Full of original and sometimes different people Pick a local gym with other locals from school, work, etc., and itll be more natural to strike up a conversation. I cry, too. China Hong Kong CNN . Not all teachers are worthy of your childs time. This sounds exactly like my son, except I have always been an introvert myself, so I feel like I should be doing more to make him meet people, but then when he gets turned away its devastating. I will keep you and your son in my Prayers! My heart breaks for him because he is an introvert but also wants friends and has had a hard time making them. She wants to be known as a friend. She knows Shes a little different and tries so hard to fit in. This is essentially my story/my sons story. Im watching my extroverted, quirky old soul slowly disappear from my eyes. It is going to be very tough but just keep reinforcing the fact that being different is a blessing embrace it! My cell is 5034226447. I would be happier i think if my son was like yours when he is 16! My daughter has no friends, but she has a developmental delay. Kids can be cruel, I cant even blame the kid because its how they raised. A charter school of some sort? Hes an old soul in the body of a boy who doesnt fit. A teen asks: Why are friendships so fleeting? All the kids at his school, don't see the "gifted" part, all they see is the "ADHD" part. Very He will find his place. When he got in the truck I asked how school was going, he burst into tears and said, daddy Im so lonely. Too bad we cant get all of our children together to be friends..lol. I cried the whole time I was reading it with the total identification. My son isnt an angel by any means, but seriously, the kids in the neighborhood are just awful and he doesnt deserve to be treated like garbage. He watched football and wants to practice so he can play at recess. Hes teased for being the skinny little white boy. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And peers grow up, as well. About 2 weeks ago I got a email from his teacher saying his grades were dropping. They would just ACT like they were to get what they wanted from him and then be mean to him as soon as they get what they want or they make fun of him for his physical appearance. I am my sons best friend, and my mama heart is breaking. Has anything changed or improved for him since your post? Sadly I burst into tears with him, my advice couldnt fix what he was going through. Hes a freshman is high school and has zero social life. This has always been my sons story. So beautiful out! I remember my excited and well researched presentation on black holes in 8th grade that was met with blank stares. My son is would love another xbox friend. Hes incredibly well-spoken, enjoys discussions over history or politics. That number could rise because a few companies are still to report their earnings. It was devastating to see him go from hopeful to crushed. One of the hardest things for a My poor baby feels so alone and I dont know how to make him feel better. I can't control my 3 year old, My daughter is being left out by her friends and wont go to school, See at 18 I liked keeping myself to myself much opposite to others he will come across friends without forcing and aslong as he happy and working hard I don't think it matters to much. I know you are not looking for advice necessarily, but have you considered theater? I have come to know that he has taken to gamble as well. I too try to give him pointers to start convos etc., hes soooo smart it blows my mind, hes hysterical, Hes the most generous & empathic boy. Gift Article. Theres often a way to find a new environment and its vital for our kids. All the kids want to be friends with the kid who has gum. She hides in the library during break time, as she told me she feels awkward eating alone. My son is quiet and I feel badly that he has no friends. I wish I could tell you it will become easier it wont But I also think hed benefit from an outlet besides me & someone that he might actually listen to the ways to handle anxiety. they would like to be his friend on whatever platform you are comfortable with. He had a stroke/subdural hematoma at 2 which makes him present as high functioning autistic and ADHD. How long does it take to get paid sure start maternity grant. Any playdates he had were because I reached out. 2 . Between her periods of depression and adhd it is really hard. Hes had no suspensions or bad behavior of any kind. This is also my 12 year old son. He made friends with a group of young guys in high school and they are as close today (with families) as they were in high school. No friends or anyone to talk to.. It took my son two more years to find another super good friend. I wish we live near you so they could have met. My son is 18 in a few weeks. Cross-country? He doesn't have a best friend; he is never invited over to other kids' houses or for overnights. She got involved in Young Life in High School and loved it. My heart hurts for him because he feels like nobody really likes him. I too look forward to watching him continue to grow into his own and find his own nitch. Please feel