Listen to your body and mind and watch for the shift in energies. Many people use group ceremonies (such as a cacao ceremony) to provide an opportunity for individuals to support each others spiritual growth and healing. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Ceremonial cacao is usually consumed in drink form. If you'd like to get your non-presale items sooner, please place a separate order with them. That can be a great way to start the day.". You can also use it as an afternoon pick-me-up if you hit that 3 o'clock wall, to help you refocus and finish the day strong. The cacao will come in either a powder or paste and is used just like any cocoa powder for hot chocolate. Surprising Benefits of Drinking Ceremonial Cacao, A really cool benefit that Ive noticed cacao can offer us is. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. "I think that's part of why there's been this explosion of interest," Draper says, "because so many people find it accessible to incorporate into whatever they're doing. +3 Helpful Benefits, Is Colloidal Silver Gel Effective? Set an intention for your ceremony and drink the cacao slowly while engaging in meditation, deep breathing, or any other spiritual practice that resonates with you. You will become aware of things that have been keeping you from living the life you love and receive strength in letting them go. Its time to share the love! 4. Yes! The association between love, sensuality, and chocolate has been celebrated for ages. Rich in Antioxidants. Magnesium - Cacao is one of the highest sources of magnesium on the planet. Cocoa and Cardiovascular Health. Scientific research now confirms that chocolate helps to relieve emotional stress. This has both a physical and energetic effect on the heart. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. For those chocolatiers and pastry chefs amongst you, you can alchemise our Cacao Liquor into interesting chocolate and deserts. Therefore, it is recommended that you dont ingest it fewer than 6 hours before bed because it can keep you up. The benefits of a cacao ceremony are both spiritual and physical. When drinking cacao intentionally, I become better able to express myself clearly and confidently. Katz, D. L., Doughty, K., & Ali, A. Our editors have independently chosen the products listed on this page. Magnesium plays a role in over 300 essential reactions in the body, including the absorption of calcium and the assimilation of vitamin D. Some of the benefits of a sufficient supply of magnesium include stronger bones and teeth, balanced carbohydrate and glucose metabolism, and a healthy heart. The paste is made by fermenting the sun-dried beans. The Cacao used in . Pure Cacao has also been known to help users beat bad habits, improve memory retention, and promote creativity. "It's easier to feel filled up with love, or open and connected to other people," he says. Prepare the cacao the way you prefer it, whether that be in its bitter form, or with added spices and sweeteners. Pure cacao helps to increase blood flow to the brain and helps the body release a natural flow of endorphins. They're also chock-full of nutrients, making cacao a superfood that has been used in ceremonies dating back to the Mayans and Aztecs. As the Cacao Ceremony was refined, it was used for spiritual enlightenment. Cacao ceremonies are usually performed in the morning as ceremonial-grade cacao contains a stimulant and it is not traditionally used to help fall asleep. Ritual Cacao Ltd. All rights reserved. We offer virtual guidance during these ceremonies so you can gain clarity in the comfort of your own home. Retinol vs. Retinoid: Which is Better? Miraculously, you could say the powers of cacao helped her body take over, and those anxious thoughts drifted away. Its scientific name. We ship worldwide from warehouses in the USA, Canada, Europe, UK and Australia! It may cause caffeine-related side effects as compounds in cacao may affect it differently if you take it in large amounts. Phenylethylamine (PEA) is a mood regulator and triggers happiness hormones like endorphin, dopamine and noradrenaline. What is ceremonial cacao? Here are some of the benefits people can expect during a cacao ceremony: Because of the way the theobromine significantly increases blood flow, Draper explains, people often experience a heart-opening sensation after drinking cacao. Best Overall Cacao Powder: Earth Echo Foods Cacao Bliss. Its GreeknameTheobroma Cacao literally means Food of the Gods,Thea(god),Broma(food), with the Maya wordKakau.. Some users say that cacao can even have weight-loss-promoting properties. Fear will be replaced with love and desire for good. Take time to meditate and live in the moment. We recommend experimenting with the Cacao Liquor and nurture your own relationship with this amazing, versatile and delicious plant medicine. Healers in many cultures have traditionally used cacao to alleviate a host of mental and physical afflictions, such as depression, insomnia, nervousness and excitability, as well as regulating blood pressure and sugar levels, and preventing cardiometabolic diseases. No. Benefits of a Cacao Ceremony Cacao ceremonies are helpful for getting clarity, setting intentions, and doing healing work & inner-processing. Fine ceremonial Cacao, such as Keith's Cacao which is the original and finest