His father gave him permission and said, "May Allah be with you! Imam Hussain (AS) was the inheritor of Prophet Muhammads (PBUH&HP) vast knowledge and foresight. [2] She was reportedly a Sassanid princess, a daughter of Yazdegerd III, the last . Zaynab bint Ali (Arabic: , Zaynab bint Al, c.626 682), was the eldest daughter of Ali, the fourth Rashidun caliph (r.656661) and the first Shia Imam, and Fatima, the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. [85], After receiving letters of support from Kufans, whose intentions were confirmed by his cousin Muslim ibn Aqil, Husayn left Mecca for Kufa on 8 or 10 Dhu al-Hijja (10 or 12 September 680) with some relatives and supporters. [4] The followers of Zayd went on to form the Zaydites, for whom any learned Hasanid or Husaynid who rose against tyranny was qualified as imam. [2] According to Jean Calmard writing in Iranica, Ali al-Akbar's reputation as a valiant warrior of the Household of Muhammad might have preceded that of Al-Abbas ibn Ali. [14], Husayn ibn Ali helped his son mount his horse. He was only seven years old when the dear Prophet of Islam (PBUH&HP) passed away [3]. Muhammad told her that the tree, the branches, and the twigs represented her grandfather, parents, and brothers, respectively, who would all die before her. It is highly unlikely that this marriage occurred, because it is a requirement of Shariah that one can only be married after he reaches the age of puberty; and . 'freedmen', those who were pardoned by Muhammad upon his victorious return to Mecca),[145][53] and asked him if it was just to keep his women guarded and parade the daughters of Muhammad in the streets. Jul 24, 2022. [114] Acting upon earlier orders of Ibn Ziyad, the body of Husayn was trampled[74] by ten horsemen who volunteered to "inflict this final indignity" upon him. As Akbar began to ride towards the battlefield he heard footsteps behind him. As soon as we saw the cockroach, we started screaming out of fear of the cockroach. Prejudice in the following cases is blamed according to Islamic teachings: Among His (Allah) signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Ali Al-Akbar couldn't handle listening to his father asking for support without standing up and sacrificing his life for him. Everyone, whether friends or enemies, admitted this characteristic in him and found no one to be even close to him on this matter. [61] Ali's eldest son Hasan was soon elected caliph after Ali[62][63] but abdicated in favor of Mu'awiya (r.661680)[12] in August 661,[64] facing the latter's overwhelming military superiority and the weak support of the Iraqis for war. [57] Zaynab and Abd Allah accompanied him to Kufa. [138] Similar motives are suggested by some contemporary authors. She is the sister of Imam Hussain (as) and the daughter of Imam Ali and the grand daughter of the Last Messenger of Islam, Prophet Muhammad. 773-4). Fatimah (SA) was nurtured by her father, the master of all creation. [27][33], Fatima died in the same year, within six months of Muhammad's death,[28][34] and at the age of about eighteen or twenty-seven years old. [40][25][37], Zaynab thus lost her mother at the age of about five. 460/1067). [65][66] The peace treaty with Mu'awiya stipulated that he should not appoint a successor. [136][137] In contrast, the Islamicist Moojan Momen writes that Yazid insulted the captives but was forced to release them later as the public opinion began to sway in their favor, fearing unrest in his territory. [9] After the people of Kufa sent letters to Husayn and asking his help and swearing their allegiance to him, Husayn and his family members ( including Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn ) and his companions traveled from Mecca to Kufa in Iraq but were forced to camp in the plains of Karbala by Yazid's army of thirty thousands men. He looked back and saw his father. [58][59][60] The Shia Al-irshad details that Ali spent his last night as Zaynab's guest for Iftar and Suhur, and that the wounded Ali was brought back to her house after the attack. The Alids have led various movements in Shia Islam, and a line of twelve Alids is the imams in Twelver Shia, the largest Shia branch. In Mecca, many people were attracted to the intellectual, spiritual, and religious characteristics of Imam Hussain (AS). [113][94] Some sources add that Zaynab had returned to the camp,[114] urged by the dying Husayn,[114][115] and did not witness the beheading of his brother,[114] though al-Tabari differs here. "[1] This