In addition, each phratry had its own religious beliefs. He will call you an egoist and tell you the real cause for making such an inquiry. Only a sincere person will ask you about your career goals. Do you feel like you're ready to move it to the next level and spend the rest of your life with him, but don't understand why he hasn't popped the question yet? Always be respectful. When they see the lust for power in a woman, they try to readjust themselves to put on a striking impression. When one person meets the other's family, we can certainly say that the relationship has progressed to a new level. What are they? There are, though, someways to tell whether or notthe person you are with is serious about you. When a personis starting to think about a serious life with you, they'realso thinking about the things they'vebeen told matter, like marriage and babies. Are you an advocate for the unborn? Their mom may have been overly critical or judgmental, which is what caused them to avoid relationships for so long. When a Guy Asks You About Your Goals and Future Plans [ANSWERED]. But remember, they were created as equals both made in the image of God and are joint heirs in the gracious gift of life (1 Peter 3:7). And then, before I knew it, I was faced with another first: a young man asking me if he can make my princess his queen. Mostly, to your friends and acquaintances. He and Murphy love to hike, but serious hiking in Colorado requires dedication. She is an active texter but you are yet to strike that chord with her which will push her to text you first. Thats why we want to help you. If you like the guy, make the conversation flow naturally, and don't overthink. They can often sense underlying issues especially when it comes to someones character and maturity. Relationships with children change, and the stepparent-stepchild relationship adds another dynamic. A serious partnerwill want to know what makes you tick. (Just kidding.). If you've had to continuously wonder if someone is serious about you, unfortunately, chances are, they aren't. What does it mean when your partner says something that makes you second-guess? When is the best time to find out about your boyfriend? While this might bring the conversation to a stop, it is not the worst of decisions. His intentions may vary, but most evidently, it means you are important to him. If you could use only one pickup line for the rest of your life, what would it be? This is the reason you want to understand this young mans relationship with the Lord, so ask some follow-up questions: Dont be afraid to ask deep, even nosy, questions: He wants to marry your daughter, after all. What does it mean if a guy asks you your age? But what does that mean? Are you ready to make a lifelong commitment? Perhaps the guy is passionate about his work, and he wants to see if you are career oriented. Obviously, you can always make amends later. What does it mean if a guy asks for your number? How well do they communicate? Either way the fact he is putting effort into keeping But when he posed the question, I was filled with a jumble of emotions: happiness, gratitude and, yes, a little sadness. It may not be romantic, but it's harmless. What to say when a girl asks where the relationship is going? You want to know that he values your daughters gifts, talents, passions, dreams and aspirations. It might not be because they want their girlfriend to be skinny but they want her to be fit. You want to know that shes paying attention to her gut and feels that getting married is the right decision. Id tell him why, unpacking the details. They prefer to keep people in life who are as workaholics as them. The man needs to be willing to fight for this marriage that for him, it means till death do us part.. He could want to know what they are like so that if he were to date you, he'd know what to expect. If daughter, mom and his parents all offer their blessings, youre ready to talk with the young man. You arent going to judge him or repeat what he shares. 4. Fitness has become a major concern globally, more so since the pandemic. If you asked the guy about his career, he asked you about yours as a courtesy. You may even think that they're just being polite but that's not what they're trying to do. Im so grateful that he has a passion to love and serve the Lord. I would encourage him to get help to deal with my concerns, and that Id re-evaluate my position if and when he took those necessary steps. What does it mean when your ex asks about your family? Abortion is not an easy subject to talk about. Please help. The Fruit of the Spirit Devotionalis afreeseries of nine short videos to get you into Gods Word and inspire you to seek the Holy Spirits help in loving your spouse. Give them multiple options and let them pick it up for themselves. After we returned to my car, I drove us to a nearby restaurant to celebrate. If this is the case, they might mention her often or seem upset when she isn't around. He frequently had people come up to him at events and say, Your dad saved my marriage.. He wants you to meet his friends, his family members and especially, his parents. This question is also an indicator that she is thinking about her own family situation. This may mean that they won't want to see you get back together, it may mean that they do. I had 12 questions I wanted to ask. Family matters, especially if you're looking for love in all the right places. Either you started making money early, or you have inherited a fortune. What does your boyfriends mom notice about you? Finally, meeting his parents will give you two chances to make a good impression on them. Anonymous. Ive watched my little