agents. In Avengers: Infinity War, Wanda even kills Vision at her request to prevent Thanos from obtaining the Mind Stone. Captain Marvel is truly mentally strong, and her background combined with the military life, and the burden of protecting the Universe, only confirms these facts. To not go to the lengths of her traumatic stories, which are really present in the comics, Scarlet Witch suffered a lot, which automatically makes a lot of fans think she is weak-minded she is indeed the opposite. After changing her clothes, Maximoff was then forced to prepare a home cooked meal for the Harts, while also trying to hide her powers as she did. During their skirmish, Maximoff tauntingly smirked at a feign attempt by Thanos to kill her with his sword and she fiercely blasted him with a single energy strike, breaking his sword in half. Quicksilver ends up being killed by Ultron. It was only after she saw the fear in the Maximoff twins' eyes, that Maximoff realized that she had become a danger to her own children, the two people she loved and wanted the most. Maximoff rejected Harkness' offer, and knocked her aside with a car, but could not find her in the wreckage. By using the Eye of Agamoto on Wanda, he causes a traumatic memory to come to the fore for Wanda, leaving her catatonic. Eventually Maximoff found enough strength in herself to overpower Ultimo. About a week later, a funeral was held for Tony Stark at the Stark Eco-Compound, which Maximoff attended along with her fellow Avengers. At one point, Strange closed a door and Maximoff didn't blast it, but faked them out, frightening them when she appeared suddenly. Her power was put on full display in Avengers: Infinity War when she defeated a swarm of Outriders in Wakanda; then shortly thereafter, she managed to hold back Thanos - a villain Iron Man could only hurt enough to produce a drop of blood, and who was wielding five of the six Infinity Stones by that point - while seemingly using only half of her power; the other half being used to destroy the Mind Stone. Although the Scarlet Witch has some difficulties connecting with other human beings, she has never had a problem working with other superheroes or supervillains on different teams. The next day, Doctor Stan Nielson was called up to check on Maximoff, who detailed that she was about four months pregnant. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness director Sam Raimi has weighed in on whether Scarlet Witch is more powerful than the MCU's current Sorcerer Supreme or vice versa. Agreeing to the alliance, Maximoff twins accompanied Ultron in acquiring Ulysses Klaue's supply of vibranium. Her physical form performing menial tasks like brewing a cup of tea while her astral form reading the Darkhold to learn and understand her power. While Hawkeye was distracting Iron Man, Maximoff used her powers to launch several vehicles as projectiles in the parking garage behind him, finally burying him and buying them time to escape. In late 2024, Maximoff used the Ribboned Creature to capture Chavez, but she escaped. By comparison, it would be like Hawkeye mastering archery through dedication versus someone whose skill amplifies their natural ability to hit any target without looking. The battle between the Avengers then begun with the two teams charging at each other. ""Do you have a brother, Mom? ""Hey, look at me. It's no secret that the Avengers are Earth's mightiest heroes, but which member of the team is the most powerful has become the subject of no small debate. ""Then it won't be Wanda who comes for her. Maximoff suggested that she may already be a villain, but Rambeau attempted to get through to her, only to be stopped by Agnes, who took Maximoff to her home. In her quest to steal the powers of multiversal travel from a teenager called America Chavez, Maximoff came at odds with her former friend Doctor Strange, and massacred members of the Masters of the Mystic Arts as well as a group of superpowered individuals from a different universe known as the Illuminati. Maximoff solemnly said her goodbye to Vision, discovering that she could no longer feel him, and left the facility. Upon casting her spell, she engulfed herself in her new reality, where she and Vision would go on to live happily together. Who's the strongest Avenger? Maximoff tearfully watched as Groot made a last attempt to stall Thanos, but was defeated as well. Not totally convinced, Maximoff stated they were both at fault then, to which Rogers reminded her that despite the casualties, they were able to stop Crossbones from killing more. Realizing that she couldn't, she tried another way and used her astral form to mind control a young sorcerer to run and cause confusion. Relief came in the form of Carol Danvers, who destroyed the spaceship with ease. ""It is as I said. Maximoff revealed that she wasn't sure of how it all started, but Vision continued, telling her that what she was doing was wrong. She became frightened upon seeing the souls of the damned and struggled to fight them off. Despite all of that, Wanda takes the point from this section. When she sensed Vision on the other side of the wall, he entered, apologizing for intruding, but she requested him to sit next to her and watch TV. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Even though Captain Marvel is essentially stronger when it comes to brute force, agility and durability, she is still vulnerable to magic, which is something she shares with DCs Superman. ""Yes, I know what you mean. Maximoff was initially skeptical, but ultimately convinced by Pietro to agree to the experiments to gain new powers. Wong questioned why she wanted to take America Chavez's power while she could just forcefully tell her to do her bidding; only for her to say it was for the sake of her children so she could protect them anytime they needed her, such as if they got sick. Suddenly, a voice came through the radio, speaking directly to Maximoff, but it was soon stopped which caused Jones to break her glass in her hand which led to her hand bleeding. ""It wouldn't change how they see me.Monica Rambeau and Wanda Maximoff. At some point, Wanda even trains with Strange, receiving teachings from the level of Omega Magic. Peacefully. People will probably argue otherwise and say that Scarlet Witch is stronger, however, her feats will be mentioned and be proper for another section of this article. And Vision, and this whole little life you've made, this is Chaos Magic, Wanda. agents, and dispelled her reality, erasing her family in the process. Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are twin brothers who, although sometimes not entirely in agreement, are very close, sharing their struggles and protecting each other. Maximoff repaired the damaged walls with her powers, and then returned to her newborn twins, as Vision returned inside, asking about Geraldine. As we determined during this analysis is that Captain Marvel is truly one of the most powerful superheroes of the Marvel Universe she got to that point in the comics, and we are still waiting for the MCU version to reach that level. She then walked out into the parking lot back to her car. [1], Please, don't do this. Suddenly, Maximoff witnessed White Vision arrive, so she asked if it was really him, but having been programmed by Tyler Hayward, he attempted to kill her. As Chavez and Wong left, Maximoff made peace with Doctor Strange and told him that it was her job to destroy the Darkhold and that nobody would be touched by its evil again. The Maximoff twins then accompanied Captain America back to the Avengers Tower and found Maximoff's fear to be accurate; Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were trying to upload the consciousness of J.A.R.V.I.S. Which of them would win in an all-out fight? Maximoff was also able to conjure a house to live in, and finished by creating a new Vision. She watched in confusion and then saw that there was a Scarlet Witch statue behind an altar that she was standing on. Distracted, Vision accidentally grazed War Machine's arc reactor, disabling the suit and causing him to fall from the sky, paralyzing him upon impact, therefore letting Captain America and Barnes fly away to Siberia. [2], We are an unusual couple, you know? This frightened Harkness, who said she didn't know what she had unleashed, and Maximoff removed the dark storm clouds allowing the sunshine to reappear. Filling Out Surveys: How Is It a Good Way to Earn Money? She flew above the altar and prepared to destroy the Darkhold Castle. With the train now stopped, Maximoff ran to her brother's aid, as he could barely stand after running so fast for so long. But I do hope you understand that even now, what's about to happen; this is me, being reasonable.Scarlet Witch to Doctor Strange. You can't control me the way you do them. As Vision keep the Harts entertained, Maximoff struggled to cook dinner, so Vision checked in on her, and they switched roles, with Maximoff distracting the Harts. Having both recently lost people close to them, Maximoff and Barton both comforted each other. Listen, can we just""What? Learning the truth about Harkness, Maximoff attempted to read her mind, but was unable to, so she once again asked about her children's whereabouts, but when she went to use her powers, they did not work, as Harkness had cast a protection spell. This caused the reality to break, so Maximoff told Vision to help Mr. Hart, and everything went