In his room working later that morning, Cece finds ten minutes while waiting for Jess to get ready, and she tells Schmidt to eat a granola bar before they do it. Nick and Jess emerge from the bedroom with their arms around each other, and Jess suggests they go on a double date because they're all so happy together. Cece, whose hands are stuck inside balls of yarn, rolls her eyes as Schmidt vows to never give up trying to sleep with her. Cece tells Jess that she needs a new guy, just like she says dating Shivrang has helped her get past "all the weird stuff with Schmidt." Cece tries hard to be supportive, but is too transparent, while Jess picks out a black string bikini with a star across the stomach - the only piece of fabric that covers anything. Cece tells Jess that she's sorry and doesn't want to fight, but she admits that she stopped telling Jess all her secrets when Jess started getting critical and judgmental of her. (". She urges him to take another girl, and he fights to hide his hurt feelings. Shivrang was happy to call everything off, and ran away from the ceremony with his true love, Elaine. Schmidt is talking to himself in the bathroom mirror, pretending he's talking to Cece about how much he misses her, when Nick walks in. The gang is gathered in the dining room, and Cece insists that she wasn't conspiring to keep it from Jess, just that it started happening, and then just kept happening, for two months. He ignores other women in a speed dating line, listening in on Cece's conversations with other men and defending her when one says he never sets his sights below Table 6. Born He writes an apologetic letter and delivers it to Cece's apartment, waiting for her in the stairwell in hopes of making amends. Cece is sitting with Schmidt at the bar, watching as Jess chats up a guy. Whether it was Jess and Sam or Nick and his plethora of weird mistakes, Cece would be the first to shake her head and tell it like it is . Winston watches three men and a lady. On the show as in real life, Cece is often short for Cecelia or even Cecilia, but it can also be a short form of just about any C name. Ankita G is barely impressed when she walks into the loft and the girls are chanting at Cece to "pin the dong on the Shivrang." she calls out, as Nick walks in on Jess with naked Artie. She puts on one of the seasickness bracelets early, and she tells him to just go get it. As he goes to pay, he discovers that the others, including Cece, have all pitched in to pay for his treatment. He tells her that he knows what they're doing is just sex, before he realizes she's cutting the vegetables wrong and freaks out. She panics, and calls Jess, screaming. "Did you drive my van?" Cece, with Schmidt and Winston, gives Paul the thumbs up when they all overhear Jess tell Nick that she can't wait to have sex with him in all kinds of interesting ways. They argue after having not spoken for two months, and Cece says they never would have worked because they're far too alike. She's sitting with the Before Girl, a model who looks just like Cece, but he's dismayed to find she's also there with her new model boyfriend, Kyle, who makes out with Cece right in front of Schmidt's face. But he soon shows up playing his violin, with turkey subs for her friends. But the plan backfires and Schmidt gets even sadder, so Nick and Winston get involved, and Schmidt soon discovers they're pretending to be Michael Keaton. He invites her to his upcoming office party and she offers to join him after a modelling shoot, when their conversation is interrupted by the beep of his phone. Cece apologizes to Shivrang that the guys made him show his penis, but Nick admits that it was his, instead - much to Jess' surprise. But as Cece is walking to the altar to start the ceremony, traditional music is interrupted by loud blasting of "Cotton-Eyed Joe." However, she is only interested in confronting Nick, and can't believe they beat him there. He's rude to Shivrang's family, so Cece drags him into her bedroom to tell him off. Jess shows up at Cece's apartment, ready for a training run. (", In flashbacks, "Young Cece" is portrayed by two different credited, and another uncredited actress, over the course of. Schmidt tries to imply that Nick might have a reasonable explanation, but Cece isn't having it, and they turn back towards the restaurant. The next day, Cece joins Jess for a training run, but Jess is listening to Diane Keaton's autobiography on her iPod, and runs off. Cece promises the guys she'll crazy-murder them if they let anything bad happen to Jess, who is preparing for a rebound date in her bedroom. Jess tells her it's kind of a loft thing, only to find out that the guys think she's a know-it-all, and it's revealed that Nick's "pogo" is that his friends sneak money into his pants pockets before he does laundry. As Ankita goes to the bathroom, Jess and Sadie urge her to pin the dong, and Cece blurts out that she has yet to see Shivrang's penis. When the film ends and she gets Jess' flood of text messages, she convinces Shivrang to come back to the loft to prove her friend needs help, and she's not just trying to ditch him. Outside his bedroom, Schmidt is celebrating the fact that she's sleeping on his bed and not Winston's, and vows to the guys that he'll close with Cece, even though they both swear he can't do it. He tells her that he'll support her no matter what, but fears the possibility of impregnating the baby when they have sex again. Working with the bees has proven too much for Cece, who shows up at Schmidt's office party for moral support after quitting the modelling shoot. Police in the Indian capital, Delhi, have arrested a 20-year-old man for brutally stabbing and murdering a 16-year-old female friend in public. Cut to Elizabeth's house, where Schmidt is rambling while he tries to break up with her. Jess is irate at him, but he's upset at Cece, and Cece asks to talk to him later as she makes herself scarce inside Sadie and Melissa's condo. But Schmidt refuses to bend to her every whim anymore. He's still determined to break up Nick and Jess, who gleefully announce that they're taking over the communal shower to have sex. Cece drops by the loft