Because we have impersonated the service account it will save the service accounts OAuth token. Ensure your business continuity needs are met. Server and virtual machine migration to Compute Engine. Certifications for running SAP applications and SAP HANA. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Lifelike conversational AI with state-of-the-art virtual agents. If we want a laptop to be able to talk to the cloud, it could either use Tim's permissions or we could create a machine identity that has its own set of permissions separate from Tim's permissions. It sounds kind of dangerous. Registry for storing, managing, and securing Docker images. And if you like or hate what we hear, we can invite you to the next episode. Instead, you can say, "Well, let me look up this database, that's the credit card number database and see who can access this database?" Explore solutions for web hosting, app development, AI, and analytics. Tools for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing your costs. Analytics and collaboration tools for the retail value chain. So, to me, this is also very fun. And people laughed at us for this being trivial advice. Fortunately, there's another way to run Terraform code as a service that's generally safer - service account impersonation. Service accounts are managed by Identity and Access Management (IAM). Content delivery network for delivering web and video. You can find and subscribe to this podcast wherever podcasts are available, as well as at our website, Fully managed environment for developing, deploying and scaling apps. Instead, you'll need to attach a different identity to it." Streaming analytics for stream and batch processing. That's a much harder question to answer. access resources from AWS, Pre-GA products and features might have limited support, and changes to pre-GA products and $300 in free credits and 20+ free products. The next one is actually someone who works at GitLab. And then for all of those service accounts, you would say, "Do any of these have permissions into other projects?" In this episode of What's What, we explore how you can properly create, delete, and manage. Object storage for storing and serving user-generated content. Click Continue. And then Kat Traxler's content that's kind of a little bit all over the place, but I think she was at Best Buy when she did a lot of it. For more information, see the Instead, identity is resource centric. This is a GCP native approach to user accessed service. Becoming familiar with the gcloud CLI tool will allow you to rapidly access and retrieve data across all your projects and scale and even develop automated tools to increase your productivity. Using identity federation, you can grant on-premises or multi-cloud Dylan: Yeah, no, that's a good call out. Interested in learning new things and sharing what I know. Migrate from PaaS: Cloud Foundry, Openshift. All rights reserved. Cartoon series about a world-saving agent, who is an Indiana Jones and James Bond mixture, Code works in Python IDE but not in QGIS Python editor. Another thing to anchor around is that the thing that I mentioned, we open source the spidering. In general relativity, why is Earth able to accelerate? Traffic control pane and management for open service mesh. Timothy: Wow. identities, and use your, access resources from a SAML 2.0 provider, Required. Solution for analyzing petabytes of security telemetry. The attribute condition for a workload identity pool provider can use the Dylan: I might correct something that you just said there. And the reason why is all of the different data owners can grant you access to their data even outside of your organization. But two, I want to pick a little bit on this distinction between act as, and token creator. Create and manage Google groups in the Google Cloud console, Obtain short-lived credentials for workforce identity federation, Manage workforce identity pools and providers, Delete workforce identity federation users and their data, Set up user access to console (federated), Best practices for using service accounts, Best practices for using service accounts in deployment pipelines, Create and manage short-lived credentials, Create short-lived credentials for a service account, Create short-lived credentials for multiple service accounts, Restrict a credential's Cloud Storage permissions, Migrate to the Service Account Credentials API, Federate identities for external workloads, Manage workload identity pools and providers, Best practices for using workload identity federation, Let customers access their Google Cloud resources from your product or service, Integrate Cloud Run and workload identity federation, Best practices for managing service account keys, Use Deployment Manager to maintain custom roles, Test permissions for custom user interfaces, Use IAM to help prevent exfiltration from data pipelines, Optimize IAM policies by using Policy Intelligence tools, Help secure IAM using VPC Service Controls, Example logs for workforce identity federation, Example logs for workload identity federation, Tools to understand service account usage, Monitor usage patterns for service accounts and keys, Troubleshoot "withcond" in policies and role bindings, Troubleshoot workforce identity federation, Troubleshoot workload identity federation, All Identity and Access Management code samples, Migrate from PaaS: Cloud Foundry, Openshift, Save money with our transparent approach to pricing. API-first integration to connect existing data and applications. Reduce cost, increase operational agility, and