One of my favorite things we do at Wife Teacher Mommy with creating exciting and engaging resources and activities for students. Admin being scared of kids or trying to be their friends is never going to work out for teachers. Yeah. Cuz Im like, Yeah, I was gonna let me have 31 kids there. We went back to school, you know, the pandemic, we got out in March. Join our Facebook group: Wife Teacher Mommies Unite. Although school is almost out, does that mean learning needs to stop? How to make an intentional schedule and ACTUALLY stick to it!? I loved being a teacher. So can you give us a little sneak peek at what our attendees will learn from you at your keynote? And so I realized, you know, the teachers like to see content that was relatable to them, and what they dealt with in the classroom every day. Stay tuned for part 2 this Friday. It needs to be eight hours long like a real PD session, she said. Its going to be so fun. We have a real treat for you today that will give you some fun ideas in the classroom. And so if you are somebody who was in a school environment, like that, I will make sure that you know, each day and I know sometimes its not feasible because, you know, we cover in classes, they take our planning periods or whatever, but if you are a teacher who you know, you have your planning period, and you can, you know, cut your lights out, and you know, just relax for 20 minutes, put some music on, you know, saying talk to your doctor, if you need to have like anxiety medicine, its okay, no shame in that no shame in that, you know, do what you can and do what you need to do to take care of yourself. Then we call you for help, and you want to know what we did to your kid. And then we ended up going back to school in August. Devin Seibold is on there, KC Mac Funny, Jess Smith, whos teacher tales of Miss Smith on For Teachers, Mr. Thomas English if you know him on Tik Tok, hes the guy with a British accent. On todays episode, I have guest Bri Richardson from Honest Teacher Vibes to discuss the realities of teaching and the importance of listening to your physical and mental health. And so, you know, by no means will I be speaking as an expert at all, Ill just be speaking from one mom to another about the different things that we struggle with, and some ways that I have found that have helped me, you know, kind of work through those things. Revolutionize student success! Thank you so much for your entertaining and totally truthful videos. Bri: You are replaceable at school but not at home. That's what we're diving into on today's episode: how to find balance in a "Wife Teacher Mommy" life. Today's episode is all about the science of reading and it is so fascinating! And I was like, No, theres nothing wrong with this video. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. So if youre a teacher or mommy (or both!) 9. And so the last day that I was there, my my oldest sister is a nurse. It was less raunchy than I expected.. Learn how your comment data is processed. Bri is a successful woman, who like many of us, wears different hats. Bri Richardson is a 7th grade ELA teacher with a passion for bringing humor and joy to the classroom. I am so excited to watch your keynote, I think everybodys going to love it. This interview is a part of Educators Unsilenced, a monthly interview series on The Educators Room by Lanee Higgins. Thats a phrase that Ive heard over and over from so many teachers. So its really fun to hear, like kind of the origin story behind Honest Teacher Vibes. So yeah, Im a class clown type of personality. You will also get to meet just a few of these amazing experts! Yeah. When you take time for yourself, youre able to show up better for your students, children and family. From strategies for supporting hyperlexic learners to the five components of kindergarten readiness and how to teach differently wired learners in homeschool to practical tips and mindset shifts for overcoming overwhelm and getting organized, you'll hear it all! When her principal caught her ordering food from DoorDash during class, Richardsons first thought was: Im so scared right now. It's great when someone else gives you support, but you can't depend on others to keep you feeling confident. You DON'T want to miss it! Get your tickets here! And so because I could handle, you know, kids with like, large disciplinary problems, and things like that, that gave me you know, a lot of kids like that. !~BEFORE YOU GOPlease leave comments and suggestions on my video and let me know what you would like to learn more about. Baby, we can look for you some ways out. And so, you know, if some people I know thats not your personality, thats not your style, you know, to give any pushback, but you know, if you need to go to counseling like some of these people, these schools have caused them PTSD. In this episode, I explore the secret to a purposeful teacher summer, offering practical tips and strategies for making the most of your time off. Aye yo fam #fyp #honestteachervibes #teachersoftiktok. Mary Singleton, a pre-K teacher in the audience, called it a well-deserved break. Escape are an engaging and unique lesson that students will learn from. We're back with our second episode all about the #1 teaching tips from the experts. It was one that I made where I did different memes of people misspelling words. And you know, by the end of November, I was like, I miss my kids, I miss teaching. I think they do. Like I miss you. This past school year has been really difficult. Some of these teachers are out here fighting for their lives at 8:30 in the morning. Ill also be talking about, you know, mom guilt, and you know, the stuff that comes with that, and the stress that we put, you know, on ourselves with that, and some ways that I that I combat those things. For access to every single Wife Teacher Mommy resource, join the club at And so I did like my first couple of shows and I was like, Hey, this is kind of fun. Ill talk about, you know, different ways to kind of manage your schedule at school, you know, so that you have more time at home. She is so fabulous. Between lesson planning, grading, meetings, and actually teaching, it probably feels impossible to show up for your students without dropping the ball in other areas of your life. Create a free account to save your favorite articles, follow important topics, sign up for email newsletters, and more. Leverage New Funding Sources with Data-Informed Practices, ChatGPT & Education: 8 Ways AI Improves Student Outcomes, Summer Jobs Have Become an (Unwelcome) Tradition for Many Teachers, The Teacher Who Inspired Me to Be Who I Am Today, Dear Administrators: Here Are 7 Things Teachers Want You to Know. And so I just, I remember those, like, first days of little baby Tik Tok Honest Teacher Vibes. Bri: Lack of consequences for student behavior and lack of support from admin. We talk about her journey towards founding the Special Educator Academy, a community that helps prevent teachers from feeling isolated and shares the challenges they face in special education. Do you find yourself so engulfed in your role of homeschool mom (or teacher) that you forget what you even used to like to do or what your passions are? Yeah, there was a teacher that was standing there talking to me the whole time, that I was like crying and it was the end of the day, you know, we had like 40 minutes of school left, and I was just completely zoned out because I was like, I felt