while the gang discusses Nick's weird college friend, Dirk, who's visiting following a recent divorce. Taking Schmidt's words to heart, Cece throws on a secretary's outfit that's much too large, and tries to seduce him by letting him be the boss. Later, Jess is talking to Nick about her fight with Cece, she admits that she was always disappointed in Cece for calling the modeling scout back in high school. Jess finds him naked on the bed, mortified, and Cece joins her in the bedroom door. Jess emerges from the bathroom with Remy, soaking wet. But Jess spots Dr. Sam, who she hasn't seen since they parted ways on Halloween, and she uses Schmidt and Cece as a shield. She is loving and protective of Jess, but blunt, and gives good dating advice. He passes out on her lap on the couch, even though he swears he's ready to be with her, and when he's asleep she calls her mom and leaves a voicemail. [10], Alongside Kate Upton and Gnesis Rodrguez, she was featured in Gillette's "What Women Want" campaign in 2013. Trying to help, Cece is attempting to dress as un-sexy as possible, but it isn't working. Expectedly, Nick is unable to keep the secret from Jess, and she finds him in the kitchen to tear him a new one. Cece wistfully watches as Schmidt walks off, but before she can think too long about it, she's swarmed by excited guests who clamor to look at her ring. Cece is just as surprised as Jess by this latest development. The name Cece is girl's name of Latin origin meaning "blind". She's way too beautiful, he explains, which would make the other girl think she'd never have a chance with a guy like him. She's elated for what Schmidt said at the convention, because she left with plenty phone numbers, but she's about to sleep again with him, unbeknownst to anyone. Later that morning, the guys are making excuses to be in the bathroom while Cece showers, and she asks them if they have any soap besides Schmidt's body gelato. Cece is explaining herself to Shivrang at the party, but he doesn't want her to have any fears before they wed, and nearly drops his pants in front of everyone in the loft. As Schmidt attempts to engage her in discussions about lesbians, Cece visibly rolls her eyes. Cece Crashes Jess finds Cece at a crowded nightclub, arguing with her European electro-DJ boyfriend, Gavin, who has a face tattoo, because she caught him kissing another girl. Demanding to see Jess' phone, she's not at all shocked by what she sees. Cece tells Jess that she thinks she's into Schmidt because he yelled at her. Unwilling to deal with either of the men in her life, Jess asks to hang with Cece for the day. Owner and Manager at Cece's Boys Model ManagementBartender at Clyde's Bar / The Griffin (2014-present)Model But after turning on the Cat Stevens, Jess can no longer deny it. They listen to Nick's old mix tapes, and Schmidt notices a flirtatious text on Cece's phone from Gino. Once Jess has seen her wearing it, Kyle urges her to take it off, which bothers Cece because he can't appreciate innocent fun. She related well to youth interested in alternative artists and interviewed many artists and bands during her time at Much. She is close with her L.A.-based grandmother, whom she calls Dadi (the Hindu name for a paternal grandmother), and her large Indian family. She can't believe that she was the last to know. Schmidt is floored by the revelation that his mother pretended to be the actor he thought he discussed his erections with, and at that moment Cece, dressed as a sexy pirate wench, shows up. They all look on, impressed, as he heads to the kitchen for cereal. They're no more than 14 years old. Nick says that he likes Julia because she doesn't play any games, but Jess disagrees and points out, surprisingly, that she asked her if Nick was sleeping with other people. Jess admits that she felt like Scarlett O'Hara and saw through space and time when he kissed her, but is trying to pretend like that's not important - after all, it's Nick. Jess begs for forgiveness and assures him that the scenario is not what it looks like, and he believes her, but he punches out Artie and calls Jess his girlfriend. "Why are you trying to push me away?" They show up at Schmidt's TinFinity party in the park as he is belittling the hired DJ, and Cece reintroduces Shivrang to her ex. Winston is playing his wingman, and acts as hardened security, dragging Cece away as she rolls her eyes. Finally, Jess gets up the courage to return to the party and talk to Paul, as Cece muses that she has to leave soon to follow Kyle to another party. (", When Cece is discovered near her school, Jess is with her. But Jess forcibly holds her back, grabbing at her face - Cece's job - and getting her earring stuck in Cece's hair. They live and work together in an L.A. apartment, and like Cece enjoy going to nightclubs and partying. in the middle of the loft but we still don't learn Schmidt's first name. Schmidt is having a terrible time at the party, and grimaces as Cece approaches. She asks Cece if the girl in the slides is the kind of wife she wants to be, and Cece is forced to defend herself. With dinner nearly almost ready, Jess asks Cece how bad it was when Paul overheard her talking about him, and Cece surmises positively that a normal guy would have left by now, but Paul's still there hanging out with her. But Nick's interference at the party caused the immediate end of her relationship with Paul, so she's feeling bad, and he turns the car around. For once, Cece is too stressed out to care about Jess' issues. The long ceremony is almost complete, and Cece and Shivrang are completing seven circles around the altar to symbolize life's journey. "This gum's crap," she says with a grin, tossing the crumpled paper in the garbage. They play cards with an old, happy couple, and Dadi tells Schmidt that he is exactly what Cece needs. Cece asks if she did her Kermit the Frog imitation, which freaks her out, and Jess says she did "once or twice." They turn the corner and both women spot one another, while Schmidt stands there at a loss for words. She dates a guy named Robby, who's nothing like Schmidt for a reason, but the relationship doesn't last and she and Schmidt sleep together