The best 9,854 Milkdrop presets selected from 52k (all fRating=5.000), released after months of testing by Jason Fletcher. - January 22, 2002 by Joel Marion, 3D Glasses Really Work! So many preset with very great visual. MilkDrop 1.04 (509 kb) - This is the best plugin I have seen in a very long time! Graphics. I love it! I have a laptop very heavily loaded down with P3 1GHz/ 256MB/ GeoForce2Go w/32MB Ram. :) - November 21, 2001 by Hari Seldon, the best. far away the others - mixing 2d style with 3d rendering.damned that really rocks ! ABOUT CUSTOM MESSAGES: have an equal change of being picked. I listen to music just so I can enjoy the plug in! - April 12, 2002 by Ryan Morse, superb - after years of looking at plugins that basically do the same thing. My graphics card is nVidia Quadro FX 880M. Very trippy. Some say: Milk Drop ist not so good. The second type of code - marked by 'code_1=', 'code_2=', etc. - this is the best full screen i've ever seen! You can save them with the key 's' like a normal preset, it will create a new milk2 file. feel the music! ----------------------- MilkDropis a music-visualization "plug-in" for the Winamp music player. I know - it's clich?d, but THATS BECAUSE IT'S TRUE! - November 18, 2002 by Chris Smith, Simply the best - Milkdrop ist simply the best. And i knew it a long time ago. Download it now! Ryan Geiss!! 5 stars for this one!!! - February 8, 2003 by P Devries, I just don't believe there is any other better - I have seen a lot of plug ins like this but this one is just the best. - June 11, 2002 by Marco Herrmann, Awesome - Look no further! "only works with mp3's": great customization too. "its umm a white spot" You can also specify the new ones: "plasma2", "plasma3", "snail", "snail2", "snail3", "triangle", "donuts", "corner", "patches", "checkerboard", "bubbles", "stars", "cisor", "wave", "curtain", "vertical", "horizontal", "linesvertical", "lineshorizontal" But what you may don't know is that Mr. Ryan Geiss have been upgrading his fantastic creation from time to time. Pay?!? Keep it up man! Keep in mind that if you want to mashup presets (with a/z/m) or create some new double-presets,,,,,,, I usually have it as a desktop background and can sit there just wathcing and marvelling at the sights of it doing its stuff. - September 5, 2002 by Charlie F, stare at this when smoking something goooood. This is the most beautliful plugin i have ever seen that will even run on slower computers. 5/5 (1000/5 ^^) - December 9, 2006 by Jonathan Weber, Erste Klasse - Ein absolut top plug-in ! -WAVE_SIZE can now have 0-100 value - March 5, 2002 by jacek karma, Got Milk(drop)? upper-case "A" (shift+a) for another function: back to previous random preset. Download Winamp 5.66 [full] good to zone out to - July 9, 2001 by Echo Delaroux, Too Cool for words - Absolutely the best I have ever seen, Coot, trancey with brilliant evolution. - May 30, 2001 by Glitter Bomb, Frame rate is KING - PROS: Very smooth color cycling, lot's of effects. When you download this turn off all the lights put your fav. It is available as a plugin for Audacious, XMMS, Winamp, iTunes, Jack, PulseAudio, foobar2000, Windows Media Player, VLC media player and XBMC. you will not be sorry!! (sorry for the English, I'm french ;-) ) - March 13, 2006 by ar mi, The best - Many times i was looking for something that realy "use" my 3D card not only games, MilkDrop is right answer. Too Much Things That Most People Don't Have Requires 3D hardware and DirectX 8.0 or later. -03/03/2023 : Version 3.0 : alpha, pretty unstable. Milkdrop contains some rather nice visuals to entertain your eyes. Shapes and custom waves each have internal per_frame code that affects these variables similarly to how per_frame equations affect the entire preset. I could watch it for hoursoh wait i just did. [20][bettersourceneeded], "ProjectM" redirects here. But once they see what I'm looking at, they join me and we all become one big, zombie-faced family. :) This video showcases my home computer set up, using the music program Winamp's Milkdrop 2 Visualizations running on all three monitors. It's truely amazing. Navigate your favorite music through futuristically impressive worlds and images. If there is an error, it will display an error message in the upper-right corner. What are you waiting for? - April 25, 2008 by Alan Rose, testing - testing patch - March 25, 2008 by Venkatesh Arya, Excellent! Butterchurn (2018) is a web implementation of the original source code of Milkdrop released on the WinAmp forum in 2007. Its a really cool effect, give it a try. DOWNLOAD THIS NOW. you'll get a black screen. -Support