The current study drew on data from 6 out of the 10 regions in Ghana (prior to the creation of new regions in 2019) where both teacher and student attainment data were available to be linked. For instance, the 2007 Trends in International Mathematics and Sciences Study (TIMSS) results show that only 1% of children in Ghana achieved the upper international benchmark of 550 points in Science, with over 80% not attaining the low international benchmark of 400. J. Educ. 1. This study utilised the 2013 Ghana National Education Assessment (GNEA) data and administrative data on the demographic and service information of teachers who taught them during the 20122013 academic year. New results on the effects of teacher preparation on student achievement. educational standards and student assessment; balancing external assessments and teacher-based assessments in the assessment of learning and integrating student formative assessment in the evaluation and assessment framework. 73, 3642. Evidence on the impact and distribution of teacher experience and the implications for teacher policy. doi: 10.1080/13803611.2016.1178589, Hanushek, E. A., and Rivkin, S. G. (2006). 30, 559574. 3. Altinok, N. (2013). In addition to improving students learning outcomes, teacher qualities are also important in mitigating socio-economic inequalities in children's educational attainment ( Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2012 ). Ministry of Education (2017a). The GNEA data consists of primary 6 attainment data in Mathematics and English language tests, as well as information on gender, age, type of school attended and location. This suggests that having a teaching certificate is necessary for improved student attainment. Accounting for Variations in the Quality of Primary School Education. A cross-subject analysis with student fixed effects. Unfortunately, childrens prior attainment data was not available to account for this in our analysis. Accra: MOE. Private schools form approximately a quarter of primary school education (Ministry of Education, 2016a). Research on the association between teaching experience and students educational attainment has produced mixed results (e.g., Rice, 2013; Papay and Kraft, 2015; Blmeke et al., 2016). Res. Azigwe, J. For instance, Bhai and Horoi (2019) found no significant difference in Mathematics and reading attainment of students taught by teachers with Masters and or advanced degrees and those taught by teachers with a lower qualification. The current study examines the effect of selected teacher characteristics on students educational attainment in Ghana. Educ. Understanding the low mathematics achievement of Chilean students: a cross-national analysis using TIMSS data. J. Educ. Barber, M., and Mourshed, M. (2007). #4 in Glasgow is Hillhead High School - which is ranked 29 nationally. Educ. Ministry of Education (2016a). Additionally, children living in poverty are less likely to have someone with the educational experience to either help with learning at home or navigate the complex educational terrain and post-schooling opportunities (Mtika and Payne, 2014; Ivaniushina and Aleksandrov, 2015; Mtika, 2019). Teacher certification and experience were associated with childrens attainment in both Mathematics and English language. Prior to multivariate analysis, we undertook attrition analysis by comparing excluded and retained data to examine whether there were any significant differences on key predictor and outcome variables. The current study aims to examine the teacher characteristics that influence student educational attainment, and explore whether certain teacher qualities matter more for children attending disadvantaged schools in Ghana. First, care is needed in drawing any causal relationship between the selected teacher credentials and children attainment due to the cross-sectional nature of our data. First, it is recommended that educational stakeholders take steps to train more certified teachers and deploy these to all primary schools, particularly rural disadvantaged schools. Exploring the importance of teacher characteristics on the attainment of students from disadvantaged backgrounds may provide insights on the role teacher deployment can play in mitigating the inequality gap. doi: 10.1016/S1574-0692(06)02022-8, Nilson, T., and Gustafsson, J.