// either true or UB due to signed overflow, // return true in one of the first 4 iterations or UB due to out-of-bounds access, // Either UB above or this branch is never taken, // UB access to a pointer that was passed to realloc, // Endless loop with no side effects is UB, The LLVM Project Blog: What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior #1/3, The LLVM Project Blog: What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior #2/3, The LLVM Project Blog: What Every C Programmer Should Know About Undefined Behavior #3/3, Undefined behavior can result in time travel (among other things, but time travel is the funkiest). Figure 4: Classic signed integer-overflow UB in addition. if there were no unsigned equivalent of the largest integer type, and arithmetic operations on unsigned types behaved as though they were first converted them to larger signed types, then there wouldn't be as much need for defined wrapping behavior, but it's difficult to do calculations in a type which doesn't have e.g. Therefore, undefined behavior provides ample room for compiler performance improvement, as the source code for a specific source code statement is allowed to be mapped to anything at runtime. Surprisingly, we had to fix a few bugs in the line tracking inside GCC, as we initially encountered a few bugs in our script which we traced back to GCCs code. Its up to the compiler to define the exact sizes for the typeschar, unsigned char, signed char, short,unsigned short,int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, andunsigned long long. 2 The usual arithmetic conversions are performed on operands of arithmetic or enumeration type, 8.10 Equality operators [expr.eq] tif_aux.c:70 Folding predicate 1 != 0 to true And can someone share an actual result that they've gotten that demonstrates this undefined behavior? Is there a place where adultery is a crime? For C, theres a workable solution to the unsigned integer promotion problem. This has turned signed overflow into a major footgun. How strong is a strong tie splice to weight placed in it from above? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. 3 Answers. nonstandard optimization options Here a standard implementation must define what Can't boolean with geometry node'd object? The code is therefore semantically equivalent to: Had the compiler been forced to assume that signed integer overflow has wraparound behavior, then the transformation above would not have been legal. In practice all Computing the Modular Multiplicative Inverse, [C/C++] Surprises and Undefined Behavior From Unsigned Integer Promotion, C/C++ compilerscommonlyuseundefinedbehaviortooptimize. Is signed integer overflow undefined behaviour or implementation defined? 8.7 Additive operators [expr.add] 1 The additive [binary] operators + and group left-to-right. And, 2^31-1 is a Mersenne Prime (but 2^63-1 is not prime). Not the answer you're looking for? Theres no undefined behavior in the program or compiler bugs. Is it possible for rockets to exist in a world that is only in the early stages of developing jet aircraft? of the corresponding unsigned integer type, and the representation of This bug was already fixed in the latest version of the library. We chose GCC (version 8.2.0) instead of Clang, because the original research introduced a small patch for GCC to print out a warning each time the compiler removes a call to memset(), and its easier to expand an existing patch than to recreate everything from scratch. This is due to the fact that most of the time, the calls to memset() have an undefined meaning according to the C standard, and therefore they are optimized out during compilation. Compilers are not required to diagnose undefined behavior (although many simple situations are diagnosed), and the compiled program is not required to do anything meaningful. Again, from the C99 standard ( 3.4.3/1) An example of undened behavior is the behavior on integer overow Is there an historical or (even better!) However, both standards state that signed integer overflow is undefined behavior. The second guess seems way more likely, and it also means that although useful, our patch for GCC wont give us a valuable advantage in comparison to the research tools already used. Of course the wrapping instructions must be used for unsigned arithmetic, but the compiler always has the information to know whether unsigned or signed arithmetic is being done, so it can certainly choose the instructions appropriately. Based on our previous experience in code audit and vulnerability research, this isnt very likely. Lets work with concrete numbers and assume your compiler uses a 16 bit unsigned short type and a 32 bit int type this is very common, though not universal. This is a common cause for many security vulnerabilities that can be found in the dark corners of the code. // The following line invokes immediate undefined behaviour. If for some reason the platform you're targeting doesn't use 2's Compliment for signed integers, you will pay a small conversion price when casting between uint32 and int32. But since integral promotion occurs, the result of a left shift when x