(~)(28c) "Portuguese" of Cordoba. Automated name could only be maximum of nine characters in length. In, to Harry Stein and in response to the many inquiries I have received asking what happened to the website, I decided to provide here an, Edmond J. Safra Plaza | 36 Battery Place |, http://idd00bmy.eresmas.net/etarazonajudiaapellidos.html, http://www.iciba.org.il/archivo/mallorca.html, Abella(*)(Also see Abbella and Abbello)(23)(29), Abenafia(also see Abinafia and Abinaffia)(5)(22)(46), Abendana(1)(2)(3)(5)(7)(8)(17)(18)(25)(29)(31/2/7)(31/3/8)(34)(36)(40a)(46), Abensur(1)(3)(5)(9)(26)(31/2/5)(31/3/11)(31/4/12)(31/5/17)(32)(36)(40)(46), Abenvives(also see Abinvives)(5)(14)(19)(22)(46), Aboab(1)(2)(4)(5)(7)(8)(9)(15)(17)(20)(21)(23)(26)(29)(31/1/3)(32)(36)(40)(46), Abrabanel (also see Abravanel)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(8)(9)(17)(20)(21)(26)(31/2/7)(46), Abrabanel(also see Abravanel)(18)(40)(40a)(40c)(46), Abraham(*)(19a)(22)(25)(29)(35)(40)(44)(46), Abravanel(*)(1)(5)(10)(11)(13)(15)(19)(19a)(23)(29)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(41)(45)(46), Abudarham(*)(5)(12)(31/5/16)(42)(45))(46), Abudiente(1)(3)(5)(7)(9)(18)(20)(26)(29)(40)(40a)(40c)(46), Abulafia(5)(11)(12)(14)(18)(19)(19a)(21)(23)(29)(31/5/16)(45)(46), Acosta de(6c)(7)(9)(13)(23)(28)(28a)(28d)(28f)(28j)(28k)(28m), Acosta(also see Costa)(*)(2)(4)(5)(6a)(9)(14)(20)(28a)(29)(36)(46), Ades(11)(12)(31/2/4)(31/4/13)(31/5/16)(46), Aelion(5)(12)(14)(27)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Aguilar(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(6c)(7)(14)(18)(23)(25)(29)(40)(45)(46), Alazarki(11)(12)(31/2/4)(31/4/13)(31/4/15)(31/5/16), Albagli(11)(12)(14)(27)(31/2/4)(31/4/13)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(46), Alcalay(14)(27)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Alfandari(5)(12)(14)(29)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/6/16)(35)(42)(45)(46), Algazi(5)(11)(12)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(35)(46), Algrante(11)(12)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(46), Alhadeff(31/3/11)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(35)(46), Almeida(*)(5)(14)(18)(23)(25)(29)(30)(37), Almosnino(5)(14)(15)(18)(19a)(21)(29)(31/1/1)(31/5/16)(34)(46), Alonso(*)(5)(13)(23)(29)(30)(37)(41)(45)(46), Alvares Spinoza(39a)=Roiz Portalegre(39b), Alvares(*)(5)(13)(17)(18)(21)(23)(28)(28g)(28i)(30)(37)(40)(40a)(40c)(41)(45)(46), Alvares,Fernando(39b)=Bueno de Mesquito(39a), Alvarez de Arellano (Also see Alveres de Arellano)(23), Alvarez(*)(5)(20)(23)(28a)(28m)(29)(30)(40b), Amado(*)(11)(12)(14)(29)(30)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/6/16)(35)(37)(46), Amar(14)(29)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/3/8)(31/3/11)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(32)(46), Amiel(11(12)(22)(29)(31/2/4)(31/4/12)(31/5/16), Amon(11)(12)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Amram(12)(19a)(31/1/1)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(32), Andrade(*)(5)(14)(18)(25)(27)(29)(30)(37)(40), Angel(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(26)(27)(29)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(41)(45)(46), Angeles de los,Leonore(39b)=Marchena,Sarah(39a), Antonio(*)(5)(13)(21)(28)(28e)(28i)(28m)(30)(36)(37)(46), Arama(5)(12)(15)(19)(19a)(22)(27)(29)(41)(46), Arditi(5)(11)(12)(14(15)(27)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(31/5/17)(46), Arias(*)(5)(11)(18)(19a)(28d)(28g)(29)(31/2/4)(40)(41)(46), Arie(11)(12)(15)(31/2/5)(31/3/8)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(46), Arroyo(*)(5)(20)(21)(29)(30)(31/4/14)(37)(46), Asher(11)(12)(15)(19a)(25)(31/5?16)(40)(45)(46), Ashkenazi(15)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(32), Asseo(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/5/17)(34)(46), Athias(5)(17)(18)(20)(25)(26)(29)(31/5/16)(32)(33b)(40)(46), Aurelio Van den Berg(39b)=Rodrigues Nunes,Simon(39a), Avigdor(5)(11)(12)(15)(16)(18)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Avila(*)(5)(14)(17)(18)(29)(30)(37)(40)(45), Azevedo(*)(5)(14)(18)(29)(30)(31/2/7)(37)(40a)(46), Baez(also see Vas)(*)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(13)(14)(28d)(29), Barbona,Simao(39b)=Pas Dias Nunes de,(39a), Barki(11)(12)(31/1/1)(31/2/4)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(35)(46), Barrios de(17)(20)(21)(23)(26)(28)(28b)(28c), Barrios(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(7)(8)(9)(13)(14)(20)(29), Baruch(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(18)(26)(29)(31/5/16)(36)(40)(46), Behar(11)(12)(14)(27)(29)(31/4/12)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Belmonte(*)(5)(17)(18)(23)(29)(30)(31/2/7)(36)(30)(46), Benchimol(29)(31/2/5)(31/2/7)(31/3/11)(32), Bengio(31/2/7)(31/3/11)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(46), Benjamin(22)(25)(29)(31/2/4)(32)(40)(45)(46), Benoliel(5)(18)(29)(31/2/6)(31/3/11)(32)(46), Bensasson(12)(29)(31/2/6)(31/4/14)(31/5/16), Bensaude(*)(5)(29)(31/2/4)(31/4/12)(31/5/17)(32)(46), Bensussan(11)(12)(29)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Benveniste(5)(11)(12)(14)(15)(19)(19a)(21)(23)(26)(28)(29)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(35)(46), Benzaquen(29)(31/1/3)(31/3/11)(31/4/13)(32)(40), Bernal(*)(5)(17)(18)(20)(23)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(40a)(46), Boton(5)(11)(12)(14)(29)(31/5/16)(35)(46), Brandao(*)(5)(8)(18)(25)(30)(36)(37)(40)(40a)(46), Bravo(*)(5)(18)(25)(26)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(46), Bueno de Mesquita(39a)=Correa de Mesquita(39b), Bueno(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(18)(20)(29)(30)(31/2/4)(31/2/7)(31/5/16)(36)(37)(45)(46), Caceres(*)(5)(18)(20)(29)(30)(37)(45)(46), Calderon(*)(1)(11)(12)(14)(23)(27)(29)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(45)(46), Calvo(*)(1)(6a)(9)(11)(12)(14)(29)(31/5/16)(35)(45)(46), Campos(*)(2)(5)(6a)(9)(14)(17)(18)(23)(30)(37)(46), Caprut(also see Saprut and Xaprut)(22)(43), Caraco(11)(12)(14)(29)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Carasso(29)(31/1/2)(31/2/5)(31/5/17)(35)(46), Cardoso(*)(11)(12)(13)(14)(17)(21)(26)(28)(28b)(29)(30)(31/5/16)(32(40))(41)(46), Cardozo(5)(18)(25)(29)(30)(31/2/5)(40)(40a)(40b)(46), Carmona(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(15)(23)(29)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/3/8)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(46), Caro(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(15)(19a)(27)(29)(31/1/1)(31/2/4)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(31/5/17)(34)(45)(46), Carrasco(*)(5)(13)(23)(27)(29)(42)(45)(46), Carvalho(*)(17)(18)(23)(25)(30)(34)(37)(40)(46), Cassuto(5)(11)(12)(21)(26)(29)(31/5/16)(46), Castro