ceremonial Cacao in the world, is produced following the traditional approach of the shamans of thousands of years ago. No processed sugar is added while processing the cacao paste. Optionally, you can add in other ingredients like natural sweeteners or different flavors like vanilla or cinnamon to add some taste and other properties. Cacao brings natural stress relief, because it contains potassium, phosphorus, copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium which contribute to cardiovascular health. You will find yourself more in tune with your positive side and more able to face difficulties and hardship. You need 42gms of Cacao Liquor and 250ml water per person. Cacao can improve the blood flow to your brain. LinkedIn, Kim is a Registered Nurse and has been a medical freelance writer for more than six years. Emilyn currently resides in Orem, Utah with her husband Jorge. Ceremonial cacao is extracted by cold-pressing unroasted cacao beans. Ancient cacao ceremonies were used at religious ceremonies, marriage ceremonies, during both birth and baptism, and most other important ceremonies for the ancient Native . Live Chat: Click the Chat icon on the bottom right. There are group cacao ceremonies that you can attend where you gather with others to experience healing and connection. Cacao is packed with tryptophan for serotonin synthesis, tyramine and phenylethylamine (PEA) to support dopamine regulation, and endocannabinoid system supporters like anandamide to aide in mind-body homeostasis. Your FREE Astrology Sex, Love and Attraction Guide. Ceremonial cacao contains antioxidant properties and is full of several minerals and nutrients. "There are commonalities," Draper notes, adding, "often people start out with the cacao, and there's some kind of focused intentional starting point with consuming it. Epub 2013 Jun 26. While many people feel like they have a chocolate addiction, cacao is not addictive, even though it can affect your mental state. Any orders containing presale items will take 2-4 weeks to ship. During this ceremony, a shaman will guide you as you drink a cacao beverage made of pure cacao. Natural support for detoxing, hormonal balance, and craving control. Rich in antioxidants and minerals that promote cardiovascular activity and heart health, Cacao carries an ability to open the heart and clear blocked channels energetically, as well as physically. It is 100% organic in nature. How often you drink ceremonial cacao drinks depends on your personal needs and desires, but it is safe to drink every day. Use some mint, lime and cacao as decoration. Cacao is known for containing theobromine, which relaxes the blood vessels and stimulates the heart. 2009 - 2023 mindbodygreen LLC. One of the strongest benefits ceremonial cacao offers us is the ability to open up and connect to oneness. : Benefits vs. Side Effects, Why Combine Vitamin D3 and K2? Abundant in pure ceremonial Cacao, PEA has also gained the nickname "chocolate amphetamine"! It has no added sugar or preservatives. Ceremonial cacao is a 100% organic drink which has been there for centuries. Ceremonial cacao is the cacao of the highest standard. Here are our top 5 choices of cacao and cocoa powder products. When you are taking a calming breath you will slowly breathe in through your nose, hold your breath and slowly exhale. Full Beltane Celebration Guide now on the blog, This grounding mat is becoming an essential part o, The Best Ceremonial Cacao: A Breakdown of Several Different Cacao Options, How to Ground Yourself and Be More Present, Awakening Tools: Using Cacao Ceremony to Open the Heart Chakra, How to Raise Your Vibration (and boost your mood! Cacao has a subtle effect. According to Ayurveda, chocolate is sweet and bitter. Like other forms of chocolate, cacao liquor, or cacao beans, ceremonial cacao is no more a drug than any other food or food product. 2016 Jul 27;9(4):e1205772. As an excellent source of antioxidants, iron, protein, magnesium, potassium and fibre, you could almost call this superfood one of nature's fanciest pharmaceuticals. We paired off with someone we didn't know and were instructed to ask our partner personal, reflective questions. Erratum in: doi: 10.1242/jeb.130765. It is rich in magnesium which is good for your memory and brain. Though I think it's best to attend multiple sessions to truly understand its powerful effects. Of course, like most metaphysical practices, the experience will vary from person to person, but here are a few things that practitioners . Benefits and Side Effects Nutrition What Is Ceremonial Cacao? A detoxifying morning reset, an afternoon energy boost, and a nighttime relaxation tea. Calming and soothing herbs and adaptogens for feel-good equilibrium. However, if it is in its raw powder form and is stored correctly in a cool, dry place, it can last for 810 years! Cacao also makes it a versatile cooking ingredient and can be added to any sauces, curries, stews and casseroles to bring a depth and richness of flavour a la Mexican cooking - called Mole. The cacao is high in magnesium, which helps produce neurotransmitters that regulate mood changes [5]. We can bless and charge our cacao with specific intentions and embody those intentions as we drink- another invitation to mindfulness. Head honcho at The Bircher Bar. (As anyone who's ever struggled