From this it would seem that Martha was properly the mistress of the house. & 25. Therefore tell her to help me,she said to Him. CRITICAL NOTES. Heal those in it who are ill, and keep saying to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near you!' But another condition was requisite to see the state of the eye. You know, so often we get so concerned about our serving God. "And he said to another, Follow me. And here were at least seventy traveling with Him, because He sent them out two by two, to go into the villages ahead of Him. In every respect, save that there is a place left for atonement in the mercy of God, the system is false. In reply, I take the liberty of extracting from a volume, which I gave to the world a few years ago, a few remarks on this subject. The College of the Sorbonne, in Paris, takes its name from Robert de Sorbonne, who founded it in the middle of the thirteenth century. But this much is clear: service is important. (i) We must help a man even when he has brought his trouble on himself, as the traveller had done. This is what the Fourth Gospel means when it says, "The Word became flesh" ( John 1:14), or when it makes Jesus say, "I and the Father are one," or, "He who has seen me has seen the Father" ( John 10:30; John 14:9). 18. And when Herod saw that it pleased the Jews, he had Peter thrown in prison intending to bring him forth on the next day, and no doubt to execute him. It is very important to see that grace really does fulfil God's will in this: "That the righteousness of the law," as it is said, "might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. There is no faith without His word. Some people are naturally dynamos of activity; others are naturally quiet. May you experience that power in your life. The close of the chapter takes up the Jew, showing that they then were in imminent danger, that a great question pressed on them. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and he saw him, and he had compassion on him, and he went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring oil in and wine, and he set him on his own beast, and he brought him to an inn, and took care of him. The word of God alone judges all things; but man, tradition, heeds it little. What we need is, to understand the Scriptures in the power of God. I doubt that this covers the true bearing of our Lord's language; for thus he who throws the stress upon striving or seeking, makes it a question of energy, greater or less. 3. and said, I thank you, Father, the Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hid these things from the wise and the prudent, and you revealed them unto these babes: even so, Father; for it was good in your sight ( Luke 10:21 ). No prophet should be cut off except at Jerusalem; such is its painful, fatal peculiarity, the honour of providing a grave for God's rejected and slain witness. The Sisters Contrasted (Luke 10:38-42) Luke 10:1 Now after this the Lord appointed seventy others, and sent them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and place where He Himself was going to come. Like the parable of the Good Samaritan it shows Jesus overcoming prejudice. Ever was it there only awaiting the full expression of man's hatred before it would burst all bounds, and flow out freely in every direction of need and misery. What you have after an earthly sort now belongs to God. After all, Christianity does not mean knowing all the theories about the New Testament; still less does it mean knowing all the theologies and the Christologies. And Jesus said, That's correct: do it, and you'll live. In particular cases we must choose that which has a tendency to religion, and reckon that best for us that is best for our souls. The one thing on which Mary is focused is not bread, but everything that proceeds out of the mouth of Yahweh (Deuteronomy 8:3). Every resource on our site was made possible through the financial support of people like you. Although Lazarus is the brother of Martha and Mary (John 11:1-2), this story mentions neither him nor the male disciples who accompany him. Note, Those are not always in the right that are most forward to appeal to God; we must therefore take heed, lest at any time we expect that Christ should espouse our unjust and groundless quarrels. (ii) These verses show us something more--they show us the wrong type of kindness. In divine love He heard their confession of His person. For even the godly remnant in Israel will not then have precisely the same measure of faith. "Father, I thank You, that You've hid these things from those big shots, and You've just revealed them to these babes, so it seemed good in Your sight. And you see, I am not my own to say where I am going to preach, or in what manner, or whatever. She expected Christ to have blamed Mary for not doing as she did, but he blamed her for not doing as Mary did; and we are sure the judgment of Christ is according to truth. If a sinner was to be saved for eternity if the grace of God was to make a righteous basis for justifying the ungodly, Jesus, the Son of man, must be delivered into the hands of man; and then an infinitely fiercer fire must burn the divine judgment when God made Him sin for us; for all that men, Satan, even God Himself could do, comes upon Him to the uttermost. But in addition to these, there is a third parable necessary: not only a strayed sheep and a lost inanimate piece of money, but, besides, the moral history of man away from the presence of God, but coming to Him again. Bethany was an hour's walk from . "I am glad that I am just a simple person. The heads of earthly religion kill Him; but He is raised the third day. Jesus is the end and climax of the evolutionary process because in him man meets God; and he is at once the perfection of manhood and the fulness of godhead. Indeed, it would be easier to do that with this passage than find a solidly good way to preach on it given how relatively thin the storys literal and actual content is. ((z) T. Bab. And Jesus said unto him, What is written in the law? She was then cumbered about much serving when she should have been with her sister, sitting at Christ's feet to hear his word. He sees their excitement, as they are saying, "Oh Lord, it was glorious. Also, Jesus has just told the Parable of the Good Samaritan which had the bottom line of Go and do likewise. So how can Jesus pivot from advocating an active ministry of mercy and neighborliness to looking askance at a person who is doing a lot vis--vis someone who is content to do nothing but sit and listen? 