again months later. That night, Schmidt stands up to Cece by asking if she'll let him sleep in his bed for the night, because the couch is getting uncomfortable and his sunburn is starting to blister. (", After prom, Cece is sitting at the hotel bar, chatting to the bartender about the fact that she's a virgin, when she's propositioned by Mick Jagger. Schmidt is downing melon balls at Nick's bar, trying to drink to forget about Cece's engagement, when Nick presents his roommates with a bill. Cece drops by to bring some things for Jess to take to the cabin with Dr. Sam, and Schmidt pulls her and Nick aside for a frank conversation about race. She thinks it's a terrible idea, and the group ultimately decides to use the dryer to defrost the bird. Crossing back into the United States, the border patrol officer discovers Schmidt and Cece in the backseat, and their relationship status both shocks and awes an unsuspecting Winston. Later that night, Jess introduces Cece and Schmidt to Oliver, a gorgeous blond with whom she has nothing in common. She knows about Schmidt's inability to choose between Elizabeth and Cece, and invites Elizabeth to the big office party out of spite. She suggests Winston. She says she just wanted to get him something to say thank you for saying "I love you," but Schmidt is still upset with her pushes her away. "New Girl" aired from 2011 to 2018. They're getting progressively drunker, and Winston suggests a competition to determine "the one true Schmidt" that Cece is all too happy to support. "Tonight is the night to beat them at their own game," she insists, and Jess invites Artie back to the bar, challenging that he can't lift her. From Cece chases her down, begging for forgiveness over keeping one secret from her. Hungover, she's grossed out to see his torso covered in baby oil. He joins them at the zoo, and as kids race by them, she asks if he wants kids. Cece shoots Schmidt a coy grin, and as they get ready to leave the hospital, he reveals that he's been wearing the bracelet she gave him all night. Cece, on the other hand, has a much smaller window of opportunity to be able to start a family. Schmidt plans a re-launch event after his penis cast comes off, and he feels inclined to invite Cece. Schmidt and Cece argue over why Dr. Sam would be at the party, ignoring Jess, who's freaking out and suddenly wants to leave more than anything. First seen But Schmidt notes that he was dating Elizabeth first, which helps him make his mind up. She drags Kyle off her and attacks, leaving Schmidt to have to throw her over his shoulder and walk her out the door. She's called and invited out Artie, who smiles from behind her. She nonchalantly asks if Schmidt's home, and he stands, offering her a hug of condolence for the break-up he thinks happened. They oblige, easily, but Nick has still missed his flight home for yet another Christmas season. But Cece refuses to eat it, because she has to be careful what she eats before the car show she has booked for the next day. Sadie, who is pregnant herself at this time, attends Cece's bachelorette party and is very attracted to Cece's model roommates. Cece is introduced in New Girl's opening scene. Schmidt begs Cece to tell him, in front of Holly, that she's still in love with him, and she obliges. She always appears supportive of moments that Nick and Jess have together, and helped pay for medical tests that proved he didn't have cancer. After a bad break-up, Jess, an offbeat young woman, moves into an apartment loft with three single men. In the morning, Schmidt is making plans with Elizabeth for the night ("Dexter and pie," she promises) when Cece emerges from his bedroom looking for coffee. Nickname(s) Jess drives around the block several times before she finally pulls over in front of the house, to the strains of Vanessa Williams' "Save the Best for Last.". He explains that his dad left when he was eight and had three kids with his new wife, while his mom disconnected from him and started dating women. [15], She began cohosting Welcome to Our Show, a New Girl rewatch podcast with co-stars Lamorne Morris and Zooey Deschanel, distributed by IHeartRadio, in January 2022. She's finally ready to be set up. He's come into the bathroom to collect dirty laundry, which is practically a first, and Cece watches intently as Jess practically melts down trying to hide her attraction from him. But by the time they get there, it's after 2 a.m., and all the displays have turned off for the night. Sadie, who is an OB-GYN, tells the girls about a test that can count their eggs, and Jess doesn't waste a second signing them both up for it. He insults her Indian heritage, and struggles to get back on his feet with her as he lists the things he loves about India, including Dev Patel and "chut-eney." Cece asks, and Schmidt doesn't know what to say. When Schmidt gets back to the loft the next morning, he's devastated by Cece's decision. Nick suggests that Spencer is Jess' kryptonite, and tells her to get her stuff back and move on, because he's a jerk. Desperate to leave the room, she obliges. He calls Nick, but pretends he's a girl named Nicole as he tries to make Cece jealous. "There's nothing less sexy than a guy asking if he can kiss you." He grabs the walnut at the last second and washes it under the tap. He gets into Nick's head and makes him start overthinking his relationship, which causes him to struggle with impotence with Jess for an entire night. Once they leave the bar, Cece and the gang head to the beach, and watch as Nick strips down and runs into the ocean. Excitedly, she runs off, knowing she's found the perfect candidate for a one-night stand. Cece can't believe her thoughtless roommate, and rushes to the hospital to find Schmidt. When Paul arrives, it is obvious right away that he's as quirky as Jess, and Cece takes the time to get to know him over some wine. When Jess seeks advice from Schmidt, he tells her to try an obscene sex play called The Captain, which subsequently traumatizes the new couple. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Cece refuses to treat him any differently on account of his health crisis, which he appreciates sincerely. "When someone I love gets hurt, I get involved," she snaps. Hannah Simone (born 3 August 1980) is a British-Canadian actress, television host, and former VJ and fashion model. He wakes with a newfound realization about his metaphorical search for the lionfish, and upon seeing the fish on his bedside table, announces to Winston that he must release the fish (aka Cece) back into the sea and set it free. He tells Nick the truth, but makes him promise not to get mad. She looks confused, and weirded out when Winston hums while they hug, before Schmidt, wearing a towel, walks into the living room. But, as a result of her game, Schmidt throws out all the walnuts and announces that he needs new ones. She asks Jess to unlock the car doors, so she can roll out and kill herself, but is intrigued by Schmidt's snide reply - "Men working." "I know this sounds totally paranoid, but I think he's on drugs," Cece says, which makes Nick laugh out loud even though he vowed not to involve himself in the conversation. When Cece leaves her alone with Schmidt, Dadi warns Schmidt that if he hurts Cece, she'll let herself die just so she can haunt him. Jess Day (best friend) Winston Bishop Nick Miller Coach Aly Nelson Nadia Sadie But she notices Cece walking through the party with Beth, and demands an explanation - he tells her that Cece works in catering between modelling gigs, and Elizabeth buys it. Jess immediately ejects him, and he sullenly offers Cece wedding congratulations before he sulks out the door. As she listens to her tell it, Cece looks somewhat disturbed by her story. Jess offers to remove any hair they might want to get rid of, but they both have plans - Winston is going out with Daisy for a last chance to sleep with her, and Schmidt is planning to take his revisited relationship with Elizabeth to the next level. "I'm not just a plug with her - I'm also a socket!" At the Halloween party, Cece and Robby are riding the merry-go-round when Schmidt barges in, getting on the back of Cece's horse. Later, she joins Jess to give her mother, Joan, a makeover, trying to say that they're just practicing for Cece's "plan B" - beauty school. "You've seen his, now show him yours," she advises her. Cece tells the girls to keep her bachelorette party G-rated on account of Ankita, even though she's always wanted a wild night out, and she begs them not to say a word of her fears to Ankita with wedding plans full steam ahead, because she wouldn't understand. He just about has Elizabeth out the door when Beth stops her, but he's already run over to Cece to tell her she doesn't have to pretend to be the caterer anymore. Season(s) He says he does - in about ten years. Jess visits Cece at a modelling shoot, and relays how she accidentally walked in on Nick, dancing naked in his room to Jamaican music, and laughed at the sight of his penis. But Schmidt balks at the finality of it all, and tells Cece he chose to be with her, instead. He tells her that she can't come to the evening's office party because he was just told there are to be no "sig oths" - significant others. Cece and Schmidt get married in the 'New Girl' Season 5 finale. However, he shakes Jess' hand with a charming smile and leaves them at the bar, and Cece immediately remarks that she's made a big mistake letting him go. Cece discovers that she's been seated at Table 34 - a pathetic-looking collection of attendees without college degrees or full-time employment (including Nick) - who match her own dating profile. Disgusted, an enraged Cece throws his box of puzzle pieces and storms out. After a quick trip to Mexico to save Nick from 'resort jail,' Schmidt is clearly struggling while his phone rings off the hook, and he attempts to carry on a relationship with both women. She calls Cece for encouragement, and Cece, much more experienced in matters of sex, eggs Jess on. Nick and Jess fall through the ceiling, nearly crushing the bride, groom, and priest, before the circles can be completed. On the drive to Spencer's house, Cece is squished in the backseat with Schmidt and Winston Bishop, the group's new roommate. When they've pulled apart, Cece insists that she's just trying to help Jess be happy, but Jess is adamant that she doesn't want any help with Nick. 17 Jan. 2012. Cece is the one to usually give Jess advice, but both are always there for each other when they need it. She admits that every guy she dates just likes to show her off, but he insists that his feelings are stronger than that. Cece admits that she likes sleeping with Schmidt, and he smiles, thinking the night turned out pretty great despite their current situation. He's jealous all over again. He asks her for advice on his boss, Kim, who he thinks is sending him mixed signals about sex. Instead, he vows to sabotage Cece's wedding, and is able to pull in Winston. Schmidt visits Cece at a modelling shoot, and she's disheartened to find out he's now in a hard cast because his penis hasn't healed properly. The body belongs to Mrs. Beverly, and they all run to the doorway to take a curious look. When the results come back, Jess is terrified, but her eggs are just fine. She convinces a kid to trade costumes and dresses up as Batman, conspiring with Nick to bring Schmidt outside to meet the "real" Keaton. She had henna applied to her hands before she went to sleep, and fell asleep on them before it had dried, staining her cheek. She's so excited about it, she even lets him wear a turban. Cece apologizes for putting thoughts of revenge into Jess' head because it's the way she's personally feeling about men lately, and she helps remind her what a good thing Jess has with Nick. She advises Jess to stop thinking of Russell as a boy, like her roommates and the guys she's dated, and instead go for what she wants from him. "She took it," he admits quietly. The next morning, Jess surprises Cece in the kitchen, ordering her not to drink her almond milk. Jess and Julia's relationship has deteriorated even further, because Nick tries to talk to her about what Jess told him. Cece is at Jess' apartment with their lesbian gynecologist friend, Sadie, discussing Nick's new girlfriend, Julia. [11], In 2014, she starred alongside Danny Trejo in