The purpose of this qualitative case study was to (2019). All items had five response categories: 1 = never/ hardly ever, 2=seldom, 3=sometimes, 4=often, and 5=always. 214 0 obj However, in spite of the fluctuation in burnout on the individual level, at group level the burnout-status at baseline was of importance for the level of burnout at follow-up. 22, 17991807. Thus, measures to reduce the job demands may also have an impact on the perception of control. Appl. In the single-exposure models increased job demand, decreased decision latitude and increased emotional demands were associated with a high level of burnout at follow-up. endobj Many say they will not be able to continue working." Cluster sampling was adopted for the research objects, who were selected from five primary and secondary schools. Table 3. Mental health in teachers: relationships with job satisfaction, efficacy beliefs, burnout and depression. Persson R, Cleal B, llgaard Jacobsen M, Villadsen E, Andersen L. The relationship between self-efficacy and help evasion. Google Scholar. (2016). Hayes, A. F. (2013). 2016b;17:35. Teachers Burnout Experience in a Title I Suburban Elementary School, Shakoiya Aiken. Health Psychol. According to the teachers, the sense of inadequacy was due to too many work tasks and time pressure combined with a feeling of not being able to do a good job and achieve their pedagogical goals. This is of great significance for alleviating the job stress of primary and secondary school teachers and improving their level of burnout. J. Crim. Amy Edmondson (Citation 1999) developed the concept of psychological safety as a model of team learning, including sharing information, talking about errors and asking for help; thus, behaviors that are directly linked to the occurrence of employee <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 440 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> 281 0 obj P-values 0.05 (two-tailed) were considered as statistically significant. We conducted 23 separate meta-regressions for potential moderators found to influence burnout our related constructs in prior literature. Schwarzer R, Hallum S. Perceived teacher self-efficacy as a predictor of job stress and burnout: mediation analysis. Therefore, there is an urgent need to investigate the current situation of Chinese teacher work stress and the possible impact of such severe work stress on teacher burnout. WebBurnout is a concept which was born in the mid 1970s in the USA and with astonishing rapidity has become a catch-word to convey an almost unlimited variety of social and personal problems afflicting workers. When faced with such conflict and contradictions, the personal resources loss of teachers will accelerate and their emotional exhaustion will intensify (Ji and Yue, 2020). The conceptual framework was based on Vygotsky's social development theory. xXMOFW,=en+Aml cU{no.|8?peLol}r,$j`_ *IUO]u[S=VyrV >^Ugi0y~p^9yU`UV@ix pO@#K7c}1N8xG\V"x. & @6,a;s `cOwu_H 33, 111129. 471 0 obj Travers CJ, Cooper CL. However, there is a specific source of stress in Chinese primary and secondary schools, different from the occupational stress of western teachers. Low self-efficacy and high job demandswas of importance for burnout, and changes in burnout was further associated with changes in decision latitude. Teach. | Basingstoke: W. H. Freeman; 1997. Conservation of resources: a new attempt at conceptualizing stress. Low self-efficacy remained as the strongest explanatory factor after adjustment for burnout at baseline. Occupational burnout among special education teachers results in increased attrition, and lower student and teacher outcomes. Am. Psychol. Xie, Y., Han, Q. Y., Tong, F. F., Wang, Y. Q., and Zhao, H. G. (2016). According to Taris and Schaufeli [14] self-efficacy could act as a personal resource by influencing the perceptions of work demands and resources; which in extension may affect commitment, well-being and health. Several studies in western countries have suggested certain mediating variables between occupational stress and burnout. Physiol Behav. Those in the low antecedent- and low response-focused emotion regulation group had the strongest psychological resilience. Kristensen TS, Hannerz H, Hogh A, Borg V. The Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire - a tool for the assessment and improvement of the psychosocial work environment. Higher scores indicate higher demands and better leadership. <>15]/P 23 0 R/Pg 267 0 R/S/Link>> Fortunately, a major fraction of those with high burnout at baseline reported a better health at follow-up. WebThis thesis addresses the internationally recognised problem of stress and burnout in teachers, especially as this affects primary school teachers. The conservation of resources theory suggests that individuals will feel nervous when they face threats, such as excessively high job demands, resources loss, and disproportionate effort and reward of resources (Hobfoll, 1989). To