princess grow into a beautiful, godly young woman. This shall prevent unnecessary fights and petty discussions between the two. Your perfect-fit partner will offer to help you so much, you always feel sure about how much they love and care about you and what you're doing. But just as they began to climb, a screw fell out of Jordans glasses. But I wasnt going to leave this important conversation to chance. Get the free video series and start winning your inner battles today! Their role was similar to that of a city council today. So, after looking for a while, they decided to go on Jordan pocketing his glasses and hiking with blurred vision. He is the author of 17 books including Fight Your Way to a Better Marriage, The DNA of Parent and Teen Relationships and The Whole-Hearted Marriage. He and his wife, Erin, co-createdReady to Wed, a complete premarital curriculum for engaged couples and the onlineFocus on Marriage Assessment. Are their conversations mostly about to-do lists and schedules? "The need to protect the young from their own feelings is very strong," says Bilek. There is no such thing as a soul mate or The One the ideal person God picked just for you. Couples who cherish each other understand that God created everyone different, and as a result, they treasure the unique characteristics in their spouse. Are you ready to combat your bad habits and win? Thank you for preparing yourself for the role of a lifetime Murphys husband. Get your copy for today for FREE with a donation of any amount! An important part of marriage is Gods command to leave your mother and father (Genesis 2:24). Either he is a stalker or a pervert but at the given moment when he blatantly checks you out, he might be intoxicated. I find it super endearing because it reminds me that he cares about me. Each phratry had its own government officials who made decisions about military action and public works programs. You want to defend the truth, to expose the realities so easily confused during these times. You're your person. Murphy isnt just my daughter: Shes my princess. What does it mean when a girl asks about your family? What does it mean if your ex is asking your friends about you. Once you stop answering, he will be out of choice and keep quiet. He has been wanting you for a while. Murphys letter to Jordan unpacked her own journey, from being a prayerful little girl to a purposeful young woman one who spent years wondering what her future husband would be like. If you don't contact them, they may be experiencing remorse or doubt. (I loved his surprised look! "She looms big in your relationship because your partner has been negatively impacted by her," Baltimore Therapy Center director Raffi Bilek, LCSW-C, tells Bustle. What does it mean when a guy asks about your parents? Like studying for the SAT or ACT, Jordan had tried to prepare for our meeting. Perhaps he felt affectionate towards you, which made him want to see your pictures at that moment. Help him understand that the question of whether hed marry himself isnt pass or fail.You arent asking for him to defend or rationalize his past mistakes. What are his career goals? But you can help. Fox News, The Ingraham Angle, May | 72K views, 2.3K likes, 243 loves, 418 comments, 494 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Vairal show104: The Ingraham Get equipped with practical truth and biblical arguments for life so you can confidently and compassionately engage our culture. Ive been there. Otherwise, you might end up being one of those girls who gets married way too early. 1. Check out theBest of Elite Daily stream in the Bustle Appfor more stories just like this! He should not only be encouraged by it but also should want to share his side of the story with you. They usually get help from an extended family member who charges them no rent and cooks all their meals. It will give you an upper hand as he would not have much to offer, and you would be the one to take the conversation forward. In fact, a survey by In Ephesians 5:32, the Apostle Paul calls this union between husband and wife a profound mystery.. But all those signs should not be misinterpreted and understood based on circumstances. What does it mean when a girl continues to send you messages? Why does my boyfriend tell his mom everything? He sees wife material in you. In ancient Greece, people lived in clans called phratries. Sometimes it's good to vibe along and flow freely. She Never Initiates Text but Always Responds: Here What It Means. You want to make sure that he values their differences and sees how their individual strengths and weaknesses complement each other. It may seem like a trivial question, but it can also be an important first step toward getting to know someone else's story. What does it mean when someone tells you they are seeing someone? He is a great conversationalist and is genuinely interested in getting to know people at a deep level. Deborah Hurt is a licensed therapist who specializes in relationships. (Heres a bonus relational tip: Never douse your fiancee with bear spray!). A partner whois serious about you will want to do whatever they can to make your life easier and better. He Likes Spending Time With You. All rights reserved. If you don't talk about her, if you don't let him know how much she means to you, then you won't get married. When I asked Jordan this question, I really appreciated that he talked about God being his top priority and walked me through his testimony. What area of your life needs the most improvement?, What are some of your weaknesses or growth areas?, What are some ways that you frustrate my daughter?. How can I tell if my boyfriend has feelings for