So what makes KDE Neon special? Users who arent well acquainted with Linux or Chrome OS will be surprised to see this entry on the list of best-looking Linux distros. As I am talking about the most beautiful distributions of Linux, Pop!_OS is also not an exception to that. When it comes to the looks, it might be similar to Windows XP, but the backing of Ubuntu makes it stronger. I am talking about the distributions that look great without any tweaks and customization effort from the users end. You can use its tool Zorin connect to integrate your mobile device and computer seamlessly so that you can transfer files, control audio playback, and even use the mobile device as a touchpad! Empowering you with the latest technology insights. However, it approaches the user interface with utmost care and simplicity, making it one of the good-looking Linux distributions out there. The user interface might not be the same as that of Windows, but you can find a lot of similarities with the user interface of Windows, which is worth mentioning. The name starts with Z, but it is the first one in the list of the Linux distributions with the best user interface. Deepin Wrapping Up Introduction If you are manifesting joining the Linux clan and thinking about it, it's time. This would undoubtedly explain it as the most beautiful Linux distros. Manage Settings Undoubtedly, Zorin OS is an aesthetically pleasing Linux distro that manages to provide a good user experienceeven with its lite edition. Since were talking about Arch-based distros it wouldnt feel right to proceed further without mentioning Endeavour OS. The Budgie Desktop Environment is one of the best ever Linux desktop environments. Also worth noting is that KDE Neon is targeted at power users who enjoy testing all the bleeding-edge features developed by the KDE community. I will not brag about the developer-friendly features available on the elementary OS as this particular Linux distribution is targeted towards normal users who want to use their computer for normal day to day tasks, and do not look out for advanced features most other Linux distributions has to offer. Furthermore, you can also change a number of useful elements within your Linux distribution, which is yet another cool aspect of using a Linux distro. Q4OS. Pop OS 9. elementary OS 10. Sitemap There are a lot of legacy Debian packages supported in this system. In addition, Pop!_OS is one of the only distributions that enables pre-installed encryption out of the box so theres no need to worry about security here. Over the last couple of releases and after the latest Fedora 36 release feedback, Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma has become the go-to distribution for every possible use case and workflow. With thisgood-looking Linux distro, you get the stability of LTS, get all the stuff done, and enjoya slick experience. An Arch-based Linux distribution is Manjaro Linux. The software choice is pretty balanced. It was initially based on Ubuntu, but Nitrux ditched Ubuntu base. This may improve with the introduction of their new COSMIC desktop environment. 1 min Last Updated Here's the Deal Slant is powered by a community that helps you make informed decisions. | Learn How to Protect Your Personal Information, 11 Useful Firefox Add-ons to Enhance Your Browsing Experience. With a great community of developers, you need not be worried about future updates and support. Solus OS should work exactly the way you want, right out of the box, and thus, you will never have to make a lot of modifications before you can get started with Solus OS. So this list of beautiful Linux distributions is from my point of view. The upcoming Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute Hippo beta is out and, while it doesnt ship with GNOME 40, from a beginners point of view, it might still look like a pretty good-looking Linux distro for daily use. It is currently meant for testing and if you are looking for an adventure, you can try it out. In this article, we are going to provide you a list of the most beautiful Linux Distros. Chakra is another user-friendly distribution, based on Arch Linux. 7. You should have a revitalising user experience using Solus and its original Budgie desktop. Furthermore, to install various packages without thinking much about dependencies it uses AppImage. What makes it one of the most visually attractive Linux distros is its tweaked Cinnamon desktop environment. There are so many desktop environment options available with Garuda Linux including KDE Plasma, Xfce, GNOME, Cinnamon, LXQt, MATE, Deepin, UKUI, Wayfire, BSPWM, i3WM. What is DNS Ad Blocking & How Can It Benefit You? It offers a clear and comfortable user interface and accepts queues from various other desktop environments. Home Linux The 9 Best KDE-Based Distros for Avid Linux Users By Gaurav Siyal Published Feb 10, 2022 KDE Plasma lets you customize the desktop with no limitations. Feren OS 4. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Easy or advanced to use? The new versions of the operating system take a lot of inspiration from Apples macOS and the implementation is very well done. Im only going to highlight the prettiest Linux distributions in this list. So, if you want access to those along with a curated collection of wallpapers, you should opt for the pro edition and support the Zorin OS team financially. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, at no added cost to you. The primary reason is that Fedora Linux is very stable with the latest tech, and KDE Plasma is super fast and perfect for all users. If you are an Ubuntu user but got frustrated with the same, then POP!_OS would be a great alternative for those people. Contact Us Using different open source technologies, the developers keep creating something new and surprising for enthusiasts. Edumotivation was founded by Mangesh Dhulap, Our vision behind making this platform is that those who cannot afford paid courses, can learn this operating system freely through our website which will prove to be a milestone in his career growth. So, without any further delay, lets get started with the top, Deepin is another popular Chinese Linux distribution that also offers a. Maui Linux is an LTS version of Linux, which ensures, the distribution gets security updates for a long time, which is something most users look out for. It follows the minimalist approach and sports a flat and modern look. Thats pretty much it! Some Linux distributions become more stable with ever-changing packages and components, while others become unstable in quality. It allows both KDE and GNOME desktop environment edition along with a variety of spins. Let us know in the comments section below. Feel free to share other Linux distros that you find effective. Pop!_OS 14. This is fairly new but it offers an impressive experience out of the box. Though the UI of Deepin doesnt remind us of any other Linux Distros as it is easy to operate and understand. 