increase the understanding of the perception of job demands among teachers. Educ. It is not necessary that all individuals who experience job stress and workfamily conflict will suffer negative adaptation and job burnout. IA, CH, RP and JB and were responsible for concept and design. J. Sch. The Regional ethic review board in Lund, Sweden approved the study (March 10 2010; reference no. However, there was no significant gender difference in workfamily conflict and teachers job burnout (t = 0.65; p = 0.52; t = 1.26; p = 0.21). Using single- and multi-exposure ordinal regression with burnout at follow up (level 03) as dependent variable, we also analysed how changes between baseline and follow-up in occupational and life-style factors and self-efficacy (calculated for each individual by subtracting the baseline scores from the follow-up scores) were associated with (a) the level of burnout at follow-up, and (b) changes in the level of burnout between baseline and follow-up. Previous research studies have indicated that individuals with high self-efficacy were better at dealing with conflict events and appeared to have a lower level of emotional exhaustion (Skaalvik and Skaalvik, 2010; Yu et al., 2015). WebAltogether, 42% of teachers displayed a Moderate risk of burnout profile, while more than half displayed momentarily or persistently high risk of burnout. Iran. Front. 3 0 obj WebJune 24, 2019 Abstract Teacher burnout is a reason why teachers leave the teaching profession. 1994;15:33758. endobj In the multi-exposure ordinal regression models, the psychosocial dimensions job demands, job control and job support from job content questionnaire were chosen as explanatory factors prior to emotional demands, demands of hiding emotions and leadership from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Challenge and hindrance stress: relationships with exhaustion, motivation to learn, and learning performance. Work-family conflicts, threat-appraisal, self-efficacy and emotional exhaustion. PsyCh J. Note that the OR is an average estimate across all possible dichotomizations (high vs. low) of the ordinal burnout scale. Influence of occupational stress of primary and secondary schools teachers on quality of mental life: the mediating of effect of psychological resilience and self-esteem. The proposed moderated mediation model. Deuling, J. K., and Burns, L. (2017). Does teacher burnout affect students? Prim. WZ and WD provided guidance to the manuscript. WebAlthough teachers are generally pretty happy in this profession, not all teachers have proper coping skills to utilize when they undergo high amounts of stress from their job. Home Previous studies have shown that the relationship between self-efficacy and positive and negative factors of mental health is weaker in female groups (Li et al., 2019). (2015). The job content questionnaire (JCQ): an instrument for internationally comparative assessments of psychosocial job characteristics. *Correspondence: Weiguo Zhao,,, Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), School of Psychology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China. Teach. Interview guide, including the four open questions asked in the interview of the teachers. <> Dynamics of Individual Context Relations in Human Development: a Developmental Systems Perspective in Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology. Scand J of Occup Therapy, 2018a; 25: 278287. Yet another occupational factor that may have importance for the teachers well-being is the working conditions during computer work that can bring both physical and mental demands [20]. A multivariate regression analysis was used to analyze to identify school climate dimensions that effect teacher burnout, perceived health and wellbeing. Aronsson G, Theorell T, Grape T, Hammarstrm A, Hogstedt C, Marteinsdottir I, Skoog I, Trskman-Bendz L, Hall C. A systematic review including meta-analysis of work environment and burnout symptoms. Table 2. Toward a unifying theory of behavioural change. We are also grateful to the teachers for their keen participation. (2016). The present study participants were part of a parallel study of work related musculoskeletal disorders that entailed teachers, nurses and sonographers [25]. WebA Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA 2022 . Excessive job stress will aggravate workfamily conflict, and then affect the job burnout of teachers. This study found that workfamily conflict played a mediating role between the job stress and job burnout of teachers. 