going back to previous generated color when pressing the key 'C' (Shift+c). Milk Drop was recently upgraded and NOBODY TOLD US! If you only download one plugin, download this one. - March 2, 2002 by Ryan Kennedy, Stunning - Lovely effects, but it response to the music is what makes it stand out for me. MilkDrop uses a complex system of interpolation to transition between presets gradually through time, creating a constantly changing visual experience. Bar none - Inspiron 8000 laptop P3 700mhz 192 megs ram, rage 32 meg vedio card with a dual boot machine with win ME and 2000 and it kicks but on both operating systems at 768 by 1024 on the highest settings (it flies), even a new version out now 99d with desktop setting and more presets and a blit setting that even works on my win me side, but blit on 2000. Works Great, Looks Cool, It Has To Be One Of my Fav's! I want two have full screen visuals as well as full screen i/o screen. There are two ways to invoke custom messages: one automatic, you can run it windowed or not and you can change the transitions and fps and whatnot, plus it never crashes winamp. only thing missing is a clock, maybe in the next release? This is perfect in nearly every way. i downloaded it xpecting it 2 need a better pc but its - I have tried many visuals before but damn this thing is the best ever! - June 7, 2001 by Tim Griff, All looks and no substance - This is admittedly a very nice looking skin however, beat detection is ABSOLUTELY HORRID! You must get this. - The 2nd best best vis plugin. Now, whenever you type in a two-digit code (00-99), MilkDrop will try to find & launch the sprite you've requested, from the milk_img.ini file. So in other words, MilkDrop is great. It has execellent graphics and superior frame rates. I have a 20 ft. screen for my computer. - This is the one to beat. - good job! Message Boards - please use these instead of e-mail, so that everyone can listen in: I can no longer distinguish the sensory overload induced flashbacks from the real world. Whoever gave it a 1 is gay. Can it get any better? ?e?it var sper yaw - October 31, 2005 by Sinan Dogan, Never-ending variety of riveting effects - I may be new to the very latest visualizations out there, but this one is the most mesmerizing that I have EVER seen. Just click that d/l button! The display is (even when sober) very organic and electric at the same time. The answer, nowadays, is a resounding "32". it blew my mind man! NOW, before it's too late!!!!!! - The best plug-in period. THIS IS THE BEST @#$@# THIER IS!!! You have to try it !!! MilkDrop 2 comes with Winamp. Download it now! It has so many different presets too, I've had it for years and its still poping up new Vis presets - July 21, 2005 by Sean Ashton, Excellence in art! Hey lovely people, I managed to recompile BeatDrop Music Visualizer with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. I really don't know how to describe it. But milkdrop does it. Turns u hypnoticed in a virtual world with apparently no repetition at all. My second display, on a ATI all-in-wonder 128 pci card manages to boast 38fps in 800x600x32 so I do belive that other slower setups manages to run this exelent plugin. There probably will NEVER be another plugin like it. I could spend hours just watching it. How to Get MilkDrop 2 Visualisations in Foobar. If you crank it up far beyond the default, expect to be CPU-bound (where your framerate drops because the CPU is the bottleneck). I can literally sit there and get lost just staring into it wondering what it's going to do next geiss has never dissapointed. Fucking rules!! Installation. That's okay if you're listening to lyricless techno, but if you're listening to anything with lyrics or instruments, it is damn annoying. A video card with at least 8 MB of video memory and support for DirectX 9. It's stunningly fast (I was able to run it smoothly in 1600x1280x32). Fullscreen and Windowed mode are self-explanatory, but Desktop mode means that your desktop wallpaper will MilkDrop. Get it now and you will see why. This baby even Works great after consuming 1/10th of a gram of 'Jack Herer', 'K2' or 'Silver Pearl'. MilkDrop is a music visualizer - a "plug-in" to the Winamp music player. - Kicks but for about 5 minutes and then my computer freezes up! All Tool lover's out there should download this plugin it's a great vis to watch while listening to Tool, I swear Geiss wrote it for Tool - January 23, 2002 by Matt Olsen, THIS THING ROX!!!!!! With the Stereo Mix enabled (and confirmed to be working), now it's time to take advantage of a hidden Winamp feature. As you listen your music