So how do you get there? You can simply flat-bet the game and your EV is nearly two hundred an hour. Wait, I say, something dawning on me. online. And like Christian Bales character in The Big Short, if you give that investor enough time, the math is guaranteed to work out in his favor. But it was the best way to generate EV. As soon as the table reached that glorious true 1, I politely asked the other player to sit out for a few hands, so I could play the table heads-up (the players never seemed to mind, willing to let me do my thing with the major sums I was betting). In light of that reality, I didnt write this book to be an encyclopedia, or even a comprehensive reference, on blackjack and card counting. How many do I need for the buffet? The buffet is fifteen dollars, so it takes fifteen comp dollars. So youre saying every comp dollar can be used like cash in the casino? I guarantee I would have gone bust if Ben hadnt evaluated my game (according to the standards of the national blackjack team that trained him). Its always an instant red flag to me when Im on the floor and someone keeps looking at me. But maybe youre counting cards as a hobby at your sole local casino and the last thing you want is to be barred. If you have mastered the game and want to understand some more concepts, this is the way to go. He plugged away, 40 hours a week. If you have a local place, it can be worth treading a little more lightly there to maintain longevity. I've taught blackjack card counting to high school drop-out's and PHD's and I can teach it to . Hey Annie. This brings me back to the cash awards we gave to our players. High-Stakes Team Play to Part-TimerLoudon Ofton How did you get into card counting? Teams like the Greeks fearlessly blasted away at the casinos; at some, they were backed off, while others let them play high limits. I called and landed a spot after another guy bailed the day before, thinking it was a scam. Andersen claimed that there was a big benefit to finding casinos and dealers that cut off fewer decks. The beauty of card counting is in its mathematical precision. You focus on the pain when the count is below a true 1, because with patience and smart play, that pain has a promise lurking somewhere behind it. For this reason, we informed our players that if they won $100,000 in a night, but made a playing mistake, we wouldnt be happy; mistakes cost you positive EV. As we walk toward the MGM Grand Garden Arena, I ask her, What was the deal with the nightclub comp? She replies, Ive never been to a nightclub. You need to know the true count, which you calculate after each round, and what to bet at each true count. So you hear those stories and you see the movies around winning teams and such, and that was what I was originally attracted to and what led me to becoming a proper advantage player. We split up the $80k, each putting $40,000 into our respective coat and pants pockets. Players on the Church Team werent allowed to tip with team money. That night in Wisconsin, given the amount we were betting, at a true 4 we were making an extra $180 in EV! He and his teammate created some highly creative forms of cover that again elicited the hellos and goodbyes. You might have even combined and mastered them as a whole. We set up each shoe similarly so as to control as many variables as possible. By that time, Id seen the whole Church Team documentary. We refinanced one of the properties, pulling out as much equity as we could, and used it to start a new blackjack bankroll. The practical aspects, such as dealing to one another, seemed the most dicult, since Im based in Europe and there are so few of us over here. work is one of the most important, comprehensive, pieces of research Has advantage play worked out the way you imagined? I was ready to play by June, but didnt start professionally until that September. I threw it away after one bite. We hope our money-back guarantee shows how much we believe in the value of our program. The true count, in conjunction with a properly calculated bet spread, tells you how to bet to maximize your profits. She apparently also has a weakness for highstakes blackjack. And any hand that has a deviation from basic strategy is a Red Flag hand. I was tearing the back page out of each calendar and tossing the rest of it in the trash. I didnt want to get backed off. As I mentioned, the one thing necessary for a healthy team structure is that everyone is motivated to be at their best. In this scenario, you can improve your situation further by back-counting a table (standing nearby, counting the cards, and jumping in in at a true 2 and above, known in the trade as Wonging in). My early records are a little blurry. Can you sit out until the next shoe? I wasnt prepared for that, but I also knew that I had a true 2. Chapter 2 DONT CALL ME A GAMBLER Card-Counting Concepts I come from a religious background. Ive marveled at the success of his training program, Blackjack Apprenticeship, especially considering the many other blackjack schools Ive seen fail over the years. Theyre organized, working as a team. If Things Go Sideways In the tens of thousands of hours my teams and friends have played blackjack, things have gone sideways on several occasions. Are you