is less than y would be undefined behavior. An example: OS 2200. Surprisingly, all the sized integral types (int32_t, uint64_t, etc) are open to possible integral promotion, dependent upon the implementation-defined size ofint. Also, overflow can occur when converting an out-of-range value to a The value of x cannot be negative and, given that signed integer overflow is undefined behavior in C, the compiler can assume that value < 2147483600 will always be false. By contrast, Signed numbers are most often represented using two's complement but other choices are possible as described in the standard (section rev2023.6.2.43474. Compilers are not required to diagnose undefined behavior (although many simple situations are diagnosed), and the compiled program is not required to do anything meaningful. unsigned, the value is converted by [Binary operators *, /, %]2 Is there a reliable way to check if a trigger being fired was the result of a DML action from another *specific* trigger? Help! The major forms of undefined behavior in C can be broadly classified as:[9] spatial memory safety violations, temporal memory safety violations, integer overflow, strict aliasing violations, alignment violations, unsequenced modifications, data races, and loops that neither perform I/O nor terminate. In this example, N=16 and thus the conversion of 65536 will result in the value 0, which will be assigned to sum. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. But, if we had something like unsigned short number = 65535 and incremented that by 1, the result would "wrap around" to the beginning and number would equal 0. In C and C++, the relational comparison of pointers to objects (for less-than or greater-than comparison) is only strictly defined if the pointers point to members of the same object, or elements of the same array. We use cookies to enable faster and easier experience for you. Thus its implementation defined whether inthas a larger bit width than unsigned short, and by extension its implementation defined whetherunsigned shortwill be promoted to typeint. Under some circumstances there can be specific restrictions on undefined behavior. For some unknown reason, the authors of the library decided to give their basic used type the confusing name of tmsize_t, even though, in contrast to the well known type size_t, it is not unsigned. Probably because there is more than one way of representing signed integers. In most cases I have encountered, the overflow is undesirable, and you want to prevent it, because the result of a calculation with overflow is not useful. Did an AI-enabled drone attack the human operator in a simulation environment? Some programming languages allow a program to operate differently or even have a different control flow than the source code, as long as it exhibits the same user-visible side effects, if undefined behavior never happens during program execution. Is `-1` correct for using as maximum value of an unsigned integer? Examples of undefined behavior are memory accesses outside of array bounds, signed integer overflow, null pointer dereference, , etc. Sometimes you really do need unsigned integers. 1 A prvalue of an integer type other than bool, char16_t, char32_t, or wchar_t whose integer conversion rank (7.15) is less than the rank of int can be converted to a prvalue of type int if int can represent all the values of the source type; otherwise, the source prvalue can be converted to a prvalue of type unsigned int. UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer (UBSan) is a fast undefined behavior detector. If for our compiler unsigned short is 16 bit and int is 32 bit, then any product of x and y larger than 2^31 will overflow the signed type int. signed integer type. But what does it all mean? Next:Signed Overflow Examples, The compilers optimization tried to eliminate identical operands from both sides of the comparison, as such an optimization preserves the condition being checked. Initially, we thought that UBSan might be useful in prompting our undefined-behavior tests. What happens when a integer overflow occurs in a C expression? Performing the standard operations in a modulus system is well understood. In practice, it is only the representations for signed values that may differ according to the implementation: one's complement, two's complement, sign-magnitude. While undefined behavior is never present in safe Rust, it is possible to invoke undefined behavior in unsafe Rust in many ways. tests assume that signed integer overflow silently wraps around modulo a "casts from unsigned -> signed int are well defined": This isn't correct; converting from unsigned to signed yields an. My only question is that I've been testing this out for a lot longer than I'd like to admit and I've noticed that I get the exact same wrapping around behavior with signed integers. happens, but this might include raising an exception. [20] For example, creating an invalid reference (a reference which does not refer to a valid value) invokes immediate undefined behavior: Note that it is not necessary to use the reference; undefined behavior is invoked merely from the creation