Perseus Returns Home When Perseus came home Perseus, upon saving his mother, returned to Argos. Pseudo-Hyginus states, By Joves [Zeus] will, it was borne to the island of Seriphos, and when the fisherman Dictys found it and broke it open, he discovered the mother and child. He puts Perseus and his mother - Danae - into a crate and throws them into the sea. Fortunately for Perseus, however, Athena already hated Medusa (for the reason why, see Poseidon), so Athena decided to help Perseus kill her. People wanted her destroyed, and a man named Perseus promised to do just The myth of Perseus does appear in contemporary popular culture, even if Perseus is not as familiar as some other Greek mythical figures (such as Heracles). Ovid: Perseus major exploits, especially his battle with Medusa and his marriage to Andromeda, are recounted in Books 4 and 5 of Ovids famous epic, the Metamorphoses. Another son, named Cynurus, was mentioned by the second-century CE author Pausanias (Description of Greece 3.2.2). One day, Polydectes held a large banquet at which each guest was ordered to bring him a gift. Q3. London: Thames and Hudson, 1974. Kapach, A. For standing by their sibling, she did the same to the other two gorgons. Unearth a beguiling mystery of what was once deemed beautiful in the Victorian period. Athena Turned Medusa Into A Gorgon According to Ovid, Medusa was initially a beautiful young woman. Athenas punishment came with great and terrible features. The most popular tale is of Perseus, a hero sent by King Polydectes on a mission to obtain Medusas head. Gazing into Medusa's eyes could turn a person into stone, so she was very dangerous to be around. Perseus killed the famed monster Medusa, the hideous gorgon with snakes for hair who turned anyone with the misfortune of looking into her eyes into stone. The Three Grey Sisters only have one eye between them - which they use in turn - and Perseus is able to turn this to his advantage to discover the location of Medusa. He took them to King Polydectes [his brother], who married Danae and brought up Perseus in the temple of Minerva [Athena].. What effects accomplishments did Francisco have. Hermes lent the hero his winged sandals. Goddesses have been linked with virtues such as beauty, love, sexuality, motherhood, creativity, and fertility (exemplified by the ancient mother goddess cult). For, Read More History of the Discovery of MesopotamiaContinue, The insidiousness of Ad Nauseam Fallacy has been around for ages, a crafty tactic employed to delude and confuse. When he found King Polydictes attempting to force Danae into marriage, he pulled the Gorgons head from his bag and turned the king and all his men to stone. Perseus. Medusa. Percy manages to defeat Medusa by severing her head with his celestial bronze sword Riptide in the middle of a The mysterious demise of Medusa has been the stuff of legend for ages. Next time there is a trivia night, it might be more interesting to choose questions about Perseus than Hercules, and there are some fun facts that make perfect questions. He was going to give the head of Medusa as a gift to the King. The Helmet of Hades was one of the gifts of the Cyclopes to the young Olympian gods when they first fought the Titans in the Titanomachy. A3. His son, Merros, then burned the head so that it could never be used again. From the blood that ran from her neck sprang Chrysaor and Pegasus, her two offspring by Poseidon. Heroes like Hercules may have sometimes tracked their foes and waited for them, but stealth did not play as large of a role in their stories. Polydectus became angry, and from that time on he thought only of one thing how to destroy Perseus. Still others maintain that Poseidon exacted revenge upon her for rejecting his advances. How the coil springs look like as you move it back and forth.? Both Proetus and Megapenthes were King of Argos, and Magapenthes was the cousin of Danae. He took a strong bag in which to hold the Gorgons head and the helmet of Hades, which made its wearer invisible. Do you like to tell stories? Medusa had promised to keep her chastity in honor of her deity, and took this vow seriously. How is it possible for mantle rock to flow? This transformation caused her to be shunned from society and she was forced to live in isolation on an island. Like many of the children Zeus had by mortal mothers, Perseus early years were tumultuous and unhappy. Perseus was a much different type of hero in the way he handled Medusa than was common in Greek mythology. Apollodorus, Library: A mythological handbook from the first century BCE or the first few centuries CE. By looking at the bronze shields reflection, he never had to gaze directly upon the monster. The Legend of Perseus. They had more items belonging to the gods that would help Perseus in his quest, but he would have to seek these out himself. This Megapenthes was a son of Proteus and a half-brother of Perseus. This phenomenon can be viewed yearly in early August and is the result of the path of the Swift-Tuttle Comet. The timeless tale of the slaying of Medusa has been recounted since antiquity, yet the exact motivations behind this legendary act remain shrouded in mystery. WebPerseus takes three of his men with him to cross the river to the island. Read about our approach to external linking. However, classical and renaissance artists loved depicting the creature being ridden by the better-known hero, so the two myths are often confused. Perseus had no idea where to even find the monsters lair, but he was given aid by two of his half-siblings. Q4. 