traveling or staying local? Hed already played the hand incorrectly and failed the testout. How does it work? Wait, can you explain that again? How does this side bet work? You need to look like youre ready to start playing or else the dealer will keep dealing. They graciously agreed. For example, if your betting unit is $100 and you lose $5,000, you just lost 50 units. One more point about the simulation. Actually, I got lucky and won about $500 in my first week. Modern Card Counting includes absolutely everything you need to . I was doing research online after a trip to Vegas, trying to nd double-deck games. Are your pockets secure? But again, since casino games are based on independent events, you cant look at the past to determine the future. are also available if you don't want to get carpal tunnel syndrome paging Who knows who might benefit from your experiences down the road? Theyd likely be angry with or without the money. On a scale of one to ten, hes an eleven. Its true. Or perhaps card counting, so far, seems like a bit of a downer. Garrett and Ford declared the money when they tried to enter Canada, then again when re-entering the U.S. EBOOK Download Free Modern Card Counting: Blackjack => I was good at styling myself to look much younger or much older, mostly with jackets, shirts, hats, and accessories. To encourage them to do this, I tipped $5 when they obliged. Also, the backos are less routine as a woman. Here are the results: These results wont necessarily apply to live casino play, because of the variability in shuffle time, buy-ins, coloring up, chip fills, and the speed of the specific dealer. In the beginning, I read book after book and on this path, I found dierent versions for deviations and maybe even for basic strategy. If you believe you can, I guarantee youll be glad for the experience. Sammy and Jeff continued on with blackjack, but I took Ben up on his offer, feeling both nervous and excited at the prospect of something bigger. The second reason players overbet is that theyre chasing their money. We then took our trip a bit farther north than wed originally planned, to Potawatomi Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Do you do it as a team? There might be some crazy good game out there waiting for you to nd it, but unless youre committed to becoming an above-average networker, Id say the pot of gold in front of you (i.e., card counting) is worth more. If youre doing this professionally, however, youll want to account for as many variables as possible. I realized there are 800 pages of data. So I hired an actual dealer (well, Semi-Pro, who used to be a dealer) and lured Joe over to help run various scenarios. Thats affordable if you do it once or twice an hour in an effort to throw the pit boss off your case. As I sat there losing shoe after shoe, they kept offering me things. So you raise your bet at a true zero? Well, technically, you have the advantage until a true negative one-point-five. What could be more interesting than filming the inner workings of a group of high-stakes card counters, most of whom had met through the church? Miscommunication Im still embarrassed about this one, and for good reason. Take the time to be thankful for your life and all the tailwinds that have put you into your present situation. Then, if you still get backed off, you wont be thinking about the EV you gave up while you were playing. This wasnt the first time Id seen this happen. If wed dropped or misplaced a single $500 chip, it would have been more expensive than buying even multiple high-end poker-chip sets. Its important to realize this about the dealers who are openly angry at you for not tipping. You cant aord to buy them. And above all, it was all a rush that Id never known. I attribute the extra $132 of profits to thinking in terms of maximizing positive rounds per hour. My family. He was going big! Then I got betting software. But Wong wrote in such a no-nonsense analytical way, it didnt take long for me to understand that card counting was, indeed, legit. My friend and million-dollar card counter Loudon Ofton is a regular guest speaker at our Blackjack Bootcamps. It was clear to me that I was still making some mistakes, while on the other hand I knew what I could do to eliminate them quickly. Way better than six to seven an hour, even after taxes! Shop lines on our live odds feed, get analyses of the latest online incentive offers, track the progress of newly legalized sports betting jurisdictions, and learn about new sports betting technologies, e.g., plans for the VBX betting exchange. I took a three-month holiday/blackjack trip to the U.S. and went for it. Memorize one basic strategy chart ours (you can trust me; I care a lot about the math behind them all). After making one of the toughest decisions of my life, I called up each investor and player and told them I was pulling the plug on the team. With a large team, each person feels or carries only a minority responsibility in the whole team. Red is due! In reality, both of those groups are wrong. Then, after one casino backrooms them or gives them a stern backoff, they lose their nerve and quit the team. Since I hadnt raised a fuss, the casino didnt even demand mine. Ive won a little over a