Train's music video "Angel in Blue Jeans". she asks him, getting upset that he went through her phone and doesn't trust her. Initially reluctant, Jess ultimately agrees, but before they go inside she asks Cece not to do "her usual thing" and to be on her best behaviour. Schmidt asks where "what's his name" is, but Cece says she and Kyle are meeting up later, and tells him to pay attention to Jess. Once he hangs up, he shrugs as he tells Cece the "good news" - that they're mothers have given their relationship their blessing. Cecilia Parekh RogueInsanity90 3 yr. ago. The guys are going crazy by the time Jess and Cece show up, and Cece gives Schmidt a bottle of water before bringing up his jealous reaction to her work. She, too, would rather he just say it's over if it's over, but Schmidt is too afraid to end things with her, either. He confronts Cece after Jess goes into the night to look for Nick, and tells her that things aren't working out. Nick calls her a "cooler.". "Beautiful savage," he mutters to Cece, who grins. They are about to kiss, but Schmidt is too turned on by her. he admits. Cece, Jess, and Nick are dancing to the Crash Test Dummies, and Nick calls out the gang for thinking he makes stupid choices before walking off to find his keys. When they're close, Joan promises to kill Cece if she ever gives Jess drugs again. She's floored, but she begs Schmidt to leave her alone as Nick is the next one to sit across from her. Cece agrees with him, and watches intently as Nick forces Jess to punch a pillow that acts as Spencer's face. She invites him to stay at the loft the next weekend, and it doesn't go that well. Over beers, Schmidt and Robby commiserate over losing Cece at the loft later that night, remarking that the one good thing that came out of their plan to wreck Cece's date with Pevan was their new bromance. They pull up to Pica, and Cece storms inside to find Nick, while Schmidt stays inside his car and won't valet it. New Girl is an American television sitcom created by Elizabeth Meriwether. The case of 3-year-old Madeleine McCann, who disappeared while vacationing with her family in Portugal, has drawn international attention for years. Coach returns to the loft after breaking up with his former live-in girlfriend, Malia, and he convinces the guys to head out to a strip club for the evening. With Schmidt standing right next to her, she knows he has an accomplice, and demands to know who he's working with. They're all relieved when Nick emerges and says the tests revealed he didn't have cancer. He's offended, and she admits that she's "100 per cent" ashamed to be with him. Shivrang can tell that she's stressed out, so he tries to comfort her by reminding her it will all be over soon, and he makes popping noises with his mouth to indicate that they'll be able to have sex. The cute guy she could have slept with on prom night shows up at the bar, and he and Jess talk all night before they leave together. In search of a committed relationship, Schmidt blows his one last chance, and she allows her mother to arrange a marriage for her in the Indian tradition. But sexy lingerie isn't her style. Cece vows to junk punch Nick for cheating on Jess, and orders Schmidt to head back towards the restaurant. Engram Pattersky S7, Ep2 17 Apr. Jess stands in front of the TV, but it's a widescreen, so Ankita sees Cece is all her party-loving glory, scantily-clad and totally drunk. she wonders fearfully. Cece is listening to Joni Mitchell on repeat with Jess, while she questions her decision to end things with Russell. Cece's Russian roommate, Nadia, overhears their abrupt break-up and asks to take out Schmidt, which he thinks is a great idea. Later, still working on his puzzle, Schmidt begs for forgiveness because he loves both women and needs help, but their conversation quickly devolves into a fight when Schmidt insults Winston's puzzle skills. He suggests they could try it before getting married, but she's not ready - they're worlds apart, yet. On one hand, he notes, he and Cece have a passionate, if unhealthy, connection. Nick and Jess are planning to have a date night in, and they agree to watch Winston's cat, Furguson. Cece is jealous as Jess describes it - she's been off sex for a month, going on date after date set up by her mother. He almost never charges them for what they drink, but he admits that he's trying to be more responsible and has even come up with a promotional night to impress his new boss. He joins the women in the kitchen, and their argument is interrupted by a surprise confrontation between the two young college girls Nick has been sleeping with. "Try to be better," Winston advises him. After her first degree, she returned to Hounslow, United Kingdom for a year, where she worked as a human rights and refugees officer for the United Nations. 23 October 1982 Nickname (s) Cece From Portland, OR Occupation Owner and Manager at Cece's Boys Model Management Bartender at Clyde's Bar / The Griffin (2014-present) Model Relationships Backstage Portrayed by Hannah Simone Young Cece Ariela Barer Deal with it," she says, as she and Nick leave him alone in the living room. The next morning, Jess drinks a cup of tea and calls Cece. Cece Parekh He begs her to leave and find an overweight male doctor to help him. She tells Schmidt he has to go home and change before Robby steps in to calm the situation down. She didn't go to college; she started modeling while still in high school. Both she and Nick are confronting the reality that if they had met Schmidt or Cece later in life, they probably wouldn't be friends with them. She says that she's calling off the wedding because it's not what she wants - she says she wants to be with someone else. With concern in her eyes, she asks if Cece plans to come to the party because she's yet to RSVP, but Cece says she can't make it because she's been going out drinking "a lot" lately, and she's feeling wiped out. Apologetically, he gets out of bed and warns Cece that she's about to see him naked. Schmidt wants her to repeat that he has a pretty face and a hot body, but she tells him not to push his luck as she walks away. She insists that Cece is in love with Shivrang, and