view is common,[18][174][13][8] and her steadfast stance against tyranny and oppression has been widely emulated by Muslim female activists,[8] particularly in the recent histories of Iran and Lebanon. [159][160][18][120] Adamec (d.2019) gives the year 681 instead. The Alids are those who claim descent from Ali ibn Abi Talib (Arabic: ; c. 600661 CE), the fourth Rashidun caliph (r.656661) and the first Shia imam. And find out how much the definition of Merriam Webster dictionary is compatible with Islams view towards prejudice. [92] Similar accounts are offered by the historians Wilferd Madelung and Heinz Halm. [145] As with the Kufa speech, this second sermon attributed to Zaynab is infused with several Quranic references,[146] as she called Yazid's victory temporary, his efforts futile, and his shame eternal,[147] quoting verse 3:179, "Let not disbelievers think that our respite is a good thing. Umm Is-haq bint Talha al-Tamimi. His companions were all martyred, and he was now alone. (2) Khaula was the daughter of Jafar Hanfiyah. Every time he wanted to come out of the tent, his mother, aunts, and sisters would pull his cloak and say, "O Akbar, how will we live without you?" This response in that hostile environment, contends Mughniyya, highlights Zaynab's political strength and vision. Then he invited them to his house and offered them whatever he had of food [9]. [130][18][140], Zaynab died in 682 at the age of about fifty-six,[1] not long after returning to Medina from Damascus. 632634). Ziyarat of Imam Mahdi (a.s.) Friday Ziyarat of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) (Imam) Ali al Akbar (the elder Ali) ( Zayn al-Abedin ), whose agnomen was Abul Hasan and his mother was Shahezanan, the daughter of Khusroe Yazdjurd. abar, Trkh al-umam wa l-mulk, vol. Husayn ibn Ali had to plead all to let Ali Akbar go. [21][22][23] Ali, Fatima, and some supporters did not recognize the caliphate of Abu Bakr,[24][21] saying that Muhammad had appointed Ali as his successor[25] at the Ghadir Khumm shortly before his death. abar, Trkh al-umam wa l-mulk, vol. They had no water supply anymore. The Arab society during the time of the Holy Prophet(PBUH&HP), considered it a matter of pride to have male children and considered boys as the inheritors of the legacy of the fathers. Mawsu'at kalimat al-Imam al-Husayn, Baqir al-'Ulum Research Institute, p.91. [1] Muhsin either died in infancy,[2] or was miscarried after Fatima was injured during a raid on her house to arrest Ali, who had withheld his pledge of allegiance from the first Rashidun caliph Abu Bakr (r. Urwa b. Masd al-Thaqaf (Arabic: ) was Imam al-Husayn's (a) wife and the mother of 'Ali al-Akbar (a).She is paternally from the Thaqif tribe and maternally from Banu Umayya.Some people took her to be the best-known lady of her time. Ali al-Akbar was killed by Murrah ibn Munqad on 10 Muharram 61 AH in the battle of Karbala. [25], Meanwhile, the only historic split among the Imamites happened after the death in 765 of their sixth imam, the quiescent Ja'far al-Sadiq,[4][25] who played a key role in formulating Imamite doctrines. [92], Husayn and his companions spent the night praying and reading the Quran,[98] reports the Shia Ibn Tawus (d.1266) and most maqatil works. He nurtured her with sincere faith in Allah, the Creator of the universe, and Giver of life. 14, p. 185. [130], The caravan's route to Damascus is uncertain,[131] though Pinault believes that they were taken through the desert path. Afterward, he left Medina to Mecca, where still remained some people who did not bend down under Yazids forceful allegiance [17]. If we try to know other humans better and try to put ourselves in their conditions and empathize with them, and do not judge them based on what weve heard about them, but expand our knowledge by the sufficient studies, then there is a chance that we can help each other in the way of growth and improvement. This Abbas confirmed and swore to do. [109] When the wounded Husayn finally fell from his horse and was surrounded, Zaynab is said to have run towards him, beseeching Ibn Sa'd to spare his brother's life,[92][110] but the Umayyad commander ignored her request. When the governor of Medina came to Imam Hussain (AS) to take his oath of allegiance, he asked for a few days to think and decide. 