Inline vs constexpr for a static const getter? It's also fairly frequent to drop the int if a modifier is I do not understand the difference between these two statements in my C++ class: What is the difference b/w Option 1 and Option 2?? between a Static variable (or method) and a Const? Assigning static const within a class and outside, why the difference? What is the difference between a static const and constexpr variable? Tabular Difference between static function and constant function: Static Function. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. privacy statement. @DavidRodrguez-dribeas I agree. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Given this, the first way the declaration is written, above, is Do we have a static initialisation order fiasco while initialising variables inside the class. A static const variable at function scope is pretty much the same, but instead of having a automatic storage duration, it has static storage duration. CSDN ,, (123), sizeofstrlen()\0.

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