-E. (2016). Children from rural (b = 4.43, p < 0.001) and public schools (b = 8.92, p < 0.001) achieved significantly lower grades in English language. Paris: OECD, doi: 10.1787/9789264250246-en, Palardy, G. J., and Rumberger, R. W. (2008). Among school-related factors, it is argued that teacher qualities make the greatest contribution to students learning (e.g., Barber and Mourshed, 2007; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2012; World Bank, 2018). According to the Ghana National Education Assessment Technical Report (Varly et al., 2014), the reliability indices of the test items using the KuderRichardson-20 (KR20) test were 0.89 for P6 Mathematics and 0.84 for P6 English language. Economic deprivation and its effects on childhood conduct problems: the mediating role of family stress and investment factors. doi: 10.3102/00346543073001089, Wolff, C. E., Jarodzka, H., and Boshuizen, H. P. A. The importance of teacher characteristics for childrens educational attainment was demonstrated by the greater association between the selected teacher credentials on the attainment of children attending advantaged as opposed to disadvantaged schools. The challenge is that a majority of the certified and experienced teachers are mostly working in urban and advantaged schools. The Report of the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education. Evidence across the globe indicates that children living in poverty attain significantly lower educational outcomes compared to their more affluent peers (e.g., Sosu and Ellis, 2014; Spaull and Kotze, 2015; Burroughs et al., 2019; Kim et al., 2019). This study examined (i) the association between teacher characteristics and childrens educational outcomes and (ii) whether certain teacher credentials matter more for children attending disadvantaged schools. 2, eds E. A. Hanushek and F. Welch (Amsterdam: North Holland), 10511078. Eval. 28, 4957. Hungi, N. (2011). Int. Schools, teachers, and education outcomes in developing countries, in Handbook of the Economics of Education, Vol. doi: 10.1353/foc.2007.0010, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, Nechyba, T. J. J. Educ. Front. This is because those with a professional qualification tend to be equipped with the knowledge, attitudes and pedagogical approaches that facilitate learning (e.g., Sosu et al., 2010; Conn, 2017). Trends in educational attainment were particularly relevant for the nation's Hispanic population given its low median age (30.5 in 2021). Figure 1. Distribution of students and teachers characteristics by school socioeconomic indicators. World Bank (2018). (2015). Teacher effectiveness in first grade: the importance of background qualifications, attitudes, and instructional practices for student learning. Pol. Papay, J. P., and Kraft, M. A. What can teachers do to raise pupil achievement? Disparities between pupils attending disadvantaged and more advantaged schools were equally consistent. We only have permission to use the data for our research. Learning to Realise Educations Promise. Received: 22 June 2020; Accepted: 10 August 2020;Published: 02 September 2020. doi: 10.1016/s1574-0692(06)02018-6, Harris, D. N., and Sass, T. R. (2011). Does teacher preparation matter? Emotional acting and personas help teachers navigate school-based interactions. 26 May 2023, Pristina, Kosovo: UNODC and UNDP Kosovo brought together 30 officials from anti-corruption authorities and civil society from Kosovo and Albania for a roundtable aimed to discuss the role of anti-corruption education in preventing and countering corruption and to take stock of good . Rev. The recruitment and conditions of service of teachers are determined by the state. 130, 105119. Private primary schools are those owned, managed and financed by private individuals, entrepreneurs and faith-based bodies. 83, 94106. Public primary schools are those funded, managed and run by the state. understand better what the important factors are. The original CTE Model Curriculum Standards were adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) on May 11, 2005. Findings on the association between teacher academic qualification and childrens educational outcomes were in line with prior studies that show no relationship between teachers holding higher academic degrees and childrens attainment (Clotfelter et al., 2010; Chowa et al., 2015; Bhai and Horoi, 2019). (2009). Multi-group analysis: exploring differential teacher effects with respective standard errors (SE) in brackets. Notre Dame High School. However, there is continuing debate regarding which teacher characteristics contribute most, singly or jointly, to students attainment (e.g., Hattie, 2009; Burroughs et al., 2019). "knowledge economy", or with the increase in educational attainment and the growth in the wage premium for higher education. Teacher Quality, Instructional Quality and Student Outcomes. Does initial teacher education make a difference? Ministry of Education (2017b). This young segment of the Hispanic population . Educ. Specifically, the approach allowed us to account for differences between children attending the same schools and not to overestimate the effects of teacher characteristics on childrens attainment. All results from this research are the responsibility of the authors and do not implicate the custodians of the primary data in any way. J. Profess. Public Econ. Public Econ. 13, 151. In Ghana, private schools are usually located in urban areas (Ministry of Education, 2016a). As a result, all schools with less than 10 students in the class were excluded (see Hox et al., 2017). Educ. Figure 1 illustrates predicted average scores for children taught by certified