1. [159] While the Sunni al-Tabari placed her grave in Cairo and the Shia Muhsin al-Amin (d.1952) considered Damascus unlikely,[164] the key evidence offered in favor of Cairo is the existence of the shrine itself,[163] which officially dates back to the third century AH,[166] supplemented by the testimonies of travellers and notables who lived at least two centuries after Zaynab. But they did not succeed. [116] Shamir attempted to kill Ali too,[92] but Zaynab successfully pleaded to him to spare his life,[18][117] saying that she had to be killed first. Whoever harms her harms me, and whoever harms me harms Allah.(5). [35] Shia Islam alleges that she miscarried her child and died from the injuries she suffered in an attack on her house[28][36][37] to subdue Ali,[38] instigated by Abu Bakr and led by his aide Umar. The Holy Prophet ( PBUH&HP) was aware that his new-born daughter would have a very high status on the earth besides in the heavens, that she would be unequalled in purity, chastity and faith from among all the women of the world, and that his pure progeny would be (continue) from her. Hussain ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib known as Abu 'Abd Allah and Sayyid al-Shuhada' (Lord of martyrs), the third leader (Imam) of Shias, was born on January the 8th on 626 A.D ( 3rd of Shaban, 4th Lunar year (Hijri Ghamari)) [1] in Medina as the second grandson of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) . Facts about Imam Hussain (AS): A Biography. [12] The Sunni Abd al-Rahman (d.1998) writes that Fatima on her deathbed entrusted Zaynab with a white garment for Husayn to wear as his shroud (kafan) when leaving for the battlefield in Karbala. [4][8], The main movements in this period were the now-extinct Kaysanites and the Imamites. Also, he sent another representative, called Gheis, to Kufa, to inform them of his journey. [1], The abortive Zanj rebellion against the Abbasids was ignited in Iraq and Bahrain in the mid-ninth century by Ali ibn Muhammad Sahib al-Zanj, who claimed descent from Abbas ibn Ali. [102] The Umayyad army then showered the camp with arrows,[92] thus commencing the battle which lasted from morning till sunset and consisted of incidents of single combat, skirmishes, assaults, and retreats. Shaykh 'Abbas Qummi, Nafasul Mahmum, Relating to the heart rending tragedy of Karbala, p.21. 680683). Neither was he after usurping the throne, nor manipulating people for his own sake. Thus, having daughters was considered a matter of disgrace in the pre-Islamic Arabian society. [29], Several dynasties have claimed descent from Ali, often through his son Hasan. Zaynab bint Ali Zaynab bint Ali ( Arabic: , Zaynab bint Al, c. 626 - 682 ), was the eldest daughter of Ali, the fourth Rashidun caliph ( r. 656-661) and the first Shia Imam, and Fatima, the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He traveled the distance between Medina to Mecca to participate in Hajj rituals twenty-five times in his lifetime on foot. [6] After the death of Fatima in 632 CE, Ali remarried and had more children. In the Arabic text, the word that is used for vanity is Al-asbiyyah and Al-Lijajah, which means prejudice in Islam. They invited him to join them. Instead, he forgave him and treated him kindly and with generosity [13]. All of them except Abbas were martyred in the battle of Karbala along with Hadrat Hussain. [4] Genealogists and historians considered him the eldest son of Hussein due to the name Akbar. 'the heroine of Karbala') for her role in that event. Your days are numbered and your efforts shall go waste when the caller calls out:The curse of Allah is upon the wrongdoers. [1][2] Two of his brothers were also named Ali al-Asghar ibn Husayn and Ali Zayn al-Abidin. . But most Shias were disillusioned when the Abbasid al-Saffah (r.750754) declared himself caliph, as they had hoped for an Alid leader instead. Aside from helping them financially wherever and whenever he could, he always treated them with respect and equal to other people. The teenager resembled his maternal grandfather Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, so much that Husayn ibn Ali often said, "whenever I happen to miss my maternal grandfather I look at the face of Ali al-Akbar." Muslim Ashura: A Reminder of Imam Hussain's Stand Against Tyrants and Oppression August 18, 2021 by Ejaz Naqvi, MD 1 Comment Today is Ashura, the 10 th of 1 st Islamic month of Muharram. As it is clear in the above verses, that differences in nationality, race, color, or social class should not make a group of people feel that they are superior to others and that they have the right to insult or assault them. [13] The Abbasids soon turned against their former allies and persecuted the