of such a reference. However, when interpreting the result of those operations, some cases don't make sense - positive and negative overflow. Since 0u has type unsigned int, adding it to a or b will effectively manually promote the operand to unsigned int if it has type smaller than unsigned int. Would it be possible to build a powerless holographic projector? How can I prevent the gcc optimizer from producing incorrect bit operations? more than the maximum value that can During 35C3, Gili Yankovitch (@cytingale) and I attended a great talk called: Memsad Why Clearing Memory is Hard (https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-9788-memsad). In the C community, undefined behavior may be humorously referred to as "nasal demons", after a comp.std.c post that explained undefined behavior as allowing the compiler to do anything it chooses, even "to make demons fly out of your nose".[1]. Is it safe to assign -1 to an unsigned int to get the max value? @bde I agree that is a technically accurate statement, but the term is often overloaded for violation of the boundary condition on the bottom end of a number system. If x is less than y then the result of the subtraction will be a negative number, and left shifting a negative number is undefined behavior. Compilers do not want you to rely on them doing the right thing, though, and most of them will show you so as soon as you compile, For an example program that gives different results when faced with. As seen in this online cpp reference, the standard specifies a list of code classes, one of which is the Undefined Behavior class: There are no restrictions on the behavior of the program. However, this flag is not the default and enabling it is a choice of the person who builds the code. For C++, theres a fairly good solution. The value 65536 isnt representable in a 16 bit unsigned short (sums type), but the conversion is well-defined in C and C++; the conversion gets performed modulo 2N, where N is the bit width of type unsigned short. Guess #2: Fuzzers. It means that the implementation is allowed to do whatever it likes in that situation. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. The bitwise representation of -1 is not defined. casts from signed -> unsigned int are well defined. Hidden integral promotions and narrowing conversions are subtle, and the results can be surprising, which is usually a very bad thing. Not being able to have it do either, however, would make it necessary to compare 0003 to 9995, notice that it's less, do the reverse subtraction, subtract that result from 9999, and add 1. Is there anything you feel I missed in my answer? If all implementations at that time agreed on what unsigned "overflow" should do, that's a good reason for getting it standardized. As if that wasnt enough, this logic is contained in a generated file that is generated from the patterns inside match.pd. In contrast, the C standard says that signed integer overflow leads to One example of such an optimization is found in the following code snippet shown in Figure 1: Figure 1: Signed integer-overflow UB-based optimizations. Many open sources were fuzzed to death, and if compilers would introduce an optimization that would break the code, fuzzers will find this gap and report it. For example, the instruction set specifications of a CPU might leave the behavior of some forms of an instruction undefined, but if the CPU supports memory protection then the specification will probably include a blanket rule stating that no user-accessible instruction may cause a hole in the operating system's security; so an actual CPU would be permitted to corrupt user registers in response to such an instruction, but would not be allowed to, for example, switch into supervisor mode. Is it possible to type a single quote/paren/etc. Cartoon series about a world-saving agent, who is an Indiana Jones and James Bond mixture, Negative R2 on Simple Linear Regression (with intercept). Just bear in mind that there are tens of dozens of such passes, so going through them isnt very easy. the behavior of signed depends on whether the hardware arithmetic is one's or two's complement. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. On most compilers (definingint as at least 32 bit), these types dont behave as expected. What is the procedure to develop a new force field for molecular simulation? For example, the C99 standard (6.2.5/9) states. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge that you have read and understand our privacy policy and code of conduct. I have read in many places that unsigned integer overflow is well-defined in C unlike the signed counterpart. This is good and easy advice. This is guaranteed by the C standard and is portable in practice, unless you specify aggressive, nonstandard optimization options suitable only for special applications. Figure 7: Actual code after the compilers optimizations. Libtiff Up until 4.0.10 CVE-2019-14973: Multiple integer overflow checks are optimized out. An alternative you can use is to explicitly cast an operand to unsigned int, which works fine for unsigned char, unsigned short, uint8_t and uint16_t. unsigned operands can never overflow, because a result that cannot be -1, when expressed as a 2's complement number, amounts to 0xFFF for how ever many bits your number is. After we finalized our GCC patch, we tried to use it to compile a wide variety of open sources, and sadly, most of them were free of UB-based warnings. an additive inverse. undefined behavior where a program can do anything, including dumping What juanchopanza said makes sense. [16] Modern compilers can emit warnings when they encounter multiple unsequenced modifications to the same object. The program source code was written with prior knowledge of the specific compiler and of the platforms that it would support. To wit (from the C++ standard): Unsigned integers, declared 'unsigned', shall obey the laws of arithmetic modulo 2 where n is the number of bits in the value representation of that particular size of integer. OPWNAI : Cybercriminals Starting to Use ChatGPT, OpwnAI: AI That Can Save the Day or HACK it Away. 8.6 Multiplicative operators [expr.mul] In his talk, Ilja van Sprundel presented the difficulties programmers face when trying to wipe a memory area that may contain secrets. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. When evaluating the conditional, the left hand side (sum) is promoted to type int, and the right hand side (the summation 65536) is already type int. Is "different coloured socks" not correct? The addition of these two (converted/promoted) type int values results in the value 65536, which is easily representable in a 32 bit int type, and so there wont be any overflow or undefined behavior from the addition. You can always perform arithmetic operations with well-defined overflow and underflow behavior, where signed integers are your starting point, albeit in a round-about way, by casting to unsigned integer first then back once finished. not worry about other possibilities. type. @sleske: It's also very useful for both humans and compilers to be able to apply the associative, distributive, and commutative laws of arithmetic to rewrite expressions and simplify them; for example, if the expression. As fuzzers dont usually care about memory wiping, this explains why such optimizations went widely unnoticed up until Iljas talk in 35C3. Otherwise, if the new type is unsigned, the value is converted by [ If neither operand has scoped enumeration type, type long double, double, or float,] the integral promotions (7.6) shall be performed on both operands. The reason for this optimization is surprising: tmsize_t is signed. It would typically be significantly slower to do this than having hardware support for it, but it's no different from processors that doesn't support floating point in hardware, or similar - it just adds a lot of extra code. 4294967295 + 1 = 4294967296 % 2 32 = 0. it results in 0 in the second case. Having 0003-9995 yield 0008 makes it easy to calculate the latter result. Having it yield -9992 would make it a little more awkward. Signed integer overflow undefined behavior, Still unsure about signed integer overflow in C++. a technical reason for this discrepancy? We might incorrectly think that the compiler cant make any assumptions about the arguments to the toy_shift() function because it cant predict what arbitrary calling code might do, but the compiler can make some limited predictions. platforms, with a few exceptions discussed later. That's the crux of the question. Despite this requirement of the standard, many C programs and Autoconf The C Standard defines the behavior of arithmetic on atomic signed integer types to use two's complement representation with silent wraparound on overflow; there are no undefined results. Sorted by: 29. Does Visual C++ consider signed integer overflow undefined? It can assume that calling code will never use any arguments that result in undefined behavior, because getting undefined behavior would be impossible from valid calling code. Would it be possible to build a powerless holographic projector? Our second conclusion, however, is more interesting. Intrigued by this gap between the programmers expectations and the compilers behavior, we asked if there are additional optimizations like these, beyond the scope of wiping memory? If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways: the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude); the sign bit has the value (2N) (twos complement); the sign bit has the value (2N 1) (ones complement). In C/C++ bitwise shifting a value by a number of bits which is either a negative number or is greater than or equal to the total number of bits in this value results in undefined behavior. Two attempts of an if with an "and" are failing: if [ ] -a [ ] , if [[ && ]] Why? Thanks! I believe that the term "underflow" is only really applicable to floating point numbers, where you can't represent some numbers very close to zero. Documenting an operation as undefined behavior allows compilers to assume that this operation will never happen in a conforming program. The C/C++ programming languages seem simple and quite straightforward to most common/embedded developers. What does it mean, "Vine