free to reach out. He talks to everyone. Sounds like he might be good on a debate team, pretty cool if you ask me. I know that he does talk to kids at school and I'm pretty sure he's not ostracized there. The older he gets, the more the world will open up to him, and Ill never stop giving him chances to try. Maybe you could form some sort of group for kids in a similar situation with similar interests? Hang in their sweet mama, his time is coming . Maybe karate classes, or trying out for a local theater group, or a club at school (covid notwithstanding at this time) I can tell you, though, that they grow up. I know she would talk to your son in a heartbeat, and be his friend. It will get better I promise you, lets face it, we both have been through this, and honestly it cant get worse than it already had been. WebThere are many ways to help a younger child learn interpersonal skills: Direct teaching, social skills training groups, seeing a counselor to assess whether there are developmental differences in play, changing your parenting style to be less sheltering, and so on. Hes a really great kid and an excellent friend, so I just dont fully understand why they are being cruel to him. 27/05/2023 16:45 Just as the title says really - he attends College but has made no friends there. I cry often for him. When she was little, I organised regular playmates, and she had a few friends she was happy. Trying to find him a friend is good, but dont make him feel like something is wrong with him. Shes such a great kid, i just want the best for her. Kids can also be so mean. You recognize your gifts and challenges and give yourself a break. I'm hoping that my son will develop his social skills if he goes to University/or gets a summer job, and eventually finds his way in life, and I hope your son will do the same as well. Your teen can control their effort but they can't always control the outcome. My 9 year old also has a switch he is a fan of. I involved her in activities wirh other home school children when She was comfortable. Im a father and I feel for your family. I have cancelled a trip to Spain in two weeks because Im so worried about leaving him on his own whilst he is feeling like this. The first day of summer, when he was heading to high school; he waited after school hoping to hang out with kids he considers friends, but they had all made plans that did not include him. I know how hard it is to see, and how much the hurt also devastates us as parents. So hes alone. They have play station and play fortnite, Minecraft, horizon, destiny, the lot. He is bright, good looking, but lacks confidence and self esteem. When did you first leave your baby overnight? I overcompensated with the gifts to try and distract him from the lack of guests. especially as he seems happy and has the confidence to go it alone if something interests him, Baby biting bottle teat and not drinking milk PLZ HELPPP, husband doesn't seem interested in playing with the children. Its sad bc I know hes a good kid but social awkward. My kid too, except he says he isnt lonely. He cries when his sister goes to playdates and gets birthday invitations. Jamie Garbutt/Getty My son is gifted. I have literally said the same words about my 14 y/o son. I hope and pray daily that he find his place so his hurt of feeling left out and alone is replaced with laughter, happiness and friendship! Babies teeth not coming through in "right " order?? Its true that he will make friends as things change. Then we moved to another country due to her dads job. I know hell eventually find at least one other quirky kid to hang with, or at least someone who isnt his mom. Im an extrovert and have never had trouble making friends. She made a good friend last year at school, but that friend moved and they drifted apart. The website is called friendometry.com I'm happy he's home too. Like and follow us on FB, Instagram, and Pinterest. I would let him be. May I ask how old your son is? Is that OK? I have a son that is 12. He is in a situation that will likely not change. So I was friends with everyone even the ones you called lonely kids. I just could not be around fake, vapid girls. Always the akward on that no one really wanted around. My problem is he has no friends or social life. Anyway perhaps our boys can connect. Gift Article. I have a very good friend that would probably make a great digital pen-pal for your son. Prosecutors claimed Bateman did this at least seven other times. For the 2023 fiscal year, share buybacks have totaled around 8.6 trillion Japanese yen ($6.2 billion). Especially since we see so many kids are the same. I try to set up opportunities to hang out with other kids, try to take him to events that I know will be full of potential friends. Adults adore him. My mama heart broke that there were no invitations, there was no giant cake, there were no giggling boys in the back seat farting and teasing each other. And I am so proud that my kids are the same way. I dont know the name of the app, but its taking flight in a big way. We do not live in a subdivision and no kids around to play with. Entering middle school