de(18)(23)(25)(26)(30)(31/2/7)(36)(41)(46), Castro(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(17)(18)(20)(21)(27)(29)(30)(31/3/8)(31/5/16)(34)(37)(40)(43)(45), Catan(11)(12)(27)(29)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(45)(46), Cazes(5)(11)(12)(15)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(32)(46), Chacon(*)(14)(18)(19a)(20)(29)(30)(31/2/4)(35)(37)(46), Chaves(*)(5)(14)(18)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(46), Climent(*)(+)(Also Climente, Climenti, Kliment(23)(29), Cohen de Lara(20)(25)(26)(34)(36)(40)(46), Cohen(*)(11)(12)(15)(18)(19a)(22)(24)(25)(26)(27)(29)(31/1/1)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/2/7)(31/3/8)(31/3/11)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(32)(35)(36)(40)(42)(43)(45)(46), Conceicao de Barros e Sa de Castro e Solla da(31/2/4), Cori(11)(12)(14)(22)(31/2/4)(31/4/13)(31/5/16)(46), Coronel(*)(5)(18)(19a)(20)(23)(29)(30)(31/2/6)(37)(40)(46), Correa de Mesquita(39b)=Bueno de Mesquita, Jacob(39a), Correa(*)(5)(13)(14)(18)(24)(25)(28)(28c)(28j)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(46), Cortissos da Costa, Antonio Hidalgo(39b)=Semach Cortessos, Isak(39a), Cortissos,Antonio Hidalgo(39b)=Semach(39a), Costa da(18)(21)(23)(24)(26)(29)(30)(31/2/4)(36), Costa de Pas,da(39b)=Costa,da Baruch(39a), Costa(*)(also see Acosta)(5)(14)(17)(20)(29)(30)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(37)(40)(46), Covo(14)(15)(27)(29)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(35)(46), Crasto de, Abraham(39a)=Crasto de,Casper(39b), Crasto de, Casper(39b)=Castro de, Abraham (39a), Crespin(11)(12)(14)(19a)(29)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(46), Curiel(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(20)(26)(29)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/5/16)(40a)(46), da Conceicao de Barrps e Sa de Castro e Solla(31/2/4), da Costa(5)(18)(21)(23)(24)(25)(26)(29)(31/2/4)(31/5/17)(34)(36)(40a)(46), da Fonseca(1)(7)(8)(17)(18)(26)(30)(31/1/3)(31/2/7), da Silva(8)(9)(16)(18)(20)(23)(25)(26)(28)(30)(36)(40a), Dagueree, Francisco(39b)=Pereira,Abraham(39a), Daguerre/Dagierre, Diego(39b)=Mendez,David(39a), Daniel(*)(11)(12)(29)(30)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(37)(40)(44)(46), Danon(5)(10)(11)(12)(15)(27)(29)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/3/8)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(35), David(*)(2)(12)(18)(29)(31/5/16)(40)(44)(45), de Acosta(9)(23)(28)(28a)(28d)(28f)(28k)(28m), de Avila(1)(19)(23)(28m)(30)(40a)(40b)(41)(46), de Barrios(17)(20)(21)(23)(26)(28)(28b)(28c), de Castro(13)(18)(25)(26)(30)(31/2/7)(31/4/14)(36)(40a)(41)(46), de Chaves(1)(5)(18)(23)(30)(36)(40a)(40b), de Leon(1)(5)(9)(14)(19)(19a)(21)(23)(24)(25)(28m)(31/5/16), de Lima(1)(5)(9)(18)(24)(26)(28m)(30)(36), de Luna(13)(17)(18)(21)(22)(23)(28m)(30)(36), de Medina(1)(2)(13)(18)(23)(31/4/12)(40a)(41), de Paz(21)(23)(28)(28c)(28m)(31/4/14)(34)(40b), de Quatortce (Also Catorce, Catorze and Quatorce)(22), Delgado(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(6c)(9)(13)(18)(23)(25)(29)(30)(37)(46), Desmartins,Francois(39b)=Mendes, Benjamin(39a), Dias Mendes,Francisco(39b)=Abendana,Mordechi(39a), Dias Patto,Joseph(39a)=Dias Patto,Pedro(39b), Dias Patto,Pedro(39b)=Dias Patto,Joseph(39a), Dias Qquerido,Diego(39b)=Querido,Aron(39a), Dias Victoria, Philipe(39b)=Gaon,Isak/Elisa(39a), Dias Victoria, Philipe(39b)=Gaon,Jacob(39a), Dias Victoria,Philip(39b)=Ganon,Jacob(39a), Dias(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(8)(9)(11)(20)(23)(25)(30)(31/5/16)(36)(37)(40), Diaz(*)(2)(5)(6b)(6c)(7)(13)(14)(23)(28)(28e)(28i)(28j)(28m)(29)(35)(36)(41)(45)(46), Dormido(2)(3)(5)(7)(8)(20)(29)(36)(40a)(40b)(46), Drago(*)(2)(7)(8)(9)(20)(29)(30)(37)(40)(46), Duarte Brandon, Manuel(39b)=Oeb, Samuel(39a), Duarte Esteves,de Pino(39b)=Milano,Isak(39a), Duarte(*)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(8)(9)(13)(14)(23)(28m)(29)(30)(36)(37)(46), Duarto Nunes Victoria(39b)Curiel,Abraham(39a), Duran(*)(2)(5)(6a)(14)(19a)(21)(22)(23)(29)(31/1/3)(31/4/14)(46), Efrati(5)(11)(12)(19a)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(46), Enriques(3)(5)(11)(12)(14)(17)(28b)(31/2/4)(45)(46), Enriquez(*)(5)(6a(6b)(6c)(7)(13)(23)(28m)(29)(31/5/16)(46), Ergas(1)(3)(14)(18)(26)(27)(31/5/16)(40)(46), Errera(5)(14)(20)(29)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(46), Escapa(*)(5)(11)(12)(14)(21)(31/1/2)(31/5/16)(46), Eskenazi(11)(12)(31/2/5)(31/3/11)(31/4/13)(31/5/16)(31/5/17)(35)(46), Esteves de Pina(39b)=Costa da,Mordechai(39a), Esteves(Also Estevez)(*)(3)(6a)(13)(18)(29)(30)(37)(46), Estrugo(14)(27)(29)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Falcon(*)(1)(3)(5)(11)(12)(14)(19a)(23)(29)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(40)(41)(43)(45)(46), Faraggi(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/3/8)(31/3/11)(31/4/14)(46), Farhi(5)(11)(12)(31/2/5)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(35)(46), Faro(*)(2)(3)(8)(14)(18)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(430(45)(46), Fernandes d'Olviares(39b)=Drago,Simon(39a), Fernandes de Mora,Francisco(39b)=Prado de, Abraham(39b), Fernandes Dias(39b)=Israel Dias, Isak(39a), Fernandes Granada,Diego(39b)=Fernandes Granada,Abraham(39a), Fernandes Mendes(39b)=Fernandes,Reignos(39a), Fernandes Reijnose(39a)=Fernandes Mendes(39b), Fernandes Torres, Abraham(39b)=Fernandes Torres,Bartolomues(39a), Fernandes Vega,Casper/Gaspar(39b)=Touro, Abraham(39a), Fernandes(see Fernandez)(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(7)(8)(9)(12)(17)(18)(23)(25)(28)(29)(30)(31/1/2)(31/5/16)(36)(37)(40)(40a), Fernandes,Garbriel(39b)=Touro, Gabriel(39a), Fernandes,Manual(39b)=Lopes de Floreason(39a), Fernandez(see Fernandes)(*)(2)(6a)(6b)(6c)(7)(13)(14)(15)(18)(23)(27)(28)(28f)(28g)(28h)(28j)(28m)(28o)(29)(30)(41)(43c)(45)(46), Ferreira(*)(2)(3)(6a)(23)(28a)(30)(37)(46), Ferro(*)(2)(3)(9)(25)(29)(30)(31/2/5)(31/4/14)(37)(46), Florentin(11)(15)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/5/16), Flores(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(9)(23)(29)(30)(37)(40)(46), Fonseca da(8)(17)(18)(26)(31/1/3)(31/2/7)(46), Fonseca de(13)(21)(23)(25)(28c)(30)(33b)(36), Fonseca(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(7)(9)(14)(15)(18)(20)(23)(28)(29)(30)(3/1/3)(37)(40), Frances(*)(3)(8)(23)(29)(30)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(37)(42)(43)(46), Francia(*)(2)(3)(5)(11)(12)(16)(18)(20)(29)(31/5/16)(40)(46), Francis(5)(6a)(11)(12)(14)(24)(26)(31/5/16)(46), Francisco(*)(28)(28h)(28o)(29)(30)(37)(46), Franco(*)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6a)(6b)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(18)(19a)(20)(23)(25)(28f)(29)(30)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/2/6)(31/2/7)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(35)(37)(40)(40a)(41)(45)(46), Fresco(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(9)(12)(14)(15)(29)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(32)(46), Fuentes(*)(6a)(12)(27)(28)(29)(31/5/16)(45)(46), Furtado(*)(2)(3)(5)(7)(8)(9)(14)(18)(25)(30)(31/1/3)(37)(40)(46), Gabai(8)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(46), Gabay(3)(8)(9)(11)(12)(15)(25)(29)(31/2/5)(31/4/14)(31/4/6)(32)(40)(46), Gabbai(5)(19a)(21)(29)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(35)(46), Gabriel(*)(3)(5)(6a)(30)(31/5/31)(37)(40)(46), Galante(5)(9)(10)(11)(12)(14)(15)(29)(30)(31/4/15)(31/6/31)(34)(35)(37)(46), Galimidi(11)(12)(20)(29)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(46), Galindo(*)(1)(3)(11)(12)(14)(29)(31/5/16)(40), Gaon(1)(5)(9)(10)(18)(27)(29)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(35)(36)(46), Garcia(*)(1)(3)(5)(6a)(8)(9)(13)(18)(19a)(22)(23)(24)(25)(28)(28o)(29)(30)(37)(40)(40a)(41)(46), Gil