strike's still loose"? A disadvantage is maintainers may not understand its meaning when seeing it. By continuing to visit this website you agree to our use of cookies. The historical reason is that most C implementations (compilers) just used whatever overflow behaviour was easiest to implement with the integer representation it used. Avoid using this particular solution on any operand of type uint32_t (or any even larger fixed width type), since unsigned int has an implementation defined size (of at least 16 bits) and this size could be smaller than uint32_t on some systems potentially resulting in an undesired narrowing cast. The most technical reason of all, is simply that trying to capture overflow in an unsigned integer requires more moving parts from you (exception handling) and the processor (exception throwing). I believe that with C that a disconnect has developed between it's users and it's implementers. We highly recommend that our audience read the entire discussion. It turns out that the documentation inside the code was misleading, and in fact most of the optimizations happen inside generic_simplify. For example, an interpreter may document a particular behavior for some operations that are undefined in the language specification, while other interpreters or compilers for the same language may not. Such optimizations become hard to spot by humans when the code is more complex and other optimizations, like inlining, take place. For an unsigned type there is no reason for the standard to allow variation because there is only one obvious binary representation (the standard only allows binary representation). Negative numeric string (e.g. The following code might be quite surprising: Heres a link to it on wandbox if you want to try it out. use extra instructions to check for potential overflow and calculate differently in that case). Debugging GCCs behavior was way tougher than we initially anticipated, but after we sprayed the code with multiple debug prints, we zoomed in on fold_binary_loc in file fold-const.c. The C11 standard states that for unsigned integers, modulo wrapping is the defined behavior and the term overflow never applies: "a computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow." [1] casts from unsigned -> signed int are well defined. The variable one will be assigned the value 1, and will retain this value after being converted to type int. repeatedly adding or subtracting one more than the maximum value that Lets finally look at a contrived toy function: The subtraction operator in Figure 4 has two unsigned short operands x and y, both of which will be promoted to type int. By definition, the runtime can assume that undefined behavior never happens; therefore, some invalid conditions do not need to be checked against. On the other hand, although unsigned integer overflow in any arithmetic operator (and in integer conversion) is a well-defined operation and follows the rules of modulo arithmetic, overflowing an unsigned integer in a floating-to-integer conversion is undefined behavior: the values of real floating type that can be converted to unsigned integer . multiplication, division, and left shift. LLVM's libc . 8.11 Bitwise AND operator [expr.bit.and]1 The usual arithmetic conversions are performed; 8.12 Bitwise exclusive OR operator [expr.xor]1 The usual arithmetic conversions are performed; 8.13 Bitwise inclusive OR operator [expr.or]1 The usual arithmetic conversions are performed; Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter both give absolutely awful advice. tif_aux.c:70 simplification due to constant (variables) propagation (2) Is there an historical or (even better!) is undefined. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. :Thanks for the explanations. If a program depended on the behavior of a 32-bit integer overflow, then a compiler would have to insert additional logic when compiling for a 64-bit machine, because the overflow behavior of most machine instructions depends on the register width. C++ crashes in a 'for' loop with a negative expression. all the bits are set). In my opinion, this makes signed integers the odd-one out, not unsigned, but it's fine they offer this fundamental difference as the programmer can still perform well-defined signed operations with overflow. Soon enough, we found that the interesting lines are changed in passes that are related to constant propagation and constant folding.. This page was last modified on 20 May 2023, at 00:59. Not exactly useful. The only way to know if one of these types has a larger bit-width than another is to check your compilers documentation, or to compile/run a program that outputs the sizeof() result for the types. The C++ standard precisely defines the observable behavior of every C++ program that does not fall into one of the following classes: Because correct C++ programs are free of undefined behavior, compilers may produce unexpected results when a program that actually has UB is compiled with optimization enabled: The output shown was observed on an older version of gcc, may be compiled as (foo with gcc, bar with clang). Also note that there is an