughter, Guidelines for animal welfare Preventive Control Plans and self-audits for the slaughter of food animals, Guidelines for stunning techniques for avian food animals, including ratites, Low atmospheric pressure system for stunning broiler chickens, A new humane method of stunning broilers using low atmospheric pressure, Official Journal of the European Union - PDF (1,421 kb), A critical review of electrical water-bath stun systems for poultry slaughter and recent developments in alternative technologies, Optimization of stunning electrical parameters to improve animal welfare in a poultry slaughterhouse, Welfare aspects of the main systems of stunning and killing the main commercial species of animals, Report on good and adverse practices- Animal welfare concerns in relation to slaughter practices from the viewpoint of veterinary sciences, Recommended Animal Handling Guidelines & Audit Guide: A Systematic Approach to Animal Welfare, Consciousness, unconsciousness and death in the context of slaughter, Part I, Neurobiological mechanisms underlying stunning and killing, Consciousness, unconsciousness and death in the context of slaughter, PartII, Evaluation methods, Time to Loss of Consciousness and Its Relation to Behavior in Slaughter Pigs during Stunning with 80 or 95% Carbon Dioxide, Assessing unconsciousness in livestock at slaughter - PDF (8,635 kb), How to Determine Insensibility (Unconsciousness) in Cattle, Sheep and Pigs, tension in the nose , upper lip and curled tongue, The animal should remain in a state of unconsciousness that extends beyond the time required to use a neck cut to bleed the animal that results in death, The stunning method should result in minimal signs of distress in the animal before the loss of consciousness, the outcome of mechanical stunning produces a pathological state of the brain incompatible with consciousness and sensibility until the animal can be bled out, mechanical stunning requires proper targeting to achieve this outcome, the best landmark for the targeted area is a midline frontal approach, the projectile, when used, should be targeted towards the animal's brainstem for most consistent stunning results. 2., 2022, str. As with electrical stunning, captive bolt stunning can result in violent kicking from the pig, which poses difficulties for handling post-stun. This provides an additional advantage of greatly reducing opportunities for plant employees to abused live birds, because people do not handle the individual birds until after they are dead. Electrical stunning is one of the most frequently used stunning method for different species of meat animals (Gregory, 2007, Onenc and Kaya, 2004, Zivotofsky and Strous, 2012). No matter which stunning method is used, it is imperative to ensure that the stun is effective. Therefore I recommend that commercial systems should be evaluated by direct observations of the birds when they first enter the gas until they fall over (lose posture) and become insensible. Pre-stun shocks should be monitored and prevented since it is painful for the birds and the licence holder should take the necessary steps to prevent it, including the determination of the root cause. For more information on this topic, please refer to Velarde and Dalmau (2018). This delay, combined with the higher cost of these gases, is not considered feasible under commercial conditions. initial tonic phase of the seizure includes: constant rapid body and wing tremors immediately after stunning, rigidly extended legs (may be difficult to see in shackles), may have petit mal body convulsions including non-intentional wing flapping after rapid body tremors have stopped, rhythmic breathing (check cloaca for movements to indicate breathing), swallowing reflex (deglutition reflex), manifested as beak movements after stunning (from water entering mouth) and after cutting (from blood entering the mouth), shaking of head during cutting and bleeding from blood entering nares (intentional body movement), vigorous wing flapping (intentional body movement), return of tension in the neck after the limp phase, some types of current systems can have a relaxing or immobilizing effect on the neck ; in these cases the signs of return to sensibility after stunning can be masked, response to pain, such as neck cutting, can be an arc-reflex involving spinal neural pathways only and is not a reliable indicator for sensibility; it must evaluated with other signs and what electrical parameters are used to stun the bird, loss of rhythmic breathing (check cloaca for movement to indicate rhythmic breathing), rigidly extended legs (more difficult to see when shackled), vigorous involuntary flapping and severe convulsions, absence of a third eyelid (nictitating membrane) movement and other eye movements and reflexes, response to pain, such as neck cutting can be an arc-reflex involving spinal neural pathways only is not a reliable indicator for sensibility; it must evaluated with other signs, such as whether the head is floppy, loss of posture, muscle tone, relaxed, limp body, no rhythmic breathing (check cloaca for movement to indicate rhythmic breathing), absence of third eyelid (nictitating membrane) reflex or spontaneous blinking, blinking (third eyelid) and third eyelid reflex, the outcome of effective cutting and bleeding of all food animals is to result in death through exsanguination of the animal with all methods of stunning, especially if there is any potential for the stunning to be reversible, this ensures the animal will not regain consciousness during further dressing procedures, stunned animals are bled out as soon as possible and remain insensible until death, the time between effective stun and effective stick is kept to a minimum. Lower operation costs make it possible for many ecommerce sellers to beat out brick-and-mortar prices. The majority of poultry (chickens, hens and turkeys) in the UK are now killed using gas. Electroimmobilization may occur if the current bypasses the brain in the multiple bird electrical waterbath or plate systems. Not surprisingly, the stunning of chickens has been the subject of considerable research and discussion. 