Adrasteia (Greek origin) meaning "inescapable". Babies afflicted by visits from the shtriga will waste away and die unless and until the shtriga SPITS INTO THEIR MOUTHS. Blood pours from his nostrils and smoke billows from his ears. I want emails from Fodor's Travel with travel information and promotions. Once locals retrieved all three corpses, they discovered that Mercy's had remained mysteriously well-preserved. Central to Istrias supernatural bestiary is the trigun, a creature that lives among humans by day and turns into a demon at night, bearing illness, sexual molestation and death. When the son refused, he was found dead the following day. In ancient China, people always had the preference of being buried in their hometowns, and when a person dies in a land that is not their hometown, their family members hire a sorcerer to bring back their deceased family member. First finding refuge there from a pouring rain, he is eventually seduced to stay and enter into a sexual relationship. Live strigoi became revenants after their death, but there were also many other ways of a person becoming a vampire. Japanese vampires made their first appearances in the cinema of Japan during the late 1950s. Transylvania was a dark and exotic eastern border Peri continues. This comprehensive tool not only generates intriguing first names but also delivers an extensive selection of fantasy last names and vampire surnames. .29. Sophie-Anne Leclerq from True Blood. Ukrainian and Belarusian legends are more "conventional", although in Ukraine the vampires may sometimes not be described as dead at all,[58] or may be seen as engaging in vampirism long before death. Germanys neuntoter, which translates to killer of nine due to the number of days believed to be necessary before a dead body turns into one, isjust an absolute mess. Other texts maintain that running backwards uphill with a lit candle and a turtle would ward off a stalking vampire. The Strigoi WHERE: Romania Lets start with a classicRomania, home of Transylvania. Laszlo Cravensworth from What We Do in the Shadows. They carefully drain your blood into a cup fashioned out of somebody elses skull, and sip it leisurely before eating your brains, because why wouldnt they eat your brains? [53], Two of the earliest historical recordings of vampire activity in Europe[54][55] can be found in the Neplach's Chronicle (14th century, probably written in 1360). Mercy Brown's Grave Located in a church cemetery in Exeter, RI, is the grave of Mercy Brown, aka New Englands Last Vampire. When she died in 1892 at the age of 19, Mercy was the third member of her family to succumb to tuberculosis (aka "consumption"). Forgotten, that is, in the rest of the world. History has recorded a few individuals who may or may not have been unholy vessels of undead bloodlust, and one of these was Jure Grando Alilovic of Croatia. WebBritannica Quiz Halloween A person may become a vampire in a variety of ways, the most common of which is to be bitten by a vampire. Theres good vampires, ruthless vampires, and even star-crossed lover vampires (Twilight, anyone?). "[62] They can be men or women who show themselves at crossroads, bridges, caves, and graveyards and frighten the locals by terrorizing their homes and drinking their blood. [90], The Malaysian Penanggalan may be either a beautiful old or young woman who obtained her beauty through the active use of black magic or other unnatural means, and is most commonly described in local folklores to be dark or demonic in nature. The Byron-Polidori generation was in turn influenced by European folk tales of the supernatural collected by German writers; and one of the most frequently reproduced of these tales was Valvasors account of Grando, the bed-hopping demon from the Istrian village of Kringa. She feasted on blood by transforming into a young woman and seduced men as they slept before drinking their blood. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we back. We've rounded up some of the very best names from vampires in history, including Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and the dark goddess herself, Elvira. Here are a few of the worlds most interesting, confusing, and terrifying vampire traditions. She also tries to kill Yosef but fails, wounds herself and eventually dies. Decapitation of the suspected corpse was common as was driving nails or sharp stakes into the body to pin it down or into the grave. There are some vampire creatures in Albanian mythology. [101] The demon is said to give a primary form and eight other manifestations. Incest, especially between mother and son, is one of the ways in which a pijavica can be created, and then it usually comes back to victimize its former family, who can only protect their homes by placing mashed garlic and wine at their windows and thresholds to keep it from entering. ), Vampires Through the Ages: Lore & Legends of the World's Most Notorious Blood Drinkers by Brian Righi. [89], Legends of female vampire-like beings who can detach parts of their upper body occur in the Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia and Indonesia. However, the wood wouldn't catch fire until they used pieces of the church roof to start it. Only the shtriga herself could cure those she had drained. [21], The Hebrew word Alukah (literal translation is 'leech') is synonymous with vampirism or vampires, as is Motetz Dam (literally, 'blood sucker'). The way to kill a soucouyant involves salt and a flashlight you have to find their shed skinsuit and pour enough salt on it to shrink it and make it impossible for the soucouyant to put it back on in the morning. [98] Jiangshi legends have inspired a genre of jiangshi films and literature in Hong Kong and East Asia. Origin: Greek, African Meaning: Undying Pronunciation: Ah-FAHN-ah Variations: Afana Other methods include sorcery, committing suicide, contagion, or having a cat jump over a persons corpse. Valerious. Calmet amassed reports of vampire incidents; numerous readers, including both a critical Voltaire and supportive demonologists, interpreted the treatise as claiming that vampires existed. Others who were at risk of becoming vampires were those who died an unnatural death or before baptism. 281.). Origin: Greek, African Meaning: Undying Pronunciation: Ah-FAHN-ah Variations: Afana He ruled Walachia, Romania, off and on from 1456-1462. The freed jiangshi would begin killing living creatures to absorb life essence (q) from their victims. They could then be captured and killed at the threshold as they vainly attempted to pass. Japan has no native legends about vampires. [41], Another type of Romanian vampire is pricolici. However Jure Grando has not been totally forgotten: caffe-bar Vampir in the centre of Kringa pays somewhat restrained tribute to the villages most famous son, and the village graveyard receives a steady trickle of visitors although Grandos final resting place remains unmarked. Female vampire names with meanings Negative. Constantine Valentine Christiansen Cole Morelli Nicoletti Nestor Silver Female Vampire Names The power of being a Vampire does not rely on gender and Vampires women could smear the floor with most of their kind. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. The most detailed description of the alukah appears in Sefer Hasidim, where the creature is understood to be a living human being, but can shape-change into a wolf. Because the Church opposed burning people who had received the myron of chrismation in the baptism ritual, cremation was considered a last resort.[35]. Ukrainian folklore also described vampires as having red faces and tiny tails. Web 1. Claudius. Garlic works, too, and appears to be the universal donor for vampire repulsion, but you have to admit that it lacks the verve of pig bone crosses. Members of his village drove a dagger through his hardly-decomposed corpse and burnt his remains. Vlad Dracul was born in Transylvania, Romania. [88] In northern India, there is the Brahmarkhasa, a vampire-like creature with a head encircled by intestines and a skull from which it drank blood. Sink your teeth into this list and pick a favorite. For me it was the ideal opportunity to write about todays political and social rituals.. [61], The same talent was believed to be found in persons born on Saturday. She informs Elijah that she will lose power if someone uses her secret names, which she reveals at the end. They still exist in small numbers. For those of you who have always dreamed of treating your dinner-date to Bat Soup, the recipe is right here. If you want to put an alukah away for good, be sure to bury it with a hefty mouthful of dirt. The abs, like a river, go along a certain path and remember it very carefully. But how exactly did these vampire stories spread from the Balkans all the way to England, and beyond? [72] Dogs, cats, plants or even agricultural tools could become vampires; pumpkins or melons kept in the house too long would start to move, make noises or show blood. Someone stabbed him with a stick and a lot of blood came out of the wound. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. [28] These tales are similar to the later folklore widely reported from Southeastern Europe and Transylvania in the 18th century, which were the basis of the vampire legend that later entered Germany and England, where they were subsequently embellished and popularised. Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows. Graves were often opened five or seven years after burial and the corpse checked for vampirism, before being washed and reburied. Although many scholars reported during this period that vampires did not exist, and attributed reports to premature burial or rabies, superstitious belief continued to increase. [2], Tales of the undead consuming the blood or flesh of living beings have been found in nearly every culture around the world for many centuries. Red rays radiate from his bloodshot eyes. The 15th-century Queen of Hungary, Barbara of Celje, had a reputation for cruelty and was known as the Black Queen of Zagreb as a result. They are, it is clear, spirits who love adultery.. "Motiv antropofgie jako soust svtov mytologie a folkloru" [Anthropophagy as a part of international mythology and folklore]. Jure Grando isnt the only local historical figure to have exerted an influence on vampire fiction. Married abs go to bed quickly and start detaching their heads. It traditionally shows up during health epidemics and disease crises, and there it is in the back, like some kind of pus-covered wedding DJ to keep the proceedings going. Bill Compton from True Blood. Jiangshi, sometimes called "Chinese vampires" by Westerners, are corpses that are usually reanimated due to magical reasons. One of the most well known stories of Nobel Prize winning Israeli writer Shmuel Yosef Agnon is "The Lady and the Peddler" ( ). Female vampire names with meanings Helana Sanguine Samantha Sunstar Feronia Claudisous Darla Raith So the people of several villages decided to exhumate him and burn the body. Despite being set in Transylvania, Bram Stokers Dracula resembles Jure Grando much more closely than Vlad Dracul (the 15th-century Romanian prince) who allegedly inspired the story explains Boris Peri, the Zagreb-based writer who has become something of an unofficial spokesman for Croatias vampiric heritage since the publication of his own horror novel Vampir in 2006. Shtriga is a Greece [ edit]. They include shtriga and dhampir . Lamashtu, Lilitu, and Gallu are invoked in different amulet texts, with Gallu showing up in Graeco-Byzantine myth as Gello, Gylo, or Gyllo. There are two main vampire-like creatures in the Philippines: the Tagalog Mandurugo ('blood-sucker') and the Visayan manananggal ('self-segmenter'). Countess Elizabeth Bathory: Born into a wealthy family in the 1600s, Elizabeth became notorious for her reported barbaric tendencieswhich included mutilating and killing young womenbecause she allegedly believed that drinking their blood would preserve her youth. Its like a feral theatre kid. We've rounded up some of the very best names from vampires in history, including Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and the dark goddess herself, Elvira. In Thompson's Motif-Index of Folk-Literature, the vampire appears in the classification as Motif "E.251.Vampires". Blood-sucking demons hover far more frequently in the folklore of the Adriatic region than the misty-mountain environs of Count Draculas castle. [84] During the late 18th and 19th centuries, there was a widespread belief in vampires in parts of New England, particularly in Rhode Island and Eastern Connecticut. [17] Like Lamia, the striges feasted on children, but also preyed on adults. He ruled Walachia, Romania, off and on from 1456-1462. The hooked legs are great for swinging and dangling from tree branches, but what happens if one tries to chase you? From creepy, misshapen beings to good looking humans, and a whole range more. Complete your vampire identity with the perfect surname or online alias using our fantasy name generator vampire edition. [25], Other Jewish stories depict vampires in a more traditional way. The legend goes that if you say the word asanbosam, youll bring bad luck down upon yourself and everybody in the general vicinity, but youll still be safe from the asanbosam itself if you dont go tree-climbing or forest-running and you just stay in and soak in all the bad luck at home on the couch. Over in Albania, the shtriga has a preference for baby blood, and it gets away with it by assuming the disguise of a winged insect for quick getaways from the nursery. Despite this condemnation, the vampire lived on in artistic works and in local superstition. In Galicia, the Meiga Chuchona is a type of Meiga (Galician Witch) that enters houses with captives in them to suck their blood at dawn, which causes them to lose weight until their bodies are mirrored. However, the stories of the Loogaroo are widespread through the Caribbean Islands and Louisiana in the United States. Achlys (Greek origin) meaning "mist" or "darkness". Silvano. They were described as having the bodies of crows or birds in general, and were later incorporated into Roman mythology as strix, a kind of nocturnal bird that fed on human flesh and blood. The Persians were one of the first civilizations thought to have tales of such monsters; creatures attempting