800490 BCE).[6]. At the oracle of Dodona, his consort was said to be Dione, by whom the Iliad states that he fathered Aphrodite. Perseus and Andromeda by Jan Keynooghe (1561). In Pompeii, a fresco shows an infant Perseus, holding aloft the Gorgons head, and this pose is replicated in statues and artwork around Greece. Perseus, however, did not succeed because of his mastery of weapons or sheer brute strength. WebWhy did perseus kill medusa? Herodotus points out that Assyrians believed Perseus to have been from Persia, hence the similar name. Whatever the reason, history has provided us with an invaluable source to explore what may have motivated Perseus to take such a drastic action. In the Percy Jackson books, readers are treated to an epic battle between the young hero Percy Jackson and the dangerous gorceorg, M.M.I. Anyone who looks Medusa directly in the face is turned instantly to stone - so Hermes is intending Perseus to use the shield to see the reflection of Medusa only. He then carefully came up from behind and cut off her head. The Heroes of the Greeks. In antiquity, the most famous tragedy about Perseus was Euripides Andromeda, which retold the story of how Perseus saved Andromeda from the sea monster. Through the children he had with Andromeda, Perseus became the ancestor of many important people, including the Persians, Heracles, Helen of Troy, and the Dioscuri (Castor and Polydeuces). Amphitrite, in Greek mythology, the goddess of the sea, wife of the god Poseidon, and one of the 50 (or 100) daughters (the Nereids) of Nereus and Doris (the daughter of Oceanus). Perseus agreed to kill the monster if he could marry Andromeda, with some predictable obstacles to overcome. In Herodotus Histories, we learn the most about the mortal Perseus, his possible family, and the role his heritage might have played in ancient wars. The Gorgon Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, a mortal son of Zeus. Vase painting showing Perseus beheading a sleeping Medusa, attributed to Polygnotus (450440 BCE). He puts Perseus and his mother - Danae - into a crate and throws them into the sea. Do they have to give members warning before they bar you? Perseus was the child of Zeus and a human princess named Danae. Eventually, he turned the head of Medusa upon himself and turned to stone. Despite releasing the winged horse when he killed Medusa, no ancient mythology has Perseus ever riding Pegasus. People still enjoy these myths today. But first, Perseus needed to find the Hesperides. What was the date of sameul de champlians marriage? His courage, strength, and intelligence was also the reason that Perseus saved Andromeda from the Cetus and returned home with her, slaying both Phineus and Polydectes with the head of Medusa by turning them into stone. The story of Perseus and Medusa is a story of perseverance, bravery, and dignity. Wilk, Stephen R. Medusa: Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon. London: Methuen, 1929. Other sources, however, claimed that Perseus also had a daughter named Autochthe (John Tzetzes, Chiliades 5.678; John Tzetzes on Lycophrons Alexandra 494). According to the myths, Perseus used a scythe to behead her while looking at her reflection in a shield given to him by Athena. Attributes An early hero and a famous slayer of monsters, Perseus was usually represented with the weapons and artifacts he received from the gods to fight The other gods also helped supply Perseus for his quest: from Athena, he received a shield with a polished face; from his father, Zeus, he received an unbreakable sickle; from Hades, he received a helmet that rendered him invisible; finally, from Hermes, he received winged sandals. Rather than die on the field, she was assassinated during the night. He handed the kingdom to Dictys, who had protected Danae from his brother. Medusas siblings awoke but could not find her killer as he wore the Helm of Hades. Medusa was a Gorgon, one of three monstrous sisters who shared a cave on the edge of Oceanus. She lived with her two immortal sisters, known man-eaters, in an uncharted cave at the edge of the world. Was it out of jealousy or revenge? Perseus is one of the few people besides Hermes to wear the winged sandals. Just as Andromeda had told Perseus her tale, the monster rose from the waters. 