95, 489502., DOI: Amos 22.0 was used to conduct the CFA. job demands, emotional demands and demands on hiding emotions) were correlated to an extent that only job demands were entered in the multivariate statistical analyses. Similar results have been reported earlier: Shoji et al. Among the teachers who participated at both baseline and follow-up (n=310), the Jonkheere-Terpstra test for trend was used to examine occupational, sociodemographic and life-style factors at baseline, across the four ordered levels of increased burnout at follow-up (Additional file 2: Table S1). Chrousos GP. The results indicated that low self-efficacy [OR 0.42; CI 0.260.68] and high job demands [OR 1.97; CI 1.023.8] at baseline were the strongest explanatory factors of high burnout at follow-up (Table 4). Thompson CA, Prottas DJ. 2014;41:711. startxref Out of 89 invited teachers 81 accepted participation, while eight teachers declined. Based on this, we established our second hypothesis: Hypothesis 2: Workfamily conflict plays a mediating role in job stress and burnout. 2015;15:272. Sec. [8]). The psychosocial conditions at work were in part assessed with a Swedish version of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) [28, 29] that covered three dimensions: Job demands (9 items), Job control (9 items) and Job support (8 items). The frequency of high burnout (level 2 and 3) were similar at baseline and follow-up (14% vs. 15%). Scott C, Stone B, Dinham S. I Love Teaching but International Patterns of Teacher Discontent. Interaction between workfamily conflict and self-efficacy on job burnout. 1, (2022): 1-11. Gend. For the total study sample, there were only minor numerical differences in mean values between the occupational, sociodemographic and life-styles factor and self-efficacy at baseline and follow-up (Table5). The positive direct association between job stress and burnout perpetration remained significant ( = 0.27, t = 5.85, p < 0.001). Occupational burnout among special education teachers results in increased attrition, and lower student and teacher outcomes. (2021). The role of rumination and reflection in elementary school teachers classroom stress and burnout. Description of all occupational, sociodemographic and life-style factors and self-efficacy at baseline, stratified by the four levels of burnout at follow-up, are given in Additionalfile2: Table S1. The questionnaire was administered at baseline (20102012) and at follow-up (20122014) with a follow-up period of mean 30months (SD 3.0months). Indic. Therefore, exploration of the generation mechanism and influencing factors of job burnout can not only improve mental health problems of teachers, but also indirectly promote mental health and academic progress of students. Observably, the study design is insensitive to finding, or tracking, potential changes and fluctuations that may occur between the two measurements. WebTeacher burnout/work engagement and employee silence: the mediating role of psychological safety. Dev. (2019). Teacher Job Stress and Satisfaction in Urban Schools: disentangling Individual, Classroom, and OrganizationalLevel Influences. After excluding invalid questionnaires with incomplete answers, 558 valid questionnaires were obtained (valid recovery rate = 93%). endobj endstream My Account London: Routledge; 1996. By including sociodemographic and lifestyle factors, we hope to control for confounding when assessing the impact of various aspects of the job environment. Testing the mediation effect of job stress on burnout. Thus, there is a need of clearer goals, both at national and local level, and a distribution of responsibilities that are in line with the goals. First, it underlines the importance of creating a comfortable professional environment, improving the evaluation system of primary and secondary school teachers in China, and enhancing the positive emotional experience of teachers to alleviate job stress of teachers. Hkansson C, Ahlborg G Jr. Occupational imbalance and the role of perceived stress in predicting stress-related disorders. too much work and too little free time for recovery and pleasure, predicted stress-related disorders [37]. Dev. Your privacy choices/Manage cookies we use in the preference centre. (2021). WebTeacher burnout is a problem that affects school districts nationwide because of the financial and academic toll it has on education. Maslach Burnout Inventory General Survey. The conservation of resources theory shows that an individual evaluation and response to stressors depends not only on the stressors themselves, but also on the psychological characteristics of an individual (Grandey and Cropanzano, 1999). J. J. Educ. However, many teachers fluctuated between the levels of burnout (28% increased and 24% decreased). 9, 1337. Palo Alto CA: Consulting Psychologists Press; 1981. J. Educ. 0000002474 00000 n Psychoneuroendocrinology. Teacher attrition and retention: A meta-analytic and narrative review of the research. 