Alids and their Shia supporters. [52] As such, her burial place is uncertain, with claims made both for Sayyida Zaynab Mosque in the suburbs[164] of Damascus and another mosque at the heart[165] of Cairo with the same name. Imam Hussein was born in medina, thus, he was very respected across the Arabian region. [120][123] The captives were then paraded in shackles and unveiled around the city alongside the heads of Husayn and his companions on spears. He is the second grandson of the Messenger of Allah Muhammad after his brother Imam Hassan. He is the second son of Imam Ali, his brother Imam Hassan. [172] It is in these ceremonies that Zaynab and other women of Karbala are also commemorated. [161], The Karbala event is the single most important episode in the history of Shia. [162] Some reports state that she died in Medina,[1][18] others say that she travelled with her husband to his Syrian estates, where she died,[1] and yet other sources write that she was exiled, possibly to Egypt,[1][163] for publicizing the events of Karbala. [101], Zaynab consoled the families of the fallen warriors throughout the day,[93][105] cared for the wounded,[105] and witnessed the battle from a platform (tall) made of saddles,[106] though she is said to have remained in her tent when it was the turn of her sons to fight. For instance, he would drink alcohol manifestly; which is a strictly forbidden act in Islam. [93] There is a report that she rushed to the battlefield to help at some point on Ashura but was called back by Husayn who instructed her to care for the women, the children, and the wounded. v. t. e. Shahrbn (or Shehr Bano) ( Persian: ; "Lady of the Land") [1] was allegedly one of the wives of Husayn ibn Ali, the third Shia Imam and grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, as well as the mother of his successor, Ali ibn Husayn. The revelation of this chapter was in fact, a fitting reply to the enemies of the Apostle of Allah to inform them that Islam and the Quran will survive forever. [2], Ali al-Akbar was born in Medina on 11 Sha'ban 33 AH (10 March 654 CE). [16], As a young child, she might have foreseen her future trials: The young Zaynab is said to have seen in a dream that she was caught in a large tree amidst a storm. As the progeny of Muhammad, the Hasanids and the Husaynids are revered by all Muslims. [19][20] Ali al-Hadi (d.868) and Hasan al-Askari (d.874), the tenth and eleventh imams of the Imamites, were held in the capital Samarra under strict surveillance. This hatred was shaped in us when we were kids and is passed on to next generations. However much you may try to obliterate our name through your vile and wicked schemes and plots, you shall find that our glory is perpetuated and your shame cannot be washed away. Hussain the son of Ali and the grandson of Muhammad took a stand against Yazid's evil rule. [21] Most Imamite sources report that both were poisoned by the Abbasids. He fed her with his talents and ethics , taught her the Holy Qur'an and all things about the verses of verdicts, the causes of the revelation of verses and every other issues concerning the Holy Qur'an, educated her with the rulings of the Sharia, the nobilities of character, and high morals and principles. Despite his exhaustion and his wounded body, Imam Hussain (AS) fought against his enemies courageously and powerfully. Here is a short life-sketch of his wives. Hasan and Husayn are recognized as the second and the third Shia Imams, their descendants being known as the Hasanids and the Husaynids, respectively. He was courageous for the right cause. Ibn Askir, Trkh madnat Damascus, vol. Let not any people ridicule another people: it may be that they are better than they are, nor let women [ridicule] women: it may be that they are better than they are. [1], Following the precedents of Zaynab and Shia Imams in mourning Husayn,[168] Shia Muslims commemorate the Karbala events throughout the months of Muharram and Safar,[169] particularly during the first ten days of Muharram, culminating on Ashura with processions in major Shia cities. Zainab SA warns Yazid of accountability in the hereafter by quoting Surah Al Imran: "The . And still, they are the biggest enemies of people of some nation. Despite her responsibilities of motherhood, home-maker and a spouse she also took upon herself to teach the Holy Quran, Hadith and other sciences to the Muslims of her time. [107] Al-Tabari similarly writes that Zaynab ran to the scene and threw herself on her