Postcolonial theory focuses on the critique of empire and its aftermath. Helpless imperialists: European state workers in Soviet Central Asia in the 1920s and 1930s, Re-asserting hegemony in Central Asia: Russian policy in post-2010 Kyrgyzstan, Comillas Journal of International Relations, Blurring the line between licit and illicit: Transnational corruption networks in Central Asia and beyond, Dictators Without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia, Global money laundering and its domestic political consequences in Kyrgyzstan, Regime security, base politics and rent-seeking: the local and global political economies of the American air base in Kyrgyzstan, 20012010, Can Russia Modernise? Morozov, Viatcheslav, Russias Postcolonial identity: A Subaltern Empire in a Eurocentric World (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), p. 103 The site only generates revenue after someone clicks on a link and makes a purchase/ performs an action on the resulting page! Mimicry works form the colonizer's side as well as the colonizer puts in place strategies and manipulations--like pseudo-Western governmental bodies--that mimic Western government making the. "Imagining South Asia" Special Issue Now Available And Then They Came For Lasantha Wickramatunge. Breslin, Shaun, China and the global order: Signalling threat or friendship?, International Affairs, 89:3 (2013), pp. 293305 Render date: 2023-06-01T13:39:02.228Z 29 Under the rubric of Commonwealth Literature, there is always a bewildering array of overlapping and intersecting experiences between home and abroad. Life takes first place!" (1983: 122). 85 102 Google Scholar. 81 Jacques, Martin, When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order (2nd edn, London: Penguin, 2012)Google Scholar; Wajiha Ahmed: A Second Take on Pakistan's "Long Ma Saxophone Desi Style: Rudresh Mahanthappa, Kadri G MLK in India: His Address on All India Radio. 106 CrossRefGoogle Scholar; 9 Interview with head of Department for Social Research, National Academy of Sciences, Bishkek, November 2013. 20 121 Your current browser may not support copying via this button. Masov, Rahim, Colonists had their land taken, controlled, and manipulated. Based on interviews with Central Asian political, economic, and cultural elites, we explore the emergence of a new global politics of a post-Western type. 1. At moderate levels, it goes unrealized thus unrestrained in literature. CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Oliver Richmond and Roger Mac Ginty, Where now for the critique of the liberal peace?, Cooperation and Conflict, published online (20 August 2014), p. 7. Veit, Alex, Intervention as Indirect Rule: Civil War and Statebuilding in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2010). ), Why is there no non-Western International Relations theory? Beyond Westphilian towards a post-racist critical IR, Provincialising IR? Abstract. 61 Ferdinand, Peter and Wang, Jue, China and the IMF: From mimicry to pragmatic international institutional pluralism, International Affairs, 89:4 (2013), pp. 287312 Diaspora has become an increasingly 'diasporic' concept within postcolonial studies during the past decade. He is also a musician and frequently played old tunes with a group of musicians. National ideology and IR theory: Three incarnations of the Russian Idea, Towards a post-Western IR: the Umma, Khalsa Panth, and critical International Relations theory, Worlds beyond Westphalia: Daoist dialectics and the China threat, Avatars of Eurocentrism in the critique of the liberal peace, Dialogue and discovery; Amitav Acharya, Global international relations and regional worlds: a new agenda for international studies, International Relations and the Problem of Difference, Chinese Foreign Relations: Power and Policy since the Cold War. 294303 CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Friday could be one of these mimic men; but as we have already seen, the process of colonial mimicry is both a product of and produces ambivalence and hybridity. ; 215236 CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Ronald Asmus, A Little War that Shook the World (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2010). Quindlens viewpoint is skillfully displayed in Mother Tongue, a first person narration by an Asian-American woman, Amy Tan. Throughout this article, when referring to the discipline, we either capitalise the words International Relations or abbreviate them (IR), but leave them uncapitalised when referring to practices of global politics. 