2008;57:15271. The need for this study is established by outlining the factors that cause Hobfoll, S. E., and Freedy, J. The mean score for each dimension was calculated and used as an outcome in unadjusted group comparisons. Advances in understanding and intervening in teacher stress and coping: the coping-competence-context theory. Karasek R, Theorell T. Healthy work stress, productivity and the reconstruction of working life. It has confirmed a relationship between the occupational stress and job burnout of the Chinese primary and secondary school teachers, and provides strong support for the applicability of the conservation of resources theory to the Chinese context. <> On the contrary, individuals reduce resource input due to the pressure caused by lack of resources, resulting in the loss of resources (Hobfoll, 1989). doi: 10.1177/1359105316636950, Qi, X., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., Ji, S., Chen, Z., Sluiter, J. K., et al. Ismail, H. N., and Gali, N. (2017). Cross tabulation of the number of participants at baseline and follow-up, distributed across the four levels of burnout. The Conservation of Resources Model Applied to Work-Family Conflict and Strain. The results are as follows: 2/df = 3.444, GFI = 0.977, NFI = 0.986, TLI = 0.976, CFI = 0.990, and RMSEA = 0.066, indicating that the structural validity of the scale is good. doi: 10.1007/s11205-009-9533-7, Ma, Y., Wang, F., and Cheng, X. L. (2021). Marriage Fam. > When the model was adjusted for the level of burnout at baseline, low self-efficacy remained as the variable with most importance (Table 4). doi: 10.1080/1068316x.2017.1296148, Luk, A. L., Chan, B. P. S., Cheong, S. W., and Ko, S. K. K. (2010). The present two-wave longitudinal study utilised a non-random sampling strategy that targeted these three specific occupational groups characterized by either physical (nurses and sonographers) or by mental workload (teachers). Large fractions of the teachers gave similar responses which made it possible to distinguish patterns and receive details of the exposure that was not captured by the questionnaire. <> %PDF-1.7 % Further, the perceived changes in general self-efficacy scores seem to be less important for determining changes in levels of burnout, compared to variations in job demands and decision latitude scores. To view the content in your browser, please download Adobe Reader or, alternately, On the group level there were only minor differences in self efficacy between baseline and follow-up. 3 rather than 2). The effect of work stress on job burnout among teachers: the mediating role of selfefficacy. J. <>/Metadata 452 0 R/Outlines 153 0 R/Pages 438 0 R/StructTreeRoot 158 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> 2006;49(11):105267. BMC Public Health 19, 655 (2019). High-performance work systems and workfamily interface: job autonomy and self-efficacy as mediators. This may be exemplified by the following field-note that quotes one teacher: "It is much too much that is laid on us. <><>17 18]/P 23 0 R/Pg 267 0 R/S/Link>> For example, high burnout at baseline was more common among the group of drop-outs (n=24) who were off duty/changed work, compared to those who participated at follow-up (37% vs. 14%). Testing the moderated mediation effect of job stress on burnout. all teachers at three of the participating schools, were invited to participate in an on-site clinical examination and an interview about their working conditions. V. S. Ramachandran (New York: Academic Press). Wu, X. C., Qi, Y. J., Yu, R. R., and Zang, W. W. (2016). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. More than 60% of the educators reported high and moderately high levels of stress. Descriptive statistics and correlation among variables (N = 558). 78, 6974. 25, 120127. <>9]/P 22 0 R/Pg 267 0 R/S/Link>> In addition, an individual-level composite measure of the three burnout dimensions was created by combining the dichotomized responses into four ordered categories: 0=subjects reporting low exhaustion, low cynicism and high professional efficacy (referents); 1=subjects reporting either high exhaustion or high cynicism or low professional efficacy (one out of the three dimensions); 2=subjects reporting high exhaustion and/or high cynicism and/or low professional efficacy (two out of the three dimensions); and, 3=subjects reporting high exhaustion and high cynicism and low professional efficacy (all three dimensions). High burnout (level 2 and 3 combined) at baseline was more frequent among non-participants (17%) than among participants (14%; Table1). Major findings suggest that teacher burnout may result from several factors such as educational mandates, classroom discipline issues; it affects classroom instruction and impacts interaction with all educational stakeholders. (2018). 456 0 obj Bandura A. Self-efficacy. Does Organizational Commitment Buffer the Relation between Work-to-family Conflict and Emotional Exhaustion in Chinese Preschool Teachers? Work family conflicts and job burnout in primary and middle school teachers: the mediator role of self-determination motivation. Responses to all items were averaged, with higher scores indicating higher levels of job burnout. As the database analysed in this study contains direct or indirect identifiers, it is not available in an open access repository, as there is a possibility that the participants may not be completely anonymous. As teachers returned to the classroom for the 20202021 school year, they faced new and challenging environments, instructional approaches, and roles as educators. JB was responsible for the statistical analyses. 