2. to shock or overwhelm. A higher intensity stun is associated with a longer period of unconsciousness, but also a decrease in carcass quality compared to gas stunning due to higher rates of blood splash (ecchymosis) and bone fractures. The two most common methods of stunning pigs are electrical and gas stunning, and there are advantages and disadvantages of each method for pig welfare and carcass quality. In these systems automated controls must be used to gradually remove air during a three minute cycle. Mechanical stunning involves firing a bolt through the skull of the animal using a pneumatic device or pistol. Approximately 80% of these fillets showed no blood . Table 1. Stunning. Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/stunning. The licence holder's written PCP should include the following preventive measures, procedures and information: the stunning equipment is clearly defined which type of stunning it is meant to provide , including reversible or irreversible stunning outcome, the protocol requiring that it is used properly as per the manufacturer's specifications to result in an effective stun, the equipment is positioned correctly to span the brain for the current to flow through the brain, there is a written protocol for the routine maintenance of the equipment, frequency should include at a minimum at the startup of production, production shift changes, before each new lot of animals or employee shift changes. Click here to return to the Homepage for more information on animal behavior, welfare, and care, No change in behavior from the time the birds enter the gas until they fall over (lose posture), Gasping only, with no other change in behavior from the time the birds enter the gas until they fall over (lose posture); Most birds with no wing flapping and a few birds with weak intermittant flapping, Gasping, combined with continuous wing flapping from the time the birds enter the gas until they fall over (lose posture), All birds flap continuously or attempt to climb out of the container from the time the birds enter the gas until they fall over (lose posture). If done correctly, the circuit from electrifying the electrodes will produce an electric field in the brain that depolarizes or hyperpolarizes the neuronal membranes resulting in an epileptiform seizure, which renders the animal unconscious. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Gas killing. After stunning, the animal is shackled by a hind leg and hoisted above the ground while the slaughter person sticks the animal. Visualize subjects for better understanding. However there is a transition zone or a gray zone between consciousness and unconsciousness when the animal may slide into and out of consciousness that may require re-stunning the animal to avoid a return to consciousness. 173-181. https://doi.org/10.31727/m.24.2.4, Jurenec D, Kozainski L, Miku T. Advantages and disadvantages of several Crustacea stunning methods. Hear a word and type it out. Can you be too beautiful? Eletrical stunning provides instant insensibility, but live shackling is definitely bad for bird welfare. Some signs are useful indicators of both consciousness and unconsciousness, for example: Rhythmic breathing is a useful sign of unconsciousness when absent after electrical and mechanical stunning methods and a useful sign of consciousness or return to consciousness when present, assessing consciousness/sensibility in poultry can present with challenges because of the high line speeds used in most federal poultry slaughter establishments, for practical purposes, groups of birds are assessed for uniformity of signs of consciousness or unconsciousness to gain an idea of whether stunning is effective, effectiveness of stunning is evaluated on an outcome basis (no signs of return to sensibility), however the signs of return to consciousness are progressive so it is important not to wait before implementing deviation procedures when observing any of these signs of consciousness during the monitoring procedures on an ongoing basis, the signs of consciousness/sensibility or unconsciousness/ insensibility vary with the species and the method of stunning used, the licence holder should include as part of the animal welfare PCP for poultry, effective measures for ensuring all birds are effectively stunned and no conscious birds enters the scald tank alive as the key outcome to prevent avoidable suffering to the individual bird, This includes the monitoring for signs that no birds are returning to sensibility at any point prior to entering the scald tank, including during the bleed-out step, monitoring at more than one point on the line is ideal and should include right after the stunning procedure and at some point during the bleed out process prior to the birds entering the scalding tank, a functioning reticular formation is required for the standing posture and is affected by all forms of stunning, Collapse occurs immediately after effective mechanical and electrical stunning, However, collapse can also be caused if the mechanical penetrative or electrical device is improperly place on the neck, bypassing the brain and resulting in immobilization or paralysis without unconsciousness, Gas stunning results in the gradual loss of the ability to stand, blinking is generated by an eye preservation reflex, absence of blinking indicates the required cranial nerves have lost sensory and motor function, involves circuits in the brainstem and cortex, monitoring for spontaneous blinking is a useful indicator of consciousness, spontaneous blinking must be absent after effective stunning, repeated spontaneous blinking can be a sign of consciousness, especially if occurring together with eye movements, focused on external stimuli, the nerves innervating the eyeball and pupil are non-functional, indicative that brain activity is impaired, a wide open, relaxed eye with a blank stare can be taken as a good indicator of unconsciousness, wide open, relaxed eyes and pupil can indicate a dead animal, corneal reflex and palpebral reflex have similar neural circuits but palpebral disappears first, absence indicates a loss of brain stem function and thus loss of sensibility, do not use corneal reflex to evaluate efficacy of electric stunning because of tonic