2. z T. Bab. But when we come in Luke to moral analogies, if I may so term it, instead of giving it all together, like the Gospel devoted to the workman and the work, here we listen to One who unfolds to us distinction of heart and hand in relation to His coming. His reception at Marthas house: A certain woman, named Martha, received him into her house, and made him welcome, for she was the housekeeper. Sacrifice what nature calls its own, and would always hold fast if it could. Therefore dismiss her from attending thee, and bid her come and help me." He loved this family (John 11:5), and often invited himself to them. This kindles into a flame the hatred of the Jews. woe unto thee Bethsaida! One day she held a rally in a small Georgia town and chose as her venue the old slave market in the town square. It is a part that shall never be taken away from those that have it. He had a reputation for being a glutton and drunkard precisely because he frequented a lot of nice dinner parties and was no culinary ascetic when doing so. 1. Note, Those are not always in the right that are most forward to appeal to God; we must therefore take heed, lest at any time we expect that Christ should espouse our unjust and groundless quarrels. She has good reason to resent Mary, who (as Martha sees it) has abandoned her at a critical moment. She heard his word. She expected Christ to have blamed Mary for not doing as she did, but he blamed her for not doing as Mary did; and we are sure the judgment of Christ is according to truth. The consequence is, that the fire was already kindled. ((a) T. Bab. Martha had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus feet, and heard his word. Hence, whatever might be the place of Moses and Elias in the presence of Christ, it is no question of giving signal and like dignity to them all three, but of hearing the Son of God. "A man of the company cried out, saying, Master, I beseech thee, look upon my son: for he is mine only child. If man failed in attempting to be a disciple, how is it that God makes disciples? So even in our Lord's case; though Scripture is most guarded, and it becomes us to speak reverently of His person, yet surely was He sent in the likeness of sinful flesh; but could He be so described when it was no longer the days of His flesh when risen from the dead, when death has no more dominion over Him when received up in glory? ((b) Misn. He said, "It's Peter." Clearly I must receive from God before there can be the going out of my heart to God. 1. No matter how good supper had been that evening, the better meal being served was the one falling from Jesus lips and being lapped up by Mary as she sat at the Masters feet. The ASV, which is also in the public domain due to expired copyrights, was a very good translation, but included many archaic words (hast, shineth, etc. There was a total of nine candidates that yearnine candidates, one issue. & Pesachim, fol. 10:17-20 The Seventy returned with joy. 1. (2.) It was not only (as in John 14:1-31) that He would ask the Father, and the Father would send; but they too were to ask the Father, who would assuredly, as He did, give the Holy Spirit to them that asked Him. Note, Those who truly love Christ will think that well bestowed that is laid out for his honour. A like doom awaits Babylon as then was about to fall on Jerusalem. Luke 10:38-42 In-Context. But it is precisely that which the Spirit of God does. Were not certain just what all Martha was up tothis story is spare in its details. They were advanced messengers to go before Him, to do His work. It is easy to be generous with another's goods. Such is the fruit of self-confidence where Satan acquires a footing. 91. Her fault was her over-solicitude to entertain him, and she expected he should justify her in it, yet he publicly checked her for it. Hear now his anxiety for his brothers. 2. "Your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things.". Jesus words must feel like a slap in the face. My life is in God's hands, and until His purposes are complete, I am going to be around. Wherewith shall it be seasoned? Yet here Marthas busy preparation to get a meal set before Jesus seems to be met with some disdain. He makes the point that waiting quietly on the Lord is more important than bustling busy-ness." The names are not only the same, but the words and actions of both are characteristic of the two sisters described in John 11:0; John 12:0. 