2022 Wasai LLC. But his first quest was not one that featured the traditional attributes and actions of a Greek hero. Medusa was a beautiful young woman, a virgin priestess of the goddess Athena. Hermes was the patron god of thieves, and Perseus used many similar tricks to complete his quest. To this day, the god can be seen as Mount Atlas. She was someone who would kill anyone who saw her, and the snakes were simply the curly and knotted hair that was naturally on her head. Perseus killed Cetus and saved the princess Andromeda, whom he then took to be his wife. But what is the real story behind her demise? Q1. Gorgophone, daughter of Perseus, was to give birth to Tyndareus. WebCurated by TheCollector Perseus was the great hero of Greek mythology who slayed the Gorgon Medusa. The people of Sparta claimed that Ares had been nursed by a nymph called Thero. Was the Griffin a Bird from Greek Mythology. This series is often compared to the British Harry Potter series, and the first book was adapted into a film in 2010. The chest floated across the sea for many days until it finally washed ashore on the island of Seriphos. Going to Polydectes palace, Perseus showed the lecherous king the gift he himself had requested: the head of Medusa. Perseus made a deal if he dealt with the monster, Andromeda would become his wife. The Graeae were three old sisters, who shared a single eye between them. He ordered Perseus to prove himself by killing the Gorgon and bringing her head back to his court as a gift. Zeus had intercourse with her in the shape of a stream of gold which poured through the roof into Danaes lap., Enraged that she was to fall pregnant, and believing that it was Proteus, not Zeus, that had gotten into the chamber, Acrisius dragged Danae back out of the chamber. Perseus, realizing he had been tricked by Hera, changed his ways and supported the Dionysian mysteries. Ancient Greece on our KS2 Music pages - music activities and catchy songs to learnAncient Greece on our KS2 History pages - covers topics such gods and goddesses and the Olympics Games, as well as offering short animations of additional Greek myths and legends. Perseus put on his cap so that Medusa could not see him. Perseus was gone before they ever understood what had happened. Now she is in heaven with the other great women, like Elektra, my mother Maia, and your mother Semele., Dionysus calmed and let Perseus live. Triton, in Greek mythology, a merman, demigod of the sea; he was the son of the sea god, Poseidon, and his wife, Amphitrite. A Brief History of the Aussie Egg: What Do Australians Call It? Medusawho in later art is depicted as beautiful although deadlywas the only one of the three who was mortal; hence, Perseus was able to kill her by cutting off her head. A5. Delve into the depths of antiquity and uncover the secrets of this ancient land. Her dying scream, however, woke up her man-eating sisters. Why is love of god often equated with love of fellow men? Kapach, Avi. Stories of old tell of a remarkable feat accomplished by the Greek hero Perseus. Perseus found a Gorgon called Medusa. What level should you be to fight Medusa? I am the owner and chief researcher at this site. [4], Experts also disagree on when the name and its bearer originated. It ended with Perseus taking the Gorgon head from its bag and turning the entire Ethiopian army into stone. But the crate is rescued by a fisherman and Perseus and his mother find themselves on the Isle of Seriphos at the court of King Polydectes. Pegasus was born by the blood of Medusa that fell in the sea, when Perseus decapitated the head. 2 vols. While on his journey back to the Island of Seriphos where his mother awaited, he came across the beautiful 2012-2023 On Secret Hunt - All Rights Reserved WebMedusa Why did Perseus kill Medusa?-----The most important part of our job is creating informational content. He then used his sword to cut off her head and gave it as a gift to Athena who placed it on her shield. A2. While the books are filled with characters and tropes from Greek mythology, they are original tales set in modern times. By using the powers of both Athena and Hermes, the young and inexperienced hero was able to behead the fearsome Gorgon and live to tell the tale. Some ancient Greek art would depict all three gorgons as having serpentine hair, tusks like pigs, and big round heads. While no longer as famous as Heracles or Odysseus, the Argive king and Greek hero Perseus has just an interesting story. Hartland, Edwin. Returning to the island of Seriphos, the Greek hero discovered his mother in hiding. His pride What did Athena give him for his journey? 1. For eons, the death of Medusa has been a source of intrigue and fascination. Perseus was eventually killed by Megapenthes, son of Proetus. And what too of the prophesy that Perseus will kill his grandfather, Akrisios? Rumors tell of a beguiling female with serpents for hair, who had incurred the wrath of Athena, goddess of knowledge and conflict. King Polydectes wanted Perseus out of the way so he could try and Were building the worlds most authoritative, online mythology resource, with engaging, accessible content that is both educational and compelling to read. Thus the prophecy was fulfilled, and Perseus was officially the rightful claim to the throne of Argos. With his wife Andromeda, Perseus had many children. Blood of Zeus ends with Heron and the rest of the Gods in Mount Olympus in a peaceful place, but very soon theyll all have to address the power vacuum thats been opened now that Zeus is dead. Here are just three great ones for you to use. Perseus was quite protective of his mother, with all they had been through, and was cautious about the King. He owned a giant diamond, the