exception if any type is converted to a signed type and the old value can no longer be represented. How to deal with "online" status competition at work? Some things were left undefined or implementation defined. Whenever you use a variable with unsigned type smaller than unsigned int, add 0u to it within parentheses. It's almost always free to cast, and in fact, your compiler might thank you for doing so as it can then optimize on your intentions more aggressively. Although defined, these results may be unexpected and therefore carry similar risks to unsigned integer wrapping . overflow. First of all, please note that C11 3.4.3, like all examples and foot notes, is not normative text and therefore not relevant to cite! For yet another language creator Dennis Ritchie once called C quirky, flawed, and an enormous success. [15] There are considerable changes in what causes undefined behavior in relation to sequence points as of C++11. In the early versions of C, undefined behavior's primary advantage was the production of performant compilers for a wide variety of machines: a specific construct could be mapped to a machine-specific feature, and the compiler did not have to generate additional code for the runtime to adapt the side effects to match semantics imposed by the language. In addition to the other issues mentioned, having unsigned math wrap makes the unsigned integer types behave as abstract algebraic groups (meaning that, among other things, for any pair of values X and Y, there will exist some other value Z such that X+Z will, if properly cast, equal Y and Y-Z will, if properly cast, equal X). Only the third check wasnt modified by the compilers optimizations. So yes, x == UINT_MAX. Modifying an object between two sequence points more than once produces undefined behavior. Attempting to modify a string literal causes undefined behavior:[10], Integer division by zero results in undefined behavior:[11], Certain pointer operations may result in undefined behavior:[12]. This means that in Figure 1, if the static_assert passes, the assignment. But if you use an unsigned type from the last section, or if you use generic code that expects an unsigned integer type of unknown size, that type can be dangerous to use due to promotion. suitable only for special applications. Most hardware today uses twos complement. A computation involving unsigned operands can never overow, Our first conclusion is obvious when you think of it: the latest compiler versions contain more optimizations and produce more efficient code. tif_aux.c:70 gimple_simplified to: if (_3 != 0). can be represented in the new type until the value is in the range of It seems that simply upgrading the compiler is enough to find results based on the recent optimizations that this compiler now supports. For historical reasons the C standard also allows implementations with type is converted to another integer type other than _Bool, if the In theory, if compilers detect a code snippet which is undefined, they can do whatever they like: the compiled program is not required to do anything meaningful. In practice, compiler writers are relatively conservative, and they only apply code optimizations if the optimization will preserve the true meaning of the code in all defined cases. The output of our script, regarding the condition line: tif_aux.c:70 overflow based pattern simplification They didn't agree on what signed overflow should do, so that did not get in the standard. This is different from unspecified behavior, for which the language specification does not prescribe a result, and implementation-defined behavior that defers to the documentation of another component of the platform (such as the ABI or the translator documentation). No surprises that theyre designer and advocate of one of the worst languages ever created. programs are generally portable to the vast majority of modern Very realistically in code today, unsigned char, unsigned short,uint8_tanduint16_t (and alsouint_least8_t, uint_least16_t, uint_fast8_t, uint_fast16_t) should be considered a minefield for programmers and maintainers. Once undefined behaviour is triggered, "anything can happen". Since you've a 32-bit int. In computer programming, undefined behavior (UB) is the result of executing a program whose behavior is prescribed to be unpredictable, in the language specification to which the computer code adheres. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! In theory theres nothing in the standard that would prevent a future compiler from definingint as even a 128 bit type, and so we have to include int64_t and uint64_t in the list of types that could at least in theory be promoted, all dependent on how the compiler defines typeint. @AndyRoss: While there are no architectures using anything other than 2s complement (for some definition of no), there. The misbehavior can even precede the Two's complement representation allows certain operations to make more sense in binary format. We were both quite familiar with the C standard, and already knew that many C programmers dont usually follow each and every part of the standard. Now that were familiar with integral promotion, lets look at a simple function: Despite all lines seeming to involve only type unsigned short, there is a potential for undefined behavior in Figure 3 on line 6 due to possible signed integer overflow on type int. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The following code emits "1" on a C99 strict compiler: You are mixing signed and unsigned numbers, which is uncool. However, progressive standardization of the platforms has made this less of an advantage, especially in newer versions of C. Now, the cases for undefined behavior typically represent unambiguous bugs in the code, for example indexing an array outside of its bounds. 65536 compares as unequal to sum, since sum was assigned the value 0 earlier. In short, it identified the overflow check bytes / elem_size == nmemb as always true and notified us that it folded it out, to the code that can be seen in Figure 7. cannot be represented in it; either the result is Compilers nowadays have flags that enable such diagnostics, for example, -fsanitize=undefined enables the "undefined behavior sanitizer" (UBSan) in gcc 4.9[2] and in clang. Undefined behaviour with overflow around signed integers? Some operations at the machine level can be the same for signed and unsigned numbers. The usual arithmetic conversions are performed on the operands and determine the type of the result. the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be tif_aux.c:70 Folded into: if (1 != 0) Unsigned int, unsigned long, and unsigned long long are all more or less safe since theyre never promoted. The only case in which the condition will in fact be changed is if the original addition operation will overflow (be bigger than 2GB). the new type. When a standard was introduced, it's goal was largely to standardise existing practice. For example, buffer overflows and other security vulnerabilities in the major web browsers are due to undefined behavior. Signed and unsigned integers, paragraph 2: if the new type is However, the conditional operator works with operands of type int, and so the right hand side summation never gets a similar conversion down to unsigned short. unsigned integers have well defined overflow and underflow. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. [==, !=] On a more optimistic tone, since fuzzers test the binary level and not the code level, they cant be fooled by the original intent of the programmer; they test the actual code as produced by the compiler, after it performed all of the optimizations rounds. To illustrate the use of safely_promote_t, lets write a template function version of Figure 3 that is free from any undefined behavior when T is an unsigned integer type: Of course the best solution of all came from the introductory advice: use a signed integral type instead of unsigned types whenever you can. Compiler vendors at some point however started treating signed overflow as an optimisation opportunity. Going further, since the result z is now never used and foo() has no side effects, the compiler can optimize run_tasks() to be an empty function that returns immediately. Its the promotion of *unsigned* integral types thats problematic and bug-prone. The safest way (regardless of compiler vendor) is to always keep the number of bits to shift (the right operand of the << and >> bitwise operators) within the range: <0, sizeof(value)*CHAR_BIT - 1> (where value is the left operand). If on the other hand you run Figure 2 on a system where unsigned short is a 16bit type and int is a 32 bit type, the operands one and max will be promoted to type int prior to the addition and no overflow will occur; the program will output sum == 65536. However, if you are having overflows in the calculations, it is important to understand what that actually results in, and that the compiler MAY do something other than what you expect (and that this may very depending on compiler version, optimisation settings, etc). C implementations usually used the same representation used by the CPU - so the overflow behavior followed from the integer representation used by the CPU. When a value with integer In Figure 1, the unsigned short variable max will be assigned the value 65535, and will retain this value when converted to type int. Unpredictable result when running a program, // valid C, deprecated in C++98/C++03, ill-formed as of C++11, // undefined behavior for indexing out of bounds, // undefined behavior for dereferencing a null pointer, /* undefined behavior if the value of the function call is used*/, /* undefined behavior: two unsequenced modifications to i */, //shifting by a negative number - undefined behavior, //the literal '1' is typed as a 32-bit integer - in this case shifting by more than 31 bits is undefined behavior, //the literal '1ULL' is typed as a 64-bit integer - in this case shifting by more than 63 bits is undefined behavior. These will promote to signed int at the drop of a hat (C has absolutely insane implicit integer conversion rules, this is one of C's biggest hidden gotcha's), consider: To avoid this, you should always cast to the type you want when you are relying on that type's width, even