million, more if you include a few friends that Ive bankrolled. For example, just one row on the Splits section of the chart has deviations. Its been a blast working with you again. Seriously? What have been some of the things that still attract you to beating the house as a card counter? I want to prevent that from happening to you. Some of my pro card-counter friends have had safes installed in their cars (either in the trunk or glove box). Coupons What the heck are those! I could only think, What the heck is going on here? Engaging in combative arguments with casino staff wont compel them to let you back in to play. Im gonna start packing heat. We talked him down and headed back to our hotel to get some rest, even though it was now daylight outside. But when you get to international play, things get really inconsistent. Interestingly, flying under the radar is a term used for a form of camouflage that results from playing at a table with a player (or players) betting more than you. It was like being paid to party! Another skill that we mastered was stalling the table. I cant tell if hes joking or not. Its a true 10! In Holy Rollers, you can see various disguises we wore (but to be honest, most of that was driven more by entertaining one another than throwing the casino off our scent). All casino games involve a large degree of variance. If someone claims hes fearless, hes either lying to you or lying to himself. When I approached the high-limit room, the phone immediately started ringing. And Then, Follow the Systems! A double down and a split came my way, so I had $8,000 on the table against the dealers 6. Youre trained and prepared to bet properly 100% of the time, whether youre winning or losing. But just as card counters earn their living pennies at a time, I believe the health of marriages, relationships, and bodies has more to do with those small, regular, positive-EV deposits we make than in the major events. So rather than taking the 10 seconds to formulate and execute the right decision, you give in to the pressure and just make a rushed decision. Ill get there. I looked him up after church and found Holy Rollers, as well as Blackjack Apprenticeship. He stepped up to the table and put down two $1,000 bets before I could stop him. At our team meetings, we always played some sort of game, just for fun. Failing to maximize the EV of those hands will cost you dearly over the long haul. If youre spotting a table thats reached that glorious true 1, but your BP is across the pit, or even worse, in another positive shoe, the whole team loses out on all that valuable EV at your table. I was blessed with some positive variance at the beginning of my AP career and by the time I had some substantial losses, I was able to handle it, because I knew I had a winning game. software for NRS calculation and Blackjack team player analysis. Tell me stories of big wins, backoffs, and team play! The problem with a visual signal is that it might also be obvious to the eye in the sky. But any playing or betting mistake was an instant fail during a test-out. I had this idea that being a patron and playing big would come with certain privileges. Golf is helpful in revealing character. Beyond the associated EV, coupons are valuable because of the low risk in using them. One of the problems I had with this little book was the numerous spelling errors. Who knows? Even if you do get kicked out, you can usually return to most casinos a year or two later and try them again. Hows twenty-five dollars? My skills had finally been validated, but it was also sad to think that I couldnt play there again. Bootcamps also provide a safe opportunity to meet face to face with other card counters. From there, it was history: countless books, BJA membership with hours of videos and reading, and nally playing. Heres what happened. Take control of your income and your life. Executing the type of team play portrayed in movies like 21, based on the book Bringing Down the House, presented exciting new possibilities, as well as an array of new challenges. I couldnt believe I ran out of money. One member of the Church Team even went through the process of legally changing his name. Best-case scenario, you miss out on EV because the BP doesnt see you or hear you. I didnt think much of it at that time. But when the inevitable losing streak comes along and emotions are pushed to the brink, can you trust that your team members have the skills and integrity to play flawlessly, aggressively, putting the teams interest above their own? Anything else youd want to share or answer? We put in long hours, then enjoyed the comps at the end of the day. [emailprotected] Other players would get too close to me, ask me inappropriate questions about who I am, why Im there, the source of my money. There was this moment when I just thought, Ill do it. The goal is for the casino to be compelled to let you play longer based on their perception of and experience dealing to and with you. The other thing is casinos are unpredictable. From Micro-stakes to ProLeviMich How did you become interested in card counting? Lets dive into the why, the what, the when, and the how of blackjack team play. Card counters need a thick skin and resilience to bankroll swings. Theyve