gem made stone in the showers of Zeus, which prevented the magic of Medusas head. People wanted her destroyed, and a man named Perseus promised to do just that. [7] His mother was Danae, the daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos. Some stories are so good that people tell them again and again, sometimes with words and other times with pictures. He also described an altar to the hero on the road from Mycenae to Argos. Martin Nilsson confidently dated Perseus and his myths to the Bronze Age (ca. Apollodorus, Library 2.4.5. [1], Scholars in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries often believed the name was derived from the Greek verb (perthein, "to sack, destroy"), combined with the ending -eus, which is common in many early Greek names (Theseus, Prometheus, etc. The silver and gold sculpture pictured here shows Medusa's face. Hephaestus was born deformed and was cast out of heaven by one or both of his parents when they noticed that he was imperfect. Her parents agreed. Perseus, the mortal son of Zeus and the Argive princess Danae, was a Greek hero, king, and slayer of monsters. WebGreek Mythology. Perseus subsequently killed Cetus and set Andromeda free. Perseus. Mythopedia, 12 Mar. Had Perseus acted like most heroes and relied on weapons and strength, he would have almost certainly lost to Medusa and her sisters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. As for Ariadne, be happy. The head is said be absolutely horrendous, notable for the snakes that make up Medusa 's hair. What specific section of the world do cannibals do not live? His first mission was to find and defeat the Graeae. The Hesperides, a sisterhood of nymphs, were guardians of a garden at the edge of the world. Killing a monster you cannot look at, who is protected by immortal siblings, would be an almost impossible task. Your email address will not be published. During the Renaissance period, her story was used to illustrate the power of classical education and philosophy over superstition and ignorance. Part 2Hermes intervenes with the information that Medusa's whereabouts can only be determined by talking to the Three Grey Sisters - so the two of them go off to find them. The oracles of Zeus told the King that, by sacrificing Andromeda, the monster would be appeased and go once more. Through Mortal Bloodlines, Perseus was the Great-Grandfather of Helen of Troy. Additionally, by examining these sources we can gain a better understanding of how Medusa has come to be seen as a symbol of heroism and strength throughout time. Following his exploits, Perseus built the city of Mycenae. He agreed to return it only if they told him the information he needed. In Ancient Greece, Medusas demise was seen as a victory for women over patriarchy. What happened after Medusa was killed? When the beast saw the young woman, it started to swim towards her. Dont be taken in! Medusa's Head is a spoil of war obtained by killing the Gorgon Medusa. Hermes intervenes with the information that Medusa's whereabouts can only be determined by talking to the Three Grey Sisters - so the two of them go off to find them. Your email address will not be published. Are you allowed to carry food into indira gandhi stadium? While Hermes used the helm of Hades, and many heroes wore the armor of Hephaestus, no other character in Greek mythology obtained that many accouterments from different gods. Are there any other stories related to the death of Medusa? Unearth a captivating curiosity of what was once considered beautiful in a time long ago. Perseus was a demi-god, the son of Zeus and a mortal named Danae. Acrisius therefore imprisoned his only child, Danae, to prevent her from ever having a son. Pausanias, Description of Greece 2.15.4, 2.16.36, 2.18.1. In both versions, Perseus used Hermes winged sandals, Hades helm of invisibility and a bag given to him by Athena to capture Medusa without looking directly at her. Why is Medusa killed? Various stories exist that tell of brave heroes who ventured to her lair and vanquished her with their sword and shield. Cassiopeia and Cepheus agreed (though no version of the myth explains why they abandoned their plans for sacrifice). [14] However, these cults do not seem to have existed before the Hellenistic Period (32331 BCE). Perseus founded the powerful House of Perseus, which supplied generations of kings and heroes. (2023, March 12). Before Perseus was born, Acrisius, the king of Argos, was warned that he would one day be killed by his grandson. Nemesis: Greek Goddess of Divine Retribution, iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order, US History Timeline: The Dates of Americas Journey, Ancient Civilizations Timeline: The Complete List from Aboriginals to Incans, Why Are Hot Dogs Called Hot Dogs? What does it mean to call a minor party a spoiled? Contents 1 History 2 Percy Jackson and the Olympians Additionally, it can be invoked to make political or social statements about gender roles or oppression. iPhone History: A Timeline of Every Model in Order Polydectes King of Seriphos The common story has Polydectes being the son of Magnes, the first king of Magnesia, and an unnamed Naiad, who was possibly the