to sit through meditation can attest to, that's a huge plus.). However, if you consider food raw only if it has never been heated, then ceremonial-grade cacao is not raw. This ceremony was created by the Olmec people in 1500 BCE. With its potential for physical, mental, and spiritual impact, ceremonial cacao may be something worth exploring for those seeking a holistic approach to health and wellness. But theres more! It works as an energizer. These compounds help neutralize free radicals in the body, which can cause oxidative stress and contribute to chronic diseases such as heart disease and . Ceremonial cacao is a potent source of antioxidants, particularly flavonoids such as catechins, epicatechins, and procyanidins. Some notice it directly, others after drinking cacao for a week, and Sara admits her experience while still powerful and beautiful wasnt as intense as others in her group. However, many edible products have medicinal properties, such as teas and spices. Potassium - Another powerful mineral in Cacao is potassium, which aids in lowering blood pressure, balancing the body's fluid levels, and enhancing cardiovascular and nerve function. This is a kind of complicated question, and the answer is both yes and no. Ceremonial cacao is raw organic powder or cacao paste that is pure and minimally processed. However, ceremonial-grade cacao is not sweetened or altered, which means it retains all of its inherent health benefits. One scoop of ceremonial-grade cacao contains only 30 calories and only 1 gram of healthy fats. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. Cacao has a plentiful set of benefits for your physical, mental and spiritual health. Next, prepare your ceremonial cacao to create a rich and smooth elixir. Consuming it in small quantities can help your overall well-being [5]. Translator, editor and copywriter Laura Wabeke is fascinated with words and the many innovative ways you can use them to express yourself. Cacao is high in antioxidants, iron, magnesium, calcium, and more. Focus on your intention and let the cacao do its job. Sokolov AN, Pavlova MA, Klosterhalfen S, Enck P. Chocolate and the brain: neurobiological impact of cocoa flavanols on cognition and behavior. Anandamide, the so-called bliss molecule (ananda means bliss in Sanskrit), helps create a feeling of euphoria or runners high. Cacao can also d. eepen meditation and help soothe the mind. Your email address will not be published. Now that weve introduced you to the benefits and background of ceremonial cacao, here are some answers to questions you may be wondering about this energy-intense cacao. You can find more of her work online at, - {}. Specific superfoods for cycle support, hormonal balance, and ageless beauty. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Just add a cup of cacao and hot water and a small amount of coconut oil and milk, which can be plant or animal-based. Reset with 11 detoxifying superfoods and refuel with natural energy antioxidants. Anandamide is a naturally occurring cannabinoid that acts as a feel-good chemical, creating an effect similar to the feeling of well-being and mild euphoria produced when the body releases endorphins. The modernized Cacao Ceremony is derived from the same principles of rejuvenation and spiritual enlightenment, as its ancient renditions. Ceremonial Cacao today is used as a powerful facilitator and ally for inner work, with each person's experience being uniquely their own. A cacao ceremony is a spiritual practice that involves drinking a special brew made from raw cacao beans. You could say its more of subconscious thing; it lifts barriers you didnt know were there and brings to light the unexpected, the suppressed. Cut and dice the lime, mix them in a glass with 4-5 mint leaves and the cane sugar. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Cacao can grant you the energy you need for your day and throughout your life. Chocolate! Sharing is caring! You can order your Ceremonial Cacao below and enjoy the benefits of this magnificent medicine. Thank you for being here! This help in leaving cacao in its natural state, i.e., retaining all the nutrients like antioxidants, minerals, and healthy fats. Just as those are safe, ceremonial-grade cacao is safe for consumption in almost every instance. Where To Buy the Best Ceremonial Grade Cacao? There's also research showing regular consumption of cacao (in healthy amounts) can improve heart health. Only within this context can we talk of Cacao as a "superfood," offering maximum nutritional benefits for minimal calorie consumption. Ceremonial cacao is a stress reliever for many people. These nutrients help lower blood pressure, improve blood flow to the brain and heart, and help prevent blood clots. However, because a cacao ceremony and its consumption, in general, is known to deepen meditative practices, many users report that regular use of the substance can support your overall energy and help you sleep better. The most important thing is to go in with an open mind. You may begin to feel it take effect immediately, or it may take some time. There are many reasons to do a cacao ceremony including both wellness benefits and more spiritual-based benefits. Cacao is also a direct source of tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin and melatonin. And this isn't just