to drink blood from men are depicted on excavated pottery shards. Blagojevich was reported to have died at the age of 62, but allegedly returned after his death asking his son for food. Shtriga is a Greece [ edit]. These could become vampires themselves, but could also have a special ability to see and kill vampires, allowing them to become vampire hunters. [91] Malaysians would hang jeruju[what language is this?] I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails. Other methods include sorcery, committing suicide, contagion, or having a cat jump over a persons corpse. The case contains all the archetypal ingredients that make up the modern vampire story. [22] It can fly (by releasing its long hair) and would eventually die if prevented from feeding on blood for a long enough time. [43][44], The malign and succubus-like Baobhan sith from the Scottish Highlands[45] and the Lhiannan Shee of the Isle of Man, Scotland and Ireland, are two fairy spirits with decidedly vampiric tendencies. After his death, people began to die in the surrounding area and it was widely believed that Paole had returned to prey on the neighbours. In the Canary Islands, there was also a belief in vampiric beings, in the form of a blood-sucking witch. [52] Some traditions spoke of "living vampires" or "people with two souls", a kind of witch capable of leaving its body and engaging in harmful and vampiric activity while sleeping. Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Croatian folklorists never stopped researching popular tales of the supernatural, building up a large body of scholarship on the subject. Adrasteia (Greek origin) meaning "inescapable". The Strigoi WHERE: Romania Lets start with a classicRomania, home of Transylvania. Ambrosia Unlike the salad, this vampire name means immortality. 4. Barnabas. Afana is used for a vampire/werewolf creature found in Romanian folklore, making it right at home here. Claudius. Once the paper is stuck upon the corpses's face, the newly created jiangshi would follow the sorcerer by hopping around, in which the sorcerer would lead it back to its hometown for burial (this was often a last-resort choice used by families with not enough money to hire a cart to carry the corpse back). One story has it that the asanbosam likes to play with its victims like a frisky cat, which isnt necessarily ideal when youre dealing with hooks for legs. Indeed, some of these legends could have given rise to the European folklore, though they are not strictly considered vampires by historians when using today's definitions. But how exactly did these vampire stories spread from the Balkans all the way to England, and beyond? [80], Female vampire-like monsters are the Soucouyant of Trinidad, and the Tunda and Patasola of Colombian folklore, while the Mapuche of southern Chile have the bloodsucking snake known as the Peuchen. Nandor the Relentless from What We Do in the Shadows. Draco. Afana is used for a vampire/werewolf creature found in Romanian folklore, making it right at home here. Lilith was considered a demon and was often depicted as subsisting on the blood of babies. WebStanding at the centre of Croatias vampire heritage is the case of Jure Grando, a 17th-century farmer from the inland Istrian village of Kringa. The alukah (which, I gotta point out, is Hakula spelled backward, and also sounds like a straight-to-video cyber thriller) literally translates to leech, and it is wild as hell. The shtriga is often pictured as a woman with a hateful stare (sometimes wearing a cape) and a horribly disfigured face. Each evening he walked around, spoke to people as if being alive and was scaring them. ). Shtriga is a Greece [ edit]. WebThere are two main vampiric creatures in the Philippines: the Tagalog Mandurugo ("blood-sucker") and the Visayan Manananggal ("self-segmenter"). He is closely associated with Mara, the demon king of death. The mandurugo is a variety of the aswang that takes the form of an attractive girl by day, and develops wings and a long, hollow, thread-like tongue by night. Draco. Shortly after, witnesses claim to have seen the man walking around the town, and a string of diseases coincidentally broke out. Pavelkov, Marta. ., ( . Live strigoi were described as living witches with two hearts or souls, sometimes both. She also ate her clothes and once removed from her mouth, the cloth was bloody as well. A person who died alone and unseen would become a vampire,[72] likewise if a corpse swelled or turned black before burial. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! [57], Among the beliefs of the East Slavs, those of the northern regions (i.e. Croatias claim to be the cradle of the modern vampire doesnt just rest on the case of Jure Grando. .css-2x3ibz{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;display:block;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;font-family:Kepler,Helvetica,Arial,Serif;font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;font-weight:normal;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-2x3ibz:hover{color:link-hover;}}Pumpkin Carving Ideas So Easy It's Scary. If a pregnant woman did not eat salt or was looked upon by a vampire or a witch, her child would also become a vampire. Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows. So, the soucouyant from Caribbean mythology is all about duality if the sun is up, they appear as a friendly old lady, the kind who might give you some Werthers Originals, but once nightfall comes, they turn into a LITERAL FIREBALL that flies into your home and sucks your vital juices while you sleep. These types are humans born with a tail, and they can shape-shift like a werewolf but they have control over their transformation. Stephanos. Other causes included having a cat jump across one's grave, eating meat from a sheep killed by a wolf, and being cursed. In folklore, their reasoning for sucking horse blood and harassing the living is basically the same reason given by the torso zombie in RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD: It hurts to be dead. To send a draugr packing, you have to chop its head off and nail its body down tight in its casket. Filling the hole with her hair would drive her off. By entering your email address you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy and consent to receive emails from Time Out about news, events, offers and partner promotions. The Sefer Hasidim has it that an alukah can propel itself through the air by unspooling its unnervingly long, flight-granting hair, as well as turn into a wolf whenever it feels like that would be a cool thing to do. He ruled Walachia, Romania, off and on from 1456-1462. By Blair Donovan Updated: Aug 11, 2021 Save Article Theres good vampires, ruthless vampires, and even star-crossed lover vampires ( Twilight, anyone? WebStanding at the centre of Croatias vampire heritage is the case of Jure Grando, a 17th-century farmer from the inland Istrian village of Kringa. Venetian traveller Alberto Fortis, whose Voyage in Dalmatia was published in 1774, found that belief in vampires was widespread in the Adriatic hinterland. Barnabas. [63] In Bulgaria from the Middle Ages through to the beginning of the 20th century, it was a common practice to pin corpses through the heart with an iron stake to prevent their return as a vampire. 