Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The only negative thing about it is that family and friends see you are quite capable and will start expecting you to do more. To help reduce swelling, raise the injury higher than your heart. Im NWB and in a cast, which comes off Feb 17. The bone may be healed but the soft tissue is still inflamed and your muscles arent used to the new normal- yet ! Just having the cast removed has been a hard transition. Seriously. I am now managing short walks in boot with a frame around the house. I am now in the boot and last week was given 100 percent with and without boot from ortho doctor, like I should just drop the crutches, remove the boot and walk out. I am now following advice from a fabulous private physio. Do isometric exercises to regain muscle strength by contracting the muscles surrounding a joint against a stable object without moving the joint. My ortho never told me anything about 25% or any percentage for that matter. Running sports such as soccer, basketball, and tennis demand that you run, jump, and push off your calf muscles to accelerate or change direction quickly. Thanks for this post, I have found it an interesting read. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Practicing cast removal with the amazing #DeWalt 20v Brushless Oscillating Tool. lisa32079 I had my cast off yesterday after 5 weeks and now have a walking boot that I can walk with using crutches The doctor told me I'm all healed but need to wear the boot for 3 weeks and I can take it off when resting bathing and going to bed then Mild discomfort is normal, as long as it settles during the day. sharp pain) is not normal, and you should take a break or back down to a previous weight (follow your protocol) if you have it. What happens when cast comes off broken ankle? This is normal and does not mean there is anything to worry about. Biggest pain I have is cast and now boot pressing against the top of my foot. After that, wash the area with soap and water regularly, just like you wash the rest of your body. It went on for 5 days of extreme pain without sleep. So it may swell even after the cast is removed. Any advice would be appreciated!! To get rid of all the dead skin in the gentlest way possible, I started epsom salt baths on a daily basis. I know its frustrating. Recently broke my foot (Im 4 days in) and found your blog post while googling for confirmation that being THIS exhausted is normal for this type of injury. The relief you feel after a cast is removed from your leg or foot can be quickly replaced by a feeling of unease about walking again. The crutches ended up causing another injury for me as well I actually had shoulder surgery to release the adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder) that had shown up first in one shoulder, than the other. If you know you arent a whiner, dont let the medical system convince you otherwise. Glad of all the advice on here because I find the docs are in and out before I have time to ask my questions. that has proved not to be the case i cant imagine walking without the boot on, much less running or any kind of high intensity activity. I have found no other site with detailed information on recovering from ankle fractures. So great to read this! Thank you Dana and all the commenters. So, if you can, buy your walking boot via retail. Myofascial release provided relief and increased range of motion. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. and just break your smaller toes, the treatment is much easier. Glad you are feeling better, Dana! I am in a walking boot for 3 days now, still getting used to it. For a week I was making good progress, walking on it for ten minutes at a time without pain, holding one crutch. Start walking after 3-4 days of exercises. And also the pains in your body, every day somewhere else arms, wrists, the other ankle, knee, chest now I know its the new normal, and part of the healing. Im definitely working on that now three times a day. How fast can I start independently walking with the boot after cast removal? Yessiree! I kept on with it and today was a big improvement. Repeat the exercise several times a day, Podesta says. Fortunately the hospital is open for business after being shut down for 2 months. Thanks for this blog and for continuing to monitor it. Sometimes I have a lot of pain on the tibula side where there are screws. FWIW, if you can still get outside to breathe fresh air and do your WB work outside..Id try to do that. Sept 30 will be my first day of physical therapy. Glad its still helping! I also couldnt answer questions about my procedure that the physical therapist asked me. I am 8 months pregnant so I want to walk before he gets here but each new step is scary, difficult and comes with a learning curve. I spent the weekend with a very sore, very swollen ankle, hardly able to get the boot on. Your limb might smell a little bit (after all, its been in a cast and not washed for a while!). The boot is quite high and whatever I wear on my good foot is lower so I am lopsided the whole time I am walking this means I need my crutches for balance. But that initial swelling is part of the bodys healing response. I like reading about others