begs Schmidt to move on. She is portrayed by Hannah Simone. Would you like to Try out Cece? Jess doesn't know what to do because Nick won't even look at her, so Cece suggests she can make it even. He returns to Elizabeth, using sex games as a cover as he tries to convince her to leave. They discuss the possibility of a Baby Schmidt and are both disturbed by it as Schmidt walks in to prove why they should be. Cece makes him listen to it anyway. Cece knows she'll probably have to break up with Robby, and she's feeling sad. You may recognize Hannah Simone as gorgeous model Cece Parekh from Fox's hit television show, "New Girl." Hannah's hilarious antics and effortless acting have made her a popular character on. Nick, Winston, and Jess are not at all blind to the fact that the fish is a living metaphor for Cece, but they know they can't stop him. Schmidt offers one sexist comment too many, and Cece gets up, exasperated, to check on Jess. At the age of 13, Simone was living in Cyprus and was working as a fashion model. He tells her that he picked her, and she immediately feels for "poor Cece.". In 2017, she hosted the reality competition television series Kicking & Screaming. They sneak inside his bedroom with everyone at home in their rooms, and Cece starts to leave in the middle of the night. He makes Cece and mocktail, and finds her crying as she stares out the window. In retaliation, Winston refuses to tell Schmidt what his "pogo" is - the thing his friend's talk about when he leaves the room. Jess follows Cece into the loft bathroom, apologizing that Schmidt was there despite her promise. Jess begs her to come to the party, but Cece admits that she doesn't want to see Schmidt. Later, Shivrang takes to the microphone, unannounced, and gathers everyone's attention. Cece is an L.A.-based former professional model, now bartender, and also the best friend of Jess Day. Jess takes the opportunity in the heat of the moment to continue her argument with Cece - who then reveals that she spent New Year's in St. Bart's with a guy who might be an arm's dealer, and says she went to see My Girl with Jessica P. in the seventh grade, and never told her about it. Jess gets a text from Teddy - and Nick emerges, suddenly interested, from the bathroom stall to find out who Teddy is. She has a reputation for being a bit of a maneater, on account of her beauty and bluntness. Sadie is trying to reveal to the group that they're expecting a baby, but they're completely distracted by Schmidt, who's loudly trying to satisfy his boss, Emma, in his room. Jess apologizes and Nick heads to his room, and Cece is encouraged - she tries to talk to him. He doesn't understand what the problem is, because Jess admits that Julia never explicitly admitted she disliked her, but Cece insists that the tone and choice of words in Julia's statements is proof enough. Schmidt thinks Cece's been acting weird, and he asks Winston if he thinks that Cece's getting bored with him. On his way to work, Schmidt is riding in the elevator with Nick, who is trying to figure out how many school supplies he can buy for Jess with just $15. At least one of the girls is actually a lawyer, which she admits at Cece's bachelorette party when Jess addresses her as one of the models. Who is Schmidt? As he yells at Cece and Jess to leave his booth, Cece angrily rips open his favorite deep-V before Jess can pull her away. Jess contemplates trying to make things work with Paul because he's such a good guy, but Cece urges her not to rush into a serious relationship before she's ready. Last seen She throws his hands in the air and tells Cece to take the wheel, but he quickly takes over again when she veers everywhere from the passenger seat. He starts a fire dance to impress Cece, and almost sets Robby on fire, which infuriates her instead. At the guy's urging, she has attempted to get her stuff back from Spencer, but wound up being guilted into driving his new girlfriend, Rochelle - the girl she caught him in bed with - to the airport. Schmidt sighs, revealing that Jess doesn't know Nick cheated on her, which stuns her. The pigeon takes off into Cece's apartment. Schmidt does it anyway, and winds up trying to buy crack with Winston in a bad part of town while Nick and Jess are at the cabin. "This was your idea," Jess drunkenly reminds her, accepting Artie's offer, much to Cece's chagrin. Nick asks whether Coach ran it by him first, and Schmidt admits that he came over and followed the Bro Code, and he agreed to the date before he really thought about how uncomfortable it made him. She surmises that the mystery is what makes their relationship special - she calls it a real leap of faith. This also meant she had better, more empowering lines because her approach to dating was also more liberated than Jess', since the latter was a bit old school . Dirk hits on Cece, but she announces that she's seeing someone. She was set up to be a foil for Jess's cutesiness with down-to . Jess pretends to have finally located her keys, and the group is relieved to finally be able to go home. Cece asks him, sobbing. Cece urges him to slow down, and she asks what's going on, considering everyone was acting so weird back at the loft. They're interrupted by yelling in the living room, and rush out to find Elizabeth smashing a custard pie in Schmidt's face. g glowgal Jul 24, 2012 at 11:36 AM I absolutely love, love, love Cece for a girl. Played by British Canadian actress Hannah Simone, Cece was indeed smart. Cece is trying to be strong as they stay late at the bar with Nick to help him close up. Artie excuses himself because she's involved, but Cece tries to convince him that Jess is "free as a bird." They kiss, and Schmidt looks on sadly, but the others smile over their happiness - even Nick. But Cece's initial instincts, that Jess' parents weren't going to get back together, were right, and Bob and Joan insist it was just a hook-up. "You did a bad thing. They arrive back at the loft as Artie finds the bathroom, and in the living room, Cece asks if Jess really likes Artie, but she admits she's just trying to get back at Nick for hurting her. Winston is forced to drag him out before he causes a scene. In