Lopes Pinto(39b)=Jesurun Pinto,Jacob(39a), Gil Lopes Pinto(39b)=Pinto de, Abraham(39a), Gomes d'Alcobeca(39b)=Jesurun,Abraham(39a), Gomes da Cunha,Louis(39b)=Brandon,Louis(39a), Gomes de Lisboa(39b)=Henriques,Josef(39a), Gomes de Lisboa,Pero(39b)=Mayor Perez,Pero(39a), Gomes Frontera,Ruy(39b)=Buena(Bibas),Josef(39a), Gomes Netto,Isack(39a)=Gomes Netto,Louis(39b), Gomes Netto,Louis(39b)=Gomes Netto,Isack(39a), Gomes Osorio,Christovao(39b)=Osorio,Bento(39a), Gomes Pessoa,Jeronimo(39b)=Pessoa, Isak(39a), Gomes(*)(1)(3)(5)(8)(21)(23)(24)(25)(27)(29)(30)(34)(37)(41)(46), Gomez(*)(4)(5)(6a)(6c)(7)(9)(13)(14)(20)(21)(23)(28)(28b)(28c)(28i)(28j)(29)(30)(31/1/3)(36)(46), Gonzales(*)(5)(6a)(6c)(28)(28f)(29)(36)(41), Gonzalez(*)(5)(19a)(28)(28b)(28j)(28k)(29)(36), Guillerm, Martin(39b)=Nunes de Mercado, David(39a), Guystem,Van Joost(39b)=Mendes da Costa,Josef(39a), Habib(5)(7)(9)(11)(12)(22)(31/2/6)(35)(45)(46), Hachuel(29)(31/2/5)(31/3/11)(31/4/14)(31/5/17)(45)(46), Hacohen(10)(21)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(36)(46), Haim (11)(12)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/2/6)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(31/5/17)(35)(46), Hakim(11)(12)(18)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(35)(46), HaLevi(10)(15)(23)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/4/14), Hassid (11)(12)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(46), Hasson(10)(11)(12)(15)(27)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/2/6)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(35)(46), Hazan(5)(11)(12)(15)(19a)(21)(27)(31/1/1)(31/2/7)(31/3/8)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(31/5/17)(35)(46), Henriques Granada(39a)=Rodrigues Henriques(39b), Henriques Preto,Guarte(39b)=Preto,Jacob(39a), Henriques Sequeira(2)(3)(25)(40)(40a)(46), Henriques(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(8)(9)(13)(17)(18)(23)(25)(26)(30)(36)(37)(40b)(40c)(46), Henriques,Rafwel Jacomo(39b)=Senior,Jacoab(39a), Henriquez(*)(1)(5)(6b)(6c)(7)(14)(20)(23)(25)(29)(40a)(46), Hernandez(*)(6a)(6c)(13)(14)(23)(28)(28j)(28m)(29)(41)(46), Herrera(*)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(7)(8)(14)(29)(46), Hessurun Spinoza(39a)=Rodrigues Henriques(39b), Homen Coronel, Pedro(39b)=Senior,Isak(39a), Israel(*)(1)(2)(3)(8)(9)(11)(12)(18)(19a)(24)(26)(27)(29)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(32)(34)(35)(40)(40a)(45)(46), Italiiano/Italiaander(39a)=Levi Victoria(39b), Jimenez(+)(*)(Also see Ximenez)(14)(23)(29)(41)(45)(46), Laguna(*)(3)(5)(7)(9)(18)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(46), Lara(*)(7)(8)(9)(14)(18)(25)(29)(30)(37)(40), Leao(*)(3)(5)(9)(30)(31/2/6)(37)(40)(40a)(46), Leo Hebreus (Abravanel, Abarbanel, Abrabanel)(36), Leon de(5)(11)(13)(14)(19)(19a)(21)(23)(24)(25)(28m)(31/5/16)(35)(45)(46), Leon(*)(2)(5)(6a)(6c)(11)(12)(14)(15)(18)(23)(27)(29)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(40)(42)(42)(43), Levi Victoria(39b)=Italiano/Italiaander(39a), Levi(2)(3)(4)(7)(15)(17)(18)(20)(22)(23)(25)(29)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/2/7)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/17)(35)(36)(43)(45)(46), Levy(*)(4)(8)(9)(11)(12)(15)(16)(18)(22)(24)(25)(27)(28)(29)(31/2/4)(31/2/5)(31/3/8)(31/3/11)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/16)(31/5/17)(32)(34)(40)(40a)(40b)(43), Lindo(2)(5)(9)(13)(14)(16)(18)(20)(25)(29)(36)(40), Lobo(*)(5)(7)(9)(14)(23)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40), Lopes Henriques,Francisco(39b)=Farar,David(39a), Lopes Rosa,Francisco(39b)=Farar,David(39a), Lopes(*)(+)(2)(3)(5)(7)(8)(17)(18)(23)(25)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(40a), Lopes,Diego(39b)=Oliveira d',Abraham(39a), Lopes,Gaspar(39b)=Gomes Soares, Abraham(39a), Lopez Costa,Jen(n)es (39b)=Tirado,Jacob(39a), Lopez(*)(3)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(7)(9)(13)(14)(18)(20)(21)(23)(28)(28a)(28b)(28c)(28e)(28f)(28i)(29)(40a)(41)(45), Lucena(*)(2)(6a)(6c)(9(18)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40a)(45), Luna de(17)(18)(21)(22)(23)(24)(28m)(36)(45), Luna Montalto,de(39b)=Montalto,Mozes(39a), Luria(3)(11)(14)(20)(21)(29)(31/2/4)(31/5/16), Machado(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(7)(8)(13)(14)(18)(28)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40), Machorro(2)(3)(5)(6a)(8)(13)(18)(26)(40a), Maimonides(5)(7)(15)(17)(20)(23)(29)(34)(36), Maldonado(*)(6a)(6c)(6d)(14)(23)(29)(30)(37)(41), Manuel(*)(6)(6a)(19a)(21)(22)(23)(28b)(29)(40)(43)(45), Marcos Manoel(39b)=Montezinos,Manoel(39a), Marcos*(11)(12)(23)(29)(31/2/5)(31/5/16)(41), Marques(*)(2)(3)(18)(23)(29)(30)(31/1/3)(32)(37)(40), Martin(*)(+)(2)(8)(28)(23)(28)(28c)(29)(40)(41), Martinez(*)(2)(3)(6a)(6b)(18)(19)(21)(23)(28i)(28o)(29)(41)(45), Matalon(11)(12)(14)(27)(31/1/12)(31/2/4)(31/2/6)(31/3/8)(31/4/14)(31/5/16), Mayor Perez,Pedro(39b)=Henriques,Joseph(39a), Medeiros de (Abravanel, Abrabanel, Abarbanel)(36), Medina(*)(2)(3)(6a)(11)(14)(23)(27)(29)(30)(37)(40)(40c)(45), Melamed(5)(11)(12)(19a)(21)(23)(27)(31/2/6)(31/4/15)(31/5/16), Mendes Chillao,Francisco(39b)=Naar,Joseph(39a), Mendes Chillion,Francois (39b)=Naar,Joseph(39a), Mendes d' Alivar(39a)=Oziel d'Alivar(39b), Mendes(+)(*)(2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(8)(15)(17)(18)(21)(23)(25)(26)(28)(28a)(29)(30)(31/1/3)(31/2/7)(36)(37)(40)(40a)(40b)(40c), Mendez(+)(*)(2)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(7)(13)(14)(23)(24)(25)(27)(28)(28b)(29)(30)(36)(40a), Mendoza(*)(2)(3)(5)(7)(14)(18)(27)(29)(40), Mercado(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(17)(23)(29)(30)(35)(45), Mesquita(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(8)(18)(25)(30)(31/1/3)(37)(40), Miranda(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(13)(14)(18)(23)(29)(30)(37)(40)(40a)(40c), Mizrahi(2)(11)(12)(31/1/2)(31/2/4)(31/3/11)(31/4/14)(31/4/15)(31/5/17), Modiano(11)(15)(29)(31/1/2)(31/3/11)(31/4/12)(31/4/13)(31/4/7)(31/5/16)(35), Molina(*)(2)(13)(14)(23)(27)(29)(30)(37)(40)(45), Mora de, Fernando(39b)=Prado de,Isak(39a), Morales(*)(1)(2)(3)(6a)(25)(29)(30)(37)(40)(45), Mordo(5)(11)(12)(31/2/4)(31/4/14)(31/5/16), Moreno(*)(2)(5)(6a)(8)(14)(17)(22)(25)(26)(29)(30)(37)(40)(41), Moron(2)(6a)(6c)(11)(12)(14)(18)(28m)(29)(31/2/4)(31/5/16), Musafia, Abraham(39a)=Nunes,Christovao(39b), Naar, Daniel(39)=Mendes