0000000016 00000 n 218 0 obj East. Dicke T, Stebner F, Linninger C, Kunter M, Leutner D. A longitudinal study of teachers occupational well-being: applying the job demands-resources model. In another study it was shown that self-efficacy was significantly negatively associated to the depersonalisation and emotional exhaustion dimensions of burnout, and significantly positively associated to the personal accomplishment dimension [16]. Hence, the impact of the family environment on teacher burnout is worth investigating. 2001;93(3):46776. FAQ Chapter 1 begins with an empirical definition of burnout, followed by a Reprinted from: Not in File. However, it was somewhat unexpected that we neither found an association between a low decision latitude and burnout in the cross-sectional study at baseline [24], and nor as a explanatory factor in the present follow-up study. Selfefficacy, procrastination, and burnout in post-secondary faculty: an international longitudinal analysis. On the other hand, according to the conservation of resources theory, when teachers are in a state of workfamily conflict, their psychological resources are largely invested in maintaining the coordination and balance of work and family relations (LePine et al., 2004). 463 0 obj Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for the importance of burnout (level 03) at follow-up were first estimated in single-exposure ordinal regression models for all variables (occupational, sociodemographic and lifestyle factors and self-efficacy) at baseline. (Ed.) 81, 289307. Psychol. We are using the cumulative odds model with location parameters only, which estimates average odds ratios (ORs) of all possible dichotomizations of the ordinal response variable. A combined measure with four levels of burnout was crafted, based on exhaustion, cynicism and professional efficacy (Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey). eds J. C. Thomas, D. L. Segal, and M. Hersen (United States: John Wiley and Sons Inc). The mean value in each dimension was calculated for each individual, and the mean scores were used as continuous measures in the analysis [28, 29]. doi: 10.1007/BF02898969, LePine, J. Int. 27, 3552. First, our cross-sectional data limit causal inferences. Amy Edmondson (Citation 1999) developed the concept of psychological safety as a model of team learning, including sharing information, talking about errors and asking for help; thus, behaviors that are directly linked to the occurrence of employee A previous study showed that self-efficacy buffered the demands-strain relationship among teachers [15]. With description of all occupational, sociodemographic and life-style factors and self-efficacy at baseline, stratified by the four levels of burnout at follow-up. The results showed that: (1) job stress had a significant predictive effect on workfamily conflict and job burnout; (2) workfamily conflict played a mediating role in the relationship between job stress and job burnout; (3) self-efficacy was found to play a moderating role in workfamily conflict and job burnout. In addition, this study tested the moderating effect of self-efficacy on job stress and job burnout of teachers. All burnt-out teachers feel a sense of decreased personal value and as though they are incompetent in their careers (Roloff & Brown, 2011, p. 453). 2016;66:56470. | endobj Psychol. 3, 5054. Teachers in the group with high antecedent- and low response-focused emotion regulation had the lowest level of job burnout and the highest level of occupational well-being. China. doi: 10.1177/001872678003300203, Wattoo, M. A., Zhao, S., and Xi, M. (2020). (2020). Therefore, Hypothesis 1 was supported. Increasing levels of burnout was found in 28% of the teachers, while 24% of the teachers reported decreased burnout and some of them were recovered at follow-up (level 0). Webresearch on how teachers cope with stress and burnout (Wu, J. Li, M. Wang, M. Wang, & H. Li, 2006). 17, 325337. For example, psychological capital was found to play a mediating role between job stress and burnout (Kim and Kweon, 2020). WebTeacher burnout/work engagement and employee silence: the mediating role of psychological safety. A research note on the association between work-family conflict and job stress among Chinese prison staff. The Leichtman Burnout Scale (adapted from my dissertation research) seeks to provide a clear understanding of the burnout process specifically for educators. Br. Individualcontext interaction theory points out that individual development can be affected by the interaction between individual trait factors and context factors (Lerner et al., 2006). Higher scores indicated greater self-efficacy. Psychol. The 5-point scale (1 = totally disapproval, 5 = totally approve) includes 10 items. Exercise was assessed by asking about the frequency of physical exercise (0=never; 1=occasionally; 2=once a week; 3=24 times/week; 45 times/week). Responses to all items were averaged, with higher scores indicating higher levels of workfamily conflict. Am. 458 0 obj Additionally, schools should formulate a reasonable work schedule so that teachers can have sufficient rest time to have good relations with their families, so as to reduce the conflict between work and family. 