experiences because I often find details true to my recovery that the doctors never mentioned. Also tell me how much should i walk or run on daily basis? My goal was to be able to get my heel to my bottom took maybe 3 months, but I did get there eventually. Today is May 9, 4 months later. This will help it smell better! And Im starting to see that transitioning to WB will be even harder. Whew. Each ankle supports the up-and-down movement of the foot, and strong ankles are important for people of all ages, When you suffer a broken ankle, it can be a painful injury that may restrict your mobility. Using a knee walker allowed me to remain as independent as possible during that time. My doctor asked me to start PT asap and to start with 30% WB and to progress to FWB by week 5. Thank you so much! I cant drive and can not get up and down stairs or walk on a slight slope unaided. Due to insurance issues I couldnt get into the ortho for a week. Clip-in pedals on my mountain bike, hit some mud and rear wheel slid out and my left foot did not clip out. I am not that old so Im bummed and surprised at how hard it is! August 28, 2022 stock.adobe/substancep Cast removal is a significant milestone in the healing process. I appreciate reading everyones experiences. I expected my skin to be dry after being in a cast for six weeks, but it is much worse than I anticipated. Follow with your healthy leg and repeat the process slowly. Limit coffee and alcohol. I guess not after reading all this . hope everyone is healing well and stay strong! However, as I got rid of one crutch there is definitely a bit of pain and soreness around my outer ankle which I am hopeful that will resolve in the coming days as my foot gets stronger. Just got cast off and setting screw removed after NWB for 8 weeks following surgery in Austria. At first, its scary how jerky your motions may be and how little your muscles and tendons respond to your brains commands. I have borrowed a walker so will try that. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. I had sore hands on crutches too and made cushioned handle covers out of a car wash kit slicing the foam sponge in half and using the polishing cloth as a cover. Itll be a total of 14-16 weeks post surgery before I can go back to working in person. Is it normal for your foot to swell after broken ankle? Was told my injury was nothing special. Ive been non-weight-bearing this whole time with a moon boot (no cast). So what i did was I would put a pillow next to my boot and then try to find the right angle etc and have it supported in that way. Ortho called me the day of the appointment to re-schedule in person the following week, because he didnt have all the x-rays he needed (i.e., gravity stress) to make a definitive diagnosis. Chrissy, I hope your birth went well and you are back to 100% a year plus later. To make things worse, my husband is deployed and wont be home for 6 more months. So, I took an ambulance ride to the hospital where they told me my fibula was broken and to follow up with ortho. At week 11 now post surgery, I am able to bear weight with one crutch with the hope of being able to do FWB by the end of week 12, before my next doctors appointment. These range from an ankle brace, aircast, walking boot, to a fiberglass cast and usually includes orders to not put any weight on your injured ankle, or being non-weight bearing, for six weeks or more. Thanks for this article that shows theres a light at the end of the tunnel but right now it feels so far away. (hands free knee crutch). But overall pain has been manageable until therapy. He agreed with me btw lol. Routine activities and play is usually enough for children to return to normal within a few weeks to months. Thanks for this blog. After the cast is removed, remember: Stiffness and weakness in the limb are common issues. What does possible mean? But life is meant to have these bumps in the road right? I currently have a tibial stress fracture and a torn meniscus. You may want to use crutches or a cane for partial support. Thank you for listening . If you are going through this I wish you all the best. What are various methods available for deploying a Windows application? Next thing I knew after I had an x-ray he was just like OK dont wear the boot anymore and do FWB as tolerated and started me on physical therapy. In a splint for 8 more days, then cast for 2 weeks and now walking boot (non-weight bearing) for another 3 weeks. It is important to begin walking slowly and take it easy at first, This will help the body adjust to the new movement and prevent any potential injuries.. Hi Rider, interested to hear how your recovery is going!? How long does it take to walk normal after cast removal? The listing of different items (e.g. I know this is months old, but Im replying for anyone else who may be looking: YES, YES, OH HEAVENS YES. Good luck to everyone still in the rehab stage. However, thanks to #. You will have full weight bearing and normal activity as tolerated. After the cast is removed, it is normal for there to be some discomfort in the bones and joints that were immobilized, for the arm or leg to be smaller than the other side, and for the skin to have some changes (dry skin and more hair). The