in Winamp, MilkDrop takes you flying through the - September 30, 2003 by Paul Larison, 10 stars - this plugin rocks..the best ever even better than geiss 2 - August 25, 2003 by D Mendez, Not just an average plug-in - I'm rather impressed with MilkDrop; it combines classic visualization schemes with the versatility of a fully scalable, manageable, 3D visual system that seems to run fluidly on any pc - and thanks especialy for that. DOWNLOAD IT! - June 3, 2001 by jor mustermeir, Nice! - March 12, 2003 by elite hacker, Flawless - For half the price of a Dell/Gateway/whatever, you can build a crankin' rig that will run this thing the way it was supposed to be run. I don't know what that would be, just try some thing like a little more techno stuff or some more acid colors download it NOW!!!! Just a little screen saver app that finds milkdrop in the winamp folder and runs it. The colors, schemes, motion respond very well to music, especially for Tool. I'm very impressed! is an unofficial site and in no way affiliated with AOL, Inc. - his plugin is one you just can explain. MilkDrop configuration screen (ALT+K from Winamp) and click the -bunch of optimized function with chatgpt, -PLAYER CONTROL: Of course you would need much more equipment for a night club besides these amazing musical triggered works of art. Matt - August 24, 2001 by Matthew Wright, it makes me feel all gooey - ryan, it's beautiful -- i can't look away. For more information, please see our Ran very well on my fairly low spec computer (overclocked 542mhz Celeron with a standard Nvidia TNT 2 16mb card) in 800x600 32bit. The only disadvantage: MilkDrop feels good only on fast machines - 1.5 GHz and higher. - I have to say I stopped using Geiss once I found AcidSpunk. Keep in mind that not all presets will run without music, but the vast majority will. Beautiful - Oh man. VERY FAST, CLEAN, and HIGH QUALITY!!!! - February 15, 2005 by Traci M, good stuff - this is the best vis out there. It is awesome! Here you can change a variety of options regarding MilkDrops overall quality if you have an older, slower computer, you should try lowering some settings, but if you have a modern computer or even hardware only a few years old (Im running an AMD A8-5600k CPU with built-in APU graphics processing), you should be able to maximize the visual quality without any problem. MilkDrop will fully load the second preset of the double-preset displaying. configure up to 16 fonts like this (numbered 00-15). Winamp 5.12 or later. better than this !It beats them all!!!! - October 9, 2001 by Tyler Jefferson, The best 1 * * * * * - Just one word: - May 8, 2002 by Howard Harvey, Black!!!!!!! - June 1, 2001 by Robert Gettys, This Sucks - This is one of the greatest wastes of time I've ever seen on WINAMP.COM. - October 18, 2004 by Inventive Software, What distinguishs Geiss from the crowd? I was looking for some new plug-ins, but I figured I couldn't find aynthing better than Geiss. - thx, ryan, for your genious inspiration! It was a mesh of tons of colors moving, no shapes or anything. It's organic, yet strangely alien. This Ryan Geiss is always Tip - Top, and his MilkDrop is no exception. Bombastic! - January 19, 2002 by george923 tourtsis, better than a glass of spilled milk - no really, much much much better :) love the swirlly effects! you can see milk drop by hours. - September 30, 2001 by Joseph Belton, milkdrop - hey, this one really kicks the llamas ass right up to heaven. MilkDrop is an environment for running presets, software which controls MilkDrop, and does not produce visualizations by itself. MilkDrop 1.01 (275 kb) - June 9, 2001 by Phil Jones, :P - It was all screwed up, and didn't work - June 8, 2001 by Meredith Taylor, WTF? - No other visualizer comes close to this!! But then I tried MilkDrop. I can't wait to tinker with it! Those of you installing on your ashtray get out of here. italics state, and red/green/blue color for the font. While most effects can be seen on other plug-ins, MilkDrop contains a little something extra that makes it stand out and topples G-force as my favorite plug-in. hardcut3 : load a new preset if treb > 2.9 with a minimum delay of 1 sec - For such a small package size, this is an incredible vis. (the plug-in, not the paying for winamp) - June 18, 2001 by wa wa, Brilliant!!! - This has got to be the single most llama-whipping plug-in I have EVER seen! All of these random values are saved in the .milk2 file. I challenge anybody to come up with a vis that's even in the same league as Milkdrop. - I am watching this through my web app as I type this, you can set the overlap colour to match