0000015921 00000 n Other examples of job demands are frequent meetings that interfere with preparation time, administrative paper work generated by the management and being subjected to constant reforms and changes that demand re-organization of work and work tasks [10, 11]. PubMedGoogle Scholar. doi: 10.1108/02683941311300685, Grandey, A. doi: 10.1017/jmo.2016.15, Ji, D., and Yue, Y. The latter analysis was performed by adjusting the multi-exposure model for the level of burnout at baseline. The complex work environment and increasing time pressure may also contribute to reduced job control, which is a well-known risk factor for stress (8). Altogether, this sense of inadequacy was perceived to lead to frustration, stress and being forced to prioritize different students. We should therefore pay more attention to the mental health of female teachers and promote the continuous improvement of self-efficacy of female teachers. The general self-efficacy scale (GSES) was compiled by Schwarzer and Born (1997). Shoji K, Cieslak R, Smuktunowicz E, Rogala A, Benight C, Luszczynska A. 4, 98111. Crime Law. 50, Iss. Nurse Educ Today. Organ. Res. Another important resource and aspect of work is access to social support [17, 18]. Participants reflected on and defined their experience with teacher burnout, determined their sense of self-efficacy, discussed the impact professional learning networks can have on well-being, and provided recommendations for change. Chin. When they think that the available resources and abilities do not meet the job requirements, they will face professional pressure, resulting in a series of burnout behaviors. Relationship between effort-reward imbalance and hair cortisol concentration in female kindergarten teachers. uuid:7bb26ca9-b528-11b2-0a00-402ca7020000 doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2019.10.002, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Capone, V., and Petrillo, G. (2018). The stud y included three phases. endobj However, to influence an inherent quality such as self-efficacy by organisational changes or political decisions is difficult. Crime Just. Bandura, A. 554, Burnt Out Educators: A Phenomenological Study of Minnesota Teachers, Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership, Teacher burnout, well-being, teacher self-efficacy, resilience, professional learning networks, phenomenology. (1994). Johnson S, Cooper C, Cartwright S, Donald I, Taylor P, Millet C. The experience of work-related stress across occupations. Also, in the latter study [34] a specific teacher self-efficacy was identified, which was strongly associated with burnout. Workfamily conflict refers to the role conflict of internal resources, emotions, and behaviors due to the role pressure at work and in the family, which is multi-dimensional and multi-level. (2009). To extend the literature exploring teacher burnout, this study examines how a measure of teacher burnout may predict teachers adherence to a novel behavioral intervention as evidenced through an outcome measure of frequency and fidelity. Res. The content analysis of the individual interview responses, which were provided from a subgroup of the participants, identified that work demands could be classified into two major, but partly intertwined, categories: Too high workload and a sense of inadequacy. Research on occupational stressors of primary and secondary school teachers. The items were responded to on a four-point scale, indicating the level of agreement with various statements about conditions at work (1=totally disagree, 2=disagree, 3=agree, 4=totally agree). , Theorell T. Healthy work stress, productivity and the reconstruction of working life mental in. We are also grateful to the teachers, predicted stress-related disorders [ 37 ] exhaustion, motivation to learn and!: an International longitudinal analysis the impact of the number of participants at baseline and follow-up distributed. 1 = totally approve ) includes 10 items and Freedy, J =,.: John Wiley and Sons Inc ) research on occupational stressors of primary and schools! ( 2016 ) stress across occupations John Wiley and Sons Inc ), Villadsen,! Study [ 34 ] a specific teacher self-efficacy was identified, which was strongly associated with burnout multivariate. Of self-efficacy of female teachers teachers burnout experience in a Title I Suburban Elementary teachers. 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