coming from pre-Columbian civilisations - the first to discover the benefits of pure cacao - there's plenty of science to back it up. Sara goes on to say, "I used to live inside my head too much and tended to ignore any SOS signals my body might be sending out. BCAA vs. EAA: 6 Health Benefits + Which is Better? Therefore, drinking ceremonial cacao drinks can give you energy in a similar way to caffeine, but it likely wont make you jittery. The unique makeup of cacao relaxes our muscles thanks to its high level of magnesium and increases our blood flow because of the Theobromine, we feel relaxed yet alert when we consume cacao. "Take the time preparing it and sitting with it," he says, "and maybe even do a short meditation or some journaling. People who use it for medicinal properties usually stick to a regimen like any other medication. If youre worried about any ethical implications make sure that you buy your cacao from a trusted, responsible and sustainable source. While it may not be as readily available as your everyday dark chocolate, it may be worth the effort for you to find this sacred ingredient and incorporate it into your mindfulness journeys. If you are not a cacao enthusiast, you might not be able to figure out the difference between ceremonial cacao and normal. Maybe this goes without saying, but yes, cacao is mood-boosting. As an adaptogen, the Spirit of Cacao meets each individual person where they are, bringing them what they most need at the moment. Bloom and Manifest is a space where empaths, spiritual entrepreneurs and curious, awakening souls can come for guidance. Raw cacao has been said to have mystic properties, and science backs the claim. Just make sure that you buy your product from a reputable source that tests its product and transparently shows results. There are many places where you can buy cacao powder or paste explicitly made for cacao ceremonies. Cacao is more than a delicious drink, a box of holiday candy or bar of chocolate we reach for as a pick me up. Ceremonial cacao is a type of sacred and . Cacao is a superfood that offers many health benefits. What Is Ceremonial Cacao? Each era and culture has its own unique connection to its magic and medicine. Bring water to the boil and once it is boiling add the cacao and stir until it dissolves, bring the water to simmer and stir till the mixture has thickened. where you feel best able to connect with your mind and spirit. Although you can get addicted to the feeling you experience after drinking ceremonial grade cacao. Ceremonial cacao contains nutrients, minerals, magnesium, iron, and antioxidants, making it a superfood. We are not talking about industrialisedcommercial chocolate made by Nestle, or Kraft, thats packed full of milk, sugar and fats. At the same time, the hormone-like Phylathelynamine contained in Cacao provides heightened focus, attention, goal-directed behavior, and task completion! Cacao can serve as a detox for your liver by cleansing and detoxifying it. While in bed that same day, I could suddenly clarify things or find proper solutions for other issues Id been having. Ceremonial Cacao vs Regular Cacao Powder: Whats the Difference? It has a heating Virya, which warms the heart, abdomen, and the reproductive organs, and a sweet Vipaka. ", From there, he says "there's really a lot of possibilities. It is advised not to frequently use Cacao ceremonially as 42gms can be heavy on the adrenals after a while. Especially if you're like me at first and you're finding it hard to give up control over your thoughts and the situation you're in. Many shamans will also encourage guided movements to promote a healthy exertion of energy. Indigenous myths also tell us that whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, Cacao comes from the rainforest to open people's hearts and return the planet to a state of harmony. Remember that cacao is regarded for its heart-opening properties, which helps you to connect more deeply with yourself and those around you. Or is this it? ", You could, for instance, incorporate cacao into your morning routine. Our Ceremonial Cacao is straight from the bean, and ground down into what is known, as the 'cacao liquor,' and historically renowned for its many health benefits that support physical and psychological well-being. Their Benefits and Side Effects, Does Apigenin Help with Sleep? The preparation is simple. No two ceremonies are the same, and the effect depends on your mindset at the time. This keeps the ceremonial cacao in its purest form. Benefits and Side Effects By Sarika Moghe, Kim Monasterial, BSN Updated: April 23, 2023 The cacao ceremony has been on the rise for the past couple of years, and ceremonial cacao has become quite popular and widely accepted among youths. But really, cacao can be used in tandem with any of your favorite spiritual practices, or as a practice in itself, to help you drop into your heart space and welcome in loving energy. If unfamiliar with pure cacao, it is recommended you use a shaman as your guide. This can help participants get out of their heads and feel free. Save 10% + Free Metabolism Wellness Guide With Any Kit Purchase | SHOP NOW, Free Shipping on $150 or More on US Orders | SHOP NOW. The bottom line is you should always consult youre doctor or medical practitioner if ever in any doubt especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Each step in the process from harvest to grounding is done with conscious intention and integrity to create a product that is of the highest quality and potency. Consuming cacao naturally opens the heart chakra, the energy center associated with love, compassion, affection, acceptance, grief . Best Cacao for Women: Organifi Harmony. Cacao also contains the essential amino acidtryptophan, which increases production ofserotonin, an important brain chemical that helps us remain positive and happy. Thousands of years have passed since shamans first used cacao in sacred ceremonies. If you do consume it daily, try to stick to under 2 oz, as it is a strong product and can sometimes cause nausea if consumed in large amounts, especially if you dont eat enough during the day. ), 12 Ways to Bring Fall Hygge Vibes into Your Life, The Best Oracle Cards: Oracle Decks to Amplify Your Intuition, How to Use the 369 Method for Manifesting, Full Moon Affirmations: Harnessing Lunar Power for Positive Change, Scripting Manifestation: A Unique Ritual to Attract Your Dreams, 135 Spiritual Awakening Quotes to Enlighten Your Soul. Our Cacao keeps for a year when stored in a cool dark cupboard (but airtight) and much longer if stored in a freezer. Of course, if you use ceremonial cacao in hot chocolate or other sweet desserts, it can become fattening due to other ingredients like sugar or cream added to the cacao powder, rather than from the cacao itself. Bring Clarity Cacao ceremonies bring clarity, but how? Today! You get what you need.". Fast-forward to the 21st century, and cacao ceremonies are becoming more and more popular as spaces for people to connect with others and reconnect with the self in new ways. Cacao is a plant native to Central and South America that has been used historically by the Aztecs and Mayans for medicinal and ritualistic purposes. Antioxidants &Amp; Redox Signaling, 15(10), 27792811. Follow along and learn how to activate your best, most abundant self. The first ceremony was all about dropping into your heart space and simply dancing to your heart's content (for hours). I've attended two cacao ceremonies, both a little differentand both incredibly powerful. Final shipping is calculated at checkout on thesubtotal after discounts and does not include taxes. These neurotransmitters also remain in the bloodstream longer after ingesting cacao, creating a natural antidepressant benefit, while thetheobromineand caffeine content boosts energy levels and relieves fatigue. The rumoured ancient benefits of the Cacao Ceremony have been verified in the modern-day. Sacred cacao, or ceremonial-grade cacao, is 100% pure cacao bean (usually found as a paste or disc) that contains substantially higher levels of medicinal and mood-improving benefits when compared to regular food-grade cacao. Not at all! But today, this revered bean is making a comeback as a spiritual facilitator. After nine years as a freelancer hopping from the travel industry to media agencies, advertising and book editing this in- house copywriter is now fluent in yoga, meditation, mindfulness and embracing the brands philosophy of finding beauty and happiness in the smallest of things. Although many may argue chocolate itself has healing properties, raw cacao has been used as a spiritual and physical medicine for centuries. Therefore, it is not a completely raw product, but that does not compromise its benefits. The brain is an incredibly complex piece of 'machinery', and cacao has a positive impact through neurotransmitters like happy hormones dopamine and serotonin. Ceremonial cacao is thought to help with opening your heart and making you more conscious of things. Since their itineraries vary, it's hard to know with certainty what to expect during a cacao ceremony. Ancient cultures have lightly roasted the cacao beans over a wood fire for centuries. Unlike chocolate bars made from cacao beans, ceremonial cacao is pure and without sugar, containing very few calories. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Consider journaling about your experience afterwards to deepen your reflection. The cacao paste is minimally processed, which helps criollo beans retain all their beneficial properties. This may seem a bit out there, a little 'heads extremely high in the clouds, yet some claim it's similar to a group of friends going out for beers youre on the same journey together by drinking beverages that have the same effect on the body. The fat in the bean is healthy for humans and the best natural carrier for cacao beans compounds into the body. This . She first came across cacao ceremonies while joining a breathworks training, a session on breathing techniques that can help improve mental, physical and spiritual well-being, which included a cacao ceremony. You can concentrate better, and your productivity increases [3]. However, as with anything edible, each persons body will react differently. Djouss L, Hopkins PN, Arnett DK, Pankow JS, Borecki I, North KE, Curtis Ellison R. Chocolate consumption is inversely associated with calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries: the NHLBI Family Heart Study. If you are not already giving yourself the gift of drinking Ceremonial Cacao, here are the top five reasons why you should start. Its high valeric acid content blocks the stress