7 I am trying to relate the play The Island to post-colonial theatre, but I am having trouble What were the significant contributions of Spivak and Bhabha to their schools of literary criticism? CrossRefGoogle Scholar; As such, it draws from different disciplinary fields such as literature, media, anthropology, politics, philosophy, gender, and sociology, among other more recent approaches such as science and technology studies as in Harding 2011 and ecocriticism as discussed in Nixon 2013. . Rodney looked at colonialism from an economic standpoint and believed colonialization made African persons invisible, and stripped them of civilization which eventually cause the underdevelopment that exist, Racial stigmas and stereotypes have negative effects on a multitude of ethnic groups. 13 Feature Flags: { 285297 91116 China in international society: Is peaceful rise possible? in 33 Adams, Laura, Can we apply postcolonial theory to Central Eurasia?, Central Eurasian Studies Review, 7:1 (2008), pp. Daniel Defoes 1719 novel,Robinson Crusoe, is a rich text for understanding the mechanisms of European colonialism and the relation between the colonizer and the colonized (represented by Crusoe and Friday). 4656 123 How to study global IR, International Studies Review, 18:1 (2016), p. 151 57 Published online by Cambridge University Press: From: ; manners, and ideas, thus mimicry is repetition with difference. Google Scholar. 1128 Mimicry Let's start with mimicry, the easier of the two concepts. Zarakol, Aye, After Defeat: How the East Learned to Live with the West (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), p. 238 129 Neumann, Iver B. and Pouliot, Vincent, Untimely Russia: Hysteresis in Russian-Western Relations over the past millennium, Security Studies, 20:1 (2011), pp. 59 Cooley, Alexander and Heathershaw, John, Dictators Without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2017); An introduction, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, The absence of non-Western IR theory in Asia reconsidered, Dialogue between whom? Its clearly offensive because it is known, The novel, The Book Thief, written by Markus Zusak shows the nature of human beings and their actions during what was arguably the most catastrophic time in human history, the reign of Nazi Germany. A contemporary form of this can be seen today in the way in which call centre jobs from Australia, the UK, US, and elsewhere are exported to India precisely because as a direct result of colonization there are operators there who can mimic English speakers from those countries. 615634 Introduction. 90 As she says, Everythings divided into His and Hers as if anyone needed a reminder of what a great big toilet that country really is (Maps: P. 63). 73 14 101 Percival Everetts short story entitled, The Appropriation of Cultures explores themes of irony and absurdity. 109 As a theory it focuses on the question of race with in colonialism and shows how the optic of race enables the colonial powers to represent, reflect, refract and make visible native cultures in inferior ways. The three persons are distinct, yet are one 'substance' or 'nature'. The upshot of such discourse shows that colonialism has divergent interpretations. In this transitional period, men try to recover the patriarchal supremacy in, Colonialism /klnlizm/ is the policy or practicing of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically. As the reader, I was confused as to why Daniel would go ahead and sing the song. (See Metafiction, the Postcolonial Novel). The dissemination of memes facilitates public participation and democratic use of media, however memes also aggravate cultural prejudice and contribute to the segregation of social groups. Stiglitz, Joseph, Globalization and its Discontents (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 2002)Google Scholar. The story begins with Daniel, who is a young and successful black man with a degree from Brown University. Google Scholar. Dugin Eurasianism: a window on the minds of the Russian elite or an intellectual ploy? Allison, Roy, Russia and Syria: Explaining alignment with a regime in crisis, International Affairs, 89:4 (2013), pp. 6 5. In the modern era, these purposes have been merely to make reservations into sacrifice zones for the United Statess nuclear endeavors and a storage space for the byproducts that a Nuclearism mind-state can produce. . 17 15 Ling, L. H. M., Postcolonial International Relations: Conquest and Desire Between Asia and the West (London: Palgrave, 2002)Google Scholar; Ling, Huang, and Chen, Subaltern straits. 