nephew Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn crying when the latter was killed in the fight. Imam Hussain (AS) is widely known for his patience in the real sense of the word. Even while praying, he couldnt turn a blind eye to the request of a needy person. As she was raised with and by infallibles, she is nevertheless believed to have had "minor infallibility" in Twelver Shia. [52][155], The captives were eventually freed. Imam Hussain (AS) was known among the people of his time for his sincere and constant prayers and devotions to Allah. On the 9th of Muharram, called Tasua, yet another ruthless and cruel commander, named Shimr, came to help Umar ibn Saads army. Also, the notable people in Iraq and especially Kufa who had received the news of Muawiahs death wrote many letters to Imam Hussain (AS). : the satisfied, Al-Muhaddathah: the one talked to (by angels), Al-Batool: the devoted (to Allah). abar, Trkh al-umam wa l-mulk, vol. abar, Trkh al-umam wa l-mulk, vol. Yet, it has happened to me to watch some well-made documentary films about insects. Then Al-Husayn forcefully moved the hand and saw the blade of the spear. [52] A young child of Husayn is said to have died in Damascus, often identified as Sakina[150][132][151] or Ruqayye. It is also narrated that "When the Prophet (PBUH&HP) was asked whom he loved more among his family, he replied, 'Hasan and Hussain.'" They even threw Muslim out of the resting place that they had given him before. Perhaps the people of Kufa were ashamed of themselves. Prejudice, as described in Merriam Webster dictionary, is a preconceived judgment or opinion; an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics. [1] Prejudice is usually based on ignorance. As a female, she illustrated what a powerful force a woman can be as she remained active during and after the event of Karbala breaking misconceptions of womens role. Consequently, Lady Zaynab(A.S.) institutionalized the commemoration of the event of Karbala which believers have continued to observe year after year the months of Muharram and Safar ever since. She is the sister of Imam Hussain (as) and the daughter of Imam Ali and the grand daughter of the Last Messenger of Islam, Prophet Muhammad. [3] Hasan and Husayn are recognized as the second and the third Shia Imams, their descendants being known as the Hasanids and the Husaynids, respectively. Ab Murra b. Throughout the history of humankind, there are not many figures who stood up for all the people whose voice have not been heard, whose rights have been taken away and lives stolen. [17][18], Muhammad died in 11/632 and Zaynab thus lost her grandfather at an early age. Similar was the situation in the Caliphs courtyard in Damascus. If you continue to use this site, you agree with it. [1], Mu'awiya seized the rule after the assassination of Ali in 661 and founded the Umayyad Caliphate,[7] during which the Alids and their supporters were heavily persecuted. [111] The captives mourned Husayn shortly after the battle. Hazrat Hussain Ibn-e-Ali (R.A), a name that has inspired billions of Muslims all over the world is bound to never fade or get past its glory. [128] Ibn Ziyad also ordered the lone male survivor of the battle to be executed but was dissuaded when Zaynab protected his nephew Ali ibn Husayn and asked to be killed before him,[128] as reported by Abu Mikhnaf (d.773-4), Ibn Sa'd (d.845), and al-Tabari. [14] Shia sources also emphasize the intense devotion of the young Zaynab to her brother Husayn. We pray that Allah may bestow upon them manifold rewards. Murrah ibn Munqad [16] then broke the wooden part of the spear and left the blade inside Ali Akbar's chest, to cause him more pain. [8] Yazid ibn Muawiyyah tried to desire religious authority by obtaining the allegiance of Husayn ibn Ali, but Husayn would not give up his principles. [132] Al-Khawrazmi (tenth century) in his al-Maqtal writes that the captives were taken from "village to village" and displayed,[133][134][135] while al-Ya'qubi (d.897-8) reports that Ibn Abbas reprimanded Yazid in a letter for parading the women of Muhammad's family from Kufa to Damascus to show his victory, adding that this was worse in his view than the massacre of Husayn and his family. [16][4], Some quiescent imams of the Imamites were also probably killed by the Abbasids. Since they were the ones who invited Imam Hussain (AS) and now they were fighting against him. [12][73] Hasan was thus succeeded as the head of Muhammad's family by his brother Husayn,[12] who upheld the treaty with