7. It comes with the Deepin Store that provides lots of applications that arent available in the Ubuntu Store. The animations (look and feel) could be too overwhelming for some but it looks pretty. The desktop is based on Gnome but includes some special features and visual customization that make it a better alternative to Ubuntu in many cases. But, if your first priority of getting a Linux distribution with best and beautiful UI (user interface), there are a handful of Linux distributions that you can choose from. It uses Nomad desktop which is based on KDE. It may not exactly resemble the UI of any other distribution, but its effortless to get used to. However, unlike Linux Mint, Feren OS is a better distribution of Linux which has been developed by tweaking the Cinnamon desktop environment which is used on Linux mint. Nitrux OS is based on Debian. However, it approaches the user interface with great care and simplicity, making it one of the most visually appealing Linux distributions available. However, Im uncertain if they want to continue the development considering the website is under maintenance for a while. LibreOffice Suite, Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird mail client are some of the software that comes pre-installed with Solus. Solus is one of the most modern-looking Linux distributions developed using most modern technologies. Feren OS is based on Ubuntu, one of the most powerful and reliable Linux distributions. Ive already mentioned Ubuntu over a thousand times before and here I am again. It will update the user experience with every update you get. With the FOSS Weekly Newsletter, you learn useful Linux tips, discover applications, explore new distros and stay updated with the latest from Linux world. Feel free to disagree (politely of course) and mention your favorites. Some of the most popular Linux distributions that ship with KDE are Kubuntu, Fedora, KDE Neon, Q4OS, Gentoo Linux, KaOS, and a lot more. Ive already mentioned Ubuntu over a thousand times before and here I am again. You may read our guide if you are confused about which one to choose and how to install it. Cyberpunk, anyone? But here, we focus on the distributions that look great without any tweaks and customization effort from the users end. Zorin OS 3. It is also my personal favourite, and I use it as my primary desktop operating system. One of the youngest distros on the market, Highly customizable KDE desktop environment, The most popular distro around by some metrics, The uncomplicated and easy-to-use installer, Polished and rock solid Linux desktop experience, Lots of low-cost Chromebook options to choose from, Always-synced Google account on all devices its only a positive if you prefer that kind of thing, A very helpful and fast-growing community, The best distro if you want to try out KDE Plasma, Comes with all the latest bleeding-edge features. The installation process is also very similar to Ubuntu. Please try again. Here, let me list some of the best KDE-based Linux distros. Well, quite a few things but probably the most distinctive feature is its ability to be customized in a wide variety of ways. However, theyve gotten it right by having a perfect combination of icons/themeswhile also polishing the user experience from a technical standpoint. Characteristics of ideal beginners' Linux distro Top 10 Linux Distro for Beginners 1. I hope this list of curated and best Linux distributions helps you pick one for yourself, your friends and co-workers. Pop!_OS is based on the GNOME Desktop Environment Linux user interface, which offers a completely new desktop experience to the users, even after being based on Ubuntu. 1. However, Ubuntu itself is a Debian derivative. Deepin comes with a beautiful user interface and a wide range of features. If youve made it this far, you probably know which one to pick. The Ubuntu LTS releases (with default GNOME Desktop) are the most used Linux Distribution today. Most people will want our User edition built from released software, but we also have Testing and Unstable editions built directly from unreleased Git for helping develop our software. As an added bonus, MX Linux is remarkably lightweight and works on a very wide range of hardware. Plasma is often considered one of the best Linux desktop environments and is supported by pretty much all of the major distributions. It is based on Ubuntu which means that it provides a great user experience with whatever they offer. Then go for Linux distribution for hacking, Not want to use Windows 7 then see the Linux alternatives for Windows and last for those have an old computer and wants lightweight Linux distros. We would recommend this OS to newcomers as it is easy and provides you all the necessary features. After installing it, the user interface should make both Windows and macOS users feel at ease. Talking about the user interface which is the most basic element, when it comes to the most beautiful distributions of Linux, Maui Linux comes with an alternative to the Start menu on Windows, and there are also desktop icons which you can rearrange or add as per your requirements. Its development started as a set of themes and apps designed for Ubuntu, so the visual appeal shouldnt turn out to be surprising. OS, but if youre used to Ubuntu, Pop! It is currently intended for testing, so if youre looking for an adventure, give it a shot. Debian comes with an installer for several architectures. There is no doubt about the Ubuntu LTS versions power and stability. This cool distro ships with custom-made software. The paid edition (or the pro version) includes different types of layouts. Users who want a simplified approach to the design language but still want a great user experience, select KDE Neon. And if you have an old computer, you can use lightweight Linux distros which would be perfect for your PC. If you dont necessarily enjoy tinkering, you can still expect a pretty good looking desktop even with the base installation. There is a regular menu, where you can get access to all the applications available within the distribution. However, if you are familiar with Linux, you are at liberty to choose the most beautiful distribution of Linux from the list given here. Do you want to try out some new Linux desktop environment user interface then laid down your hands on eXtern OS? It is also powered by Ubuntu and uses the KDE desktop environment along with QT to give the best possible user experience. Package management is handled by Pacman via command line, and front-end UI package manager tools such as the pre-installed Pamac. Its comfort has made developers use Deepin OS more. While this list features many derivatives of popular Linux distros, Solus tries to set itself apart from that crowd. Nitrux: Based on Debian-unstable, features customized KDE Plasma desktop and AppImage as the primary format. The easy installer also makes sure that you will never face any kind of problem at the time of installation and the Deepin Store comes with the number of Hidden Gems that you cant even find in the Ubuntu Store. Pop!_OS manages to offer a great UI on top of Ubuntu while offering a near-vanialla GNOME experience. Deepin Linux is an open-source, Chinese Linux distribution that aims to offer a clean and visually appealing interface to Linux users. Fixing Port is reader-supported. Its worth noting that Nitrux is based on the Ubuntu unstable dev branch and ships with the Nomad Desktop environment. Linux Lite. After offering a fresh look to the users, Pop!_OS also comes with the most useful programs which will be handy, and the existing set of apps with Pop!