and uncertified teachers in different categories of schools. doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00584.x, Robson, D., and Mtika, P. (2017). J. In other words, different factors such as childrens own socioeconomic backgrounds may be the predominant factor influencing the attainment of children in private schools while teacher characteristics is an important factor for the attainment of children attending disadvantaged schools. Rev. Head teachers Head teachers assess the school's overall performance. Policy Anal. Third, due to absence of child level characteristic data, our study is unable to explain the array of child related factors that are known to be associated with educational attainment. MN and ES undertook data analysis. In 2021, the majority of Hispanic adults were between ages 25 and 34. Table 2. National Teachers Standards for Ghana Guidelines. (2010). Educ. London: McKinsey and Company. Socialization through informal education: the extracurricular activities of Russian school children. The average teaching experience of teachers in urban schools was higher (9.4 years) than those in rural schools (7.3 years). 22, 2344. . Tolmie, A., Muijs, D., and Mcateer, E. (2011). Additionally, teacher certification and experience accounted for differences in attainment between children attending public but not private schools. MN, ES, PM, and DR contributed to the conceptualization of the study. 1 clive r. belfieldhenry m. levin The Education Attainment Gap:Who's Affected, How Much, and Why It Matters Is excellent education for all America's children a good investment?We know that. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (2019). 4, 286308. Teaching experience ranged from 1 to 32 years, with an average teaching experience of 8.4 and 6.0 years for public and private school teachers, respectively. Ministry of Education (2016b). Existing research suggests that student characteristics, family and home environment, as well as teacher characteristics and school factors influence students learning and academic attainment (Hattie, 2009; Meyer and Benavot, 2013; Nilson and Gustafsson, 2016). Education Sector Performance Report (ESPR). This was followed by an evaluation of the impact of three specific teacher characteristics (i.e., educational level, professional status, and teaching experience) at stage four. The study authors concluded that when teachers engaged in relationship-building with families, they were more likely to be able to deep act, and that this would result in "supporting effective collaboration as well as child and family development.". 30, 111140. Between 2010 and 2021, 2 educational attainment rates among 25- to 29-year-olds increased at . They are more likely to use a diagnostic approach to support childrens learning needs (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2012). Econ. Toropova, A., Johansson, S., and Myrberg, E. (2019). Citation 1966; Harris and Goodall Citation 2008; Siraj and Mayo Citation 2014). Akaguri, L. (2011). This further underscores the need for ensuring that all teachers, irrespective of their level of academic qualification, have the necessary teacher professional qualification to enable them successfully improve learning outcomes for all learners. However, attainment was not significantly different for students whose teachers had 1014 years of experience. Educ. (2016). (2016). 45, 129140. Additionally, some studies (e.g., Glewwe and Kremer, 2006; Kingdon and Aslam, 2011) have suggested that teachers classroom practices and personal dispositions may be more important to student learning than teachers observed characteristics such as academic qualification. Teacher training, teacher quality and student achievement. Some experts note that the first word of the Quran as it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad is "Iqra!" which means "Read!" or "Recite!"; they say Muslims are urged to pursue knowledge in order to better understand God's revealed word. Additionally, the Ministry of Education (2016b) indicates significant gaps in English Language and Mathematics proficiency between children from urban (56 and 34%) and rural (24 and 18%) areas respectively. Our findings should be interpreted in light of the following caveat. It is evident that parents represent one of the most important influences on learning and success in school and can make a significant difference to their children's educational attainment and life chances (e.g. J. Paris: UNESCO. Berlin: Springer, doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-41252-8, Nye, B., Konstantopoulos, S., and Hedges, L. V. (2004). This is a national exercise undertaken at the beginning of every academic year to collate and update teachers information such as teachers gender, years of experience, class taught, academic and professional qualifications. Ottawa, Ontario. Oxford: Symposium books. 