Naiad nymph of the main spring of Seriphos. When he was close enough he swung down hard with the sword. Copy. The three gray-skinned croned were sisters of the Gorgons. Medusa was a terrible monster whose gaze could turn men to stone. She lived with her two immortal sisters, known man-eaters, in an uncharted cave at the edge of the world. Polydictes was certain that Perseus would die on his quest. He would be free to marry the young mans beautiful mother without opposition. Athena, insulted that Medusa was no longer a virgin, punished her by turning her into a monster. What years of time was the separate but equal doctrine the law of the land in the US? Howe, T. P. An Interpretation of the Perseus-Gorgon Myth. PhD diss., Columbia University, 1952. While it was Zeus that fathered Helen and Pollux by sleeping with Leda while in the form of a Swan, Tyndareus was considered their mortal father. A1. Ancient texts such as Hesiods Theogony and Apollodorus Library provide insight into the characters involved and how the story unfolded. Polydectes takes a fancy to Danae and is determined to marry her. Perseus had no personal grudge against Medusa. Perseus was attending sporting games (either for competition or part of funeral celebrations), where he was playing quoits (or discus throw). He soon returned the gods gifts to Athena. When Perseus sought a place to rest, Atlas refused him. When Medusas sisters awoke, Perseus did not fight his way out. The Medusa we know was raped by Poseidon in the goddess Athenas temple. He also tells Percy that he is his favorite son. According to another tale, Perseus lived to old age, founding the city of Tartus and teaching the magi of Persia. BBC Teach > School Radio > English > Ancient Greek myths, Persephone - Orpheus - Minotaur - Midas - Medusa - Trojan Horse - Cyclops - Penelope. To get her head to bring back to polydectes for a wedding gift What motivates perseus to get medusas head? While her sisters were immortal gods themselves, Medusa was a mortal woman only. A remarkable feat indeed! In a strange little side-note, an interesting fact about Medusa and her sisters were integral to the invention of the flute. Unfortunately for Acrisius, the oracles prophesy eventually came true. Herodotus also records that when Xerxes, the Persian king, came to conquer Greece, he attempted to convince the people of Argos that he was the descendent of Perseus, and, therefore their rightful king already. Why Did Perseus Kill Medusa? The 1981 film Clash of the Titans (remade in 2010) is loosely adapted from the myth of Perseus. Pausanias, Description of Greece: A second-century CE travelogue; like Strabos Geography, an important source for local myths and customs. During this age, beauty was commonly determined by stringent, Read More A History of Beauty: How Victorian Standards of Attractiveness Shaped the EraContinue, Investigate the past of the legendary Norsemen and find out which nation is renowned for their legacy! Phineus, brother of the king and uncle to Andromeda, had been promised the beautiful maiden as his wife. It is said Athena bestowed upon him enchanted items to aid in his quest winged sandals, an invisible helmet and a sword and it was with these he vanquished the monster. By wearing the winged sandals, he could move in and out quickly. Hesiod: The Gorgons and Perseus battle with Medusa are mentioned in the Theogony, a seventh-century BCE epic (lines 27081). He slits Medusa's neck with his sword. Required fields are marked *. When he found Medusa, he was able to approach her without turning to stone by looking at her reflection in Athenas shield. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Who told King Akrosios the Oracle?, What did the priestess tell King Akrisios?, Why did King Akrisios refuse to kill Danae? It is bordered by Taurus and Ares to the south, Andromeda to the west, Cassiopeia to the north, and Auriga to the east. Who did Perseus kill? Angry at Perseus (instead of the gods that wished her to be sacrificed) he took up arms and started a great fight. Zeus is king of the Greek gods and goddesses, a role he takes on after defeating his own father. He would be free to marry the young mans beautiful mother without opposition. Other versions of this story feature different protagonists such as Athena or Hercules, all of whom triumphed over this powerful creature through acts of bravery and valor. Medusa grew wings, tusks, and long claws. My name is Mike and for as long as I can remember (too long!) In the versions that name Perseus, the story is grim. Rather than the father of Perseus, Poseidon is a lover of Medusa, a sea monster who Perseus slew. Perseus beheaded the Gorgon with a single stroke, having never looked directly at her. According to the Greek poet Hesiod, Triton dwelt with his parents in a golden palace in the depths of the sea. The kindly Dictys took in Danae and helped her raise Perseus. Tales of her passing have been recounted and reinterpreted throughout history. Learn more about our mission. Polydectes then began plotting to get rid of Perseus. King Polydictes, wishing to marry Danae but Perseus, sought a way to get rid of Perseus so he could not oppose the union. According to