55 Famous Vampire Names That'll Have You Falling in Love at First Bite This Halloween, Vlad Dracula: Also known as Vlad the Impaler, he ruled Walachia, Romania, in the mid-1400s and was even believed to be the real-life inspiration behind. [67] Local reports cited the local vampire Giure Grando of the village Kringa near Tinjan as the cause of panic among the villagers. Valek. WebMedieval and early modern Europe [ edit] Albania [ edit]. [38] There is also some similarity in the methods used to destroy draugar as those used against alleged vampires. The village leader ordered a stake to be driven through his heart, but when the method failed to kill him, he was subsequently beheaded with better results. Ancient Greek mythology contains several precursors to modern vampires, though none were considered undead; these included the Empusa,[16] Lamia,[17] and striges (the strix of Ancient Roman mythology). But how exactly did these vampire stories spread from the Balkans all the way to England, and beyond? Share Tweet. Female vampires could return, lead a normal life and even marry but would eventually exhaust the husband with their sexual appetite. Richard Trenton Chase: Deemed "The Vampire of Sacramento," this former serial killer drank his victims' blood in the 1970s. These days vampires can come in all sorts of different variations. Afana is used for a vampire/werewolf creature found in Romanian folklore, making it right at home here. Afanas Afanas gets to the heart of vampirism with the meaning undying. It comes from the Greek Athanasios. [83], The Loogaroo is an example of how a vampire belief can result from a combination of beliefs, here a mixture of French and African Vodu or voodoo. Vlad. WebStanding at the centre of Croatias vampire heritage is the case of Jure Grando, a 17th-century farmer from the inland Istrian village of Kringa. The manananggal is described as being an older, beautiful woman capable of severing its upper torso in order to fly into the night with huge bat-like wings and prey on unsuspecting, sleeping pregnant women in their homes. Vlad Dracul was born in Transylvania, Romania. The vampire, who was usually male, was also sexually active and could have children, either with his widow or a new wife. Last-Minute Halloween Costume Ideas to the Rescue! One such example is provided by the legend of the Witches of Anaga in Tenerife. Instituto de Bachillerato Menndez Pidal, Comisin Organizadora Viaje de Estudios, 1984. To be killed, a wooden stake must be thrust through them. According to rmann medieval Icelandic undead can be put into two categories, the first being varmenn or guardians, which are undead that stay in a certain place, usually their burial mound or home, and protect it and their treasures from thieves and trespassers. The trigun has a natural enemy in the shape of the krsnik, a human being who possesses sufficient supernatural power to battle the trigun and protect the community Buffy the Vampire Slayer, your spiritual ancestors are here. For Peri, the key figure is Lord Byron: The idea of the modern, literary vampire as a cynical, erotic individual was invented by Byron during that famous summer on Lake Geneva. Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows. Amber In nature, amber acts as a natural purifier and is able to draw pain away from the bodykinda like what a 2. These draugar are depicted as being driven by greed and unwillingness to part with their worldly belongings and are in many ways similar to dragons. We already have this email. Web1. 3. The Betal is described as an undead creature who, like the bat associated with modern-day vampirism, hangs upside down on trees found on cremation grounds and cemeteries. Its perfectly possible that the inspiration for this was Grando, the vampire who raped his wife the similarities are too striking to be discounted. While some live solitary lives, some stick together in clans, guilds, families or other types of groups. WebVampire Counts names - Warhammer. In Croatian and Slovenian folklore, Grando could best have been described as a pijavica, an undead parasite that can be repelled from the home with the cunning use of wine and crushed garlic at windowsills and doorways, and it was not unusual for corpses to be staked into their coffins to prevent them from getting any funny ideas after death. In order to kill a strigoi, what else? In Valvasors account of the Grando case, the men of Kringa send for someone from the nearby village of Lepoglav to help them with their vampire problem Boris Peri explains. Laszlo Cravensworth from What We Do in the Shadows. [13] Many incantations invoke her as a malicious "Daughter of Heaven" or of Anu, and she is often depicted as a terrifying blood-sucking creature with a lion's head and the body of a donkey. Achlys (Greek origin) meaning "mist" or "darkness". WebThis name generator will generate 10 random names for vampire clans. [23], Later vampire traditions appear among diaspora Jews in Central Europe, in particular the medieval interpretation of Lilith. It tells of Yosef the Peddler who wanders a great East European forest and encounters a lonely house inhabited by a mysterious lady named Helen. She further recorded the story that after draining blood from a victim, the shtriga would generally go off into the woods and regurgitate it. WebBritannica Quiz Halloween A person may become a vampire in a variety of ways, the most common of which is to be bitten by a vampire. [99][100], In Sri Lanka the belief of Riri Yaka (Blood Demon) can be found. The deceased were often exhumed from their graves after three years of death and the remains placed in a box by relatives; wine was poured over them while a priest would read from scriptures. Vlad. Standing at the centre of Croatias vampire heritage is the case of Jure Grando, a 17th-century farmer from the inland Istrian village of Kringa. 1. The guaxa has a few weaknesses, including silver, deer antlers, running water, and mystical amulets, which I assume you can pick up at corner stores in Catalonia. This comprehensive tool not only generates intriguing first names but also delivers an extensive selection of fantasy last names and vampire surnames. "[66], One of the earliest recordings of vampire activity came from the region of Istria in modern Croatia, in 1672. The strigoi are super into annoying their families, and will often come back from the dead purely to suck their familys blood and generally crash on their couches forever. Look out for our newsletters with travel tips and special offers. Female vampire names with meanings When a man dies suspected of becoming a vampire wrote Fortis, they cut his hams, and prick his whole body with pins; pretending, that after this operation he cannot walk about. Fortiss contemporary Ivan Lovri researched the subject at more length, reporting that the vampire of popular Dalmatian belief was very much a sexual predator. [20] Pishacha, the returned spirits of evil-doers or those who died insane, also bear vampiric attributes. [53][60], In South Slavic folklore, a vampire was believed