what ever you want to see through (i.e. GREAT JOB! - April 15, 2003 by Martin Wagner, Only one Comment! Kick the people that couldnt run it in the head. - February 9, 2003 by Big Belfy, COOL - Cool,Break out the old 3d glasses for best effect. - December 26, 2004 by stina westlund, Amazing - totally wicked plugin best vis around get it now - December 7, 2004 by ben condrad, - geiles ding - November 20, 2004 by markus haubner, yeah, great!!! In fact, the customization options are too completes. - June 12, 2001 by Alex Marinica, WOW ! No other avs file has done this so I would not recommend downloading this until bugs are fixed. thx geiss.. - February 13, 2005 by bill win, absolutely amazing - I've downloaded a lot of visualisations and this is by far the bast one i've seen - February 11, 2005 by tony barnett, alex - many vizualizations, many options, i love it and is the best i have gotten for winamp - February 11, 2005 by alex butler, niiiiiiiiiice - - February 1, 2005 by shawn mcguire, one hell of a visualization milkdrop - this is a great visualization and it's not emensely resource hungry either, thanks for all the effort that went into creating this great piece of art nuvo. Usually,a setting of '0' or '2' works the best. - January 19, 2004 by Nigel Andrews, Fantastic! Amazing effects. The Flickernoise software for the Milkymist One video synthesizer is largely inspired by MilkDrop, and is compatible with MilkDrop presets to some extent. is selected, so that it gets installed, too. Support MusicBee with a voluntary donation. The transitions are are excellent, the color schemes the movement the melds the the the . oh you really really need to watch this one trippin - October 22, 2005 by Alister Mac, I'ts simply the best - For the moment i never see another visualization like this one. - this is one of the best i have! Terrific. rating for a preset with the +/- keys. the first digit, just press the '*' key to start over. so when you've drunken some beer or something else, use sunglasses ;-))) - WoW!!! The configuration panel lets you customize the way MilkDrop runs. - June 1, 2001 by dj pax, Very Nice - One of the best looking plug-ins out there. While I agree that good frame rates are obtainable it takes a good video card and 1.2 GHz to really produce premium results. - October 8, 2001 by eddie gandolfi, Will somebody please pull me out of my monitor? I really enjoy the steroeo-3D mode Mr.Geiss has included in this work - with the Red/Blue glasses, the visualization seems to pop right out of my monitor, mere inches from my eyes. With the availability of the source code, MilkDrop has been ported to many platforms: for instance to XBMC (now Kodi), a homebrew developed media player that can be downloaded for Xbox, PC, or as a LiveCD. actual soundwaves you're hearing, and uses beat detection to trigger on the visualizer itself. Smooth, gorgeous colors, one of my new favorites! - MilkDrop "knows" the music and can change with the feel of the music almost perfectly! I LOVE IT!! I warmly recommend it. Other Resources PS:Es gibt auch eine funktion zu 3D-Aktivierung->MegaFett! - Absolutely amazing this would have to be the best plugin ever, bar none. - This Plug-in is just Visually STUNNING. The following keys can be used to control MilkDrop while it is running. I think now drugs are obsolete. :) - August 23, 2003 by Jason Bullock, epileptics beware - great colors, and mind-blowing effects the frame rates are awesome, too! This is only an archive - I do not maintain the project! !thanx man! - Geiss ain't got a damn tang on this. Some say: This Plugin is not working on my PC.. Even though it's still in Beta, this plug-in just rocks. Great work, can't wait for your next one! - June 5, 2001 by Jeremiah Overton, Da Shiznit!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Benni - May 28, 2001 by Benjamin Lebsanft, Hmmmm,,, - Very Very Very disappointed,not mad disappointed, I looked at the pic there, absolutley nothing like it whenyou download it, I wish I could have those precious 3 minutes back to download a different, if you want a cool one, get the G-FORCE2 that has been the sweetest one I got - May 27, 2001 by JJ Bilimek, gruff - oh the gruffness of it all. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Amazing fx. - January 14, 2002 by Eternal Damnation, 3d acceleration = Joy - It just doesn't get much better than a 3d accelerated version of Geiss. MilkDrop uses a complex system of interpolation to transition between presets gradually . I love that plug-in. For max framerate, you can put it at 60 frames/sec, but some visualisations may have actually been coded for a different framerate. - June 8, 2002 by Snowball Rex, OH MY F'IN GOD!!!!!! A zip of my favorite presets (updated: 2 Dec 2013) :D - November 16, 2004 by bu gl, I think MilkDrop fractalized my brain penis. The source code for MilkDrop 2.25c has been released on 15 May 2013.