Pausanias, they say that the god, having made war on Perseus, afterward laid aside his enmity, and received great honors at the hands of the Argives, including this precinct set specially apart for himself.. Poseidon chose Amphitrite from among her sisters as the Nereids performed a dance on the isle of Naxos. How Do You Get Rid Of Hiccups In 5 Seconds. The full story of Medusa, taking into account the oldest myths and the younger poems and stories that survived through the Roman empire, is one of tragedy. A2. Dionysus, in his rage, might very well have leveled Argos and killed Perseus if it wasnt for Hermes. Please like and share this article if you found it useful. He flew on Pegasus to her hideout, using his shield as a mirror so as not to be ensnared by her gaze. Who killed Medusa in history? Fortunately for Perseus, however, Athena already hated Medusa (for the reason why, see Poseidon), so Athena decided to help To cite this article in an academic-style article or paper, use: Thomas Gregory, "Perseus: The Argive Hero of Greek Mythology", History Cooperative, September 24, 2022, The Greek Myths. Acrisius spoke to the Oracles, who prophesied that the son of Danae would be the cause of the old kings death. Of Perseus, Polydectes demanded the head of Medusa. When Medusas blood spilled to the earth, the winged horse Pegasus and his brother Chrysaor were born. Whats The Difference Between Dutch And French Braids? An allegory for how men can use their intelligence and courage to overcome obstacles they face? Another account in the same text says that Procles, a Carthaginian, believed Medusa to be a Wild Woman of Libya, a form of big-foot, who would harass the people in nearby towns. When Perseus tells Polydectes to leave his mother alone the King agrees - but only if Perseus can fulfil his challenge. ): Perseus name is thus translated as the destroyer.[2], Other scholars have suggested that his name is connected with the underworld goddess Persephone[3] or even with the Hittite war god Pirwa. What is poor man and the rich man declamation about? Perseus killed Medusa by looking into a mirror to avoid Medusa's gaze and killed her. Diodorus of Sicily, Library of History: A work of universal history, covering events from the creation of the cosmos to Diodorus own time (mid-first century BCE). More importantly, he was the grandson of Acrisius and Eurydice. Which country agreed to give up its claims to the Oregon territory in the Adams-onis treaty? Some say that the heroic Perseus, armed with a shield provided by Athena, used it as a mirror to avoid looking at her face and beheaded her with his sword. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1996. Q2. Due to his connection to the sea, many think that Perseus is related to Poseidon. All Rights Reserved. Hephaestus was the only ugly god among perfectly beautiful immortals. There was an obscure variant in which Proetus, not Zeus, was Perseus father (Apollodorus, Library 2.4.1). He shut her up in a chest with Perseus and cast it into the sea. Then he grew to an immense height in every part (so you gods determined) and the whole sky, with its many stars, rested on him.. Your email address will not be published. Frightened by this prophecy, Acrisius imprisoned his daughter in a bronze chamber and buried her underground. Perseus flew into the air like an ancient superhero, drew his sword, and dived at the creature. The Oracle replies that he will die at the hands of his grandson - Perseus. Best Answer. History of Viking Wives: How Were They Treated? What Happened When Perseus Returned With the Head of Medusa? At this time, Zeus was given his thunderbolts, and Poseidon his famous Trident. Is there any other version of who killed Medusa? She also had a unique ability. The best-known star within the constellation is Algol, Horus, or Beta Persei. O Atlas, the oracle said, mark the day a son of Zeus shall come to spoil; for when thy trees been stripped of golden fruit, the glory shall be his. Worried that this son was Perseus, Atlas was always careful. No human-made weapon could pierce the armor of the great blacksmith, and only a weapon he made himself had a chance the sword of Hephaestus. This was the scene that was unfolding as Perseus arrived in Ethiopia. Perseus think Hermes is abandoning him, but Hermes has actually gone to get a sword and shield because he has a plan Part 3Anyone who looks Medusa directly in the face is turned instantly to stone - so Hermes is intending Perseus to use the shield to see the reflection of Medusa only. Why did Perseus kill Medusa? Euripedes and Homer each only referred to a single Gorgon, Medusa. Gorgons, or Gorgones, were three winged daimones, or phantoms of Hades. Called Medousa (Medusa), Sthenmo and Euryale, only Medusa was mortal. He made armor for Heracles and Achilles, arrows for Appolo and Artemis, and an Aigis (or goat-skin breastplate) for Zeus. Interestingly, in all other cultures, including Hebrew and Arabic, it is a head (sometimes Ras Al-gol or demons head). This was regarded as a nearly impossible task: Medusa was one of the three monsters known as the Gorgons, whose heads were ringed by snakes instead of hair and whose gaze turned people to stone. If anyone looked in a Gorgons eyes they turned to stone. Andromeda was thus left in chains at the seas edge for Poseidons sea monster Cetus. Dionysus could not be turned to stone, however. Others contend that Athena herself was responsible for Medusas death. Hermes returns to find Medusa about to attack Perseus. Delve into a world of bewilderment and surprise as you explore the peculiarities of these egg-related expressions. As a trickster god, however, his help was invaluable to Perseus. Why did Andromedas mother boasted that she was more beautiful than the Nereids, so Poseidon sent the monster to attack the city. According to Apollodorus, Perseus had six sons (Perses, Alcaeus, Sthenelus, Heleus, Mestor, and Electryon)[8] and one daughter (Gorgophone).