me? Has he gone to counseling? This question could also been asked to a regular friend though. Why does my boyfriend share his thoughts with me? They may become more pleasant in their interactions with you and more open to a plan or conversation. Does she want to marry him? If you don't want kids, would you ever consider a future with someone whodoes want them? While dating such people, you must realize beforehand that they won't be able to give you much attention. In Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul instructs a wife to voluntarily follow her husbands lead in response to her commitment to the Lord. If you feel at a loss when these conversations come up, this video series, 8 Lies About Abortion, can help equip you with the truth, and the confidence to engage in the discussion. Does he have children from a previous relationship? And I can truly say that you are everything that I want for my daughter. Do guys really like girls with thick thighs? Do you want kids? Donna also teaches them how to take care of themselves outside of the relationship so they can have more energy for it. An idea of a silly answer is to procrastinate. Ive always told my daughters that I will walk them down the aisle and give them away to whomever they choose. Once he gets the assurance about it, he might propose to you. Smalleys passion for marriage began as a young boy. In you, I see a man that will accept my daughter unconditionally and will love her for a lifetime. But most of the time, no matter what, they stick with us. What does it mean when a guy takes you to meet his parents? Tell him you don't like to take work seriously. That's exactly what they do. Weve created a free five-part video series called Recognizing Your Sons Need for Respect that will help you understand how showing respect, rather than shaming and badgering, will serve to motivate and guide your son. He knows all there is to know about love, dating, and relationships. Has she seen him when hes grieving or frustrated? When you want to show off your qualities to win an opportunity in a firm, you need to show how they could benefit by recruiting you or offer them something different and out of the box. Ask to hear their love story from his perspective. I had made a reservation at a local steakhouse near where we had gone hiking. This shows he understands how to appreciate a lady. And while I had a good feeling about my future son-in-law long before I asked him those 12 questions, they not only confirmed what I saw in their (his and Murphys) relationship, but they bolstered ours (his and mine), as well. When you don't feel like humoring the question, you close the door on the question. While the world is mostly ruled by women these days, it is still a fact not easily appreciated by men. She probably wants to know about your connections with them and how close you are to your family. But the mountain wasnt done with them yet. you could be at the critical relationship phase where you're about to have "The Talk." He takes you on a tour of his home and introduces you to his family. At the end of the day, your daughter not you chooses her husband. When a girls says "I'll let you know" what does it mean? Guys don't tell their mothers about every lady they meet, so if he does, you must be quite exceptional! What does it mean when a guy says he likes you but is scared to be with you? If he seems like a good catch, you should definitely give him your number. What does it mean when a man introduces you to his mother? I welcome you into our family as my son. Web3. It is not because they don't want to give you that attention or their attention is focused on another person, but because they are working on their career. ), Are you willing to get help from a mentor, pastor or counselor, Are my grandkids going to be raised in an intact family?. Make sure theyre both heading in the same direction. Steven Ogaldez is a relationship expert who has been helping people find love for over 8 years. Murphy started tearing up. WebIf he asks you out one-on-one, it shows that he is at ease around you and is a significant indicator of his interest. He needs to feel safe to open up and deal with this question honestly and directly. How do you respond to a girl who says she is flattered? At one point, they were crossing a rushing river, where Murphy placed her trust on the wrong rock and stumbled right into the frigid water. Does he value honesty? When he confides in you and asks for your opinions on things that matter on the big scale, such as the type of person he wants to be and what he wants to achieve, he wants you by his side for the big future! Smalley brings at least one child to every age-appropriate event, exposing them to the crucial role marriage plays in the family and society. Obviously, youd like to assume that your daughter and the man who wants to marry her like each other and that they like spending time together. She helps her clients get out of unhealthy cycles or patterns in their relationships by teaching them how to create healthier ones together. Hosted by Dr. Danny Huerta, in every 8 to 15 minute episode, youll hear parenting experts share Biblical truths, effective parenting techniques, and useful resources that will help you feel equipped as a mom or dad in todays culture. (Thats when Murphy says she knew he loved her.) However, it isn't polite to open conversations with questions without a prior introduction or purpose. Deborah understands how difficult it can be to navigate these complicated waters and loves to help people do so with compassion and understanding. 