to pass through several distinct stages in its development. Vrykolakas were usually thought to be indistinguishable from living people, giving rise to many folk tales with this theme. In most cases, vampires are revenants of evil beings, suicide victims, or witches, but can also be created by a malevolent spirit possessing a corpse or a living person being bitten by a vampire themselves. Afanas Afanas gets to the heart of vampirism with the meaning undying. It comes from the Greek Athanasios. A krsnik is a member of the community, a bit like a shaman, whose supernatural gift is passed from generation to generation. Hoo boy. There are many documented cases of families disinterring loved ones and removing their hearts in the belief that the deceased was a vampire who was responsible for sickness and death in the family, although the term "vampire" was never actually used to describe the deceased. Belief in vampires commonly called , vrykolakas, though also referred to as , katakhanades, on Crete[34] persisted throughout Greek history and became so widespread in the 18th and 19th centuries that many practices were enforced to both prevent and combat vampirism. (thistles) around the doors and windows of houses, hoping the Penanggalan would not enter for fear of catching its intestines on the thorns. [3] Today these entities are predominantly known as vampires, but in ancient times, the term vampire did not exist; blood drinking and similar activities were attributed to demons or spirits who would eat flesh and drink blood; even the devil was considered synonymous with the vampire. The second category are tilberadraugar (a tilberi is a type of undead in Icelandic folklore, a human rib given life by drinking the blood of a witch and then sent out to steal milk and money), parasitic ghosts who roam the earth and harass the living and try to drive them mad or even kill them, often by dragging them into their graves, and thereby turn their victims into more draugar. Eventually, however, he discovers that she is in the habit of killing her husbands, devouring them and drinking their blood, which keeps her young and beautiful, and that she had done it to 17 men before him. Sophie-Anne Leclerq from True Blood. In Homer's tale, the undead are too insubstantial to be heard by the living and cannot communicate with them without drinking blood first. ). If a silver coin were to be soaked in that blood and wrapped in cloth, it would become an amulet offering permanent protection from any shtriga. [71], Anyone who had a horrible appearance, was missing a finger, or had appendages similar to those of an animal was believed to be a vampire. Amber In nature, amber acts as a natural purifier and is able to draw pain away from the bodykinda like what a 2. Silvano. So too would a child born out of wedlock. [18] The Romanian vampire breed named Strigo has no direct relation to the Greek striges, but was derived from the Roman term strix, as is the name of the Albanian Shtriga and the Slavic Strzyga, though myths about these creatures are more similar to their Slavic equivalents. The Icelandic draugur (plural draugar) is usually translated as 'ghost', but unlike mainland ghosts Icelandic undead were believed to be corporeal. Its pretty clear that in my book vampirism can be read as a metaphor for capital. 2023 Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [56] Both of these cases were later mentioned in the book Magia posthuma by Karl Ferdinand Schertz (1704) that intended to denounce the widespread folk belief in vampires. The problem was exacerbated by rural epidemics of so-claimed vampire attacks, undoubtedly caused by the higher amount of superstition that was present in village communities, with locals digging up bodies and in some cases, staking them. Barnabas. Nandor the Relentless from What We Do in the Shadows. [102], Folklorist and scholar Stith Thompson noted two tale types that closely resemble legends about vampires:[103][104]. Lang, Andrew (1897). This name generator will give you 10 random names for the Vampire Counts part of the Warhammer universes. To ward off attacks from Lilith, parents used to hang amulets around their child's cradle. [92] The Leyak is a similar being from Balinese folklore. Abs are considered to be afraid of humans; however, if a human is afraid of the ab it may give chase. Amber In nature, amber acts as a natural purifier and is able to draw pain away from the bodykinda like what a 2. The mandurugo is a variety of the aswang that takes the form of an attractive girl by day, and develops wings and a long, hollow, threadlike tongue by night. This dramatic undead weirdo likes to decorate itself in the entrails and assorted squishy bits of their victims and do a victory dance over your body while blanketed in gore. Complete your vampire identity with the perfect surname or online alias using our fantasy name generator vampire edition. Queen Akasha from Queen of the Damned. Get FREE email communications from Fodor's Travel, covering must-see travel destinations, expert trip planning advice, and travel inspiration to fuel your passion. Instead of being an obedient corpse that followed the sorcerer, the jiangshi would be rampant and dangerous. Achlys (Greek origin) meaning "mist" or "darkness". Similarly, dead strigoi were described as reanimated corpses that also sucked blood and attacked their living family. Forget Transylvania: as Jonathan Bousfield reports, Croatia is the true home of the vampire. The legend of Lilith was originally included in some traditional Jewish texts: according to the medieval folk traditions, she was considered to be Adam's first wife before Eve. Draco. people into open graves and thus make more draugrs because theyre jealous of the living and if theyre not happy, nobodys happy. [59] During cholera epidemics in the 19th century, there were cases of people being burned alive by their neighbors on charges of being vampires. His friend Matthew Gregory Lewis had travelled throughout Germany and had a good knowledge of the kind of folktales that were in circulation. According to mythology, he tore his mother's breast and emerged into the human world as a demon, killing her. In the primary form, his face is blue and splotched with blood. From creepy, misshapen beings to good looking humans, and a whole range more. I didnt want the book to be simply a pulp adventure the author explains, I wanted it to say something about contemporary society as well. [65] If a noise was heard at night and suspected to be made by a vampire sneaking around someone's house, one would shout "Come tomorrow, and I will give you some salt," or "Go, pal, get some fish, and come back. Lets start with a classicRomania, home of Transylvania. The male noun for shtriga is shtrigu or shtrigan. 24 Halloween Window Decor Ideas to Try This Year. It wanders around animating dead bodies at night, attacking the living much like a ghoul. [75] The Cantabria equivalent exists by the name of Guajona. Lamashtu is a historically older image that left a mark on the figure of Lilith. Their entire power is kept in their tail. Summers, "The Vampire in Greece and Rome of Old", in, rmann Jakobsson: "Vampires and Watchmen: Categorizing the Medieval Icelandic Undead"" (Journal of English and Germanic Philology, July 2011. 