52. Next, He gives us the rich man and Lazarus; which brings all out to view, the bright and dark side, in appearance and in reality, of the future as well as of the present. Christ's approbation and commendation of Mary for her serious piety: Mary hath chosen the good part. Certainly Jesus went on to warn his disciples against pride and over-confidence. My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.John 10:27. and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house (v. 38b). Hardly! I cannot doubt this is seen in the woman's part (not, if I may so say, the prominent public actor, who is ever Christ the Son). Though he was Zions King, he had no house of his own either in Jerusalem or near it. Let us trust God for it. Yet, on one such visit from Jesus, they chose two very different actions, and the way that Jesus reacted to their choices is a very valuable lesson for us today. For who will affirm that, when a believer slips away from the Lord, he is lost? Note, Sooner or later, Mary's choice will be justified, and all those who make that choice, and abide by it. (253) Il est vray que ceste erreur nest pas dauiourdhuy, mais est bien ancien; it is true that this error is not of today, but is very old.. Note, (1.) how do you understand it? "And as he prayed, (that is, when there was the expression of His human perfectness in dependence upon God, of which Luke often speaks,) the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering." There is the recognition of Christ and of His power, no doubt. You're part of the kingdom." At once He tells them that He was going to be rejected, to die, to be put to death. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. We would see how long it would take Jesus to understand the error of his ways. Accordingly, in His healing, of the woman bowed down with the spirit of infirmity, he displays the goodness of God even in such a day when judgment was at the doors, and rebuked the hypocritical wickedness of the heart that found fault with His goodness, because it was the sabbath day. Mary understood that she needed to learn more of her Master and to seek the things that have eternal value. Lukes Gospel frequently shows women in places of honor. (3.) Now this is what connects itself with the glimpse of the kingdom we catch in Luke, more than any other. Mary hath chosen that good part That . When grace works in this world it is not to bring in what suits a moment of passing time, but that which ensures eternal blessing. Was He not the wisdom and the power of God? It is laid down that if a prophet wishes to stay in a place for more than three days without working he is a false prophet; and if a prophet in the Spirit asks for money or a meal he is a false prophet! The Father could not suffer such a speech to come from Peter without a rebuke. You better take time to be a Mary, because you never can be a good Martha until you learn to be a good Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. To one of the lawyers, who complained that thereby He reproached them, the Lord utters woe upon woe for them also. (2.) 1. (compare Matthew 2:15; Matthew 2:17; Matthew 2:23). Remain in the same house eating and drinking whatever they give you; for the workman deserves his pay. It is not food and raiment. One person says, "I have bought a piece of ground," which he must go and see; another man says he has bought five yoke of oxen, which he has to prove; another says he has married a wife, and on this account he cannot come. They would most often fade into the background as a more prominent character (a priest, Levite, or Martha) assumed the role of protagonist (Culpepper, 231). And into whatsoever house you enter, first say, Peace [or shalom] be to this house. After this the Lord turns to the multitude. He was not pleased that she should think to please him with a rich and splendid entertainment, and with perplexing herself to prepare it for him; whereas he would teach us, as not to be sensual in using such things, so not to be selfish in being willing that others should be troubled, no matter who or how many, so we may be gratified. She was in care, peri pollen diakonianconcerning much attendance. And they all with one consent began to make excuse." If we take it so, it furnishes us with a rule of temperance, not to affect varieties and dainties, but to be content to sit down to one dish of meat, to half on one, Prov. His aim is to lead people as far in the opposite direction of the good part as he possibly can to lead them away from Jesus. It is a question of working for Him. Insights on preaching and sermon ideas, straight to your inbox. But if and when we elevate that form of hospitality over hearing and pondering the Word of Godif and when we think, therefore, that Jesus himself is more interested in haute cuisine than in the Bread of Heaven that alone gives lifethat is when we get into trouble. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. Mary understood this, and as a result she benefited from the Lords instructive conversation (Luke 10:39-42). Here was a commendable respect to our Lord Jesus; for we have reason to think it was not for ostentation, but purely to testify her good-will to him, that she made this entertainment. He becomes the hero in the story. Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. The moral difficulties are most earnestly pressed upon those who were so ready to follow Him. Martha does what people expect of her. Christ honoured the country-villages with his presence and favour, and not the great and populous cities only; for, as he chose privacy, so he countenanced poverty. They are precisely true, if we look at Adam and his sons, viewed as children of God in a certain sense. The complaint which Martha made to Christ against her sister Mary, for not assisting her, upon this occasion, in the business of the house (Luke 10:40; Luke 10:40): "Lord, dost thou not care that my sister, who is concerned as well as I in having things done well, has left me to serve alone? What is here meant? She offers hospitality. Based on a work at Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. Only then can we expect the Lord to bless our work. It can become so easy for us to get wrapped up in all the things we need to do and the things that need to be accomplished that we lose sight of what the most important thing is. The rest of the chapter belongs to the eleventh, properly and naturally following up this truth. He was the Deliverer from Satan's power. Lukes reference to travel keeps the travel theme in view. 1. Well then, whered you get all them galdurned ideas! 