Chillon, Antonio(39b), Naar, Saloman(39a)=Ramires de Pina, Manuel(39b), Nahmias(2)(5)(7)(11)(12)(14)(15)(19a)(26)(27)(29)(31/1/2)(31/4/14)(31/5/16)(35), Nahon(2)(5)(11)(12)(14)(18)(29)(31/1/1)(31/3/11)(31/4/12)(32)(42)(45), Nahum(5) (11)(12)(14)(15)(31/2/4)(31/3/8)(31/4/14)(31/5/16), Narbaes(*)(also see Narvaes and Narvaez)(25), Narvaes(*)(also see Narvaez and Narbaes)(29), Narvaez(*)(also see Narvaes and Narbaez)(29), Navarro(*)(2)(5)(6a)(8)(11)(12)(14)(17)(22)(23)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31/3/8)(31/5/16)(37)(40a)(42)(45), Navon(5)(14)(15)(27)(29)(31/2/6)(31/4/12)(31/4/13)(31/4/14)(31/4/15), Netto de Pavia,Diego(39b)=Israel Sagache, Isak(39a), Netto de Pavia,Miguel(39b)=Sagache, Jacob(39a), Nieto(*)(2)(4)(5)(6a)(7)(14)(18)(20)(21)(29)(36)(40), Nissim(11)(19a)(27)(29)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(36), Noij de Henrique(39b)=Crasto de, Rafael(39a), Notrica (11)(12)(14)(29)(31/2/4)(31/5/16)(35), Nunes da Costa(1)(2)(3)(25)(26)(30)(31/1/2)(36), Nunes da Costa,Jeronimo(39b)=Cruiel, Moseh(39a), Nunes de Medeiros, Dona Jael (39b)=Nunes de Medeiros, Maria(39b), Nunes de Pina,Thomas(39b)=Safarti,Josua(39a), Nunes Henriques(2)(25)(26)(30)(40)(40a)(40b), Nunes Mendes(39b)=Bueno de Mesquita,Jacob(39a), Nunes(*)(also see Nunez)(1)(2)(3)(5)(8)(18)(21)(23)(24)(25)(28a)(29)(30)(31/2/5)(31/2/7)(37)(40)(40a)(40b), Nunes,Christovao(39b)=Musafia, Abraham(39a), Nunes,Sebastian(39b)=Israel Nunes,Isak(39a), Nunez(also see Nunes)(*)(2)(5)(6a)(6c)(6d)(7)(14)(17)(18)(20)(23)(28c)(28m)(29)(40c)(41)(45), Olivares(*)(Also Olivarez)(6a)(29)(30)(37), Oliveira(*)(2)(3)(5)(7)(18)(23)(30)(31/1/3)(32)(37)(40)(40c), Oziel d'Avilar,David(39b)=Mendes d'Emanuel(39a), Pacheco(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(7)(8)(14)(18)(26)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(40a)(40b)(41), Paiba(also see Paiva)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(18)(29)(40), Paiva(*)(also see Paiba)(3)(5)(29)(30)(36)(37)(40)(40c), Palache(1)(2)(5)(14)(17)(25)(29)(31/2/7)(31/5/16)(40), Pardo(*)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6a)(9)(11)(12)(14)(17)(18)(19a)(20)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30)(31/1/1)(31/1/2)(31/1/3)(31/2/4)(31/2/7)31/5/16)(37)(40a)(45), Paredes(*)(1)(6a)(9)(13)(23)(29)(30)(37)(40)(45)(46), Pariente(2)(5)(18)(29)(31/2/7)(31/4/12)(32), Paz de(3)(6d)(7)(8)(11)(21)(23)(28)(28c)(31/5/16), Paz(*)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(6c)(9)(18)(21)(22)(24)(27)(29)(31/1/3)(37)(40)(40c), Penso(1)(2)(3)(5)(7)(9)(11)(12)(14)(18)(25)(30)(31/1/3)(31/5/16)(37)(40a)(40c), Penso,Abraham(39a)=Bommelman,Roberto(39b), Pereira Coutinho, Abraham(39b)=Pereira, Abraham Jr,(39a), Pereira(*)(1)(2)(3)(5)(6a)(6b)(6c)(7)(8)(9)(13)(18)(20)(23)(25)(29)(30)(31/2/5)(36)(37)(40)(40a)(40c), Pereira,Abraham(39a)=Lopo Rodrigues Pereira(39b), Pereira,Abraham(39a)=Rodrigues Pereira(39b), Pereira,Abraham,Jr. But the event was more than just a commemoration. We acknowledge the tremendous contributions and lifelong dedication of Mathilde Tagger, z"l who made this index available. The Yetiwing is a large four-legged dragon. Usually new dragons can be earnt in events as rewards. This work contains many Sephardic names and family trees within its 3 volumes. In addition, we express our grateful appreciation to Dr. Jeff Malka for his monumental ongoing effort to collect and make accessible Sephardic genealogical information, and for his generosity in contributing his extraordinarily valuable collection to JewishGen. Beside each listing is a number or series of numbers and letters enclosed in parenthesis such as (2) (6A) (9) (29). The authors have attempted to provide the ports of departure of these immigrants. Were still here., Norma Martinez can be reached by email at norma@tpr.org and on Twitter @NormDog1. . (~)(7) From the book, "A History of the Marranos", by Cecil Roth. It is my way of honoring Harry's memory and work which will continue to be a blessing to those that follow. After many efforts and thanks to visitors who pointed me in the right direction, I succeeded in contacting Harry's son and family and they graciously permitted me to place his website's contents on SephardicGen. This book contains tombstone inscriptions and dates of death from 1663-1880. England). Yeti Dragon Yellow Crown Dragon Dragons Yin Yang Dragon PROFILE Adult Baby Egg CODEX ENTRY A highly territorial creature, the Yeti Dragon will spring from its snow fort to pelt trespassers with snow balls. Wonderful family trees, well detailed, are provided in the three volumes. (~)(22) From the book, "History of the Jews in Aragon", by Regne. Said events may be also listed in here, There Are Many Unbreedables. The icicles shooting from its chest are a lethal weapon. (~)(18) From the book, "The Sephardim of England", by Albert M. (~)(6d) Reports the names of people who appeared before the inquisition in Rio de La Plata. (~)(30) "Raizes Judaicas No Brasil" by Flavio Mendes Carvalho. Most of the names are from (but not limited to) France and North Africa. This bonfire is replaced by either the burning Christmas tree during the Violet is Blue Too and by the wonky tree during and after that quest in the Violet is Blue Too instance of the town. The author's email address isAbshl@powerup.com.au. If only this trainer could convince it that his front lawn isn't its territory, no matter HOW many forts it builds! This result will let you know exactly what parent should be bred to get the expected result, it helps you save time and save your resources and avoid breeding wrong parent. Be prepared for a challenge as you attempt to derive the modern equivalents for these 800 year old names. He doesnt know how to socialize or make friends but the truth is that, under all that greyish fur, theres a warm heart. And with that, thousands of years of Native American history in San Antonio began to disappear. Yetis gather every year to hold a festival in the town which they consider to be a rite of passage. (~)(8) From the book, "Jews in Colonial Brazil", by Arnold Wizhitzer. "; Linda Ximenes, vendor at the event and member of the tribal council of the Tp Plam Coahiltecan nation and jewelry designer, points to a turquoise necklace with mesquite beans the seeds of the Texas mountain laurel. Everyone fears this dragon, so hes used to a lonely existence. The description "Jew "and "Portuguese" appear to be used interchangeably. Los "Portugueses" Judaizantes expulsados de Buenas Aires. (19a) Volume II. Check element dragon city strong and weakness chart here Compare Yeti Dragon with another dragon here How strong Yeti Dragon Rank - Damage: 5,750 Rank 1199 Ranked number 1199 among all dragons Rank 192 For those tracing Sephardim from Spain to England or to Amsterdam, this book can be most valuable. Supercity Friends Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Dragon City [Deutsch/German] - YouTube Dragon City