Mu'awiya. have the spirit of Hussainiyya and are ready to sacrifice what they have to make a difference for their brothers and sisters in the name of Islam and the Ahlul Bayt (as). [18] Often known by the honorific titles al-Sajjad and Zayn al-Abidin, Ali ibn al-Husayn was later recognized as the fourth of the Twelve Imams and it was through him that the line of Shia Imams continued. [86] As the husband's permission is normally necessary in such cases, some have suggested that a condition of her marriage to Abd Allah was that Zaynab could accompany Husayn in all his travels[47] or specifically to Karbala. [10] Ali al-Akbar was killed and beheaded along with Husayn and his companions in the Battle of Karbala on 10 October 680 (10 Muharram 61 AH) by Yazid's army, then the women and children were taken as prisoners. [8] Esposito differs here, saying that the couple had three sons and two daughters, without naming them. In this manner she propagated for humanitarian values and demonstrated the necessity to speak against falsehood when and where one observes it. The same story exists with British people and their spider enemies. [48] Awn and Muhammad were killed in the Battle of Karbala. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. His father was Husayn ibn Ali and his mother was Layla bint Abi Murra. [118], The captives were marched back to Kufa,[94] arriving there on 12 Muharram,[119] and there are reports that the women were dishonored and ogled,[120] and the captives were humiliated,[121] carried on unsaddled camels[120][122] and, according to al-Tabari,[109] bound in ropes and shackles. [91] Husayn did not submit to Yazid,[74][92] but negotiated with Ibn Ziyad through Ibn Sa'd to be allowed to retreat and avoid bloodshed, but the governor did not relent,[92][74] finally ordering Ibn Sa'd to fight, kill, and disfigure Husayn and his supporters unless they pledged allegiance to Yazid, in which case Ibn Ziyad would later decide whether to punish or forgive them. ALI i. 'the sage of the Bani Hashim'),[3] where al-aqila literally means 'the secluded one' or 'pearl'. al-Kawthar (translated as abundance in ayat [verse] no.1) has a vast, inclusive meaning which is goodness in abundance and the examples are many. [1][14] Similarly, a number of Zaydite rules appeared in northern Persia and in Yemen, the latter of which has survived to the present day. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. [1] She is also recognized as Batalatu al-Karbala (lit. Rather, in some cases, it is known to be admirable. Accept from us this offering," to the bewilderment of the enemy soldiers. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) loved him dearly, and there has remained many accounts in which Prophet(PBUH&HP) directly admits his love and affection for his grandson, Hussain (AS). Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn - Wikipedia Ali al-Akbar ibn Husayn Ali al-Akbar ibn al-Husayn ( Arabic: , Aly al-Akbar ibn al-usayn ), commonly known as simply Ali al-Akbar, was the son of Al-Husayn ibn Ali, the third Imam, and Umm Layla. My Merciful Lord knows how much I love praying, reciting the Quran, supplicating and repenting. Ruqayya bint al-usayn (Arabic: ) is said to have been a daughter of Husayn ibn Ali, the third Imam in Twelver Shia.Husayn and a small group of his supporters were massacred in the Battle of Karbala in 680 CE on the order of the Umayyad caliph Yazid (r. 680-683).Their women and children were then taken captive and marched to the capital . In the Name of Allah, the All-beneficent, the All-merciful. Husayn walked her back to the camp. This article is about those who claim descent from Ali ibn Abi Talib. [4] Many more Shia revolts followed afterward, led not only by the Alids but also by other kinsmen of Muhammad. There remain many sayings and quotes from him, each containing a moral teaching and a lesson that would help us lead a better and more productive life [15]. Lady Fatima (SA) was known by many ephitets? [2][16] Umar ibn Sa'ad ordered his soldiers to kill him, saying, "When he dies, Husayn will not want to live! abar, Trkh al-umam wa l-mulk, vol. [74], On 7 Muharram,[90] acting on orders of Ibn Ziyad, the Umayyad commander Umar ibn Sa'd (d.686) cut off Husayn's access to the nearby Euphrates. Instead, he forgave him and treated him kindly and with generosity [13]. Al-Husayn asked, "Akbar, why do you embrace me with only one arm?" [5] Ali and Fatima also had two daughters, namely, Zaynab and Umm Kulthum. Fatimah ( SA) was the best example