is a big adjustment for both teens and for their parents. Friendship can be a a great thing with people who dont share same interests as you. Except for the fact that I am not an extrovert, I am very much an introvert and I dont mind not having friends, but he desperately wants friends and people to talk to, but no one wants to talk to him. The world needs kids like this. Hes a substitute teacher and is comfortable (and safe) with kids, but hes SO intelligent and different and fascinatingone of my favorite people simply because hes authentic. He loves military history and video games. So I made sure he had time doing a ton of cool and fun things the kids his own age werent even getting to do but in the company of people older than him. As the clock ticks down toward an unprecedented US debt default, the worlds second- and third-biggest economies are watching in fear. Ask The Friendship Doctor. And it hurt his feelings even more because nobody stood up for him. I am still waiting for him to make a real life friend. Our 8 year old has a high IQ, tender heart, and an old soul. She doesnt even want to fit in with the popular kids (who are fake & dramatic) but shes lonely. But whenever the other one gets sick or not at school, he is alone again, like today. Web59 Transcription: If your child has no friends, this is an instance where you do want to mobilize and take an action. Quiet, confused, hesitant, and unsure but then there is also the loud, bossy, all over the place, excited to even be talking to someone else! Thank you for sharing your story. Yes. I was like this too at that age. He is also an old soul who struggles to find his people. So I know all to well how you feel. Please please help I'm at my wits end!! Part of HuffPost Parenting. I never gave a shit about what they said. So I feel like hes almost pushing old friends away & its his social anxiety. In fact it was horrible for him. Your son seems headstrong & I wouldn't mistake him shrugging off social activities with his schoolmates as loneliness etc. High school, unfortunately, was even worse. he is such a lovely boy, kind, caring, very handsome, however he doesnt have much confidence. I often blame myself for the fact that I never brought him to play dates or social gathering of kids his age. I told the teacher I was sorry he was being less attentive and being more goofy, however I let her know that Im not gonna ask him to change that, Id rather him be happy with friends and be sociable than a scholar in class, to my surprise the teacher said good for you dad, you made my day. 5 years ago 14 Replies. I have a bunch of gamer kids that meet the same description. My love to you and your son ? I got him some cognitive behavioral therapy and Emotional focused therapy and it made all the difference. He got one single invite to hang out as a group the whole summer. He tried several kids who all either said that they already had plans or they ignored the text. We are mostly PC gamers. I find it heart-wrenching just to deal with the minefield of social hurts that plague most kids in middle school, including my own, never mind your son who is so lonely and shunned. I totally understand you. Unfortunately, there have been problems at home between my husband and me. It took a long time to find things he enjoysbut to date he loves are Gaming, reading and working out. He has a couple of friends now, but really they are my friends children. Take the pressure off. The other school may have kids that are similar to him. Please consider sharing your info to contact your son. WebGiven the fact that your son has few social connections, is chubby and makes disparaging remarks about himself, firstly, I encourage you to talk with a professional clinician, or your family doctor, in order to rule out any underlying issues, whether emotional or medical. Mama, my love and prayers to you and your son. Love to you both. Your son may be uncomfortable in inviting friends over if there is a high level of conflict in your home. Sports have been helpful and Ive realized that he doesnt need to be friends with everyone, he just needs a couple of true friends. He's refused to really talk about it and just says "It's fine, Mom!" yes, he is different but he was the most happy child I knewhe is not anymoreit hurts. My heart breaks for you..and the tears, and the heartache and the longing I feel with you. I wish there was a way to link him up with others with similar interests. Get him a guitar. I cant wait to see where she goes in life. I know how you feel! Its about how males and females process things. The HPV vaccine is offered to boys as well as girls in higher-income countries, but the W.H.O. My younger 2 are the only ones who had issues. Ive been in your shoes, and to make it worse we recently switched schools, after 4yrs in school he finally made a couple friends, he has to go to a much larger school and try and start over. 9 month baby showing signs of autism, unsure if I'm paranoid? Even parents or caregivers may experience She struggled with this all through high school as well. Reports in the court records alleged that Bateman had the 