58 of the Best Halloween Songs of All Time, Great Halloween Party Games for Kids and Adults, 74 Easy Halloween Crafts You Can DIY This Fall, 51 Best Halloween Treats for Your SpookFest, The Most Clever Halloween Instagram Captions, 55 Pumpkin Quotes and Puns to Make You Laugh. [31], There are some vampire creatures in Albanian mythology. Constantine Valentine Christiansen Cole Morelli Nicoletti Nestor Silver Female Vampire Names The power of being a Vampire does not rely on gender and Vampires women could smear the floor with most of their kind. [86], Among the Wyandots was the legend of the Hooh-Strah-Dooh. There are some vampire creatures in Albanian mythology. The persons so sucked waned, grew pale, and fell into consumption; while the sucking corpses grew fat, got rosy, and enjoyed an excellent appetite. In Croatia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia, a type of vampire called pijavica, which literally translates to 'leech', is used to describe a vampire who has led an evil and sinful life as a human and in turn, becomes a powerfully strong, cold-blooded killer. Whatever Bram Stoker might have led you to believe, Transylvania is not the natural habitat of the vampire. I dont make the rules. An egg would be broken and a nail driven into the floor beneath the bier of the house of a recently deceased person. Try another. The Bhta or Prta is the soul of a man who died an untimely death. I want emails from Fodor's Travel with travel information and promotions. His 2010 book Na veeri s Drakulom (Dinner with Dracula) is a stimulating collection of cultural and culinary essays that cries out (or should that be bloodthirstily shrieks?) According to Lovri, local women were not ashamed to admit, that vampires had forced them to submit to their wishes. Most of them do not allow anyone to go into the room, and their husbands are afraid of them. [37] This comparison of Icelandic draugar to vampires is not entirely new as it was also made by Andrew Lang in 1897 when he called the draugur Glmr in Grettir's Saga a vampire. Other potential victims were those who did not properly observe the burial ceremonies or kept the deceased's possessions instead of properly destroying them. [64], To ward off the threat of vampires and disease, twin brothers would yoke twin oxen to a plow and make a furrow with it around their village. [36], In Greek folklore, vampirism could occur through various means: being excommunicated, desecrating a religious day, committing a great crime, or dying alone. Alessandro. Wooden stake through the heart. Web Gabrielle. If youre pulling out the collared black cloak and fake blood for your Halloween costume this year, be it as an evil alter ego or a Halloween costume for kids, take things up a notch by completing your look with a delightfully batty vampire namebecause there can also be so many vampires named Dracula out and about on October 31. Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows. Thanks to a growing body of local researchers and writers, however, it seems that time is ripe for Croatia to regain its rightful place on the European vampire map. However some Japanese mythical creatures bear some similarities to vampires, such as the Nure-onna who is a snake-like woman that feasts on human blood. According to Peri, Barbara of Celje may well have influenced the author J Sheridan le Fanu, who published Carmilla in 1872. [81] Aloe vera hung backwards behind or near a door was thought to ward off vampiric beings in South American superstition. India also developed other vampiric legends. Once she was exhumated and a stake was put through her, blood started pouring out of her as if she was alive. Likewise, a settlement could be protected by finding twins who could also see the vampire outdoors at night, who would have to flee immediately after they spotted it.[74]. This development allowed the creature to ultimately leave its grave and begin a new life as a human. When the brahmaparusha is ready to suck your blood, you think they just do the deed quickly and jet? [33], Bearing little resemblance to its Ancient Greek precursors, the modern Greek vrykolakas (from a Slavic word meaning 'werewolf') has much in common with the European vampire. [73] According to the late Serbian ethnologist Tatomir Vukanovi, Roma people in Kosovo believed that vampires were invisible to most people, but could be seen by a twin brother and sister born on a Saturday who wore their clothes inside out. A cross between what current fiction/legends portray as zombies and vampires, the Hooh-Strah-Dooh was an evil spirit that inhabited recently dead bodies and caused the corpse to rise and devour the living. Bill Compton from True Blood. Although most vetala legends have been compiled in the Betal Panchabingshati, a prominent story in the Kathasaritsagara tells of King Vikramditya and his nightly quests to capture an elusive one. I can unsubscribe any time using the unsubscribe link at the end of all emails. So far Peri has resisted the temptation to write any sequels, although his interest in the supernatural has yielded some unusual literary fruit. Vlad Dracul was born in Transylvania, Romania. In Romania vampires are known as strigoi and as shtriga in Albanian. Polidori simply took Byrons idea and finished it. [79] The Eastern Cape region of South Africa has the impundulu, which can take the form of a large taloned bird and can summon thunder and lightning, and the Betsileo people of Madagascar tell of the ramanga, an outlaw or living vampire who drinks the blood and eats the nail clippings of nobles. There are also legends about Estries, female vampires of Jewish folklore that were believed to prey on Hebrew citizens. A flesh-eating, bloodsucking monster is she. The tongue is used to suck up blood from a sleeping victim. Spain is generally super into vampires, with several regional variations on the myth (for example, Catalonia has a rad vampire dog named Dip), but the important thing here is that the guaxa is really old and sucks blood using only one tooth, like a single pointy mouth-syringe. This is probably a reference to a krsnik. [39] Strigoi were said to have the ability to send out their souls at night to meet with other strigoi and consume the blood of livestock and neighbours. Peter Plogojowitz: With an eerily similar backstory, this fellow Serbian also reported a run-in with the living dead. Eventually, villagers were reported to have found a smiling, almost-invincible corpse lying in Grandos grave, and after much trial-and-error, they seem to have found the ticket with decapitation. They use an elongated proboscis-like tongue to suck fetuses off pregnant women. Burkhardt, "Vampirglaube und Vampirsage", p.225. Valerious. Other methods include sorcery, committing suicide, contagion, or having a cat jump over a persons corpse. Stephanos. Once dead, a vampire can be prevented from becoming a demon by being buried with its mouth stuffed with earth. She appeared as an attractive woman with long black hair that covered a hole in the back of her neck, which she sucked the blood of children with. Web 1. [9] Other Mesopotamian demons such as the Babylonian goddess Lamashtu, (Sumer's Dimme) and Gallu of the Uttuke group are mentioned as having vampiric natures.