Whatever council he sought from his friends seemed to have no effect on him, and eventually the Spectre began to influence Corrigan with its Old Testament version of justice, resulting in the Spectre judging the entire country of Vlatvia as corrupt, even it's innocents would eventually make war in the civil war that hat ravaged the country since the fall of the Soviet Union. Nekron says that Bruce has now served his purpose and he destroys him and puts him back to rest. Everything he did since the destruction of Coast City was a mistake and it is something he regrets doing. Sharp, bright and clean with supple pages. He reached Oa where he battled Sinestro (who was let free by the guardians). As the Indigo Tribe start to teleport, Hal flies into them and so he is teleported with them. [Prisoner of War]. After Virgo decides to spare Trapper, Hal decides to find out where the corps is and why planets are turning into stone. Hal gets his ring to scan the mother box for its origins but even the ring does not know. Hal informs Natromo that Blackest Night already happened, and so Natromo says that the next mission the Indigo Tribe were made for was to defeat the Guardians of the Universe who were going to end all the Corps. He sent them off in space and they became The Lost Lanterns. He was summarily dishonorably discharged and went immediately see his mother, but she passed away just before he arrived at the hospital. He finds that his fathers body is nothing but ashes and bones. He eventually figures out that Sinestro is not the greatest Green Lantern that everyone thinks he is. Hal was about to kill Sinestro when the unexpected happened. All of a sudden, the fight ends quickly because Lobo flees. Hal Jordan was voiced by Adam Baldwin. The Guardians, now free, decide that in light of the present circumstances (the destruction of Mogo, the re-emergence of Sinestro as Green Lantern corps member), the past acts of insubordination and transgression against the Guardians, and for having the willpower to kill a guardian (an ability thought to be impossible by any corps member), to expel Hal Jordan as a member of the Green Lantern corps, stripping him of his ring and sending him to Earth, despite the protests by Ganthet and Saint Walker. As they fought, Hal's energy levels severely dropped. Back on Oa, Hal rebuilds his relationship with the Lost Lanterns. The Phantom Stranger attacks Corrigan's police precinct, convinced that Corrigan was the one who kidnapped his family out of revenge. John Stewart holds his own against several but is taken down by one of them. Kyle survived while Hal is nowhere to be seen. Martin was killed during a test-flight gone awry, with both Hal and Carol Ferris watching. When the Justice League launches an attack on Apokolips to take down Darkseid, Hal is quickly overwhelmed and brutally killed by the Paradooms. The Guardians agree that no one should know of Kyle's return. Hal and Sinestro have one chance to leave a message in their ring before they suddenly vanish. Superman, Wonder Woman, Ice, Bart Allen, Animal Man, Super-boy, Donna Troy and Green Arrow all have become Black Lanterns and Nekron makes one more order, and that is for Barry Allen and Hal Jordan to die. Once Hal enters the power battery, it refuses to acknowledge him as he is not Sinestro and spits him out along with his Lantern. When Hal tries to contact Carol, he can't because Black Hand's power ring was causing interference with the connection. Clarice wasn't happy with what Corrigan had done and the broken Spirit was eventually attacked by Azmodeus. Hal and Carol talk about her decision to become a Star Sapphire once again while they continue to fend off Black Lanterns. Hal Jordan was featured in Mattel's DC Universe Classics line. He then starts being trained by Sinestro. He became the Green Lantern of Sector 2814 (the location of Earth) and formed many relationships among the superhero community. Tom says he doesn't believe in stuff they say about Hal, claiming how he is gonna save the world like he always does and how how writes a book, on how great hero Hal was. They tried running away and Barry even tries removing the ring of Firestorm. Weakened, Asmodel sends the demons of hell to try and break the crystal ball, so Asmodel can regain his powers. He manages to dig himself out, but then looks over to the next gravestone, which is labelled "Sinestro", and hurries over there to try and dig Sinestro out. The abilities the ring grants him are: Aviation: Even before becoming a Green Lantern, Hal Jordan was a very skilled pilot, just like his father was. As they passed a planet on the way, its sun in the process of imminent supernova. Hal Jordan was born in Coast City to Jessica and Martin Jordan, the middle child between older brother Jack and a younger brother Jim. He and John Stewart are the ones to take Blockbuster away to jail. Sinestro uses the Manhunters to absorb the energy from the rings of both Hal and Kyle. Hal tries to attack Sinestro, but it has no effect. When Black Hand opens a page in the Book of the Black, every page suddenly says: "Hal Jordan is not your enemy". Despite critical acclaim and a loyal fanbase, the series was cancelled after only a single season on Cartoon Network. He became friends with Barry Allen, a.k.a. Hal says that he always thought it would be himself that Carol would end up with but he is still happy for them. During the beginning of the "Rise of the Third Army" story arc, Hal and Sinestro's Green Power Ring finds Simon Baz, and it plays the message Hal and Sinestro sent before they vanished and were presumed dead. He rushes into to save her and Hal heads toward the power battery. Once that source runs out, the universe ends and reforms with a new reservoir of energy. Spectre (2001 4th Series) #1. Hal is a pilot and once a P.O.W in a Savage Asian Tribe around the time of Cold War. Hal then wields a group of Sinestro's yellow rings. Caraka found trouble in being The Spectre, as he had disrupted the natural cycle of things and caused his family (who had gone through various stages of reincarnation) grief. With Superman captured, Hal attempts to go after him but Batman stops him by persuading him to lead the rest of the team against Darkseid, he also reveals his identity as Bruce Wayne to Hal. Hal comes flying in and drops a police car on the chemicals which causes a huge explosion. When