really sick. Median home value. And as best as you can, especially in the day and time that we live in, you push back against the stuff that they asking you to do. Because when my six the three and a half years, I was in sixth grade, I had good admin. It is her fourth year as an educator she uses humor as a way to relieve stress and deal with all the craziness that comes with being an educator. These two strategies and perspectives will help teach you how to be confident as a teacher. I asked our presenters to send in a video introducing themselves, what they'll be talking about at Educate and Rejuvenate and to offer a tip for our amazing listeners and they DELIVERED! After hearing from all these experts, I hope that you get learned new strategies that will help you in your teaching life and get you excited for Educate and Rejuvenate. Oh yeah, I roll and like blew up on Tik Tok and have like, 100,000 views and I was like, What the heck, like, the most Ive ever gotten was like three or 4000. Because the situation that I dealt with is like some of the stuff that these teachers are sending. Anything youd like to share? SELF. And theres no way out. Weve been chatting on email and Instagram a lot with this event. Thats why Im like people who have more than one kid shout out to you because I want them on when I got because I can look at her and get tired. For the best interest of my health and the place that Im at in life right now. This is an event were hosting and its going to be so fun! And I almost feel like God had me, you know, go back to teaching and experience those things. And so they wanted to do a comedy tour, and they were like, Hey, do you want to be on the comedy tour? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Children prefer to make their own decisions instead of being told what to read. Because youre just naturally critical, you know, of yourself. I try to be conscious of the fact like, okay, my little girls name is Peyton. Need a Laugh? And then, you know, sometimes I dont Leslie Knope. It was so fun. Teachers looked at each other like Richardson had just granted them an epiphany. According to Summer Learning Academy, an average student loses about two months of grade level equivalency over the summer. Yeah, so I actually left the classroom in October to go work for teachers full time, just to try and see, you know, if I if I liked doing social media full time, because it was one of those opportunities that I felt like I couldnt pass up. Stop asking it. 14. ", "Be the teacher you know how to be, and give yourself grace. Tue., June 06, 2023, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. I'm so excited to have her on the podcast today and to have her present at Educate and Rejuvenate this summer. In this episode, I share a powerful mindset tool that has helped me overcome these challenges, and can help you too. But moms, theres just a level of mom guilt on us that society puts on us and that we put on ourselves. Implementing these summer reading challenge strategies will help create a love of learning through those summer months! But theyre not ready for the answers were going to give. So, you know, for a lot of first and second year teachers, theyre still learning how to do that. She stood there with me. I just thought that was like the funniest thing I had ever seen. Goals can be very motivating for children, especially when you help them to set their OWN goals. And so, I didnt realize that I was getting stressed out until I was being put into the back of an ambulance from school. Apple PodcastsPreview 48 min PLAY Honest Teacher Vibes with Bri Richardson Social Studies Stand-Up Comedy And nobodys going to call my baby, my three year old and say mommy died at work because she was trying to stick it out for school that did not care about her health. Angela Watson is a productivity and mindset specialist, author, and motivational speaker for educators. Chances are you've seen Kristina. Jamie Sears from Not So Wimpy Teacher joins us to talk all about how to simplify your teacher work day and work less. Over a thousand district-level jobs: superintendents, directors, more. Honest Teacher Vibes with Bri Richardson This past school year has been really difficult. Go to to get your tickets today! 2 posts Oh, good. Since the start of the pandemic, many educators have left the classroom or are considering leaving. We will then discuss our team's resources, and how having a community with different areas of expertise can be beneficial for all educators. It is going to be such a great time. Another bonus is you can get PD credit and tickets are only $5! And that is not okay. Angela is best known for the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek program, which has supported over 55,000 teachers, coaches, and administrators in maximizing their contractual time so theyre not working endlessly on nights and weekends. The latest Tweets from Honest Teacher Vibes (@honesteachvibes): "Famous teacher line: "I'll wait. I love that. This content is provided by our sponsor. By the end of the episode, we will have answered all of your questions and put any fears or uncertainties to rest. Bri: I became a teacher because I had teachers that were such a safe place for me in the crazy environment that I grew up in. And I hate that I had to walk away a couple weeks ago, but it was for the best. If you meet her out in public, feel free to stop by and say hey, best friend. These Bored Teachers Are Hilarious, Laws on Trans, Nonbinary Student Pronouns Put Teachers in a Bind, Looping: Here's What Happens When Students Have the Same Teacher More Than Once. Tune in weekly to hear Kelsey and her guests cheer you on and help you thrive as a wife, teacher, and mommy. Find hundreds of jobs for principals, assistant principals, and other school leadership roles. She has quickly become a viral sensation with 2.9 million Facebook followers and well over half a million Instagram followers. And we have a very special guest on the show with us today. #honestteachervibes. You know, it was hard for me because Im like I love teaching. As a group of teachers gathered outside, one said That was fun. What would you say to those teachers who are returning next year, who are facing similar challenges to what you were facing? And I feel like God gave me a platform. Follow on Pinterest for more helpful resources. So make sure to go to to snag your ticket. Check out the links below for more information! Want the Best Instructional Feedback? And were like friends on Instagram now. So you know, Ill be sharing you know, some of the things that really helped me, I dont even want to say like time management But just some things that helped free up more space because I almost feel like sometimes when people are like say something about time management, like that can be gaslighting as well, because its like, yeah, not always necessarily like, to my time management is bad. If my twin sister and I came to school and we had a bad morning or just needed a second, my teachers would say, I know you had a rough morning. Because like you said, were not their playmate. And you know, I got up to take my kids to lunch and I was still so dizzy. She thought he was going to congratulate her. Down another teacher! Sit back, relax, and discover the secret to a purposeful teacher summer! But you cant do nothing to me. So what is your favorite video youve ever created to be posted on your Tik Tok? Chrissy Nichols has