[11][12]. Nadja from What We Do in the Shadows. Afterwards, she would snatch the newborn from the mother to drink its blood and eat its flesh. But if youve grown up in the United States, youre probably mostly familiar with garden-variety pop culture bloodsuckers, and trust me, there are way more interesting varieties than mopey aristocrats and sparkling teenagers. Byron heard of the Grando case through German sources. Share Tweet. Peris own feeling is that Valvasors account of Grando found its way into the Western literary tradition via a somewhat roundabout route. Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows. [24] However, she and her daughters usually strangle rather than drain victims, and in the Kabbalah, she retains many attributes found in vampires. A similar tale from the same book describes staking a witch through the heart to ensure she does not come back from the dead to haunt her enemies.[26]. [2], In India, tales of vetalas, ghoul-like beings that inhabit corpses, are found in old Sanskrit folklore. .101-120. Bill Compton from True Blood. This creepy old jerk likes sneaking into houses via keyholes and cracks in the door over the course of weeks, slowly draining a person until they eventually die (or just, like, move somewhere else. [10] Lilitu (or the Lilitu spirits) was considered to be an anthropomorphic bird-footed, wind or night demon and was often described as a sexual predator who subsisted on the blood of babies and their mothers. [35] Crosses and antidoron (blessed bread) from the church were used as wards in different places. In most cases he is said to be a giant who towers over his human victims. The family commissions the sorcerer in their village to travel to the place of the person's death, locate the corpse, and to write a spell and stick it upon the corpses's face, in which the spell-paper contains their name, birthdate, and some other words to reanimate the corpse. Blair Donovan is a staff writer for, where she covers everything from the latest Joanna Gaines and The Voice news to home dcor, gardening, DIY, and entertaining. WebThere are two main vampiric creatures in the Philippines: the Tagalog Mandurugo ("blood-sucker") and the Visayan Manananggal ("self-segmenter"). Mercy Brown's Grave Located in a church cemetery in Exeter, RI, is the grave of Mercy Brown, aka New Englands Last Vampire. When she died in 1892 at the age of 19, Mercy was the third member of her family to succumb to tuberculosis (aka "consumption"). Over time the first two terms became general words to describe witches and demons respectively. [29] In the second case, Arnold Paole, an ex-soldier turned farmer who allegedly was attacked by a vampire years before, died while haying. Book of Dreams and Ghosts. During this time in the 18th century, there was a frenzy of vampire sightings in Southeastern Europe and Transylvania, with frequent stakings and grave diggings taking place to identify and kill the potential revenants; even government officials were compelled into the hunting and staking of vampires. After he was burned, all of the evil events stopped. For more information about your privacy and protection, please review our full. And then theres the brahmaparusha: truly the most extra of all vampires. They are said to be created when a person's soul ( p) fails to leave the deceased's body. "[14] Gallu was a demon closely associated with Lilith, though the word (like "Utukku") is also used as a general term for demons, and these are "evil Uttuke" or "evil Galli". [14] Akin to Lilitu, Lamashtu primarily preyed on newborns and their mothers. WebThis name generator will generate 10 random names for vampire clans. So, settle into your coffin, er, chair and read through this list of vonderful vampire names. [97], Some unusual features of the Chinese vampire include its long, curved fingernails, perhaps derived from the appearance of growing fingernails on corpses due to flesh recession, and its greenish-white furry skin, perhaps derived from fungus or mould growing on corpses. Web1. We've rounded up some of the very best names from vampires in history, including Bram Stoker's "Dracula" and the dark goddess herself, Elvira. During the process, he let out a loud scream. By Blair Donovan Updated: Aug 11, 2021 Save Article Theres good vampires, ruthless vampires, and even star-crossed lover vampires ( Twilight, anyone? in Indonesia,[94] or Langsuir in Malaysia,[95] is a woman who died during childbirth and became undead, seeking revenge and terrorizing villages. Her father, assisted by the family physician, removed her from her tomb two months after her death and her heart was cut out and burnt to ashes. In Romania vampires are known as strigoi and as shtriga in Albanian. Ambrosia Unlike the salad, this vampire name means immortality. 4. In movies, women turn into abs through a special holy water, but according to local legends it is passed through heredity. [examples needed] In southern Russia, people who were known to talk to themselves were believed to be at risk of becoming vampires. Empusa was the daughter of the goddess Hecate and was described as a demonic, bronze-footed creature. The mandurugo is a variety of the aswang that takes the form of an attractive girl by day, and develops wings and a long, hollow, threadlike tongue by night. By Blair Donovan Updated: Aug 11, 2021 Save Article Theres good vampires, ruthless vampires, and even star-crossed lover vampires ( Twilight, anyone? Even after that, she was still attacking villagers so they decided to burn her. A person born with a caul, an extra nipple, a tail, or extra hair[40] was doomed to become a vampire. most of Russia) are unique in that their undead, while having many of the features of the vampires of other Slavic peoples, do not drink blood and do not bear a name derived from the common Slavic root for "vampire". This name generator will give you 10 random names for the Vampire Counts part of the Warhammer universes. We promise they won't bite. In Asturias, the Guaxa is one such being, which is described as an old vampire who bites with his single tooth and sucks the blood of his victims. Or, get inspired by pop culture vamps from your favorite werewolf movies and TV shows, whether youre an avid True Blood viewer or plan to channel Tom Cruises Lestat de Lioncourt character from Interview with a Vampire. Grando, a truly outlandish bloodsucker, was reported to have shaken off the dirt of the grave and begun a campaign of door-knocking that resulted in the death of whoevers house he visited. Films like Encounters of the Spooky Kind and Mr. Vampire were released during the jiangshi cinematic boom of the 1980s and 1990s. Which would actually just make it a bloodsucking fireball full time, so youll mostly have just ruined their favorite outfit, but we take the victories we can get sometimes. 1890. A rare story found in Sefer Hasidim #1465 tells of an old vampire named Astryiah who uses her hair to drain the blood from her victims. [31] In his Philosophical Dictionary, Voltaire wrote:[32]. [6][19] Greek vampiric entities are seen once again in Homer's epic Odyssey. 