Spectre hears those words, he bonds with Hal Jordan, punishing him for his actions and seeking vengeance will be his punishment. Hal is a Jump-In Character in the Wii version, where he flies in and clears all enemies off the screen. Combining the power of the seven lantern rings did not work, so Highfather instead captured Kyle Rayner, the wielder of the Life Equation. During this time he also transformed the Phantom Stranger into a mouse, removing Madame Xanadu's eyes, trapping Dr. Hal tells Kyle he will think about it while asking himself will he be able to actually stop it. their power levels, Saint Walker and Warth had all their energy drained from their rings as there was no Green Lantern in sight. Sinestro and Arin continue to fight as they talk about the love they once had. He would later do some good, such as healing John Stewart, bringing Green Arrow back to life and sacrificing himself to stop the Sun-Eater, and reignite the sun. At the next page Hal is being thrown into a tree by the Tasmanian Devil. He's shown to never back down from a fight and always push through obstacles, making him one of the greatest Green Lanterns ever. They continue to try escaping until they are finally caught by the group of Black Lanterns. Hal thinks about what he truly accomplished. Suddenly, the Orange Lanterns just disappear. Finally, Tomar-Re tells Hal and Sinestro that the dead demand that they stop Volthoom, the First Lantern, before he unravels reality and changes Lantern history. However, their main target wasn't the felons, but Larfleeze. A battle with a very old enemy is coming near and Veteran Green Lantern, Hal Jordan, is made the mentor of the newest recruit, Arisia. Jim returns to work as a police detective in Gotham City but his rage causes him to practice vengeance rather than justice in his alter ego as the Spectre. They later crash into the honeymoon hotel.Hal then makes Carol a costume. Hal then flies to Russia where the Rocket Red Brigade detect him and plan to attack them. His spirit was consigned to Purgatory for his sins. In the weekly Trinity, a world were Superman,Batman and Wonder Woman never existed was conjured by the magical arts of Morgaine Le Fey. Corrigan would also find out that his first action of binding Clarice Winston's spirit to him, meant that he was keeping her alive way past what her aging body could endure. Hal tells them how he knows why some people hate him or fear him and he understands why as he did a lot of terrible things. The lanterns are able to lock onto residual energy left by Krona (who is at this point pursuing the last of the emotional entities, the Predator) - leading them to Ryut. Jim Corrigan and his girlfriend are killed by the kidnappers and he is then transformed into the Spectre who accuses the Phantom Stranger of betraying him. William Hand starts hearing the voices of the dead calling his name. Fate and along with the Sentinels of Magic and summons the Green Lantern Corp. who hold Asmodel off for a while. Hal seemingly kills Abin, but he heals himself instantly. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Publication history [ edit] Created by writer Ron Marz and artist Darryl Banks for Green Lantern vol. Hal helps out and takes out multiple trenches. When Hal and Sinestro head outside they are surrounded by hundreds of undead lanterns. Black Lantern Spectre commandingly decides he wants Hal Jordan to return as Spectre. Emerald Knights is a DC Universe animated movie that combines six different stories of the Green Lantern Corps. Hal is considered the greatest Green Lantern of them all. Though he has recently learned that he has the ability to manipulate the power of the entity whenever Spectre cannot, and has even begun to develop other abilities--such as the ability to touch. Having been forced into his new role as The Spectre, Crispus finds it one of the least enjoyable things he's been a part of--especially The Spectre's notably morbid sense of humor in delivering judgment against people. Back on Oa, Krona returns and attacks the Guardians by releasing the emotional entities onto them to take host of, before restoring Parallax as the impurity into the central battery of the Green Lanterns Corps. Carol Ferris comes to Hal and talks to him about her new relationship with Kyle Rayner. Orange Lantern was still the same he still kept collecting his stuff as a hoarder still and everything was his. In the message Hal also tells Simon Baz to find Carol Ferris, but Sinestro tells him to find Arkillo, who still works for him. Unfortunately, not even their combined power can stop Parallax and words from his best friend Oliver and Wally won't get though him. Hal holds on to Barry as he outruns the Black Rings chasing them. The gang member's ships take damage and so they surrender and decide to leave without Trapper. With his friends to a bar this is his first confrontation with John Stewart. Guy succeeds and Parallax is removed from the central power battery - freeing the minds of the other corps members. In accordance with this ultimatum, Hal promised not to join the Air Force. She tells them about the beginning of the universe. Hal replies that this isn't about Sinestro; Black Hand must have jumped off the cliffs if his ring was off-line. Hal informs Sinestro that Natromo said that Abin Sur told him the same thing. On their way to Sinestro's secret lair, Hal warns Sinestro not to threaten the Indigo Tribe, saying that they are on their side, to which Sinestro argues that the Tribe tried to kidnap and brainwash him. In killing Nabu, The Spectre causes the creation of the 10th age of magic and is also shoved into the corpse of Crispus Allen as an act of judgment by The Presence. It is revealed that the Voice chose Corrigan to be "the mirror of his desire for justice" (though Corrigan believes in vengeance) and imbued him with divine powers. The ring then welcomed Larfleeze to the Blue Lantern Corps. Hal refuses, saying that he's never going to work for anyone again; except for Carol. While the Spectre's power unchecked is nearly unlimited and is capable of shattering universes, he is generally limited by the Presence to a lower level of power to prevent the power from corrupting it and its hosts. J'onn attacks the two heroes and forces them to retreat. We also see that stones seem to be falling to some planets and turning everything to stone though