87, 863898. MN, ES, and PM contributed to the final write-up of the manuscript. The recruitment, teachers conditions of service, and administration of these schools are entirely the responsibility of the managers of the school. Coach. A comparison of the 2013 and 2016 data indicates very minimal changes in pupil attainment. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (2015). Res. Teacher characteristics and student achievement gains: a review. Complex tasks in teaching Chemistry involve identifying misconceptions, presenting models, constructing tasks that will engage learners in the inquiry model, and explaining complex ideas. Coleman et al. Joseph Round Tree Report. Further, data from the 2016 Ghana National Education Assessment (Ministry of Education, 2016b) indicates less than 25 and 40% of primary school children were proficient in Mathematics and English language, respectively. Front. Martin, M. O., Mullis, I. V. S., and Foy, P. (2012). An explanation for the teacher experience effect is that experienced teachers are able to adapt and tailor their teaching to suit students of different abilities, prior knowledge and backgrounds. Uncertified teachers are all those without any professional certificate or degree in education. The question remains, then, why education is more important in some areas of the country than in others. Traditionally the level of education in a country's population or labour force was measured by the average year of schooling that is educational attainment. Relationships Across Countries, Cohorts and Time. Teaching experience was equally important for the attainment of children in both rural and urban schools. The third stage of the analysis was the introduction of school disadvantage measures, that is, school type (private vs. public), and school location (rural vs. urban) into the model to estimate their impact on students attainment. Teachers are not sorted and assigned to specific classrooms based on the characteristics of pupils (e.g., aptitude, IQ level, ability, and attainment) or teachers (e.g., ability, specialist area, academic qualification, and perceived effectiveness). A review by Barber and Mourshed (2007) found that the top performing education systems around the world recruited their teachers from the top third of each cohort of graduates. Overall, past research depicts a complex, poorly understood relationship between teacher educational attainment and student outcomes that may vary by such factors as level of schooling, academic subject, and major-course congruence. For many Hispanic people in the United States, educational milestones are recent events. There was no significant difference in attainment scores of children who were taught by teachers with a minimum of bachelors degree and those with qualifications below a degree. The myth of the performance plateau. Rev. Econ. doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2007.05.005, Kim, S. W., Cho, H., and Kim, L. Y. Teach. Educ. The extent to which teacher experience was uniquely associated with attainment of children attending disadvantaged (rural and public) schools was mixed. Data were analyzed using a multilevel modeling approach to account for clustering in our data set. 45, 656681. In a Global School Leader survey, we find that in schools where leaders do believe that students can learn, 54 percent . Education Sector Performance Report (ESPR). education as a means of improving teacher effectiveness, though this approach is not uniformly efficacious. Specifically, children in rural schools who were taught by uncertificated teachers had significantly lower grades in English language (b = 1.79, p < 0.01) and Mathematics (b = 0.93, p < 0.01) compared to rural peers who were taught by certificated teachers. Policy Anal. However, the importance of experience plateaus from the fifth year with no statistically significant difference in attainment between students taught by teachers with 15 years and above, 1014 years, or 59 years of experience. This difference appears to plateau from the 10 years of experience. Majority of the teachers in public schools (68.5%) held professional teaching qualifications compared to those in private schools (30.2%). 32, 643660. Educ. J. Mentor. Evidence shows that there is a teacher effect on pupils learning (e.g., Altinok, 2013; Meyer and Benavot, 2013). June 1, 2023 . Findings exploring the differential impact of teacher characteristics (Table 3) indicate that teacher certification was uniquely associated with attainment of students attending disadvantaged (rural and public) schools for both subjects. This was followed by the deletion of information on 20 students with various forms of missing data. Income and peer quality sorting in public and private schools. Education Management Information System [EMIS]. Table 1. Fifth, we can only speculate on why teacher certification and experience are associated with positive educational attainment. Rev. (2012). The assumption is that teachers with high academic and professional qualifications will lead to improved student attainment (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2012; World Bank, 2018). However, these differences were generally small suggesting data attrition is likely to have no impact on our estimates. There was a higher proportion of teachers with a minimum of bachelors degree located in urban (70.6%) than rural schools (45.6%). Our results have the potential to stimulate policy discussion on measures for mitigating the learning outcomes gap between rural and urban schools as well as public and private schools. Bashir, S., Lockheed, M., Ninan, E., and Tan, J.