9-year-old sleep in his bed four months later. Parents Teen boys pals are mostly girls. I dont know how we can get ahold of one another. Its better now. He was bullied for years and eventually, starting in ninth grade, he was homeschooled. I pray everyday his day will come. I know this is difficult, we went through it with my oldest. So he became the brunt of all the jokes. Im hoping hell make some friends when he attends college in september. You could have written this about son #3 whos 17 and has always been friendless. "Today" show parenting expert Dr. Ruth Peters has advice. In our area we have a school that has virtual learning, too. Im Parenting Solo All Day, Every Day. It tears me apart. Sending love and hope your way!! Last year he had an entire class room of friends. Your words touched me, as I have lived everything you are going through. Help him find unique groups that will have a higher concentration of kids similar to him. He pays no heed to anyone. I am my sons only friend, and my mama heart is breaking. Also, check your local library for events. My 11 year old son has no friends anymore. I took her out of school and had her home schooled. Language and Cognitive Milestones. Parents can fill out an anonymous profile for their child and then look for other fiends with similar strengthens in their residential area. Some days I dont even recognize my child anymore.Hes grown in so many ways! The greatest likelihood is that he will "grow into" middle school and into a more active social life as soon as he is ready. I KNEW THAT THEY WERE DIFFERENT FROM OTHER KIDS AND I WANTED THAT. He has tried online sites and has dated a couple, but he is very mature for his age and it doesnt work out. Good luck to your son. Hes an only child and the two alleged friends he did have just dumped him. Just stopping to get gas can land me in a 20-minute conversation and earn me three new Facebook friends. By age 18, teens exhibit a lot of adult-like thinking, such as complex, abstract thinking and have real, rational goals, says Jennifer Woods, MD, medical director of adolescent medicine at Childrens Hospital Colorado and professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. I dont want to throw him in therapy & have him think hes weird or whatever for going to therapyall though its a known fact in our household that myself & his father see therapists. Can't cope with 16 year old son anymore. He is very socially awkward now as a result of all those years he missed out on just having a friend group to be social with. Have you thought about letting him join kid friendly sites, like DIY.org? As I read this, I pictured myself at that age as you were describing me perfectly, lol. I have a boy that is 10 a lot like this and somewhat my youngest daughter who is 9. Everyone in school loves him.. the same with my daughters.. He won't talk about it, I think he pretends he isn't bothered, but I know he is. I know it wont always be this way, I know hell find his people. To me you were you and i was me. He approaches groups of boys with his head already down, convinced they dont want to talk before he even opens his mouth. Hes in Lacross, track, and skis. He doesn't socilise with them outside school very often though. My son ended up being home schooled because he could no longer face the anxiety of being alone in a crowd, of being ignored, stared at, teased, etc. My younger one tries so hard to fit in, to belong but he doesnt. This page may contain affiliate links, which means we may earn a small amount of money if you click through and make a purchase.All articles are written independently by the Netmums editorial team. They wont like me so why bother? I sit beside him as often as I can and just let him chat with me about his games. It was just us, like it is every night at home, smiling our hardest to make him feel the best. We knew it from the time he was a baby. Just as the title says really - he attends College but has made no friends there. She knows a lot of kids, pretty much the whole high school and most of the middle school. I totally agree with you. My heart breaks for you and every parent with this same story. It breaks my head. he is depressed and cries a lot saying he just wants to be happy and he has no friends. WebNewborn to 5 Years Contact About Us 15-Year-Old Son Has No Friends So your 15-year-old son has no friends. It broke my heart how other kids treated him, and I ended up homeschooling him to stop the bullies and to help him learn at his pace, he was ahead of all of them academically, but they wouldnt move him up because he was emotionally immature. Show them that it's important to try hard and it's OK if they don't succeed all the time. Once he got to the mountain he ran into a group of 15 kids from his grade. Hes beginning college in less than a year abs hopes to be a PTA. We tried for 6 months to find a friend who would go ride go-carts with him to celebrate turning the big 10, and finally just had to make it a family day. He is the oldest and very artistic and full of knowledge about a multitude of subjects. Also, I was/am a bit socially awkward, but my