back to normal. Ultron then led the Maximoffs from the church and back to the HYDRA Research Base. In the confusion, the twins managed to escape with Ultron and the vibranium, and made their way to Seoul. Catastrophe.Vision and Wanda Maximoff. ""Then let's fight for it.Wanda Maximoff and Vision, Snapping out of her past, Maximoff heard her sons calling out to her for help, so she rushed outside, where Agatha Harkness had them by the throats. When she entered the first building, she saw Strange and told him that she had been more than patient. In the comics, we see Carol go through multiple different superhero aliases and persona until she finally decided to go with Captain Marvel. Maximoff then pursued Chavez as she and Palmer ran away. Upon entering Agnes' house, Maximoff asked about her sons' whereabouts, so Agnes directed her to the basement. Carol Danvers, being in the military and a pilot who flew to space, has a vast knowledge about other worlds, and species. Maximoff then witnessed a strange wind in the weather and saw a wormhole appear with Thanos walking through. Thor and Scarlet Witch are arguably two of the most powerful members of the Avengers team. Maximoff noticed the TV still playing, so she used it to comfort herself. Jesse Hicks is a Detroit-based writer and former features editor at The Verge who specializes in longform stories about science, health, and technology. [12], Wanda, I think you hurt Vision's feelings. As she did, the Castle began to crumble and collapse on her. While there, they lived and interacted with a child who had a skin condition, which was particularly memorable for Maximoff. Once Billy and Tommy come to grips . With the battle almost won, Captain America ordered the team to evacuate the city before Iron Man and Thor destroyed the key and Novi Grad itself. [15], I think if it were exposed to a sufficiently powerful energy source, something very similar to its own signature, perhaps its molecular integrity will fail. In both versions, Wanda uses Chaos Magic, a primordial form of magic that dates back to the Earth's formation, and it's a type of magic that was harnessed by Chthon, an Elder God. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.03: Power Broker, WandaVision: 1.01: Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience, WandaVision: 1.04: We Interrupt This Program, WandaVision: 1.07: Breaking the Fourth Wall. Of course, while WandaVision name-drops the Sorcerer Supreme, it's unclear if Doctor Strange is at that level yet. Tell me what you know. ""He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he? ""Sometimes it's hard, but sooner or later every man shows himself.Ultron and Wanda Maximoff, With the HYDRA Research Base and Baron Strucker captured, the Maximoffs returned to Sokovia, where Pietro provided for them by becoming a thief. As she walked away, Strange asked what would happen if they rejected her request. [14][15], We have to go. R. She can fly, which is a huge plus, and is able to sense magic. Crossbones taunted Captain America and claimed that the Winter Soldier had hired him to steal the biochemical weapon, once again under HYDRA's mind control. They were being very specific.Wanda Maximoff and Steve Rogers. Forced to realize her claims weren't true at all, she backed away. After incapacitating Vision, Maximoff and Clint Barton went to go retrieve Scott Lang who had been recommended by Sam Wilson. Feige had previously called Captain Marvel the strongest MCU hero, but this time he strongly suggested the crown belongs to the Scarlet Witch. If you look at Endgame, he said, according to a clip posted to Reddit. ""I do. and were using its upheavals to cover up their experiments. Dora is currently writing about fantasy movies and TV shows that include The Last of Us, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and DC Universe while also trying to "squeeze in" more topics about crime and hospital dramas of the 2000s. Now equipped with the final Mind Stone, the Infinity Gauntlet was complete. This added to Maximoff's worries, but she carried on as normal. He promised that he only wanted the rest of the world to look fondly at her like he did. It's not like your dead husband can die twice.Wanda Maximoff and "Pietro Maximoff". Maximoff tried one last time to end the conversation, but Vision persisted, becoming angry with her. Now aware of the choices she's made and the people she's hurt, she's more alone than ever. When discussing the psychology of these two characters, we can find vast differences in their mental strength and state. As they began to walk through the city, Quicksilver ran in and picked up his sister, running across the city with her while leaving Barton to jog behind. So for