-P. (2018). Given the limited evidence for the effect of these teacher characteristics in Ghana, the current study addresses the following questions: (1) To what extent are selected teacher characteristics (certification, experience, and academic qualification) associated with primary school childrens English Language and Mathematics attainment in Ghana? J. Educ. These include class size (M = 50.0; SD = 28.1), pupil age (M = 13.5; SD = 1.6), gender of students (Male = 51.5%; Female = 48.5%) and gender of teachers (Male = 57.1%; Female = 42.9%). doi: 10.1007/s11092-009-9074-2, Humble, S., and Dixon, P. (2017). doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2011.01.001, Kukla-Acevedo, S. (2009). This study focused on 'aspirations, attitudes and behaviours' and used a number of rich large-scale longitudinal sources of data capturing groups of children growing up in the UK today, from early childhood, through to late adolescence. Education finance data include revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets [cash and security holdings] of elementary and secondary public school systems. Causes of educational segregation in Sweden school choice or residential segregation. There are many primary schools in low and middle-income countries that are not staffed with certified teachers, which undermines the quality of learning experiences and outcomes for these children. Front. . (2019) found that teaching experience was positively associated with student attainment from the early years of teaching until the nineteenth year of experience and thereafter there is no change. 30, 449465. Stratified random sampling was used to select participating schools and students for the attainment data (see, Varly et al., 2014, for further details). Credit: AP / Hans Pennink. The original datasets can be obtained from the data holders. Fourth, more highly qualified teachers should be encouraged through policy incentives to teach in rural schools. Two main data exclusion criteria were applied to arrive at a final sample for schools and students. B., and Bosker, R. J. Low Performing Students: Why They Fall Behind and How to Help Them Succeed. Teach. growing importance of higher educational attainment, higher order cognitive and non-cognitive skills, and professional occupations and employment over the last half century. The challenge of providing effective teachers for all children. The study contributes to a better understanding of the role of teacher characteristics in addressing equitable access to quality education. The impact of teacher preparation on student teachers attitudes towards educational inclusion. Consequently, the key factor to moderate the association between school disadvantage and educational attainment is to have certified teachers and teachers with certain levels of teaching experience. There are significant implications arising from this study for governments in low to middle-income contexts in their efforts toward equitable access to quality education for all. Future studies using more complex measures of school disadvantage may help determine the magnitude of school-disadvantage effect. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-41252-8_2. The CDC found that at least 75% of U.S. adults are missing one or more routinely recommended vaccines. Huang, F. L., and Moon, T. R. (2009). Varly, P., Cummiskey, C., Kline, T., and Randolph, L. (2014). Heck, R. H., Thomas, S. L., and Tabata, L. N. (2011). doi: 10.1080/00036846.2019.1597963, Blmeke, S., Olsen, R., and Suhl, U. Respectively, 53.7 and 46.3% of English language attainment differences were within and between schools, while 65.1 and 34.9% of Mathematics attainment differences were within and between schools. doi: 10.3386/w11936. doi: 10.3102/0034654317712025, Darling-Hammond, L., Holtzman, D. J., Gatlin, S. J., and Heilig, J. V. (2005). This data is based on a school census survey of all primary school teachers during the 2012/2013 academic year (Ghana Education Service, 2012; Ministry of Education, 2013a). Res. 45, 102116. The exception to this rule in our study is the greater proportion of certified teachers in public schools compared to private schools. (2016). The role of teacher characteristics for student achievement in mathematics and student perceptions of instructional quality. It is useful to distinguish educational attainment from various measures of the flow of education through a population. The National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework. doi: 