hormones, whiletriggering the release ofdopamine, anandamideand the endorphinphenylethylamine, all of which are known as the bliss molecules. The stimulating effects of cacao in its rawest form also can help users build focus. Native people in Mesoamerica used it as a sacred drink at ceremonial gatherings to create healing, connection and inspiration. This ceremony has been used for spiritual and medicinal purposes. What are the benefits of Ceremonial Cacao? After infusing, filter the apple juice from the cacao. Starting off as a writer, Kim moved to proofreading and editing all the articles posted on HealthPlugged. It was described to be used in sacrificial ceremonies to lift the spirits before sacrifice. Ceremonial cacao is very low in caffeine, the amount in about 1/8th of a cup of coffee or a small bar of dark chocolate. Cacao can help build a bridge to inspiration, creativity and new ideas. There are some mixed opinions about this question. 1. The act of sharing the cacao elixir and engaging in spiritual practices together can deepen the bonds of the group and promote a sense of unity and harmony. 2. Quick fact Ancient Mayan culture believed that cacao was one of the ingredients used to make humanity and that the gods bled on the beans, which is why the genus name for cacao, theobroma, means food for the Gods.. Those who use it often report that it may help connect the mind and body, reduce stress, boost energy, and nourish your spirit. However, as with anything you consume, you must treat the ingredient with respect both for itself as a product and for your body. Cacao is typically a much healthier option as it does not contain the excess sugar, fats, and other constituents that cocoa uses. The Original & Worlds Finest 100% Pure Ceremonial Grade Cacao. Although cacao is not a hallucinogenic, it can definitely feel like an "out of the body" experience. You can use it daily as a substitute for coffee by making a hot chocolate drink using about 20-25gms per day of the Cacao depending on your needs. Ceremonial-grade cacao is the purest form of cacao you can find. You can see things in new ways when you set aside time to get out of your normal frame of mind, gather in a ceremonial way, and set an intention. This allows powerful change, rather than just KNOWING things, you CHANGE, in a powerful, easy, fun way. There are no added ingredients, no sugars or herbs. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Whether you decide to attend a ceremony yourself, or simply brew yourself a cup of cacao to enjoy in the comfort of your own home, this powerful superfood has a plethora of benefitsphysical and spiritualthat can take your practices, rituals, and routines to the next level. I am a chocolate lover and health enthusiast. Without this healing process, the Criollo cacao would not have the taste or properties that it does. Shes an enthusiast for health and wellness, being one to keep herself fit and adventurous for outdoor activities. Find or designate a sacred space where you feel best able to connect with your mind and spirit. Sipping this cacao-based cocktail has become a tool for individuals seeking spiritual and mental rejuvenation. 1978 W Broadway, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6J 1Z2, Canada, Copyright 2021 The Good Chocolatier - Privacy Policy. Cacao ceremonies have been performed for thousands of years by spiritualists in ancient cultures to help improve holistic health and those practising mindfulness. It can aid in transmuting learnings and knowledge from the left brain, to the entire body - KNOWING, and FEELING why you repeat patterns, or why you act (subconsciously) in certain ways. Best Cocoa Powder: MindBodyGreen . My experience goes to show that no two cacao ceremonies are alike. Infuse 1 litre of apple juice with the crushed cacao beans and keep it in the fridge for 48 hours. During this time of ceremony the spiritual benefits are present along with physical benefits. However, there is also research suggesting that there may be metabolic problems in babies born to mothers who consume chocolate. The cacao ceremony has been on the rise for the past couple of years, and ceremonial cacao has become quite popular and widely accepted among youths. Sound has been used to help relieve stress and help people focus. Listen to your body and mind and watch for the shift in energies. She started writing at age 6, and since then has won several awards including the Scholastic Art and Writing Gold Key and was featured in the Kolob Canyon Review in Cedar City. You can find more of her work online at or on Instagram at @emilyncan. It is an ancient spiritual practice devoted to evoking a greater connection with oneself, others, and the divine. Just mix Cacao Bliss with some hot water and youre ready to go. I can attest to that: Sipping cacao was incredibly energizing but never made me jittery the way a cup of coffee might. Frequently Asked Questions Bottom Line What Is a Cacao. The major difference between ceremonial and normal cacao is how they are processed. It also enables us to access stuck emotions, conditionings, patterns of behaviour and addictions that are buried deep in the unconscious. The Cacao plant has been cultivated and shared for centuries. 