38. So they were to go as advance teams in the villages that He would be passing through, as He is on His way to Jerusalem. Satan is the one behind these kinds of thoughts. She does her duty. The one thing needful is certainly meant of that which Mary made her choicesitting at Christs feet, to hear his word. (iii) Luke 10:23-24 tell us that Jesus is the consummation of all history. The many things she was troubled about were needless, while the one thing she neglected was needful. While Luke characterized service positively in the parable of the Good Samaritan (vv. No person from the Old Testament would gather such a thought as man thus in the same glory with God. Martha initially missed it. 1. Instead of being destroyed by subsequent nations of Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great. There is that which, either for good or evil, is immortal in the spirit of man, as being breathed directly and immediately from God in the nostrils of man. So the servant comes and reports to his lord, who thereupon, being angry, says, "Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring in hither the poor, and the maimed, and the halt, and the blind. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. The lilies outshine Solomon in all his glory: how much does God interest Himself in His children? By then the racial tensions in the South were far more taut than they had been eight years earlier. It was 1954 and the issue was Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark decision that mandated a desegregating of schools. (1.) It happened as they went on their way, he entered into a certain village (v. 38a). . All of which is a roundabout way to say that preaching on this text is fraught with difficulties. One thing is needful This is the end of the sentence, according to Bengel. She sees Mary sitting at Jesus feet, and would like a moment with him too. 1. Such was the great lesson there. "Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.". ? Grace pointed to the steeple of a nearby Baptist church. The Lord will have the cross true, not only for a man, but to him too. Then follows a profound and lovely unfolding of grace in Luke 15:1-32. So then, in somewhat less than 20 miles, this road dropped 3,600 feet. 104. This is not an excuse to be lazy, and not take responsibility for anything. The ninth chapter opens with the mission not the setting apart, but the circuit of the twelve sent out by the Lord, who therein was working after a fresh sort. It's an exciting experience to rejoice in the spirit. Such an one wants the simple, living faith of God's elect; for if he had it, his soul would be keenly alive to the claims of God's holiness and the necessities of our guilty condition, which the resurrection, blessed as it is, could in no way meet, nor righteously secure any blessing for us, save as founded upon that departure which He accomplished at Jerusalem. He that is faithful in the little now will have much entrusted then; he that knows how to use the unrighteous mammon now, whose heart is not in it, who does not value it as his treasure, on the contrary, will have then the true riches. but one thing is needed. And where was Mary when Martha needed a hand? Now I don't go out and just live recklessly, and drive one hundred miles an hour down the freeway, saying, "Oh God has got a purpose, nothing can happen to me, nothing can hurt me, until God's purposes are fulfilled." In the end we will be judged not by the creed we hold but by the life we live. Love is essential to the gospel, which assuredly is the very brightest manifestation of God's grace to man in Christ; for it is a message of love which not only gave the only begotten Son of God, but dealt with Him unsparingly on the cross in order to save sinners. 4. Whats more, earlier in Luke 10 Jesus gave advice to the 72 mission workers that when they were welcomed into someones house, they were to eat whatever was set before them (Luke 10:8). They cast it out (or, it is cast out). Those that are entangled in the cares of this life are not easily disentangled. The Lord accordingly, at this point of time, introduces that most solemn change, not dispensational, not the cutting off of the Jewish system, and the Church building coming into view. She appealed to him, and he gives judgment against her: Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, whereas but one thing is needful. It was so totally obliterated. Her mind was composed, and she resolved to abide by it: not to catch a word now and then, but to receive all that Christ delivered. Where one has not been brought to own himself, and to justify God against himself, all is wrong and false; everything of God is misunderstood, and His word seems darkness, instead of light. But the Lord proclaims in their ears that He would not be hindered in His service till His hour was come; and that it was not a question of Herod and Galilee, but of Jerusalem, the proud city of solemnities; it was there the prophet of God must fall. What she heard changed her life and launched her on a very specific mission in life. 1. A part with Christ is a good part; it is a part for the soul and eternity, the part Christ gives to his favourites (John 13:38), who are partakers