[9]. Hyginus, Fabulae: A Latin mythological handbook (first or second century CE) that includes sections on the myths of Perseus. When Perseus had grown to manhood, Polydectes, the king of Seriphos, fell in love with Danae. The scholia on Homers Iliad 19.116 gives a similar list, but replaces Heleus with Aelius. My work has also been published on Buzzfeed and most recently in Time magazine. It is said he was killed because of the death of Proetus. 3 gifts What does the Atlas do? How would you describe Medusa? There is another tradition, however, in which Danae was impregnated not by Zeus but by Acrisius brother (and her uncle) Proetus (Apollodorus, Library 2.4.1). 2023 Ancient Past - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, A History of Beauty: How Victorian Standards of Attractiveness Shaped the Era, History of Vikings: Exploring the Country Most Famous for its Viking Heritage. WebGazing into Medusa's eyes could turn a person into stone, so she was very dangerous to be around. Later, while passing through Ethiopia, Perseus rescued the princess Andromeda from a sea monster and made her his wife. How Medusa Was Killed. Early Greek Myth: A Guide to Literary and Artistic Sources. Athena gave him information and her shield, which he could use to avoid looking directly at the monsters petrifying face. Pausanias, in his Description of Greece, offers a historical version of Medusa that may be worth mentioning. stone. Q2. At the end of his adventures, Perseus became the ruler of Mycenae and founded an important dynasty. Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Antonio Canova (18041806). Hermes lent Perseus winged sandals to fly, and Athena gave him a polished shield. Unravel the secrets of these mysterious women, and gain insight into a culture that has since faded away. Athena explained to him that only the Hesperides, the maidens guarding the grove of Hera, could tell him where to find Medusa and the Gorgons. According to many traditions, Perseus then ascended the throne of Tiryns and founded the city of Mycenae. Eventually, it died. While the name Perseus has been given to a number of ships, mountains, and even early computers, the Greek hero doesnt have the same name recognition today as Heracles/Hercules. Today, many surviving bronze shields from ancient antiquity are carved with the Gorgons head as a warning for all who face the wielder. Sources differ on whether he left them in peace or threw their only eye into the sea as he left. In his work, he says that she was the queen of those around Lake Tritonis (modern-day Libya), and faced Perseus and his army in battle. Best Answer. WebWhy did Athena Help Perseus Kill Medusa? When they arrive at their destination Hermes suddenly flies back to Olympia. For this insult, Perseus showed the severed head of Medusa, and the old Titan turned to stone. What Is The Average Impact Factor For A Journal? Medusa was a dangerous monster, her gaze turned everything to Perseus managed to slay her by using his shield as a reflection so he could avert his gaze from her. 3 vols. The Helmet of Hades was also used by Athene in the battle of Troy and Hermes when he fought Hippolytus, the giant. Kernyi, Kroly. and more. When Perseus beheaded Medusa, from the remains of her body came the winged horse, Pegasus, and Chrysaor. When Perseus reached the Hesperides, he was given a special satchel that could safely carry Medusas head. However, one day she was raped by Poseidon inside Athenas temple. What Do We Know About Historical Perseus? He would then marry the princess, Leda. A fellow child of Zeus, Perseus famously beheaded the snake-haired Medusa, fought a sea monster for Andromeda, and accidentally killed his grandfather while playing sport. Not shrinking from the daunting task, Perseus promised to bring Polydectes the head of Medusa. Things came to a head when Medusa encountered Athena who, in turn, sent Perseus to slay her and bring back her head as a trophy for Athenas temple. Did Jason and the Argonauts kill Medusa? Part 1Perseus's grandfather - Akrisios - goes to the Oracle to ask how long he has to live. Perseus was the child of Danae, a princess of Argos. They were born with only one eye which they shared between them, and one tooth which they took turns eating with. WebGazing into Medusa's eyes could turn a person into stone, so she was very dangerous to be around. Perseus was a demi-god, the son of Zeus and a mortal named Danae. In