67 84 97 In February 2017, Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov explicitly called for a post-West world order at the Munich Security Conference; whether this discourse will be mirrored in practice over the long term remains to be seen. Thanks a lot. 647659 Scott, James C., Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1998)Google Scholar. . and 114 Towards a global postcolonial critique, Toward an empire of nations: Border-making and the formation of Soviet national identities, The Affirmative Action Empire: Nations and Nationalism in the Soviet Union, 19231939, Veiled Empire: Gender and Power in Stalinist Central Asia. 60 386400 It seeks to point out the lingering colonial mentality of the former colonized people in the present age in the area of speaking English, perceiving that everything from the West is the best, and. Philips, Andrew, Global IR meets global history: Sovereignty, modernity and the international systems expansion into the Indian Ocean, International Studies Review, 18 (2016), p. 64 22 Rossiiskaya Gazeta, Federalnyi Zakon ot 20 iyulya 2012 g. N 121-F3 O vnesenii izmenenii v otdelnye zakonodatelnye akty Rossiiskoi Federatsii v chasti regulirovaniya deyatelnosti nekommercheskikh organizatsii, vypolnyayushchikh funktsii inostrannogo agenta, Rossiiskaya Gazeta (23 July 2012), available at: {}. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. The authors wish to thank an anonymous reviewer for directing them to this literature. Austins idea of the performative, mimicry is a kind of performance that exposes the artificiality of all symbolic expressions of power. 341368 Rilka Dragnaeva and Kataryna Wolczuk, Russia, the Eurasian Customs Union and the EU: Cooperation, Stagnation or Rivalry?, Chatham House Briefing Paper, Russia and Eurasia Programme (2012), p. 2. Stephen, Matthew, Rising powers, global capitalism and liberal governance: a historical materialist account of the BRICS challenge, European Journal of International Relations, 20:4 (2014), pp. How is irony used inAnansi by Alistair Campbell? 75 115 It is then when racial prejudices arouse, but they emerge not only from the person who is looking for his identity, but from those surrounding him. Jackson, Patrick, The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations (Abingdon: Routledge, 2011)Google Scholar. It draws on early writings on the psychology of colonization, notably those of Frantz Fanon and . CrossRefGoogle Scholar. Eisenstadt, Shmuel N., Multiple modernities, Daedalus, 129 (2000), pp. His analysis, which is largely based on the Lacanian conceptualization of mimicry as camouflage focuses on colonial ambivalence. A similar point is made by This imitation or mimicry is always mediated by the fact the colonized person is not one of the colonizers. Summary. Though mimicry is a very important concept in thinking about the relationship between colonizing and colonized peoples, and many people have historically been derided as mimics or mimic-men, it is interesting that almost no one ever describes themselves as positively engaged in mimicry: it is always something that someone else is doing. Andrei Kozyrev, The lagging partnership: In search of a joint strategy, Foreign Affairs (May/June 1994). Moore, David Chioni, Is the post- in postcolonial the post- in post-Soviet? Bal, Mieke, Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002)Google Scholar; Chen, Ching-Chang, The absence of non-Western IR theory in Asia reconsidered, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific, 11 (2011), pp. Ling, Worlds beyond Westphalia, pp. Naipaul and Z. Smith, prominent postcolonial authors, reflect the condition of the immigrants suffering from cultural shock, hybridity, fragmentation and mimicry in the postcolonial Western societies in their novels, The Enigma of Arrival and White Teeth. Hobson, John and Seabrooke, Leonard, Everyday IPE: Revealing everyday forms of change in the world economy, in John Hobson and Leonard Seabrooke (eds), Everyday Politics of the World Economy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007)Google Scholar, ch. In other words, if an Indian, desiring to mimic the English, becomes obsessed with some particular codes associated with Englishness, such as the British colonial obsession with thesola topee, his performance of those codes might show how hollow the codes really are. . Under the terms of the licence agreement, an individual user may print out a PDF of a single entry from a reference work in OR for personal use (for details see Privacy Policy and Legal Notice). 40 203213 93 From which university you are belonging? Culture is easily influenced and is constantly shifting as it passes through various racial and ethnic interactions and exchanges. Latest answer posted October 03, 2020 at 5:09:55 PM. 71 639647 It is meant to foreclose the diverse forms of purity encompassed within essentialist theories. 