challenged me to grow, to become a much more confident and whole person. We never want to leave EV on the table while counting cards, so why would we leave any with a matchplay or promotional chip? Blackjack Blueprint by Rick Blaine This encyclopedic treatment looks at blackjack from every angle: basic strategy, card counting, tournaments, team and location play, shufe tracking, comps, cheating, outwitting surveillance, negotiating and optimizing rebates on losses, protecting your personal privacy on blackjack-related websites and when making large cash transactions, and much more. House Edge Rules Oh, blackjacks only pay six-to-five at this table? I stood in front of it and asked. It was 10 a.m. and the place was empty. After dinner, we headed back to the original two casinos to play until we got backed off. Working part-time for minimum wage, I couldnt really save any money I made. Too many people, however, learn this lesson only after theyve lost a chunk of change. And by calculating the value of the games you play, you can have a good idea of your return on investment. As I landed on the ground, I steadied my fall with my hands, only to cut them on the mess of glass from the broken windows. I often tell people that they must play like a computer: cold, calculated, self-controlled. Well, theres a glitch in the matrix. When youre playing 6- or 8-deck games for 20+ hours a week, it can become monotonous. But the reality is that the coin doesnt know or care about the results of the last 9 flips. This is a further demonstration of my point, actually. Theres usually a mindset of lack. It was nerve-racking to have even that much money in my wallet. First, I met a somewhat mischievous red-headed lifeguard. I saved up ten thousand and started again with a much more conservative, but pro table, approach. It also provided a kind of call to duty for new players, so when a rookie was stressed out and unsure what to do, the seasoned player was there to say, Here we go! Are you starting to see how well card counting scales? He said that when he began thinking in terms of EV, it ruined the fun of gambling for him and he never gambled again. EXAMPLE #3: The running count for this round is +1. Im making a movie about it, having everything come full circle. Prioritize sleep, eat as cleanly as you can. The thrill of seeing our bankroll grow was like nothing Id ever experienced. Furthermore, youll routinely have huge losses interspersed with the wins. Did your background make anything particularly easier? At which point, your ROR drops again to 1% at the $34/hr. So when I say absolutely perfect at basic strategy, I dont mean I know 99% of it or I just have to think a bit harder on the soft hands. I mean effortless, mindlessly perfect, basic strategy. On top of that, the pot I took didn't hurt my Christmas shopping needs either. Or maybe your goal is to break even and simply enjoy the comps. You can find tables of the SuperSCOREs mentioned in the Strategy Comparisons I was barely off the plane when the ever-energetic Bryan exclaimed, Lets go to the casino and play some slots! As I said, casinos were not in my frame of reference. Both times, rather than swerving, I made the split-second call to just drive over the object. He describes the Nevada-casino scene like its never been done before, while imparting solid advice on how to win at the blackjack tables and insight into a gambling pros remarkable way of life. Angry Surveillance Manager: Look at these guys. I became interested in blackjack more as a gambler than in learning advantage play. Ken Smith's BS engine.). I resolved to never gamble again. Read instantly on your browser with Kindle for Web. Get Free Modern Card Counting Blackjack Thezimbo Pdf For Free . Theres truly no shame in discovering that you dont have what it takes to live the life of a card counter. And since rounds per hour is an important consideration, a table with as few other players as possible is always preferable. He isnt just chasing profits, hes building something important. Be Prepared for the Questions When youre a spotter, its pretty easy to fly under the radar. A year after the Wisconsin play, the Washington Young Bloods team made a trip to Arizona, our second to the region in the space of a few months. Only a few new players came aboard. How has it gone? I was up $16,000 and feeling on top of the world. I didnt really pay attention to my surroundings. If youre nervous that youll stand out, the next time youre in a casino, pay attention to how much random chatter you hear at the tables. By playing fast, with a fast dealer, I could make a lot more than I typically would. Hopefully, you wont need to tap into the entire trip bankroll. As I said, we had a really great group of initial players. Ive been playing full time for a year now this month and its pretty awesome having financial freedom and a flexible job that I love. My Story Continues To date, Ive played on and run teams that have won roughly $4 million from casinos, with my personal share being more than $600,000. Creativity does. When they finally do, he simply moves on, daring the next one in line to do the same. But it takes the right kind of person to have success at the tables. Find out how to make $1 Million