capture new market opportunities. Sentiment analysis and classification of unstructured text. So that's probably the number one thing is disable that default grant. Now to get access to resources or to projects, we grant two types of identities access to either a resource or a collection of resources. Timothy: What's the third piece of danger? And when we pointed this out, leading into our Dev Con talk, Google actually changed the rules. with Google Cloud, and vice-versa. gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding, Google Cloud Improving Security with Impersonation. identity provider (IdP) that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC), such as Microsoft Azure, Manage workloads across multiple clouds with a consistent platform. So as a database owner, you can say, who can and access my database? And so, while it's true that you can definitely misconfigure firewalls. An initiative to ensure that global businesses have more seamless access and insights into the data required for digital transformation. If you are used to servers and boxes and getting a shovel and pushing the VM's from place to place, this system is just different. The idea of impersonation is to use one identity A to act as another identity B but without having access to B's credentials . Click the email address of your service account. Basically, no one has to have these default service accounts attached to their services. Migration solutions for VMs, apps, databases, and more. How can I impersonate a GCP service account for web console access? And given all of that, this is still maybe the most cogent explanation of how our identity system works that I've heard in my four years of working here. access resources from Microsoft Azure, Data warehouse to jumpstart your migration and unlock insights. Timothy: Got it. Timothy: Got it. Whereas before when you create a project, the default is, you could do a lot of things like you can add people outside of your organization and you can attach firewall rules and stuff like that. So that would be something like Tim. Is Spider-Man the only Marvel character that has been represented as multiple non-human characters? Anton: Perfect. For example, within active directory, you might put individuals into a group that allows them to have access to a particular computer network and then within that computer network, you might have things like databases and things like that. Platform for modernizing existing apps and building new ones. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. GPUs for ML, scientific computing, and 3D visualization. development, staging, or production environments. Let's avoid, I'll avoid the question. You can change service account using the same command. Detect, investigate, and respond to online threats to help protect your business. /.well-known/openid-configuration document. So, all of a sudden taking that away can create a little bit of friction, but when it comes to securing against these particular impersonations problem, it's the easiest and highest impact thing that you can do for your organization, kind of worth the friction that it adds. Migrate and run your VMware workloads natively on Google Cloud. We must create an Amazon EKS cluster IAM role or an Amazon EKS node IAM role. And that Tim is now maybe perhaps operating on behalf of the service account. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. AI model for speaking with customers and assisting human agents. Teaching tools to provide more engaging learning experiences. And if so, spin up cloud functions in those projects with all of the service accounts and all of those projects and it Dylan: recursively spidered out like that. external identities IAM roles, Anton, this is I think a super fun episode for a lot of reasons. user impersonation can be scoped down to GCP API methods, but not to users or resources within a . For more details, see the API documentation for the This is far superior to manually generating keys and distributing them. It's a little bit trickier, but when you dig into the individual resources, you'll find there's a separate set of permissions there. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates. To unset the impersonation and revert back to your user account, use the following command: Use OAuth with service account impersonation! Timothy: That is one of the beauties of the cloud and the control plan of the cloud in particular is you can't not patch it, it just happens for you, which is great. Cron job scheduler for task automation and management. A service account is. Some identity providers refer to these attributes as claims. In Conclusion. And because of that, that created an opportunity where an attacker could come in, take some identity, create a new VM, attach a service account to that new VM that just got created and then start doing things on behalf of that service account. Although service accounts are a useful tool, there are several ways in. And so that's a super, super dangerous thing, especially for a larger organization that might have a lot of service accounts. Infrastructure to run specialized workloads on Google Cloud. It's not better or worse. Infrastructure to run specialized Oracle workloads on Google Cloud. You can also apply this role at the project level to propagate it to all service accounts. Computing, data management, and analytics tools for financial services. Solutions for each phase of the security and resilience life cycle. Reimagine your operations and unlock new opportunities. Innovate, optimize and amplify your