100 Meera Sabaratnam, Rethinking the Liberal Peace: Anti-Colonial Thought and Post-War Intervention in Mozambique (PhD dissertation, London School of Economics, 2011), p. 156. CrossRefGoogle Scholar; 116 We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Hostname: page-component-546b4f848f-w58md A good example of this in post-colonial literature would be Franz Fanon's Black Skin, White Mask,in which Fanon describes his experience as an educated black man from Martinique who felt internally white because of his education in French culture. 1735 For instance, David Kang contrasts the Chinese tribute system, which ensured five centuries of peaceful international relations with Korea, Japan, and Vietnam through Confucian hierarchical relations, with the Westphalian system that developed in Europe and relied on balance of power between formally equal, sovereign entities. 1209617014 ENGLISH LITERATURE STUDY PROGRAMME FACULTY OF LANGUAGES AND ARTS UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA 2020 Otherness, Mimicry, and Hybrid Identity in Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl Postcolonialism emerged as reactions to, and analysis of, the cultural legacy . Hybridity, Bhabha argues, subverts the narratives of colonial power and dominant cultures. (2) It can be implied that even the Africans self-perception dropped because the only lifestyle they knew was suddenly taken away from them and they were taught that it was substandard. 42 Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Total loading time: 0 Layne, Christopher, This time its real: the end of unipolarity and the Pax Americana, International Studies Quarterly, 56 (2012), pp. The colonized subject, therefore, develops a double vision, recognizing both the culture of the Other and his own alienation from it. Unfortunately, a lot of Africans experienced a trend of a dying out culture. 78 Kahler, Miles, Rising powers and global governance: Negotiating change in a resilient status quo, International Affairs, 89:3 (2013), pp. The struggles of Native Americans and the American government have had colonialism entwined in its roots since the dawn of modern society. Postcolonialism Mimicry' & 'Cultural Hybridity' From Homi Bhaha to Junichiro Tanizaki (Post-Colonial Studies) December 2014 Authors: Yulis Setyowati Universitas Wijaya Putra Abstract This. These cookies do not store any personal information. Yet, the influence of the former U.S rule lingers as society remains infatuated with Hollywood movies, soda drinks, and shopping. Tsygankov, Andrei, Russias Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity (3rd edn, Lanham, MA: Rowman and Littlefield, 2013), p. 63 Anna Marie Quindlen, an American author, journalist, and New York Times columnist, once said, Ethnic stereotypes are misshapen pearls, sometimes with a sandy grain of truth at their centerbut they ignore complexity, change, and individuality. Since the birth of nation-states, emerging in conjunction with the first wave of globalisation and the . 24 72 38 CrossRefGoogle Scholar. The postcolonial confusion and a sense of a lost national identity have allowed for a newly formed nationalism to spread. eNotes Editorial, 28 Jan. 2018, Schweller, Randall, Emerging powers in an age of disorder, Global Governance, 17:3 (2011), pp. the postcolonial nation-state through mimicry, criminality or anarchist cooperation. 39 What are the similarities and differences between formalism, structuralism, and new criticism? CrossRefGoogle Scholar. 163188 introducing Edward Saids concept of Orientalism. 523 (There are quite a number of colloquial insults that refer to mimicry, such as "coconut" - to describe a brown person who behaves like he's white, or "oreo," which is the same but usually applied to a black person. His Blood Knot (1961) has been chosen in this study, in which the negative implications of colonialism and racism can be explored. Bhabha became a prominent name in postcolonial theory and criticism, culture theory, and cultural identity in the globalised world following the publication of his book The . What are the main components of post-colonial theatre? Acharya and Buzan, Why is there no non-Western International Relations theory?. hasContentIssue false, British International Studies Association 2017. Okara, Andrei, Sovereign democracy: a new Russian idea or a PR project?, Russia in Global Affairs, 5:3 (2007)Google Scholar. At the high level, mimicry is disparaged by the culture of the colonized. 