1. After a few of these breaths, you can control your stress levels and signal for your brain to calm down. There are no addictive properties in cacao, and especially in a ceremonial dose, you are in no danger of becoming addicted. The ceremonial grade cacao is made from the highest quality Criolla cacao. Drinking a larger dose will put you in a more meditative state and is perfect for a longer ceremony where you might spend the day feeling its effects. Cacao is a plant native to Central and South America that has been used historically by the Aztecs and Mayans for medicinal and ritualistic purposes. Youll find yourself able to skip the coffee, your cravings will diminish and you will be able to better accomplish your daily tasks. (n.d.). Although the guides routine may slightly vary here are the steps you will see in a traditional Cacao Ceremony. In recent years, the use of Cacao has been introduced to spiritual retreats. Boosting the Body's Health Fine ceremonial Cacao, such as Keith's Cacao which is the original and finest ceremonial Cacao in the world, is produced following the traditional approach of the shamans of thousands of years ago. It increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental agility, awareness and focus. Focus on your intention for the ceremony, whether that be to begin your day positively, to search for healing, or to call for strength. Cacao Liquor is naturally bitter and is best sweetened with honey, agave syrup or maple syrup. It does not substitute the advice given by your own healthcare professional. Being in a sacred space helps you get out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights & perspectives. In this post, you'll learn everything you need to know about cacao, cacao benefits, cacao ceremony and how to make ceremonial cacao. Couple these benefits with evidence that theobromine increases oxygenation of the brain's gray matter, improving mental clarity and . There are two major common types of cacao beansCriollo and Forastero. In this purest form, Cacao is a nutrient powerhouse packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This method of preparation ensures that the nutritional value of the cacao is maintained. Either way, you can find ceremonial-grade cacao on the internet from many health food websites and even some that specialize in cacao products. However, it contains a sister chemical compound to caffeine, theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant. The benefits of Ceremonial Cacao range from so many different levels. It can significantly improve your mood swings and overall well-being [4]. The cacao used in these ceremonies is chocolate in its purest form. She started writing at age 6, and since then has won several awards including the Scholastic Art and Writing Gold Key and was featured in the Kolob Canyon Review in Cedar City. What is Schisandra? Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. However, you can also create your own sacred cacao ceremony to have a more personal connection with your inner self. A smaller dose will give you increased concentration and is perfect for getting some creative work done or practicing yoga and meditation. 2011 Feb;30(1):38-43. doi: 10.1016/j.clnu.2010.06.011. Historically, cacao has always been considered a very powerful aphrodisiac, exotic food, and medicine, by the Mesoamerican and South American cultures, such as the Mayans,Aztecs and Spanish conquistadors. Youll find new meaning and purpose begin to flow with ease. Some of the most remarkable benefits of a cacao ceremony include: Cultivates clarity and mindfulness Cacao ceremonies provide practitioners with a sacred and spiritual space where new insights and perspectives blossom. What to expect during a cacao ceremony? According to research, cacao helps mediate nitric oxides bioavailability in the endothelium, further reducing high blood pressure. These people believed cacao was used to create humanity. And this isn't just coming from pre-Columbian civilisations the first to discover the benefits of pure cacao there's plenty of science to back it up. In this article, we will explore what Cacao Ceremonies are, their benefits on the human organism, for what it is used, and why the world needs more qualified instructors to lead these ceremonies. Testing, tasting, researching and writing for many years now to explore everything health, happiness and feeling good. Ensure the cacao you are purchasing is 100% cacao and not Dutch-processed or alkalized. Reinvigorate your daily routine and perfect your performance, focus, and drive. Add ice and fill up the glass with your filtered apple juice. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It is made in a very particular way. Thankfully, I've managed to shift to a more mindful and open-hearted mindset over the past few years, with the help of practices like breathworks, coaching, meditation and, more recently, cacao ceremonies. Ceremonial cacao is good for your memory. The cacao used in these ceremonies is chocolate in its purest form. Retrieved September 29, 2022, from, Corti, R., Flammer, A. J., Hollenberg, N. K., & Lscher, T. F. (2009, March 17). There are subtle intricacies in the differences between each form, and only a small range of cacao beans are classified as suitable for use in cacao ceremonies. When PEA levels are elevated, the receptors in the brain will receive these molecules instead of absorbing dopamine, which leaves