This strips Knull of his symbiote, but Venom makes sure to really kill the villain. And this was clear when he met Sentry, who was the first of Earths superheroes to confront the man called the King in Black. Of all the places he could go, Earth is now his most logical destination, given that acquiring the Ebony Blade was so important to him in the comics. The Marvel Comics universe has a lot of incredibly powerful characters that are based on Earth. RELATED: Eternals 2 Must Have More Celestials To Avoid The First Movie's Mistakes. This was a powerful display on the part of Knull, who was quick to overwhelm the entire planet with his symbiote dragons, as hardly anyone else could challenge him in a one-on-one fight after he killed Sentry. In the source material, All-Black is the very weapon that kicked off Knulls battle with the Celestials. After spending a few years in law school while teaching college-level economics part-time, he decided to give writing a shot. After cutting the head off a symbiote Celestial, Venom grabs the King in Black by the throat and pushes his axe through his chest. Cookie Notice As such, Knull did what Sentry wanted to do to him as he was the one who tore the superhero in half in what was one of the most horrific moments in Marvel Comics history. As such, his physical capabilities are immeasurable, such that his strength is far beyond any of the Marvel superheroes that we know of. Eventually, in his attempt to find Eddie Brocks son, who had the ability to control symbiotes as well, he invaded Earth and destroyed countless Kree and Skrull ships along the way. Knull tracked down each Celestial and transformed them using the Living Abyss, which could be used in the MCU to explain their disappearance. One such character is Knull, who was first introduced in the King in Black Marvel Comics event. He may have begun as an enemy of Venom, but by the time Knull and his army descends on Earth-616,it's going to feel as if the full might of a Celestial has attacked its superheroes. Ysmaels writing style tends to be quite conversational in the sense that he likes speaking to the readers instead of making them feel like they are reading something tedious. Knull is also able to easily kill sone yet struggles to battle thor (tho still winning in the end" Knull assassinated a Celestial with a Celestial killing weapon, like the Apocalypse Twins and Thor. But the problem is that Galactus gets weakened whenever he hasnt eaten a planet. Knull, the God of the Symbiotes, was freed from his cosmic prison in the conclusion of the Absolute Carnage event series and is making his way towards Earth to conquer the planet. Nevertheless, we can leave this fight up to our imagination because we probably wont see it anytime soon. Black Death The true extent of Knull's powers remains something of a mystery. For the past year, the evil god of the symbiotes Knull has been making his way to Earth alongside his army of symbiote dragons. And the only one to ever survive the serum was Robert Reynolds, a meth addict that accidentally consumed the serum when he broke into the lab of the one who created the serum. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Tim Adams is a Lead News Editor at CBR. Multiple developments in Phase 4 indicate that Marvel Studios is gradually setting up Knull to serve as a major villain in the MCU's future. Even after the Valkyries severed his connection to the dead Celestial, Knull was still powerful enough that he could defeat Thor, who possessed the power of the All-Father at that time. During the Secret Wars storyline, Knowhere is shown to be the moon that orbits Battleworld. Knull Character Knull appears in 112 issues . All Black the Necrosword has: Specifically, he is an eldritch god that existed long before the present universe of Marvel Comics was even created. Thankfully she has a army riding on her side, with the rest of the Valkyries swooping in with no time to spare. When Jane Foster's Valkyrie came to ferry him to Valhalla, the two found themselves on a collision course with the body of Knowhere, the first Celestial that Knull killed, floating through the space between worlds. Iron Man is admittedly upset at Venom for awakening a threat of this magnitude. But what gives Big G the advantage here is the fact that he has cosmic awareness because of the Power Cosmic. Ysmael also writes for Comic Basics. Published May 24, 2021 The Celestials are mysteriously mostly absent in the MCU. As someone who grew up watching and reading about superheroes, sci-fi storylines, and fantasy characters, Ysmael has a greater appreciation for this side of culture compared to most people. As such, he is now a big geek with much room left to grow in learning about the most popular comic book characters ever written. Warning! Both Knull and Galactus are so incredibly powerful that they are universal threats that have immeasurable capabilities. Two characters that tend to be near the apex in terms of just how powerful they include the likes of Marvels Knull and Galactus, both of whom are characters that are as old as time itself and have power levels that are beyond imagination. As soon as Knull's army arrives in the vicinity of Earth, the Avengers start to fight back. There was also a point where Galactus showcased his incredible power when he was able to overcome Odin, who is arguably the greatest god in the Marvel Comics universe and is said to be on par with him. In a present-day storyline titled King in Black, Knull endeavored to wipe out the Celestials and defeat the heroes of the Marvel Universe all in an effort to restore the Abyss to what it once was. Knull uses his power and command over the darkness to form armies of Symbiotes and dragons to do his bidding whenever he is conquering and destroying worlds. Knull once again crossed paths with another Marvel powerhouse in theSilver Surfer Black miniseries by Cates and Tradd Moore. The Celestials are mysteriously mostly absent in the MCU. From Nova Scotia, Canada, Liam McGuire is the Lead writer for Screen Rant's comic team. Ysmael Eng Delicana is a writer based in Davao City, Philippines. Ian Cardona has written for CBR since 2017. Galactuss feats are quite incredible because he once took on four Celestials on his own before they fused into one being to defeat him. And while both Silver Surfer and All-Father Thor are incredibly powerful cosmic beings, Knull was also able to defeat them handily. He is an avid statue and Funko Pop! It's telling how powerful Knull truly was as the only way he could be killed was for another being to get their own god-like power, fuse two of Earth's strongest weapons together, and still have to put up a fight. His favorite Avenger is Captain America, and that was long before the character starred in a very successful film franchise. However, he is also a huge fan