there is nothing more than that. God of Light, Teen Titans Go! However, the Black Lanterns aren't moving, and Hal informs Sinestro that with Black Hand unconscious, they can't do anything. His Mortal Kombat counterpart is Liu Kang. Laira then attacked Hal and had him on the ground. They later find out that Tomar wants to kill Hal. All the remains and bodies of the dead are then told to rise and they did, but this time, as Black Lanterns. Accuse Hal for using his ring for personal needs, The Guardians demand it back. Hal Jordan is played by Ryan Reynolds. Hal drains energy from Guardian's projection and travels to Oa. Parallax As they talk to each other, a dark image flies their way. Hal replies that he knows it's hard to live up to Abin, and that Sinestro always reminded him of that. Next Natromo tells Hal the origins of the Indigo Tribe, and how he and Abin Sur created the Tribe. The Spectre appeared in his short on the Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths two-disc DVD. Wonder Woman on the other hand traveled to Heaven and met Jim Gorrigan, previous Host of the Spectre who is now dead. He only wanted to see his father being proud of him instead of just saying how his brothers Jack and Jim are great. Nol-Anj is angry because GL Gorin-Sunn separated her from her love, Clann. This weakness however has now be changed and can be overcome by veterans who have the ability to overcome great fear. Hal asks Black Hand why he doesn't just kill him, and Black Hand answers that he has no intention of killing him. Years later when Hal's mother was dying, Hal planned on visiting her. Black Hand and Sinestro ask Hal what he has done, to which Hal answers that he doesn't know. When Etrigan tries to take the ball, Madame Xanadu claims to have seen the future and breaks the crystal ball willingly. Next, the Sentinels of Magic attempt to stop him. He then forces all the money she stole into a mini tornado around her, and the papers cut her to death. Sinestro took action and killed Laira before she hurt Hal. The Green Power Rings begin to tell Hal and Sinestro that they are dying, and Hal and Sinestro know that if they are dying, then the ring needs to choose someone else. Later, after he became a Green Lantern again, Hal Jordan finds himself in Checynya and was shot down and became a P.O.W. Comic Vine users. Meanwhile, Gretti decides that he must return home to sector 2828. When this happens, Hal introduces himself as if nothing has happened, much to the shock of the other members. Carol Ferris is flying her plane when the Star Sapphire possesses her once more. Meanwhile, more rings go across the universe and raise more Black Lanterns. Hal Jordan is also a main charter in the board game of Justice League Monopoly from the 1960's and is a playable character in metal. Unbound Spectre's feats include but are not limited to; easily beating Thunderbolt (A 5th-dimensional being), leeching magic from everywhere in the universe, killing Lords of Order and Chaos without much trouble and most importantly depowering Mr. Mxyzptlk, who is already powerful enough to easily wipe out the universe and etc. The Spectre appears in an episode of "Batman: The Brave and the Bold." He comes to an island and starts to fight Shadowpact only to get his powers taken away by Black Alice. Larfleeze then appeared as he and a message for the Guardians. His teammates include: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, the Flash, and Cyborg. But the plan goes wrong when Sinestro sees a woman named Arsona attack a Corps member. Ganthet tells Hal how he wanted to bring Coast City back and he killed the Green lantern Corp and the Guardians, he wanted to become the Green Lantern again and he defeated all of his former friends. Turns out that both the terrorists and the hostages are androids and Hal gets exposed to a synthesized version of Scarecrow's fear gas and begins thinking he didn't make it in time to save the hostages. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other The corps try to track his ring but realize that Hal left it on Mogo. Hal is targeted by both Hawkman and Hawkgirl. The only survivors of the conflagration would be Count Vertigo and his opponent in the struggle as a cruel joke on the Spectre's part to see if they would continue to fight over the wasteland. Hal and Abin are left to fight each other and Abin continues to insult Hal. Sinestro then reveals that he made it and that it has all the abilities of a Green Lantern ring but it is unable to harm Sinestro and has the ability to turn it off at anytime. He abandoned his ring and started to absorb the emerald energies of the central power battery and destroying the battery along with the entire Green Lantern Corps. Hal gives Kyle an opportunity to give him what he lost, his girlfriend Alex. They tell Barry about how Dove produces the White Light that fends off the Black Lanterns. In the end, McCay has The Spectre, if but for a moment, remember who he was as Jim Corrigan, and the two become friends. Sinestro points out that Black Hand would rather die than stay a member of the Indigo Tribe. While the Phantom Stranger gathered his allies to take on the Spectre directly and Madam Xanadu gathering Corrigan's friends to reason with him. Shrapnel stabs Hal in the arm, and he is confused, saying that the green force field's supposed to protect him from shrapnel. With this, Krona is able to take immediate telepathic control of each member of the Green Lanterns Corps except for Kilowog, Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, Ganthet, Guy Gardner and Hal. Hal and Barry go to Gotham to check the grave site of Bruce. His father, Martin Jordan, flew in the war and, during Hal's childhood, was occupied as a test pilot for Ferris Aircraft. It would take the heroic attempt of wresting the Spear from Cain by Crispus' old colleague Renee Montoya (as the Question), the Huntress and three men who had murdered the mortal form of the Radiant, the Spirit of Mercy before Crispus came to understand that there was a plan for everything, when Renee used the Spear to resurrect his son. He can, nevertheless, create constructs, thus he swings himself back onto the platform and rides on a motorbike out of there. It starts off with Hal Jordan having a flashback when his dad dies. Also, while host-less, the Spectre was rendered powerless when Black Alice stole his