2. If they inquire about your family or how you're doing, it's probable that they want to hear about you but not necessarily from you. Remember,you should approve of nothing but transparency. My boyfriend follows random girls on Instagram, should I be worried? But what do I ask? Both the victims and the sufferers of this phenomenon might go through extreme conditions and need to be treated very carefully. If he says it often, there might be a problem. Whether you're both from big families or not, having some common ground can help people feel like they can talk to each other. So if he did, it would be a clear sign that he's interested in someone else. Married since 1992, Greg and Erin live in Colorado with their three daughters, Taylor, Murphy and Annie, and their son, Garrison. Youngsters are dying due to heart attacks and as such if you are obese then to date you would mean to date someone with baggage. How to ask someone out without getting nervous? After receiving his doctorate at the Rosemead School of Psychology at Biola University in Southern California and a counseling degree from Denver Seminary, he and Erin led intensive marriage seminars around the world and trained pastors, professionals and lay leaders on how to effectively work with married and engaged couples. They know that Ill be honest about my concerns, and I hope that they would accept my influence. However, if she is falling in love, she may gradually open up and show signs of trust, affection, support, as well as possessiveness. If you need further guidance and encouragement, we have a staff of licensed, professional counselors Also note that asking about your family isn't the same as asking for my phone number. Bad Habits. When a guy asks about your family, it could mean hes trying to communicate that, Hey, Im a total player and Im about to take you for a ride- lets get WebRaise your game! And, whenever they celebrate an anniversary, Erin and I will take them to Mary Murphy Steakhouse. The response shouldn't be said in a monotonous way. When is the right time to tell your partner you love him? Whatever comes naturally to you, tell him that. Is he pursing a daily relationship with Christ? Sometimes, our walks of faith can be pretty bumpy. Remember, youre not looking for perfection in the answers to these 12 questions. He hasn't mentioned anything about wanting to be in a relationship. Does she feel tense, confused, uneasy or pressured to get engaged? But it could also mean that he is thinking about asking you out. There are many ways to do this. For example, a friend might ask if you have any children so she can know what kind of person you are by comparing your responses with those of other parents in your situation. You don't have to be definitive in your response. Has your potential son-in-law seen your daughter when shes stressed? He's one to remember! Are they able to repair their relationship after a fight? My husband asks me if he can help me with things all the time (even if he knows he can't). Do they generally want the same things out of life? Do they have any concerns? Contacting your relatives may be a method of indirectly relaying signals to you. You can alsojump to a list of just the questionsat the bottom of this article. If you have doubts about whether or not your ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend is trying to reach out to your family, then consider emailing or calling them to find out for sure. It includes scripture and questions to discuss with someone close to you, who can support you in conquering your bad habits. He needs advice related to his career. You want to know that he is drawn to your daughters inner character traits (such as integrity, generosity, kindness, loyalty and spirituality) over shallow or superficial things like her looks, her taste in fashion or a shared love of a particular sports team. When a girl asks about your family, she's asking about your roots - where you're from and how that affects who you are as a person. Thankfully, the water wasnt deep, but that didnt make it any more comfortable: She sloshed to the other side and sat down to empty the water out of her boot. Does he think that marriage will fix the problems theyre already experiencing? We want to help you do just that. You need a competitive someone to keep your confidence, and competitive spirit stirred and heated. The truth is, how you view your son and talk to him has a significant effect on how he thinks and acts. This question surprised Jordan. I still mean those words today. There is nothing to hide here, nothing to be ashamed of. Someone who is really serious about you won't just spend time asking about your day and what you've been doing at work. What does biblical submission mean to them? My relationship with both of them is strong, too. Cuz he/she was the one? Only a sincere person Instead, they would marry within the clan. Ive been thinking about you for 24 years. Communication is the lifeblood of a marriage. I took her in my arms and rocked her. When You Keep Bumping Into Your Crush (Meaning & What to Do). You don't need to take everything seriously. If the person asking you the question is a stranger or someone you met at a bar, it is not wise to reveal personal information. 