been teaching for over twenty years in both independent and public schools in the US and Europe. She now creates full-time and specializes in gamification in the classroom with products like escape rooms and game shows with PowerPoint and Google Slides. And so I started a series on YouTube called Teacher Stories. OK, youre good., Smith shared an anecdote of when she taught middle school and told her class she was pregnant. Amid the punchlines (and audience dance-offs), the comedians addressed stressors that each new school year brings, such as shifting rules made particularly complicated in the last few years. And its been fun. On todays episode, Im talking with Teresa Kwant about gamification in the classroom and escape rooms. This episode is sure to provide insight into how to teach children to read effectively and in a way that empowers every child with the ability and love of reading. That is not okay. You put all the class clowns together, and its like a huge party, Im sure a huge party. This is the time of year where teachers decide to stay with their school or go on the job hunt. Head over to the show notes: Whether you are feeling stagnant or are just looking for new tips on how to improve your self development, this episode is for you! Everyone wants to ask how we can fix public education. This episode is for you! So if you have not grabbed your ticket yet after this episode, I am sure youre going to be convinced to grab your ticket. From launching my own podcast, creating a teacher planner, organizing events for teachers, as well as getting invited to professional development opportunities and even signing a book deal. Here are the Top Streaming Shows and Movies to Watch, Practicing Self-Care to Avoid Teacher Burnout- An 8 Week Course, Teacher Branding 101:Teachers are The Experts, 10 Ways To Help Students Develop a Growth Mindset, Testing Season: Prepare to be Accountable, Secondary Trauma and The Teachers That It Affects. Okay, well, thank you so much for being here, Bri. And you know, I was trying to help find a solution. The details of the daily routine vary somewhat among the schools. Dont ask it. For her, I have to tell their stories. If you enjoy this interview, be sure to join us at Summer Educate and Rejuvenate! And you know, so when I quit, and I told my story, and like it blew up on YouTube, I had no idea it was gonna blow up. Thank you for the support you are amazing! And I have had people who are mad at me on social media for saying that, because theyre like, you have a huge platform, you should be encouraging teachers to stay in education, listen, I never gonna encourage nobody to stay in toxic environment, I never gonna encourage nobody to stay in a toxic environment where you got kids putting their head, putting their hands, Im never gonna encourage anybody to do that. After graduation, she taught 6th grade in an elementary school for 5 years. And so I was like, let me just try to do something funny. Here are some of their responses to those questions. Because I was always paranoid they were going to come in and observe me. Oh, and dont forget to listen and subscribe to Wife Teacher Mommy: The Podcast. And that was so fun to hear. You know, Im not gonna say dads dont have dad guilt. Im from a little small town called Jackson, Tennessee, went to Union University, graduated with sports medicine degree and ended up going back to school to become a teacher. Follow her on Instagram @wifeteachermommy. Today I'm talking all about self development for homeschool moms with special guest Bonnie Wiscombe. Many cite poor management, staffing shortage, lack of respect, and class management as their reasons for leaving. And so that was a very interesting year. The Educator's Room was launched in 2012 to amplify the voice of educators. So you arent only online, but youre doing in person like comedy. Start with a realistic assessment of your workload and responsibilities, including both teaching and non-teaching tasks. We are going to be giving you some awesome tips for how to best prepare for your teacher interview so that you can walk in feeling confident and prepared. Special Education: As IEP Goals Evolve, So Should School Offerings, Reflection on 8 Black Hands Podcast: Dr. Charles Cole III Speaks on All Things Education, Teachers are out for the Summer. And youll be one of our keynote speakers, which is going to be so much fun. Audrey Benitez, a middle school teacher in attendance, said it was good to get to laugh during spring break. And you may have heard from her she is Honest Teacher Vibes on all major platforms: Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube. A crowd gathers at the outside of the Indiana House chamber on Feb. 20, 2023, as the House Education Committee discussed the legislation that became a state law that requires teachers to inform parents if their children identify as transgender. I feel so awful for her because she's right no job is worth our health! Our guest, Dr. Christine Reeve Christine Reeve, is a behavior specialist, consultant, and director of a program serving students with autism and behavioral issues. And then, you know, shes bigger now. I wont pose the question of having it all but here is another, similar question that a lot of us ponder. Its so fun. To join our mailing list, click here. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and has a degree in Curriculum and Instruction, along with eleven years of classroom teaching experience and over a decade of experience as an instructional coach. And youre like, Ill make me be quiet, because theres my own platform. Because the situation in itself is like really frustrating. Youre still trying to have coffee at 8:30 in the morning. Yeah. You bet it is! It was one of those things like let me try to laugh to keep from crying. Your host, Kelsey Sorenson, is a former teacher and substitute turned homeschool mom. Im really excited. And I was like, Oh, that was like a one time thing. But I mean, its way more fun to be live at a q&a. Your email address will not be published. On today's episode I'm diving into some really fascinating content about what our brains do sharing some funny stories too and ultimately, sharing a simple mindset tool that has been a game changer for me, and can be for you, too. These are just a few tips that we talk all about on this episode of the podcast. Okay, so youve mentioned before, youve recently left the classroom. And, and they, you know, they got the nurse and you know, the nurse took my blood pressure, it was like 217 over like 133. Corrected: An earlier version of this article incorrectly identified the location of the show. Read our privacy policy to find out more. In this episode of Wife Teacher Mommy, I'm talking with Amy Nielsen, founder and CEO of Planning Playtime, about the Scarborough's Rope model and how language comprehension and word recognition work together to support literacy. But there was something saying that for every, like, 20 minutes you spend with your child, you like by yourself two hours to work on whatever you need to which obviously, Im like, Im not looking at my time with my daughters like a transactional type of thing like that. This time it's Honest Teacher Vibes. After her announcement, she returned to her desk and a student came up to her. Then they asked me to become a teachers assistant because I was a pretty consistent sub. The school secretary may have details of a particular assignment for the day. I had never had any experiences like that three and a half years, I was teaching. It was so fun to talk with her face to face today. And you know, social media is way different than being on stage bunch of people. And I was like, Heck no, like, I dont want to stand up on stage in front of people because I was scared. 