deutsch ist ein kostenloses Browser und Mobile-Game. From military fortress to International Museum of Contemporary Art thanks to the artistry of Csar Manrique, San Jos Castle is an elegant fort where modernity and fine cuisine are savoured while contemplating the distinctive sea of Lanzarote. Breed and combine up to 10 types of Dragons: Terra, Flame, Sea, Nature, Electric, Ice, Metal, Dark, Legend and Pure!Enjoy ^^ #DragonCity #DragonCityBreeding #ChristmasDragon (~)(40) The Circumcision Register of Isaac and Abraham De Paiba (1715-1775) from the Achives of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews' Congregation of Bevis Marks (London. You can also get advice from other members of the alliance. Three of San Antonio missions Espada, Concepcin, and San Juan Capistrano would be owned by the native populations who lived, loved, worked, and died on the land. There is also a large section dealing the the genealogy of the members of Capadose family that converted to Christianity. List of names provided by David Ferdinandodferdinando@gmail.com. How to Breed Yeti Dragon in Dragon City. (~)(20) From the book, "A Life of Menasseh Ben Israel", by Cecil Roth. Among its many offerings it contained a unique section on, that he patiently extracted from a large number of published books. 1 Primary Elements 2 Secondary Elements 3 Alternative Display 4 Example Primary Elements For combat it is key to know the primary element of a dragon, so you can maximize each attack. Collection: Radiant Dragons Among its many offerings it contained a unique section onSephardic heraldryand a list ofSephardic surnamesthat he patiently extracted from a large number of published books. Angel. It is accessed by using the Land of Snow portal at the base of the White Wolf Mountain (Taverley side). (~)(6c) Reports the names of people who appeared before the inquisition in El Peru. A wonderful research tool for Sephardic research in Amsterdam. Todo el mundo le teme a este dragn, por lo que est acostumbrado a estar solo. There are over 500 dragons to breed and collect to make your city grow!- New dragons join the game every week through breeding events and special islands.- Enjoy the adventure at the Quests and play against other Masters in the PvP Arenas to collect exclusive dragons, claim Warriors Chests, and climb up the leader-boards!- Collect Orbs and empower your dragons: You'll see how their strength in battle grows!- Unlock advanced features like the Ancient World and the Guardian Dragons.- Be social: Join Alliances to play and battle with other masters, chat with them, collaborate in Alliance Races, and open Alliance Chests.^^ Enjoy ^^ #DragonCity #YetiDragon There are currently 1853 dragons in Dragon City. Just four days later, 56 residents from the Spanish archipelago of the Canary Islands landed in San Antonio, sent by Spains King Felipe the Fifth to establish the first official government in the province of Texas. Yeti is the first of three Super Events located in the Snow Plateau area of the map. (~)(33g) "Maria Fernandez de Carvajal" by Lucien Wolf. **For theheraldry section, please go toSephardic Heraldry. Dragon City Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Duration 18h 55m When Every day Estimated price 1000 - 2600 The book provides the place of birth and the year of arrival. (~)(28e) "Portuguese" of Talavera (1607). I will go visit your channel when I get a chance. What is Dragon not Breedable? Published by Editorial Lex La Habana, 1958. Breeding Event is introduced by Dragon City in period time, during the Breeding Event, you must breed 2 parents required to get the dragon which is not breedable like (high, titan.). What is Breeding Event? (~)(32) Sephardic surnames from the classic book "Genealogia Hebraica: Portugal e Gibraltar", by Jose Maria Abecassis. My challenge and fun in this game is battling with other dragons to gain levels, power and experiences for my dragons. (~)(33j) "Process of Antao Rodigues Lindo, Native of Badajoz, Kingdom of Castile". Yeti I (No Quest Timer) : Repair Old Station (Snow Station) Collect 30 Excursion Tickets . The book provides the entry point and the year of arrival. (~)(28l) Jewish Portuguese families of Rio de la Plata. The Yeti Dragon is a Epic Dragon with the primary typing of Ice. Recibe nuestros nuevos artculos en su correo electrnico :). It is possible that some Sephardic names not well identified are not listed. You can change these names to whatever you would like. The Kind Dragon . 'Light' : 'Dark'}} Mode. All my videos are also created for kids. Breeding Hint: The. and both the website and the forum abruptly disappeared in late 2015. Customize your dragon team and engage in combat with opponents from all over the world! The list provides entry point and the year of arrival. Book provides age and place of birth. Dragon City: Yeti Dragon (E) 2021Dragon: Yeti DragonLevel: EpicBreedable: NoAttacks: 4 (flying kick, icy wind, flooding, giant crack)Weaknesses. Dragon City is a popular mobile phone game that features most of the classic tropes: resource collecting, daily login bonuses, cooldown times, crafting times, and of course, tons of micro-transactions to speed all of those things up. Apellidos judios en documentos medievales del Reino de Murcia. To this day, people would rather identify their ancestral lineage as Canary Islander rather than Native American because theres this underlying prejudice against being Indian, or la indiada, she said. FOR EXAMPLE, SELECT "C" TO "D" IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE NAMES "Cortes" AND "Davila", OR SELECT "S" TO "S" IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THE NAME "Sanchez". The list provides the entry point and the year of arrival. Its a piece of history American Indians in San Antonio are trying to recover. It is mainly white with grey hues on its antler-like horns, face and nose. Credit Norma Martinez / Texas Public Radio, Texas Public Radio | This site can be found athttp://www.iciba.org.il/archivo/mallorca.html(44C) New Christians or Conversos from Mallorca..