10.1016/s1574-0692(06)02016-2, Hansen, K. Y., and Gustafsson, J. E. (2016). Significant differences were observed for English language [t(10490) = 4.11, p < 0.001, two tailed] and educational qualifications [2(1, n = 10492) = 9.05, p < 0.001]. Teacher credentials and student achievement in high school. MN screened and organized the data and wrote the first draft of the manuscript with significant inputs from ES and PM. Multilevel analyses of linked administrative data on teacher characteristics and attainment indicate socio-economic differences in childrens educational outcomes. Sosu, E. M., Mtika, P., and Colucci-Gray, L. (2010). We used a contextual and life . Podolsky, A., Kini, T., and Darling-Hammond, L. (2019). Quantitative Methods in Educational and Social Research Using SPSS. Is experience the best teacher? However, student attainment was not statistically different for those whose teachers had 59 or 1014 years of experience suggesting that the importance of experience plateaus earlier for Mathematics. It is recommended that women talk to their health care providers about getting these 10 vaccines and make sure they are up to date: Influenza. 26, 237257. With regards to educational inequality, we found significant differences in educational attainment between children attending advantaged and disadvantaged schools. Available evidence indicates that teachers in public basic schools are randomly assigned to schools, classrooms, and pupils (Balwanz and Darvas, 2013). Studying Teacher Education. Unfortunately, education levels are not rising to match the economy's demands. This lack of consensus is highlighted by Glewwe and Kremer (2006) who contended: [the] identification of the characteristics and practices of teachers that contribute most toward improving pupil attainment has often eluded researchers even though the most effective means of improving school quality may be through addressing weak teaching (p. 995). Econ. Available online at: (accessed June 15, 2019). doi: 10.1108/IJMCE-03-2017-0027. Quantitative Methodology Series, 3rd Edn. However, there is little consensus about the specific teacher qualities that lead to greater pupils learning (e.g., Wayne and Youngs, 2003; Hattie, 2009; Burroughs et al., 2019). 57, 189213. PIRLS 2011 International Report: IEAs Progress in International Reading Literacy Study in Primary School. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2006.11.005, Rice, J. K. (2013). However, certification was not statistically associated with attainment of students attending urban or private schools in both subjects. A hierarchical linear modeling of Ghana YouthSave baseline data. The evidence for selection of children from wealthy households into advantaged schools was represented by differences in educational attainment between public and private schools which are socioeconomically stratified. There are also significant inequalities in childrens educational attainment in Ghana with children from more disadvantaged backgrounds or attending disadvantaged schools (e.g., low-income, rural, and public schools) performing well below those from more affluent backgrounds attending more advantaged schools (e.g., high income, urban, and private schools) (Varly et al., 2014; Chowa et al., 2015; Azigwe et al., 2016; Bashir et al., 2018). Secondary data were obtained following ethical approval from the various data owners. All independent and dependent variables were grand mean centered (Hox et al., 2017). Since then, there has been only one additional national assessment in 2016 (Ministry of Education, 2016b). An elaborate system ofteacher education and certification is geared towardthe preparation of thoseteacher entering education, teaching, or andteacher there experience have anare significant professionalexpected development positive effectopportunities on student achievement" andfor those in the profession.that "there More appearsthan 40 top. The second criterion was based on sample requirement guidelines for our chosen analytic procedure, multi-level modeling. How the Worlds Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top. United Nations (2015). At present, over 12,000 teachers have access to the Great Teaching Toolkit. Ministry of Education (2013b). Average student predicted scores by teacher certification and school disadvantage characteristics. Inquiry 10, 275299. Wayne, A. J., and Youngs, P. (2003). Arch. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College. Predominantly, most disadvantaged children have no choice but attend disadvantaged schools with poor teaching and learning resources, and where teachers are less likely to be experienced or certificated (Clotfelter et al., 2006, 2010; Hill et al., 2019). On a slightly more positive note, even though educational attainment has stagnated, educational achievement is improving. Finally, our paper is based on data from 2013 which was the most comprehensive national attainment data on primary school children at the time of conceptualizing the study. Response: Educational attainment is the level of education completed by the time of the survey (reported here as at least high school completion, 1 an associate's or higher degree, a bachelor's or higher degree, or a master's or higher degree). Certified teachers are those who possessed Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelor and Masters qualifications in Education. Thus, the number of teachers (n = 250) was equivalent to the number of schools (n = 250). Education for all 2000-2015: Achievements and Challenges. Educ. The result emphasizes the importance of childhood and adolescent education in dementia prevention. The vehicle for this work is the Great Teaching Toolkit. However, it is unclear which teacher characteristics may help to improve the educational attainment of children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Teachers demographic and professional information was provided by the Ghana Education Service. However, further analysis indicates that these teacher characteristics are particularly important for the attainment of children attending public disadvantaged schools. Data on teachers demographic and professional information were requested for teachers who taught primary 6 students who participated in the GNEA assessment in 20122013 academic year at the specified schools. The Impact of Teacher Knowledge on Student Achievement in 14 Sub Saharan African countries. Multilevel and Longitudinal Modelling with IBM SPSS. The National Assessment of Educational Progress assessment [U.S. Department of Education 2010] indicates that the performance of 9-year olds and 13-year olds has been improving over last 35 years, as shown in Figures 6 and 7. (2008) found a statistically significant positive relationship between teaching experience and pupils attainment, while controlling for student, classroom, and school characteristics. Pandemic has resulted in the shift from face-to-face to fully online learning, readiness, and. Bhai, M., and Horoi, I. 2, eds E. Hanushek and F. Welch (Amsterdam: North Holland), 9451017. There was no statistically significant differences between the samples on students Mathematics attainment [t(10490) = 0.53, p = 0.60], teacher experience [t(10490) = 0.28, p = 0.78] or certification [2(1, n = 10492) = 0.12, p = 0.73]. After applying the exclusion criteria and carefully dealing with missing information for the two separate datasets, a merging procedure was followed. (2006). Our review of previous studies on teacher characteristics suggests that effective characteristics cluster around, (a) professional training or certification, (b) teacher experience, and (c) teacher academic qualification. Meyer, H., and Benavot, A. Abingdon: Routledge. Teacher education is more important today than it has been in half a century. University of HoustonDowntown, United States. College Record 114, 149. In this study, we take advantage of the availability of unique administrative datasets in Ghana to explore the association between teachers macro level characteristics and childrens educational attainment. Research on teacher academic qualification has also produced mixed findings in relation to childrens educational attainment. The first criterion was the exclusion of all schools that were not designated as rural or urban. Mtika, P. (2019). Teaching experience measured the number of years a teacher has been teaching regardless of their professional status and levels of education. SACMEQ Working Paper Number 7. Abstract Empirical evidence suggests that educational attainment nurtures people's social outcomes and promotes active participation in society and stability. (2006) concluded that teacher experience was positively related to student attainment in both reading and Mathematics. (2019). highest educational attainment, teaching position, number of yea rs in teaching, and outstanding ac hievement. Ghana National Educational Assessment Technical Report. The work of Evidence Based Education is solely focused on this endeavour. Washington DC: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. Conn, K. M. (2017). All private basic schools are required by law to be registered with the Metropolitan, Municipal and District educational directorates within which they operate. The closing educational attainment gap is even more noteworthy when one considers that the farmer population has a significantly older age structure than the general US population and the educational . Multilevel Analysis. Importantly, it highlights the need for staffing schools with certified teachers to achieve quality education for all, especially in low and middle-income countries where a large proportion of children do not have access to certified teachers (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, 2019). leadership and the importance of educational responsibility, . Internationally, learning assessments across low and middle-income countries indicate that large numbers of students leave primary school without developing