1. for an English-language translation. In Romania vampires are known as strigoi and as shtriga in Albanian. Mercy Brown: After Mercy and two of her family members died of tuberculosis in the late 1800s, townspeople in Exeter, Rhode Island, believed that one of the deceased had resurrected as a vampire. [16] Lamia was the daughter of King Belus and a secret lover of Zeus. Helana Sanguine Samantha Sunstar Feronia Claudisous Darla Raith A late 17th- or early 18th-century Kabbalah document was found in one of the Ritman library's copies of Jean de Pauly's translation of the Zohar. Valvasor visited Kringa only a few years after the Grando case and clearly spoke with villagers who remembered it well. To prevent vampires from rising from the dead, their hearts were pierced with iron nails while resting in their graves, or their bodies burned and the ashes scattered. These days vampires can come in all sorts of different variations. Its an aspect of Europes supernatural geography that 19th-century literary circles were well aware of until the publication of Stokers genre-defining novel in 1897 suddenly sent everybody in the wrong direction. [5] Ancient Babylonia had tales of the mythical Lilitu,[7] synonymous with and giving rise to Lilith (Hebrew .mw-parser-output .script-hebrew,.mw-parser-output .script-Hebr{font-family:"SBL Hebrew","SBL BibLit","Taamey Ashkenaz","Taamey Frank CLM","Frank Ruehl CLM","Ezra SIL","Ezra SIL SR","Keter Aram Tsova","Taamey David CLM","Keter YG","Shofar","David CLM","Hadasim CLM","Simple CLM","Nachlieli",Cardo,Alef,"Noto Serif Hebrew","Noto Sans Hebrew","David Libre",David,"Times New Roman",Gisha,Arial,FreeSerif,FreeSans}) and her daughters the Lilu from Hebrew demonology. Romanian vampires were known as moroi (from the Romanian word mort meaning 'dead' or the Slavic word meaning 'nightmare') and strigoi, with the latter classified as either living or dead. 55 Famous Vampire Names That'll Have You Falling in Love at First Bite This Halloween Sink your teeth into this list and pick a favorite. These vampires were corpses, who went out of their graves at night to suck the blood of the living, either at their throats or stomachs, after which they returned to their cemeteries. 2. [70] Similar to other European beliefs, male vampires could father children, known as dhampirs, who could be hired to detect and get rid of vampires. In undeath, the pricolici remain in their wolf form. Vlad. In Spain, there are several traditions about beings with vampiric tendencies. Romanian folklore has a long list of markers for potential strigoi, including being a seventh child, having an extra nipple (looking at you, Harry Styles), being hairy at birth, having been looked at by a witch once, having a mother who crossed the path of a black cat, and being redheaded. [82] Aztec mythology described tales of the Cihuateteo, skeletal-faced spirits of those who died in childbirth who stole children and entered into sexual liaisons with the living, driving them mad. [citation needed], Romanian vampires were said to bite their victims over the heart or between the eyes,[42] and sudden deaths could indicate the presence of a vampire. They include shtriga and dhampir . Rightfully so, she was eventually arrested and placed in solitary confinement. Alessandro. The location suited Stokers purposes even if the history didnt.. Godfrey In Old English, this name means god peace . 3. In the Labartu texts she is described; "Wherever she comes, wherever she appears, she brings evil and destruction. Mitos y supersticiones de Asturias. What Time Does Trick-or-Treating Officially Start? 4. Deeming her the culprit, they cut out her heart and burned it. For the year 1336 he mentions a shepherd named Myslata from Blov. 1. [46] Further Irish myths, alone or in combination, may have provided inspiration for Irish authors Sheridan Le Fanu and Bram Stoker, Some of the more common causes of vampirism in Slavic folklore include being a magician or an immoral person; suffering an "unnatural" or untimely death such as suicide; ex-communication; improper burial rituals; an animal jumping or a bird flying over the corpse or the empty grave (in Serbian folk belief); and even being born with a caul,[49] teeth, or tail, or being conceived on certain days. He concluded that vampires did not exist and the Empress passed laws prohibiting the opening of graves and desecration of bodies, sounding the end of the vampire epidemics. A huddle of stone houses squatting amidst lush green fields, Kringa is nowadays the peacefully rustic kind of place normally associated with farmhouse conversions, holiday rentals and cosy village inns. Icelandic myth gives us the draugr, an undead menace whose name translates to ghost. Draugrs are super into attempting to drag (draug?) Soon, he started killing the people and if he stopped by someone's home and called their name, said person died in 8 days. There she appears as a child-stealing and child-killing female demon,[11] in the manner of Lamia and Lilith. Valerious. [87], Rooted in older folklore, the modern belief in vampires spread throughout Asia with tales of ghoulish entities from the mainland, to vampiric beings from the islands of Southeast Asia. Web Gabrielle. Web 1. Mercy Brown's Grave Located in a church cemetery in Exeter, RI, is the grave of Mercy Brown, aka New Englands Last Vampire. When she died in 1892 at the age of 19, Mercy was the third member of her family to succumb to tuberculosis (aka "consumption"). The second case happened 1344. It was only with the publication of Bram Stokers Dracula that Transylvania became the newly imagined homeland of the lusty nocturnal demon, and the Adriatics role in the story was largely forgotten. WebFrom 19th-century vampire-slaying kits to the dungeon thats said to have once held Vlad Dracula, here are some places where the mythos of vampires manifested in the real world. [76] Catalonia has the legend of the Dip, an evil vampire dog. [50] Slavic vampires were able to appear as butterflies,[51] echoing an earlier belief of the butterfly symbolizing a departed soul. How This Afrocentric Hotel Is Preserving Nigerian Heritage, Discovering Puerto Rico's Black Roots Through Art, We Answer the 13 Most Frequently Asked Questions About Venice, The 10 Most Unique Cemeteries Around the World, 35 Ultimate Things to Do in New York City, 10 Things to Do in Orlando Besides Disney World, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Alternately, they may surround the grave with a red woolen thread, ignite the thread, and wait until it was burnt up. It is the northern Adriatic regions of Istria and the Kvarner Gulf that have preserved most in the way of vampire lore. [93] A Pontianak, Kuntilanak or Matianak[what language is this?] [30], The two incidents were well-documented: government officials examined the bodies, wrote case reports, and published books throughout Europe. Demon by being buried with its mouth stuffed with earth as if being alive and was scaring.... With its mouth stuffed with earth also many other ways of a recently deceased person, her! 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