of anime, as he spends a portion of his time watching shonen anime. Marvel is starting a big event with a big, bad villain and need to show how powerful he is and how hard he will be to stop. In universe explanation is that he was able to do this by taking over a cel. 4) #3 ( June, 2018) (Full appearance) Venom (Vol. And if you were wondering, Eson was the one Knull killed and the rest were Arishem, Jemiah, and Ziran enslaved by Knull (looks like Knull would rather enslave the Celestials than kill them, and don't tell me he won't be able to kill The Celestials). That is why we believe that this battle between Knull and Galactus could go either way. Yes Knull did kill a celestial with the prototype of the Necrosword . As a being that stems from the primordial darkness that has existed before the universe itself, Knulls powers are beyond measure. A King in Black movie could explain that Knull killed them, inadvertently creating Knowhere. At this point, it is extremely difficult to tell who has the better feats between Knull and Galactus because they have both been able to overcome and defeat some of the most powerful entities in Marvel Comics history. As long as something is interesting and worth his time, Ysmael tends to devote his effort to it, as he has been great at geeking out about a certain topic. Taking the reality thread in their hands, Brunnhilde, Dani Moonstar and Ivanir all pull at the strand from where they stand together in between realities. And as long as there is a topic thats interesting to him, he will stop at nothing to learn more about the said topic and the comic book storylines involved. As such, when in the hands of Galactus, the Power Cosmic should be a weapon that might be enough to kill Knull or, at the very least, make the battle evenly matched. Ysmael also writes for Fiction Horizon. The King in Black made an early statement by killing the Sentry, Marvel's most powerful hero with ease, while also using his symbiote powers to turn powerhouses such as Captain America, Fin Fang Foom, and even a Celestial, into his own soldiers. and our 2023 Comic Basics, a property of Incomera d.o.o. The MCU is likely to juggle several villains as the Multiverse Saga plays out, while also providing gradual setup for villains capable of succeeding Kang in Phase 7 and beyond. This origin could easily be incorporated into the MCU. Some time afterward, it found its way into the hands of Gorr. At one point, he was also able to infect the heroes of Earth with his symbiotes so that they could use them as his personal army. Primarily taking the form of a sword made from living darkness, All-Black was wielded by Knull during the dark god's deicidal rampage, earning it the monikers of the Necrosword and Godslayer. While some of the powerful entities in the Marvel universe are cosmic beings or are gods of different pantheons, Knull is basically a god himself as well. Thankfully, the heroes of the Marvel Universe have known about the coming of this threat for some time now thanks to Eddie Brock. After that, he discovered that he could create symbiotes that could inhabit and possess sentient beings. Till now we had only seen Ego the living planet(a celestial) die at hands of Guardians of The Galaxy by blowing his brain, as Mantis said to Guardians that they need blow his core which is deep inside the planet and they blew it up using Rocket's Anulax Batteries Bomb. Privacy Policy. Knull was so strong that he could overpower incredibly strong characters like the Silver Surfer. In the comics, Knull created the All-Black, a sword formed from his own shadow, after his awakening. Knull has gone toe-to-toe with a Celestial and come out the victor. While recounting his origin to Eddie Brock, the Symbiote God Knull revealed that he was the one who killed the Celestial whose head became Knowhere with the use of All-Black the Necrosword and used his head to create more symbiotes. However, Knull has finally been taken down, as a power upgrade given to Venom made him the most powerful hero on Earth and the only being capable of taking down . King in Black: Conan Just Brought Out the Beast In an Omega-Level Mutant, King in Black: A Surprise Symbiote Hero Exposes Knull's New Weakness, King in Black: A Classic Symbiote Just Went Through Some SHOCKING Transformations. He also works as a part-time writer for books about sports. Galactus is a cosmic being that existed before the current universe because he was the sole survivor of the last one. KEEP READING: The ULTIMATE Venom Is Back - And Destroyed Eddie Brock With One Hand. Marvel's King in Black was finally defeated, as Earth's Mightiest Heroes and an upgraded Venom took down the vilest monster in the universe. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He is often considered to have godlike powers by some of the strongest Marvel characters on Earth. But before it arrives, I'd like to present a theory about the new MCU villain that is going to take on Thor, Mighty Thor, King Valkyrie, and Korg all at once. Venom tries to warnthe Avengers about the type of threat Knull poses, with Iron Man's main takeaway being that Knull is on the same level as a Celestial. In terms of his feats, Knull is an incredibly accomplished character that has seen it all in the Marvel Comics universe. However, Ego remains the only living Celestial toshow up in the MCU so far, and the circumstances of Knowhere and other Celestials' deaths are an enigma. To retaliate against the Celestials' light invading his territory, he used the All-Black to decapitate one in a single blow. Defeating the King in Black seemed like an impossible task after the God of Symbiotes enveloped the Earth in darkness and turned some of the greatest heroes and villains into his own army. 2 with a plan to replace all life in the universe with extensions of himself. On top of his incredible physiology, Sentry has the ability to manipulate molecules almost at will. And while both Silver Surfer and All-Father Thor are incredibly powerful cosmic beings . Having this incredibly important concept in the MCU builds credence for the idea that Knull exists, even though the Venom symbiote isnt from Earth-616. Home Comic Features Venom's Evil God Annihilated Marvel's Strongest Avenger Without Even Trying By Ian Cardona Published Dec 2, 2020 As Marvel's King in Black crossover begins, the symbiote god Knull arrives on Earth and obliterates the most powerful Avenger in seconds. The Sentry, Robert Reynolds, is effectively Marvel's answer to Superman. Next: The Origin of The Celestials In The MCU, Marvel Cinematic Universe's greatest mysteries, Marvels Eternals Theory: The Celestials Role In The Movie Has Been Revealed, Knull found that he could create symbiotes from darkness, MCU Spider-Man 4 Gets First Update In Three Months From Producer, All 8 Actors Who've Played The Flash In Live-Action, Clint Eastwood's Best Movie Explains Why He Stopped Making Westerns. In introducing the Ebony Blade in Eternals, Marvel effectively justified Knull one day arriving on Earths doorstep. He picked up this during his teaching years because he needed to find ways to simplify topics that tend to be foreign and complex to students. However, Knull appeared to be unaffected by what Sentry was doing, as he quickly reversed their positions. He then used its severed head's powers as a forge to refine the sword before moving on. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. After the dark god was awakened in the Absolute Carnage crossover, Eddie warned the Avengers of Knull's coming, which gave Earth's Mightiest Heroes ample time to prepare for the arrival of the cosmic villain. RELATED: King In Black Gives A Fantastic Four Member Their Own Symbiote. It appeared that the God of Symbiotes was unbeatable, but after the Silver Surfer arrived with the Enigma Force, things changed in favor of the heroes. The King in Black is coming. Chief among them is the man called Sentry, who is known for being the strongest person on the planet in terms of his overall powers and abilities. Liam can be reached at In the comics, Thor used All-Black to defeat and nearly kill a hungry Galactus. Not wanting the Celestials tostamp out the darkness he called home, Knull used his symbiote sword to cut offthe head of a Celestial. It was the fact that Knull was able to kill Sentry, who is usually unkillable, that proved that this character is stronger than Sentry and is so strong that no other Marvel superhero could match him. On his path of conquest, Knull found that he could create symbiotes from darkness, which he could use to corrupt living things into monsters. The Celestial Iron Man refers to is now the space port known as Knowhere -- at least, its severed head is. When Knull invaded the planet in an attempt to take hold of Eddie Brocks son, the first superhero to challenge the King in Black in a fight was the strongest hero that Earth could offer. Since they created the multiverse. Galactus possesses something called the Power Cosmic, which is an immeasurable cosmic force that basically allows him to do whatever he wants to do to such an extent that he already seems godlike in terms of his power levels. Knull won in his fight against Sentry. In the first installment of the series, the titular team visited Knowhere, the severed head of a long-dead Celestial, in which a mining colony had been established. It being Knulls would make sense, especially since its corrupting influence on Gorr is consistent with its symbiotic properties from the comics. Marvel is shaping its next big event around Knull invading Earth inKing in Black --and rightfully so. Thor: Love and Thunder avoided mentioning Knull when laying out Gorr's backstory, but didn't rule him out as its creator since it didn't confirm the weapon's . That said, lets look into the characters to understand more about them. John Dodge has been an avid consumer of comic books and nerd culture for as long as he can remember. That is why it is very difficult to tell who between them will win in a fight, as they are both two of the most powerful universal threats that Marvel superheroes have faced. It was through the Celestials body that he became stronger as he created a connection between himself and his sword to sustain his powers. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #4 by Jason Aaron, Torunn Gronbekk, Nina Vakueva, Tamra Bonvillain, and VC's Joe Sabino, on sale now. That is why he is often considered to have nigh-omnipotent capabilities. With the Sentry dead, the Void is set free, but not for long. When Venom was returned to his proper place in the multiverse, a piece of the symbiote was left behind. Galactus is also strong enough that his immeasurable strength alone can destroy entire solar systems and probably even galaxies. Knull, who understood its destructive potential even better than Dane Whitman himself, went to great lengths to obtain it. When Galactus is at his full strength, he is probably just as strong or even stronger than Knull in terms of his physical capabilities. Not sure if this counts a feat or is viable for a VsDebate In fact, he was able to overpower the entire Avengers, which included She-Hulk and Thor. Donny Cates said that Knull was unkillable as a response if King Thanos did kill Knull. The Celestial is no more intent on allowing the Valkyries to achieve their goal than the lost souls inhabiting it are, and during the ensuing fight, Jane Foster is lost inside of Knowhere. There was almost no other character that could come close to him in terms of his incredible feats and powers. This Void is a dark entity that can corrupt the Sentry, and Robert constantly fights to keep it in check. Using his powers, he created the sword, making it Marvel's first symbiote. Knull's arrival caused chaos across the Marvel Universe, as the Lord of the Abyss covered the entire Earth in a symbiote dome, while his army of dragons left plenty of destruction in their wake. He predates the multiverse too; Knull: Marvel Tales has Knull exist during the First Firmament's time. The fate of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Celestials has been left ambiguous, but a film adaptation of the 2020 event comic King in Black could reveal what really happened to them. Knowhere had become an afterlife unto itself, directly connected to Knull's blade and feeding off the souls it had slain while giving back more power in return. The weapon wielded by its central antagonist, Gorr the God Butcher, is All-Black the Necrosword. The crux of Knulls arc already has a presence in the MCU. Warning! Later, Catesconfirmed the head Knull cut off is Knowhere, a space hub that became famous in the firstGuardians of the Galaxy movie. 