_OS makes the operating system ready to use out-of-the-box. 2. Learn how your comment data is processed. Solus is specially developed for home computing but can easily be used for professional work also. Debian termed a Universal Operating System, is perfect for moderately experienced users of Linux. Linux Mint is mainly based on Ubuntu. Moreover, a massive list of free and open-source audio, graphics, and video applications is pre-loaded into the ISO, saving time if you plan to build a multimedia workstation. In addition, if you are new to Linux or Windows users who plan to migrate, then it is a perfect distribution to start. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Apart from these do check out our list of best Linux desktop environments that you can use in 2022. Or, at the very least, make it a worthy competitor to the ever-popular distribution. However, you can download the Pop OS for various hardware for free using the link below. Manjaro Linux is offering a good variety of desktop experiences to all its users. Linux Mint 2. Your email address will not be published. While offering a fantastic user experience for Linux users, it leans toward a macOS-like appearance. One of the most attractive Linux distributions available in elementary OS. Wonderful, isnt it? Nitrux OS is a unique take on a Linux distribution which is based on Debian. This list will be pretty useful for all developers. This beautiful Linux distro focuses on creating new interfaces and design and they are always looking for unique ideas. The primary reason for featuring this is that it is perfect for you if you want a Ubuntu LTS base distribution but want the latest KDE Applications. As for the looks, KDE Neon developers know how to master flat-looking themes. Other desktop editions are also available, but the Budgie desktop edition ought to be distinguished from the rest. Maui Linux is an LTS version of Linux, which ensures, the distribution gets security updates for a long time, which is something most users look out for. With handpicked desktop themes, appealing shell look and beautiful blur effects out of the box. It comes with every possible driver and utility for all use cases. You can download MX Linux from its official website below. Theres quite a bit of debate surrounding that question but the simple answer is that MX is the best user-friendly derivative of Debian and that gives it a whole slew of advantages over most other distros. At last, we all know everybody has got a different vision so beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Linux Mint 6. The wide selection of Ubuntu apps and themes make elementary OS one of the most functional Linux distributions of the generation. Raspberry Pi OS. Garuda Linux is new in the market but it will offer you an impressive experience out of the box. Zorin OS is based on Ubuntu, hence you wont need to learn new stuff. Flutter vs. React Native: Which Should You Use? In case youre having a tough time adapting to Ubuntus recent shift from Unity, you can give elementary OS a try. Fossbytes co-founder and an aspiring entrepreneur who keeps a close eye on open source, tech giants, and security. Including fairly old laptops. Did I forget to say, Zorin OS also comes with the Wine compatibility mode to run all your useful Windows programs! Developed in 2008, over the years, this visually appealing Linux desktop has established itself as a perfect Windows replacement. It provides a selection of desktop environment editions for you to download. There are actually a handful of widgets that you can choose from that include everything from a clock to sticky notes, activity bar, and everything else that you will need, all with the option to even get new widgets from time to time. You wont have any trouble using the elementary OS if you are already accustomed to using macOS. So, that was my list of the top 10 distributions of Linux with the best user interface. Zorin OS. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The user interface is clean, and one of the most beautiful I have ever seen in a Linux distribution. The OS ships without many default Ubuntu applications, replacing them with many lightweight alternatives. Furthermore, with Linux Mint, you do not need to install any additional applications after a fresh install. The primary Xfce desktop with Manjaro tweaks looks very pleasing with its green theme. Ubuntu is the sole reason for the existence of most of the distros on this list. Despite its young age, the operating system quickly became one of the most popular distributions among programmers and developers, as well as plenty of regular home users who prefer to use a laptop instead of a desktop. But the KDE Framework and KDE Applications with KDE Plasma desktop are the latest from the team. MX Linux 6. KDE is one of the most customizable and fastest desktop environments out there. The KDE Neon is based on the Ubuntu LTS release at its base. It is released in four desktop environments. The popularity of open-source software and Linux is rising with each passing year, and more . This is relatively new, but it provides an impressive experience right out of the gate. Zorin OS is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu Linux and is best for those who want nice looks, power, stability, and a productive system. But, the developer has probably abandoned the project, with no recent activity. Ubuntu Studio comes with the low-latency mainline Linux Kernel to give additional advantages to multiple operations. Also, elementary OS is based on Ubuntu so you can easily find plenty of applications to get things done. Solus OS 13. Our first look at CutefishOS made us realize that it could also topple Deepin as one of the most attractive distros. You can download Zorin OS from the below link. You can try either the full version or the lite edition (with Xfce desktop). Ideas and opinions expressed here are owned by the author and dont necessarily reflect those of other people or organizations. Though some people may feel the animation overwhelming, for some people it is beautiful. Elementary OS is good not for its look but its hard for work too. This site serves Ads by a third party that uses cookies and serves ads based on user browsing patterns. How to install Docker using SNAP on Ubuntu Linux, 2 Ways to start Docker Container automatically on Boot in Linux, How to install Docker CE on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish. Linux Mint Cinnamon 5. If you do not trust the distribution, but want to access the desktop environment, you can try UbuntuDDE as well. If you are a developer and looking for best Linux desktop environments for developers, we will prefer you to use KDE as it is the most popular and preferred desktop environment used by developers. It comes with both KDE and GNOME desktop environment editions, as well as a number of spins with different tiling window managers. Customizing Neon doesnt require a lot of technical know-how but it does require patience since there are so many options to work with. Best hardware detection in the business. Deepin is yet another beautiful Linux distro originally based on Debians stable branch. But Nitrux also supports the Pacman package manager from Arch Linux. Another thing worth to mention that it uses a free and modular front-end framework which allows it to adopt the screen size seamlessly. Nitrux 8. Linux is the open platform, and you can choose the best distro by considering every single element of the distribution. The OS ships without many default Ubuntu applications, replacing them with many lightweight alternatives. The Pop OS is developed by American computer manufacturer System76 for their hardware lineup. As soon as you log in, youll be greeted with a splash screen and then a beautiful wallpaper that will definitely leave a smile on your face. Hence, its challenging to pick and choose the best Linux distribution for your school, work or just casual browsing, watching movies, etc. Know More>>, About Us You can call elementary OS the best replacement for both macOS as well as Windows. There are a number of useful widgets that you can add to the desktop with ease. In spite of all, Zorin OS also comes with a rich set of applications most users will need, and it comes with GNOME desktop to run on your new, as well as run of the mill hardware. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Sign up for our new post alerts and join our community of Linux and BSD users. 2023 All Rights Reserved | Created with in India . For example, you get a well-designed COSMIC desktop with Pop OS (which is currently being written with Rust), a built-in tiling feature, well-optimized power controls, and a stunning Pop Shop. Debian package repo contains all possible packages, which gives you the ultimate flexibility to set up any custom system you want. It is another name on this list that aims to offer the best experience possible for users looking to replace old fashioned Windows OS. Your email address will not be published. A Debian-based Linux distribution with a distinctive approach is called Nitrux OS. All of these features are aimed at helping users increase their workflow and the OS also includes a comprehensive development toolkit that can boost your productivity even more. On the right side of the screen, you get Raven, which hosts applets, notifications, etc. Feren OS is based on Linux Mint. Success! What is the difference between apt and snap installed docker? I dont want to start a debate between Ubuntu and Pop! If you dont mind the fact that the taskbar is located to the side rather than at the bottom, you should be able to get used to MX Linux pretty quickly if youre switching from Windows. Pop!_OS is a fantastic distribution of Linux which comes with a lot of new color themes and if you are into gaming, it is optimized for the latest AMD and Nvidia graphics cards to offer you a great giving performance. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It is also very stable thanks to Ubuntu. But you might be going to change your opinion after going through this list of the most beautiful Linux Distros, we have compiled here. Although the updated themes and icons look great right out of the box, the classic themes are still available. While based on Ubuntu, it provides a great user experience with what it has to offer. Q4OS intends to be a leaner, meaner desktop, and a suitable alternative to Ubuntu. It is a great . Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In this, you will get many built-in customization options so feel free to try this beautiful Linux distro. Budgie is its own homegrown desktop environment, while others are GNOME, MATE and Plasma. Pop!_OS isnt flashynor involves any fancy animations. Even though its not the ideal OS for everyone, it sure does look nice and is adequate for the majority of basic tasks. Installing Arch Linux is considered to be the most complicated job. Deepin Linux is developed by a company from China. One can say it is a treat to the eyes. Is there such a thing as a lovely Linux distribution? Deepin Linux, one the prettiest Linux distros around, also comes with Hot Corners and Gestures that make your Linux desktop experience refreshing. Isnt it redundant, given that you can customise the appearance of any distribution and make it look better with themes and icons? Is it not redundant considering the fact that you can customize the looks of any distribution and make it look better with themes and icons? Solus isnt exclusively being marketed as the best distro for developers but, it does come with a lot of developer tools built-in. Even though Maui Linux is based on KDE Neon, there are also certain applications, which are not based on KDE that include Firefox, Thunderbird and a number of other popular applications. The animations (look and feel) may be too overwhelming for some, but they look nice. Get in touch with him by sending an email , choosing the Linux distributions as per their needs, how to Dual-boot Linux Mint with Windows 10, best distributions thats not Ubuntu-based, HP Pavilionx360 2-in-1 Review: A Versatile Laptop For Everyday Use. The Cinnamon desktop environment in Linux Mint has grown exponentially and is now better than ever. KDE Neon. . Overall, it is one of the best-looking distros on this list. You still have enough options, regardless of what you select, to alter the layout or the look and feel. However, EndeavourOS is a perfect Arch Linux-based distribution which features Xfce, KDE Plasma and other popular desktops out of the box. But I would not recommend it for gaming or development work. Even if its not the perfect OS to have installed (yet), it sure looks pretty and good enough for most of the basic tasks. 1. That means the OS receives more frequent updates when compared to other distros, including visual upgrades, but theres no need to worry about potential stability issues because Neon uses Ubuntu LTS as its core. Deepin is another beautiful Linux distros available for developers. Deepin Linux is another open-source Chinese-based Linux distro that commits to providing a clear and visually attractive interface to Linux users. This helps the new users easily migrate to Linux and use Zorin for their day-to-day work. In this list, we are focusing on beautiful Linux distros. But here we are talking about distributions without the help of themes and icons to make them beautiful. Beyond just the appearance, the elementary OS is constantly working to make significant changes. Linux users have the liberty to enjoy unparalleled freedom while choosing the Linux distributions as per their needs. Kubuntu was the first Linux distros that I tried and I was left surprised by how amazing KDE really is for people who value customizations over everything else. It encourages the use of AppImage for applications. The UI is tailored for Windows and macOS users to get used to. CutefishOS is a fairly new Linux distribution and is still in its beta phase at the time of updating this article. The latest Ubuntu has also made gaming on Linux. It promotes itself as a fast and open replacement for macOS and Windows. If you are a normal user, who is willing to give up on Windows or Mac and is planning to switch to Linux, but your top priority is the best ever user interface, elementary OS is the one that you can count on. It makes Linux look stunning with its wallpapers, user interface tweaks, and other changes. With the familiar installation method, and is based on Ubuntu, Zorin OS is one of the best Linux distributions that have the most stunning user interface, you will immediately fall in love with. Other downloads with torrent details are present here. With the vast community support, Ubuntu LTS versions with customised GNOME might be the perfect fit for your needs. Feel free to experiment with the KDE desktop since it has a tonne of built-in customization features! Simplicity is the key aspect that the developers had kept in mind while developing Antergos. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It offers a user-friendly interface with a look and feel similar to that. Switching from Windows? Nitrux encourages using of AppImage for applications. Therefore you can undoubtedly try this Linux distro. The UI is tailored for Windows and macOS users to get used to. elementary OS is one of the most beautiful Linux distros out there. Feren OS could be a good Linux distro to start with for people looking to switch from Windows to Linux. You can use MX Linux for all of your needs. With that said, you can download Linux Mint using the below link. So, if you ever get stuck, help is just a message away. Deepin is yet another lovely Linux distribution based on Debians stable branch. On the brighter side, you get to say, btw, I use Arch. With the introduction of their new COSMIC desktop environment, this can potentially improve. While installing Arch Linux is a slightly complicated job, Manjaro provides an easier and smoother Arch experience. Manjaro Linux is an Arch-based Linux distribution. Looking of penetration testing? Download. For example, MX has a utility thats reminiscent of Windows Control Panel and theres also a Control Center that lets you manage software packages. Linux Distributions With KDE Onboard Furthermore, Linux Mint does a few things better than Ubuntu, which might make it a solid desktop OS for your use-case. Some of the most noteworthy features offered by Pop!_OS include auto-tiling, enhanced keyboard navigation, and the ability to create Workspaces. So, without any further delay, lets get started with the topLinux distributions with the best UI. Welcome back! Garuda Linux 3. Specs. Here are the top nine Linux distros that ship with the KDE desktop out-of-the-box. 3. So, you can expect the user experience to improve with every update you get. Nitrux OS is a unique take on a Linux distribution which is based on Debian. 3. depth. best Linux desktop environments for developers. 2023 Edumotivation. POP!_OS polishes the user experience to a whole new level from a technical point of view. 17. Most third-party applications and games primarily target Ubuntu, and you get a much bigger support base than all the distributions in this list. It manages multiple desktops while running the main Zorin OS at work. . As of now, you cannot access the ISO for it. Its updated version is specifically optimized for gaming. Overall, it is one of the best-looking distros on this list. Since this is a terminal-centric distro, there is no GUI right off the bat but you can easily set up one of many desktop environments using the Endeavours intuitive installer. Endeavour OS 8. Pop! This beautiful Linux distro borrows some tricks from macOS for its slick interface that prefers to deliver a clutter-free experience to the users. Plant Trees While Browsing with Ecosia Search Engine, The Top 10 AI Tools You Need to Try (2023), The Top 12 Most Stunning Linux Distributions, Microsoft Build 2023: Unveiling AI Innovations in Windows 11, Microsoft 365, and More. If you want to install Linux Mint alongside Windows, do make sure to check out our how to Dual-boot Linux Mint with Windows 10 article. KDE neon takes the latest Plasma desktop and KDE apps and builds them fresh each day for your pleasure, using the stable Ubuntu LTS base. You can go through our Garuda review article or watch the video above to know more about it. But you can also use Arch Linuxs pacman package manager in Nitrux. 50+ Best Lightweight Linux Distros for 2023 by ThisHosting.Rocks | Updated January 2, 2023 With the feedback and requests we got from our Best Linux Distros for Gaming list, we had to do another list of the best lightweight Linux distros. A contender that you probably never expected to see on this list, Ubuntu. Budgie desktop is built on top of GNOME but it doesnt feature Shell. The Most Beautiful Linux Distributions for 2023. Linux Mint. If you have any other favorite Most Beautiful Linux Distros then dont forget to share them with us in the comment below. Deepin has managed to provide undoubtedly the best control center and color scheme. However, you can also download it separately and install it on any compatible machine, just as you would any other Linux distribution. You are correct in this regard. It does not have numerous things going on, but if you want a simple, and unique KDE experience, Feren OS can be a good-looking choice. 6. Therefore users find it user-friendly to use within their range.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fixingport_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',618,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fixingport_com-medrectangle-3-0'); This distro has a good and balanced combination of themes and icons that always give a fresh look to the user interface. Very few of them are unique and bring something different to the table. Undoubtedly, Zorin OS is a sexy looking Linux distro that manages to provide a good user experience even with its lite edition. You can even try the lite version or full version depending on your use. If youre looking for a perfect and good-looking Windows replacement or distro-hopping, at the end of this article, were pretty sure youll decide to install at least one of the distros. Bonelab (2023) Review: The Best Physics-Based VR Shooter. A powerful search feature lets you access all your work from one place. It leans on a macOS-ish look while providing a great user experience for Linux users. What are the best Arch Linux based distributions? KDE Plasma 5 Before all the other desktop environments on this list were, KDE (Plasma) was the de-facto choice when it came to beautiful Linux desktop environments. It is light in weight and features the KDE Plasma desktop which looks beautiful and stunning. Deepin 10. elementary OS 11. With rounded corners, Linux Mint has been making improvements to its user interface and overall appearance. There is a Linux distribution for every user, regardless of their preferences or what they want to use it for. There are many Linux distributions which are based on Debian. It offers both KDE and GNOME desktop environment editions along with a variety of spins with different tiling window managers out of the box. Is it stable? The next one in the list is Antergos, which is yet another beautiful Linux distribution, but this time it is based on Manjaro Linux, which is an Arch-based distribution of Linux that you can count on. You've successfully signed in. Debian is the oldest continuously-produced free operating system with one of the largest communities of developers and users. Feren OS. We compiled a list of the 10 best Linux distributions for everyone in 2023 based on their stability, attractiveness and time required to configure after installation. It promotes itself as a fast and open replacement for macOS and Windows. Debian. In addition, if you want a professional-grade Linux distribution with official help and support, you should check out actual System76 hardware with Pop OS. However, we will concentrate on distributions that look great without any tweaking or customization from the user. POP!