1. Then the swelling, the stinging and the temporary blindness set in. However, this fact remains: there are two types of women in the world: those who will keep their sons' love letters and those who will burn them. December 21, 2021 iStock/monkeybusinessimages What questions should you ask a young man who wants to marry your daughter? Ask if theyve had a wide range of relationship experiences if theyve seen each other around family and friends, during day-to-day errands or big nights out, at weddings and funerals, and just sitting at a dinner table. Does she have any concerns? This isnt just an opportunity for him to walk down memory lane. This question is more about finding out if you are available than it is about getting in touch. What does it mean when a guy asks for your phone number? Encourage him to initiate individual and couples counseling before you give him your blessing. We can talk about anything, they tell him. It's important to remember that your family members are just that - family members - and as such, they want what's best for you. Enjoy the journey as you learn more about you and Murphy throughout your life together. Shutterstock Another sign that he's clearly serious about your relationship is that he wants you to meet his family specifically, his parents. I love how you care for one another and how you love one another. Put your ear buds in for this Christian parenting podcast and get practical, faith-based inspiration through all stages of parenting. You can provide multiple choice as an answer. The husband may lead, but that never means that he unilaterally makes decisions for his family. You should be inquisitive too. People aren't typically interested in other people's families unless they're looking for something They expect their women to be independent and open-minded as well as loyal. Dont be a baby and ask her why she doesnt text you because she will reply that she is not obliged to. Have you had times where you felt distant from God? you might ask. This is part of his defense mechanism for not getting hurt again. Thats why youre asking this, I know. This is such a witty answer you can give to someone. In fact, thousands of marriages with situations as complex and painful as yours have been transformed with the help of caring professionals who understand where you are right now. She may have even played a role in the creation of their first child. She is accepting her husbands role as the leader of their family; it isnt mindless obedience. The bonding of two souls together will always be mysterious. Moms are overthinkers. I choose you. Antero a 16-mile hike with a 5,000-foot elevation gain they woke up at 3 a.m. (Hikers try to polish off their hikes on these high mountains early, before the afternoon thunderstorms roll in.). Is he a Christian but fallen away from his faith? A healthy marriage requires two healthy individuals. He told me about how he was in the middle of his chiropractic boards and couldn't wait to be practicing. If you aren't being asked your opinion on anything, whether it's just your significant other's choice of socksor your significant other's life choices, this is probably a sign they aren't too serious about you. The guy is wondering if you would make up a great life partner for him. His mother played a crucial role in raising him, but since he needed someone to take care of him when he was young, he had an aunt or a grandmother do it instead. There are a lot of shallow people and it is better to keep away from them. If he is in his prime age and well established,he might want to settle. But if you're aware of these eight things your boyfriend's mother observes about you right away, you'll make things simpler for everyone. You can eithergive it a touch of the philanthropistor something very grand in a materialistic way. Be the first to know what's trending, straight from Elite Daily, Jameela Jamil Wants You To Start Leaving Bad Dates Early, Inside Chad Michael Murray & Sophia Bush's Messy Relationship Timeline, Taylor Swift & Matty Healys Astrological Compatibility Is Fire, By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. You'll note that he doesn't go around telling everyone that he likes them; instead, he keeps such thoughts private. He also knew, though, that I was open to talking about it and getting to know him. If the husband and wife cant financially support themselves or live at their own place, I would question their readiness for marriage. Calling a girlfriend "mom" may indicate one of three things: an affection, as a praise that you make him feel good; an insult, he is telling you that you are treating him like a mother hen; or a habit, he grew up around others who did it, so he believes it's a good thing. If he invites you to meet his parents, sister or brother, grandparents, or other close relatives, you are on your way to becoming his serious girlfriend. 1. This conversation was too important to have over the phone. Always be sure to give a clear "no" if he tries to take things further than hanging out. By asking what you like to do in your free time, he will have a better idea of what to do when he asks you to hang out. When a girl wants you to meet her parents,. I'm dealing with breakup in a small town. Is he bringing debt into the relationship? Read below to find out more. You want to better understand how he has dealt with his personal junk. (We all have junk.). I was the first man in Murphys life, and over the years weve experienced plenty of firsts. Her first birthday party. Has anyone ever broken up and gotten back together? Its like you got one. Personal growth? If your partner never asks to help and, in fact, barely seems interested in what you are doing, they may not be serious about you. If this guy tried to connect with you recently, and he looks like someone who is either aging or has done with dating, he might be readily stalking women on different sites. They are aware that you have a liking for them and they want to ask you out. Girls, What are the Ways for Men to Say They Care About You? It is when a guy is trying to create a blueprint of his life with you that he will ask you about your dreams and plans. He might even be