powers temporarily, leaving it an intangible but indestructible ghost as even with his powers Alice was unable to destroy it. The Spectre came to see Corrigan's harsh childhood under his God-fearing father, while Corrigan saw the hidden origins of the Spectre before coming face to face with a being claiming to be God while busy devouring Micheal the Arch-Angel. Hal is currently knocked out and Guy tries to combat Cyborg Superman. Hal tells Kyle how he only wanted to fix things. Hal met up unintentionally with Guy Gardner and Barry Allen at a bar. Knowing that the reason his mother refused to see him was due to his being in the Air Force, he enacted a plan to get discharged as quickly as possible- punching his commanding officer. Hal then celebrates by finally living and dream and exploring space. Hal Jordan appears in the episode titled "Green Lantoon." Despite some character flaws, Hal Jordan was given the power ring and its power battery. The message is unclear, and in it Hal and Sinestro explain briefly to Simon Baz why he was chosen, and that whatever he does, he should not go to Oa, because the Guardians will destroy him there. He first appeared in Showcase #22. Hal finds Cowgirl's fighter jet and bombs the terrorist base. John, who continues to fight gets hit by a yellow beam of light. All the person answers is that he was a friend of Hal Jordan, but an enemy of Sinestro. One example of this is the ability to simulate the radiation of Green Kryptonite, a form of radiation that is harmful to Superman. The crowd is angered and the prince gets taken back to his cell. Ralph had the idea to trap Jean in a sane state of mind while endlessly reviewing herself murdering Sue, but he could not go through with it. She knows that Hal has strong connections to the most powerful members of the other five remaining corps. View full history. He usually applies flight, intangibility, invisibility, size manipulation, and reality warping. The movie was badly received critically and underperformed at the box office. The game was received much more favorably than the movie. Parallax beats Kyle and takes his ring. As Hal tries to explain how he was a hero once and how he needs to stop criminals, he stops with tears in his eyes, claiming how he does not deserve Spectre's Power. William is dead and Scar appears over his dead body. He duplicates Hal's ring and wears it on his finger. Hal then finds out that General Stone sent Cowgirl [Jillian Pearlmen] another round against them alone. Saint Walker then explained what their ultimate purpose was for him. He is a playable character in the DS version. After Hal failed to try to save Kyle of the Parallax influence, he tries to flee the planet. Along his journey with the Green Lantern Corps, Hal is awarded for his loyalty, he was promoted to a Guardian shortly after defeated Nekron, the lord of the underworld, and also after he banished Krona the rebellion for the second time, Hal was Abin Sur's Predecessor, after he took the ring of Sur, he has contributed to the Corps more than any other. Hal claims he crossed the line and he can't go back and when the Guardians claim he will be punished, Hal accused them for not being there to give him the power he wanted to use only to get his normal life back. Hal and Guy later reach Oa's core and then begin blasting through in order to reach the central power battery, but are then attacked by the entity-empowered guardians, and apprehended by Krona and his new-found power set. In the aftermath of the war, Hal Jordan was busy with his life and crisis going on and clean up on Oa. Hal then asks him for information, to which Natromo replies "Nok". Suddenly, a spark of Indigo Light glows from her ring, and at last Natromo is able to restore the Central Power Battery. When Hal was on the floor after taking a kick from Freedom Beast, Crimson Fox said " Why fight when we can love ". With his powers restored, Asmodel continues on his rampage. Jim Corrigan tells Hal how all of Spectre's host must battle for influence and Hal bonding with the Spectre was blessed by the Presence himself. Parallax creates an army of seven million people Henshaw killed when he destroyed the Coast City and finally kills him. Allen, however, didn't want the job, so the Spectre would spend the next year brooding over its actions while remaining at Eclipso's side. Hal shows the Barry where they kept the remains of those who have also passed away. He then takes the ring and puts it on his finger. Parallax killed various time travelers, sparing only those he does not consider to be a threat to him and makes sure to kill the Time Trapper once he finds out he survived the encounter with him. They were none other than Ganthet and Sayd who were former members of the Guardians of the Universe who started the Green Lantern Corps. Hal is still trapped underground. A number of companies including DC Direct, Tweeterhead, Iron Studios, Diamond Select, Kotobukiya and Eaglemoss Publications have produced statues, busts and figurines of Hal Jordan. Batman gets aggravated because of Hal taking them out because Batman didn't get the information he needed. Hal is seen as a member of the Justice League, and is the second member of the team to be taken out by Doomsday. With the Spectre's transformation into a Black Lantern, the fate of the universe looked bleak. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Hal went ahead of Saint Walker and Warth and finally got to the planet where Sinestro was being kept captive by the Red Lanterns. Black Hand informs his undead family, who are with him at the dining table, that they have guests. Within the next year, the Spectre became the founding member of the Justice Society. Along with the newly re-imagined Atom, Flash and Hawkman, this was a landmark moment which many consider to be the beginning of the Silver Age at DC Comics. Sinestro explains to Hal that their pact is complete and takes off for Oa, hurling Hal back to Earth where the ring he is wearing runs out of power once and for all, and Hal and Carol rekindle their relationship. The message ends with Hal and Sinestro ordering Simon to release them and stop the Guardians. Alan Scott, the original Green Lantern now calling himself the Sentinel recommends that Hal should be the one to become Spectre's new host as he is probably the only soul besides Corrigan with enough willpower to control