_OS See More. Users who arent well acquainted with Linux or Chrome OS will be surprised to see this entry on the list of best-looking Linux distros. It comes pre-configured with KDE Plasma desktop environment, providing a clutter-free workspace. If you are fond of using Ubuntu but are going to play games, Pop!_OS is the perfect and the youngest Linux distribution that you can use. But it is one of the famous and emerging Linux distributions based on Ubuntu. Based On: Arch Linux. Exodia OS Wrapping up Top Beautiful Arch Linux Distros Let's explore some of the top beautiful Arch Linux distros that combine aesthetics with the power of Arch Linux's base: XeroLinux XeroLinux offers a visually stunning interface with a sleek design. Chrome OS 15. It promises to deliver an experience thatll matchthe aesthetics of macOS and Windows operating systems. It features Deepin Desktop Environment that involves a mix of essential features for the best user experience possible. If a modern look is something that you look for within your Linux distribution, Feren OS is exactly where your search ends, as it has a familiar desktop environment that features a clean and flat design which will be a treat to the eyes for most users. Here are the details of it. Not just limited to the look and feel but the elementary OS is always hard at work to introduce meaningful changes. KDE is a popular and customizable desktop environment for Linux-based distributions. It came into existence when Canonical decided to ditch Unity and move to GNOME. Everything just works, and is very stable. OS can be a great alternative for a potentially better user experience. KDE is a name that carries a lot of weight in the Linux community so its likely that youve already heard of Neon. Your email address will not be published. While its desktop is based on GNOME, it bears a distinct appeal and minimalistic approach. But you can also use Arch Linuxs pacman package manager in Nitrux. Own a dated computer? As we all know, there is a Linux distribution for every user out there, no matter what you are looking for. So, I would recommend you to use this beautiful Linux distro with the perfect blend of beauty and hard-working capacity. So, if youre looking for a neat, clean-looking option for regular web browsing and video streaming purposes, Chrome OS is the perfect option. It focuses on providing a good user experience to the users who are looking for a unique design language with a fresh take on a Linux distro. Elementary OS comes with the Pantheon Desktop Environment that might not be the lightweight desktop environment, but it should easily run on most modern computers even if it doesnt have the cutting edge hardware. You can use lightweight Linux distros. It has a simple and functional user interface. It was started in 2000 by Nissim Garuba with the goal of making a stable, secure, and easy-to-use desktop distro for both experienced users and .,,,,, 13 Best Apps like Dave to Get Cash Advances Effortlessly, Difference between Linux P2V and Windows P2V, Run a Linux Command Without Saving It in History, How to find Linux Server iLO/iDRACIP with Command-line. It is designed for every type of user, the Budgie variant is great for modern machines, while the MATE environment is made especially for low-end machines. Everything from the UI to the animations is extremely polished and definitely feels a notch above and different from the other distros. If you are a KDE loyalist who is looking for a beautiful and lightweight Linux experience, look no further. Just like most other Linux distributions, Antergos is backed by a huge community of enthusiasts, the out of the box experience is pretty good, and in most cases, you will never even need to install any additional programs to get started on this distribution. But if you are new to Linux you should not prioritize a beautiful user interface over everything else as you should also look at a number of other aspects, when it comes to choosing a distribution. It features a homegrown desktop namedDeepin Desktop Environment, or DDE. Meaning desktop environment, stock images, or just the natural flow of the environment. It also happens to be my personal favorite, which I utilize as my primary desktop OS. OS manages to provide a great user interface on top of Ubuntu while also providing a near-vanilla GNOME experience. Thats pretty much it in this most beautiful Linux distros article. Nitrux Linux distros UI is somewhat similar to Elementary OS but with new tint. Here are the 16 Most Beautiful Linux Distros in 2022. You can download and install Debian after choosing the proper installer for your system here. These distros look pleasant and elegant. MX Linux 9. The source code is based on Debian stable, which ensures reliability. The Pro edition is a paid version with additional themes and tweaks for a minimal fee. Feren OS is an Ubuntu-based distro that features KDE desktop. KDE Neon is available for users who prefer a simpler approach to the design language while still receiving an excellent user experience. If you need a stable Linux distribution for your older hardware, free from systemd, you can choose MX Linux. This beautiful Linux distro is based on Ubuntu. Its an emerging Linux distribution that is free from systemd and uses the init system. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. KDE Neon If you find yourself familiar with the KDE desktop environment on Linux, KDE Neon is the one the Linux distribution with the best UI for you. Success! Ubuntu Studio is powered by the KDE Plasma desktop, the perfect Linux distribution for all creators worldwide. Last but not least, EndeavourOS has excellent community support, and its Telegram channel support is the best in my personal experience. Its simplicity makes it an excellent distro for beginners. Geek, List 10 Best Desktop Environments for Linux - (Feature Comparison In 2022) Most Widely Used Linux Desktop Environments Aditya Tiwari January 21, 2022 With a complete GUI (Graphical User. Potentially it is turning out to be the most beautiful Linux distros. If you ever get confused or have no time to choose which distribution is best for you, choose the Linux Mint Cinnamon edition. If you like the macOS interface, you will love this distro. MX Linux. Deepin Linux comes with a number of pre-installed tools that should be useful and blend in with the desktop environment. Zorin OS Undoubtedly, Zorin OS is an aesthetically pleasing Linux distro that manages to provide a good user experienceeven with its lite edition. Based on Arch Linux, this beautiful open-source operating system focuses a lot on making the Linux usage experience a lot smoother. I want to avoid initiating an Ubuntu vs Pop OS debate, but if youre used to Ubuntu, Pop!