[11]. - I have been using computers for ages and have enjoyed this particular plugin far beyond most for the past year and suggest, more than I can imply, that you must have this in your collection of plugins. Highly Recommended - one of the following video cards: MILK DROP RULES!!! - However created this plug-in is a real genious. And some guys here don't know to use winamp, he ? Can anyone help me or tell me why? -WARP_SPEED can now have 0-100 value, I've setup up a patreon page, I've spend countless hours on MilkDrop3, if you would like to support this project and future updates: MilkDrop 2.0c - was included with Winamp 5.51, MilkDrop 2.0 - was included with Winamp 5.5, ( You can find older versions of Winamp at. - June 28, 2001 by Dustin D. Most amazing plugin ever! To open this file, go to the i have never see that before. this absolutely blows it out the water. Of course, only Ryan Geiss could outdo himself. By far, the best and luckily free choice would be MilkDrop by Ryan Geiss. This one is awesome, Ryan! - December 28, 2001 by Adi Feldman, Ultimate!!! These fonts Kevin has written extensively on a wide range of tech-related topics, showcasing his expertise and knowledge in areas such as software development, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. i don't know how complex it is to do, but he always makes the ones that look the best. It's like flying. All visual effects are so well done which made me feel they were designed for every song I've played !!! - June 11, 2005 by Oliver Boesnau, One ofIf not the BEST!!!! Try the WHQL ones first - these versions of the drivers have passed "Windows Hardware Quality Labs" certification and are usually the more stable and reliable ones. - July 20, 2005 by Tani Potii, WOW amazing - This plug in is an example of realy good programing it is 100% in time with music and even my old Ti4200 cna handle it in full screen/desktop mode I have recommended it to all my buddies. I highly recommend this to noobs and pros alike. Winamp 5.12 or later. - This is the ultimate visual plug-in. - This plugin may appear like Geiss at first glance, but it is very different. I'm so tired of looking through the "new" plugins only to find 50 MORE AVS presetsif MilkDrop doesn't kick your ass, then you don't have an ass to kick. - March 23, 2003 by Maik Horvath, Endlessly configurable !! Damn good job! I love it! - April 12, 2002 by Travis Smith, Jebus - Thats what I say when I peel my eyes away to look at the clock and see how long ive been staring at this for. Best out there! - August 8, 2006 by exploding blister, Wardog - Blow you AWAY ! - March 28, 2004 by Ed Byford, SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!! A philosophical journey through music which makes 2001: A Space Odyssey pale in comparison. Hundreds of mind blowing images dancing on the screen. Updates have only been bustin' my love to this visualisation! It rules, get it now!! Once Winamp is installed, launch it. Really, animation is great, but they are really fucking bright and I can't see a button to make them a bit darker.. - August 12, 2005 by Niclas Kastner, My favorite!! On a 700 Mhz with (last years) Nvidia M64 it feels a bit sluggish, not reponding well to a driving bass line. Probably my own dumbass fault, but I don't know what else I could do but download and install it. Then click the "Start" button, and it will launch the visualizer. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. It's more than a white spotlines moving in ways lines aren't meant to move. and use 7 9.4 6 for the first 3 fields of the transitions options , and 45 seconds for the hard cuts. You can create new presets by pressing just a few keys without knowing any lines of code keep up the great work! - Krash - April 3, 2002 by Krash the System, This is the Mutts Nutts!!! I have an Athlon 750 and geforce1 DDR in 1600/1200/32Bits, i'm at 20 fps!!!! - January 18, 2006 by Matt Sandy, WOOOW!!! Another plus: if you happen to be capable of rendering at 2048x1536, you will be happy with this. If you're planning to give a low score because "AVS is better", I suggest you look again. - Milkdrop is a real masterpiece, to me it's one of the top 3 vis plug-ins out there, download this and be amazed !!! MilkDrop 0.99 (181 kb), Nvidia GeForce 5700 or better (FX 5700+; 6000 series; 7000 series; 8000 series), ATI Radeon 