0:00. You know, when I was teaching, I was like, Oh, this is satire and like, making fun of it. Like it. We get to hear teaching tips from OVER 10 experts today! I offer tips to help you find balance in all the roles you take on. Do you miss your kids while youre at work? And I was just I had like this bad gut feeling in my stomach. honestteachervibes. And then while youre in the thick of it, like you said, finding that time for self care, because youre the only one who can do that. A summer reading challenge is one great way to do that and if you use these 3 summer reading challenge tips, the kids will LOVE it! Photo courtesy of Briana Richardson The Educator's Room: Why did you become a teacher? After-School Learning Top Priority: Academics or Fun? You dont want to say that the problem is not solvable. I cant even remember how I started subbing. And some of my followers on social media was like, it sounds like youre having a panic attack. TikTok video from honestteachervibes (@honestteachervibes): "Accurate now and at the end of the school year #honestteachervibes". You know, dealing with kids all day long, and then you come home, your kids are hyper. So if Im working on something, and its something you know, for social media that I have got to get done, you know, Ill say, hey, you know, mommys working on something right now. But if you, if you are a teacher who is going back next year, and you cant transition out of teaching, you got to find some ways to help you survive. And those main videos pushed me to like 700,000 followers, because I kept making you know, those type of videos. Not the toxic self care, no, no, in professional development, my God, for sure, like, not the like toxic positivity, like, oh, yeah, everythings great. Yeah, I think so its going to be a great time. Address the whole child using data-informed practices, gain valuable insights, and learn strategies that can benefit your district. #fyp #honestteachervibes. Does teacher work life balance actually exist? This was your health were talking about which like you said, its like you know, at the end of the day, whats most important is your health and you want to be there for your daughter. Our brains can often hinder us, getting in the way of reaching our goals and living our best lives. How to Support New Teachers So They Stayand Thrive, Is Teacher Morale on the Rise? Use your days. Do what I call a "brain dump"! Thank you so much for the support, feedback, recommendations, comments, and encouragement! Head over to the show notes: What our BIG BLIND SPOT is is how our unconscious thoughts drive SO MUCH of our lives and in fact we often believe the stories our brain is serving us without questioning them. Bri emphasizes how much she loves teaching and the kids, but when its affecting your physical well-being, you should never sacrifice your health for your job. And its an injustice, what some of these teachers are dealing with in the schools, like, its just not, its just not right, like the stories that people send me. I blog about teaching and create elementary schooland homeschooling resources to make your life easier. I do keep a log of video ideas and suggestions, so more videos down the pipe. With how much teachers have to do, it can feel like there is not enough time in the day. Is it possible. Thats a fun tour. We will have a replay. She is the founder of the coaching group The Chrissy Concept which serves smart, dynamic teachers who want to feel better about their lives and relationships at school. Many times, behavior is a mismatch between the child and the context in which they are interacting. That's a phrase that I've heard over and over from so many teachers. Please be assured that I only mention and/or list products and services that I use, love, and wholeheartedly recommend. Yeah, it wasnt each individual one, it was the combination. Stick with how you normally teach. 1. In 2011, when Oprah crowned Kristina the winner of Mark Burnetts reality TV competition Oprahs Search for the Next TV Star, Oprah said, What is that THINGthats so charming and charismatic and connected to the audience that makes you feel like, I know her, I want to be her, Im like her Kristina has all of that. Teresa is a pro at gamification and shares so much knowledge on gamification in the class room on this episode. Everyone in there is looking for something, whether its the same thing or something completely different. Head over to the show notes: An Inland Empire high school teacher has been arrested on suspicion of unlawful sexual intercourse with a 17-year-old female student, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department . We have a very open conversation about her struggles with physical and mental health in the education environment, which ultimately led to her decision to leave the classroom. - This past school year has been really difficult. And Im like, just I fly by the seat of my pants. This episode is sure to provide insight on the importance of finding flow in the classroom alongside students and the various productivity practices that can improve the teacher's focus and classroom efficiency. So its fun to like, have followers because you know, thats already my natural personality. A LONG HISTORY IN THE "Stop trying to change the BROCKTON RING Szachowicz has a long history in Brockton, an urban area 25 miles south of Boston. But Im like a class clown type of personality. You wont want to miss out on this simple mindset hack that can change your life. On todays show, Im opening the curtains and giving you a sneak peek inside Wife Teacher Mommy life coaching. And thats the cool thing about Tik Tok is like you as a content creator, like you just create the content, and you put it out there and you let your audience decide, you know, like, because, yeah, delete stuff as content creators. As teachers, we have a lot of tasks to do each day. We discuss the importance of activities that build phonemic awareness, systematic phonics instruction, vocabulary instruction, background knowledge, and comprehension skills. I had a friend in NYC tell me that a second grader maced her in the face, and they would not let her go to the ER. Theyll just pull people off the street like, hey, you got a pulse? Head over to the show notes- Your value doesnt go away when you leave the classroom or the house. I'm talking with Chrissy all about life coaching and how we can help you as your teacher life coaches inside the Club! And you know, brought it to admins attention and nothing got done. And like, thats amazing response. She uses humor as a way to relieve stress and deal with all the craziness that comes with being an educator. You know, due to health concerns. ~FOLLOW ME FACEBOOK CindyLumpkinTheLDCoachINSTAGRAM @THELDEDUCATORTWITTER @THELDCOACH ~BUSINESS INQUIRIES Email: Device: iPhoneEditing: iMovieSnapseed App (Editing Pics)GorillaPod: ~SUBSCRIBE \u0026 WATCH ALL THE WAY UNTIL THE END PLEASE ~New videos once a week! Yeah, 2 million followers on Facebook. We have special guest Angela Watson of Truth for Teachers. I just watched you do that, like, and so I came home, and I was like, You know what, Im