5 anon052555 1 yr. ago I assume they will give Doom credit when they introduce him to show his power. The Sentry may be truly dead, or he may return as something else entirely. Multiple developments in the Marvel Cinematic Universe lay the groundwork for Knull to join the MCU as a major villain. The backbone for the battle with Knull is in place now that the origin of the Marvel Universe has been carried over to the MCU. Knull was clearly on the same level as The Celestials, he at least killed a Celestial and enslaved the remaining 3 Celestials. Thor: Love and Thunder avoided mentioning Knull when laying out Gorrs backstory, but didnt rule him out as its creator since it didnt confirm the weapons origins. Powered by the Enigma Force, Venom grabs Surfer's sword and Thor's hammer Mjolnir and combines them into a battle axe. The Skrull/Kree armada that was left in orbit after the Empyre crossover is transformed into a minefield, but that doesn't even slow the army down. When the Celestials finally made the universe, they woke Knull up in the Abyss. Cookie Notice Knull is momentarily surprised by this development, and he's blindsided when the Sentry grabs hold of him and starts flying out of the atmosphere. In spite of his off-the-charts power level, Knull can be killed by the Ebony Blade, which should make it a secret weapon in any story that involves him. With CBR, he has been able to write about his favorite subjects, from the MCU to Doctor Who. The Celestials intended to coexist with Knull, but he made them his sworn enemies by striking out against them. This also extends to Knull. What can Knull do? Since the Void is also a creature of darkness, the god of the symbiotes absorbs it into himself, describing himself as "the one true void.". Being a Celestial killer certainly makes Knull a good candidate in terms of sheer power, but it is his complete lack of civility and horror-influenced aesthetic that would really set him apart from Thanos. Since Eternals set up a handful of its characters battling the Celestials, its possible that events in a potential Eternals 2 will weaken the Celestials enough to inspire Knull into action. InKing in Black#5 byDonny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, and Frank Martin, the heroes band together behind Silver Surfer - who has turned his board into a sword - to take on Knull. The full story came to life during Venom #4 by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman: All-Black was forged by the god of the symbiotes Knull in order to wage war against the Celestials, as Knull viewed. Because both Knull and Galactus are incredibly powerful beings that have their own immeasurable abilities and incredible feats, it is very difficult to tell who between them will win in a fight. Of course, they both clashed with one another in the comics. Spoilers for King in Black #5 below! Throughout the characters history, Galactus has always had heralds that do his bidding, as these heralds are the ones that prepare for his arrival whenever he wants to consume a planet. The Marvel Comics world is home to some of the most powerful entities we could ever imagine, as there are some characters that have godlike abilities that are unimaginable. For more information, please see our This is why Nick Fury classifies himself as Power Level 10+. He was also granted powers and abilities that were godlike. Venom moved past his origin as a major Spider-Man villain, to working side-by-side with the web-slinger inAbsolute Carnage. Liam joined Screen Rant as an editor in 2019 and was promoted to lead writer in 2021. He attempted to fly Knull into orbit to rip him apart in space. The appearance of light in his domain angered him, and Knull quickly came tohate the Celestials and their creations, and vowed to stamp them out to cloak the universe in darkness. There could be a Knull in every reality that has a symbiote. On top of that, his strength allowed him to rip apart Sentry, the strongest Earth superhero, in half with little to no effort whatsoever and even decapitate an entire Celestial with a single swing of his sword. However, Marvel has no confirmed plans to use the character. RELATED: Venoms Mysterious New Villain Is Unmasked On #27 Variant Cover. In that regard, he is a primordial god that has been around longer than almost any of the other primordial beings in the universe of Marvel. He is a Feature, Comic Breakouts and News writer. by Joe Brefczynski updated February 27, 2022, 5:33 am Follow Copy The trailer of Thor: Love and Thunder may be right around the corner. The Celestials are ancient beings with powers so immense they wielded the Infinity Stones in the past. The Spider-Man/Venom Free Comic Book Day Special features this conversation between Venom and Earth's Mightiest Heroes, though the beginnings of the talk also appeared inVenom #25. Next:Ghost Rider Just Screwed Over the Avengers in the Biggest Way. You can follow him on Twitter at @ian_c1701 (yes, that is a Star Trek reference) for discussions, debates or pictures of really cool collectibles he probably doesn't have room for. As of now, Knull survived the Big Bang and killed a Celestial, before he created All-Black. Some of his first memories include receiving a monthly subscription box with Amazing Spider-Man #353, the first part of "Round Robin: The Sidekick's Revenge," along with highly successful launches of X-Men #1 and X-Force #1. The headless Celestial's decapitated body was trapped in the Realm Between, tethered to All-Black and by extension to Knull . These Asgardians targeted the symbiote-controlled body of a long-dead Celestial. With it, he managed to kill a Celestial. And to save all of the souls trapped within it, the Valkyries strike a devastating blow to the dark god of the symbiotes in King in Black: Return of the Valkyries #4. and found on Twitter at @LiamRMcGuire. As busy as Jonathan Majors is likely to be with his Kang role over the next few years, he wont cast a shadow over every MCU movie and show between now and the end of the Multiverse Saga. Absolute Carnage was the first Marvel event to feature Eddie Brock and Venom as its main protagonists: Writer Donny Cates, artist Ryan Stegman, inker JP Mayer, colorist Frank Martin and letterer Clayton Cowles have redefined the Lethal Protector's place in the Marvel Universe. WhereasKing Thor was a future story,Silver Surfer Black went back to the early stages of the Marvel Universe, after Silver Surfer was sucked into a black hole inCates and Geoff Shaw'sGuardians of the Galaxy. [Marvel] Where does Knull rank in Marvel cosmic hierarchy ? This is undoubtedly a huge loss for the Avengers, considering they were likely hoping the Sentry would be a counter to Knull. After the Enigma Force leaves his body, Venom becomes the new King in Black. RELATED:King in Black: A Surprise Symbiote Hero Exposes Knull's New Weakness. Many forms of anti-life, including Knull, originated in this realm of total darkness. All-Black is the oldest of Knull's creations, and quite possibly his most iconic. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 4) #4 ( July, 2018) (Chronologically) In that regard, you can already imagine just how strong he is. Everything changed for Knull when the Celestials entered the Abyss and began populating the universe with life and planets for its creations to inhabit. Venom was of particular importance, as it was his link to the symbiote that alerted him to Knulls impending arrival. Who killed Knowhere from the MCU? Then, it's up to Eddie Brock to try and sever the connection between Knull and his army. 4 6 6 comments Best Add a Comment TheMergedSentry 1 yr. ago In the comics, Knull did it. Galactus is comparable to an average, run-of-the-mill Celestial when he's hungry. He is also clad in a symbiote armor that gives him strength and supreme protection. Thanks to the film, Marvel has fleshed out a key part of Knulls story. Apparently, it was these activities that first incurred Knulls wrath. For example, he was able to overpower All-Father Thor with relative ease. The MCUs Multiverse Saga already has a clear villain in Kang the Conqueror, but thats not to say hes the only character the heroes need to be worried about going forward. If there is a next time, at least Marvel heroes know how to stop him now. The first symbiote, All-Black was manifested from the shadow of the evil deity Knull and tempered using the divine power of a slain Celestial. Like his comic counterpart, Knull could be lurking somewhere in Marvels world, waiting for his chance to begin his crusade against the cosmic beings who brought an end to the darkness. A fairly recent addition to Marvels stable of characters, Knull is a top-tier threat and an antagonist easily capable of serving as a Thanos-level villain in a future MCU project. Knull, the God of the Symbiotes, may be too much for Venom and the Avengers to handle after Marvel confirms the villain's power levels. So, who won the fight between Knull and Sentry? A King In Black movie could include the horrifying reveal that Knull hunted down and killed them himself. All rights reserved. Knulls strongest symbiotes were dragon-like creatures that were powerful enough to dominate and conquer entire worlds. Next, a team of Avengers whose abilities are known to weaken symbiotes fight on the ground, while another team takes to the skies. Knull is a divine entity that has existed even before the current Marvel universe because he is a primal god that represents the darkness that has been around for as long as time itself or even before that. There are a lot of powerful villains in the Marvel Comics universe, and some of them are so incredibly powerful that they are beyond comprehension. If used in the MCUs future, Knull can target Dane and make a play for the sword, thus setting a live-action version of King in Black in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in motion. Knull is the god of darkness, the literal and titular King in Black. 5 NoNaRe. All rights reserved. This allows him to write in a way that makes complex topics easier to understand. When Knull killed the Celestial and its body was lost, he did not seem to put any concern into the matter, certainly not the amount he did towards mastering his craft of making life from his living darkness. Knull was able to instantly kill a Celestial with a single swing of his sword and was able to take on armies of gods singlehandedly. Orion held his own against Superman several times, tanked Mantis' best attacks (Mantis said he could . The King in Black's reign is finally over in the Marvel Universe - but considering how symbiote hosts have come back to life, the door is seemingly always open for his return. And Galactus is so powerful that he can use the Power Cosmic to give the same level of power to his heralds, particularly Silver Surfer. His power is so incredible that he can use his symbiotes to basically infect gods and even Celestials so that he can make them act according to his bidding. With his godly powers, Venom slices off the heads of symbiote dragons with a single swing, while he grabs onto Knull's All-Black the Necrosword and dissolves it. Meanwhile, Galactus doesnt possess any special equipment because he himself is already a universal-level threat. The moment Knull appeared, Sentry flew to him and attempted to fly the King in Black to orbit, where he could rip him in half. He is darkness itself and is capable of manifesting different forms of dark creatures like symbiotes with his power, and that means that he is responsible for powerful creatures like Venom and Carnage, among others. Spoilers for King in Black #5 below!. He earned his bachelors degree in economics at Ateneo de Davao University before continuing to teach part-time at the same university. Knull could probably use his All-Black sword to kill or mortally wound Galactus, but we also know that Big G wont go down that easily and has the capability to use the Power Cosmic in any way he deems fit to defeat the King in Black. The Celestial is no more intent on allowing the Valkyries to achieve their goal than the lost souls inhabiting it are, and during the ensuing fight, Jane Foster is lost inside of Knowhere. RELATED:King in Black: Conan Just Brought Out the Beast In an Omega-Level Mutant. However, Knull has finally been taken down, as a power upgrade given to Venom made him the most powerful hero on Earth and the only being capable of taking down the ancient cosmic god. Weve already seen how powerful Symbiotes are in the Marvel Comics universe, as some of the examples are Venom and Carnage. For more information, please see our He likes reading about the feats of great people, fictional or not. Ysmael also excels at learning new things and getting to know new topics that are interesting yet foreign to him, and thats why he can also be called a jack of all trades. Years after introducing the Celestials in Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel fully delved into the concept of the Space Gods in Phase 4s Eternals movie. An expert on competitive gaming and obscure kids shows from the 80's and 90's, John has far too many opinions about Beetleborgs for someone in their thirties. Knull, an ancient and evil god, dwelled in complete darkness and enjoyed his empty, lifeless world known as the Abyss millions of years ago. I know obsessing over comic book power scaling is a fools errand but it still raises a question, The celestial are apparently multiverse like right? He can also manifest All Black the Necrosword from any symbiote IIRC. Out of universe explanation first. Last edited: Aug 29, 2020. Venom #4 revealed Knull's origin through flashback sequences that featured the villain . All-Black was metaphysically tethered to the decapitated . Banished into the Void, Knull used the severed head as a temporary base and a forge to refine his weapon into what would ultimately be known as All-Black. Bringing Knull and King in Black's story to the Marvel Cinematic Universe would not only set the stage for a massive conflict that could top Avengers: Endgame, but would also clarify the Phase 2 mystery of what happened to the Celestials. Reddit, Inc. 2023. Privacy Policy. kshep1188 1 yr. ago The Valkyries on the other hand are well aware, and they strip Knull of a power he didn't even know he had. Knull is an ancient evil god who lived in the Abyss, an endless cosmic void, prior to being awakened by the Celestials creating the universe. The heralds that Galactus has under his command all have the ability to use a portion of the Power Cosmic that he possesses, and that makes them incredibly powerful entities as well. If Tom Hollands Spider-Man or an Earth-616 version