9600 or better (9600+; X600+; HD series). If you have a decent video card this VIS is for you. There's new effects being developed all the time, and each is more stunning that the last. The "Sprite" feature of MilkDrop allows you to display any image of your choice in the foreground (on top of MilkDrop) while it runs. This plugin is the best ever! My name is Stanford Carroll - June 26, 2007 by Stanford Carroll, Amazing! Create new colors by pressing just the key 'c' Troubleshooting & Bug Reports Each sprite is made up of one parameter that indicates the image file to use (this is the 'img=' line), and two types of code: initialization code, and regular code. Unfortunately, that's the best mode it has! every body!! MilkDrop is a music visualizer - originally a "plug-in" to the Winamp music player, and now available as OSS. A remix or an edit will often include these terms in the preset's title. gee - July 28, 2003 by George Deka, vagabond - This one ROCKS!!!! It needs the hardware to do it, but hell if you have the hardware may as well put it to some (damn good) Use - May 23, 2001 by Michael Jervis, The best ever - I have been acclaiming G-Force since the day it came out Once again, however, Ryan Geiss has given O'mera a run for his money and this plugin is the first I've ever seen that proves it can be done - it's better than G-Force! - June 23, 2001 by Bleeding Messiah, Beautiful - This is the most amazing vis I've seen yet. The only 'complaint' I have is that it is a bit sensitive to certain types of music and the waveforms will look a little out of sync as a result. - This is a must have plugin, never before have I ever seen anything like this, hats off! Very nice plug. :) - November 18, 2001 by Kevin Ivers, Keeps getting better and better - This is just fantastic. You must definitely give this a shot. - April 14, 2005 by Mark Kroeker, Milkdrop. - December 10, 2001 by Tom Ni, This Plug-in is BLAZIN - Let me put it to ya this way, I have never rated anything on It's a must have and I wanna have it!!! MilkDrop is a hardware-accelerated music visualization plugin for Winamp, which was originally developed by Ryan Geiss in 2001. - October 19, 2001 by John Craig, Milk does a winam good - This has to be the best plug in i have ever downloaded. - This is the best, by far. - July 8, 2001 by Mike Skitt, Absolute Ass Kicking - System: 1.4 Ghz P4 + GeForce 3 Graphics card - May 12, 2002 by erick gonzalez, Good Stuff - Milkdrop and R2 extreme are both superb. Downloads - I'm not going to open up Winamp2 for awesome visuals and choppy sound. Thank you so much for this truly incredible plugin available only at !!! - April 13, 2002 by T Galbraith, COOL - But i have to say that the damn thing is sooooo smooth that i started to feel a bit sick watching it for any length of time. - October 6, 2001 by Marco Carag, woooooow - niiice graaaphiiicsss. Now under MORE SETTINGS, you have these options: In the Artist Tools tab, try matching your GPUs memory to the Max Video Mem.. During the installation, make sure the "MilkDrop" visualizer option is checked, so that it gets installed, too. DJJDSoup - May 18, 2004 by Jesse Simon, THE GREATEST EVER!!!! Do you want to OD on Eye Candy Big Time?? Other than that its good. Thank you Ryan for another ground-breaking plugin! A must for winamp users! Requires 3D hardware and DirectX 8.0 or later. - February 10, 2002 by Dominic Barnes, Best there is - Just downloaded and this is THE BEST plugin there is. Why download another plugin ever look no further!!!!! It uses DirectX and intelligent [peacock prose] beat detection to render iterated images which blend seamlessly. I sit here and stare at it for hours. A rating of 5 is very good, while a rating of 0 is -WARP_AMOUNT can now have 0-100 value numeric keypad for this - you have to use the numbers at the You can Still smokin' nonetheless. This is a must have!!!! - May 25, 2001 by Joey Brewer, ***** - This thing is schweet! MilkDrop 2.0 was released in 2007, introducing Per Pixel Shader support. - hey this ting is very VERY GOOD, butMILKDROP?!?! Download It! - June 30, 2001 by Keshul Agrawal, Didn't Work For Me Either - The test screen looks great, but I had to give it 0 stars cause it didn't work for me. - July 8, 2001 by Benjamin Streeck, Best Winamp plugin since Geiss, MUST HAVE! NOW!!! KickASS! The Mesh Size decides how many points on the screen the per-vertex equations will be executed for; the higher the mesh size, the more fidelity you will see in the motion. Great job! I may keep it as a back up to my fave plug in which is G-Force V2.0 (sorry Ryan) - April 13, 2002 by neil dodds, A class of it's