in chastity, honor and veiling for all Muslim women. [13][10] The prophet was very fond of his granddaughter, saying that she resembled his wife Khadija (d. 12 BEFORE HIJRA-1 1/CA. When Imam Hussain arrived close to him and tried to remove the spear from his chest, the spear's head had been tangled in his veins and when Imam Hussain pulled it out, his heart came out alongside it. 923). [80][81] On Mu'awiya's death and Yazid's succession in 60/680, the latter instructed the governor of Medina to secure Husayn's pledge of allegiance by force, and Husayn thus fled to Mecca at night to avoid recognizing Yazid as the caliph. She was later freed and died shortly afterward in 682, though her burial site is uncertain. 'Ali b. Shahrashub, Manaqib Al Abi Talib, vol.4, p.66. Baldhur, Ansb al-ashrf, vol. (Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Husayni Tihrani - Lama'at al-Husayn - Divine Flashes of Imam Husayn - Sermons and Sayings of the Grandson of the Prophet Muhammad), p.22) While the contents of the web-site are predicated to reflect on the tragedy, the tragedy didn't happen in a vacuum, and hence when we push the chain of causality, we find our-selves, [108] According to al-Tabari, Husayn in turn asked Zaynab not to lament after his imminent death. (bismillah) (salam) I posted this in another thread, but thought I might as well make a thread out of it to see what people think: Here is the view of Shaykh Mutahhari on the likelihood of the mother of Imam Zayn ul-Abideen (as) being a Persian princess. Imam Hussain (AS) is widely known for his patience in the real sense of the word. [90][103] For the Shia, Zaynab's motive in sacrificing her children was the survival of (Shia) Islam, even more so than her love for Husayn. [26] Some claimed that his designated successor was his son Isma'il, who had actually predeceased al-Sadiq. (4) Imam Husayn then told Ali Al-Akbar to go to his mothers tent to see her since she went to pray for him. Imam Hussain (AS) was the last warrior in the battle of Karbala. [1] When brought to the caliph, Veccia Vaglieri writes that Yazid treated the captives kindly after an initial harsh interview and regretted the conduct of his governor, even saying that he would have pardoned Husayn if he was alive. [12] Ali was later assassinated during the morning prayers at the Mosque of Kufa in January 661, during the month of Ramadan. But when he saw the increasing number of letters sent from Kufa to him, he decided to send one of his relatives, called Muslim ibn Aqil, as a representative, with a letter to the heads of Kufa tribes to validate their invitation. [13], Ali Akbar stood in front of Husayn ibn Ali after Zuhr prayers and said: "Father, I request for your permission to go and fight the enemies of Islam." Ali Al-Akbar then went back to his father after getting rid of the group of warriors that were ordered to battle against him. He was buried under husayn's feet. But Akbar, you know how much your mother, sisters, and aunts love you. His father was Ali ibn Abi Talib (AS), the first chosen leader by Prophet (PBUH&HP) and his cousin, and his mother was Lady Fatima (AS), the beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) [2]. For example, using the following phrases: all men, all women, all Christians, all Muslims, all uneducated people, all youths, all poor people, all rich people, all Americans, all Arabs, etc. are signs of having prejudice toward a specific gender, religion, social level, or nationality. Imam Hussain's Sisters and brothers names || - YouTube Islam ki dunya created for inform about the basics of Islam for example rights of humanity,. [74] He was accompanied by some relatives,[82] including Zaynab and two of his sons, namely, Awn and Muhammad. Imam Hussain (AS) was one of these rare kinds whose voice is still heard from beneath the ashes of history. But his message and the news of Kufa peoples infidelity, reached Imam Hussain (AS) when he had already left Mecca behind and was on his way to Iraq, near Kufa and Muslim had already been martyred. But, in Islamic teachings, prejudice is not always a negative manner. [54], Ali was elected caliph in 656[55] and established himself in Kufa as his de facto capital[56] in 656-7. On this night, a number of Imam Hussains (AS) companions managed to take some water from the river, and it was the last time they could do so [21]. So, Muslim wrote a letter to Imam Hussain (AS) and ensured him that Kufa was the right place for Imam Hussain (AS) and his companions to move to [18]. A