of Venom ultimately gets it, the MCU will have yet another cornerstone of the King in Black crossover. Knull also absorbed the Venom symbiote in order to make himself more powerful. Eternals 2 Must Have More Celestials To Avoid The First Movie's Mistakes, Stephen King Loved New Adaptation So Much He Emailed The Director With Another Offer, Hailee Steinfeld Gives Honest Answer About Her Young Avengers MCU Future 18 Months After Hawkeye, "Never Going To End": The Rock's Fast & Furious Hobbs Movie Creates Confusion & Jokes. Cookie Notice He is a big fan of the New Gods and Doctor Fate, and loves comic books of all genres. And when the heroes unleash Marvel's most powerful Avenger, the Sentry, Knull completely obliterates him without even breaking a sweat. He grabs Bob by the throat, and he introduces himself by literally ripping the superhero in half, killing the hero who once did the same thing to Carnage. Heres all the evidence the MCU is building toward Knull. When the Celestials first made their presence felt, he realized he could make a blade that was able to kill one of the gods. Galactus also has cosmic awareness that allows him to see and understand the different changes going on in the universe, and this is one of his biggest advantages when it comes to his intelligence. While teaching was a fun gig, being a geek and a writer seemed to be his calling. In the comic books, Knull harbors a hatred of the Celestials, with whom he shares a history that goes back several millennia. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Even though Knull is an incredibly intelligent being that has honed his knowledge and information throughout his entire lifetime, Galactus is just as intelligent and knowledgeable as well. But now, the heroes have to reconcile with the loss of one of their own, just as they realize the real might of the god of the symbiotes. Of course, the Celestials are some of the most powerful entities in the universe, and that means that Knulls strength is incredible enough that he could decapitate a gigantic moon-sized Celestial with a single strike of his sword. But with the Void gone, that cycle may now change. Knull was so strong that he was able to use his All-Black sword to decapitate an entire Celestial with one strike. As the fight begins, Venom joins the battle, but as a much more powerful being. He allowed his symbiote dragons to descend to the planet to dominate some of the strongest heroes of Marvel Comics. At the beginning of the universe, the dark god Knull created a symbiotic sword and used it to decapitate a Celestial. Knull's demonic appearance and disturbing methods of dispatching heroes are a far cry from Thanos' air of nobility and relatively "clean" plan to snap out life. Ysmaels writing style is quite conversational; he likes to write as if speaking to his reader. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The pair's goal was to defeat the resurrected mass-murderer Cletus Kasady, but the threat of Knull still looms on the horizon. He destroyed entire planets and civilizations, leaving only a void behind. However, he ended up with a serum that was 100,000 times stronger than the Super Soldier Serum. Venom's Biggest Change as King in Black is One Nobody Noticed, Ghost Rider Just Screwed Over the Avengers in the Biggest Way, Wolverine's Future Form Turns His Immortality into a Living Nightmare, Power Rangers' 90s Bullies Are Finally Actual Heroes, 1 Star Wars Species Is Immune to the Jedi's Harshest Rule. Another stepping stone toward Knull can be found in Spider-Man: No Way Homes post-credits scene. Knull dissolves into nothingness. Some time afterward, it found its way into the hands of Gorr. Now the God of Light with a God-killing weapon, Venom makes quick work of the King in Black. The Celestial Iron Man refers to is now the space port known as Knowhere -- at least, its severed head is. incredibly powerful characters in the Marvel Universe, The Flash Producer Confirms the Movie Has a Post-Credit Scene, The Flash Director Talks About Ezra Millers Future as Barry Allen, Deadpool 3: Three More X-Men Cast Members Will Reportedly Return. Related: Marvels Eternals Theory: The Celestials Role In The Movie Has Been Revealed. It was theorized that the damage that Scarlet Witch did to the planet when she broke down and changed reality was nothing compared to what Sentry could do if he were to experience a similar mental and emotional breakdown. Theoretically, even Thor or Thanos would be killed if Black Knight were to land a fatal blow with the sword. He earned his bachelors degree in economics at Ateneo de Davao University. Given his incredible might, it makes sense that the Avengers would consider Bob Reynolds their best bet against Knull and call him back to Earth. He's been in love with comics for a very long time, and believes there is some good to be found even in the industry's more difficult times. 2023 Fiction Horizon, a property of Incomera d.o.o. There are a lot of different godlike characters in the world of Marvel Comics, and most of them are cosmic entities that have existed for as long as anyone can remember and have abilities that allow them to do some of the most incredible things ever imagined. Not only has the MCU introduced the foundation of Knulls plan through the symbiotes and the Celestials, its also brought in the key to beating him. The fact that Sentry has godlike powers allowed him to become the strongest Marvel Comics character based on Earth. After devouring four planets (Galactus gets stronger by eating planets; normally one is enough to sustain him for a long time), Galactus is strong enough to kill your average Celestial fairly easily, though he still lost to three. WARNING: The following contains spoilers for King in Black #1by Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman, JP Mayer, Frank Martin and VC's Clayton Cowles. Now, in King in Black #1, Knull's attack on the planet begins, and the Avengers put their multi-layered plan to stop him into motion. Because of this immeasurable power, Thanos ranked Galactus near the very top of the standings in terms of some of the most powerful beings in the universe, as he believed that he was at the level of the Stranger, the Celestials, Odin, and Zeus but not as strong as Eternity and Infinity. That is why Knull can very well take advantage of this by simply killing this cosmic being with a single strike of his sword. Knull suddenly becomes aware of the loss he has just suffered, and the dark god's rage is palpable. For Knull to be able to withstand the combined abilities of Silver Surfer's Power Cosmic and a sentient planet demonstrates perfectly why he should be considered a Celestial-level threat to Venom and the Avengers. In King in Black: Return of the Valkyries, the symbiote god Knull was just stripped of his most powerful weapon