of Christ (Heb. They would have liked such a Messiah as their eyes saw in His power and beneficence; they would have liked such an One to provide and fight their battles for them; but there was no sense of God's glory in His person. It is the only parable of the three which presents the lost one not as a living creature, but as dead. Accordingly we have, immediately after this, the Father proclaiming the Son; because there is no key, as it were, to open that cloud for man, except His name no means to bring Him there save His work. Were they asking for a sign? For that love came with divine light which judged man; and man would not bear it. Her eagerness to receive Jesus contrasts with the Samaritans who had not welcomed Him (Luke 9:53). Intellectually it was no such feat to penetrate the meaning of that word, "neighbour." It would appear that way right now, but who knows. 1. He makes a child, despised of those who would be great, to be a rebuke to the self exalting disciples. (4.) The cares which he cast upon us we may cheerfully cast upon him, but not those which we foolishly draw upon ourselves. From the first it was apparent that Christ was thoroughly rejected. ), The Lectionary Commentary: Theological Exegesis for Sundays Text. It is evidently the same great moral lesson: no natural link with Him is to be compared with hearing and keeping God's word; and so our Lord pursues next. I don't try to use subtleties, and complexities, and hide the true meaning. So often we want to be kind to people--but we want to be kind to them in our way; and should it happen that our way is not the necessary way, we sometimes take offence and think that we are not appreciated. We allow things in a child we condemn in an adult; we forgive things in a savage we punish in a civilized man. Men are God's offspring, as having souls and moral responsibility to God, made after His similitude and His image here below. Nothing shall by any means hurt you.Oh interesting, because the twelve apostles, with the exception of John and Judas, were all martyred. Attached to this apostolate was power over all demons, and the cure of diseases. It was a mysterious something that the elders had nowhere solved, a case that was not yet ruled in the Sanhedrim, what was meant by this inscrutable "neighbour." It can have two meanings. Martha attends to the duties of hospitality (40a). Note, Worldly business is then a snare to us when it hinders us from serving God and getting good to our souls. Theology of Work Project Online Materials by Theology of Work Project, Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. 35B (Dallas: Word Books, 1993), Reid, Barbara R., in Van Harn, Roger (ed. When He comes, He seats them, so to speak, at table, does everything for them even in glory. In truth, it is difficult to say. Given its placement in Luke, this story can at best highlight one kingdom value among others. Our Lord Jesus went about doing good (Acts 10:38), scattering his benign beams and influences as the true light of the world. In Luke there is the omission of Matthew's first message. "Jesus cared nothing for bodily indulgence. The Preacher's Homiletical Commentary Luke 10:38-42 CRITICAL NOTES Luke 10:38. This village was Bethany, nigh to Jerusalem, whither Christ was now going up . Now it came to pass as they went,. As Christ and his disciples went from Jerusalem, having been at the feast of tabernacles, John 7:2 or at the feast of dedication, John 10:22 to some other parts of Judea: that he entered into a certain village; called Bethany, which was about fifteen furlongs, or two miles from Jerusalem, John 11:1. and a certain woman named Martha. The steward was judged. We are not allowed to say that it is the Saviour, for he is not a thing; and we are not permitted to say that it is attention to our own salvation, for although that would be true, it is not mentioned in the context. Now that's an interesting phrase. In their eyes or lips it was not God, but Beelzebub, the chief of the devils, who cast them out. This man had no one but himself to blame for the plight in which he found himself. You've revealed them unto these babes, because it seemed good to You. It was by the pinch of want he was brought to himself by intense personal misery; for God deigns to use any and every method in His grace. To preach love alone is another and serious thing, a different gospel which is not another. "Go," said Jesus to him, "and do likewise.". This is another incident involving women who became disciples of Jesus (cf. To listen to him and agree with him leads to all kinds of unrest and trouble and worry. The important thing was the bread of life." Contemporary Commentary, Studies, and Exegesis: "Being Whole-Hearted," Glenn Monson, Law & Gospel Everywhere, 2019. 1. b Misn. The Lord has given us authority and power over every power over the enemy. Our own things are in heaven. A certain village - Bethany. Observe, 1. In Luke 10:3842, we see an almost parabolic course taken by two sisters in their relationship with Jesus. And Mary just sat there, and whatshewas doing was the right thing? This will be displayed in what we commonly call the millennium. (ii) He alone was prepared to help. And they said, "Oh, you've seen a ghost. Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things (v. 41). Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. A sample of the kingdom as it will be was seen on the mount of transfiguration; for the system of glory is only postponed, and in no wise given up. It is not so. From the very first chapter of John's gospel the trial is closed, and all decided. She had justly given the preference to that which best deserved it; for one thing is needful, this one thing that she has done, to give up herself to the guidance of Christ, and receive the law from his mouth. In recent years, some scholars have characterized this story as an attempt by the early church to define the role of women in ministry (Reid, 373-375). And we get so worried, and encumbered in our service for God, that we forget the better part of just sitting at the feet of Jesus and learning. By submitting your email address, you understand that you will receive email communications from Bible Gateway, a division of The Zondervan Corporation, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546 USA, including commercial communications and messages from partners of Bible Gateway. That's what you need to rejoice in. Commentary on Luke 10:38-42 Elisabeth Johnson Hospitality is exceedingly important in the biblical world in general and in Luke's Gospel in particular. A portion in this life will certainly be taken away from us, at the furthest, when we shall be taken away from it; but nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ, and our part in that love. Christ Himself is the strait gate at least, Christ Himself received thus by faith and repentance. You may unsubscribe from Bible Gateways emails at any time. The man that has found all in Him, and wants not earthly glory from Him. Christs visits are the tokens of his love, John 14:23. Barclay, William, The Daily Study Bible, The Gospel of Luke (Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 1953), Bock, Darrell L., The IVP New Testament Commentary Series: Luke, Vol. Her campaign slogan was Say Grace at the Polls! Tell her to give me a hand." To them we must call again and again, O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord. Had He been merely the Messiah, into that cloud man never could have entered. Luke relates that, having been hospitably received by Martha, as soon as he entered the house, he began to teach and exhort. "Commentary on Luke 10". Luke 10:42. But at the judgment things will be easier for Tyre and Sidon than for you. Not only was the total destruction of Satan's power before Him, the woman's Seed, by man, for man; but, diving deeper than the kingdom, He explains those counsels of the Father in the Son, to whom all things are delivered, and whose glory was inscrutable to man, the key to His present rejection, and the secret and best blessing for His saints. Praying that the Lord would help poor Peter in prison. At first sight it might seem remarkable that, in the Jewish Gospel of Matthew, we have a far fuller acknowledgment. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy ( Luke 10:18-19 ): God help us, let that sink into your heart. 41 "Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are neededor indeed only one. The incident itself seems private and obscure enough that its difficult to imagine its carrying very much value or meaning in the context of the wider gospel. Were likewise not sure what Jesus was saying to Marynot a syllable of Jesus discourse is preserved for us. What do we think is Jesus first priority when he, as it were, comes into a persons home? Otherwise, what personal faithlessness, even if one escape the evil of bringing in rubbish into God's house and, it may be, of defiling His temple! For what is it that the Lord has been doing ever since? I. This is what Matthew means when over and over again in his gospel he wrote, "This was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying . "A certain man made a great supper, and bade many: and sent his servant at supper time to say to them that were bidden, Come; for all things are now ready. Jesus is looking at these simple people. To occupy men with other things, however seemingly or really good in their place, is no proof of love to man, but insensibility to the grace of God, the glory of God, the evil of sin, the truest deepest need of man, the sureness of judgment, the blessedness of the gospel. Her father was a streetcar conductor in Birmingham, Alabama, and so Grace grew up in modest circumstances. In what we have just had before us, Luke gives the Lord Jesus not only anticipating but completely and for ever excluding, the folly. Someone has said that the test of a really great scholar is how much he is able to forget. ? Why, no, Grace replied quietly. ", THE CLASH OF TEMPERAMENTS ( Luke 10:38-42 ), 10:38-42 As they journeyed, Jesus entered into a village. 2. Such was the state going on while the Lord Jesus was here below. If not, so much the more sorrowful so much the worse is his last state than the first. Christ's visits are the tokens of his love, John 14:23. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthymeditate on these things.Philippians 4:8. The story of Mary and Martha does not teach us that it is better to sit than to do. Strict orthodox Jews wore round their wrists little leather boxes called phylacteries, which contained certain passages of scripture-- Exodus 13:1-10; Exodus 13:11-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Deuteronomy 11:13-20. Thus the great characteristic blessing to the Gentiles (compare Galatians 3:1-29), and of course to the believing Jew also, was this gift which the Lord here instructs the disciples to ask for. It is an error to understand all the incidents in this section of Luke as if they had been successive events consecutively following each other as in some kind of a journey. The Lord is seen, in Luke 14:1-35 resuming the ways of grace. Men and devils cannot take it away from us, and God and Christ will not. The irony, of course, is that Jesus so recently fed five thousand people with only five loaves and two fish (9:12-17). 