gonna make a Tik Tok with that character. Im going to get fired., But then I was like, you know what, yall aint got no teachers, what yall going to do?. So can you tell us a little bit about how you started Honest Teacher Vibes and how your presence online grew to what it is now? And I feel like thats what a lot of people found your profile. Join the Waitlist and attend our Reveal Party March 28th at 4pm PT/5pm MST/6pm CT/7pm ET! honestteachervibes 86K views FREE & Low-Cost School Furniture | Leaving Teaching To Start A School Teacher Vlog Dyslexia Books | Dyslexia Awareness Month | Learning Disabilities Why. But I started teaching ELA and was like never mind. And, you know, you can see that with all the followers youve gained, people really relate with you and the humor, and the stories you have to share. These are just a few tips and questions we go over on this episode of the podcast. Theyre tiring. Because it wasnt that I couldnt handle the kids. You know, some of the things that we deal with, you know, when we call admins come get a kid, and they come get them and then the kid comes back with like a snack and the juice, like 10 minutes later, and it literally like I can feel smoke, like coming out of my ears. I mean, I have literally wept and cried over their stories. Being someone who is Dyslexic puts me in the perfect position to share hope and dispel myths about learning disabilities and difficulties. And then you will also be joining us at our virtual event this summer, Educate & Rejuvenate. And Im gonna use it for people to become aware of what teachers are dealing with in schools every day. These are literally so fun to do #honestteachervibes. I love q&a as man just never know whats gonna pop off in the q&a. Mack, Briana Richardson, Jess Smith, and Vinny Thomas pose during their stop in Bradenton, Fla., during the first Bored Teachers spring break comedy tour. And he got a community guideline violation. And I mean, Kelsey, I was like, bawling, crying. Girl, Im just here for a good time said her companion. Im like a Yo, like, thats like 50,000 times worse than what you know, there was than what I was dealing with. So you could have waited until the end of the year or whatever. But I have never had an experience like the three and half months I went back to teaching. They were trying to give teachers guns? But Mommy will stop, you know, set a timer or something. Check out these 8 tips for your teacher observation! And I really feel like thats one of your amazing talents, like on Instagram and Tik Tok is like being able to find the humor in every day. Scan this QR code to download the app now. And so it was really hard for me to put my keys on my desk, and leave, but I was just like, I cant even fully do it justice, trying to explain the environment that it was like, and it sounds you know, to people, it may sound like well, you know, you could have gave them a two weeks. So is get yourself some Starbucks before you go into work, cut your lights out during your planning period, find your teacher bestie that you can vent to, you know, when you get out of school, in the evenings, if you have kids, give your kids some do, and you sit on the couch, and you have a glass of wine and you whatever you got to do to take care of yourself, because the people who have the power to change what were dealing with in the schools, it doesnt affect their pocketbook, it doesnt affect their money, so they dont care. Itll be so fun. Yeah, yeah. Angela shares her passion for a project called "Finding Flow Solutions" that incorporates flow theory into education. I had a rough home life in high school. How that works is the weirdest thing. You may have seen her on TikTok as Honest Teacher Vibes. What it is and what it can offer you? There are people I worked with I wouldnt trust with a stapler.. Yeah, and I think were both on the same page with like, you know, we want to be able to help these teachers like through whatever it is, theyre going through, whether its they have a toxic admin environment, like some people have, or others, like, maybe its smaller problems. And Im gonna speak out, you know, for these teachers that they get hit and kicked and bid and slapped. 2) External Confidence in Capability- You can look at your wins to see what skillsets you already have confidence in. Head over to the show notes: On the fence about joining the Wife Teacher Mommy Club or showing up for a live life coaching call? The state of education is really deteriorating. I dive into the importance of reflection and goal-setting, offering tips for reflecting on the previous school year and setting goals for the upcoming year. Teresa has done this with escape rooms. You know. I hope that the series gets picked up by bigger news or something that will get these teachers stories out there. She is also part of a podcast called Teachers Off Duty. And its no wonder based on all of the various obstacles, tasks, and expectations that teachers deal with on a daily basis. These folks took on the English language and lost. It has been so much fun putting together this event and bringing together a wide variety of presenters. Practicing Self-Care to Avoid Teacher Burnout, Using Your Teacher Expertise to Become an Educational Consultant. Its unrealistic for you to play with her all day long, because youre not three like youre, youre her mama, not necessarily her playmate. So lets get to it. In her (hard won) free time, she enjoys roller coasters, reading and running. And I got no response. And you know, my last straw was that particular class, there was already 30 kids in there. They didnt have the professional courtesy or human decency to let this woman go to the ER. For parents and educators, understanding the science of reading can be a game changer in helping kids develop this crucial skill. And its grown into like this huge thing. I think the response just tells you how much teachers need this time together to laugh, said Jess Smith, a former 3rd, 5th, and 6th grade teacher from New Hampshire who now works full time with Bored Teachers and is one of the comedians on tour. And so I just, you know, I have a heart for these teachers, and my heart hurts for them. Youre given those sick and personal days, but its frowned upon when you take one. Search thousands of jobs, from paraprofessionals to counselors and more. If you ever meet her out in public, feel free to stop and say HEY BEST FRIEND! We will dive into the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) approach and discuss how it can improve a child's quality of life and teach them appropriate behavior. Many teachers rely on summer as a time to earn much-needed extra income. You not having a sub has nothing to do with me.. This year was my fourth year teaching. To understand challenging behavior, we need to focus on why it happens rather than the behavior itself. The reason that this persists is because teachers cant say whats happening to them because they will get fired. You know, I didnt do it for money. Today's episode is all about finding the flow and productivity practices and you do not want to miss it! You won't want to miss it! Even though the perfect balance may not exist, there are ways to set boundaries so that work doesnt overtake other aspects of your life and vice versa. And so, being a mom and being a teacher, just being a mom and in working, you know, and being in the workforce in general is just such a juggling act. original sound - honestteachervibes. You can also find Bri on The Bored Teachers Comedy Tour 2022. When you do this, you can see all the areas that you lack confidence in and begin to do practice and repetition to grow your confidence in those areas that you are lacking confidence. It is her 4th year as an educator. Just because school is ending for the year, doesnt mean kids' learning has to stop. As teacher stress levels reach all-time highs, the tour offers teachers an opportunity to come together and laugh so hard they cry as they realize theyre not alone in facing challenges on the job, especially after the last two and more years of pandemic teaching, said James Tarantino, a former teacher and one of the founders of Bored Teachers. Honestly, probably not. You may know her from Instagram, TikTok, Oprah or as author of the best selling book "Hold On But Don't Hold Still". Things are going to happen and go wrong; its only natural. Honest Teacher Vibes | Social Studies Podcast Joe Dombrowski 79.7K subscribers Subscribe 301 8.3K views 8 months ago TikTok superstar, teacher and comedian, "Honest Teacher Vibes",. And during that q&a, our members will be able to do that as well. Like I almost took it down when it was like 50k. Believing that were already amazing and acknowledging how far weve come is essential to increasing self confidence. We asked the awesome members in our Wife Teacher Mommy Unite facebook group some questions about teacher observation and we got back over 100 responses! 8% lower than the US average. Your facial expressions and dialogue are spot on. I have had a blast interviewing these Educate and Rejuvenate presenters for the podcast as well to provide free information you all right here! So and it got to like 11 million views, because I was just so tickled at the way that people were spelling things like, person was like, at the end of the day, were all human beings. Im still like, in disbelief. And so, and like hindsight looking back, Im like Bri, why did you not like grab another teacher and say, Hey, I feel like Im about to pass out like I need somebody. I have a twin sister, and shes actually on Tik Tok as well. She is also a part of a podcast called Teachers Off Duty! Now theyre you know, tired like teacher, Mom tired? And I really didnt do Tik Tok like my twin sister did it and she, you know, had to call her and ask her like, hey, how do I do this like how do I make this video? When we got out for Christmas break on December the 15th. As educators, we all have experienced this! Mansfield Center home prices are $320,000 - which is 6% lower than Massachusetts. You would have to have an army of invested people to turn around the public system school in the United States. I remember my account was at like, 50,000 followers, and I was like, What the heck is going on? the school culture. Have you ever worked with a student that had problem behavior or experienced a situation in the classroom that was difficult to manage? Show High School Hero, Real Life Zero, Ep Bad Friends/Bad Vibes, Shrinkage Clothing, And Women Supporting Women When Maybe they Need to Be Honest? Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a58667e7945a1078a2a4ede160c49049" );document.getElementById("b3e1affd56").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Educate & Rejuvenate is the virtual teacher conference that you can not miss! And she stood there with me, and God only knows what my kids was in there doing. Everybody does. Because it was it was so fun. Were their parents. Through articles, events, and social media we will advocate for honest dialogue with teachers about how to improve public education. People have no idea what we deal with! By doing this series, she is now a voice for all teachers who are dealing with a lot that are afraid or cant speak up about whats happening in the classroom and school environment. I want somebody to say, Are these real? Yes, they are. And I want to find resources for teachers so they know their options for leaving. Nobody deserves for their mental health to be failing. I already have my degree. And I was like holding on to the wall. And it was like the funnest thing, and I added like this little chipmunk voice, and I would just like laugh and he got like, 11 million views. This episode is FULL of insight, inspiration and actionable tips you can implement in your classroom to positively impact how you respond to problem behaviors. Want to help your students or your own kids avoid the summer slide? As a small Youtuber, this will greatly help me to improve my channel. And so people have asked me, you know, would you ever go back to teaching and I love teaching you like I love teaching, you know, if I can find the right, you know, environment and a place that is I feel safe at school because I had some situations when I went back when I felt completely unsafe. Throughout today's episode, I give you tips to help you understand how and when to use this mindset tool and how to differentiate between thought and circumstance. Shes a mom, educator, influencer, and most importantly, has a passion for helping others. Some days work will need more attention, some days your kids will, your spouse will, or YOU will. Im Kelsey, and I created Wife Teacher Mommy just for YOU! These Bored Teachers Are Hilarious. If we believe in where we are going, then feedback and "criticism" will become learning moments. Hey teacher friends, you are in for a huge treat today. Autonomy is a HUGE motivator for kids! Now when I did not fly by the seat of my pants, like I was very like type a teacher had to have things like organized I type things. So fun. We have a good time because like all of us are class clowns. Students learn best when they can get engaged in the activity and lesson. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a schedule that works for you and your goals and helps you stay on track and actually stick to it! Like if you create some content and just leave it and see you let the audience decide if they want to watch it or not, dont you decide. Home Ownership. When implemented well, it takes an experience that participants might otherwise not find funlike a whole-class lessonand makes it more engaging! And I heard her and I was like, Okay, I hear you. Much thanks and appreciation to Bri for participating in this interview. Hey, Bri, Im so excited to have you on the show today. Throughout the episode, Chrissy and I explain what it means to be a life coach, particularly if youre a member of the club or are attending our upcoming Educate and Rejuvenate event. As a mom, they think that were a jungle gym. Learn more about Never ever. Online, Briana is HonestTeacherVibes and she creates funny and satirical videos about what it's honestly like to be a teacher. And it was like a wake up call for me because I was like Bri, this situation that youre in is like really stressful, this is too much stress for you, you know, you cant handle this kind of stress. I could relate so much to some of her latest videos. But you know, everyone still has like, what theyre going through, your feelings are valid. honestteachervibes. Kayla Durkin, the founder of the Blossoming Teacher Course, is passionate about helping new teachers feel confident and supported while navigating their first year of teaching! What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is It Under Attack? I was coaching girls basketball and subbing at one school. Make sure to go follow her ASAP. Everyone needs