The new construction and renovation aim to modernize the campus and replace the schools original wing, which dates back to the 1950s. // FOR SCOPE }, _this.animationDelay); Hill Annex). // CONSUME RIGHT AND DOWN ARROWS // GATHER DATA e.preventDefault(); $("#gb-sitename").removeClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", "false"); if(!$("","animating")) { HOME 4-3 AWAY 2-4 NEUTRAL 0-2. } else { $("","animating"); $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']","li").attr({"aria-hidden": "false", "data-visibility": "visible"}); $(window).load(function(){ _this.WindowLoad(); }); if(!$("","animating")) { // USE SET TIMEOUT TO UPDATE ATTRIBUTES BECAUSE ANIMATION IS HANDLED VIA CSS socialMediaItems += '1,' + icon.label + ',' + icon.url + ',' + + ';'; // ANIMATE TO LAST CHILD } else if((siteNameOne != "") && (siteNameTwo != "")) { if(false) { }, "languages": [ Bell Schedule - Normal Full Day Schedule. }); $(".ui-articles","left", (Number($(".ui-articles","left").replace("px", "")) + slideWidth).toFixed(5) + "px"); var dropdownList = params.dropdownList; High School Daily Bell Schedule and Rotations. } else { // USE SET TIMEOUT TO UPDATE ATTRIBUTES BECAUSE ANIMATION IS HANDLED VIA CSS We have undergone additions and renovations to Byrnes high school in 1962, 1979, 1990, 1993, 1995, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2007, 2009 and are presently undergoing . if(siteNameLength > 2){ Registration deadline is June 20, 2023 $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible'] a","tabindex", "0"); // SCROLLING ON iOS TRIGGERS THE WINDOW RESIZE EVENT SO WE WILL MAKE SURE THE WINDOW HAS ACTUALLY CHANGED BEFORE TRIGGERING // FOCUS PREVIOUS ITEM 'User Options' + $("#gb-social-icons-outer").addClass("sticky"); AAAAA Executive Committee Rep Nicolas Pearson. $(".ui-article", this).each(function() { }); setTimeout(function() { James F. Byrnes High School background: #335905; /*dark green*/ $("a.more-link").each(function() { /* HOMEPAGE EDIT THUMBNAIL STYLES */ Away Tournament. background: #D36929; /*lighter orange*/ if(dynStyleSheet) { return false; color: #fff; var userOptionsItems = ""; setTimeout(function() { display: none; // RESET VIDEO DIMENSIONS $(".upcomingevents").modEvents({ $("").prepend('' + monthLong : "no", $(".rs-gallery-container .rs-gallery-images .rs-gallery-images-list li", element).css({"width": viewWidth + "px", "height": viewHeight + "px"}); }, e.preventDefault(); } }, case } $("#hp-modal-close").attr("tabindex", "-1"); break; e.preventDefault(); } $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']","last"); "Footer": function() { // CONSUME END KEY $(dropdownParent + " " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); } $(".ui-articles > li","first last"); columns : "no", case "320": $("#rs-menu-btn").focus(); 27-24 (W) James F. Byrnes @ Blythewood. }); var CreativeTemplate = { OVERALL 6-9 0.40 Win % REGION 3-3 3rd5A Region 2. var showLogo = true; *On late arrival days, Mod 1 CCCTC students will return to WHS at 10:45. Click here for more information. $(window).scroll(function(){ _this.WindowScroll(); }); '