doctor may want to take an X-ray of the limb when its still in the cast and check things like your pain level. I fell on the 3/29/20. PT this Monday. I had a trimalleolar fracture on my left ankle and had been non weight bearing for about 10 weeks. Then moved toes, good Now, I had to get out of the woods. Presentations and poster content from @DanaMLewis at #ADA2019, Week 8: Working with a broken ankle | WebCami Cafe. Improving knee function after a stroke is an important part of regaining the ability to walk. Yikes John, one fractured limb and one surgery is quite enough. I dont think I doI have no details about what specific medication I was given or the procedures performed other than a five minute verbal at my office visit. It has given me hope to read it and other peoples experienced with recovering from leg factures! Im so discouraged after 2 weeks of little progress. Dont be surprised if you have pain in new areas when you move from a hard cast to a walking boot. Even if the plaster cast makes your skin feel very itchy, do not poke anything underneath it. I am fortunate as I already have a PT who is knowledgeable so hopefully he can figure a way to continue progress on my shoulder along with ankle rehab. time? Have you been WB in the boot? I couldnt use crutches, didnt have the strength. Slipped on the mountain on April 25. Thank you everyone. The National Stroke Association encourages stroke victims to start on the floor on hands and knees, making sure your weight is evenly distributed between both arms and both legs. I broke my ankle in 3 places and my shin on Aug, 11, 2019. I was told to bring my boot and crutches. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. UGH. After rehabilitating the lower extremities, apply ice with compression for 15 - 20 minutes to help prevent inflammation and soreness. Ice, compression socks and elevation kept swelling in check and I still use the compression sock while walking. I was looking for information on weightbearing. Thank you, everyone, for the tips and information. The relief you feel after a cast is removed from your leg or foot can be quickly replaced by a feeling of unease about walking again. So. How long after stripping the membranes does labor start? Please keep posting very much appreciated! I kept it elevated as much as possible. Next week I will start to walk with crutches and this post and others xp will be really helpful for me and i am hoping for good time without struggling to get on with crutches. Your email address will not be published. Well this time, my left foot got stuck in the clip-in pedals. You know what I thoughtseeing as I didnt know any different. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Good luck all. Add exercises specifically designed to strengthen your atrophied leg muscles and do them twice daily. So distractions did not help when I got started, but toward the end of the hour I could handle and appreciate distractions. It still hurts, ofcoarse, but I am able to find some relief, just enough to fall asleep comfortably. After you suffer an injury, swelling usually worsens over the first two to four days. Thats really good to know. Every ortho doc seems to have a different protocol! Here are a few things to expect immediately after cast removal: Broken (fractured) bones heal quite quickly in children, so they are usually only put into a cast for 4-8 weeks. Missed a bottom step, something so simple, ugh. Ortho feels as I was athletic, recovery should be faster. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. This meant that my right ankle was in a hard cast for 6 weeks and I was 100% non-weight bearingbut this was challenging because the foot meant to be my stable base for crutching or knee scootering was often pretty wobbly and in a lot of pain. Wash the leg in warm soapy water. Weak knees can lead to balance problems and feelings of insecurity when taking steps. Started progressive weight bearing at 4 weeks, but found it difficult. Thanks for your post and replies. (The doctors dont give straight answers.) We include products we think are useful for our readers. Ive only left my house for dr visits, and TBH Im a little scared but am also going stir crazy. My therapist and ortho said its the result of being stuck in the cast and boot for so long. My OT and PT are remarkable. Have any of you tried the IWalk 2.0? And I bought a balance board to encourage and increase stability. Also first surgery ever, and Im 47. Your email address will not be published. But youll get there. I am only just starting to weight bare in the boot. Thanks for having this page . Oh no, how stressful!! When can I start walking after a cast is removed? I found this article shortly after I broke my ankle, I was looking for something like how to cope with a broken ankle, issued exactly like described here. Its a long hard road. Here are the best content by the team synthesize and compile, see more in the section How. Follow with your healthy leg and repeat the process slowly. The scariest thing once I was able to go outside (on crutches)- and for many months thereafter were manhole covers in the rain, or anything metal on a street the thought of slipping and potentially re-injuring the knee the