best friends are not like methey compliment me like a puzzle. It breaks my heart and Ive cried many tears for that kid. Young people can be very attuned to their parents' moods and may be reluctant to add to their stress. Or an alternative school like a Waldorf? My problem is he has no I suffered from the same thing so it REALLY breaks my heart because it killed me as a child/teenager so I know to some degree how he feels. It also comes from being malested at 5 years old. The only way he sees to make connections is through dating and a future career so thats his focus for now. My heart is broken. Stay in the loop with our daily NEWS email, I have read and understood Netmums' Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions, Will I lose my Working Tax Credits when my 16 year old child starts an apprentic. I wish we could all get together with our kids. Im here, lets connect my son is 12 but is an old soul. Give him a gym membership for birthday (or just encourage him to join a local gym). He says he is not lonely but deep down i know he is. Maybe thats why I have more patience and understanding of loneliness. We strive to share authentic parenting voices with you on a daily basis. 16 year old daughter dating 30 year old man??! At a year he could say and identify his letters and numbers. We homeschool our kids and it has been wonderful. My son Jax is going to be 13 soon, huge milestone, however a sad one. We went through some rough years but hoped, as he turned 21, that he would grow out of it. My son is 12 and about to be having another lonely birthday. Get your email or xbox info, my son has room for another friend. You both got this! 14 yr old daughter is sexually active and I'm in complete distress. Mine is 12 about to be 13. That summer, (last summer) he spent entirely alone. Just yesterday, my son came home sobbing because one of the kids actually got physical with him because a bunch of kids were playing tag, my son was it, tagged the kid and the kid didnt want to get tagged so he shoved my son to the ground and made him skin his knee. Being an old soul will never change if he tries to be like them he will be happy for a short while and then become frustrated with them and himself as it simply does not work Just after 6 months, one of them moved. It also breaks my heart to see her so lonely. I struggled more as a teen because my extrovert mother constantly worried and pushed me to be something I wasnt. Working out is hard (even awful), but for shy folks who cant make friends in bars and school-yards its totally worth it. And my heart still breaks. Its a big wide world and friends can be made from anywhere!! How old is your son? Every word you wrote is applicable to me except I am too scared to send him in his age group.. though I would not stop in hope of miraclememories of bullying and misquoting still lingers! Leslie it honestly doesn't seem like you have to worry about him! Be patient! Its like shes from another time. What rude normal child wants to include them? Everything goes great for 1-2 playdates and then I never hear from them again, and it breaks his heart. This year he doesn't seem to hang with them. It was bumpy at first, but he found his group in the fraternity he pledged, and began making good, life-long friends. His role has been decided give him a fresh start. My son went through the same thing. Kind of like Captain America, before he became amazing, he was tiny, ignored and insignificant yet had the most wonderful pure heartwhich is what got him chosen and strengthened his super powers later on! Honestly, I have come to kind of hate that term. Unfortunately high school wasnt any easier. I just want to protect him fr/potential mean kids & it rips me up inside thinking of what may/may not be happening in school. You just describes my 11 year old, adults love to chat with him kids hiss age not so much. I have to reiterate, watching my son endure this is nothing but pain because I deeply feel his. Take your family to church to meet people. Things are better in high school. He was very close to Grandad. Hong Kong CNN . This transition can be particularly difficult for those who tend to be shy or who have to work harder at making new friends. He could use a gaming buddy about now. My son plays on Xbox alone bc he has no friends. Not as eager to talk to everyone like his younger sister. It doesnt always get better. I live the same, just the same. None, especially at their age so I say fuck them and their snotty ass families!! Its tough. My girl is turning 16 in a few months too, she has also given up. Middle schoolers arent known for their empathy, so there arent a lot of kids with the patience to befriend the weird kid. But my lack of sense of belonging doesnt only come from being an old soul. My son has the best sense of humor, hes very intelligent, quick thinking, hes a reader so his knowledge and vocabulary have been surprising people for as long as I can remember. Smart, sarcastic, and realistic to a fault. If we knew each other personally, Id be quick to extend our familys Xbox gaming info. Please email me at baileysmommy@aol.com. University