the most basic competencies in reading and numeracy (Hungi, 2011; Bashir et al., 2018; World Bank, 2018). Educ. Dev. doi: 10.1002/jae.2539. The findings on teacher experience suggest that beginning or less experienced teachers may benefit from support to develop the essential knowledge and skills that more experienced teachers deploy (Robson and Mtika, 2017; Wolff et al., 2017; Podolsky et al., 2019). Meeting Commitments: Are Countries on Track to Achieve SDG 4?. For the most part, students from socioeconomically advantaged backgrounds attend private primary schools. Econ. At stage two, four control variables (students gender and age, teachers gender and class size) were added as covariates to account for their possible confounding effects on childrens educational attainment. Ivaniushina, V. A., and Aleksandrov, D. A. "The mechanisms are not yet known, but these results may reflect the effect of cognitive reserve . United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (2014). Similarly, children in rural (b = 1.40, p < 0.001) and public schools (b = 4.19, p < 0.001) recorded lower levels of attainment in Mathematics than their peers in urban and private schools. Ghana 2013 National Educational Assessment Technical Report. Newly qualified teachers professional learning through practitioner enquiry: investigating partnership-based mentoring. (2010). 41, 778820. doi: 10.1080/10609393.2015.1068553, Kane, T. J., Rockoff, J. E., and Staiger, D. O. Additionally, more experienced and qualified teachers tend to be located in more advantaged schools and classes, and this can exacerbate the inequality gap (Clotfelter et al., 2006, 2010; Hanushek and Rivkin, 2006; Ramirez, 2006; Hill et al., 2019). Productivity returns to experience in the teacher labour market: methodological challenges and new evidence on long-term career improvement. Educ. With respect to attainment in Mathematics, students taught by experienced teachers (15 years and above) attained higher grades that those taught by teachers with 14 years of experience (b = 1.49, p < 0.01). In other words, only one teacher was nested in a particular grade in a school hence we do not decouple teacher level from school level. As indicated earlier in the methodology section, teachers and schools are treated as the same level in the analysis because only one teacher was sampled for a class in each school. Parents of rural school students are predominantly subsistence farmers and are characterized by high levels of poverty and low levels of literacy (Ghana Statistical Service, 2012). Similar trends were observed for attainment between children attending public and private schools. There is now a recognition that the number of years completed has little relationship to the level of knowledge and competencies or educational achievement. The impact of teaching experience on learners outcomes also depends on many factors such as teaching in a supportive and collegial working environment, same grade level, subject, location and socio-economic characteristics of students (Huang and Moon, 2009; Hansen and Gustafsson, 2016; Podolsky et al., 2019). Out of the 10,492 grade 6 students from 275 (201 rural; 74 urban) schools in the six regions, information from 8,599 students from 250 (182 rural; 68 urban) schools were used for this study. In Ghana, the current policy focus is to prepare teachers with high levels of professional and academic qualifications in a bid to improve teacher quality (Ministry of Education, 2017a,b). Social studies groups statewide are pushing back against a plan out of Albany they say would downgrade the importance of coursework in history and civics during a time . This study is concerned with understanding primary school childrens educational attainment and the role that teachers can play. Evidence suggests that teacher effect on educational outcomes may be greater for children from disadvantaged backgrounds (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2012). Teacher educational attainment shows positive relationships with student achievement in two states for oral English and overall and no relationship in the third state. For English language, students taught by novice teachers with up to 4 years of experience obtained lower grades (rural: b = 2.45, p < 0.05; urban: b = 5.56, p < 0.01) than students taught by teachers with 15 years and above of experience. Table 3. J. Hum. Similar findings on the positive effects of teacher certification and experience on childrens attainment have been reported in recent studies from high income countries (Bhai and Horoi, 2019; Podolsky et al., 2019; Toropova et al., 2019). Resour. Int. Returns to teacher experience: student achievement and motivation in middle school. Develop leaders that build a culture of high expectations in the system. More specifically, children who attend schools in urban areas and private schools obtained higher grades compared to their peers in rural and public schools.

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