in the middle of an operation where you think it's unnecessary. Saturating signed arithmetic is definitely compliant with the standard. Time for the results. reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be Current compiler development usually evaluates and compares compiler performance with benchmarks designed around micro-optimizations, even on platforms that are mostly used on the general-purpose desktop and laptop market (such as amd64). For a compiler, this also means that various program transformations become valid, or their proofs of correctness are simplified; this allows for various kinds of optimizations whose correctness depend on the assumption that the program state never meets any such condition. not in the range of representable values for its type), the behavior [6] Linux Weekly News pointed out that the same behavior was observed in PathScale C, Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 and several other compilers;[7] the warning was later amended to warn about various compilers.[8]. This is guaranteed by the C standard and is Undefined behavior is the name of a list of conditions that the program must not meet. This makes it hard or impossible to program a portable fail-safe option (non-portable solutions are possible for some constructs). Should convert 'k' and 't' sounds to 'g' and 'd' sounds when they follow 's' in a word for pronunciation? C and C++ won't make you pay for that unless you ask for it by using a signed integer. Original response edited. [5], Undefined behavior can lead to security vulnerabilities in software. On the left, we see 3 code checks with the signed addition of two operands, and on the right we see the matching assembly instructions, as compiled by Clang x86-64 version 3.9.0 with optimizations flags -o2. represented by the resulting type. ones' complement or signed magnitude arithmetic, but it is safe to 576), AI/ML Tool examples part 3 - Title-Drafting Assistant, We are graduating the updated button styling for vote arrows. No multiplication of values of type unsigned short ever occurs in this function. C integer overflow behaviour when assigning to larger-width integers. The compiler will cast that result from type int to type unsigned short in order to assign it to variable sum. Why do some images depict the same constellations differently? Surprises You could run into a few problems with unsigned integer types. How can an accidental cat scratch break skin but not damage clothes? Unfortunately, most programmers are not familiar with the in-depth details of the C standard, nor the C++ one. Many real-world C programmers still think of C this way. This page has been accessed 208,234 times. The compiler can therefore conclude that with valid code, there is no scenario in which the conditional could possibly fail, and it could use this knowledge to optimize the function, producing object code that simply returns 0. For example, its plausible that there could someday be a compiler that defines intas a 64 bit type, and if so, int32_t and uint32_t will be subject to promotion to that largerinttype. An inequality for certain positive-semidefinite matrices. You are right. Most compilers, when possible, will choose "do the right thing", assuming that is relatively easy to define (in this case, it is). Poynting versus the electricians: how does electric power really travel from a source to a load? Im open to change. If you read the rationale for standard C at https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/C99RationaleV5.10.pdf where they discuss the choice of promotion semantics they decided that the "value preserving" semantics were safer, however they made this decision based on the assumption that most implementations used twos complement and handled wraparound quietly in the obvious manner. The check was optimized out because of the possible deref before it. In an unsigned number space that value is the maximum value possible (i.e. It could be ones complement, for example. It is the responsibility of the programmer to write code that never invokes undefined behavior, although compiler implementations are allowed to issue diagnostics when this happens. If a C were to provide a means of declaring a "wrapping signed two's complement" integer, no platform that can run C at all should have much trouble supporting it at least moderately efficiently. Undefined behavior can result in a program crash or even in failures that are harder to detect and make the program look like it is working normally, such as silent loss of data and production of incorrect results. Can be surprising, which will be assigned to sum, since sum was the! Of C this way would make it a little more awkward to invoke behavior... That situation it yield -9992 would make it a little more awkward not Prime ) I. Modified on 20 may 2023, at 00:59 the app now from a source to a load types thats and! Happens, but this might include raising an exception negative expression gcc optimizer from incorrect... Modifying an object between two sequence points as of C++11 optimizations went widely unnoticed up 4.0.10! 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