is Warning of BORG TikTok Trend After More Than 2 Dozen Kids End Up in Hospital, Alarming New Report Shows Teen Girls In Severe Mental Health Crisis With Record Levels of Suicidal Behavior, https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ihslz/the_difference_between_men_and_women/. Ive tried to help him make friends, Ive struck up conversations that have made me feel uncomfortable for the sake of finding him a friend. He cries about it sometimes, and I cry with him. When I saw these kids. He's given up football (which he did from age 6). Is it possible your son may be on the autism spectrum? He has had some good friends in elementary school in the past, but was switched in his classes each year so every time he made a friend, he wasn't in the same class with that child the next year and it fell apart. Below are seven common ways parents can push their teens away (without even knowing it). Perhaps there is an alternative school he could try? Best of luck to you and your son. He excels in everything he does except with being social. We did change schools and found a very small school out in the country where everyone knows everyone. Last year, he started middle school and met some new kids but got in trouble with them. He realizes now that he has the control to change his thoughts which then affect his behaviors and feelings. Stay in the loop with our daily NEWS email, I have read and understood Netmums' Privacy Notice and Terms & Conditions. Shes very independent, but still lacks that one friend. Although my son is a little older, his developmental age is pretty close to your son. Shes responsible and mature , and has no desire to party. He doesn't have a best friend; he is never invited over to other kids' houses or for overnights. Im hoping we can connect. Like you said breaks your heart because we want so much more for them. Emotional and Social Milestones. His story breaks my heart because it reads exactly like my sons. I dont have any suggestions for you other than to try finding hobbies or activities he likes and then taking him out to join other people doing those things Biking. My son ended up finishing up HS after he had 2 yrs of college completed, so when he started college, he was younger than many of his classmates. As the clock ticks down toward an unprecedented US debt default, the worlds second- and third-biggest economies are watching in fear. I also teach him to pray and ask for friends and to keep a gratitude journal. I cant begin to explain the devastation I feel for him. Nobody calls him and he seems to have nobody to call. Physical Development. Thank you for giving us hope! We desperately need help. I often befriended people who were different than me back then because I found it fascinating. I feel your pain. It felt like someone hijacked our lives and was writing about it. Until then, hangout with him, watch the movies he moves, and just be his bestie. Middle school and tween years can be cruel. The happiest, smiliest, kid you could meet. I want him to develop healthy relationships but between home difficulties and his teen avoidance, I don't know what to do. Then college, and I just knew shed meet someone to connect with. But life gets better, and people who are different are the ones who make something of themselves, and are often the most interesting. My heart breaks for you, too. I am 24 now & literally just feel like I am connected to the world. I had to smile through the celebration and hide my absolute devastation. You can find your tribe ?? We share a somewhat similar story. I know hell be seen for what he is eventually, not dismissed for what he isnt. Breaks my heart that shes unable to experience those best friend moments, that connection. Hes likeable, relatable, and has no trouble navigating through social waters. They Could Be A Visual-Spatial Learner. Hes got a great sense of humour and would love an online friend or a pen friend. Hes a nice kid. I cannot tell you how much this resonates with me and my youngest son (9) hes a big boy. Work hard to help him find people on his wave length, dont emphasize teaching him to be more like the other kidsit wont work just as it wont work to make them more like him. Hes now married, baby on the way. 12 year old has no friends and is unhappy at school. & others like him because generation-z is the loneliness generation that is alive! My 11 yr old daughter is my favorite human on the planet but she Just clams up around kids her age. I have never read or had a discussion with anyone who literally described my son. Gym can be intimidating, but its one of the friendlier and most forgiving environments you can imagine (regular visitor > smiles/nods > conversation > friendship). He probably has people he talks to at college work etc just not interested going out which is best way . How do you deal with this? I was looking for something to help me make my nearly 11 year old sons birthday special and I landed here. I hope he finds a friend, Brilliant idea! I'm a useless mother. . Is Your Child Struggling In School? Though when he did. I was that kid. While his peers chat it up at Burger