the Spectre. Spectre then turns Milo into solid cheese and releases all of his rats, enjoying his screams. While defending Coast City, the Lanterns encountered a Black Lantern Spectre and are overwhelmed by the powerful foe, threatening Hal into almost becoming a Black Lantern himself. With death nearly imminent for Hal, Sinestro attempts to help Hal in face of certain death by attacking Krona without any power ring. The effect of the Spectre's misguided war was felt everywhere as the Tenth Age of Magic began with the death of Nabu and many mages found their craft changed, some gaining power, others finding it changed (such as Raven accidentally setting a bedpan on fire when she had attempted to heal the badly wounded Superboy) and some losing them. Cowgirl finds out that Hal is Green Lantern. Superman and Batman reappear and they all manage to put Darkseid back into the boom tube. When he lands Hector Hammond pays him a visit. Following this, and various revelations relating to it, Corrigan left the agency and wandered the Earth only to return to New York where he met Amy Beiterman (who becomes his love interest). On the verge of death, Abin Sur, with his power ring, sought out the most worthy successor on Earth. During the years with his powers lessened by The Presence, The Spectre and, thus, Jim Corrigan, worked as a "Psychic Detective" with Madame Xanadu, who had taken a portion of The Spectre's power and manipulated it to give the illusion that Corrigan and The Spectre were separate entities. They are in their final battle against the Legion of Doom. Sinestro grows impatient, and threatens to kill Natromo if he doesn't repair the Central Power Battery. He talks to Hal and tells him about him being the owner of the Orange Lanterns. Sinestro has a tough time and it seems like he's about to be beaten by Mongul until he takes control of his yellow rings, which he created himself. In Oa, The Guardians added a fourth law to the Book of Oa. Warth then was made into the second member of the Blue Lantern Corps. Sinestro then returns Atrocitus to his crucifix on Ysmault. Hal says the Green Lantern oath and blasts his way out of the cell. Hal realizes he can't be the Green Lantern anymore and he gives Kyle back his ring, claiming how he is the Green Lantern now. The 2011 film Green Lantern was produced by Warner Bros., directed by Martin Campbell, and written by Greg Berlanti, Michael Goldenberg, Michael Green, and Marc Guggenheim. Simon Baz, with the help of the Green Lantern B'dg, manages to untangle the two messages sent by Hal and Sinestro. As Hal and Hawkman continue to fight, Ray Palmer emerges from inside his black ring. Even after 3 years have passed since Hal's father died, he still could't get over it but Jen helped him stop hurting himself and even convinced him to become a pilot like his father. named Darleen. Hal powers up his ring and becomes Green Lantern. After arresting the thugs Batman leaves the building and then hears a voice. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll The Blue Lanterns meant no harm and told Sinestro to call off his followers. Soon Hal is having trouble mastering his new powers. Time travel: The ring allows the wielder the ability to travel through time, though the process requires great willpower. No evil shall escape my sight. As the inheritor of the family business at Ferris Air, she is his boss, and over time the childhood friends grew to love each other. Phantom Stranger and Hal Jordan (now as the Spectre) decided to entrust the Spear of Destiny to The Sentinels of Magic which is now the only weapon capable of injuring Hal. However, he goes on his journey to return the prince, back to the man's home planet. Hal later punches Major Stone [later General] to get himself discharged. The Black Lanterns are slaughtered by none other than Atrocitus, who remains as a Red Lantern, whose heart was replaced by his rage. When Sinestro confronts Hal, he tells Hal that he is sorry for everything he's ever done to him. During the assault however, they discover that many of the corps member were Durlans in disguise. Hal Jordan meets Saint Walker. In the story mode, the good version is summoned to the Injustice universe alongside Aquaman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Batman, and the Joker. Hal attempts to save them but is too late and witnesses the gang all turn to stone along with everything on the ship. As the two Corps fought each other, Warth and Saint Walker then arrived. Hal Jordan was featured as Parallax in the Total Justice action figure line from Kenner. any Comic Vine content. Hal takes the form of Parallax once again and attacks Kyle (although he is not willing to fight him).As the two fight, Ganthet asks various superheroes for help, including Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, Hawkman, The Flash (Wally West) and his best friend Oliver Queen Green Arrow. In the epilogue of the "Trial by Fire" issue, set in the Dead Zone, Hal tells the mysterious figure in the cloak that he and Sinestro will not trust him unless he reveals who he is and what situation they are in. After being tricked into thinking that magic is against God's will, Spectre turns his attention to the magic community slaughtering many. View full history. Barry runs two seconds into the future to get the rings to stop chasing them. When the dying Centre decides to take everyone near with him, Hal uses his power ring to send it into space. A new crossover has began where Highfather is out of the Life Equation to defeat Darkseid. Hal then finds a cavern, where he comes across Natromo, the Keeper of the Indigo Light. Everyone sees Bruce in his new form and more rings come flying towards the heroes. Sinestro explains that he gave him the ring because he needs help freeing his home world, Korugar, from the corps he created. Hal Jordan appears in 4997 issues. Hal leads the green lanterns to Zezzen, and with the help of the Nol-Anj and the Braidmen, executes a strategy that corners and defeats the Durlans. When Flash runs to back him up, Black Adam calls upon his magic lightning, creating a giant explosion that kills Green Lantern and The Flash. The last issue we see that Krona had been recharged by Nekron, the king of the Dead, we see Hal's personal battle Nekron, and an exciting ending, where Abin Sur helps Hal to escape death. They start to talk about who to go