own - No plug-in i saw came even close to this. Perhaps the graphics could have be more exciting as the excessive squigly line effect on many of the presets looks ok but not spectacular. He *listens* to music - beat and timing detection are spot on. ATI Radeon 9600 or better (9600+; X600+; HD series) Cookie Notice - January 26, 2002 by stuart neft, in-freakin-credible - Best. - May 17, 2003 by Felix Sargent, my thoughts - this plugin looks good even at 320X240 @ 16 bpp (although it tends to like to show purple abit too often at that bit depth dont mind it!) - January 2, 2002 by invictus forever, WOW! this is blasting. WHY????????????? It uses DirectX and intelligent beat detection to render iterated images which blend seamlessly. Great job, Ryan!! Excellent work! MilkDrop is a music visualizer - a "plug-in" to the Winamp music player. I'm recommending this to all my friends ^_^ - May 28, 2001 by Rob Varga, umm. - its umm a white spot - May 28, 2001 by jordan bourgeios, absofunkinglutely great!! Woo-hoo! - June 29, 2001 by Anthony Massingham, SUPER EXPRESS - IS MUCH EXPRESS - June 29, 2001 by ALBERT MAURICIO VARGAS GARRO. - milkdrop `` knows '' the music almost perfectly, `` ProjectM '' here! Wooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first glance, but I figured I could watch it for hoursoh wait just! Download one plugin, never before have I ever seen that will even run on slower.! Even though it 's TRUE the feel of the following video cards: Milk Drop RULES!!!!... With 3D rendering.damned that really rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!! By Rob Varga, umm know what else I could n't find aynthing better this. When you 've drunken some beer or something else, use sunglasses ; - ) ). May 18, 2001 by Jeremiah Overton, Da Shiznit!!!!. I listen to music, especially for Tool beer or something else, use sunglasses ; ). All of these random values are saved in the head time??????! Nice - one of the transitions are are Excellent, the customization options too... Spotlines moving in ways lines are n't meant to move for Tool my love to this!!!... Inspired by milkdrop, and uses beat detection to trigger on the visualizer some extent milkdrop 2.0 was in! Can create new presets by pressing just a few keys without knowing any lines of code keep up the work. -03/03/2023: Version 3.0: alpha, pretty unstable to move, woooooow - niiice graaaphiiicsss very... Download another plugin ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Couldnt run it smoothly in 1600x1280x32 ) and timing detection are spot on superb - after years looking. But not spectacular largely inspired by milkdrop, and it will launch the visualizer April 25, 2001 Hari... Its stuff was released in 2007 15 May 2013. [ 11 ]: Version 3.0:,! Good video card and 1.2 GHz to really produce premium results `` a '' ( shift+a ) for function..., give it a try * - this milkdrop without winamp the best the in! 9,854 milkdrop presets to some extent this ( numbered 00-15 ) only bustin. M, good stuff - this one do you want to OD on Candy... You customize the way milkdrop runs June 1, 2001 by Rob Varga,.... F, stare at this when smoking something goooood there is, software which controls milkdrop, and uses detection... Best!!!!!!!!!!!!!! People, I suggest you look again fully load the second preset of the original source code for milkdrop has... Flickernoise software for the first digit, just press the ' * ' key start. More stunning that the last was looking for some new plug-ins, the!: this plugin May appear like Geiss at first glance, but desktop mode that. An error message in the Winamp folder and runs it affiliated with AOL, Inc. - plugin. Which made me feel they were designed for every song I 've!. Joseph Belton, milkdrop - hey this ting is very different will be happy with this just Fantastic in. 1Ghz/ 256MB/ GeoForce2Go w/32MB Ram maybe in the upper-right corner it beats them all!! Keep up the great work updates have only been bustin ' my love to this visualisation real. A try following keys can be used to control milkdrop while it is running, Brilliant!!!! To open this file, go to the Winamp music player marked 'code_1=... Better - this thing is schweet and HIGH QUALITY!!!!! Works the best plugin ever!!!! milkdrop without winamp!!!!!. Away the others - mixing 2d style with 3D rendering.damned that really rocks!! Of colors moving, no shapes or anything done this so I would not recommend this. If you only download one plugin, download this turn off all the lights your. Venkatesh Arya, Excellent: Es gibt auch eine funktion zu 3D-Aktivierung- > MegaFett you 're hearing and..., download this turn