with no statistical risk. It wasnt so much that I received too many calendars; I honestly wasnt that clear on the price. As for me, as much as I know and trust the math, I dont like to tell people that Ive had multiple 100-plus-hour losing streaks. Team play isnt as sexy as it has been made out to be, nor is it my preferred strategy for beating casinos. Pausing the game for a minute feels like an absolute eternity when everyone is staring at you. He also knew more deviations than anyone else. Eventually, since L.A. is so close to Vegas, I went on my rst gambling trip with some friends. With the coupon, the casino matches your bet. It was a relief when, only four weeks after this new burst of capital, we were calling all of our investors to inform them that we (now consisting of seven testedout players) had already reached our $100,000 goal and they could access their investment. All that variance results in gamblers thinking they can predict the short term (apophenia). I sat at a table and started playing. Chapter 10 LIFE LESSONS FROM 15 YEARS AS A CARD COUNTER Courage. A fascinating book called Predictable Success explains the life cycle of a business. I spent hours at home going through basic strategy and deviation flashcards until I never made a mistake. Getting chased by surveillance, flyered (having our photos sent from casino to casino), and riding $50,000 winning or losing swings in a day became the new norm. To make matters worse, information can give you a false sense of security in the casino. Pooled Resources Not everyone has the same resources. And the casinos are de nitely not discouraging people when theyve had too much to drink; in a lot of cases, they take advantage of people. I know several players who didnt mind conflict and played perfect blackjack, but after a year or so just didnt want to spend another minute in a casino. According to gamblers, blackjack is a team sport and its up to the entire table not to ruin the flow of the cards. The Card CounterA card counter, on the other hand, understands that in the long run, the other players have no bearing on his or her ability to win or lose at the game. Maybe that sounds trivial. If you arent careful, you can get way too comfortable with a lot of cash. Would you like to stand? Five more seconds go by. Until next time, keep generating EV! None of us had a poker-chip set, so instead we used $100 and $500 chips that I had in my bankroll stash from a local casino. It was a midsize tribal casino with a pit of table games near the entrance. Following are the do-it-yourself charts discussed on page 76 of the book. If you play perfectly with good money management, you make and keep all the profits. I first met jcrox111 at one of our Bootcamps, where he wanted to get his skills verified. The points change from casino to casino, but a few of them include black action, $500 bets, $1,000 bets, and table-max bets. Dont expect them to share anything with you if you dont have something of equal or greater value to share with them. Away from the table, I face creative variance. To hear my podcast interview with The Phoenix, go to: Summing Up the Skinning of Casinos For some people, card counting is the gateway to other forms of advantage play. If youre gambling at the blackjack tables, the one thing thats guaranteed is that youll have a downward trajectory over your lifetime. I guess I wouldnt wait so long to go full-time. But can the system (or their decisions) be backed up with logic? When she arrived, I was in the middle of another hot shoe. I quit my job when someone reached out to me wanting to start a team with ten thousand dollars. $100,000 Bankroll ($100 betting unit)$170/hr. When I finally added up my money, I was up $23,000, having added 35% to our teams profits in one day. Just go to a casino and practice coming up with short phrases that pass along the number, even though the BP isnt there. Casinos Can Overreact Hell hath no fury like a casino getting ganged up on. Then its a breeze to make the right play. Just be aware that theres no objective right answer. However, the high-limit games back then were more favorable: 4-deck, dealer stands on all 17s, re-split aces, and surrender, with only one deck cut off. ! Thats a great way to attract the wrong type of people. Yes, card counting is a mathematical system that works. We knew they didnt have their passports, but there was nothing else to do, and maybe our friendly neighbors to the north would still let them in. Were it not for variance, blackjack would be boring. So youre saying every comp dollar can be worth treading a little more lightly there to longevity... Being a patron and playing big would come with certain privileges of a card counter guaranteed is that it also! My friend and million-dollar card counter Courage been to a nightclub my point, actually do this, I.! I couldnt really save any money I made of maximizing positive rounds per hour,. Met a somewhat mischievous red-headed lifeguard in Milwaukee, Wisconsin won about $ 500 in my week! Boss off your case hes building something important I honestly wasnt that clear on Church... Each person feels or carries only a minority responsibility in the trash or the! 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