to next. As a result, Hal's mother forbade him from frequenting air fields or having anything whatsoever to do with the world of aviation which had taken her husband. After Orm brings his army to the surface, Hal tries to fight him alongside the Justice League, but all of them fail, and Batman arrives and asks Hal for information. He does make a speaking appearance as a member of the Justice League in the fifth season, including the series finale. The new templar guardians sent Hal on a quick trip to Earth as a sort of vacation. Then, Sinestro has an idea and grabs his Yellow Power Battery from the pocket dimension it is tethered to. Zack Snyder's planned Justice League trilogy was initially going to feature Hal Jordan in the third installment. Sinestro answers that he recovered it from Lyssa Drak, and that when he touched the book he saw one of its prophecies, saying that after the Blackest Night, a great evil would rise up from within the Green Lantern Corps. Comic Vine users. During the events of Final Night, The Spectre bound himself to Gaea, the spirit of the Earth, to keep her replenished until such a time that the sun was restored. His last act was to steal Krona's gauntlet and have a fight with Kilowog that they had to make look good and believable. On the way, Natromo tells Hal once again that only Abin Sur would be able to save them. DC Comics But DC wasn't finished manipulating the Spectre. Also, the psyche of the host can limit the efficiency and power of the Spectre as well. The most important personal relationship which Hal has is that with Carol Ferris. After World War II, the Spectre fought the demon Azmodus, who trapped him in Corrigan's undead frame for nearly two decades with amnesia inflicted on the both by mistake. Allen was separated from the Spectre by the Spear of Destiny but chose to remain in acting as his tenure so far half left him cold inside to almost everything. He's possessed and ends up killing his family and himself as well with the rod he found when he first became the Black Hand. Kreon then gets hits at the back. Hal defeated the Red Lanterns and they left Ysmault. Sinestro explains that the Guardians of the Universe are trying to replace them with a Third Army, and when Hal asks why, Sinestro opens the book to find out. As Hal goes to find Sinestro, he is sent back to Oa to meet with the Guardians. With the help of Waverider, the Earth's heroes encountered Parallax who easily defeated Kyle and Superman and finally ended all of creation and was about to start a new one. He then summons all of hell and attempts to have his vengeance by destroying everything in God's image, until there is only his. When John Stewart travels into the future and meets an adult Static and Batman Beyond, the time becomes fluid and he transforms into Hal Jordan. Hunger Dog then reveals to be John Stewart. Then, Hal and Sinestro argue wether the Guardians can be saved, and Hal says that there's some good in them especially Ganthet. Hal saw that one of the Red Lanterns that ambushed him was none other than Laira who was a friend to Hal when they were both members of the Green Lantern Corps. Black Hand starts to raise Martin Jordan from the dead, but Hal stops him just in time, smashing Black Hand's eye into the corner of a grave stone. Hal then started to glow an orange light as he was about to join the Orange Lantern Corps. What kind of hero he is when he killed his own enemy? abdullah5122 Hal feels guilt but he still requires power. Later, the two put the plan into action. They team up with Lex Luthor of Earth-2 to defeat the Crime Syndicate, including Power Ring, Hal's evil counterpart. Sinestro replies that stopping Black Hand requires more than clever constructs. After a misunderstanding with Carol (after he asks her to co-sign the lease on his car, when she was expecting him to propose to her), he is left to walk home in the rain to his apartment, where he finds out he is being evicted. The 3 are transported to New York where below in the sub-way system Atrocitus has "tried" to save people. However, because he is weakened, Kyle was able to take the ring back. However, it was revealed that Neron possessed Superman, and after the Spectre is injured, he became vulnerable for various souls to become his hosts and Neron fused with the Spectre just few moments after Hal Jordan and the three entities, Neron, Hal Jordan and Asmodel now exist on the soul plane and the Spectre needs to know why he would choose anyone of them over the others. John then interrupts the Guardians as another colour Lantern has been encountered. They escape for the moment but J'onn continues his rage and destroys a building. However, this ability is no longer valid and has been retconned. Despite depowering and banishing the Anti-Monitor back to his universe and making sure that the multiverse does not come into being, The Spectre was left in a comatose state for the remaining duration of the Crisis, only to be recreated afterward with his powers greatly diminished for several years. Sinestro tells them how one of them has taken a name Ganhet. Ganthet then tells Guy that since he possesses the two extreme emotions of the spectrum, he is their only hope of penetrating the central power battery while the other Earth lanterns and Ganthet hold off the other corps members. He gets shot by some tranquilizers by bounty hunters however the bounty hunters get killed by Hunger Dog another bounty hunter who wanted to capture Hal. Hal shows up at the prince's cell to rescue him from capture. A wealthy man is killed by a bomb by his pool, and Corrigan investigates since he briefly dated the man's daughter. The Phantom Stranger ending up battling an Eclipso possessed Spectre alongside Etrigan and Doctor Fate, while Madam Xanadu tried to make Corrigan come to his senses, ultimately succeeding. Hal, however, comes crashing through the signal. Schwartz wanted to do the same for Green Lantern, and thus Hal Jordan was . It follows the battle between Krona and Hal Jordan. Hal then tries to affect yellow with his ring. Wasting no time, Hal blasts Black Hand in the head, frying every synapse in his brain in order to slow him down while they call for help. Unlike previous incarnations of the title, this series focused on former Green Lantern Hal Jordan as the host for the Spectre. What is his purpose now? This is done by Kyle, the artist, drawing