by Asgard's warriors. RELATED: Virus: Marvel Reveals How Powerful Venom's New Foe REALLY Is. After the Infinity Saga, the Marvel Cinematic Universe needs a new big bad who can outdothe destruction wrought by Thanos without feeling too similar to the Mad Titan. Arguably the most direct setup for Knull stems from Thor: Love and Thunder. On Earth, he also killed Sentry, who is normally the strongest Earth hero, as he tore him in half with his strength alone. and our Though millennia passed,Knull's hatred for the Celestials never faded, and his efforts to undo theirworkcontinued. Knull has gone toe-to-toe with a Celestial and come out the victor. Aug 29, 2020 #5 . You can find him occasionally discussing them over on Twitter at @JohnJDodge. Reddit, Inc. 2023. As an avid fan of fantasy TV shows, video games, and books, Ysmael is fond of watching, playing, and reading things related to fantasy, magic, and mystical creatures. Knull ruled the primordial universe alone until the arrival of the Celestials, who began filling his domain with matter, light and life. Virus: Marvel Reveals How Powerful Venom's New Foe REALLY Is, Venoms Mysterious New Villain Is Unmasked On #27 Variant Cover, The ULTIMATE Venom Is Back - And Destroyed Eddie Brock With One Hand, REVIEW: Image Comics' The Savage Strength Of Starstorm #1, REVIEW: Power Girl Special #1 Delivers a Uniquely Human Take on the Hero, Spider-Man Desperately Needs His Alien Costume Back - Here's Why, Captain America Gets a New Reboot From JMS and Saiz. A King in Black movie could explain that Knull killed them, inadvertently creating Knowhere. Privacy Policy. For more information, please see our Thanks to the serum, Reynolds became incredibly powerful and eventually became the superhero called Sentry, who possessed powers and abilities that far surpassed the ordinary Super Soldier. And finally, there's the Horde. In that regard, not even the strongest heroes of Earth could match him. - Quora Answer: Out of universe explanation first. In fact, one Marvel Comics character stands out as a top candidate for Marvels next big villain. The race was thought to be extinct until Ego the Living Planet (Kurt Russell) appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. Knull is a primordial being that has been around for countless years, as he himself says that this is the seventh iteration of the universe he has existed in. Thankfully she has a army riding on her side, with the rest of the Valkyries swooping in with no time to spare. When all of this fails, and when Knullreveals his second wave -- a legion of symbiote-covered Celestials -- the Avengers then unleash their most powerful asset: the Sentry. In the comics, Silver Surfer was able to exhaust the Power Cosmic he was given so that he could find a way to defeat Knull. This wasnt enough to kill Knull, but it did significant damage to him. Spider-Man and Venom were major characters in the event because symbiotes are his biggest weapons. Since finding it, the Valkyries have worked diligently to sever that connection by weaving a thread through reality itself. However, Knull was able to quickly reverse their position and then tore Sentry in half instead. Galactus is a cosmic being that is said to be one of the oldest entities in the universe because he existed before the current Marvel universe. That is why weaker characters easily fold to Sentry, whose powers are so incredible that not a lot of characters are able to contend with the things that he could do whenever he wants to defeat them in a blink of an eye. When Knull arrived on Earth, Sentry was the first to attack him and defend the planet against his armies. But we can look at a hypothetical fight between them in greater detail. Sentry was the result of an experiment that involved a man who wanted to recreate Captain America using his own Super Soldier Serum. Before joining Screen Rant, Liam worked in the sports industry, with bylines at TSN, Sportsnet, Vice Sports, and more. In Marvel Comics, the Ebony Blade the cursed sword of the Black Knight is made out of an unknown meteorite and bears a special enchantment that allows it to cut through nearly any material in the Marvel Universe. Knull was able to instantly kill a Celestial with a single swing of his sword and was able to take on armies of gods singlehandedly. He claims to be the god of the abyss, the world of darkness that existed before light entered the cosmos. And this is one of the fundamentals he learned as a part-time college instructor, as there were complex topics he needed to simplify. With upcoming projects like Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and the Blade reboot bringing horror to the MCU, a King in Black movie could fit right in with them. Other versions. He attempted to fly Knull into orbit to rip him apart in space. Of course, we are talking about Sentry, who was quick to respond to Knulls invasion and attempted to kill him in an instant. It is also said that he is so incredibly powerful that no one could kill him unless he wanted to get killed. Knull later occupied the severed headand used its technology to craft his symbiote sword into the Necrosword, a weapon wielded by Thor's nemesis, Gorr the God Butcher. His expertise includes fantasy shows and movies, comic books, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and popular RPG video games. Iron Man is admittedly upset at Venom for awakening athreat of this magnitude. Just as it is in the MCU, the Celestials are responsible for all the planets and the intelligent life in the universe. The Valkyries have banded together to fight back any way they can, and just how they're doing so is beyond even Knull's purview. Kill and enslave Celestials, tank the Big Bang, overpower Silver Surfer and All Father Thor. Defeating the King in Black seemed like an impossible task after the God of Symbiotes enveloped the Earth in darkness and turned some of the greatest heroes and villains into his own army. In King in Black, Knull raised a symbiote army to take over Earth, and heroes and villains alike had to band together to resist the invasion. He flies into space with Knull's body and throws it into the sun. He has lived for billions of years and was able to compile knowledge and information that has allowed him to learn everything he needed to know about the different planets and beings that are all over the universe. King in Black has introduced the Marvel Universe to a new age of horror that extends far beyond Earth and even the afterlife. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. In the MCU, they have been referenced most prominently in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. As powerful as Knull is, he is completely unaware of what is happening beyond the realm of the living. This is no small statement, since Celestials are the gigantic space gods that gave life to the Marvel Universe as it exists today. You can follow Tim on Twitter @timdogg98 where you can read his ramblings about comics, TV, movies, sports and wrestling. In line with that, he has energy projection abilities and manipulation powers that are so strong that he can basically do anything that he wishes to do. Despite "the power of a million exploding suns," the Sentry barely had the chance to put up a fight, and Knull killed him without even trying and he even claimed the Void for himself. The sword that is acting as their needle cuts through the sinewy connection between the Necrosword and Knowhere, effectively severing the link. Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic'sKing Thor miniseries, which took place hundreds of years in the future, also saw Loki return with the Necrosword in his final battle against his brother. There's just one problem: Knull blasts through all of their defenses with great ease. And they did defeat Galactus. and our As Marvel's King in Black crossover begins, the symbiote god Knull arrives on Earth and obliterates the most powerful Avenger in seconds. Understanding Knull In the time between the end of the sixth universe and the beginning of the seventh, a god slept in the Abyss (or Ginnungagap, as the Asgardians call it). As the entity responsible for the creation of all symbiotes, Knull holds a strong connection to this twist. It isn't clear just how much more fearsome the might of the Necrosword actually made Knull, especially considering he is such an intimidating figure on his own, but knowing that he no longer has access to something that he took for granted could change the face of the event's final battle. With it, he managed to kill a Celestial. King In Black Gives A Fantastic Four Member Their Own Symbiote, King In Black Event 'Fundamentally Changes' Venom's Place In The Marvel Universe, King In Black Introduces A New Valkyrie To The Marvel Universe. Leading an army of symbiote dragons, Knull waged war on the Marvel Universe, with Venom and Spider-Man being among those who rose up to fight him. His conflict with the Celestials stretched across millions of years. He is a super-powered being who is indestructible, who flies and has the literal power of a million exploding suns. The Sentry has die before, and he was later resurrected, which means there's always a chance he will come back. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Of course, throughout his existence, Galactus needed to be defeated by multiple superheroes because of how incredible his prowess is. How did Knull enslave the Celestials? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Two of these characters are Knull and Sentry, who are both considered incredibly powerful characters in the Marvel Universe and are gods or godlike in their own right. But if the damage of Knull's first attack is any indication, there might not be a Marvel Universe for the Sentry to come back to. But in a fight between Knull and Galactus, who would win? On Earth, he also killed Sentry, who is normally the strongest Earth hero, as he tore him in half with his strength alone. Since the Void got the better of him in last year's Annihilation: Scourge crossover, the Sentry has been primarily stationed in the Negative Zone, keeping an eye on the untamed dimension. Literally before the battle, he told Reed that he ate 4 planets in preparation for the battle. Using his powers, he created the sword, making it Marvels first symbiote. KEEP READING:King in Black: A Classic Symbiote Just Went Through Some SHOCKING Transformations. First Death Thor: God of Thunder #6 ( March, 2013) (Retroactively) Venom (Vol. KEEP READING: King In Black Introduces A New Valkyrie To The Marvel Universe. All rights reserved. It has also proved itself to be one of his most effective, even if he himself had no knowledge of its connection to Knowhere or the power it truly contained. What (or who) could have taken out such formidable beings remains one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe's greatest mysteries. Back on the mainland, Venom turns to the Avengers and reveals his recent history with Knull, as well as how the symbiote god is currently heading to Earth. When Knull arrived on Earth, Sentry was the first to attack him and defend the planet against his armies. The King in Black event has prominently featured one of the Celestials' oldest enemies, Knull, as its central villain. RELATED: King In Black Event 'Fundamentally Changes' Venom's Place In The Marvel Universe, However, Knull quickly proves his superiority. So, if All-Black was in the hands of its true master, who knows how to draw out its true power, Knorr could also use it to defeat Galactus as Thor did. But the thing is that all of these powers came from Knull, who is the very embodiment of darkness in the Marvel universe and is the god of the Symbiotes. Sentry was always considered the most powerful hero on Earth in the Marvel Comics universe, but Knull was able to showcase his incredible strength and prowess when he easily defeated the character that a lot of Marvel characters believe is unbeatable or unstoppable. He created this hive of Symbiotes that he used to conquer different worlds and planets. Similar events can transpire in the MCU if King in Black ever happens. But some of them cant beat galactus 4 on 1 despite him only being universal, Knull is also able to easily kill sone yet struggles to battle thor (tho still winning in the end, Meanwhile hulk was recently able to destroy an Ironman suit made from a dead celestial tho apparently with the force of 3000 gamma bombs (again, power scaling is fucked) but some of earths strongest heroes cant fight a different revived celestial, The best explanation I can come up with is that some celestials are more or less powerful then others. But the one thing that holds him back is his hunger, which he always has to satiate for him to be at his full strength. While he wasnt the biggest fan of comic books while growing up, the rise of the MCU and the DCEU allowed Ysmael to have a greater appreciation for these characters. Reddit, Inc. 2023. When his hunger is satiated, he has strength and height that is immeasurable that he was able to take on four Celestial at once before being defeated when they all fused together into one. Archived post. Ysmael Eng Delicana is a writer based in Davao City, Philippines. The pair 's goal was to defeat him: Marvels Eternals Theory: the ULTIMATE Venom is back and... Began populating the universe, however, Knull survived the Big Bang, overpower Silver.! As Power level 10+ link to the Marvel Comics character based on Earth allowed him to Knulls arrival! Firmament & # x27 ; s hungry activities that first incurred Knulls wrath known about the feats great. 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