every room of the loft at one point or another. From ages 710, Simone moved through three continents, attending schools in each one. Schmidt calls the revelation a game changer, but he thinks that Mick was in the Beatles. Jess, however, thinks it's great he's giving Cece the chance to move on, especially with "super hot" Coach. Hollywood stars Jamie Lee Curtis and Megan Fox portrayed recurring . After deciding she was too old to be a model, she started bartending at The Griffin. They're drinking at Clyde's and complaining about men, and Cece encourages Jess to make Nick jealous. She flirts with him, and Schmidt kisses her. She's unfazed by his pretend phone conversation with a pretend woman, and he finds himself embarrassed when Winston phones him and swoops in to bother Cece. Cece recalls when Christmas used to be fun, and all she had to worry about was her drunk uncle asking her out. Schmidt asks Cece to be proud of him for the fact he's not staring at her body while they speak, despite the fact she's dressed in nothing but a black bikini. Occupation When Jess returns home, she tells the guys she wants more honesty among her friendships, and it gets out of hand. Jess is wracked with guilt and wants to tell Sam, and spends over an hour talking Cece's ear off about the kiss. Jess ruins the moment by taking Nick's advice and getting real, pointing out that he never does anything and isn't even trying. The next night, Cece parks outside a nightclub and tells Schmidt to wait for her while she heads inside alone. Shelby phones Winston from his loft, where Dirk and Nick are having a party with college girls, and Jess is freaking out that she's going to die alone after a second bad date with Russell. Concerned, Shivrang immediately heads to the loft to find Cece, so they can work through it together, while Winston forwards the picture of Nick's penis to Jess' phone, so the girls will think they were successful in getting a picture of Shivrang. Cece assures her she did the right thing for herself, and orders her to turn off the music, finally, after listening to it all night long. She wants to talk to her best friend, and Jess happily invites her in. Pilot Soon after, Cece re-evaluates her priorities when she discovers that she's running out of time to start a family. Cece encourages him to tell his boss how he feels, warning that if he doesn't she'll just continue to see him as nothing but a pretty face and a hot body. They kiss, and Cece admits that she feels terrible for Elizabeth. She emerges with Jess' bike and throws Spencer back his bell. When Cece goes home that night, she's sitting on opposite sides of the bed from Shivrang. This is all news to Jess, of course, and she stalks off. Schmidt loves "bubbies," he says, using the Jewish name, but says that old people freak him out. [6], Simone worked at MuchMusic as a VJ at MuchMusic Headquarters, as a news presenter for "Much News Weekly" and, the host of the show The NewMusic. "I think we all did, buddy," Nick admits. he shouts angrily, unable to fathom how Schmidt could get himself into this. But because Gavin is staying at her apartment, even though they've only been dating for three weeks, she asks to crash with Jess and the guys at the loft for a few days. They take off toward the finish line, but Jess is a wreck by the time they cross, well after dark and after the race ended. It's Cece's job as a model, and her place in Jess' life, that helps an enthusiastic Schmidt make the executive decision that Jess should move into their apartment. He doesn't end up taking another woman to Italy on Ice - instead, he takes Nick, who strangely enjoys it. Footage of the assault shows the man repeatedly . Like she's being now, over Schmidt. Joan takes the opportunity inside Jess' room to question Cece about something she's been digging for answers to for over a decade. Because Schmidt told Holly that his ex was still in love with him in order to seduce her, she tells Cece she needs to move on from Schmidt as Shivrang looks on, uncomfortable. The DJ, thinking this is the cue Schmidt asked him to wait for earlier, throws up a spotlight and starts playing "Save Me" by Queen. And unlike most other South Asian television leads in 2011, when the show premiered she was also funny and hot. Cece shows up at the bar dressed in sweats and a knit hat (notes Jess, dressed like "a women's studies major"), and Schmidt leaves Jess and Winston at the bar to accuse Nick of "backsliding" into Caroline. Kyle's peed himself and Cece is morbidly embarassed, as Jess urges everyone to leave. But Schmidt thinks he has the worst story - and he just might. They agree to disagree and are interrupted by a scream from the roof - it's Schmidt, who's been cornered by a feral cat in the time since Cece forgot that she sent him up there all alone. No lists exist, but you may add a list. But Jess hears a noise in the hallway and desperately calls the guys home. On their way back home, Schmidt begs him to keep their relationship secret from anyone else. Cece brings Kyle to the Christmas party, and when Jess and the guys show up, she's wearing Jess' Christmas gift - a costume mustache. She wishes there was a word that meant complete satisfaction and complete self-loathing as she swears to Schmidt that this was the last time. Trying to make him jealous, Oliver's ex-girlfriend grabs Kyle and starts making out with him, which irks Cece. The next morning, feeling like he needs his space though he's forgiven his friends for "catfishing" him, Schmidt moves into apartment 4C, alone. But Cece's okay, and she admits that seeing Schmidt again, and not running away from it, actually managed to give her some closure about the end of their relationship. Schmidt takes a picture of his genitals and sends the picture to Cece, who calls him immediately from her car, parked in front of her loft. 2018 Tuesday Meeting 7.0 (720) Rate Winston and Schmidt help Nick write his new book. Looking for something to do to keep his mind off Jess, Nick agrees to go with him. She's mad at Jess, because suddenly something she wasn't supposed to worry about is all she can think about. Joan again insists that Cece scratched her van, and Jess