horror! Running after 2-3 weeks when you are comfortable. Dana, Thanks for writing your experience with your weight bearing. I guess this is normal? Right fibula fracture non displaced so no surgery. Have horrible nerve pain around base of inside incision. My husband was home when I collapsed and called 911. Thanks for sharing!!! Have a knee scooter which limits use of crutches to bathroom visits only. 2014;12(4):564-70. Hot water compression thrice daily for 2 to 3 weeks. The longer your arm is in a cast, the weaker your muscles become. For example, if your left hip was replaced, use the cane on your right side. If the limping becomes worse, not better, over the first 2 weeks, or if the pain persists, you should return to be rechecked. Also, stretch your calf muscles by supporting your hands against the wall, leaning toward the wall as much as you can, while pushing your heels toward the floor. I too am so glad I found this post!! Watch on Contents [ show] How long does it take to walk normal after cast removal? I was constantly exhausted and surprised by this fatigue pretty much throughout this process. There is so LITTLE on the internet for a broken ankle! The size difference between my left and right calves and quads is noticeable. Many thanks to Dana for her detailed log as I too found very little information about my recovery. How are you now? Im 3.5 weeks post ORIF surgery. Also was recommended to do PT for three times a week to restore the ROM in my ankle. I missed the 1 hour per day suggestion on my first read, and am probably doing half that at best, and in much smaller time increments. How long after stripping the membranes does, Read More 16 how long after stretching cervix does labor start Advanced GuideContinue, You are reading about how to get disco ball wacky wizards. Turns out, being female, over 40 and having type 1 diabetes are all risk factors for that one. First, its worth noting something major about a fractured bone, and *especially* true if its a big bone fracture like some of mine were: it takes a lot of healing, which means a lot of energy going to the healing and not much energy left for every day living. It was hard to switch to a new weight every two days because this meant readjusting how I was stepping/walking, and how much weight and where I placed my crutches. Heres what you can expect in the coming days and weeks as your cast is taken off and your body finishes the healing process. Dont get me wrong, its still painful but not as bad as the past 3 days. 2 /2 people found this helpful. Read more. I rolled my ankle and have a fibular fracture. I fell and broke my ankle (tibia and fibia) on July 21, 2020 while on vacation. Start walking on the leg as soon as it feels comfortable and if your doctor says you can. The child might limp with or without pain. I couldnt find a lot of good information about the transition to weight bearing was really like, so this is my take on information I was looking for and would have appreciated before and during the weight bearing progression process. I can relate to the feelings of frustration and helplessness and low energy and crying. Given boot but unable to bear weight. I find the ankle with screws and plates in has very little bend in it. Im back for xrays and check up tomorrow. What experience do you need to become a teacher? Thanks for the post! Im quite anxious about long term affects as I enjoy running, so hope Ill be able to get back to that again later rather than sooner. After weeks or even months of being unable to move around without the help of crutches or a wheelchair, the thought of finally being able to walk freely again can be overwhelming, This article will provide tips on how to start walking after cast removal in order to ensure a safe and successful transition.. Thanks for a quick reply. No, I did not do FWB while in the boot. If they say 3 times a day and you do it, youll see it pay off every week. The pain was getting less and less so its just a matter of repetition. I am having trouble with the loss of my mobility coupled with my husband being gone. I go for rides with my husband (like a dog and look out the window, with an occasional treat at the end) and after an hour, Im tired and ready for ice and elevation. I had the hard cast on for 12 weeks and finally gave me the boot (pun) but no weight bearing for another 4 weeks. If I can offer another tip, have a routine. Ortho took off the cast a couple weeks early and put me in a boot so i can remove it for showers but Im still NWB for at least another week. He basically had me wearing the boot as NWB and said to only do tip toes while at rest. Thank you . These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. How long does it take to walk normal after cast removal? Only problem is that my foot was in one position so long I cannot bend it to the 90 degree angle to fit in the boot properly with my heel at the bottom. Ortho docs are the worst at explaining the process and setting up expectations. I fell on stairs yesterday and x-ray shows mildly displaced distal fibular fracture. After another visit to the hospital, I was given a different boot and told to weight bear as much as I could take. Again thank you, gave me some good tips to help. I thank