96 His book discusses the impact of this divided sense of self in blacks who adopted "white masks" of intellectuality to try to fit in to the white culture but nevertheless inevitably ended up with the double vision brought about by dual identities. For an overview of Russian military and political engagement in Kyrgyzstan since 2010, see The idea of multipolarity and the trap of epistemological relativism in Russian IR, International Relations Scholarship around the World: Worlding beyond the West, Cultural chauvinism and the liberal international order: West versus rest in Asias financial crisis, Power, Postcolonialism and International Relations: Reading Race, Gender and Class, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, Hanging out in international politics: Two kinds of explanatory political ethnography for IR, The strange case of ethnography and International Relations. Across our nation, members of numerous races experience difficulties surrounding their identity and inability to refine their English dialects. 11 (2) One can say that European culture is characterized by a Christian worldview and individualism. for this article. Google Scholar. Mimicry is another postcolonial idea connected to hybridity. 1 Shevtsova, Lilia, Forward to the past in Russia, Journal of Democracy, 26:2 (2015), p. 26 Ling, Worlds beyond Westphalia, p. 7. Colonial literature What do you know by colonial about colonial literature? Google Scholar. See, for example, Kyrgyzstans American airbase (200114), which was continued against Russias wishes, and Tajikistan rejection of Russian investment in favour of Chinese and even Western commerce (especially after the summit between Putin and Rahmon in 2005). Mimicry is another worth mentioning aspect which has been highlighted by almost all the postcolonial writers. 313340 Mimicry in colonial and postcolonial literature is most commonly seen when members of a colonized society (say, Indians or Africans) imitate the language, dress, politics, or cultural attitude of their colonizers (say, the British or the French). Creolization in Africa. Ashcroft, et al. Along with Tom Nairn, Homi Bhabha considers the confusion and hollowness that resistance produces in the minds of such imperialist authors as Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, and E. M. Forster. Google Scholar. 5545. West, David, Social Movements in Global Politics (Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013)Google Scholar. As Leela Gandhi says, The west remains the privileged meeting ground for all ostensibly cross cultural conversations (1998: 136). Mimicry and mtis British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, Politics, University of Exeter, Associate Professor, International Relations, University of Exeter, Head of the Department of Central Asia at the Central Eurasia Research Centre, Institute of Oriental Studies, Moscow,, Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. After analyzing Liesels account of the tragedies she has gone through, he concludes his thoughts by declaring that, Im always finding humans at their best and worst, I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both(Zusak 491). and what is your academic subject? 27 CrossRefGoogle Scholar. John Ikenberry, G., The future of the liberal world order: Internationalism after America, Foreign Affairs (May/June 2011). 37 36 Interview with journalist and member of strategic studies think tank, Bishkek, November 2013. Google Scholar. Advancing global IR: Challenges, contentions and contributions, Travelling Concepts in the Humanities: A Rough Guide, Imaginative geography as a travelling concept: Foucault, Sad and the spatial turn, East Asia Before the West: Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute, War and State Formation in Ancient China and Early Modern Europe, War, Religion and Empire: The Transformation of International Orders, Cultural Realism: Strategic Culture and Grand Strategy in Ming China, Chinas Hegemony: Four Hundred Years of East Asian Domination, The tributary system as international society in theory and practice, Chinese Journal of International Politics, Knockin on Heavens door: Russia, Central Asia and the mediated expansion of international society, Untimely Russia: Hysteresis in Russian-Western Relations over the past millennium, Decolonizing international relations: Perspectives from Latin America, Signs taken for wonders: Questions of ambivalence and authority under a tree outside Delhi, May 1817, Social States: China in International Institutions 19802000, Norm diffusion and ASEANs adoption and adaption of global HIV/AIDS norms, Herding cats: the role of persuasion in political change and continuity in the Association of South-East Asian Nations, China and the IMF: From mimicry to pragmatic international institutional pluralism, Everyday IPE: Revealing everyday forms of change in the world economy, Postcolonial International Relations: Conquest and Desire Between Asia and the West, Domination and the Arts of Resistance: Hidden Transcripts, Global IR meets global history: Sovereignty, modernity and the international systems expansion into the Indian Ocean, How ideas spread: Whose norms matter? Rossiiskaya Gazeta, Federalnyi Zakon ot 29 iyunya 2013 g. N 135-F3 g. Moskva O vnesenii izmenenii v statyu 5 Federalnogo zakona O zashchite detei ot informatsii, prichinyayoshchei vred ikh zdorovyu i razvitiyu i otdelnye zakonodatelnye atky Rossiiskoi Federatsii v tselyakh zashchity detei ot informatsii, propagandiruyushchei otritsanie traditsionnykh semeinykh tsennostei, Rossiiskaya Gazeta (2 July 2013), available at: {}. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. 817836 104 The influence of liberation theology on postcolonial biblical interpretation tends to manifest in clear articulations of the reader's theological commitments that arise from her social location. 337365 Can we apply postcolonial theory to Central Eurasia? Toal, Gerard, Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 233265 56 76 Latest answer posted July 28, 2019 at 2:30:45 PM. Sutter, Robert, Chinese Foreign Relations: Power and Policy since the Cold War (3rd edn, Plymouth: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012); Ivan Campbell, Thomas Wheeler, Larry Attree, Dell Marie Butler, and Bernado Mariani, China and Conflict Affected States: Between Principle and Pragmatism, Saferworld Report (2012); Acharya, Advancing global IR, p. 14. 70 Bhabha contends that this ambivalence--this duality that creates a metaphorical lesion in the identity of the colonized other--is apparent in colonial and post-colonial literature and that it creates beings (who then may write literature) who are a hybrid of their own cultural identity and the colonizer's cultural identity. 82 Recognising this discourse as indicative of the postcolonial condition, we deploy Homi Bhabha's concept of mimicry and James C. Scott's notion of mtis to assess whether international political dynamics of a hybrid kind are emerging. CrossRefGoogle Scholar. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. How imperialism was perceived differed from which side they were on. 117 54 91 Dabbling in Regional Indian Cinema on an Air India Saadat Hasan Manto's "Letters to Uncle Sam, In Praise of Balderdash (and other words for nonsense), "India After Gandhi": Chapter 5 (Displaced Women, "India After Gandhi": Chapter 4 (Kashmir), "India After Gandhi": Chapter 3 (Hyderabad), Hanif Kureishi and British Multiculturalism, Saxophone Desi Style: Rudresh Mahanthappa. 26 Northrop, Douglas, Veiled Empire: Gender and Power in Stalinist Central Asia (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004); All these issues come up in a unique fashion in One Amazing Thing by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni. '', Latest answer posted May 28, 2020 at 4:39:09 PM. If the English book is read as a production of hybridity, then it no longer simply commands authority. Interview with independent expert, Bishkek, November 2013. CrossRefGoogle Scholar. mimicry Dave, Bhavna, Kazakhstan: Ethnicity, Language and Power (Abingdon: Routledge, 2007), pp. Morozov, Russias Postcolonial Identity; Zarakol, After Empire. 62 Therborn, Gran, Entangled modernities, European Journal of Social Theory, 6:3 (2003), pp. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014)Google Scholar. 107 Google Scholar; Further they regard hybridity as the trans-cultural phenomenon of the colonizer and the colonized culture but the celebration of hybridity is referred to the establishing of colonized culture (cited in Ferdous). 279301 124 In his essay Of Mimicry and Man, Bhabha described mimicry as sometimes unintentionally subversive. Occurs when a group of organisms (called mimics) evolve to share common perceived characteristics with another group (the models) Defensive or protective mimicry takes place when organisms are able to avoid encounters that would be harmful to them by deceiving enemies into treating them as something else Mimicry in the WWE Hello David, i would like to thank you for sharing the site for further source. Hybridity can thus be seen, in Bhabhas interpretation, as a counter-narrative, a critique of the canon and its exclusion of other narratives. Hagedorn vividly paints the picture of a society freed from the foreign oppressor that still clings to the imported values and struggles to recreate itself. Harold Athol Lanigan Fugard is one of the writers, who showed his hatred and dissatisfaction to the world, with his plays. With a group of musicians window on the Lacanian conceptualization of mimicry and,... 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