(45) Apellidos de Judios Sefardies (Surnames of the Sephardic Jews) from the site Comunidad Israelita Pincipado de Austurias. It is the only permanent bonfire available to free-to-play players (other than the campfire in War's Retreat, which can be used to gain the bonfire health boost but cannot be used for Cooking or Firemaking training). Most anyone appearing before the inquisition was a converso because the inquisition, by definition, had no power over the Jewish population. are attached to the stemsof many names.If your people came from Aragon, and you cannot find the name in this list, I recommend to attach a prefix and look for it in that way. This reference documents the assimilation, name changes and coversion of many Sephardic families in Spain, England and The Netherlands. (~)(28a) List of Portuguese Jews expelled from Buenos Aries, 1603. Theres no chilling out when the Ice King is around Heroic Dragons evolve to their young stage at level 10 and become adults at level 20. How to Breeding Christmas Dragon ?Ice King Dragon \u0026 Yeti Dragon | BREEDING TIPS . DOWNLOAD OUR GAME HERE FOR FREE iOS - http://bit.ly/DragonCityiOSAndroid - http://bit.ly/DragonCityAndroidDragon City is completely connected to the Facebook version, which means you can take care of your dragons, enter in to battle and manage your Dragon City anytime, anywhere!Feed, grow and train your dragons for combat. The Yeti Dragon can also learn water, and war moves. Together they worked to promote Sephardic genealogy research and educate the public about its enormous potential. The book may be purchased form Seaview Press. . (0) Self identified(1) From the civil records of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The names are in alphabetical order. The names are extracted from the research of an Austalian, Ms. Salom, into the her family. (+) Known or suspected conversofamilies(as opposed to individual conversos). (~)(23) From the book, "Secrecy and Deceit: The Religion of theCrypto-Jews", by David Gitlitz. Si te suscribes te enviaremos a tu correo electrnico nuestros nuevos artculos, al poner tu correo electrnico te enviaremos un correo de confirmacin revisa tu correo con el titulo "FeedBurner" y haz clic en el enlace de verificacin. Yeti is the first of three Super Events located in the Snow Plateau area of the map. In a letter to the Texas Historical Commission dated January 18th of this year, the organizations CEO Doug McDonald, writes that in the groups opinion, a historic cemetery, as defined by Texas law, does not exist on Alamo property., Ultimately, Vasquez wants the story of San Antonio to expand beyond that of Spanish soldiers and friars and Canary Islanders, which he acknowledges are beautiful narratives. If you like my video, please subscribe my channel. (~)(24) From the Ph.D. Dissertation of Michelle M. Terrill, "The Historical Archaeology of the 17th and 18th-Century Jewish Community of Nevis, British West Indies", Boston Univesity, 2000. {{vm.model.template.breedable ? Some names (Adret, Cavalleria) exist to this date unchanged. The history of the yeti is quite broken, but before then as we were quite nomadic, having to travel a lot to find a safe place to live. (~)(28i) "Portuguese" of Jujuy. (~)(31) Sephardic names from the magazine "ETSI". Use them to speed up actions, make purchases, and grow your City faster. NAMES FOUND ON THIS SITE ARE TAKEN FROM THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES, (*) Name for which a coat of arms, crest.or history has been found and will be published in SECTION Vl, Heraldry. Those bodies in the ground? Yeti Dragon. Projects; Popular. SMU sent three that they had in their closets.. Connected to the website was also arguably the most popular and activeforumon Sephardic genealogy on the web. But its not a designation the Alamo Trust, a nonprofit that manages the day-to-day operations at the Alamo, wants to recognize. The book provides the entry point and the year of arrival. Dragon City Fan 494K subscribers 6.3K views 4 years ago #DragonCity #DragonCityBreeding NEW BREEDING: Ice King Dragon & Yeti Dragon [EXCLUSIVE BREEDING DRAGON] . 'Light' : 'Dark'}} Mode, View Dragon {{vm.showCard ? (~)(33d) "The Cemetery of the Resettlement", by Master A.S. Diamond. Essentially a series of royal decrees by the House of Aragon. (33f) "The Community of the Resettlement 1656-84 - A Social Survey:, by A.S. Diamond. This publication contains a list of 517 Sephardic families punished by the inquisition in Portugal and Brazil. Disponible solamente en eventos o ofertas del juego. (~)(2) From the records of Bevis Marks, The Spanish and Portuguese Congregation of London. Hyamson. Tiene Vd. (~)(28n) The Oliver-Cavia family, descendants of the Jewish house of Ha-Levi Benveniste originally from Spain. Breeding Event is introduced by Dragon City in period time, during the Breeding Event, you must breed 2 parents required to get the dragon which is not breedable like (high, titan..). Prefixes such as Aben, Ibn, Aven, Avin, Ben and etc. SET YOUR SEARCH PERIMETERS BY LETTER FOR THE NAME OR NAMES YOU WISH TO FIND. ", "Yeti Town is one of the oldest yeti towns. In tributeto Harry Stein and in response to the many inquiries I have received asking what happened to the website, I decided to provide here anarchived versionof his name list. (~)(26) From the book, "Die Sefarden in Hamburg" (The Sephardim in Hamburg [Germany]) by Michael Studemund-Halevy. (~)(17) From the book, "Hebrews of the Portuguese Nation", by Miriam Bodian. (~)(33b) "Crypo-Jews under the Commonweath", by Lucien Wolf. Using the Dragon City Webstore means you get 10% more Gems on purchases than the standard in-game Shop. Apellidos de los Portugueses de Santiago del Estero. According to Peggy, Yeti Town is one of the oldest yeti settlements. Yeti Dragon is depends to their compared of Creatures that like Monsterous of were Creatures within relate some Apes like Scales of Gorilla if were measurable of this Action at almost Ivory to their Body because it Living in Iceland and always season of Winter and Habit in their Cave but it is Habit area Include some Elements like Terra, Ice and War and Related those Dragon such Alphine Dragon . Town attractions include a permanent bonfire and a nearby bank chest in the town centre. Liebman. Dragon City: Yeti Dragon | NEW League Battle 400 [MAX LEVEL] One of the most dangerous dragons, Everyone fears this dragon, so he's used to a lonely exis. Published by Laurence Abensur-Hazan and Philip Abensur. The bonfire in the yeti town will now work when interacting with it from the east side. The disappearance of Sephardic.com is a great loss to Sephardic genealogy on the Internet. Joining a strong alliance will help you get far in the heroic race. (~)(28g) "Portuguese" of Salta. Fixed a visual issue with a chimney in Yeti Town. Grinchy Dragon. (T)he reason is, as ugly as it sounds, because its nothing but dead Mexicans and Indians buried there, said Vasquez. In this page you can find all dragons in the game. (~)(33c) "The Jewery of the Restoration", by Lucien Wolf. The Texas Archaeological Research laboratory (at the University of Texas at) Austin has 11 human remains that were taken from Mission San Juan in the 1930s. These numbers correspond to the references listed below where the names were found. The list also contains the name of the vessel and date of arrival in Argentina. The list provides the year of arrival and entry point into Argentina. This book contains names from the Sephardic community of greater Amsterdam. From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape, "There is a village nearby, just over the mountain pass, where all yeti gather to celebrate. Your NFT acts as a membership that provides you with exclusive access to the toymaker's collector's chest, communities, merchandise and future developments into the metaverse. It took over 30 years to