SaaS applications using Google's data and machine learning solutions such as BigQuery, Looker, Spanner and Vertex AI. Service for dynamic or server-side ad insertion. Messaging service for event ingestion and delivery. It's to me a little bit different. So, you can't say, what does this identity have access to? Insights from ingesting, processing, and analyzing event streams. Prioritize investments and optimize costs. Dylan: So, I think if there's one thing that I can impress on people it's that default grant org policy, if you can disable the automatic IM grants for default service accounts, I know it's a mouthful, but that's the actual name of the org policy. Containerized apps with prebuilt deployment and unified billing. Well, my friends at Snapchat, please don't grant me permissions on any production databases. If the scripts are intended to only be run locally you can programmatically impersonate the required service account. I guess this kind of depends on the knowledge. But in doing so, we also have this new permission that allow us to assume the identity of those different workloads. You can define up to 50 custom attributes and use these And we need that because our node needs to be able to spin up these workloads, but it does create that other path of danger. So, remember when on the one side, there's an identity; and then in the middle there's that connector, which is like a role or permissions; and then on this side there's resources. By the way, in some other episodes, we did tell people, learn the cloud out before you migrate. Please subscribe so that you don't miss episodes. Network monitoring, verification, and optimization platform. Looking forward to future discussions perhaps. So, you may only want your database admins to fall into this particular ad group. Cause despite being the threat detection guy, I actually believe that an ounce of preventions was at the pound of cure. If there's one button to mash, it's that one. Optional: Under Grant users access to this service account, add the users or groups that are allowed to use and manage the service account. I don't think she's at Best Buy anymore. credential issued by the identity provider. Timothy: So, there's a couple of cool things in there to pick on and drill into. Best practices for running reliable, performant, and cost effective applications on GKE. Traditionally, applications running outside Google Cloud can use Your hosts here are, as ever, myself Timothy Peacock, the Product Manager for Threat Detection here at Google Cloud, and Anton Chuvakin, a reformed analyst and much beloved member of the cloud security team here at Google. Advance research at scale and empower healthcare innovation. The following grants SA_A to impersonate SA_B: There's the Spencer's content on Rhino Labs. The final step is to allow scripts to pickup our user credentials: This creates a local file to allow programmatic access to our gcloud user credentials. Noise cancels but variance sums - contradiction? They could also be directly assigned to a compute resource in the cloud, like a cloud function or a VM or something like that. Tim, yes, I do have one of those and the cynic in me says Anton: Ah, okay. launch stage descriptions. So basically, you have identities in the cloud and those identities get permissions or roles that facilitate who can do what, who can access what data and who can run what compute resources. Command line tools and libraries for Google Cloud. GCP Lateral Movement And Privileged Escalation Spill Over And Updates From Google, Tutorial on privilege escalation and post exploitation tactics in Google Cloud Platform environments, Explore products with free monthly usage. An attribute condition is a CEL expression that can check assertion attributes specification. And to get to that, we have to go to the service accounts page, dig into the service account, click the roles and permissions of that service account and then there, we can set our act as permission. Pre-GA Offerings Terms of the And I think we'll expect to see that improve over the next year or two. Use fully qualified resource names when granting roles to external ASIC designed to run ML inference and AI at the edge. And there are three specific permissions that allow us to do this. Service for securely and efficiently exchanging data analytics assets. What's the detection strategy? Cloud services for extending and modernizing legacy apps. To revoke a users access you would need to either provide individual keys that can be revoked, or rotate the a key for every user and potentially cause a breaking change. Dylan: Yeah. Solution for improving end-to-end software supply chain security. Usage recommendations for Google Cloud products and services. Kubernetes add-on for managing Google Cloud resources. from an external token. Basically, the idea is that it used to be back in yield days, when you use GKE, the nodes had service accounts attached to them and all of the workloads that you ran would use the permissions of the node, and that had a whole host of issues. Get best practices to optimize workload costs. And that took a little while for me to get my head around. Data warehouse for business agility and insights. So, in a traditional environment, you might have something like active directory that determines what identity is and what groups and permissions an individual identity has access to. Warm-up: Create 10 GCP service accounts Grant the current user roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator on one of these service accounts Detonation: Attempt to impersonate