a sugar daddy for a few. Your family may have its own story, but here's what might be going on if a girl asks about them: She's trying to get to know you better by learning more about your background. You do it by saying that you are not ambitious. I would even offer to help mentor him if my daughter was open to that relationship. also, if he wants your time and flirts and/or speechless around u. however, whatever it maybe. Both families may have different traditions and ways of doing life. He wants to see how you react after finding out he didn't come up in your family tree. Far beyond boring Christian fiction, these books will thrill, entertain, and inspire your teen to grow in their walk with Jesus. A partner whois serious about you will want to find out your thoughts about commitment long before they are ready to actually commit. Yes, they do. Best Answers to This Situation! And then, when that safe space is created, start asking him those difficult questions: And then, as you hear him out, gauge his willingness to grow from his mistakes. Has Focus on the Family helped you or your family? Members of one phratry would not marry members of another phratry. A man who asks about your family doesn't want to hurt your feelings by saying he's not interested in meeting them. If they like you, then there's a good chance that he will too. Are they simply sliding into marriage (because they feel like they should)? Ask him what they talk about. What does it mean when a girl wants to be friends first? Heres part of what I wrote to Jordan: Ive been praying for Murphys future husband for 24 years. It's always good to leave some room for interpretation in situations like this because everyone has different ways of expressing themselves. Be crisp in your reply, and keep the conversation going. (ANSWERED). What does she think about this young man? This is one of Jordans strengths. What does it mean when a guy asks for your opinion on something? I especially love that you have loved not only our daughter, but also our entire family. Your partner speaks about your mom in a respectable manner. The meaning of this statement is different for each person it comes from. And asking these questions can have a positive impact on your relationship with your future son-in-law. If you are already in a serious relationship, his urge to meet your family could be a This is the best way if you don't want the person to know your mind. Is he still emotionally entangled with a past romance? Settle for nothing less than an ambitious man when you are ambitious yourself. I didnt tell him to jump in the lake. I also remembered that very first moment with Murphy when I knew Id do anything to protect her. Yet, it is so easy to tense up, to get nervous, to get so concerned with wanting to say the right thing that you end up saying nothing at all. What does it mean when a girl only texts you at night? WebIf they inquire about your family or how you're doing, it's probable that they want to hear about you but not necessarily from you. A guy who is a workaholic does not have half as much time in a day. Analyze the guy's field of interest and dress your response accordingly. If she asks you about your family, chances are good that she's more than just curious about the brood that you grew up with. WebCalling a girlfriend "mom" may indicate one of three things: an affection, as a praise that you make him feel good; an insult, he is telling you that you are treating him like a If he wants to impress a girl with different career options, he is trying to accumulate knowledge for that first. Instead of perfection, you want to see if hes aware of his weaknesses and areas of potential growth areas. If He Invites You to Go Out: He is showing an interest in you as more than a friend. There might be vacancies, and he might want to engage you in certain organizational roles. Yes, husbands and wives have different roles and different gifts. When I first met him, he asked me and Erin such meaningful questions. Finally, there's always the chance he told her because he thought she'd approve of you. or if he asks deep questions about your relationships and your preferences, and y you like your boyfriend. We make resolutions. Their question is meant to give you space. Prior to joining Focus, Smalley worked for the Center for Relationship Enrichment at John Brown University and as president of the National Institute of Marriage. They are scared of their feelings. This leads to open communication and discipleship. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Parents can really intimidate a guyif your parents seem nice, he might ask you out soon. Smalley regularly attended his fathers conferences and absorbed the importance of marriage. Accept her influence, and if she raises some issues, discuss them with the man when you talk with him. For example, a friend might ask if you have any children so she can know what kind of person you are by comparing your responses with those of other parents in your situation.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'couplespop_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_4',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-couplespop_com-medrectangle-3-0'); It means that they're interested enough to want to know more about you. Such a situation would arise when it is public knowledge that you like to help and encourage others with bright ideas by investing in their project. WebOnce he gets the assurance about it, he might propose to you. He may have told her because he wanted help picking out a gift for her or because she asked him what you looked like.

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