a confidence boost from time-to-time, whether you're a new teacher or are a veteran teacher, especially when you meet new challenges. But some of these teachers, yall in school environments, where yall feel unsafe, and yall got to figure out a way to survive. Required fields are marked *. Equip your teachers with the necessary tools! Here are the top searched questions about teacher interviews and some quick tips. Bri: I hope that it will bring light to the horrors that teachers have to deal with in the classroom. And there was the sound on Tik Tok that was trend in called Try Jesus Not. And listen, at this point in teaching, a lot of teachers dont quit, because, you know, they either feel like they cant transition, they dont know what job they will transition into. Follow Honest Teacher Vibes on Instagram, TikTok, andFacebook. You can put your head down for a couple minutes if you need to. Please read the detailed rules before participating. As the teacher-performers reminded their audience, finding unity in belly laughs may be the best kind of professional developmenteven if it is unpaid and after hours. Okay. I share personal stories about how Ive used this mindset hack to uplevel my life and reach my goals. An intentional schedule can help teachers prioritize their tasks, set realistic goals, and manage their time more effectively. Like I can hear, I can hear people talking to me, because like, some of the other teachers were coming up and like talking to me, and I could hear them talking to me, but they sounded like really far away. So today, we're going to be talking all about how to nail your teacher interview. - May 6, 2023 There are good admin out there, but there are some admin, yall be gaslighting these teachers and treating them like they just click in hands bothering yall. And it was too many behavior kids in that class all together. And it like blew up, it had like 200,000 views. It takes an experience that students might have a hard time staying engaged withlike a whole-class lessonand makes it more engaging. So Id be trying to grade papers and, you know, do lesson plans and my daughters, like, pay attention to me, they want the attention. Honest Teacher Vibes/ Briana Richardson. I remember feeling so sad at the end of the day when I put my keys on the desk and I had the luxury to walk out and she didnt. So Im gonna, Im gonna say exactly what these teachers are dealing with. Head over to the show notes: If you book a video on web with another payment method, we will always provide a full refund if the celebrity doesn't respond. $320,000 73% higher than the US average. Is it bath time bedtime yet? Bri: They can email them to 100% Absolute, like my twins. How are you able to find the humor in everyday things and turn it into these videos? Your email address will not be published. It is really easy to get overwhelmed when you look at your classroom and all you have to teach throughout the year. When her principal caught her ordering food from DoorDash during class,. It took place at State College of Florida Bradenton. We dive into finding flow in the classroom and how to simplify and streamline routines before adding anything new to the day. Its a deeply embedded systemic problem. Yeah, she shared it on hers. So I moved over to seventh grade. Because I thought I was dealing with some crazy stuff. We instantly hit it off. Wife Teacher Mommy: The Podcast 00:43:54 This past school year has been really difficult. She shared it on her Instagram Stories. She is going to be one of our keynote speakers at Educate and Rejuvenate on June 28 and 29th. Yeah, and Im like, I dont work for you anymore. People know that Honest Teacher Vibes is going to be funny. We really dive into how to find self development not only as a homeschool parent, but as a teacher and parent. After teaching for 33 years, I decided to retire as the pandemic ended. She is a seventh grade teacher with a passion for bringing humor and joy to the classroom. Substitutes for classroom teachers, specialists, and paraeducators should normally report to the school office upon arrival at school. Mack, a special education teacher from Texas, put it: This school yearwe just need prayer.. Have you ever wondered about life coaching? A student who I saw him do something and I said, Hey, stop that. And so I made this anchor chart of you know me telling my kids they better act right when I have a substitute teacher. Im a coach and I have a sports medicine degree. Head over to the show notes:, Are you trying to have it all? These teachers are dealing with terrible things. And, you know, I had never had the type of experience I had, when I went back to teaching. Like that situation is just so frustrating in and of itself. This mission is especially important when reporting on education in our community; therefore, we commit our readers tointegrity, accuracy, and independencein education reporting. Then in October or November 2018, I went back to coaching and long-term subbing. Sacrifice shouldn't be part of the job. [We need] a complete re-working of the entire system! People need to know were not being dramatic. Required fields are marked *. It made me realize, like some of these teachers, these things continue to happen, because these teachers cant speak out, or theyll get fired. We're all going to have so much fun together! And it's no wonder based on all of the various obstacles, tasks, and expectations that teachers deal with on a daily basis. I cant wait to connect with you! Bonnie Wiscombe is a certified life coach, serial entrepreneur and homeschool mom of 10 children. Three weeks ago Briana Richardson, the middle school ELA teacher also known as the social media sensation Honest Teacher Vibes, left her classroom too. If you want to learn the NUMBER ONE tip some of the top experts in the teaching world have to share with you you'll want to listen up to this fun & interactive episode today! But thats like what it is we can have very intentional quality time. So true. Listen on Apple Podcasts | Listen on Spotify | Listen on Stitcher. And, you know, she called the ambulance immediately, you know, she was I vaguely remember, you know, being wheeled down the hallway to the front of the building and getting, you know, in the back of the ambulance. "This Book Saves Lives!" Kristina Kuzmic is a cheerleader for her fellow humans. I am still, like, it is the craziest thing ever. On today's episode, you'll hear what I learned from that experience and also the tips I have for you now that I've helped tens of thousands of teachers on my blog and podcast PLUS quotes from members of our Wife Teacher Mommies Unite Facebook group, too! At The Educator's Room, we focus on amplifying and honoring the voice of educators as experts in education. This is like 100% True. We're back with more of their responses today. We probably often see this with our own kids or the students we teach in our class too. At times the substitute will report directly to his/her classroom Instead, he whispered conspiratorially: I know what you did.. The former prime minister writes to the inquiry's chair and hands over his messages - but due to changing phones in 2021, his submission excludes details from the height of the pandemic. Or are you just not finding the time for them that youd like? To me. But if its really, really bad, and you can transition out, Im telling you transition out. Hey there, new teacher bestie! Love ya - muah! We have sessions including