mammoth sacrifice, one so big, so grave, that the world, till date, speaks of Hazrat Imam Hussain (A.S) with the mightiest of vocal chords, deep from the heart. Lady Zaynab spoke so boldly that those who were present sparked within them the memories of Ali as her voice resembled the voice of her father. Thus, despite the passing of so many centuries, he is still held as a hero who can be the perfect role model for those seeking justice and humanity. Daughter of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatima bint Muhammad (626682), Sermon of Zaynab bint Ali in the court of Yazid, "Jihad of words: Gender and contemporary Karbala narratives", "FATIMA (AL-ZAHRA') BINT MUHAMMAD (CA. [11], As an Iranica said, Ali al-Akbar was one of the last men who was killed in the battle. One of the wives of Imam Hussain, the Persian princess Shahr Banu, was the sister of Chandra Lekha or Mehr Banu, the wife of an Indian king called Chandragupta. When the messenger of Allah ( SWA) came to her, she got up, kissed him, and seated him in her place.)3(. All glory belongs to Allah the Lord of the worlds, Who bestowed His Blessings and Mercy upon our ancestors and martyrs and upon our companions. [19], In the Islamic world especially the Shia view, Husayn's suffering and death became a symbol of sacrifice in the struggle for right against wrong, and for justice and truth against injustice and falsehood. Umar ibn Saads army made many attempts to entice Imam Hussains (AS) followers and dissuade them from accompanying Imam Hussain (AS). Al-Husayn, distraught seeing his son in such pain and stress, wept. Respectively, they were born to Khawla al-Hanafiyya, Umm al-Banin, and Umm Habib bint Rabi'a (al-Sahba). [89] On his way to Kufa, Husayn's small caravan was intercepted by Yazid's army and forced to camp in the desert land of Karbala on 2 Muharram 61 (2 October 680) away from water and fortifications. Before his martyrdom, Muslim covertly sent one of his companions to Imam Hussain (AS), to inform him of peoples disloyalty and dishonesty and to stop him from coming to Kufa. [64], Hasan returned to Medina after abdication, accompanied by the family,[12] where he kept aloof from politics in compliance with the peace treaty with Mu'awiya. After his death in 670, they turned to his brother Husayn, but he and his small caravan were massacred by the Umayyads in the Battle of Karbala in 680. First of all, he would not get angry quickly. Hadrat Ali had five sons from her, namely: Abdullah, Jafar, Abbas, Othman, and Umar. He was an indecent tyrant who did not even follow an Islamic lifestyle in appearance. But he never gave up his human virtues for the sake of furthering his purpose. Indeed We have given you abundance. There is disagreement about the number of Imam Hussains (AS) children. As a result, they classify people and discriminate between different groups of people. However, people of Kufa were soon terrified and scattered from Muslims side. Akbar sent his last Salam and died. Indeed the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most Godwary among you. [4] They are revered by all Muslims as the progeny of Muhammad and honored by nobility titles such as Sharif and Sayyid. https://www.al-islam.org/fatima-gracious-abu-muhammad-ordoni. Lady Zaynab bt. Go and say farewell to them." Hostile actions are being shaped against cockroaches. [104] A well-known account by the Shia Ibn Tawus and others[101] states that Husayn's standard-bearer[82] Abbas was killed during a desperate attempt on the evening of Ashura to bring water from the Euphrates to quench the unbearable thirst of the besieged family of Muhammad. 'Ali. [4][15] For instance, the revolt of the Hasanid Husayn ibn Ali al-Abid was suppressed in 786 but his brother Idris (d.791) escaped and founded the first Alid dynasty in Morocco. [132][156] In the ta'ziya narrative, the family of Muhammad was assisted by a man named Bashir, who was generously compensated by Zaynab and others from the little that was left after the looting on Ashura. The women and children were taken captive after the battle and marched to Kufa and then Damascus, where Zaynab gave impassioned speeches, condemning Yazid and spreading the news of Karbala. 3, p. 142. The second part of the sermon was delivered by Lady Zainab SA, the daughter of Ali ibn Abu Talib AS. Imam Hussein's ill son Ali and sister Zainab were taken hostage along with the head of Imam Hussein raised above a spear, from Iraq to Syria.

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