_OS can be a great alternative for potentially better user experience. Its development started as a set of themes and apps designed for Ubuntu, so the visual appeal shouldnt turn out to be surprising. CutefishOS is a relatively new Linux distribution that is still in beta at the time of writing. Deepin Linux includes a variety of pre-installed tools that blends in with the desktop environment and should be useful. Best 8 Text Editors for Python Programming, 11 Best Open source IoT Platforms To Develop Smart Projects, Install Apache, PHP & MYSQL on Windows 11 | 10 using CMD, 10 Best GIT Client Alternatives To Sourcetree for Code Management. Download this excellent and emerging Linux distribution using the link below. If you dont trust the distribution but still want to use the desktop environment, UbuntuDDE is an option. It uses the Calamares, a system independent installer, and NX Desktop with NX Firewall on top of the KDE Plasma 5 desktop. Note: This Linux discontinued in 2019 and here just for knowledge purpose. What makes it beautiful and different from others are Hot Corners and Gestures that make your Linux using experience best. 46 Options Considered 2.8 K User Recs. My personal attention would go to the control center and the color scheme. Based on Ubuntu, it is an intriguing Linux distribution that puts an emphasis on providing the most recent KDE packages. This distribution is based on Ubuntu so one can get plenty of applications to get things done. You might want to go through the features of Zorin OS 16 (the latest version available) to explore more about it. While based on Ubuntu, it provides a great user experience with what it has to offer. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. DDE. These distros look pleasant and elegant.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'fixingport_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',619,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-fixingport_com-medrectangle-4-0'); POP!_OS has managed to provide the best User Interface to its developers. Proudly Saying this OS Comes From My country India. This desktop environment is considered the most good-looking Linux distros available. In addition, you might consider other Fedora Spins or Fedora Labs if you like a different desktop flavour. Finally, which Linux distribution should you think should be in the top 10? Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","a7b79b8eb07a0f2af63784e2df8da77c");document.getElementById("ccdaab7941").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Especially since you have a lot of great privacy tools at your disposal as well. Ubuntu Studio is an official Ubuntu Linux distribution specially curated for Multimedia production type of work. Despite focusing on functionality above all else, the distros variation of the Xfce4 desktop environment is visually appealing enough to warrant it a spot on our list. Nitrux is the newest Linux distro on this list of most beautiful operating systems for 2022. You would expect most of the popular Linux distros to have been around for ages but thats no always the case. Debian with Xfce Shipped with the GNOME desktop, Zorin really shines and aims to become your daily driver. Also, if you liked this article, Share on your favorite Social media platform. Nitrux encourages using of AppImage for applications. The above three distributions (Fedora, Ubuntu LTS) may not work well in older hardware (PC or Laptop) having low memory and older CPU. Installation process simple by using the Calamares installer, which is both fast and easy to use. 1. Garuda Linux. Just give elementary OS and try and you will love it. MX Linux 7. Just like Ubuntu, on the top right corner of the screen, you can get access to a few of the most useful system applets like Wi-Fi and network connectivity, battery, notifications and everything else that you want to quickly access. Talking about the user interface which is the most basic element, when it comes to the most beautiful distributions of Linux, Maui Linux comes with an alternative to the Start menu on Windows, and there are also desktop icons which you can rearrange or add as per your requirements. My personal focus would be on the control panel and the colour scheme. Built-in Qt, DDE has been widely appreciated and used by the new Linux users. Its a no-brainer that theres a Linux distribution for every user, no matter what they prefer or what they want to do. Zorin OS is a lovely Ubuntu-based Linux distribution. Nitrux OS uses Nomad desktop which is based on KDE. Zorin also comes with a built-in Wine compatibility layer to let you install your favorite Windows applications inside Linux. But for casual users who want to browse the internet, watch movies, listen to music and do personal work, you can blindly trust Ubuntu LTS versions as your best Linux distribution. Download Garuda Linux. This system was initially based on Ubuntu but later Nitrux OS ditched them. Where Ubuntu is based on Debian Unstable, Q4OS tracks the stable version. Zorin OS 12. Kubuntu 7. Is there a thing called a beautiful Linux distribution? You can download the KDE Neon at the below link. Fix shader issues and long loading times. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. You can give it a try, but in my opinion, it appears to be quite fantastic for an Arch-based distribution that functions right out of the box! Do you know distros that deserve to be on this list? It provides a good look at your Linux distros. It is originally based on Debians stable branch. If you like our content, please consider buying us a coffee. Required fields are marked *. Based on Arch Linux, this beautiful open-source operating system focuses a lot on making the Linux usage experience a lot smoother. The primary Xfce desktop with Manjaro tweaks looks very pleasing with its green theme. Recently, a community-supported distro called UbuntuDDE . Its Ultimate edition is optimized for gaming, and the recently introduced Dragonized (Dr460nized) version is aesthetically lavish. If you dont, you might be surprised to learn that MX Linux is by far the most searched distribution on DistroWatch, a trend that has been going on for at least 12 months at this point. The Pop Shop is a software store designed by its maker to give you a well-categorized set of applications for your study, learning, development, gaming, etc. Pop!_OS doesnt come with unwanted user interface elements, which is yet another reason you can easily get started with Pop!_OS distribution of Linux. If you want the most recent KDE features, your only choice is KDE Neon, even though it might not be the best desktop operating system for you. It presents a clean and functional user interface. KDE Neon is for the users who want a simplified approach to the design language but still get a great user experience. Consider Google Chrome as its desktop environment and it mainly supports web applications. Additionally, there is also the option to use hot corners like that of Windows 8, which can help you carry out a number of useful tasks right from the corners. The Linux distro landscape is so dynamic that it changes every month. Last Updated on: March 5, 2023 by H2S Media Team Most people think that Linux doesn't have a user-friendly interface as compared to other available top operating systems. Itcomes with a homegrownPantheon desktop environment that looks polished anddelivers a lightweight experience. Its also important to mention that the same team behind the current Nitrux distribution had previously created another distro with the same name. However, you can also use Arch Linuxs Pacman package manager in Nitrux. KDE Plasma lets you customize the desktop with no limitations. It has been designed to be easy to use by new users and experienced users alike. It takes queues from various other desktop environment and provides a clean/comfortable user interface. Required fields are marked *. To learn more about the Garuda, read our Garuda review or watch the video above. For those who dont know, Chrome OS is actually a Gentoo Linux-based distribution created by Google. Make sure to choose the user edition while downloading. Even if its not the perfect OS for everyone, it sure looks pretty and good enough for most of the basic tasks. In fact, I think its a fantastic modern alternative to Windows 10. It looks and feels fantastic, and it has a short learning curve. BTRFS is a modern, Copy-on-Write (CoW) filesystem for Linux, aimed at implementing advanced features while also focusing on fault tolerance, repair and easy administration. The strength of KDE Neon also lies in its promise of delivering a rock-solid desktop with its cutting-edge features. Getting started with Linux? Plasma is known as the tinkerers desktop of choice and Neon takes that concept and dials it up to eleven. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Check your email for magic link to sign-in. Parrot OS. You should not use this for your production-ready desktop. It is a great operating system for personal users, content creators and gamers. You Will Be Awestruck With These Gorgeous Linux Distros. Note: The list is in no particular order of ranking. But, I will talk about the top Linux distributions with the best user interfaces that you can start using now. It focuses on providing a good user experience to the users who are looking for a unique design language with a fresh take on a Linux distro. We hope that you would try them and if you are already using them then share your experience with us. If you are fond of trying out new Linux distributions from time to time and you keep track of the modern Linux distributions with the best ever user interface, you can try out Solus OS. It is one of the fastest-growing Linux distributions even after offering a minimalistic yet beautiful user interface that offers the modern flat look most users adore. If you are familiar with Ubuntu you can feel at home with Pop!_OS, even after Pop!_OS being based on GNOME. The animations (look and feel) may be too much for some, but it looks nice. There are tons of Linux distros around that are widely used, but elementary OS focuses mainly on non-technical users who are fed up with Windows, and young developers who are new to the open-source world. Icons and Logos are used for information purposes, and credit is provided at the end of corresponding articles. Lets get started: After Linux Mint and Zorin OS, elementary OS is probably the most popular Ubuntu-derivative. Telefunken launches new HD and FHD Smart LED TVs, starting for Rs.17990/-, How to keep track of Novel Coronavirus infections around the world & individual countries. Great! 5. It has Deepin Desktop Environment that involves a combination of essential features for the best possible user experience. But Linux Mint is perfect in those use cases with its unique ability to make everyone welcome. What is the most beautiful linux distro? Just like most other KDE-based distributions of Linux, you can find the most useful software packages that come pre-installed with most other KDE-based distributions of Linux. For example, your printer, webcam, and Bluetooth would work in Linux Mint. They also provide a lite edition of their operating system if your system has a slightly underpowered hardware configuration. But the best way to experience it in our opinion is by getting Neon so you can enjoy the whole KDE package. Just like Windows, you can also get a system tray, where you can get access to the most important settings of the distribution very quickly with just a single click. UpbeatAntaeus's Experience. Furthermore, Deepin comes with a number of other useful UI tweaks that come with support for gestures to make the user interface the best ever. Your billing info has been updated. Pop!_OS was created by computer manufacturer System76 and comes pre-installed on all the machines offered by the company. You can download Fedora KDE Edition here. Feren OS is a rolling release Linux distribution. It may not be as visually appealing as some of the other choices on this list, but it offers a respectable level of simplicity and a contemporary desktop environment. Its based on a rolling release model and is only available for 64-bit systems. In that way, different people choose different distros. These both go suitably well in Deepin OS. Google also made it easier to run Linux apps on Chrome OS and made Chromebooks even more appealing. As a result, you can anticipate that each update will enhance your user experience. You can also read our impressions of Zorin OS lite to learn more about it. Take a look. Manjaro Linux 16. But Manjaro Linux is providing a pretty smooth and operational experience of the arch. It includes the Deepin Desktop Environment, which includes a variety of essential features for the best possible user experience. It offers a variety of desktop environment editions to choose from while downloading. But they may not have the latest KDE Framework or applications. Default Desktop Environment: XFCE, KDE Plasma, GNOME. Any flavors count!!! You'll be the first to know about new releases, reviews and tutorials. To me, it looks quite fantastic for an Arch-based distribution that works out of the box you can give it a try! Additionally, Zorin OS maintains three editions Pro, Lite and Core, which cater to different user bases. It features Deepin Desktop Environments with its core applications. Kubuntu is a great choice for newcomers to Linux or for KDE fans that want a stable and reliable option. It focuses on giving users who want a distinctive design language and a new perspective on a Linux distro a positive user experience. It is also one of the best distributions thats not Ubuntu-based. It is also one of the best Linux distributions for gaming. You can change the icons, background, and everything else just like most other Linux distributions. As the distribution is based on Ubuntu LTS, it comes with all the modern functionalities, and you will never have to worry about the stability of the distro. Connect with me via. RAM: 64. At Fixing Port, we serve the latest tech news and help our audience with the guides to fix all the errors that they are facing in their tech-life. Most of them are just the same Ubuntu or Debian based with a different theme or wrapper. The start menu is intuitively designed as clicking on an option opens a submenu. Even though you can choose various desktop environments, it is clear that their flagship desktop is a heavily customized KDE Plasma with a dark, neon look. These distributions offer a smooth, pleasant desktop experience right out of the box. This is not the best Linux distro but it looks amazing and you can do your basic task on it. Make a Suggestion The UI is tailored for Windows and macOS users to get used to. Set of themes and tweaks for a potentially better user experience impressive experience out of the most attractive... Seen in a cookie a treat to the animations ( look and beautiful blur out... Slick interface that prefers to deliver an experience thatll matchthe aesthetics of macOS the! Find effective surprising for enthusiasts Arch Linux, this can potentially improve try the! And other popular desktops out of the box customize the desktop environment a leaner, meaner desktop and... Itself apart from that crowd the ultimate flexibility to set up any custom you! 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