seizure activity which may affect eyeball muscles, can be taken as a sign that the brain is reorganizing after stunning, absence of corneal reflex is a reliable indicator of unconsciousness, vertical or horizontal rapid oscillation of the eyeball or 'vibrating eye', presence of nystagmus suggests dysfunction in the underlying circuits of the brain or damage to the cerebellum of vestibular system, the implication of nystagmus depends on the stunning method used, nystagmus is often seen during seizure caused by effective electrical stunning in all species, especially at higher frequencies, if nystagmus occurs after captive bolt stunning this is generally associated with an ineffective stun and requires a restun, if intentional eye movements are present, the animal is conscious, involves higher-order cortical activity in perception and integration of information from the environment, hand or finger movement towards the eyes and a blinking or withdrawal reaction indicates animal is conscious, eyeball movement depends on muscles that receive information from brainstem, which is controlled by higher brain centres, full or partial eyeball rotation after mechanical stunning in cattle indicates a risk of return to consciousness and requires a second stun, intermittent forceful and disorganized inspiratory movements, rhythmic breathing is coordinated by the brainstem (medulla oblongata) and through information received from the periphery and higher brain centres, agonal gasping can be induced by ischemia or hypoxia and precedes death, absence of rhythmic breathing is consistent with unconsciousness or death, presence of breathing is a sign of return to sensibility after all methods of stunning, check the flank, nostril and mouth for signs of rhythmic breathing, gasping may be observed after effective electrical or gas stunning but should not occur after effective mechanical stunning, agonal gasping resembles the gasping movements of 'a fish out of water', when the breathing reflex starts to return, it can begin as regular gagging until recovery of rhythmic breathing, requires function of somatosensory and motor cortex, intentional vocalization indicates consciousness, when it occurs with stunning, is a pain response, gasping accompanied by guttural sounds are not the same as vocalization, kicking or paddling after stunning is most often a sign that inhibition of spinal nerve transmission patterns is lost, they are involuntary moments that are independent of consciousness, in addition, the somatic reflex arc may sometimes cause the unconscious animal after stunning to react to sticking/cutting painful stimuli, usually in the form of movement of the forelegs; these are spinal reflexes that do not involve the central nervous system, paddling of limbs can occur in unconscious animals during gas stunning but the body is limp, tonic seizures post-stunning are characterized by an arched back and rigidly flexed legs under the body; these are expected signs for mechanical and electrical stunning and are followed by clonic seizure activity that includes random leg kicking or paddling, evaluate with other signs and type of stunning method, righting reflex may be helped by subcortical CNS structures, but in most cases means function of the cerebral cortex and return of proprioception and muscle tone, righting may be impaired by shackling or restraint or the use of certain current forms in electrical stunning, an animal attempting to right itself will have an arched back, and attempt to raise its head or attempt to regain posture, if the righting reflex is present it is very likely that the animal is sensible, a relaxed tail does not occur together with an arched back or righting, body hangs straight down except sheep with neck hanging at an angle because of different anatomy, a floppy, flaccid, relaxed head and neck, hanging straight down in shackled animals indicates that muscle tone and in most cases cerebral control over posture are lost, if the head is floppy, in most cases consciousness is lost, muscle tension in the jaw, mouth or lips can indicate presence of cranial nerve function (sign of returning to sensibility), these signs can be useful indicators of poor stunning particularly in animals that are stunned with a captive bolt (less useful with firearm, electrical or gas stunning ), response to nose prick or pinch or ear pinch may indicate presence of cortical nerve activity in the respective circuit of sensory and motor cranial nerves, other responses may be a simple nociceptive arc-reflex response, based on a neural circuit that passes through the spinal cord, but not the brain, the nerves involved in the arc-reflex retain some functionality for a while after unconsciousness, response to nose prick/ear pinch may indicate consciousness or possible return to sensibility, ventral movement of neck in response to cutting of skin and blood vessels can be a nociceptive reflex response involving the spinal cord only; the reaction to the skin cut and other tissues cannot be used as an indicator of consciousness, need to evaluate with other signs, such as whether the head is floppy, a relaxed tongue may indicate loss of cranial nerve function, The tongue may hang out also due to gravity when the jaw muscles are relaxed, and this is a sign that the animal is unconscious, This can be confirmed by manipulating the jaws by hand and if there is no resistance to movement, the animal is unconscious, A curled tongue can be a sign of possible return to sensibility, neck positions are variable but should be consistent for all birds in a lot using same electrical parameters, for example the necks will be initially stiff and arched (perhaps parallel to the ground when shackled); this phase will rapidly disappear after neck cutting so applies to step between stunning neck cutting, then the head and neck will become limp after the clonic seizure phase is finished; flaccid head, absence of rhythmic breathing (check cloaca for movements to indicate breathing), absence of spontaneous blinking and the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) reflex, absence of other eye reflexes (palpebral, corneal and pupillary). 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