each of the service accounts The following grants SA_A to impersonate SA_B: The user executing the above command requires a number of items: The user requires the role roles/serviceusage.serviceUsageConsumer. So, if you have a piece of data, you can figure out who can touch it, but you can't say, well, what data can Tim touch? It's the system is different to what you're used to. My use case is I have compute instances used for CI (running without many privileges) under Custom machine learning model development, with minimal effort. Tools for moving your existing containers into Google's managed container services. A service account can impersonate a managed user via domain-wide delegation of authority. Because we have the token creator role we can use our credentials to request the service account credentials. Develop, deploy, secure, and manage APIs with a fully managed gateway. In Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, how can the reader intuit the meaning of "champagne" in the first chapter? Serverless, minimal downtime migrations to the cloud. What happens if a manifested instant gets blinked? You can follow us on Twitter, Monitoring, logging, and application performance suite. So that's one thing to anchor around. Full cloud control from Windows PowerShell. So, it's very centric around the resource and not centric around the identity. These can be changed later but are also inconsequential to the exercise. Yes. Speed up the pace of innovation without coding, using APIs, apps, and automation. And it has also a very fun argument about out how to teach cloud to on-premise people for a particularly confusing area, identity in the cloud. Even after revoking a users key, it does not prohibit them from aquiring someone elses key and using it. So, it used to be if I wanted -- Sorry, Tim, to keep picking on you -- but if I wanted Tim, for example, to be able to run a data proc job, I would grant Tim a data proc permission and at its face, it would look like it couldn't do anything other than data proc things, but because that then allowed Tim to create a data pro compute resource. Web-based interface for managing and monitoring cloud apps. In wrapping up, I wanted to highlight the benefits and a high-level overview around the operationalization of Service Account Impersonation within your GCP environment. By utilising service account impersonation we achieve a greater level of transparency and control. You have both machine ID and user identities. Dylan, actually, I don't think you've ever worked at Google Cloud. Get reference architectures and best practices. GCP third-party access in the wild Each vendor determines which method it uses to access its customers' environments. And that we included that in the repository and you can see what stack driver filter to add, to detect on that. So, you can think of a large Google cloud customer like Snap, for example, could arbitrarily say, I want to give Tim access to our production database and the permission to be able to view that role binding is one that you wouldn't have by default. Creating resources as a service account. We shouldn't be able to go from data proc to editor, to all the rest of the service accounts in the project." AWS role: For more details, see the API documentation for the attributes. How Google is helping healthcare meet extraordinary challenges. Using identity federation, you can grant on-premises or multi-cloud workloads access to Google Cloud resources, without using a service account key. Service to prepare data for analysis and machine learning. Anton: We'll look them up and put the links. public, you can restrict access so only the identities you choose have access We then pass the impersonated credentials in to our list_buckets() function instead of our own. Google Cloud actually doesn't have that ability like you might have in sort of the active directory world. Dylan: So, when it comes to this particular problem, which is the privilege escalation and lateral movement within Google Cloud, the number of resources on it is actually pretty light, but there are some really luminary people that I can point to. If your Python program is running outside Google Cloud, then no, you must use credentials. It could both be something that gets permissions and something that receives permissions. If the attribute condition evaluates to true for a given For the first method, set the GOOGLE_IMPERSONATE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable to . Anton: Okay. Managed environment for running containerized apps. Generate instant insights from data at any scale with a serverless, fully managed analytics platform that significantly simplifies analytics. to populate a custom attribute aws_role with the name of the assumed role or, So basically, you have identities in the cloud and those identities get permissions or roles that facilitate who can do what, who can access what data and who can run what compute resources. the map's values. And I think this episode also features the easiest to understand explanation of how identity and permissioning work in Google Cloud. Cloud network options based on performance, availability, and cost. This attribute is used in IAM, Optional. Some questions? And by default, they have act as and token creator permissions on all of these service accounts in your project. And let me briefly put a cynical hat. Is "different coloured socks" not correct? So now we are almost at time I wanted to ask our two traditional closing questions. Is this possible? 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