Pythian Ode 10, Pindar also relayed a story in which Perseus travelled to the Hyperboreans, a mythical people with mystical knowledge, on his way to kill Medusa. Aside from these scraps, little is known of the hero worship associated with Perseus. Process of transferring data to a storage medium? London: Penguin, 1955. In Egypt, there was a city called Khemmis, which Herodotus records had a temple to Perseus: The people of this Khemmis say that Perseus is seen often up and down this land, and often within the temple, and that the sandal he wears, which is four feet long, keeps turning up, and that when it does turn up, all Egypt prospers. While the instrument itself was created by Pallas Athene, Pindar says that she wove into music the dire dirge of the reckless Gorgons which Perseus heard and imitate with musical instruments the shrill cry that reached her ears from the fast-moving jaws of Euryale. Yes, the high-pitched notes of the flute were the screams of the Gorgons as they mourned over the death of their sister. Polydectes, disbelieving, looked at the Gorgons head and turned to stone. Pindar: Perseus myth and his slaying of Medusa were told in Pythian Ode 12. A goddess is a female deity. It is said that Medusa was once an exquisitely beautiful woman who encountered Poseidon, god of the sea. Danae, however, did not wish to marry Polydectes, and Perseus protected his mother from Polydectes unwanted advances. How did Perseus kill Medusa? Hermes, the god of thieves, inspired Perseus to use stealth and trickery to meet his goals. WebPegasus was a white winged horse; in the film he is black. It isnt one hundred percent clear if Perseus was against the worship of Dionysus; mythology texts say that the King of Argos was, but some versions mean Proteus. When I asked why Perseus appeared only to them, and why, unlike all other Egyptians, they celebrate games, they told me that Perseus was by lineage of their city. He also rescued Andromeda from the sea monster. Perseus hunted the King down and showed him the head of the Gorgon literally. He looked into the shield to see the reflection of her to know where she was without turning to stone. Before they could strike, Perseus put on Hades helmet and disappeared from sight. However, those myths which mention three women call them sisters, and say that the other two were punished simply because of Medusas transgressions. Some versions of the myth suggest that Athena herself killed Medusa or that Poseidon had turned her into a monster as punishment for being raped by him in one of his temples. On their return from Troy Odysseus and his crew put ashore on the island of a Cyclops. Mystery shrouds the slaying of Medusa, a fearsome monster from ancient mythology. 2023. Walking backward towards Medusa, Perseus continues to hold the shield in the air to keep a clear view of Medusa, making sure to only look at Medusa in the shield. As Perseus crept closer to Medusa, he wielded the sword that Hephaestus had given him and beheaded the monster. Even to kill his human enemies, he relied on the power of the Gorgons head, the very trophy Polydictes had demanded, rather than try to defeat them in combat. Unfortunately for the citys people, the celebrations did not last long. Perseus was often represented in ancient times in the act of removing Medusas head. turn to Athena who along with the other gods gave him various trinkets and weapons to aid him on his quest. Delve deep into the annals of time to discover what life was like for these female figures in a world, Read More History of Viking Wives: How Were They Treated?Continue, Your email address will not be published. According to Hyginus, Fabulae 244, Megapenthes eventually killed Perseus, to avenge the death of his father. One swipe of the sword and the Gorgon was beheaded, her snake-covered face quickly placed in a bag. So it is that Perseus finds himself agreeing to find and defeat the Gorgon - a monster called Medusa - a task that Polydectes believes to be impossible, since the Oracle has also prophesied that Medusa can never be defeated. It is said that the priestesses of Chorea, women who followed Dionysus, were slaughtered by Perseus and his followers and dumped into a communal grave. After all, mythology is storytelling at its finest. Perseus is said to have killed Medusa in Greek mythology. Centuries may have passed since then but the tale of Medusa lives on in our collective consciousness today. He had been raised by a fisherman and sent on his quest to ensure his death. When he came to their cavern he hid, waiting in the dark for the perfect time to strike. Hecate Greek Goddess of Witchcraft : The Complete Guide. Rose, H. J. Perseus flew away, stopping in Ethiopia to rescue Andromeda from a sea monster before returning to his own homeland. Perseus. Mythopedia, March 12, 2023. - music activities and catchy songs to learn, - covers topics such gods and goddesses and the Olympics Games, as well as offering short animations of additional Greek myths and legends. Even though she had been done wrong by Poseidon, it was ultimately Athena who sought retribution by dispatching Perseus to take her life.

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