says she didn't mean to, so Cece's forced to reveal that the only reason she was driving Joan's van was because Jess accidentally ate a pot brownie. Back at the loft, Jess receives the text, and the women crowd around to gawk. Cece's crashing at the loft while the plumbing is repaired at the apartment she shares with the models, and as the gang moves around the small kitchen, she collides with Winston and walks straight into his morning wood. Winston startles the horse that Shivrang is riding in on, and it takes off, with Shivrang, down the street. Schmidt visits Cece, who is feeling unglamorous on the set of a shoot for a Bolivian diet pill called Elgatrex, to give her a Christmas gift. She tells Winston they aren't close enough for him to barge in looking for a condom, but he's so desperate that he asks Shivrang for the condom in his wallet if he's got one. She admits that she doesn't feel as good as Elaine, but she feels better than she's felt in a long time, so she knows she made the right choice calling off the wedding. Ciara. She tells Schmidt that he has to tell Cece the truth, or she will, but he's so afraid of hurting her. [muffled grunting] Do they look flat to you?! Exasperated, Shivrang calls it the most elaborate way anyone's ever tried to get out of dating him, but she leaves with him, and Schmidt sleeps with Holly. Family "What's the emergency? Jess' kit to help Cece with wedding eve emotions, which includes Xanax and a picture of a cat riding a dog like a horse. Sadie admits that the first time she met Jess, she was taken aback by her bright pink ribbon hat. She finally manages to push Jess out of the apartment, and Schmidt emerges from under the sofa cushions, having narrowly avoided being caught with her. She storms out the door, having dumped him, as Schmidt explains to Nick and Jess that Cece had Elizabeth's number, and told her he'd cheated. Cece's uncomfortable with the conversation, and Robby tells Schmidt that he should be trying to find a nice girl - like he has in Cece. The next morning, Jess is complaining to Cece about Russell in Schmidt's bedroom, and Schmidt tries to pretend he's not interested in the girl talk. Cece's wedding invitations arrive at the loft - everyone's invited, but even Jess is surprised to find out it's in only three weeks, and Schmidt is livid that she didn't offer him, as her ex, a plus one to the ceremony. After some disastrous dinner prep, Cece, Nick, and Jess catch Bob and Joan making out in the washroom, and Jess thinks her parent trap has finally been successful. She suggests that maybe Cece should show things down and get to know Shivrang a little bit better before getting married, but Cece's in too deep and afraid to look back. "Do you think Nick is at that strip club right now, shaking hands? Jess, who isn't technically Cece's maid of honor, is hosting her surprise bachelorette party at the loft. Instead of finding something to say to her, he ends up nervously asking the bartender if they sell cookies. Nick walks in to announce he's going to the store, and Cece volunteers Jess to go with him. Before she dated Schmidt, he tried to compete with him somewhat for her affections. They bond over the shared pain of losing Cece, and she catches them there. He willfully ignores Schmidt as he tries to get him to shut it all down - instead, he's forced to watch as Shivrang gives Cece a proper "big proposal thing." Cece tries to find an excuse why they can't go, but Robby says he's happy to have more places to wear out his costume and says they should go. The show, set in Los Angeles, depicts the interpersonal adventures of offbeat teacher Jess ( Zooey Deschanel) after her spontaneous move into an apartment loft with three men: Nick ( Jake Johnson ), Schmidt ( Max Greenfield ), and Winston ( Lamorne Morris ). He and Jess almost proceed to have a threesome with Remy, and almost get caught by Winston. Winston tells her that he's sorry about Elizabeth, but she doesn't know why, until Schmidt jumps in with a story about how Winston is in love with Elizabeth and slept with her. She winds up embarrassing herself in front of him but takes Cece's advice and agrees to go out with him. Jess urges him to tell her, and he looks like he's about to, but he races for the door and drags Cece with him. Still, they get Sam's attention and makes the kids happy, and Jess and Sam get back together. Cece tells Jess to get Artie dressed while she stalls Nick, admitting she's really good at that sort of thing. Actress: New Girl. Hannah Simone stars on FOX's hit series, New Girl (2011), opposite Zooey Deschanel. She begs her not to tell anyone, and Jess is thrilled to have a secret with Cece that only she gets to know. Romances Excitedly, he tells him it feels an awful lot like closing. She reminds Jess of Eduardo, who could never convince her that he was into her in middle school, no matter how hard he tried. "Maybe this is the universe telling me that I'm never gonna find a girl better than Cece," he says with a grin. She tosses the turkey in the sink and sulks off into her bedroom. Celesta. Portrayed by Once Jess is gone, Cece chastises her racist Russian roommate, Nadia, for laughing at Schmidt. The gift is a homemade perfume called Cecelia No.5 - concocted with scents that remind him of her - base notes of cocoa because of her "brown-ness," sea salt because it sounds like Cece, and sandalwood - "always up to no good," he explains. Swears to Schmidt that this was your idea, and the group is relieved to finally able. By them, she 's running out of hand change before Robby in. They get there, it 's a Girl him but takes Cece 's decision he just might start a.. Could try it before getting married, but Schmidt notes that he picked her, instead cup tea. Himself because she 's so afraid of hurting her is encouraged - she tries to Cece. Her - I 'm also a socket! grabs the walnut at the finality of all! The living room, and they all look on, impressed, as forces... The perfect candidate for a training run out, as a fashion model seen but Schmidt that! At a loss for words an apartment loft with three single men Schmidt thinks he has accomplice. 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