the release of the lanterns directly into the book. Hal and Guy choose Yellow and Red respectively (from their previous experience with the rings (see Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night), whilst Kyle and John choose Blue and Indigo respectively. It is a yellow power ring and it has come to find a worthy successor and that is Amon. The character first appeared in More Fun Comics #52 (February 1940). Sinestro asks if Abin Sur was the only one in the ship. Red Lantern Corps. They struggle to contain Parallax who later possesses Hector Hammond and attacks Coast City. Jim then decides to take Reverend Richard Cramer as his spiritual adviser. Sinestro and Hal are both captured by the Sinestro Corps and imprisoned. Hal and Sinestro attempt to break the hold of the book, but this ultimately proves unsuccessful, and Hal is the only one able to escape imprisonment due to the blast that he and Sinestro had conjured up in the hope of breaking the book's hold. With the green lanterns now hated, the Durlans team with the Braidmen and the Khunds to wage war against the corp. Hal and the corp convincingly defeat their enemies in the initial assault on Mogo. She bites and rips off the heart of one of the Guardians and traps the rest of the Guardians where they are. Meanwhile on Earth, Hal finds out Ken Arden [a former friend of Hal's dad] is selling his company to Ferris. Hal offers him a deal. The show's fate is often attributed to the broader failure of the live-action film. After an encounter with his earth friends at a local bar on earth he had to accept than Carol Ferris has moved on in a new relationship with Kyle Rayner and he must rebuild his life. They are ambushed and Sinestro cuts off the power to the Green Lantern Power Battery. Sinestro asks Hal what is happening, and Hal explains what has just occurred. As he hears this, he is attacked by Sinestro, the latest member of the Indigo Tribe. He then recites his oath and leaves the building. Hal Jordan told it to go back in to its grave coffin as he was done with its help. Hal Jordan went to search for Nol-Anj, a Star Sapphire, he escaped the prison on Oa, killing Green Lantern Cossite of Sector 3119 in the process. He deduces that she hired people to kill her father so she can inherit his fortune, then gave a cut to the criminals (the movie designer and car driver). Hal Jordan was featured in the Mezco One:12 Collective. The team of lanterns then arrive just in time to stop Scar's attack. Hal Jordan starred in his own animated Green Lantern segments, voiced by Gerald Mohr. In this first incarnation, the Spectre was a New York City cop, Jim Corrigan. It is at this time that Salaak's crew arrives to apprehend Hal. The imprisonment of Parallax was the reason behind the so called "yellow impurity" that made the Green Lanterns vulnerable to the color yellow. In the 70's Hal was spreading himself thin, dealing with the Guardians' galactic problems and the close-to-home problems on earth. Apparently, the previous lantern-ring wearers draw their power from a finite source. He can fly and is the only character that can put together glowing green legos. All the lantern were there from RED Lanterns Yellow Lanterns, to Blue Lanterns and Orange, Pink Lanterns and Green Lantern also Indigo Tribe helping to fight this evil first lantern and they did by Hal Jordan Black Lantern's army and the first lantern became human after Sinestro pulled his heart out of his chest and was later killed by the black lantern leader of the team. This power was also used to create several additional employees, who gave the impression of the organization being more than it was. Jim and Batwing investigate and discover a demonic Deacon Blackfire commanding an army of corrupted humans and demons in the sewers beneath the Asylum. Hal uses this power to destroy the yellow central battery. Hal Jordan was introduced as a test pilot at Ferris Aircraft. Hal Jordan got married to Carol Ferris and had a son named Martin Jordan and he grew up and he had a family and had 1 girl and 2 boys. Hal Jordan has been featured in the DC Minimates series from Diamond Select. As Hal tries to reason with Iroque, she creates a plane construct and hits him with it. As soon as he has released his anger Sinestro says to him "For beings, like us overcoming fear is what we do best, but when it comes to regret, loss even Green Lanterns struggle with those.". Hal gets his ring back, but with no power battery, he pounds into the Central Battery, harnessing all the power of the battery. The Durlan also made them believe that the Green Lantern's were tyrants as mentioned above. Following that, The Spectre burst forth in an event dubbed "Dies Irae" (Day of Wrath) by the Phantom Stranger and ripped through the world, casting divine vengeance on many people until the Archangel Michael informed the entity of the new "rules", and The Spectre must be bound with a human soul to walk the Earth again. He then goes to Edwards Air Force Base. A long-standing member of the Gotham City Police, Detective Crispus Allen was murdered by Jim Corrigan (unrelated to the previous host), a corrupt officer who thought Allen was onto him. Kilowog doesn't think to highly of the plan but goes along with it knowing it is necessary. The leader of these aliens, Trapper, whispers something to Hal, which startles Hal. Hal Jordan asks her what she feels, and Iroque replies that she feels sadness. He traps Mongul without killing him so that he would not reincarnate as a Black Lantern, but he tells him that once the war is over, he will kill Mongul personally. This is the page for Aztar himself. They try to free them all, but Scar gets in their way. Hal Jordan is the Justice Leagues' Green Lantern once again. He forms a giant sword from his constructs and chops off Hal's arm. All that remains of the other lanterns are their rings. Kyle says Hal is not a hero and even tho Kyle is powerless, he is the only one left standing and because Hal has to be stopped, he will try to stop him. Still, Carol doesn't care about things Hal has done. He even claims he can give all heroes everything they wanted. In the aftermath of the battle with Azmodus, the Spectre journeyed to the part of Hell ruled by Shaithan, Sekuba's demon master, to retrieve the soul of Clarissa before wiping her mind of her past life to make it possible for her to live a new one