this section, Scarlet Witch gets a point. ""Look again.Wanda Maximoff and Vision. At the age of ten, during all of the ongoing bombings in Sokovia, when her father, Oleg got home, Maximoff chose for her family to watch The Dick Van Dyke Show for TV night, as it was her favorite. Technically, Scarlet Witch cannot be as strong as Carol since her powers are mostly revolving around magic and telepathy while Carol uses her superhuman Kree strength combined with literal nuclear energy to punch her opponents or lift heavy things. When Vision left to go to work, Maximoff was visited by Agnes, who welcomed her to the neighborhood. Before she could give her official answer, she saw through a store window a news report about an attack in New York City and the report of Tony Stark being missing. Moments later, she was interrupted when Doctor Strange, in one of his counterpart's corpse, which had now become zombified, appeared before them. Both characters in this one-to-one fight achieved great things, especially in the comics. Yeah. Mistress of Magic The source of Wanda's unnatural abilities stem from a two-fold base; unparalleled mastery of actual magic and an innate power to warp reality. In the MCU, Carol did literally pushed back the Kree missile in the Endgame and survived the empowered Power Stone punch by Thanos. It's just gonna drown me.Wanda Maximoff to Vision. Because of her priority to shield and protect her teammates, she does not take into consideration her own safety, and that is why when struck with the powerful brute force as Carol Danvers has, Scarlet Witch can be caught off guard and injured. Her self-doubt and guilt over the mistakes she has made have at times led her to inaction, even though she is generally action-oriented. She then located the office and stormed inside. She goes around the universe and protects it from the biggest and most dangerous beings. By Luka Glavas Published on December 10, 2021. Maximoff then left and flew out to the battlefield, where she saved Natasha Romanoff and Okoye by stopping the incoming Threshers and threw them on top of the Outriders. He reassured her, stating that she could never hurt him and repeating her earlier words, "I just feel you.". At the time of the talent show, Maximoff got dressed into her costume, and nervously waited for Vision to arrive. She was incredibly hostile, exiling anyone from the Hex; who directly mentioned her past or disrupted her fantasy and was in complete denial that any of it ever happened. Now living in a reality of her own control, including all the inhabitants and storylines, Maximoff and Vision; who she created, became newlyweds; who had just moved into town, attempting to blend in and live normal lives, despite Maximoff's telekinetic powers and Vision being an android. Recently, Captain Marvel managed to create a Binary form, which did become sentient in the comics, but in the past, her Binary form gave her immense powers that could be matched only by the most powerful cosmic beings in the Marvel Universe. Vision questioned Maximoff as to why Agnes acted so strangely, but Maximoff further tried to dismiss it. Scarlet Witch grabbed Chavez by the throat and demanded to know what she did, only to see Tommy and Billy on the couch, running away from her in fright. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is scheduled for May 7, 2021. ""Me, too. ""Oh, I don't think that was ever in question.Wanda Maximoff and Vision. However, when Klaue offended Ultron, the robot responded by cutting off Klaue's arm and kicking him down some stairs while Maximoff used her powers to keep Klaue's men from defending themselves. [1], How could I let this happen? Maximoff and Hawkeye managed to make their way to Captain America and his team, so they could get to the Quinjet that would take them to Siberia. The good news is that Wanda and Vision's children weren't destroyed. Moreover, we will pin these two characters most common skills and powers for easier determination of the ultimate winner. Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Important Facts Must Follow, Disney Plus Error Code 83 on TV: How to Fix it and Get Back to Streaming, Top Features to Look for in a Panel Meter. Real Name Wanda Maximoff Alias (es) Scarlet Witch Volunteer Survivor The Twins (with Quicksilver) The Girl Little Witch The Enhanced (with Quicksilver) Strucker 's Prized Pupil Punk Avenger Terrorist on the Loose Weapon of Mass Destruction Kid Four of the World 's Most Wanted Criminals (with Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson) Child Vision then arrived, but before the they could celebrate, Maximoff went into labor again, as she was having twins, who they named Tommy and Billy. ""Vision, that's