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. A. Mary listens to Jesus' teachings (39). Think where Jesus was going when this happened. The number seventy was to the Jews symbolic. And again, let us remember the relationship of this story (which shows the value of listening to Jesus) to the parable of the Good Samaritan (which shows the value of taking action to solve a problem). There will be time enough for action. Yebamot, c. 6. sect. I don't have hidden meanings. And with what delight He congratulates the disciples privately on that which they saw and heard (ver. Luke 12:8-12; Luke 12:8-12). that he entered into a certain village; called Bethany, which was about fifteen furlongs, or two miles from Jerusalem, John 11:1. and a certain woman named Martha. Wasnt it only righteous for Mary to be helping out? How could He give anything to him? Such is our Lord's wonderful opening out of great moral principles in this chapter. At least, so he pretended. She had justly given the preference to that which best deserved it; for one thing is needful, this one thing that she has done, to give up herself to the guidance of Christ, and receive the law from his mouth. It is possible to be too clever. There was that done which might well make Jesus appear great in their eyes as a matter of power. As for him, so for them will the Lord mercifully interpose. Was it simple, or evil? You can't really know what I mean, until you discern it, and study it, and find the hidden meaning in what I said. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. "Commentary on Luke 10". And when the voice was past, Jesus was found alone. The affectation of state and the love of ease make many families neglected. "Lord," they said, "at your name the demons are subject to us." Another may sit with folded hands and mind intense to think and pray. There was no question any longer about setting up the kingdom in Israel at that time; no object consequently in preaching Messiah as such or the kingdom now. That is a difficult phrase to understand. A certain village .There can be no doubt that this was Bethany, and that the persons mentioned were sisters of Lazarus. Yet, after all they had seen and heard, they could ask a sign! Verse 38. Something commendable, which must not be overlooked. If you go into any town and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, 'The very dust which clings to our feet from this town, we wipe off against you. And such, in point of fact, has been the character of the kingdom of God presented here below. The Lord thereon spreads out the awful consequence of this unbelief and imputation of God's power in Him to the Evil One. Mary was at her choice whether she would partake with Martha in her care, and get the reputation of a fine housekeeper, or sit at the feet of Christ and approve herself a zealous disciple; and, by her choice in this particular, Christ judges of her general choice. He said, "He who showed mercy on him." Christ reproves her, both for the intenseness of her care ("Thou art careful and troubled, divided and disturbed by thy care"), and for the extensiveness of it, "about many things; thou dost grasp at many enjoyments, and so art troubled at many disappointments. But this was not all; he applauded her for her wisdom: She hath chosen the good part; for she chose to be with Christ, to take her part with him; she chose the better business, and the better happiness, and took a better way of honouring Christ and of pleasing him, by receiving his word into her heart, than Martha did by providing for his entertainment in her house. But that point does not appear in Luke at least not its details, but simply the moral principle. "And when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him. Therefore, to get away from the crowd, he stopped for some quiet fellowship at the house of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38). There the king is seen sending forth his armies, and burning up the city. Christ honoured the country-villages with his presence and favour, and not the great and populous cities only; for, as he chose privacy, so he countenanced poverty. Bring thy son hither." The scope of neither admitted of such a sketch of circumstances as could become a type of the events of the last days in connection with Israel, any more than of the present separation of the Lord to be a Priest on high, before He returns to the earth and especially to Israel. Graces progressive platform on race issues earned her a number of death threats. At present my point is simply to show, that while we have it in all, the setting, so to speak, of the jewel differs, and that particular phase is brought out which suits the object of God's Spirit in each Gospel. She was providing for the entertainment of Christ and those that came with him. VI. III. The dramatic exception is when Mary disrupts Marthas dinner by anointing Jesus feet with perfume. Observe. And what does it all come to? He reproved her, though he was at this time her guest. 3233 Burton St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, All written content on this site, unless labelled otherwise, is the copyright property of the center for excellence in preaching / respective content author(s), The Center for Excellence in Preaching is a resource from Calvin Theological Seminary. ( Luke 10:13 ). "Spurgeon's Verse . The discipleship quandary is trying to determine which is needed in the immediate situation. CRITICAL NOTES. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. Earthly glory, as a present thing too, they desired, being simply men of the world; and whatever struck a blow at this, whatever brought in God and His ways, His goodness, His grace, His necessary judgment of sin, His introduction of that for faith now, which would, and alone could, stand throughout eternity, was abhorrent to them. When Martha was caring, she must have Mary, and Christ and all, to care too, or else she is not pleased. Martha, being angry at her sister, appealed to Christ, and would have him say that she did well to be angry. But with his disciples in need of his teaching and people everywhere in need of his help, he had little time for relaxation. Thus we find that, while it is perfectly in harmony with the character of Luke, it nevertheless comes within the range of all the Gospels, some for one reason and some for another. There appears to be a connection between the form, "about an eight days after," with our Gospel rather than the others; and for this simple reason, that this notation of time brings in that which, spiritually understood, goes beyond the work-a-day world of time, or even the kingdom in its Jewish idea and measure. Crucify me upside down." Note, As many as Christ loves he rebukes and chastens. The next parable is not of the Son who bears the burden; for there is but one Saviour, even Christ. Is this a story on the value of contemplation over a deeds-based ministry? He has twice told his disciples that he will soon die (9:21-27, 43-45)and we feel the shadow of Jerusalem hanging over this story. Hence, "So shall it be with this wicked generation , disappears. In that little group which surrounded the Lord, there were hearts to whom God had unveiled the glory of Christ; and Christ loved to hear the declaration, not for His own sake, but for God's, and for theirs too. (1 John 5:3). bid her therefore that she help me. Service is lovely, in fact, and is in its own way a needful thing. Jesus says nothing here to undercut the idea that hospitality and service are noble endeavors and the right thing for also disciples to do. His presence from that moment undoubtedly involved greater things than the heavenly Father giving the Spirit to the individuals who sought it of Him. It would not have power now, but rather from a little beginning become great in the earth, with noiseless progress, as of leaven conforming to itself till the three measures were leavened. The name was sometimes used to describe a man who was a heretic and a breaker of the ceremonial law. "And Jesus answering said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you, and suffer you? Then immediately guarding against the abuse of this, which is always true, and true for a believer, although it be, so to speak, the lower end of the truth the Lord brings in the love of the Father, asking, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? He would not have them weaken the glory of His Son. Christ's coming to the village where Martha lived: As they went (Christ and his disciples together), he and they with him entered into a certain village. He presently took the chair with solemnity; for Mary sat to hear him, which intimates that it was a continued discourse. But I do feel that there is sort of a divine protection over a person who is walking according to the purposes of God, and that nothing can happen to you until your purpose is fulfilled.In the book of Revelation it tells us about the two witnesses whom God sends to bear witness during the time of the great tribulation, and it said, "And when the days of their testimony were complete, the antichrist had power over them to slay them." How do we receive Jesus? The most opposed to this, singular to say, is the very school most prone to that misinterpretation. How little they felt that it was a most true picture of themselves, Christ and God Himself so dealing with them because of Him. The gospels are not biographies; they are only sketches of his life (compare John 21:25). Luke 8:1-21; et al.). In other words, there is a little yielding to sin, or desire to be independent of God a farther and farther depth of evil in every person's history. They had been little enough against Satan's power: would they be great in spite of their Master's humiliation? Hunger is a good teacher! Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. The story of Martha and Mary (Luke 10:38-42) also puts generosity in the context of love for God. But the Lord also shows the form that the kingdom of God would take. These cookies collect information that is used either in aggregate form to help us understand how our website is being used or how effective our marketing campaigns are, or to help us customize our website and application for you in order to enhance your experience. Accordingly we have this in two parts: first, the reception of the prodigal; next, the joy and love of God the Father, and the prodigal's communion with it when he had been received. Whats more, Grace didnt want to run for drain commissioner or for the city council: Grace ran for governor of the state of Georgia. That is another trap entirely. (17-24) The good Samaritan. 3, 4), though we find some declarations coming out more emphatically afterwards; but still it was all clear before Him. many things one thing (vv. Jesus answered, "There was a man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. He's got a purpose and a plan for your life.But Jesus said: You rejoice in that the devils are subjects to you ( Luke 10:20 ); Don't rejoice in this, not that the spirits are subjects unto you. The reason is manifest. Pray then the Lord of the harvest to send out workers for the harvest. To another, who says, "Lord, I will follow thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home in my house." No doubt there is that understood in the others, but it is not so openly expressed as in our Gospel, and we shall find this confirmed as we pursue the subject.

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