life coaching skills, talking teacher burnout, and learning amazing teaching strategies that you can implement in your classrooms. This episode Joe chats with the incredibly funny TikTok sensation Bri Richardson (HonestTeacherVibes) about the pains and joys of teaching middle school and performing comedy in front of strangers before Joe shares some wild teacher emails, including one that involves actual murder! Summer is also the perfect time for self care. She explains how focusing on flow over just productivity can lead to deeper satisfaction in work and create a positive learning environment for teachers and students alike. They are quitting daily. And then when we came back to school on January, the fourth for the beginning of the spring semester, I had just hit 100k that day. And I was like, Im not having panic attacks like these kids are stressed me out like that, like, you know, and I kept like, just getting sick. And so and they were like, you know, trying to get me to like, lift my head up, and I couldnt lift my head up. So tell us a little bit about the decision you made to leave the classroom recently. And youve been going on tour, too. Ive wept over these stories. That question makes no sense. She shares her experience as a behavior specialist and consultant for special education needs. Sometimes the best feedback you can receive from others is the feedback based on how you handled unexpected situations!". And I love that youre willing to, you know, use your platform in that way to be an advocate for these teachers. and our And as soon as I get done, Ill play with you. First-Year Teachers: Raise Your Hand If You've Been Bullied Too. And this has been so much fun. Being an educator is beyond a full-time job. And, you know, seventh grade was a different beast than sixth grade was, but there was a lot of, you know, a lack of structure. THEN, think of all the school activities and all those little things that take time out of your classroom teaching schedule. I didnt do it to be popular on social media. #leavingteaching #teachervlog #honestteachervibes~YOU MIGHT ALSO ENJOYAssistive Technology for Students with Learning Disabilities Types of Learning Disabilities\u0026t=186sUnderstanding Dyscalculia\u0026t=1sA Day in The Life of a Special Education Teacher How I Started My Own School ~ABOUT MEI am passionate about ALL things learning differences, particularly silent disabilities. Some of these admin county office people, they guess, like these teachers so bad, and hear me when I say, I know, theres good admin out there, there are really great admin out there. Head over to the show notes: And now Im not teaching anymore. If admin says Well we dont have any subs. Say I have the time and I am going to use it. I can not stress enough how important it is to help children to learn to LOVE reading! 28.6K Likes, 345 Comments. Briana is one of those people who has never met a stranger. Our episode today is all about managing challenging behavior in students, particularly those with special education needs. Educators from all grade levels were gathered here in a packed auditorium at State College of Florida Bradenton for a unique teacher-led touring comedy show. So like that. Identify your priorities and goals, and determine which tasks are most important for achieving them. ", "Don't do something big and fancy. 58%. Spring Break. To help address these behaviors, we talk about taking a skills-based approach that teaches appropriate behaviors and ways to gain attention or escape. Confidence as a Teacher comes down to TWO THINGS: 1) Self Confidence: Belief in ourselves and our thoughts. And you know, I had never been sick at school before. Panic attacks, about to pass out, blood pressure sky high. But, you know, if I stop and play with her for 10 or 15 minutes, then shes bored. So can you introduce yourself to our listeners, like where youre from your teaching background? The crazy thing is my favorite video is actually one that was not teacher content. From number sense to classroom management, mindfulness to reading you're going to learn LOTS today about how you can teach kids. And this aint no shade on the kids because kids just they are going to be Kian they arent and I love those kids. Thats not ok. So its just figuring out what works for you. And it's no wonder based on all of the various obstacles, tasks, and expectations that teachers deal with on a daily basis. All rights reserved. Life coaching has definitely changed our lives for the better, and we know youll be able to benefit from it as well! While preparing for this episode, I came across the top internet searches around teacher job interviews. So true. And I was like, What is going on? Summer break is an opportunity for teachers and educators to recharge, reflect, and prepare for the upcoming school year. And so I kept making like videos from there, and they all flopped. Like its so true. There are so many exciting things happening at Wife Teacher Mommy, and one of those is our virtual summer event: Educate & Rejuvenate. Whether it's grading, assessments, or just general classroom management, teachers have so much to do. 0:48. And I was like, What the heck, like it was just that was my favorite video to make. My life is like wild, right? That's why it's necessary to know how to make an intentional schedule. Isnt it so funny? Oh, all the stuff youre going to share. Within life coaching, there are so many different platforms to get coaching and surround yourself with the community. And I was just it was, it was one of the scariest experiences Ive ever had. If you want to hear the time I totally bombed my classroom observation listen up. Get the latest education news delivered to your inbox daily. The groups first spring break comedy tour has stops across Florida and later throughout the Northeast. Instead of reading the same types of books all summer, your child could be reading a graphic novel one week and a biography about a cool scientist the next week. Whether you're new to the classroom or a veteran teacher, you won't want to miss this episode that is sure to help you feel more confident in the classroom. Like right now or as soon as youre done listening to this episode because you are going to want to follow her. They won't be a "bad thing" but rather a gift to help us improve. FYI Some links are affiliate. Are you somebody that struggles with making a schedule or sticking to your to-do-list? And its like, no, just leave it. Wife Teacher Mommy is a registered trademark of Wife Teacher Mommy, LLC.Shop Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Product Terms of Use | Affiliate Agreement. 181K Followers, 721 Following, 1,341 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Briana Richardson (@honestteachervibes) Do you need something to eat? My teachers buffered my hard times. Withlike a whole-class lessonand makes it more engaging set their own decisions of... Miss your kids are hyper Avoid teacher Burnout, using your teacher interview as... Or uncertainties to rest go over on this simple mindset hack to uplevel my life and my. Had me, you know, my last straw was that particular,... And bid and slapped you all right here stood there with me, and manage their more... For something, whether its the same thing or something you somebody that struggles with making a schedule sticking. Nothing to do that a heart for these teachers talk all about the! 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