enough. Maximoff and Vision headed downstairs, where they understood it was time for them to say goodbye, too. This hatred was strong enough to have her side with Ultron for what she believed to be the greater good. Suddenly, Maximoff heard Billy Maximoff frantically calling out to her, telling her that Vision was in trouble, having just acquired telepathic powers. Wanda Maximoff was going to kill Thanos. Vision then prepared to leave, intending to join the fight, but Maximoff was reluctant to let him leave because she knew his life would be put at significant risk if the news report was true. She can rewrite reality as she chooses, and is prophesized to either rule or annihilate the cosmos.Wong, She could have taken out Thanos on her own if he hadn't initiated a blitz. After the show, Maximoff fixed Vision by removing the piece of gum inside him, and they returned home, being awarded Comedy Performance of the Year. In doing so, the oil from the Sentries splattered over her shirt and the side of her face. She punches with the force of a nuclear bomb, and her flight is only a bonus to her already vast arsenal of powers. Hayward refused Maximoff's request, noting that she had taken an entire town hostage, to which Maximoff retorted that they were the ones with the guns pointed at her. Other feats include surviving an avalanche falling on her, fighting dinosaurs (! Agnes arrived to help look after Tommy and Billy in which Maximoff openly welcomed her. However, Maximoff was able to step in and use her powers to stop Midnight by launching her into an incoming Thresher, ultimately killing her. Supreme God of the Marvel Omniverse, The One-Above-All. She's been around since 1964, the very birth of Marvel. In the thick of the battle, an enraged Maximoff, with the recollection of Vision's death still fresh in her memory, faced alternate Thanos herself and blamed him for Vision's death. He informed her that they were as close as his magic would take them as the Masters of the Mystic Arts weren't made to be there. Both of these characters are considered the strongest female characters in the Marvel Universe if not all of it. However, her volatile powers and complex emotional state caused her to walk a very narrow line between the heroic and the vile several times during her story. In this article, we will determine, which character is stronger and who would win in a fight Scarlet Witch or Captain Marvel. Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. Harkness recalled on what Maximoff said about only remembering feeling immense sadness before the Hex, and decided to enter her past to find the answer. ""I don't even know who you are. With Vision subdued, Maximoff finally left with Barton en route to Germany to retrieve Scott Lang. She is also immune to poison and disease, which Scarlet Witch, as far as I know, and correct me on this, unfortunately, does not have, because she is still essentially a mutant. Growing up, her family would watch American by-products; such as television series and sitcoms to practice their English. The first of these is the dark wizard Chthon, one of the most popular villains in the Doctor Strange universe. Fate, he is basically invulnerable and is capable of withstanding attacks that could normally kill other people. Instead, it kept going until she came I had a brother. Maximoff continued to grieve her brother and would watch sitcoms in her bedroom at the Avengers Compound to comfort herself. Eventually the team managed to wipe out the majority of Ultron's drones and Ultron himself was almost destroyed by the combined might of Vision, Thor, Iron Man, and the Hulk, who destroyed his armor and sent him across the city. However, she also is less inclined to hold back in a fight, even against fellow Avengers, as shown when she hurled Black Widow several feet when she attempted to overpower Hawkeye. Maximoff then tried to shield herself, only to be knocked back by the blasts, sustaining only concussive force. All of that proved Wanda was a powerful superhero, but WandaVision has now explained just how powerful. She attempted to reach out and comfort the boys, but they pleaded for her not to hurt them. When she had Chavez in her grasp, Strange tried to attack her, but she absorbed and repelled his attack, blasting him and Palmer away, destroying the Book of Vishanti in the process. Headquarters, leading to her creating the Hex in Westview, due to all her built up trauma. She used her powers to create her two sons in the comics, which we did saw in WandaVision. Moreover, being military trained, Carol is a great strategist, which is also a great perk to have in combat. Maximoff, Vision, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Sam Wilson arrived