more dopamine in the brain. Cacao is a powerful plant medicine and has many amazing, life-affirming qualities that support health and psychological well-being. If your ceremony involves dancing, singing, or any sort of interaction with other people, the effects of the cacao can elevate that. Once you learn what is a Cacao Ceremony, you will likely join the growing trend. This accessible superfood can be used on a more regular basis. It also protects the vascular system from oxidative stress [1]. The participants will set intentions, engage in heartfelt songs and dance and share with the group. Aside from the written word, her other passions include performing in the occasional musical theater production, and playing piano, guitar, and ukulele. On the other hand, ceremonial cacao powder is made using only Criollo beans, which are milder and have a higher concentration of restorative properties. SPIRITUAL BENEFITS OF CACAO 6. The Metaphysical Benefits of Ceremonial Cacao. Ceremonial cacao however is cultivated and prepared in the traditional way so that it retains the spirit of cacao as well as its remedying properties so that it can be used in ceremony. At its core, a cacao ceremony is any sort of ceremony in which a cacao beverage is consumed to elevate the spiritual ritual(s) being practiced. The cacao beans themselves are in their natural state and are eaten in many other forms like cacao butter and cacao powder. Circulation, 119(10), 14331441. Do what feels right to you and let the wonders of cacao do the rest. The latter really intrigued me as it's all about your sensory experiences and feelings and letting your thoughts wander free. Ceremony participants often feel as if their heart is opening up to more opportunities as they drink it due to the sensation you get as the drink runs down your throat. Five essential elements define the cacao paste as ceremonial-grade. For example, ceremonial cacao does act to stimulate the mind, and therefore you should approach it as a medicine rather than merely as food. Taylor & Francis. You're now logged in with your new Rituals password. As for how it works, Draper explains that cacao contains a molecule called theobromine, which is "kind of like a sister molecule to caffeine." I think thats why they recommend keeping a journal the week after to write down your thoughts. Feed your mind with the power of natures most potent strengthening compounds. (2011, November 15). There is no artificial or processed sugar, and it is prepared using only natural sugar. . shares For the last few years, 'ceremonial cacao' has been a buzzword in yoga studios and meditation centers the world over. These mental traits of medicine make it a great tool for relaxation therapy. This can help produce a feeling of happiness and fulfillment as you drink the mixture. The first took place during an ecstatic dance camping retreat, and the second at a more casual afternoon workshop. Like most of us experience when meditating, though, Sara also found it hard to let go of her thoughts initially, thinking, 'is this the feeling I'm supposed to have? Also, if youd like to try one yourself, weve included a cacao mocktail recipe below to help you create your own cacao ceremony. Brain Behav Immun. And also reduces inflammation of the blood-brain barrier. ultimately our energy from any negativity or dense energy. Sign up for the latest Rituals news and exclusive offers. While cacao is most definitely stimulating, it's not considered a psychedelic. The science and the benefits of cacao Cacao powder is packed with flavonoids. 2023 organifi. Green Juice Crisp Apple is a presale item. The process helps to keep all nutrients and minerals in a raw form. It can be made with water or milk and you can add chilli powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, or whatever you desire to spice it up. Give gratitude for things you are thankful for. 1. Surrender to Cacao, "the food of the gods" You may have found yourself wondering what all the buzz is about, isn't cacao just chocolate? Pressed into industrial cacao cake (adding additives). The ceremonial cacao is prepared traditionally. Cacao can open the heart and allow you to connect with yourself and others in a deeper, more loving way. It's no coincidence that we feel amazing after drinking a cup of Ceremonial Cacao. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Cacao was used in ceremonies, rituals, and initiatory rites of passage relating to creation, fertility, marriage, healing, and more. Emilyn currently resides in Orem, Utah with her husband Jorge. And fats ask our partner personal, reflective questions the bottom right the purest form cacao-based cocktail become... To ask our partner personal, reflective questions [ 1 ] healthy fats offer us is cacao... Mint leaves and the answer is both yes and no sugar and fats to promote a healthy exertion of.! Natural state, i.e., retaining cacao ceremony benefits the nutrients like antioxidants,,. Smooth elixir cacao with specific intentions and embody those intentions as we drink- another invitation to mindfulness mood! The mind your best, most abundant self nitric oxides bioavailability in the unconscious and science backs the claim minerals! Heart, abdomen, and especially in a similar way to start the day. `` reflective.! 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