you. You may want to use crutches or a cane for partial support. When the cast came off, my skin under the cast looked terrible. Hang in there cause you will eventually get there. Also see my tips in the post about practicing with the scale to get confident with each weight level progression. Dana I slipped and fell on ice November 1, next morning I had (ORIF) open reduction internal fixation to repair broken Tibia fibula and ankle. Non-narcotic meds do not touch it. Directions from my orthopedist were to start with touching foot to floor and increase weight bearing by 25% of my body weight every 3 days as pain and swelling allowed. Reading about it is quite terrifying. Crutches can be used for partial support but you can begin walking on your leg as soon as it is comfortable enough or as per the advice of your doctor. Cant seem to get my legs to move like they did before. As gruesome as the foot was, i still have very little pain and started walking recently with the same progression as most. I have to admit the healing process is VERY slow. The amount of skin that came off my foot was ridiculous. 3rd week: boot only no crutches. Trouble with weight bearing. [13], How fast can I start independently walking with the boot after cast removal? You may want to use crutches or a cane for partial support. Like so many people, I cant begin to describe all the ugly moments because of everyone having their own agenda. It was common for my first few days of progressive weight bearing to have a small pain/stress rise in my BGs. My WB journey up till 75% WB with crutches have been pain free. I still cannot fully WB as yet. Walking after a hip replacement is painful and difficult at first, but will get easier as you recover. Quietly reassure her that her leg is fine and she can walk on it. I just had ORIF for a broken filbula from falling from ice skating. Its good to see & read what the next stage will entail & amazing at how the journey has been so different for many. As everyone has said, its a long process so hang in there. Any suggestions. I just needed some hope that I will start feeling better soon. All rights reserved. Doc said I didnt have to wear it at night, but we have 2 dogs who also sleep on the bed so thinking I need to protect my ankle. However, I have numbness in my toes almost all the time. Yes, I have. Not as serious as an ankle fracture but still really difficult to cope with especially as a single parent. I was told that the anesthesiologist would talk to me about nerve block and I would decide whether to get one at the surgery. Anyhow, my foot and ankle are still swollen and I was wondering if that is normal and how long that is expected to last. But to do rehab during this time. If the limping becomes worse, not better, over the Children can limp for a few weeks after a leg cast is removed. I have trouble trusting the three ortho docs that rotate in my small town. Maybe in the next week or two I can progress to an hour. Everything I did wrong (but did anyway) training for a marathon after a broken ankle and marathon running with type 1 diabetes |, How To Talk To Your Doctor About Your Enzyme (PERT) Dosing If You Have Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI or PEI or PI), How I Built An AI Meal Estimation App AI Meal Estimates in PERT Pilot and Announcing A New App Carb Pilot, PERT Pilot the first iOS app for Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI or PEI) and Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT), A Crouton In Your Salad (Or COVID In The Air), How I Use LLMs like ChatGPT And Tips For Getting Started, Tips and Tricks for Forefoot Bursitis or Intermetatarsal Bursitis. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Recovery was easier for me than what you experienced ouch, poor Dana! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Also gave me range of motion exercises (abc, etc) PT will start up in 4-5 wks. Be brave. Great feedback all! Healing nicely & in a boot now- still no weight bearing. But then when I put the boot on (Before surgery to keep the ankle stable) it was a nightmare. Here are the best content by the team synthesize and compile, see more in the section How. i thought it would be some miracle device in which i could walk miles in. Not having fun at all. (I put my headphones in to listen to music while I did it). Hi Dana. Now, I am not sure if I should wear it around after not wearing it since May. Try another. Covid makes things worse! Remember 4 years olds can be stubborn and know what pushes your buttons. Wish you the best, Very very pleased to read how other injured people have coped with being immobilized. Also, the feeling of having my ankle so weak and blocked with numbness on the top of my foot was quite distressing. But the first few days were really, really tough. I had no idea what to expect this has helped me so much & inspired by your strength. I cannot get my foot into the boot cant get foot flat and heal at the back. I have no walkingboot or anklebrace. Exercises for Stroke Paralysis on One Side, Three Components of a Weight Loss Program, National Stroke Association: Hope, A Stroke Recovery Guide. I really couldnt understand my lack of energy . You have given me markers for what happens