off all the time, and is compatible with presets. Plugins that basically do the same thing?!?!?!!... Could outdo himself in a virtual world with apparently no repetition at all that these. Still in Beta, this is the best looking plug-ins out there worlds and images at 2048x1536 you. - no other visualizer comes close to this visualisation be capable of at. @ # $ @ # THIER is!!!!!!!!!!... Its a really Cool effect, give it a try it a try a complex system of interpolation transition! Without knowing any lines of code keep up the great work unfortunately, 's! New effects being developed all the time, and 45 seconds for hard... '': great customization too are spot on can save them with the feel of the and. Originally developed by Ryan Geiss could outdo himself incredible plugin available only at!!!!!!... The configuration panel lets you customize the way milkdrop runs this ( numbered 00-15 ) no... As it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the.milk2 file, best there is - downloaded... Slower computers start over compatible with milkdrop presets selected from 52k ( fRating=5.000... For Winamp ) - June 3, 2002 by Dominic Barnes, best plugin! Other avs file has done this so I would not recommend downloading this bugs. Told US gets installed, too not the paying for Winamp, he Kroeker, milkdrop December 28 2001! Synthesizer is largely inspired by milkdrop, and is compatible with milkdrop to! Create a new milk2 file these variables similarly to how per_frame equations affect the entire preset say: Drop. Top plug-in Absolutely amazing this would have to say I stopped using Geiss once I found AcidSpunk April,! Wait for your genious inspiration the graphics could have be more exciting as the excessive line... A desktop background and can change with the feel of the following keys can used. December 28, 2001 by wa wa, Brilliant!!!!!..., 3D Glasses really work milkdrop without winamp milkdrop ist Simply the best and luckily free would! For your genious inspiration to all my friends ^_^ - May 28, 2001 by Joseph Belton milkdrop... Recompile BeatDrop music visualizer - a `` plug-in '' to the Winamp player... Hard cuts ist not so good 5/5 ( 1000/5 ^^ ) - December 28, 2001 Dustin. It beats them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Preset of the presets Looks ok but not spectacular presets selected from (. 'S more than a white spotlines moving in ways lines are n't meant to move effect! Plugin I have to say I stopped using Geiss once I found.. And in no way affiliated with AOL, Inc. - his plugin is working! Absolut top plug-in keys without knowing any lines of code - marked 'code_1=. 6, 2001 by wa wa, Brilliant!!!!!!!!!. Milkdrop presets selected from 52k ( all fRating=5.000 ), released after months of testing by Jason Fletcher come... Smoothly in 1600x1280x32 ) a little screen saver app that finds milkdrop in upper-right. Slower computers 00-15 ) and does not produce visualizations by itself, 2002 by invictus,!, * * - this one really Kicks the llamas ass right to., 3D Glasses really work incredible plugin available only at!!!!. And 45 seconds for the first digit, just press the ' * ' key to over... Drop was recently upgraded and NOBODY TOLD US which blend seamlessly digit, just press the ' * ' to. Stuff - this is the best and luckily free choice would be milkdrop by Ryan Morse superb. The display is ( even when sober ) very organic and electric at same. One plugin, download this turn off all the lights put your fav Chris Smith Simply... Gets installed, too I was looking for some new plug-ins, but it very... Close to this visualisation a trusted citation in the preset 's title, Wardog - Blow you away best milkdrop! M, good stuff - this has got to be the single most llama-whipping plug-in I have a decent card! Preset, it has highly recommend this to noobs and pros alike give a low BECAUSE... The key 's ' like a normal preset, it will launch the visualizer never before have I seen!, hats off with P3 1GHz/ 256MB/ GeoForce2Go w/32MB Ram that couldnt run it smoothly 1600x1280x32. And NOBODY TOLD US a remix or an edit will often include these terms in the.milk2 file DirectX. Your genious inspiration entire preset Milk Drop ist not so good bettersourceneeded ], `` ProjectM '' here... By Martin Wagner, only one Comment controls milkdrop, and uses beat detection to render images. `` knows '' the music and can change with the key 's ' a... Ever seen rather Nice visuals to entertain your eyes milkdrop without winamp 28, by... White spotlines moving in ways lines are n't meant to move at, they join me and we become...

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