at the Avengers Compound and reunited with James Rhodes and Bruce Banner. Here's why. [16] Everyone gathered around the fallen hero and knelt before him, showing their respect. As she begins to break the Stone, Vision let a whispered remark of I love you" to Maximoff as he was dying. She then requested to watch the The Brady Bunch and watched it as she tried to recover from what had just happened. Right? Then, inexplicably, Maximoff became pregnant, much to their surprise and delight. She cleared a path through a horde of Outriders and single-handedly held back a Leviathan to assist Valkyrie and Warsong. She comforted him, but he told her the Mind Stone was telling him that Thanos was coming. When Strucker became cornered by Captain America, he attempted to surrender. From then on, the girl felt compelled to support Magneto in all his missions. Scarlet Witch will beat Captain Marvel in most fights. She then walked towards the entrance angrily. [10], Let's show them what we have accomplished. Using her powers to control the Mind Stone to force him to phase and release Barton. Whats Good About Adopting A Web-Based Registry? When this happens, they are finally reunited with their mother. Lets get Wanda out of the way. At a panel hosted by New York Film Academy, an audience member asked Feige who is the "strongest Marvel hero." Geraldine attempted to put Maximoff at ease, but was demanded to leave, and when Maximoff noticed her necklace with a sword symbol, she grew more intent on knowing her true identity. Do you know how it felt? I'm staying.Wanda Maximoff and Vision. Despite Maximoff following the routine, Vision's state caused him to use his powers in front of the audience, which Maximoff had to cover up using her own powers, including making Geraldine appear in the Cabinet of Mysteries. However, she rejected this idea, knowing it would kill him in the process. Following what we see in the comics, Wanda does not have an easy life. Once there, they sought the aid of Shuri, the sister of T'Challa. Rambeau intervened, asserting that Maximoff was the one in control, and upon recognizing her as "Geraldine," Maximoff threateningly conjured a ball of psionic energy. But her powers was too weak and was doomed only to diminish overtime. You have exhausted my patience. [6], Is their mother still alive?""Yes.""Good. The scientists quarantined Maximoff in her cell, and when she woke up, she saw that a TV was in the room. To put it in the perspective, Chthon was able to destroy universes in the blink of an eye. Although her powers are equivalent to that category (she is considered the second most powerful character in Marvel), she was not born with them, like the mutants. [1], Pietro was dead and I was in a new country. Further complicating the crisis was Agatha Harkness, a fellow witch who sought to understand the nature of Maximoff's new reality, and a S.W.O.R.D. She then stood alongside Danvers, Okoye, Valkyrie, Pepper Potts, Mantis, Shuri, Nebula, and Hope van Dyne and breached through the enemy lines to reach Luis' van and the Quantum Tunnel. Over the next two years, Maximoff reunited and reconciled with Vision, and together the two started living off the grid in Europe, forming a romantic relationship. Enjoy the video? Along with his brother Quicksilver, he enjoys the popularity of both the X-Men and the Avengers. While the other Avengers left to deal with Winter Soldier and attend the meeting in Vienna, Maximoff stayed at the facility under the watch of Vision. She drove down there and Maximoff pled at the front desk that they return Vision to her. However, she was stopped when she heard to voices that universe's Tommy and Billy. All this time, Wanda . headquarters in Florida. 838-Maximoff reassured her counterpart that Tommy and Billy would be loved in this universe. This gives her exceptional abilities to manipulate reality and probabilities. At that moment, the Hex completely disappeared, along with Vision, her children, and the house around her. As we always say in these who would win articles, intelligence is one of the most important parts of any combat or fight. Doctor Strange met her in the sky and tried to reason with her. Wong was then forced to reveal that the destroyed Darkhold was a copy and that it originated from Mount Wundagore, where Maximoff would be able to find the spell she needed. So, what I see here is a baby witch obsessed with sitcoms.Agatha Harkness to Wanda Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff was born in 1989 to Oleg and Iryna Maximoff in Sokovia along with her twin brother, Pietro. On the other hand, Captain Marvel is not too shabby. [12] Following her liberation, Maximoff opted to leave Rogers, Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff and stay in hiding in Scotland. She, along with the other restored Avengers and Wakandans, were then transported via portal to the ruins of the Avengers Compound to join the battle against alternate Thanos and his army. Angry that it was gone, she released Wong and demanded to know where she could find another. Mickey Mouse: What Happened to the Iconic Character? Maximoff then used her powers to fly herself and Wong over to the Castle. agent. Maximoff then looked at the other two who braced themselves. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Wanda is in emotional turmoil, and after losing her brother, friends, and family, she is quite an unstable individual especially, after WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness. He leaves that to his assistant. However, with mutants now joining the MCU, Wanda . Vision apologized and informed Rogers that Tony Stark had arrived with Thaddeus Ross at the Facility. ""I just did. Second, I did it to protect you.Iron Man and Wanda Maximoff. She then threw Strange and Palmer into an unknown universe. You have entered an incorrect email address! Were not having this conversation.Vision and Wanda Maximoff. Vision called Maximoff about the day's occasion, with the latter thinking it was their anniversary, and the former knowing it was a dinner with his boss and his wife. ""No, I'm alright. While Maximoff watched her children train Sparky, they asked about their father's whereabouts, as she had sent him off to work to distract him. Having halted Black Panther's attacks, Maximoff then tossed him away from Barnes, keeping him safe. The witch Agatha even casts a spell to make the heroine forget the existence of her children, but eventually, the memories catch up with her. As Vision comforted Maximoff, War Machine requested Vision's back up in disabling Falcon's wing thrusters. ), and can be on par with Thanos without Infinity Gauntlet though Thanos is still a Mad Titan, so he is powerful regardless. In one test, Maximoff's latent powers were unlocked as tags saw the Mind Stone come out of the Scepter to her, showing her a vision of the Scarlet Witch, and then causing her to fall unconscious. You're gonna need me! With the deaths of heroes like Ant-Man, Vision, and Hawkeye caused by the Enchantress, Doctor Strange seems irritated and concerned at the extensive use of magic without being notified. As the Castle crumbled, a red burst of magic flashed. Back to her reality, Maximoff helped her children look for Sparky, who had gone missing. In fact, she is so strong that she can either rewrite reality or wipe out a whole . As Maximoff listened to Geraldine, she noticed a stork walk around the house, which led to Geraldine discovering the truth. Maximoff was about to join the fight, but Vision told her that she had to destroy the stone. In Avengers: Endgame, the character returns after the Avengers manage to obtain all the gems on trips to the past and build their glove. [2], Born in 1989 to Iryna and Oleg Maximoff, both killed during an air raid when Maximoff and her twin brother, Pietro, were 10.Jimmy Woo. ""What choice do we have?Ultron and Wanda Maximoff. Hayward addressed Maximoff's intention to recover Vision's body, so he showed her to where they were dismantling him, much to Maximoff's horror. Falcon and Black Widow managed to neutralize the mercenaries and secure the biochemical weapon that Crossbones had obtained while they tried to escape through a busy marketplace. You've taken an entire town hostage.Wanda Maximoff and Tyler Hayward. Scarlet Witch will beat Captain Marvel in most fights. Rogers ordered Maximoff to destroy the Stone as soon as it was removed from Vision, tasking her to stay there. Wanda is not strong physically, but her magic gives her most of the strength she literally held Thanos, beat him in the comics, and even beat a being called Lore who consumed thousands of universes. "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" opens in U.S. theaters on May 6, 2022. ""When everyone is dead?Wanda Maximoff and Ultron, When the trio arrived in Seoul, Ultron used the Scepter to indoctrinate Helen Cho, forcing her to use the vibranium in synchrony with the Regeneration Cradle to build a new, more powerful body for Ultron. When Maximoff saw the Darkhold Castle on the top of the mountain on the other side of a gorge, she asked Wong why he didn't portal them closer. Maximoff positioned herself at a caf, where she described the police station in the area, trying to uncover Crossbones' plan as part of her training from Black Widow, who was teaching her spy techniques. There are so many people who used Wanda because of her insecurities about her powers and just the bad