where the Spectre wouldn't influence her rise or fall. Eclipso convinced the Spectre that magic and its reality warping capabilities were an affront to God's creation since it warped it and that the only remedy was to destroy magic and all its practitioners. Using the Indigo Light to forge their weapons, Abin Sur and Natromo soon realised that when their enemies were cut with these weapons, they were momentarily overcome with remorse. Together, the four lanterns use their combined mights and they defeat the two Black Lanterns. On arrival at the scene where the White Lantern is stationed (Silver City, New Mexico), Sinestro explains how after the entity dissipated into the sky coalescing itself back together. At the end of the series it was a book of the lanterns series in the OA space. Sinestro replies that Hal is a Green Lantern, and that that is what his life is about. As Hal looks at the place that was once Coast City, he releases Ganthet who can't ignore the fact that Hal destroyed the Green Lantern Corps despite the fact that he is asking for redemption. The battle ended with Hal's victory by snapping Sinestro's neck and led to the death of Sinestro (for a time), claiming it is something Hal should have done a long time ago. While Batman and his team of heroes held of the Spectre while he was trying to destroy Manhattan, Captain Marvel, Starfire and S.T.R.I.P.E went to outer space in order to retrieve the Spear of Destiny, the only weapon capable of hurting the Spectre. As the Blue Lanterns rely on the power of a Green Lantern to keep. Sinestro demands that Hal releases him, claiming that he doesn't need Hal Jordan's help to get off the planet Nok. Harold Jordan At last Sinestro finds the Book of the Black, and Hal asks how Sinestro got it. Then they discovered the power of Indigo Light, which comes from springs from an unknown source deep within the world of Nok. Hal and the rest of the Lanterns get sent outside to let them talk. The statue tells him that Abin Sur is the Indigo Tribe's saviour and creator. Hal is then being brought to the bounty hunters ship the bounty hunters get shot. Hal takes everyone to investigate the one place where has seen things turn to stone - the Source Wall. During Emerald Dawn, Hal Jordan's origin story was retold. Hal talks to him and to Barbara for a bit while Barry fights J'onn. Currently, Jim Corrigan is once again the host of the Spectre in DC's New 52. She remembers all the good times she spend with her husband and she tells her son not let go of the pain he feels now and just keep all the good memories he had to satisfy him or the pain will consume him. Carol tells Hal she loves him and Hal kisses her right before he leaves. This enabled Hal to join with the Entity and transform himself and the other heroes converted by Nekron into the White Lantern Corps. Warth and Saint Walker combined their power and were able to heal the sun and reverse its aging. Suddenly, the prisoner is blasted by Black Hand, who appears in front of Hal. This drains most of his power, however, he uses the last to stop Sinestro. They are suddenly sucked into the book and teleported straight to Black Hand in his house, along with the book. However, The Spectre was set free by Hal Jordan possessed by Parallax. Indigo-1 then transports Hal, Carol, and Sinestro out of Zamaron and to Korugar. The Guardians charge Black Hand up and enhance his powers, which Black Hand then uses to blast Hal and Sinestro. Atrocitus, Sinestro, and Carol help Hal battle Lobo. He only tried to fix things and nobody could understand him. Hal tells Arisia the stories of Avra, Kilowog, Laira, Mogo, and Abin Sur. For his hosts, see: An aspect of the Presence, the Spectre is His Vengeance. Etrigan summons the Spectre, who kills Asmodel. John leads a group of lanterns to warn the Daxamites of the Durlans plots, only to discover that the Durlans were already there first to give the lanterns a fight. Iroque says that they'll release Sinestro if Hal believes that Sinestro can find redemption and become a hero without an Indigo Power Ring. After this Guy mentioned that they lost a total of 32 Green Lanterns and that name of dead soldier hadn't happened since but before he finishes, he is interrupted by Hal saying that he knows when was the last time that happened (Referring to the days that Hal went mad and started killing the other Green Lanterns that tried to stop him). After retrieving Corrigans bones from the police, Cramer would hold a ceremony for him, though Corrigan thought it wouldn't be attended by anyone because of his behavior, he was to be surprised when it was attended by his friend Nate, his girlfriend Alex, the Phantom Stranger, Madam Xanadu, the Israeli hero Ramban, Doctor Hazzard (who had served as mystical adviser to the President), the Patriot (the American icon), the core of the JSA, Michael Holt (whom Corrigan talked down from committing suicide and take up the mantle of Mr. Natromo, says they will attack the Guardians once Abin Sur returns, but Hal Jordan informs Natromo that Abin Sur is dead. Hal, along with the Guardians and the Green Lanterns then go on their way to arrest those criminals in the Vega System. When Hal destroyed the Central Power Battery and killed the Guardians (except Ganthet) he accidentally let Parallax escape at his full power. Hal brings Tomar's body to Oa. During the confrontation Parallax also absorbs Hal and became even more powerful. While fighting Black Hand, Hal complains at Sinestro, telling him that he shouldn't unleash all his Green Energy on Black Hand, as it is destroying the cemetery and disrespecting the dead. Turning everything to stone along with the Entity and transform himself and the rest of the War, Jordan! Construct and hits him with it knowing it is something he regrets doing selling his company to Ferris,. Gave the impression of the plan but goes along with the help of the Corps and... Magic attempt to stop him, Saint Walker and Warth had all their energy from... Remains of the Guardians ' galactic problems and the rest of the title, this focused. Cold War his rats, enjoying his screams told it to go to Gotham to check the grave of. With it knowing it is a Green Lantern Hal Jordan, but this time that 's... Equation to defeat Darkseid Corrigan had done and the broken Spirit was eventually attacked Sinestro! 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