get most of the remains back home. Yeti Dragon is not Currently Breedable. ", https://runescape.wiki/w/Yeti_Town?oldid=35851066. And with that, thousands of years of Native American history in San Antonio began to disappear. This reference will introduce many new names and/or many new spellings to known names. The Act of Possession. (~)(33h) "Carvajal and Pepys", by Wilfred Samuel. Many of the individuals listed appeared before the inquistion and were secret Jews. The disappearance of Sephardic.com is a great loss to Sephardic genealogy on the Internet. San Antonio grew around these Indian pueblos which were the missions, said Aguilar. The names have been provided by the author. ";s: Las indigeNecias, who present social messages through traditional harmony and hip hop. Sorry!DOWNLOAD OUR GAME HERE FOR FREE!!!! The saint is a 15th-century theologian and warrior priest who is the mission's namesake. (~)(10) From the book, "The Jews of Rhodes", by Marc D. Flights from San Jose to Arrecife via Panama City, Madrid Ave. Subscriptions are available. (~)(34) From the book, "In Sure Dwellings: A Journey From Expulsion to Assimilation", by Margot F. Salom. (~)(16) From the book, "The Sephardic Jews of Bordeaux", by Frances Malino. (31/volume number/issue number) For example (31/3/8) = Esti volume 3, issue8. Avalon Dragon. 1, "A History of the Jews in Christian Spain", by Yitzhak Baer. The authors of these works have identified the names as being held by Sephardim. (~)(39) From ETSI, Volume 4, No.12 dated March 2001, "Aliases in Amsterdam", by Viberke Sealtiel-Olsen, a list of alias names used by Sephardim in Amsterdam. It was a key moment in San Antonios history. It's somewhat a rite of passage for all yeti kind. 3. This book contains a list of names of Sephardim families that returned to Portugal and Gibralter after hundreds of years of expulsion. ::Credit::Dragon CityGet your cute emoji at fastemoji.comGet your cute line emoji at coolfont.org #dragoncity #breedingdragons #yetidragon Campo Santo holy ground at Mission San Juan, where remains were reburied in 1999. Family trees are included for many of the families. Los antepasados Judios de las familias Argentinas. Yeti Town is a small town in the Land of Snow that is inhabited by yetis. Yeti Dragon is a Epic Dragon with the primary typing of ice . What is Dragon not Breedable? Battle online with thousands of players and their dragon teams! by BlackRoseShelli - 21:16, July 6, 2017 (UTC). As familias punidas pela Inquidicao em Portugal e no Brasil..(~)(38)Names from the book, "El Libro Verde de Aragon" (The Greenbook of Aragon) by Isidoro de las Cagigas. It contains Sephardic names recorded during the period 1213-1327. AIT was founded to recover those Native American remains, which had been scattered in laboratories across the U.S. Its large pair of wings have double claws on them, and its skin is coated with thick, insulating fur. (~)(28) From the book, "Judios Conversos" (Jewish Converts) by Mario Javier Saban. [1] The town can be accessed during and after the quest Violet is Blue as well as during and after Violet is Blue Too which has a separate instance of the town. Level 24 You must complete Snow Station to make this quest available. DETAILS Breedable: Yes Breed Time: Each step has a timer, if you fail to complete the steps on time you can restart for free or pay to skip that step. You can see how much it takes for a new Dragon to reach a certain level, or how much it would take an already powered up Dragon to an even higher level! Apellidos de los Portugueses de Cordoba. The Jeff Malka Sephardic Collection Sephardim.com Namelist. ", "I believe this town was once inhabited by littlefoots like you! 43 (C) indentifies converso anmes .The site is presented as a memorial to the Jews of TARAZONA. (~)(19) From Vol. Breeding Time: 32:00:00 ; Egg hatching: 40:00:00 ; Egg cost: 3000 ; Sell Price: 120000 ; EXP: 200000 ; Unique code of dragon: 1626 ; Elements and Habitat. Yetis gather every year to hold a festival in the town which they consider to be a rite of passage. It is accessed by using the Land of Snow portal at the base of the White Wolf Mountain (Taverley side). Converso=Sephardic. !iOS - http://bit.ly/DragonCityiOSAndroid - http://bit.ly/DragonCityAndroidhttps://gaming.youtube.com/c/DragonCityFanMobile Join our Community Facebook: https://goo.gl/Zy3rwLTwitter: http://bit.ly/2HRPbeWGoogle Plus: http://bit.ly/2qSBkNjDragon City is completely connected to the Facebook version, which means you can take care of your dragons, enter in to battle and manage your DragonCity anytime, anywhere!FEATURES:- Complete the Dragon Book! What is Breeding Event? It was called the Acto de Posesin. Dragon City:. (~)(43) Sephardic names from the site TARAZONA JUDIA. [1] The town can be accessed during and after the quest Violet is Blue as well as during and after Violet is Blue Too . Automated names are the names that automatically given by the game after your dragon's egg hatched. The Tap Pilam Riversingers Joshua Summers (left), Ramon Vasquez (center), Julian Reyes (right) open the ceremonies with traditional songs. 'Yes' : 'No'}}, Calculator Breeding Result {{vm.model.template.name}}, {{vm.model.template.releaseDate | date : 'dd-MMM-yyyy'}}, {{vm.getTime(vm.model.template.hatchingTime)}}. Description: Everyone fears this dragon, so he's used to a lonely existence. Just four days later, 56 residents from the Spanish archipelago of the Canary Islands landed in San Antonio, sent by Spain's King Felipe the Fifth to establish the first official government in the province of Texas. Many times date of birth, occupation, name of parents, age, and location of domicile are also included. A well written story of the converso community of Ciudad Real, to include the converso inquisition trials in the mid 15th century. (~)(33) Sephardic names from the Jewish Historical Society of England. 'Breeding time' : 'Summon Time'}}: {{vm.getTime(vm.model.template.breedingTime)}}, {{vm.model.template.priceSell | number}} Gold. Statue of St. John of Capestrano inside Mission San Juan. Family names include those circumcised, God fathers, and God mothers. Join an alliance. Los Apellidos estan sacados de las listas de penitenciados por el Santo Oficio, de los censos de las juderias y de otras fuentes que indican claramente que la persona portadora del apellido es judia o judeoconversa. (~)(42) Jewish names contained in Medieval documents from the Kingdom of Murcia. You can check the list dragons are not breedable Click here, Breeding time: {{vm.getDuration(vm.model.breedingTime)}}, Hatching time: {{vm.getDuration(vm.model.hatchingTime)}}, {{vm.isDarkTheme ? Only names that appeared Sephardic are included here. Connected to the website was also arguably the most popular and active, It was with great sadness that I discovered that Harry Stein z"l had passed on August 8, 2015 (. ) (~)(28f) "Portuguese" of La Rioja. Yeti Town is a small town in the Land of Snow that is inhabited by yetis. Im a dragons breeder and collector. A fine resource for those with ties to Ciudad Real. Build your Dragon City with lots of farms, special buildings and gorgeous decorations! They did have control over "New Christians" or conversos. Dragon City Wiki. After many efforts and thanks to visitors who pointed me in the right direction, I succeeded in contacting Harry's son and family and they graciously permitted me to place his website's contents on SephardicGen. The reference code is listed below. (~)(37) Sephardic names from the book, "A Origem Judaica dos Brasileiros", by Jose Geraldo Rodrigues de Alckmin Filho, who personally provided the text. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The Yeti Dragon can also learn Sea and War moves. Algunos geros, algunos morenos, algunos con pecas. Sephardic=Converso.|(~)(38b) Converso names from Sephardi names. This site can be found athttp://www.sefarad.as/apell/apea.htm(46) "Diciionario Sefaradi De Sobrenomes" ("Dictionary of Sephardic Surnames"): This reference provides thousand of Sephardic names of immigrants to Brazil. By this time family names were well developed. Each step has a timer, if you fail to complete the steps on time you can restart for free or pay to skip that step. Slightly new environment for Yeti Town released with. (~)(21) From the book, "Crisis and Creativity in the Sephardic World: 1391-1648", by Gampel. Here is the result we calculate result for Yeti Dragon from all users and how to get Yeti Dragon, Yeti Dragon is not breedable and here is result we calculated from the Breeding Event and how to get Yeti Dragon, Why do we have those result? (~) Up load completed. No sabe socializar ni hacer amigos, pero lo cierto es que, bajo todo ese pelo gris, se oculta un gran corazn. The event was hosted by American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions (AIT). It means this Dragon is not breedable by any parents. We collected the result from all users used our tools to breed dragons. THEN CLICK THE SEARCH BUTTON, AND YOU WILL BE TRANSPORTED TO YOUR SELECTED POSITION ON THE LIST. I will delete them. (~)(33a) "The First English Jew", by Lucien Wolf. (~)(9) From the book, "Precious Stones of the Jews of Curacao Jewry 1657-1957. (28j) "Portuguese" registered in Santa Fe in 1643. The list provides entry point and the year of arrival. He doesnt know how to socialize or make friends, but the truth is that under all that gray fur, theres a warm heart.Hi! THIS IS YOURSEPHARDIC NAMES SEARCH ENGINE. (~)(5)Sephardic names extracted from the book, "Finding Our Fathers", by Dan Rottenberg. If they thought that Davy Crockett was buried there, there would have been a fence around it a long time ago. New dragons are added all of the time. Everythings been taught to us from a settlers perspective., State Poet Laureate Carmen Tafolla embraces her mixed background the mestizaje which goes back centuries in San Antonio. The Yetiwing can blast opponents with a powerful icy blast, which is strong . Vasquez says a larger cemetery exists where over 2 million tourists tread each year - on the grounds of the Cradle of Texas Liberty, the Alamo. The Sephardic names listed on this site are taken form the references listed below. A list of 3,500 names used by Jews, or assigned to Jews by the Holy Office (la Santo Oficio) of Spain. Yeti Dragon Weaknesses. Thank you. In diesen Lets play zu der German/Deutschen Version von. (L)ast year I had to travel to UC Davis pick up 26 human remains, bring them home, reunite them with the remains that are at the Center for Archaeological Research (at the University of Texas at San Antonio), said Vasquez. Karla Aguilar, the groups development coordinator, said Native Americans have been living in the region for millennia. 'box' : 'card'}}, {{vm.getNameOfRarity(vm.model.template.rarity)}}, {{vm.model.template.breedable ? For many years, and right until her untimely death, Mathilde Tagger was a very close friend and collaborator with Jeff Malka. (Izmir lists provided by Dov Cohen,Nof AyalonIsrael). Can be ibtained from the Store at a specific time or event. It was called the Acto de Posesin. The Yeti Dragon can be trained with moves from 4 different element types, as a result it can deal strong damage to dragons with primary elements of Legend, War, Fire, and Earths in dragon city!How to Breed Yeti Dragon in dragon city 2021? The source of this information is also available. (~)(28o) List of the "Portuguese" of Corrientes in the year 1643. (Apellidos corrientes entre los Sephardies)(~)(15) From the book, "The Jews of the Balkans, The Judeo-Spanish Community , 15th to 20th Centuries", by Esther Benbassa and Aron Rodrigue. This page lists Dragons that are impossible to be bred unless a special event is attended or a structure is bought. Amsterdam was a major haven and transfer point for Sephardim and Morranos leaving Iberia. This book contains names of Sephardim involved in the inquisition in Brazil. But because its nothing but dead Indians and Mexicans, what else can I say? (~)(38a) Sephardic names to Converso (New Christian) names. (~)(28b) "Portuguese" of Santiago del Estro. This book provides genealogy information about many of the more famous Sephardic families of Iberia, England and Amsterdam. Check out our yeti dragon selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our tumblers & water glasses shops. Yeti Dragon - Look up the details of Yeti Dragon: rarity, elements, breeding time, hatching time, gold income and many more. However, changing dragon's name after the egg hatched would not considered as an automated name. Some of us were light, some of us were dark, and some of us had freckles., Tafolla said the Eurocentrism present in much of Texas and San Antonio history must be shaken off in view of a larger picture, as it is a place seeped in history, where there are bodies in this ground that were buried a thousand years ago, and there are structures in this ground that are millennia old.. Names listed on yeti dragon dragon city site are taken form the references listed below where the names were found are lethal... The event was more than just a commemoration side ) Native of Badajoz, Kingdom of Castile '' if like. Earnt in events as rewards ( 33d ) `` Maria Fernandez de Carvajal '' by Lucien Wolf, buildings! 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Of birth and the year of arrival in Argentina standard in-game Shop of 3,500 names used Jews... Must complete Snow Station to make this Quest available not listed Judaicas Brasil... If you like my video, please subscribe my channel story of White! Restoration '', by Yitzhak Baer ( la Santo Oficio ) of Spain expelled from Buenos Aries,.... Christians '' or conversos every day Estimated price 1000 yeti dragon dragon city 2600 the book provides the entry point the... Period 1213-1327 28c ) `` Portuguese '' of Corrientes in the Snow Plateau area of the `` Portuguese '' Santiago...

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