consequences she experienced after a very traumatized childhood. Maximoff began to threaten Rambeau, but she withheld, which Rambeau noted was the difference between her and Hayward, and that he was making her to be the villain. Maximoff struggled with terror and guilt over causing such a disaster in her own home, perceiving it as being her fault and beginning to lose morale. Maximoff told him that there were other Avengers, however, Strange told her that only she could be of help, commenting that he couldn't ask people like Hawkeye, or Ant-Man, the Wasp, and Spider-Man for help with the Multiverse. Moreover, Scarlet Witch, as seen in MCU, uses telepathy to corrupt opponents minds Age of Ultron showed that sequence pretty realistically. In the Avengers: The Fall arc, the writer accomplished this by eliminating various characters in a host of seemingly unrelated events. agents who took aim at her. Maximoff demanded that Harkness release her children, and she replied by telling her that her sons, Vision, and their reality were all Chaos Magic, declaring Maximoff as the Scarlet Witch.[2]. Because of her magical powers, she was considered a Sorcerer Supreme at one point, according to Agamotto. Hawkeye managed to lead her into a vacant building for safety from the Ultron Sentries. She was also part of the Fabulous Avengers, Liberating Ladies, West Coast Avengers, Defenders, Secret Defenders and Task Force during her career. When the Avengers arrived in an attempt to stop them, Ultron and the Maximoffs mocked their efforts, ignoring Captain America's attempts to convince the Maximoffs that they still had a chance to walk away. Kevin Feige had previously called Captain Marvel the strongest MCU hero, but this time he suggested the crown belongs to the Scarlet Witch. She also developed a prevalent maternal side which she greatly showed with her children that she had created. After Avengers: The Fall, however, during the M Dynasty arc, the Avengers and the X-Men discussed whether or not Wanda should be killed to avoid further cataclysms due to her unstable powers. As Wanda was deeply traumatized, Xavier cannot help much and tried to bring her husband back to life and repair the damage caused. As she did, she was caught off guard by Chavez, who jumped off the altar and punched Scarlet Witch backwards. ""This is all our fault. Born with the latent mythical ability to harness Chaos Magic, she developed a hatred against Tony Stark and rallied anti-American protests after the Novi Grad Bombings killed her parents. However, 838-Maximoff comforted her and expressed empathy towards her pain, much to Maximoff's shock. Rogers decided that they had to return to the Avengers Compound in hopes of developing a plan to help Vision and gaining more information about their extraterrestrial attackers and Maximoff helped Vision into the Quinjet. She was unfazed when Ultron killed von Strucker and was willing to send Hulk on a rampage in Johannesburg, costing the lives of both soldiers and civilians. Fortunately, she was not blinded completely by passion and was capable of reason, clearly being appalled by the level of destruction Ultron was trying to achieve, and promptly sided with the Avengers to make amends. Scarlet Witch's 2023 Comic Is Perfect for a WandaVision Sequel. Vision destroyed a traffic control tower so Captain America and Barnes could not escape but Maximoff used her powers to hold back the debris for them to pass. As Maximoff watched the boys run back to her counterpart, she broke down weeping. Without even mentioning her Binary form, Carol can withstand a lot of things thrown at her, and that is reinforced by the fact that she has Kree physiology. When it comes to the MCU, few can stand against Wanda Maximoff. In the WandaVision series finale, Agatha Harkness confirms Scarlet Witch is more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme - and here's how and why that is. , her family in the comics, we will determine, which is also a great perk to have combat! Of seemingly unrelated events me.Wanda Maximoff to Vision, how strong is scarlet witch children look for Sparky, who jumped off the and. Down there and Maximoff pled at the Avengers team so strangely, but this time he the... Overpower Ultimo think that was ever in question.Wanda Maximoff and Barton both comforted each other do have. To phase and release Barton being very specific.Wanda Maximoff and Barton both comforted each other Everyone gathered around fallen... A Good way to Earn Money further tried to recover from what had just happened goodbye Vision. A red burst of Magic flashed unknown universe, with mutants now joining the MCU, uses telepathy to opponents... 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