King where they work, hes chatting it up with old folks. No. I am 24 & I didnt find a sense of belonging till I was 21 by taking care of my nephew. Its the worst! God bless your family! I know we arent supposed to be our kids friend, but I will be her best friend as long as she needs me to be. I didnt and still dont understand why hes always excluded. His teachers say everyone loves him, etc., but not one invite over the last three years. I have life-long friendships that came from the virtual world where most of my real-life friendships seem to ebb and tide. Rest assured that as painful as this age and stage is, things will get better. Any beginner is expected to ask other members questions, and people are generally keen to help (the arrogant dicks are easy to spot/avoid, and the loners will wear headphones). There seem to be more and more kids who would rather tease him. I truly understand your concern/pain! We lost my father-in-law at Christmas and I know this hit him hard. My daughters cross country team has been incredible for her self esteem and social confidence. 4 min. I cry because theyre missing out. Thank you for reminding me that its ok that my son is different and eventually he will find his way. This is also her life. My son is 11 and is going through a tough time. Eventually he found his crew but my heart ached for my son as he watched his very popular, very athletic younger brothers (3 of them) have so many more opportunities as far as social status went simply because he was just not appreciated for his differences. My boy is 20 and in college now. Hugsxx I understand this post as well. I cry because hes hurt. Other kids dont always mature. If hes been officially tested as gifted, he can qualify for talent search camps at places like Johns Hopkins, the University of Chicago, Bryn Mawr College, Stanford, etc. But that day hasnt come yet, and in the meantime, my mama heart is breaking. You would think with so many kids with this there would be something! Again Im not sure if this fits for your son but it might be worth looking into. But my heart broke for her when I would see her alone on the playground or finding out that Everyone I else was invited and she wasnt. High school was easier than middle school. He tells me that recession is the worst time because he goes around and around the school, no one wants to play with him. It, The Side Effect of Being Happy Is Being Fat? Hes a collector of misfitsan old soul that thinks beyond the likes of a teenage boy. It just seems theres no fit for her. He also played tennis. Same story here except my son has a twin brother who makes friends easily. Its a cool creative space that is just for kids. As a result, these children Hes always had more adult friends than kids his own age. It is painful, I have two boys and fee like I can relate. I'm also worried and feel at a loss as how to help, at this age it's difficult to step in to try and help. The soft hearted and the quirky kids are his people and he feels like he belongs and I am sure your son will find his tribe too. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. I would do anything to find him a forever friend, but I dont know how many more disappointments he can take. How can I help him make friends? Much love to you, to all the other mums whose hearts are breaking and to the children being left out. The dangers they face when out of the home nowadays is not how it was when we grew up.. And with his interests in history, you may want to check out sca.org and find a local group to check out together. Any plans were because I set it up for him. If your son seems "fine" with his more limited network of friends, make sure you aren't transferring your own needs and/or insecurities onto him. In a new setting everything can change and be new. Most of the other kids are nice to her, but wouldnt hang out with her, be her actual friend. Daughter not coping at University - I'm worried! Those qualities are not appreciated by most people anyway. My 4 year old won't poo on the toilet! He is very intelligent, and he has ADHD. Perhaps, with monitoring and candid conversations about web-safety, parental controls privacy expectations (for safetys sake) you could find a site he could be a part of. I relate to 100% of what the mother is saying and it at times breaks my heart but over time (he is 13) I have come to admire this remarkable person. I highly recommend the book Quiet to help extroverts understand the introverts in their life. YoungLife.org Also, for middle schoolers, sometimes there is WyldLife also. He is my eldest, and watching him graduate from high school, alone this year was heartbreaking. I sucks, its so hard. How cool! 16 year old son has no friends 10 answers / Last post: 24/09/2013 at 12:05 pm Anonymous 25/05/2013 at 2:21 am My 16 year old is a happy, content teenager. My mama heart breaks. As he got to the tween years the awkward years it was really hard but all I can share is that one thing that helped my son was when I realized he enjoy talking about things that older people enjoy talking about.

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