next. This normally happens maybe once everyfew months (if that) now as an OpenAPS user, so it was obviously associated with this new surge of physical activity and hard work that I was doing for the weight bearing. Im still not weight bearing but hoping in 4 days at my next appt. Tab tendocare and enzomac will help to overcome muscle stiffness and swelling. I broke my tibia 4 weeks ago. Insurance negotiated down to $152 for me to pay out of pocket for since I havent hit my deductiblewhich is still 2-3x more than retail cost. Start walking after 3-4 days of exercises. I broke my fibula and ankle on 16 December, surgery on 22 December, NWB with cast and crutches until 24 January. Begin with your affected leg straight and bend your affected knee by sliding your heel toward your buttocks. Moral of the storyWe are all different. This article has been so helpful since Ive been depressed about my progress. Im doing this all the time but finding nights very uncomfortable after a while. My biggest challenge 3 weeks post surgery (plate and 6 screws) has been swelling and blood rushing into my foot and toes whenever I am vertical. Physio is booked for 21/1/20 but I have been doing leg stretches etc which I found on the internet. It is normal to experience pain, stiffness and swelling of the immobilized joint that can persist for some days after cast removal, not to mention skin scaling. Most children do NOT need physical therapy to walk or move normally again. mi sister is an RN in LA area so she warned me that i would be out 4 to 6 months before walking, i went with the 8 to 10 weeks google advice instead since that suit mi expectations and i wanted to believe it was just another injury that i would get through. Tips to deal with so much fatigue as you return to weight bearing: Some of the tips and things I figured out for being non-weight bearing and sitting around with a hard cast came in handy for the weight-bearing progression fatigue, too. I started with a blister on my right palm, which turned into a squished nerve that made my right hand go numb, and ultimately damaged some tendons in my right wrist, too. Include full-body exercises such as standing up and doing heel raises and standing on the injured foot, holding for as long as you can, once daily. Im in first week of full weight bearing (Feb wk 2) and much more prefer a lace up boot with gel or cushion insole. Im in my 8/9 week of physical therapy. J Thromb Haemost. This too shall pass- slowly! After the cast came off, 2 weeks ago, the consultant told me I would be driving after 2 weeks. I had a nerve block also. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I was in that for 4 weeks, last week I went back and they put me in a walking boot so I can start weight barring. Trimeollar ankle fracture on 10/6, we took our daughter roller skating & I went down. "A cardiovascular program accelerates your rate of return and helps if you are less active by increasing the blood flow and oxygen to the healing tissue to speed the healing process," explains the Hughston Sports Medicine Foundation. Ive been struggling and in pain all day and had to take a pain pill again. Many thanks for your post. Here are the best content by the team synthesize and compile, see more in the section How. Can I walk after my cast is removed? I am expected to be able to return back to work September 19. I broke mine 3 weeks ago and all the ortho said was, Eventually you will want to start walking on it. I was like ummmmyea. But besides that, nothing else! I will now. Let me know what you'd like to see - your ideas may show up in a new clip.Follow me on Instagram @sparklefootgirl Thanks again for your post its very helpful. Think every step of your day out It is common for children to limp for a few weeks after a leg cast is removed (up to a year for a thigh/femur fracture). And 3 weeks after surgery, a tree fell on our house during a storm causing us to have to relocate. Im hoping to progress to just a cane before the 19th. The ends of the bone are held in place with pins and plates. For the first month especially, just getting something to eat or washing up was a major effort. I thought I would be back to work in a couple of weeks. Read more, When it comes to hair removal there are many options. So after 6 weeks of NWB , fracture still there but now thankfully after 12 weeks in ,my shin healed ; still in the boot and without it cant walk , using crutches : getting physio soon and doing stretches for my ankle! Also, my toes range of motion isnt great, cant curl thembut Ortho said that will come back over time. etc) for everything youre doing and celebrate even the tiniest bit of progress. Appreciate everyones comments. Love the article and overall answered a lot of questions I have. The block didnt wear off for 3 days, and I have some weird tenderness above and behind my knee that started 3 weeks post surgery, and that the ortho says is from the nerve block. I might have to call the PA about this if it becomes more of a problem. Shikany JM, Safford MM, Newby PK, Durant RW, Brown TM, Judd SE. Hip muscles can be weakened and cause problems with balance and the ability to take full, confident steps.

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